HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-19196 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California February 19, 1962 Mayor Gisler called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The Pledge of Allegience was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The invocation was offered by Thomas W. Overton, Minister of the First Church of Christ, Huntington Beach. Councilmen Present: Wells, Lambert, Gisler Councilmen Absent: Stewart, Waite Chi.er of 'oi i.ce Reijvrt On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, lRtc.e:i.uecl �cznd i,'i led. - --- - --- - the report of the Chief of Police for Jan- uary, 1962, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. Kiwan-Js Cyl.utt Req. - A letter from the Kiwanis Club of Hunting- 1`aint Nos. ott. Curbs ton Beach requesting permission to -paint house numbers on curbs and solicit payment therefor, was presented for consideration of the Council. Permission jranted On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, Kiwan_-is Club -- the Kiwanis Club of Huntington Beach was granted permission to paint house numbers on curbs and request the property owners for a contribution therefor, subject to compliance with specifications stipulated by the Engineering Department regard- ing location and type and quality of paint used. Motion carried. Letter - J'._6.TLd1.)ert A letter from Mr. T. B. Talbert, Huntington ire/rain�e ('1.V0r1'J0-,1,T Beach, regarding a drainage channel cross- ing his property, and making recommendation for handling drainage water overflow, was presented for consideration of the Council. Talbe_rt Letter On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert, Reed, ved �:uiiJL Filed the letter from Mr. Talbert was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. United "'ur€ br•,i:l_ ' al.sy A letter from the United Cerebral Palsy Rerl. to ,poi lc'i t Association of Orange County requesting permission to solicit funds from the City on February 19th, 1962, was presented by the Clerk. Vermission On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, ra��tect Council granted the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Orange County permission to solicit from the City on February 19th, 1962, subject to their solicitors registering with the Police Department. Lct.t c:r The Clerk presented a letter from the Huntington Beach Elementary School thank- ing the Council for their consideration in passing Ordinance #887 relating to vending of food near the schools. -1- (2/19/62) 19? Minutes, l+ebru�rr�. 19 1962 F. E:i,etter On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert, Lzee''d. ,i. 'Ied Council received the letter and ordered it filed. Motion carried. L+ttc.r• - t3.;. .�]_th A letter from the County Health Depart- i . - ref 'rc-#'` 'i°'- ment requesting the City to study all hospital projects proposed before permitting; same to be built, was presented for consideration of the Council. itee,t1 t.h Dept. Let el" On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, n ---. tog Comm. -the communication from the County Health Department was referred to the Planning Commission of the City for consideration and recommendations. Motion carried. C,ou c:i.lman Litewart Councilman Stewart arrived at 7:41 o'clock P.M. Letter A letter from William P. White, 1114 E. i�C/'t eP t' i, l' Need & Nec. Chestnut Avenue, Orange, submitting application for a Certificate of Public Need and Necessity to conduct a private patrol service in the City, was presented for Council consideration. ,`:.Ppl_icat;iorz On motion by Stewart, seconded by Oeia i ed �_----------- Lambert, the application of Mr. White was denied and the Clerk ordered to return the bond. Motion carried. Arnori cal)vcr cre The Clerk presented a letter from the Req. t.o]:L.i c.i.t; Orange County Branch of the American Cancer Society requesting permission to solicit funds in Hunt- ington Beach during April, 1962. On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert, (A r)_ t e, � . ---�-- Council granted the Orange County Branch. of the American Cancer Society permission to solicit funds in Huntington Beach during April, 1962, subject to their solicitors registering with the Police Department. Motion carried. 'l'. J. Bo:-;e The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Theo- -- — - -- dore J. Bose, 1719 Main Street, City, requesting the Council to have an investigation made concerning conditions in the alley at the rear of his place. Mr. Bose stated that water stood in the driveway at all times and would e not drain off. to t.v On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, ji ° `'-tt'c.ly �- --- the communication from Mr. Bose was referred to the City Engineer for study and report back to Council Motion carried. Lotter - ;rr. The Clerk presented a letter from Mr. ieix`. 