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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, March 19, 1962
Mayor Gisler called the regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30
o'clock P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all
present in the Council Chamber.
The invocation was offered by Reverend Galen
Anderson of the Huntington Beach Wesleyan Methodist Church.
Councilmen Present: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
Councilmen Absent: Waite
Police Department On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Report - Reed. & Filed
the report of the Chief of Police for Feb-
ruary, 1962, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Letter - Mrs. Fedor The Clerk presented a letter from Mrs.
Reg. Use of P.A.Truck Shirley A. Fedor, 16622 Lucia,Lane, City,
requesting permission to use a public address truck with license
fees waived, in the northern section of the City to advertise "Meet
the Candidates' meetings to be held at Meadow View School and Rancho
View Schools on March 21st and 28th.
Request On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert,
Grate Council granted permission for the use of
the public address truck to advertise these meetings, with fees
waived, subject to the approval of the Chief of Police on the volume
of sound used. Motion carried.
Letter - Archit. & Eng.' A letter from Adams, Morgan, Latham, Kripp
Re/Preference of MWD and Wright, Architects and Engineers of
Long Beach, California, requesting Council
to submit a preference for softened or unsoftened water to be supplied
by the Metropolitan Water District, was presented for consideration
of the Council.
Action Deferred - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Refer to Eng, for Study Council deferred action on this item until
the next meeting and referred it to the City Engineer for study and.
report. Motion carried.
Req. - H.B.E.School A letter from the Huntington Beach Elementary-
$2,000 in City Budget, School District requesting Council consid ez-
Crossinn Guard
ation of a request for the inclusion of an
amount of $2,000.00 in the City Budget for the coming fiscal year to
provide an adult crossing guard at 14th and Main Streets, was present-
ed by the Clerk..
Ref. to Admin. & On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, the
Pol. Chief for Study request of the Elementary School District
was referred to the Administrator and Chief of Police for study and
report back to Council. Motion carried.
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Page #2 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
State Div. of Highways The Clerk presented a letter from the
Re/Public Hearing State Division of Highways, District VII,
4 �162
giving notification of a public hearing
to be held at 1:30 o'clock P.M. on April 19th, 1962, at Newport
Union High School, -relative to the proposed improvement of State
Route 60 in Orange County between State Route 184 and Beach
Comm-. Rec'd. & Filed On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Admin. to Rep. City the communication from the State Division
at Meeti ng
of Highways was ordered received and
filed, and the Administrator authorized to represent the'City at
this meeting.
Study of Routes On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
Ordered Council ordered a study be made regarding
which route they would recommend at this meeting, to -be presented
at the meeting of April 2nd, 1962. Motion carried.
County Highway Dept. A letter from the County Highway Department
Re/Reso. "Arterial Hi- transmitting a County Resolution establish-
.rTaX_ Financing Program_
ing the 1962-63 Fiscal Year VARTERIAL,
HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM", was presented for consideration of the
Conitri. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Reed & Filed -the communication from the County High-
way Department was received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Petition - Sewers The Clerk presented a petition from owners
1911 Act of property on McDonald, Holt, Stark,
Aldrich and Edinger Streets and Beach Boulevard, requesting Council
to initiate proceedings under the 01911 Improvement Act" for the
acquisition, construction and installation of sewers on those
streets, and waiving the investigation proceedings required under
the."Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority
Protest Act of 1931e1:
Petition Rec'd & Filed On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert,
Clerk to Check Signat- Council ordered the petition received and
ores for_Sufficiencv --
referred to the Clerk for checking as to
the sufficiency and validity of signatures thereon, and that this
matter -be given priority. Motion carried.
Recomm. Change of Sugar A letter from the Orange County Street
to McFadden Avenue Naming Committee, recommending change of
name of Sugar Avenue to McFadden Avenue in the entire County, in-
cluding that area within the City limits of Huntington Beach, was
presented for consideration of the Council.
Change On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Approved Council approved the change of name of
Sugar Avenue to McFadden Avenue within the City limits of Hunting-
ton Beach. Motion carried.
