HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-07-03MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, July 3, 1961 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Gisler. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. Councilmen Present: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler Councilmen Absent: None Reports of TIept. Reports of the City Treasurer, F. e a d s Collector, Building Director, Engineer, Fire Chief, Life Guard Chief, Recreation Director and Parking Lot Manager, were presented by the Clerk. Rcnorts Receive6, On motion by Waite, seconded by anc-1 Filet Lambert, the reports of the Department Heads were received and ordered filed. Motion carried. Alvin A. Dehne - A communication from Mr. Alvin A. Requests Parkdn� Spaces Dehne, 526 Main Street, requested the two parking spaces in front of his store be limited to a 15 minute zone with curbs to be painted accordingly. It was dis- cussed at some length by the Council but no minute action was taken. City of Anahci!r A communication from the City of c, ri U C S t Anaheim transmitting a copy of their Resolution #6964 regarding the providing of services by the County of Orange to cities that are not incorporated areas of the County, was presented for consideration of the Council. r-',c�g-uest Deferrer' On motion by Stewart, seconded by Waite, action on the request of the City of Anaheim was deferred until the Administrator reports on the recommendations from the City Managers Group Meeting. Motion carried, -1- (7-3-61) 372 Page #2 - "''invites, 3, 1-P61- "rs. 7,obert A. ,N'ilkin Communications from Mr. & Mrs. Robert Protest A. Wilkin, 1725 Pine Street, Huntington Beach, protesting the cutting of trees on Main and Crest Streets, were presented to the Council. Protest to be On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, S tti e e the communications were referred to the Committee which had been appointed in this matter consisting of CouncilmenWaiteand Stewart for study and report. Motion carried. City of '.!,.cst- aster A communication from the City of Resr-. #34i. Westminster submitting copy of their Resolution #341 recommending priority for the establishment of a General Hospital in the Los Alamitos Rossmoor area of Western Orange County, was presented to the Council. "cso.347 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Rcc, ive--1 & File" Stewart, the communications from the City of Westminster was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. (.ha.rlcs C. Hart On motion by Lambert, seconded by Waite, a communication from Charles G. Hart, agent for "ITALIT" asbestos cement water pressure pipe, -re- questing a legal opinion from the City Attorney regarding accept- ability and use by the city of this product. The matter was referred to the City Attorney, the City Administrator and Purchasing Agent for study and report. Motion carried. C'ne-stor �- Ava Tn;-7ersoll A communication from Chester and Ava "Fram Agreement Ingersoll requesting assignment of their agreement with the City to operate the Tram on the Municipal Pier to Mrs. Lula E. Deering was presented to the Council for. consideration. AP,rre-,rent terTninated - On motion by Lambert, seconded by New A�rcemcnt Aeoptee t Waite, Council directed that the agree- ment between Mr. & Mrs. Ingersoll and the City be tenninated as of July 1, 1961; and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an -2- (7-3-61) 1317 3 Pane #3 - Minutes, July 3, 1961 agreement between Mrs. Lula Deering and the City for a one year period, incorporating the same conditions in the previous agree- ment, together with a 30 day termination clause effective on either party. Motion carried. So. Pacifi.c (7o.) The Clerk informed the Council Pacific Electric Railway Co. that he had received a communication from the Southern Pacific Company and the Pacific Electric Railway Company requesting permission to address the Council regarding the application of the Southern Pacific Company's application for Interstate Commerce Commission permission to control the Western Pacific Railroad. Mr. John H. Gordon, Attorney for the Pacific Electric Railroad and the Southern Pacific Railway Company addressed the Council, and stated the position of his company in endeavoring to acquire control of the Western Pacific Railroad. Mr. Gordon informed the Council that the hearing for the Interstate Commerce Commission would be held on July 17, and that the Santa Fe Railroad also had a petition before the Commissionj for similar control. Communication without action. Removal of trees Protest Following the discussion by the' Council, the matter was tabled The'Clerk presented communications from Mr. Donald D. Shipley and Mrs. Stanley D. Shipley protesting the removal of trees on Main Street. Protest