1'fiyl.n€' - Fc€.t. €116rm. Francis Dawson and Mr. Henry-Taylor, � -- P.O. Box 1541, Newport Beach, California, requesting permission to construct and install a trailer on the western portion of the beach to serve sandwiches, drinks, candy bars, etc. -2- (2/19/62) a pa-0 :y - lintit c: , Februory 19, .1.96 izec'd. &- On motion by atewart, seconded'by Wells, Filed Council received the communication from Mr. Dawson and Mr. Taylor and ordered it filed. Motion carried. iJz(,.IIIQ ' VY." lUr The Clerk read a communication from Reverend iJ�.sriae €trrtf�. Luther Arther, 905 Palm Avenue, City, re- garding damage to his roof which has been done by fronds falling from palm trees on City property along the street, and requesting reimburse- ment from the City for damages done. def. to L<.i t4 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, s�°-rl4v the communication from Rev. Arthur was referred to the City Administrator to make a study and report back to the Council. Motion carried. 11.. B.Jrr. C. of C. The `Clerk read a letter from the Huntington --a'=i \r orr-""k) Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to paint address numbers on curbs within the City with the permission of the occupants and requesting a small donation therefor. x?egttest On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Denied the request of the Huntington Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce was denied. Motion carried. Not tee to L:A ec t,ors The Clerk informed the Council that he was 4?cr5te`f-s-`'-4c r` posting, on February 20, 1962, a notice to electors of the date after which no arguments for or against a City measure may be submitted to the City Clerk, and setting the date of March 5th, 1962 as the last day for filing of such arguments. This matter was for information only and no action was required by the Council. .Mr. .,lack ;:;Brien - Under Oral Communications, Mr. Jack O'Brien,, /1 crtrrt�,� Park..,Lirs 305 Main Street, City, addressed the Council, re: Parking in the downtown area. Mr. O'Brien requested that the matter be submitted to the Citizens Committee for study and consider- ation. Xla.vor il"'. to ir'_rrrr .t, On motion by Wells, seconded by Stewart, the l'a_ .i. t T+ cry orrtnr �_ Mayor was directed to submit this matter to the Citizens Committee as a project for study and recommendation. Motion carried. i'-.[r. :7ol), rt ;.�initfi - Mr. Robert Smith, 8662 Hastings Circle, {fie/7ir ]. i ci iyt r�i.�}rs City, addressed the Council regarding solicitations which have been allowed by the Council. Mr. Smith stated that it did not seem right that charitable solicitation should be allowed, while other solicitors were denied the right to make a living. (16o. '_;o dr vi.n - Mr. George Goodwin, proprietor of the Coast Coast._ mb_ k.eir,rlr.- Ambulance Service, addressed the Council and asked whether the matter of reimbursement for custody ambulance cases had been decided. -3- (2/19/62) 199 4-'ag; e ,-, - 14i.nutes, I ebr•uary L9, 1962 City Admire. Hiller~ - Mr. Goodwin was informed by the City Prol�l e nrs E;on;idc rcxd Administrator that they were considering the problem of whether it could be retroactive, and it ,had been referred to the City Attorney. The City Attorney, Mr. Plunkett, stated that in his opinion, the City could not contract to pay for ser- vices previously rendered. Ls i ty .:It ty. 1'0 A'reL . Following some discussion by the aCouncil, , r iA-.ten- O i n i.on� the City Attorney was requested to pre- pare a written opinion in this matter. Mr. S111. �'h i-te -- Mr. William White, 1114 E. Chestnut Ave- ' nue, Orange, addressed the Council and inquired as to the reason for his Certificate of Need and Neces- sity had been denied. Onc Pri. Pat—.ro.l 6eyrv. He was informed by members of the Council ---�-------------- that they had granted one Certificate of Need and Necessity and jurisdiction of the whole City to one pri- vate patrol service, and they felt that for the present, this provided sufficient coverage in the City. 1;r•. "Iiite Cry-Ir es Mr. White charged that the City Clerk had `!'