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Pa�:e #3 - Minutes, March 193 1962
Comm. - Repub.Women
The Clerk presented a communication from
Reg. 'hem. Hall 3 23 62
the League of Republican Women requesting
use of Memorial Hall on
Friday evening, March 23rd, 1962, for a
"Meet the Candidates" meeting,
with.the usual fees waived.
On motion by Lambert,_ seconded by Wells,
Council granted the use of Memorial. Hall
on Friday evening, March
23rd, 1962, to the League of Republican
Women for a "Meet the Candidates"
meeting, with fees waived, Motion
Report - O.V. Fire Sta.
City Administrator Miller presented a report
Re/Pass. Lease w/County;
of the committee appointed to investigate
future plans for the Ocean
View Fire Station, and stated that there
is a possibility for a lease
to be negotiated with the County, with
option to purchase.
Admin. Auth. to_Negot.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
With County
the Administrator was authorized to continue
negotiations with the County
for a one year lease with renewal option
and option to purchase this
property. Motion carried.
O.V.Vol. F.D. -
Councilman Stewart informed the Council that
Accum. Sum Toward
it was his understanding that the Ocean View
Volunteer Fire Department had a•sum of
$1,000.00 which had been
accumulated to be applied against the purch-
ase -of the rescue truck
at this station.
Req. - Gen. Tel. Co. -
The City Administrator presented a request
Permis. To Install Tank
from General Telephone Company for permis-
Under Sidewalk
sion to install a 500 gallon diesel fuel
tank under the sidewalk
on Acacia Avenue adjacent to their building.
Following some discussion by the Council,
a motion was made by Lambert, seconded by
Stewart that the request
of the General Telephone Company for permis-
sion to install a 500 gallon
diesel fuel tank under the sidewalk on
public property on Acacia
Avenue, be denied. Motion carried.
Hunt. Driftw'd Req. .
The -Administrator presented a letter from
Ext. of Time to Comp.
the Huntington Driftwood Corporation re -
Fill Operations
questing an extension in performance time
for completing the fill
at their Driftwood Inn site, due to excess-
ive rains which have halted
operations for the past month.
Ext. of Time
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
the Huntington Driftwood Corporation was
-granted an extension of
39 days in the time for completion of fill
at the Driftwood Inn site.
Motion carried.
Fire Sta. site Offered
A letter from Doyle and Shields offering
By Doyle & Shields _
the City a parcel of land for a Fire Sta-
tion site adjacent to their Huntington Village Development, was
presented by the City Administrator.
Page #4 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
Lana Offer Accept. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
For Fire Station Council accepted the offer of Hoyle and
Shields for this parcel of Land, and directed the Clerk to record
the deed, when received, with the County Recorder; also they dir-
ected the City Administrator to send the Developer a letter ex-
pressing the thanks of the C-ity. Motion carried.
New Sta. Named On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Doyle & Shields Council ordered that the new fire station
at this site, when developed, be named the Doyle and Shields Fire
Station. Motion carried.
Req. - Meth. Church To The City Administrator orally presented a
Use Beach Bowl For request of the Methodist Church of Hunt -
Sunrise Service
ington Beach for permission to use the
amphitheater and -.stage on the beach for an Easter Sunrise Service,
with all protestant churches participating.
Permission On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert,
Granter'` the Methodist Church and all protestant
churches participating were given permission to -use the amphi-
theater and stage on the beach for an Easter Sunrise Service.
Motion carried.
Commendation To Ass't, , The City Administrator read a letter from
Fire Chief Rardin the Allied Adjusting Agency, commending
Assistant Chief 'William Rardin of the Fire Department for his work
in an investigation on an auto fire damage case.
Annual Street Report - The City Administrator then presented
Commend. Clerk_& Tre_as, portions of a report from the Controller
of the State of California on an audit of the Annual Street Report
for the City of Huntington Beach for the year ending June 30, 1961
and commending the City Clerk and the City Treasurer for their
cooperation in this matter.
Public Hearing - Mayor Gisler announced that this was the
Res. #227 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution #227 of the City Planning Commission, recommending
approval of Zone Case #227 that Section 9225.1 - "Patio and Rear
Yard' be added to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and request-
ed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing
on Zone Case #'227 as published.in the Huntington Beach News,
March 8, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday the 19th day of March, 196-2, in
the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California,
as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of con-
sidering a recommendation from the City Planning Commission adding
Section 9225.1 - "Patio and Rear Yard", to the Huntington Beach
Ordinance Code.