Referred. On motion by Lambert, seconded by to Committee Waite, these communications were referred to the Committee on Trees consisting of Councilmen Waite and Stewart. Motion carried. -3- (7-3-61) PaF,e ir4 - 'iinutes, July 3, 1.961 emorial Hall Use The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. Grant Rohloff, of Santa Monica, requesting permission to use Memorial Hall on July 18, 19th and 20th for the purpose of showing a film on surfing as a private enterprise for profit. The Clerk informed the Council that he believed under the new Resolution governing the use of Memorial Hall, that such permission was not prohibited, but that the Council should grant the permission and set the fee under such circumstance. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Cralitce, Waite, Mr. Rohloff was granted per- mission to use Memorial Hall on July 18, 19th and 20th, with the condition that he assume full responsibility for damage to the Hall, that he pay the fee required for necessary Police protection, and that he pay a fee of $50.00 per night in advance for such use. Motion carried. Barbara, Livermore, - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, a request from the Building Director for approval of the employment of Mrs. Barbara Livermore as an Intermediate Typist Clerk, range 26A, effective June 15, 1961 to replace Miss Simone Coltron, who had resigned from the department, was approved. Motion carried. Betty Eickoff - Npr)ointment A communication from the City Treasurer,Mr. William M. Clegg, regarding the appoint- ment of Mrs. Betty Diekoff as Deputy City Treasurer, effective July 1, 1961, and recommending that two Deputy City Treasurer's be maintained, was presented to the Council. ,%nnointnent Following some discussion in this matter, on motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Mrs. Diekoff was appointed Deputy City Treasurer, effective July 1, 1961. Motion carried. -4- (7-3-61) Page V 5 - Minutes, July 3, 1961 Petition for Anne--. The Clerk presented a petition signed by Mrs. Mildred V. Kuehne, 17032 Bolsa Chica Road, Huntington Beach, and 21 other people in that vicinity, requesting the City Council to consider annexation of that territory to the City of Huntington Beach. Petition Referred to On_ motion by Lambert, seconded by Cam, Adxnin. S. Committee Wells, the petition from the residents of the Sunset Heights area was referred to the Administrator and the Committee which had been appointed in this matter. Motion carried. American "unicipal. Assoc. - A communication from the American City .officials ,onzress Invitation Municipal Association of Washington D.C. inviting the officials of our City to attend the 38th Annual American Municipal Congress in Seattle, Washington, on August 26 to the 30th, 1961, was presented by the Clerk. No action was taken by the Council. Public Hearing Ordered On motion by Waite, seconded by �'eso. V1055 Stewart, the Council ordered a public hearing for July 17, 1961 at 8 o'clock P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California on Resolution #1055 of the City Planning Commission, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Public Hearing Ordered On motion by Lambert, seconded by Reso . 41191 Wells, the Council ordered a public hearing for July 17, 1961 at 8 o'clock P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California on Resolution #191 of the City Planning Commission, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. -5- (7-3-61) Paac # 5 - "!i.nutes, July 3, V361 Public Hearin;Z Oreered On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, 'peso. yr 1�3 the Council ordered a public hearing for July 17, 1961 at 8 o'clock P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California on Resolution #193 of the City Planning Commission, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Tract "aP #3670 The Clerk presented a transmittal from for .C'ot)tion the Acting City Planning Director submitting final form of Tract Map #3670 for adoption; Developer: Luxury Homes - (William Lyon), 905 N. Euclid Avenue, Anaheim, California; Engineer: Millett King & Associates, Fullerton, California; Location: 1320.24 feet W of-Bolsa Chica Road and S of Eddinger Avenue; Legal Description: Being' a subdivision of a portion of the Wk of the NE k of Section 20-5-11, SBB & M; Number of Lots: 293; Total acreage: 58.97; that the map that had been certified by the City Engineer and Acting City Planning Director to be true and correct in accordance with the approved tentative tract map and in accordance with provisions of the City Sub Division Code. The City Council may accept dedications as shown on the map, and in addition approve the final map subject to the following conditions: The City Clerks signature shall be withheld pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated requirements: 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2. Bond for Agreements. 