—nc informed him at the time of making applic- ation, that he did not have a chance of obtaining this Certificate of Need and Necessity. Mrs. :Ic}nes- Paul C. Jones, 201 Ninth Street; City, Uhar``es jjenicd addressed the Council and informed them that, as City Clerk, he had not spoken for the Council at any time in telling Mr. White there was no possibility of his obtaining a Certificate of Need and Necessity. Mr. Jones stated that he had informed Mr. White of the requirements necessary in applying for a Certificate of Need and Necessity, including the application, bond, and deposit, and that he had told Mr. White that patrol service was being conducted for the entire City by one firm at the present time, rii': . t:evcrl (711 - Mrs,. Stevenson, 18361 Delaware Street, ;r~uer'?ir—lerCord. City, addressed the Council regarding apparent inconsistencies in the application of the Green River Ordinance. She asked that the Council consider amending the Ordinance to permit certain types of activities, while still deny- ing others. v(::L4 n !`r actor Mrs. Evelyn Proctor, 16591 Waite Lane, ai exr in in y`r~'' City, addressed the Council regarding W �- - the over abundance of water which was backed up in her yard. Mrs. Proctor informed the Council that due to the recent rains, her yard was completely flooded, and requested that the Council con- sider some method to alleviate this situation, -4- (2/19/62) 200 :14r. :% 14 vases Mr. Edward R. Haynes, 16772 Ross Lane} Iiei 1_ Ave. �'rol.)Ieills City, addressed the Council regarding the problems created at the corner of Heil Avenue and Beach Boulevard by lack of white lines, street lights, and the narrow road on Heil between Newland and Irby Streets, and askedif any action had been taken. ` City :tkr irlee.r - Mr. Haynes was informed by the City Engineer ke/tV[Iite Lines oil 1]t i_:k that they had started to paint white lanes on Heil and Newland Streets when the rains stopped any further act- ion, and that they would proceed as soon as conditions permitted. Heil ."i") - Li-ht-, The City Engineer also informed Mr. Haynes i=crsd.t`V.t. o'.:kL that the street lights for the intersection of Heil and Beach Boulevard had been ordered from the Edison Company, and they were awaiting approval by the State Highway Department to install same. The City Administrator informed Mr. Haynes -- that the possible widening of Heil Avenue had been referred to his office for study regarding the acquisition of necessary property. L,ette.l` ;ti.ti: vj %1;,-A.V 01, Mayor Gisler read a letter from the Golden Go "r,17k West Estates, signed by George R; Sant, dev- eloper, commending the City and its Department Heads for the cooper- ation which they give to'subdividers in developments within the City. Mr. Sant stated that no other City in the area was as cooperative nor as well planned. ` Letter .fklc .u. k; ?;i.tkac3.r Mayor Gisler also read a'letter from Mr. Jim `l im-Dearic ----- Deane of the Pacific Sands Development, com- mending the City Department Heads for the cooperation given to his subdivision during the recent heavy rains. He stated that as a result of this cooperation, damage in the area had been almost neg- ligible, and he expressed his thanks for their efforts. Recess Mayor Gisler called a'recess of the Council 1. k_ecl at 8 : 25 o'clock P.M. teconven(_!d Council was reconvened at 8:40 o'clock P.M. by the Mayor. The Clerk presented a communication from i.c true f'car c::l.i.C,;. the City Clerk regarding an application ��.._ made for City License by Mrs. Wilma W. Sheets, Lakewood, California, for a "Welcome Newcomer" service, and requesting direction by the Council on action to be taken in the issuance of such license. Njr�;. `11, ce is Mrs. Sheets addressed the Council and re- questedr their consideration in the granting of a license for her service, which she stated was a hostess service. -5- (2/19/62) 201 'age 4( — Minutes, February 1.9, 1.262 t'.mInE,11 Considerable discussion was held by the Con- ideratd o i Council as to whether this would be a permitted use under the Green River Ordinance. ,i1 t. i c � i3, ".a,izzc.ii ;an A motion was made by Stewart that the "t war - ,fLe c is w`e`' request of Mrs. Sheets be denied. The motion was then withdrawn by Council- man Stewart, before a second was obtained City Ittoroey To A motion was made by Wells, seconded by {ender- C­)inion Stewart, that the City Attorney prepare an opinion on this matter for the guidance of the Council at the next meeting. Motion carried. i?es o. ,v=227), - Mayor Gisler announced that this was the k 1151_:i c 11c�ari_.ri_g day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution #223 of the City Planning Commission,trecommending approval of a portion of Zone Case #223, and further recommending denial of a portion of