Hearing Opened Mayor Gisler then declared the hearing
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C 230
Page #5 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
The Clerk read the transmittal from the City
Planning Director, together with Resolution #227 of the City Planning
Commission, and informed the Council that he had received no written
_protests to this Zone Case.
Hearing There being no protests filed, either oral
Closed- or written, the hearing was closed by Mayor
Gis ler.
Zone Case #227 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Approved Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance covering Zone Case #227. Motion carried. ,
Public Hearing - Mayor Gisler announced that this was the
Reao. #228 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution #228 of the City Planning Commission, recommending
additions and amendments to Sections of Article 929 of the Hunting-
ton Beach Ordinance Code pertaining to walks, driveways, eaves,
railings, fences, walls and hedges, and directed the Clerk to read
the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Zone Case #228 as published in the Huntington Beach News, March 8,
1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M„ or as soon thereafter
as possible on Monday, the 19th day of March, 1962, in the Council
Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, at the time
and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a recom-
mendation from the City Planning Commission that Sections of Article
929 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code be added and amended.
Hearing Mayor Gisler declared the hearing open.
Opened The Clerk read the transmittal from the City
Planning Director, together with Resolution #228 of the City Planning
Commission, and informed the Council that he had received no written
protests to the Zone Case.
Hearing There being no protests filed, either oral
or written, the hearing was closed by the
Mayor. -
Zone Case #228 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Approved _ Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and directed the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance covering Zone Case #228. Motion carried.
Public Hearing- • Mayor Gisler announced that this- was the
Reso. #229 day and hour set -for a public hearing on
Zone Case-#229 of the City Planning Commission, recommending that
-Section 9526 - "Effect of Setback Ordinance", be amended, and re-
quested the Clerk to read the legal notice.
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Page #6 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
The Clerk read notice of public hearing
on Zone Case #229 as published in the Huntington Beach News,
March 8, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock F.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 19th day of March,,1962,
-in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif-
ornia, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose
of considering a recommendation from the City Planning Commission
that Section 9526 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code be amended.
Hearing Mayor Gisler then declared the hearing
0 ems.
The Clerk read the transmittal from the
-City Planning Director, together with Resolution #229 of the City
Planning Commission, and informed the Council that he had received
no written -protests to the Zone Case.
Hearing There being no -protests filed; either
Closed oral or written, Mayor Gisler declared
the hearing closed.
Zone Case #229 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
'Y°�7e`� Council approved the recommendation of
the Planning Commission and directed"the,City Attorney to prepare
an Ordinance covering Zone Case #229. Motion carried.
Public Nearing - Mayor Gisler announced that this was the
Res° #230 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution #230 of the City Planning Commission, recommending
approval of Zone Case #230, and requested the Clerk to read the
legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing
as published in the Huntington Beach News, March 8, 1962, setting
the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible,
on Monday, the 19th day of March, 1962, in the Council Chambers
of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and
place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petitio
for a change of zone, relative to proposed change of district
boundary and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence
District to: C-4 Highway Commercial District, with setback pro-
visions, on property Located approximately 190' south of Heil
Avenue and east of Beach Boulevard.
Hearing Mayor Gisler declared the hearing open.
Opened The Clerk read the transmittal from the
City Planning Director, together with Resolution #230 of the City
Planning Commission, and informed the Council that he had received
no written protests'to the zone change,
Planning Director Planning Director Warner pointed out the
Warner area involved in this Zone Case on a map,
and gave the Council a resume' of the reasons for the recommended
approval by the Planning Commission.
-6- (3/19/62)
Page #7 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
Hearing There being no protests filed, either oral
Closed or.written, against Zone Case #230, Mayor
Gisler declared the hearing closed.
Zone Case #230 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells,
Approved Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance covering Zone Case #230. Motion carried.
Public Hearing - Mayor Gisler announced that this was the day.