3. Signature of Agreements. 4. Certificate of Insurance. 5. Approval from County Surveyor. -5- (7-3-60) 3771 Page #6 - Minutes, July 3, 1961 Tract -Tap #3670 On motion by Lambert, seconded .by Ae, pteJ. Waite, Final Tract Map #3670 was adopted, subject to compliance with the conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. Public Hearin; Mayor Gisler announced that this Resc . #145 was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution #1495 of the City Council, giving notice of proposed annexation of uninhabited territory to the City, and directed the Court to read the legal notice. Hearing Openee The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Resolution #1495 of the City Council as published in the Huntington Beach News on May 25th and June 1st of 1961, and in the Westminster Herald on the same dates, setting the hour of 8 o'clock P.M. on July 3rd, 1961 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California as the time and place for hearing protests to a proposed annexation of that certain uninhabited territory described and designated as '"CALLENS-REVISED ANNEXAT ION" . The Clerk informed the Council that owners of more than 75% of the territory proposed to be annexed by area and assessed valuation has signed the petition for annexation. Mayor Gisler then declared the hearing open. Britten The Clerk informed the Council that Protests Pr he had received no written protests to the proposed annexation. 1I0arinf° Closeel There being no protests filed, either oral or written, to the proposed annexation, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. ;?r6. Prepared The Clerk informed the Council that he had an Ordinance which had been prepared, annexing the territory to the City of Huntington Beach. (7-3-61) ^rO. #858 The Clerk then gave Ordinance #858 a T,\T`XATTI,"NT first reading in full, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "CALLENS-REVISED ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH". City Clerk's The Clerk read the City Clerk's Cer_ ti f i cation certification that there are less than 12 registered voters residing within the boundaries of the territory as described in the petition for "CALLENS-REVISED ANNEXATION" and that an examination of the County Assessors records shows that the property owners whose names are affixed to the petition represent over two-thirds (2/3),of the total value of the territory included in the annexation, and they have consented to the taxation of the property in said annexation equally with the property within the City of Huntington Beach, to pay the entire bonded indebted- ness of the City of Huntington Beach, outstanding or authorized at the date of the filing of the Petition for Annexation for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. Publ is Tlearinz Mayor Gisler announced that this was JV #'l50 the day and hour set for a public hearing on a Division of Land - DV #150, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on DV #150 as published in Huntington Beach News June 22, 1961, setting the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., or soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1961, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for considering a petition for a conditional exception to regulations of the Districting Ordinance in deviation to Section 9741.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. -7- (7-3-61) 79 Pose #8 - !,linutes, July 3. 1961 At this time Acting Planning Director Harlow informed the Council that the Planning Department had given the wrong legal description for this public hearing. Public Hearing On motion by Stewart, seconded by ''e-ordered - DV Wells, the Council ordered another public hearing on Division of Land - DV #150, for Monday, July 17, 1961, at 8 o'clock P.M., or soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Public Hearing Mayor Gisler announced that this Reso . #172 was the day and the hour set for a public hearing on Resolution #172 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case #172, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case #172 as published in the Huntington Beach News June 22, 1961, setting the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., or soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1961, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone relative to proposed change of district boundry and use classification from: M-1-X Light Manufacturing District as adopted by Interim Ordinance #668 to R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District on property located on approximately 5 acres