Zone Case #223, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of Public Hearing on Zone Case #223, as published in the Huntington Beach News on February 81b, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday the 19tb day of February, 1962, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a ;public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for change of zone relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from A-I-X General Agricultural District, as adopted by Interim Ordin- ance No. 668, to: R-1 Single Family Residence District, and C-4 Highway Commercial District with setback provisions. Change of zone to R--1, on property located south of Heil Avenue west of Springdale Street, north of Warner Avenue, and east of the Meadowlark Country Club. Change of zone to C-4, on property located at the southwest corner of Heil Avenue and Springdale Street.. i1eariw, Mayor Gisler declared the hearing open. tried. The Clerk read the transmittal from the City Planning Director, together with Resolution #223 of the City Planning Commission, and informed the Council that he had received no written protests to the zone change. t=gin Sri i)i-rect.o., Planning Director Warner pointed out the area involved .in the Zone Case on a map, and gave the Council a resume'of the reasons for the recommended approval of a portion and denial of another portion by the Plan- ning Commission. 1rc�tets - There being no protests filed, either nearing Closed oral or written against Zone Case #223, Mayor Gisler declared the hearing closed. -6- (2/19/62) 202 :i..riUt(-Is I eIn. I'l,Ir -19, ]_{lei_'. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, ►�1._ Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission, upholding them in their denial of a portion of Zone Case #223 and directing the City Attorney to prepare an Ordin- ance covering a change of zone in the other portion of the Zone Case. Motion carried. Mayor Gisler announced that this was the day 11(ioiic�JearI( and hour set for a public hearing on Resolu- tion #225 of the City Planning Commission, recommending denial with- out prejudice of Zone Case #225, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case #225 as published in the Huntington Beach News on Feb- ruary 8W, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible,�on Monday the 19th day of February, 1962 in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of con- sidering a petition for a change of zone, relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: A-1-X General Agricultural District, as adoptted by Interim Ordinance No. 668, to: C-4 Highway Commercial District, with setback provisions, on prop- �erty located on the southwest corner of Heil Avenue and Goldenwest Street. Lear:in.fz Mayor Gisler declared the hearing open. The Clerk read the transmittal from the City Planning Director, together with Resolution #225 of the City Planning Commission, and informed the Council that,he had received no written protests to the zone change. L Iaririirl" J r oct or• Planning Director Warner pointed out the �'`r� �' -------- area involved in the,Zone Case on a map, and gave the Council a resume' of the reasons for the recommended denial without prejudice by the Planning Commission, y��iyi Anc 1Hc� Mr. Edgar H. Mueller, 10231 Woodruff Avenue, Downey, addressed the Council in support of the zone change. «t�rc I.Lir'C.'L: Mr. J. Harding, 133 44th Street, Newport Beach, addressed the Council in support of the Zone Change. Lnri Peek Mr. Lon Peek, 16461 Goldenwesi Street, City, addressed the Council to protest the proposed zone change. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, Council upheld the Planning Commission in their denial without prejudice of Zone Case #225. Motion carried. -7- (2/19/62) 203 i Iaf,e - _ Minutes, Fet)ruary 1`), 19G3 Mayor Gisler announced that this was the - a to Jeniai day and hour set for an appeal to a den- ial by the City Planning Commission of UV #359, and stated that the hearing was already open. J risen Mr. Ralph Jensen, 208 Huntington Avenue, Huntington Beach, the petitioner in the appeal under consideration, addressed the Council and requested that they consider reversing the decision of the City Planning Commission, and approve the Conditional Exception. Leonar•d,- 4iven;�cruft; Mr. Leonard Ravenscroft, 1009 Main Street, City, addressed the Council and protested the allowing of this Use Variance. No ."' Ir.,t her• The Clerk informed the Council that he <r i.tter�rettx,5t:s had received no further written protests on this case. No ?'urther• There being no further oral protests Oral. 