Res°#231 and hour set for a public hearing on Resolu-
tion #231 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of
Zone Case #231, and requested the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing as
published in the Huntington Beach News, March 8, 1962, setting the
hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on
Monday, the 19th day of March, 1962, in the Council Chambers of the
City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for
a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for a
change of zone, relative to proposed change of district boundary and
use classification.from: R-1 Single Family Residence District to:
C-4 Highway Commercial District, with setback provisions, on property
located at the northwest corner of Edinger Avenue and Edwards Street.
Hearing Mayor Gisler declared the hearing open.
Opened The Clerk read the transmittal from the City
Planning Director, together with Resolution #230 of the City Planning
Commission, and informed the Council that he had received no written
protests to this zone change.
Planning Director Planning Director Warner pointed out the
Warner area involved in this Zone Case on a map,
and gave the Council a resume' of the reasons for the recommended
approval by the Planning Commission.
Mr., John Prins Mr. Sohn Prins, agent for the petitioner in
this Zone Case, addressed the Council and
informed them that he was ready to answer any questions they might
have regarding this Zone Case request.
Hearing There being no protests filed, either oral
Closed or written, against Zone Case #231, Mayor
Gisler declared the hearing closed.
Zbne Case #231 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells,
Approved Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and directed the City -Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance covering Zone Case #231. Motion carried.
Recess Mayor Gisler called a recess of the Council
at 8:25 o'clock P.M.
Reconvenes' Council was reconvened at 8:45 o'clock P.M.
by the Mayor.
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Page #8 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
Public Hearing - Mayor Gisler announced that this was the
Reso' #232 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution #232 of the City Planning Commission, recommending
approval of Zone Case #232, and requested the Clerk to read the
legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing
as published in the Huntington Beach News, March 8, 1962, setting
the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible,
on Monday the 19th day of March, 1962, in the Council Chambers of
the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place
for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for
a change of zone, relative to proposed change of district boundary
and use classification from: R-1 Single Family Residence District
to: C-4 Highway Commercial District, with setback provisions, on
property located at the northeast corner of Edinger Avenue and
Edwards Street.
Hearing Mayor Gisler declared the hearing open.
pened The Clerk read the transmittal from the
City Planning Director, together with Resolution #232 of the City
Planning Commission, and informed the Council that he had received
no written protests to the zone change.
Planning Director Planning Director Warner pointed out the
Varner area involved in this Zone Case on a map,
and gave the Council a resume' of the reasons for the recommended
approval by the Planning Commission,
Hearing There being no protests filed, either
Closed oral or written, against Zone Case #232,
Mayor Gisler declared the hearing closed.
Zone Case #232 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Approved Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance covering Zone Case #232. Motion carried.
Public Hearing - Mayor Gisler announced that this was the
Revocation of Approval day and hour set for a public hearing on
Tract #1916
a revocation of approval of Tract #1916,
as requested by Mr. Ralph E. Welch, owner of said property, and the
release of a $5,000.00 cash bond on deposit with the City to assure
improvements on said Tract. He then requested the Clerk to read
the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing as
published in the Huntington Beach News, March 8, 1962, setting the
hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on
Monday, the 19th day of March, 1962, in the Council Chambers of the
City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for
a public hearing for the purpose of considering a request from Mr.
Ralph E. Welch on a revocation of approval of Tract #1916, which is
permitted by Section 11640 and 11641 of the Business and Professions
Code; also the release of a $5,000.00 cash bond on deposit with the
-8- (3/19/62)
Page #9 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
City of Huntington Beach to assure the improvements on said Tract, on
property located east of Florida Street and approximately 330' south
of Utica Avenue.
Hearin; Mayor Gisler declared the hearing open.
Ooened The communication from Mr. Ralph E. Welch to
the City Administrator making a request for revocation of approval
for the Tract, was read by the Clerk, who informed the Council that
he had received no written protests to the revocation.
Hearing There being°no protests filed, either oral
Closed_ or,written, against the revocation of ap-
proval on Tract #1916, Mayor Gisler declared the hearing closed.