bounded by Slater Avenue on the North, and 1320 feet West of Beach Boulevard. HoarinL 02ened The hearing was declared open by Mayor Gisler. -8- (7-3-61) Pay^ Fn - ,`rout s, ?uty 3, 1961 The Clerk read transmittal from the Acting City Planning Director, together with Resolution #172 of the City Planning Commission. Acting Planning Director Richard Harlow pointed out the area designated in this zone case on the map. The Clerk informed the Council he had received no written protest on Zone Case #172. Hearing Closee There being no protest filed, either oral or written, against Zone Case #172, Mayor Gisler declared the hearing closed. Zone Case 7r172 On motion by Waite, seconded by Approves' Lambert, Council approved the' recommendation of the City Planning Commission on Zone Case #172, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance covering same. Motion carried. Public Hearing Mayor Gisler announced that this was Peso, #188 the day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution #188 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case #188, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case #188, as published in the Huntington Beach News June 22, 1961, setting the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., or soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1961, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone, relative to a pro- posed change of district boundry and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District to C-2 Community Business District. -9- (7-3-61) Page #10 - Minutes, July 3, 1961 At this time Councilman Wells questioned the change to C-2 zoning for this area, and Acting Planning Director Harlow informed the Council that the public notice for the hearing was in error, as their Department had revised the publication to make it C-4 District. He stated that the wrong legal description had evidently been sent to the Clerk. Public Rc—or(-o-ree': On motion by Wells, seconded by Zrne Case 4'188 Stewart, the Council reordered a public hearing on Zone Case #188 for Monday evening, July 170 19612 at 8 o'clock P.M., or soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Public Heari.nsy Mayor Gisler announced that this was the day and hour set for public hearing on Resolution #189 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case #189, and. requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case #189 as published in the Huntington Beach News June 22, 1961, setting the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., or soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1961, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public,hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone, relative to a proposed change of district boundry and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District to C-4 Community Business District, on property located on approximately 2.24 acres at the northwest corner of Edwards Street and,Sugar Avenue. Hearing "pence' Mayor Gisler declared the hearing open. -10- (7-3-61) Pa�c f1l -''inures, Ji-11y 3, 1961 The Clerk read transmittal from the Acting Planning Director, together with Resolution ##189 of the City Planning Commission. Mr. Richard Owen of the Robert H. Grant Company, Subdivider, addressed the Council and informed. them .of the reason for requesting this zone change. The Clerk informed the Council that he had received no written protest on Zone Case #189. 1Iearin� Closet There being no protest filed, either oral or written, against Zone Case ##189, Mayor Gisler declared the hearing closed. Zone Case 4r18? - On motion by Lambert, seconded by I 1-on Lntarovice Waite, the Council approved the recommendation of the City Planning Commission on Zone Case's#189, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance covering same. Motion carried. Public HearinL-Mayor Gisler announced that this was Peso. 1rl('2 the day and hour set for Public Hearing on Resolution #192 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval on Zone Case #192, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case #192 as published in the Huntington Beach News June 22, 1961, setting the hour of 8 otclock P.M., or soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1961, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone, relative to proposed change of district boundry and use classification from: R-4-X Suburban Residential District as adopted by Interim Ordinance #668 to C-4 Commercial District, on property located 126.87 feet West of Beach Boulevard and 660.10 feet North of Talbert Avenue. -11- (7-3-61) 3 8 3 Page #12 - 'Minutes, July 3, 1961 Hearing Opened. The hearing was declared open by Mayor Gisler Acting City Planning Director, the City Planning Commission. The Clerk read transmittal from the together with Resolution #192 of Acting Planning Director Richard Harlow pointed out the area designated in this zone case on a map, The Clerk informed the Council that he had received no written protests to Zone Case #192. 