'rotests ----- registered, the Mayor declared the hear- ing closed. Decision On motion by Wells, seconded by Gisler, Council postponed the decision on this appeal until the meeting of March 52, 1962. Motion carried. I-lual.ic -leering On motion by Lambert, seconded by (fir `j` Stewart, Council ordered a public hearing for Monday, March 50, 1962, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon there- after as possible, on Zone Case #2241, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, Ord. `''" ``' Council ordered a public hearing for Monday, March 50, 1962, at 7::30 o'clock P.M., or as soon there- after as possible, on Zone Case #226, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. t The Clerk presented a petition for a Division of Land - DV ,#161 - Petitioner: Lester R. Peterson, 2511 England Avenue, City -- Location: N of Yorktown Street and W of England Avenue. Ji "/I.G1 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, "' 'r "—ems Council approved Division 'of Land -- DV #161, as requested by Mr. Lester R. Peterson. Motion carried. The Clerk presented a transmittal of a _ tI..I iris L 31_oan. request for Division of Land -- DV #162 - Petitioner: Mullins and Sloan Co., Los Angeles, California - Location: W of Beach Boulevard and N of Yorktown Street. o ."/162 - On motion by Wells, seconded by Stewart, rot ecl - Council approved Division of Land - DV #162, for Mullins and Sloan Company. Motion carried. -8- (2/19/62) 204 DV ,:1 6- The Clerk presented a transmittal of a J-:I D. TtIcker, request for a Division of Land - DV #163 - Petitioner: Jay D. Tucker, 1024 Main Street, City - Location E of 17th Street and Ne of Clay Street. )�` /l ;�:j - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, L12 sr qved Council approved Division of Land - DV #163, for Mr. Jay D. Tucker. Motion carried. Ro:y lty perv. Corp. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Engineering Department of a 'request from ` Royalty Service Corp. Ltd., for termination of drilling bond on their well, Weir #1, located on Lots 17 and 19, Block 516, (500 Block on 16th Street). and >fl,5 2' 4165 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, c�z rrr�tecl Council approved the request, and direct- ed that Continental Casualty Company Bond No. 15 2 4465 be termin- ated in accordance with Section 2427.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and the owners notified of the action. Motion carried. `Tt-act'' 275 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, i�arr�i«tc nt. Council accepted a Monument Bond for Tract #4275 -- Robert H. Grant, and directed the Clerk to file same; and accepted the Subdivision Agreement for the same Tract and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried, Tr•o t =`-a, 718 - Ori motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, d`--�1. ' '� -`=` �� Council accepted improvements dedicated for public use on Tract #3478 - George Buccola, and authorized the release of the subdivision bonds. Motion carried. I'r4ci 1:18f3 - e.l. On motion by Stewart, `seconded by Lambert, i�ect. Is�itr_. ,cce.:___tr3 Council accepted the improvements dedicat- ed for public use on Tract 4188, #4189, #4190 and #4191 - Werbc'o Construction Company, and authorized the release of the subdivision bonds. Motion carried. Off-a.te, The Clerk presented `a request "from the City Rei'urI "Ut-ho,_y, Engineer for Council authorization of a refund of $7,191.01 to Lisbon Company, Mansion,Company, Essex Com- pany, and Rapallo Company, for offsite water main costs. z ftia� On motion by Wells, seconded by Stewart, ira�tlrorir ri Council approved the request and granted the City Engineer authorization to make the refund, and directed the Treasurer to prepare checks as follows: Lisbon Company $17423.19 Mansion Company $1,971.74 Essex Company $2,196.13 Rapallo Company $1,599.95 Motion carried. -9- (2/19/62) 205 j'ahel.0 --Minute, February 19, 1962 D1 Req. '41aiver of Fees, A communication from the City Engineer Ocean-Vi.ek�! Sctt Dist. reggrding Ocean View School District letter of February 1st, 1962, requesting waiver of water, sewer, and drainage fees, and recommending that Council deny the request, was presented by the Clerk. Sai.ver of On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Del -lied Council approved the recommendation con- tained in the Engineer's correspondence and denied the request of the Ocean View School District for waiver of fees for water, sewer and drainage. Motion carried. 