Reso. #1571 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
A2nrove6 Resolution #1571, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REVOKING TRACT #1916," which had heretofore been
submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and Adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
Release of Gash Bond On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
Authorized Council authorized the City Treasurer to
release the cash bond deposited for improvements on Tract #1916 in
the amount of $5,000.00, subject to collection of any fees or costs
for publication or other matters concerned with this revocation.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing - Mayor Gisler announced that this was the day
Term. of Drilling Bond and hour set for a public hearing on a re -
Royalty Service Corp.
quest from Royalty Service Corporation for
termination of drilling bond on their well, Mitchell #l, located on
Lot 25, Block 516, Seventeenth Street Section, and requested the
Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing as
published in the Huntington Beach News, March 8, 1962, setting the
hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Mon-
day, the 19th day of March, 1962, in the Council Chambers of the
City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a
public hearing for the purpose of considering n request for termin-
ation and cancellation of drilling bond as provided for in Section
2427.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, on a producing well
located on property described as follows: Mitchell #1, located on
Lot 25, Block 516, Seventeenth Street Section, Book 4, Page 10,
Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County.
Hearing Mayor Gisler therr declared the hearing open.
Onened The Clerk -informed the Council that he had
received no written protests in connection with this request for term-
ination of drilling bond.
-9- (2/-19/62)
Wage #10 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
Hearing There being no protests filed, either
Closed oral or written, Mayor Gisler declared
the hearing closed.
Cont. Cas. Bona On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
Terminated Council directed that Continental Casualty
Company Drilling -Bond No. 15 2 43.80 be terminated in accordance
with Section 2427.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and
the owner to be notified. Motion carried.
Informal Bids Informal bids for the purchase of two (2)
2 Cars for Eng. Dept. passenger'vehicles for the Engineering
Department were presented by the Purchasing Agent as follows:,
Mandic Motors, Huntington Beach Valiants $3,281.80
Knickerbouker Motors, Santa Ana Comets $3,478..28
L. D. Coffing, Santa Ana Lancers $3,536a.36
Groth Chevrolet, Huntington Beach Corvairs $3.,400,80
Main Street Garage,Huntington Beach Ramblers $3,240.54
All bids net including sales tax.
Main St. Garage On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
2 Ramb. Amer. the Purchasing Agent was instructed to
proceed to purchase two (2) Rambler Americans from the Main Street
Garage of Huntington Beach for a total cost of $3,240.54, including
sales tax.. Motion carried.
Informal Bids - Informal bids for the purchase of three
3 Police Vehicles
(3) police vehicles, with trade-in of two
(2) cars, were presented.by the Purchasing Agent as'follows:
Knickerbocker Motors, Santa Ana Mercurys $5,926.58
Mandic Motors, Huntington Beach Plymouths $4,942.52
L. D. Coffing, Santa Ana Dodges $5,422..76
Groth Chevrolet, Huntington Beach Chevrolets $5,816.08
All bids net with trade-ins deducted, and including sales tax.
Mandic Motors - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
3 Plymouth_ Vehicles the Purchasing Agent was directed to
purchase three (3) Plymouth police Special vehicles from Mandic
Motors of Huntington Beach, for a total price of $6,926.52, includ-
ing trade-in deductions and sales tax. Motion carried.
Public Hearing Ord. - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Res. #234 Council orde°red a public hearing for Monday,
April 2nd, 1962, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as
possible, on Resolution #234 of the City Planning Commission, and
directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried.'
Final Form - The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Tract Map #3646 City Planning Director, submitting Final
Form of Tract Map #3646 for adoption; Developer: Eagle Estates,
Inc. (Doyle -Shields), Anaheim, California; Engineers: Voorheis-
Trindle-Nelson, Inc., Westminster, California; Location: Northeast
corner of Heil Avenue and Graham Street; Legal Description: Being
a subdivision of a portion of the northeast k of Section 21-5-11;
Number of Lots: 78; Total Acreage: 16.140; that the map had been
certified by the City Engineer and Planning Director to be true and
correct in accordance with the provisions of the City Subdivision
_10- (3/19/62)
Pane #11 -- 'Minutes, March 19, 1962
The City Council may accept dedication as
shown on the map, and in addition, approve the final map subject to
the following conditions: r
The City Clerk's signature sharll be, withheld
pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated requirements:
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and in-
2. Bond for Improvements.
3. Signature of Agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5. Approval from County Surveyor.
6. Bond for Monument.
Tract Map #3646 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
Adopted Final Tract Map #3646-was adopted; subject
to compliance with conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission.
