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Council Chambers, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Wednesday, October 18th, 1961
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Letson, Welch, Worthy, Miller, Stang,
Kaufman, Chairman Bazil.
MINUTES: The adjourned regular meeting of the
City Planning Commission was called to
order at 7:45 o'clock P.M., by Chairman Bazil.
HUNTINGTON HARBOUR -The Planning Director presented
suggestions of various subjects
which should be taken into consideration for the proposed
Huntington Harbour Development.
LOT SIZES: Chairman Bazil questioned the lot
size within the proposed marina. '
Walter Chaffey, representing the
Huntington Harbour Company stated that he felt the lot 'size
should be a minimum of 5000 sq. ft. This would be considering
1000 sq. ft. of water area as part of the lot area to make a
total of 6000 sq. ft.
Chairman Bazil pointed oUt, that the
subdivision ordinance requires 6000 sq. ft. lots and -does not
provide for any exceptions for special types of development.
Commissioner Stang asked Mr. Chaffey
if the water areas would be dedicated to the City-.�,Mr. Chaffey
stated that they would fully cooperate, and dedicate it to which
ever governmental agency that was necessary to provide proper
policing. It was suggested that the waterways should be deeded
rather than dedicated to permanently assure their public use
and fully clarify their.ownership, control and responsibility.
It was generally felt that the waterways should be deeded to the
City and the City could in turn"contract with the Orange County
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Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission
Wednesday, October 18, 1961
Harbor District for policing and other services.
Mr. Courtney Mathews, Wm. Pierera and Assoc.,
addressed the Commission, and stated that the proposed marina
is unique and should be considered as a whole, He stated
that the water will be used by the entire community, and
that they propose to develop the land in a manner that would
be desirable for the people of the marina.
Chairman Bazil questioned what percentage
of lots would be waterfront lots. Mr. Mathews stated that
about one half of the R-1 lots will be on the waterfront.
Mr. Lewis Douglas, developer, addressed
the Commission and stated he was opposed to the 6000 sq. ft.
lot sizes. He pointed out that this proposed marina will
be entirely different from any dry land subdivisions and
that people would not care for large lots, since the water
is considered as recreational area.
Fire Chief Higgins asked if such lots of
5000 sq', ft. were approved, would alleys be provided.
City Engineer, James R. Wheeler, stated
that he did not care to provide alleys within the marina,
since it would be a great expense to the City, due to the
City Administrator, Doyle Miller, pointed
out that a marina should be defined in the ordinance and a
special ordinance prepared, to cover the same. He also
suggested that the ratio of land to water, and waterfront
lots to interior lots be considered in defining a marina.
It was generally agreed that because of
the unique type of development, 5000 sq. ft. minimum lot
sizes for the entire development would be given every
STREET WIDTHS: The Planning Director pointed out that the
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Wednesday, October 18, 1961
proposed street right-of-way, width on the cul-de-sacs are proposed
46 ft. wide with 36'ft. of paving and that all other local
street widths are 60 ft. wide. He stated that local traffic
generated by the'residents would necessitate a wider collector
street, which also presents the question whether or not a north
and south through street would be necessary. Anticipated traffic
volumes were based on estimates of the number of lots in various
sections of the development and an average of 6 automobile
trips per day going to and from each lot.
The Planning Director further stated that
there is a possibility of extending Edinger Avenue to Pacific
Coast Highway and probably a freeway would be located just north
of the harbor development. These factors also have to be considered
in the traffic patterns of the area.
WATERWAYS: The Planning Director stated that the main
channel'will be deeded to the State Lands
Commission as a public waterway. He stated that the question
arose concerning the subsidiary waterways to be dedicated
to some governmental agency and a suggested joint meeting with
all agencies involved. The Planning Director pointed out the
problems concerning the waterways in Newport Beach and that it
should be determined at the outset who will have legal owner-
ship of the water areas. It was suggested that a better solution
of this problem would be to deed the waterways to the City and
the City could possibly contract with the appropriate agency
to avoid any confusion pertaining to ownership, maintenance
and operation. If the City were to assume the responsibility
for maintenance and operation of the water areas, it was suggested
that a maintenance district be formed rather than the expense
to be a general budget item.
PUBLIC BEACHES: Chairman Bazil questioned the provisions
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Wednesday, October 18, 1961
for public beaches within the marina.
Mr. Lewis Douglas, developer, stated that
on the approach to each bridge they were proposing a beach area
to be deeded or dedicated to the City.- In addition there would
be boat mooring areas for owners of interior lots. He further
stated that the public parking would be in the proximity to the
beach and mooring areas.
Mr. Lewis Douglas asked when a meeting could
be scheduled to meet with the appropriate agencies for deeding
of the waterways. City Attorney Charles Bauer stated that
this would be determined by the City Council.
City Administrator Doyle Miller, stated that
he will bring up this matter at the next regular Council
meeting. The matter of a special provision for zoning was
briefly discussed and it was agreed that additional study will
be necessary.
The question arose regarding as to whether
or not the tentative tract map could be submitted prior to
adoption of modified zoning. It was noted thata conditional
exception would be required to allow a reduction in lot size
and other changes from the standards of the subdivision ordinance.
Chairman Bazil presented a letter of
appreciation to City Attorney Charles A; Bauer for his services
to the Commission and the people of the City and congratulating
'him on his appointment as Judge of the Municipal Court.
There being no further business,
W. C. Warner,
Robert Bazil,