11carina Closed There being no protests filed, either oral or written, against Zone Case #192, Mayor Gisler declared the hearing closed. Zonc Case #192 Anp royce, On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, Council approved the recommendation of the City Planning Commission on Zone Case #192, directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance covering same. Motion carried. SDecial Permit Hearing - Mayor Gisler announced that this was tan' .art' "il ComDany the day and hour set f6r,a-hearing on a petition for Special Permit under Sections 242.3 to 2425.8 of Article 242 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code as amended, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing as published in the Huntington Beach News June 15, 1961, setting the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1961, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for hearing on Petition for Special Permit to drill an oil well, filed by Standard Oil Company of California, Western Operations, Inc., when and where all persons interested could appear and contest same, and show cause, if any they have, why said Petition should not be granted. -12- (7-3-61) 3 8 4 P,if-,c ;r'1_ ? - ','inutcs, July 3, 1,061 Hrarins- '�nen& Mayor Gisler then declared the hearing open. The Clerk informed the Council that he had received no written protests to the request for Special Permit made by Standard Oil Company. Hearin- Close There being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by Mayor Gisler. Special Permit On motion by Stewart, Grang(' seconded by Wells, Council granted the Special Permit to the Standard Oil Company to drill an oil well by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None Hearing Openr,ci on Mayor Gisler opened the .Veed & Rubbish Abatement Charges hearing at 8:15 o'clock P.M. for the City Council to hear objections of the property owners shown on the partial list of Weed and Rubbish Abatement Charges for the year 1961 as posted at the outside entrance to the Council Chambers in accordance with the Government Code, Chapter 13, Article 3, State of California, to the Weed Abatement Charges as listed thereon. illoarinz Closee There being no objections voiced, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. -13- (7-3-61) 0 a Page ; 14 - y.- inutes, July 3, 1061 Charges to be On motion by Lambert, seconded by Confirmed Stewart, the weed and rubbish abatement charges covering the partial list as posted at the entrance to the Council Chambers- be confirmed, and any charges listed thereon not paid by August 1, 1961, be certified to the County Office for inclusion on the 1961, 1962 tax roll. Motion carried. Petition of Protest - A Petition of Protest of property "lov inr, of a House owners on Main, 12th and 13th Streets to the moving of a house onto Lots 14 and 15, Block 813, Wesley Park Section, in the City, was presented for Council consideration. The Clerk called attention to a communication from the Director of Building and Safety presenting a report on the application of Mrs. Irene Wagner, 230 S. Coronado Street, Los Angeles, to locate a Single Family Residence on Lots 14 and 15, Block 813, Wesley Park Tract, within the City. Mr. J. E. Cardwell, of 1107 Main, City, addressed the Council and protested the allowing of a single dwelling so small in size on the two lots in question. Mr. Cardwell stated that he believed that it would be a detriment to have such a small house placed on such valuable property. Mrs. J. E. Cardwell, 1107 Main, City, also protested -the moving of the house to this lot. Mrs. Margaret E. Shoupe, 830 14th Street, filed a protest with the Council. Mr. Gill Bergey, 1020 Main Street filed a.protest with the Council. Mr. W. C. Payne, 813 13th Street filed a protest with the Council. Mr. Leonard Ravenscroft, 1009 Main Street filed a protest with the Council. -14- (7-3-61) Pate #15 - �'inutes, July 3, 1961 Mr. George C. McCandless, 809 13th Street filed a protest with the Council. Mrs. H. C. Tyner, 822 13th Street filed a protest with the Council. Mrs. Joyce Anderson, 1111 Main Street filed a protest with the Council. Mrs. Anderson also informed the Council that she felt any Tax Title Lots sold by the City in the future should be sold with a restriction as to area and valuation of homes erected on such property. Mrs. James McKay, 1002 Main Street filed a protest with the Council. Mr. Joseph M. Anderson, 1111 Main Street filed a protest with the Council. At this time, Mrs. Irene Wagner, 230 S. Coronado