Motion carried.
Final Form - The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Tract Map #3647 City planning Director, subrftitting Final
Form of Tract Map #3647 for adoption; Developer: Heil Investment
Co. (Doyle -Shields) Anaheim, California; Engineers: Voorheis-
Trindle-Nelson, Inc., Westminster, California; Location:. Northwest
corner of Heil Avenue and Springdale Street; Legal Description:
Being a subdivision of a portion of the northeast k of Section 21-5-11;
Number of Lots: 85; Total Acreage: 25.089; that the map had been
certpified by the City Engineer and the Planning Director to be true
and correct in accordance with provisions of the City Subdivision Code.
The City Council may accept d&dication as
shown on the map, and in addition approve the final map subject to the
following conditions.:
The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld
pending submittal and completion on the enumerated requirements:
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering -and in-
2. Bond for Impr6vement.
3. Signature of Agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5. Approval from County Surveyor.
6. Bond for Monument.
Tract Map #3647.- On motion by Wells, seconded by Stewart,
Adopted.- ------• Final Tract Map #3647 was adopted, subject
to compliance with conditions,stipulated by the Planning Commission.
Motion carried.
-11- (3/19/62)
Page #12 - Minutes, March 1.9, 1962
Final Form •- The Clerk presented a transmittal from
Tract Map #4243 the City Planning Director, submitting
Final Form of Tract Map #4243 for adoption; Developer: House &
Home Development Co.,.Garden Grove, California; Engineer: Millet,
King & Associates, Fullerton, California; Location: West of
Springdale Street and approximately.800' south of Heil Avenue;
Legal Description: Being a subdivision of a portion of the east
z of Section 21-5-11 SBB & M; Number of Lots: 109; Total
Acreage: 24.51; that the map had been certified by the City
Engineer and the Planning Director to be true and correct in
accordance with the provisions of the City Subdivision Code.
The City .Council may accept dedication
as shown on the map, and in addition approve the final map subject
to the following conditions:
The City Clerk's signature shall be with-
held pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated. re-
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering, and
2. Bond for Improvement.
3. Signature of Agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5. Approval from County Surveyor. ;
6. Bond for Monuments.
Tract Map #4243 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
Adopted Final Tract Map #4243 was adopted, sub-
ject to compliance with the conditions stipulated by the City
Planning Commission. Motion carried.
Final Form -� The Clerk presented a transmittal from
Tract Map #4493 the City Planning Director submitting
Final Form of Tract Map #4493 for adoption; Developer: Macco
Corp., Paramount, Cali(Mrnia; Engineer: Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson,
Inc., 'Westminster, California; Location: East of Cannery Street
and north of Adams Avenue; Legal Description: Being a subdivision
of a portion of the southwest 'k of Section 6-6-10, Rancho Las
Bolsas; Number of Lots: 87; Total Acreage: 37.821; that the
map had been certified by the City Engineer and the Planning,Dir-
ector tobe true and correct in accordance with provisions of the
City Subdivision Code.
The City Council may accept dedication as
shown on the map --and approve the Final Map.
Tract Yap #4493 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Adopted Final Tract Map #4493 was adep ted. Motion
-12- (3/19/62)
page #13 - Minutes, .`'larch 1°, 1962
DV �i164 m The Clerk presented a. transmittal from the
S.C. Edison Co. Planning Director of a petition for a Div-
ision of Land: DV #164 - Petitioner: Southern California Edison
Company, Los Angeles, California; to allow: 'Division of Land located
at the northwest corner of Edinger Avenue and Graham Street and
legally described as follows:
Division 1: The east � of the southwest k of Section 16-5-11,
excepting therefrom the east 322of the north
250' of the south 3801.
Division 2: The east 322' of the south 380' of the east � of.
the south k of Section 16-5-11, excepting therefrom
the south 1301.
The Planning Commission recommended approval
of this Division of Land subject to the following condition:-.