75J`.0 of Rcsideiitia.l On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, B`"-`` `-eti{ Council directed the Engineer to accept an amount equivalent to'75% of the residential fees from the Ocean View School under a ruling of the State Allocation Board authorizing the schools to pay same. Motion carried. Ord. :'888 - The Clerk gave Ordinance #888 a second Second Reading reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO TRAILER PARKS; AMENDING SECTION 8720.1 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE." Ord. #888 -- On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, ilas.,,,ed & AdoLled.Ordinance #888 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite Ord. 890 - The Clerk gave Ordinance #890 a Second �ec uiii1 ..e`c�cw reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASES NOS. 221 and 222 AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN PROPERTY AN6 AMENDING SECTION 9211.6 (Sectional District Map 17-6-10), NO. 9211.61 (Sectional District Map 18-6-10) and SECTION 9211.39 (Sectional District Map 23-5-11.)" Orr. 1890 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Ordinance #890 was passed and adopted by the following roll call. vote: AYES:. Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite Ord.. ;�891. - The Clerk gave Ordinance #891 a first First Readinreading in full - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH (MENDING SECTION 1577.1 AND ADDING SEC- TION 1590.12 TO THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO GENERAL OFFICE." «-10= (2/19/62) 206 ■ l n. t ij t - kiIriLlios, Ve,1)rtj,at'•y 19', 1.`l6`2' Ord. The Clerk gave Ordinance #892 a first reading its full'- "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO WATER RATES; AMENDING SECTION 3531 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE." E�e::s o . {F.,t1 a - - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, -a,,z,sed &- dopted Resolution #1562, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE•PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE FACILITIES FUND - DISTRICT NO. 2", which had heretofore been submitted to the City Council and read by them, was passed and adapted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite Reso. #.1563 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, l'Ltti.orl-;cic> itcr3 Resolution #1563, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CWGING LENGTH OF PROBATION^ ARY PERIOD FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES," which had heretofore been submitted to the City Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen:` Waite 'Petition Frese�tItet The Clerk presented a petition from residents is tit ax"` iekv "r of Lyndon Street, Washington Avenue and Warner Avenue, requesting acquisition, con- struction and installation of sanitary sewers under the 1911 Improve- ment Act. Petition On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert, ��`itre-1 -`fie-`"}� `1 Council directed that the petition be received and the Clerk check the signatures on same for sufficiency. Motion carried.' Tax Coll. Sales The Clerk presented a communication from the 1207 `&- --92` City Clerk transmitting Deeds from the County Tax Collector for property and mineral rights purchased by the City, included in Tait Collector Sales #907 and #922, with request for authorization to pay $15.00 for property included in T.C. Sale #907. 90 i ;. y'9 L.,2 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Deed `1ccepted. - Council accepted the Deeds for the property included in T.C. Sales #907 and #922 and directed the Clerk to record same with the County Recorder; and authorized the payment of $15.00 for the property to be purchased by the City, covered by T. C. Sale #907. Motion "carried. _11, (2/19/62) 207 ' ige ;;` 2 -- _Minutes, i�'ebru�ar �, 1 }ri`? C3.ty -3E3.; The City Administrator informed the of ro ' Gov' . Council of the stand taken by the California League of Cities at its meeting of Mayors in Sacramento, regarding metropolitan govern- ment and the creation of a Department of Urban Affairs and Housing at a national level. Mr. Miller suggested that the Council might wish to follow up on this action by passing a Resolution protesting the establishment of such department. Itty, to 'r`x c;a �rc� On motion by Stewart, . seconded by �c:tie_. ��'o:rartingti)€� Wells, the Attorney was directed to prepare a :'resolution to send to Washington, as recommended by the California League of Cities. Motion carried. The City Administrator presented a Runt. _iflarl)o .zr Annex.. letter from Mr. Walter B. Chaffee, Attorney for