Street, Los Angeles 57, California, owner of the property on which the house was to be moved addressed the Council. .Mrs. Wagner stated that she felt that the house under discussion, although small, was a new home and would be compatible with the surroundings of that area. Co-rri.ttee Following some discussion by the Appointed Council in this matter, Mayor Gisler appointed. Councilmen Stewart and Wells, together with the Building Director and City Administrator to investigate the proposal for moving in the home, to report at the next meeting. Committee On motion by Lambert, seconded by A,pn rov ed Stewart, the Committee as appointed by Mayor Gisler, was approved. Motion carried. Recess of Mayor Gisler called a recess of the Council _ Council at 8:55 o'clock P.M. Council Council was reconvened by the Mayor !?econvenee at 9:05 o'clock P.M. -15- (7-3-61) Pa.�ze #16 - rAinutes, July 3, 1961 Irene Wagner - The City Administrator informed Mrs. Bldg. Permit App1. '11ith('xawn Wagner that the Committee felt they would have to make an investigation on the condition of an oil well located on the property which she had purchased, to see whether it would permit the building or moving of a home to this property. Mrs. Wagner then addressed the Council and informed them that in view of all the protests which had been filed by people in the neighborhood, she wished to withdraw the application for a Building Permit. Committee LischarAed A motion was then made by dells, seconded by Stewart that the Committee appointed by the Mayor in this matter be discharged. Motion carried. Ted. Adams - License Fee Request Mr. Ted Adams, 17208 Beach Boulevard,] City, addressed the Council and requested that the License Fee for practicing Palmistry within the City be reduced. Mr. Adams informed the Council that he had operated his place of business on Beach Boulevard for the past three months, and it was his belief that an annual fee of $300 or $400 might be equitable, but that he felt the fee of $150 per month set by the Business License Ordinance was excessive. Mayor Gisler appointed Councilmen Wells and Lambert and the City Attorney as a committee to study the request of Mr. Adams for reduction of license fee. On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, the Committee as appointed by Mayor Gisler was approved. Motion carried. Seconr Pending The Clerk gave Ordinance #849 a second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASES #185, #186 & #187; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH CODE BY RECLASS- IFYING CERTAIN PROPERTY AND AMENDING SECTIONS 9211.37 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 21-5-11), 9211.34 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 15-5-11), AND 9211.42 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 26-5-11).0 -16- (7-3-61) Pa5zc #17 - ',,'inv.tcs . July 3. 1961 �`rc' . 4840, On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, �i.dldtntEc Ordinance #849 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None Ord. #850 The Clerk gave Ordinance #850 a second Sewn, 7cad_ nc, reading by title,."AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 8141 THEREOF." Ord. ::"850, On motion by Lambert, seconded by �'�do�t;d .� Waite, Ordinance #850 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None 9r-re. #851 The Clerk gave Ordinance #851 a second Secon.0 'eaeiinr, reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE TO CHAPTER 55, SAID ARTICLE ENTITLED *'SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS AND TRANSIENT VENDORS", AND ADDING SECTIONS TO SAID ARTICLE." Ord. #851 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, Ordinance #851 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None -17- (7-3-61) 3891 I i Pa,-o #18 - "inutes July 3, 10,61 Ore. #852 The Clerk gave Ordinance #852 a Second Reading second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SECTION 2101.53." r_,rd. #852 On motion by Lambert, seconded by I A '(1oT)tce Waite, Ordinance #852 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: , Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None #853 Second. Roadinfz The Clerk gave Ordinance #853 a second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH FOR THE FISICAL YEAR 1961-1962.11 Ord. #853 P.don, tee On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Ordinance #853 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: - Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen.- None Absent: Councilmen: None Cre. V'854 The Clerk gave Ordinance #854 a Second Reaein57� second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING ARTICLE 533 OF CHAPTER 53 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SECTION 5331.38 THERETO." r #854 On motion by Lambert, seconded by A6o]2ted Waite, Ordinance #854 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells,, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None IM (7-3-61) 390 Page -,,',T-Tuly 3. 1"61 f, I C". # 0 5 5 The Clerk gave Ordinance #855 a Soconc' Reaciins second reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE #190; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN PROPERTY AND AMENDING SECTION 9211.39 (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 23-5-11).11 Ord. #835 On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, Ad o p t c, c-, Ordinance #855 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None Ord. #856 The Clerk gave Ordinance #856 a second Seconc' 'Rcaeinr reading by title, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO SALARY CLASSIFICATION; ADDING, AMENDING AND REPEALING SECTIONS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE. re . `- Irn 5 On motion by Lambert, seconded by ") eo T) t c C Waite, Ordinance #856 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None 11 eso. #1.500 The Clerk read Resolution #1500, "A R Const. Sanitary Sewers RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL PREVAILING HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMAN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWERS ON GARFIELDAVENUE FROM BEACH BOULEVARD TO 310 FEET EAST OF GREGORY LANE IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA." Reso. f1500 Due to the fact that action had not Action lr-ferrcd been taken to approve the installation of the sewers on Garfield Street, a motion was made by Lambert, seconded by Wells, that action on Resolution #1500 be deferred to July 17, 1961. Motion carried. -19- (7-3-61) 3 9 l Pale #20 - Minutcs, July 3. 1961 R so. #1501 Parkinz Limit The Clerk read Resolution #1501, nA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING A ONE HOUR PARKING LIMIT BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9 AM AND 6 PM ON MAIN STREET, BETWEEN ORANGE AVENUE AND PALM AVENUE." Reso. #1501 On motion by Waite, seconded by Wells, Resolution #1501 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None �:rd. '1r857 The Clerk gave Ordinance #857 a First I:eading first reading in full, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO SALARY CLASSIFICATIONS AND ALLOCATIONS; ADDING AND AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE." Beach Co=md-ttee The City Administrator presented ��ort a report from the Committee, composed) of Councilmen Stewart, Lambert and the Administrator, assigned to report on the parking lot and the fire rings on the beach. He informed the Council that it was the recommendation of the Committee: 1. That all fire rings be removed to the parking lot under the supervision of the City Engineer. 2. That the office building at the entrance be moved back and the size of concrete pad be reduced, for better control of traffic there. 3. To erect three 4 x 8 signs at the corners of the parking lot and one sign 2 x 3 foot with wording CONCESSIONS and arrow pointing to the left. 4. The City Treasurer have numbered tickets printed to be sold to City Employees and any concession employees wishing to use parking lot for, a dollar minimum sale. -20- (7-3-61) 392 PC1Te Yt' / - "inu I...y-s, u�lA �.I J 6 _ 5. That parking fees be waived by the Council for the City Employees Weiner roast, sometime during the summer. 6. Consideration of Council to closing the parking lot at midnight to conform with the policy of the State Park. Park!.nr Foes ai.vcc' On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, the Council ordered parking fees waived for the City Employees weiner roast, to be held some evening during the summer. Motion carried. Curfew %menement On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the City Attorney was directed to prepare an amendment to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code to permit a 12 midnight curfew for the parking lot, except on those nights designated by the City Administrator as being late curfew for Grunion Hunt. Motion carried. F ire ' i_n�-s `10v;_ c On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the City Engineer was directed to move the fire rings from the present location to the area of the parking lot at his discretion, as soon as possible. Motion carried. MCC BIC7�-Y. '`0v2C On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the City Engineer was directed to move the Office Building at the entrance of the parking lot as soon as possible. Motion carried. Tickets Pri.ntec On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, the City Treasurer was instructed to have tickets printed to be sold to City Employees for parking at a rate of 4 for $1.00. Motion carried. Si.ans Insta?.? --c' On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, the