the Huntington Harbour Corporation, requesting Council to proceed on its own motion to annex two small areas of property which they have recently purchased adjacent to their present holdings within the City. The Huntington Harbour group requested also that the Engineering Department assist them in the preparation of maps and boundary descriptions. C i.tx City Engineer Wheeler informed the �'{s=;-----Council that they now have these maps and boundary descriptions. l:+r� to Not-ify On motion by Lambert, seconded by Cha,r.e fer, C.e ;():zz c +..I ' y Stewart the Clerk was ,directed to _- . ._� _ _ - --- notify Mr. Chaffee that the City r Council preferred them to initiate the proceedings for these annexations by petition of the property owners, and to file their maps and descriptions with the Boundaries Commission of the County as the first step. Motion carried. Letter -- ,".-,yi,r '.Vi tuter's The City Administrator presented a {�eJ`�' l 'rre ---- letter from Mayor Duane Winters of Fullehton, Chairman of the Orange County League of Cities J4il Charges Committee, informing the City that the Orange County League had taken action to recommend that the Cities pay the jail charges set forth by the Supervisors at their revised rates, subject to readjustment if the League Committee and Board of Supervisors agreed on another rate. 3i_lf" I'or Jai.., CfA( s. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, t 4''r`e- -e 'w' - - Council ordered that all bills for jail charges which have been held, be paid at the revised rates pre- scribed by the County Board of Supervisors, subject to a readjust went at a future date. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: -12- (2/19/62) 08 f:_l_,w .._7.x1.n es, 'I'1;t].ru.o!"'y 19, .ED6 AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite The administrator informed the Council that he had received a communication from the State Division of Highways concerning a proposed meeting to be held in the month of April at Orange Coast College to study various free- way -routes, and asking whether the City had any particular prefer- ence as to time.; _�i&iin. to !'ac t, if's; State Following some discussion by the Council, Of 1, cf `rx c d jo.tcs -- the Administrator was advised to notify the State Highway Department that the only day they preferred not to meet was on April 16th, the day of the Council meeting to in- stall the new Councilmen. 1>t. o }wr-•t; City Engineer James Wheeler presented a atc, c.r5tz1�.U.tct7 `' report to the Council regarding activities of his department in relation to the amount of personnel which he presently employs. V 0[). 5)tl itIute:S On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, C?xuv - --- Council approved the minutes,of the meet- ing of February 5t, 1962, as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, ice' rO `'d Council approved the Payroll Register for February 9b, 1962, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried. w"txrx,}.Zat yite� On=motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council approved the Warrant Register as presented, on the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried. Report ec Councilman Wells requested a report from the Committee which had been appointed to study the proposed addition to the Bait Stand on the pier. kir.. Loll D)vi-, Mr. Lon Davis, 1171h Main Street, City, the proprietor of the Bait Stand, addres- sed the Council and informed them that if the City would proceed with the addition, it would increase activities and would increase the amount of business he could handle. Mr. Davis informed the Council that he was willing -to raise the percentage figure which he r pays the City assent, from 5% to 7% for the next three years. `f , I-oc. On motion by Wells, seconded by Gisler, the Static' :`id`y City Engineer was directed to proceed with the building of an addition to the Bait Stand at a. -cost not to exceed $700.00; and that Mr. Davis's contract be amended to require an increase of 2% on the rental rate. Motion carried. -13- (2/19/62) Page l.l. - Alinutes, Februuvy 19, 1962 tyer. Cal I 'pity » Mayor Gisler called a meeting of the 0_5-=-�7'00 -k'``a� Council as an informal committee -of -the -- whole for Monday, March 5%, 1962, at 7:00 o'clock A.M. for dis- cussion purposes. 1;tl i n0n motion by Lambert, seconded by Yells, c3 the regular meeting of the .City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST: City C ' rk City Clerk ex--offiaio Clerk of the Cit ouncil of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor -14- (2/19/62)