City Engineer was directed to obtain and install three 4 x 8 signs and a 2 x 4 directional sign at his discretion. Motion carried. -21- (7-3-61) 393 Page #22 - Minutes, July 3, 1961 Bone #1526820 On motion by Waite, seconded by Stewart, the Council ordered Bond #1526820 in the amount of $21,328.00 filed by Robert H. Grant for Tract #3846, released and the Developer notified. Motion carried. ',Improvements On motion by Lambert, seconded by AcceDted Wells, Council accepted the improve- ments dedicated for public use for Garfield Trailer Park, and authorized the release of the Bonds by the Engineering Department, with the owner to be notified. Motion carried. rainbow Disposal Co. - A report from the Rainbow Disposal Tn action recuired Company of unit service was presented for the information of the Council. No action was taken. E. Si6e Villa Tract - A communication from the City Alley Improvement Engineer presenting costs for proposed alley improvement project in Block 2505, East Side Villa Tract, was presented for consideration from the Council. Improvements Following some discussion, on motion Tabled by Wells, seconded by Stewart, the matter was tabled. Motion carried. City Eng. Sewers Communications from the City Engineer) reporting on the study of Yorktown Street sewers and Garfield Street sewers requested by petition of property owners, was presented for Council consideration. Action Deferree On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert, action on these petitions was deferred until the meeting of July 17, 1961. Motion carried. Blanket Bone - On motion by Waite, seconded by Replace Bones Lambert, the City Purchasing Agent and the City Clerk were authorized to negotiate a Blanket Bond to replace various individual Bonds written on all Officers and employees of the City except thq City Clerk and City Treasurer. Motion carried. -22- (7-3-61) Palge, 23 - `invites, July 3, 1961, Ecco - Harry On motion by Lambert, seconded by !?vcrmyer Reservoir Stewart, an invoice from Ecco for extra work on the Harry Overmyer Reservoir as approved by the Engineer, was approved. Motion carried. 14th Annual Calif. St. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Highway Conference Waite, Council approved the appointment of the City Engineer on the Program Committee for the 14th Annual California Street -Highway Conference, and authorized his attendance at necessary meetings entailed. Motion carried. `aintenance of Public On motion by Stewart, seconded by r k s t Wells, Council approved an agree- ment between the City of Huntington Beach and the County of Orange for Maintenance of Public Works Radio Equipment by the County Communication Department, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. Motion carried. Leona... '--cicr - The Clerk presented a Petition Resurface Alley signed by Mrs. Leona M. Meier, 16902 A Street, City, and 29 other residents of A and B Streets, requesting the Council to resurface the alley between A and B Streets from Baylock Street on the south to the north end of A and B Streets, which is an unnamed street. On motion by Waite, seconded by Wells, the Petition of the residents of A and B Streets was referred to the Administrator and Engineer for study and report. Motion carried. Payro7_' Reps ster On motion by Waite, seconded by Wells, the Payroll Register for June 23, 1961 as approved by the Finance Committee, be approved. Motion carried. -23- (7-3-61) ['I 395 Palge W24 - Minutcsl July 3, 1061. nemancls A2proved On motion by Wells, seconded by Waite, the demands as approved by the Finance Committee, were approved. Motion carried. Mlliniires AM.-r-ovee, On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert, the minutes of June 19 and June 23, 1961, were approved as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried. Reso. F1499 The Clerk read Resolution #1499, "A Sewer Fune RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND." Reso. #1490 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Ae,opted Stewart,, Resolution #1499 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Waite, Gisler. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None Sunset Heights The City Administrator presented a Annex. communication from 22 residents from Sunset Heights informing the Council that they were in favor of annexation to the City of Huntington Beach. Mayor Gisler called a meeting of the Council as an informal committee as a whole for Monday July 17, 19611 at 7 o'clock A.M. for discussion purposes. Council Adigurncd On motion by Waite, seconded by Lambert,, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. -24- (7-3-61) Pa c #25 - `.'inutes, July 3, 1961 ATTEST: 6,2 City Clerk and-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayo -25- (7-3-61)