1. Dedication and improvement of Graham Street on an alignment
meeting the approval of the City Engineer.
DV #164 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Approved Council approved Division of Land -.DV #164,
subject to compliance with conditions stipulated by the Planning
Commission. Motion carried.
DV #165 - The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Rinker Dev. Co. City planning Director submitting a°petition
for a Division of Land: DV #165 - Petitioner: Rinker Development
Company, Anaheim, California; to allow a Division of Land on -property
located at the northwest corner of Warner Avenue and Newland Street
and legally described as follows:
Division 1: The east 192' of the south 210' of the southwest
k of Section 24-5-11.
Division 2: That portion of the east of the southeast
of the southwest k of Section 24-5-11, lying
south of the southerly line of the 78' strip
of Land granted to' O.C.F.C.D; except the east
192' of the south 210' of the southwest k of
Section 24-5-11.
The Planning Commission recommended approv-
al of the Division of -,Land, subject to the following conditions:
1. There shall be a required dedication of 42' from the center
line of Newland Street and 60' from the center line of Warner
Avenue for Parcel 2.
2. There shall be required dedication and improvement of 42'
from the center -line of Newland Street and dedication and
improvement of 60' from center line of Warner Avenue on
Parcel 1.
DV #165 - On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert,
Council approved Division of Land - DV 1165,
subject to conditions stipulated by the City Planning Commission.
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Page #14 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
Req. Auth. Reimb. - A communication from the City Engineer
Canst. Oversized Serv. requesting authorization for a reimburse-
ment of $3,758.16 from the Water Fund and $403.99 from the Sewer
Fund to the developer of Tracts.#3815, #4188,. #4189, #4190, #41911,
#4192, #4193 and #4194 for their cost of construction of oversized
services adjacent to their development, was presented for Courici.l
Reimb. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Council approved the reimbursement of
$3,758.16 from the Water Fund and $403.99 from the Sewer Fund to
the developer of Tracts #3815, #4188, #4189, #41*90, #4191, #41`92,
#4193 and #4194 for their costs of cons-truction.for oversized
services. Motion carried..
R.eso. #1568 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Adopted Resolution #15682 "A 'RESOLUTION OF THE
PENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND," which had heretofore been
submitted to the City Council and read by them, was passed. and
adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
DOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
Comm. State Dept. A communication from the City Engineer
Water Resources - transmitting permits for the Department
"Req. To Drill Test Holes
of Water Resources, State of California,
granting them permission to drill test holes in several locations
of the City, and recommending approval of the permits, was present-
ed for Council consideration.
,No Action Considerable discussion was held on. the
Taken matter by the Council, but no action was
Mon. Bond, Tr. #4563 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
Accepted 6ouncil accepted Monument Bond No. 470453
t for Tract #4563 - S. V. Hunsaker & Sons, and directed the Clerk
to file same. Motion carried.
Bona & Agree. The Clerk presented a transmittal of Sub -
Tr. 1F 493--Pres. division Bond No. 5572619, Monument Bond
No. 7598884, and Subdivision Agreement for Tract #4493 - Glen Mar
Development Co. (Macro Corp.)
- 3on.d. tSc Agree. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Tr 1�4493 - Acc t. Council accepted the bonds and directed
the Clerk to file same; and accepted the Subdivision Agreement for
Tract #4493 and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same
on behalf of the City. Motion. carried.
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Page #15 - Minutes, March 195 1962
Bonds & Agree.
The Clerk presented a transmittal of Sub -
Tr. #4382-86 - Pres.
division Bond No.`457272-, Monument Bond No.
470701, and Subdivision Agreements for Tracts #4382, #4383, #4384,
#4385 and #4386 - A.. L.
Bonds & Agree. -
On motion by Stewart, seconded by .Wells,
Tr_, #4382-86.- Accptd.
Council accepted. the bonds for Tracts #4382
through #4386 and directed
the Clerk to file same;.and accepted the
Subdivision Agreements
for these Tracts and authorized the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute same
on behalf of the City.` Motion carried.
Bonds& Agree.
The Clerk presented a transmittal of an
Tr. L381 -Pr . es.
Agreement .in Lieu of Subdivision Bond,
Monument Bond No. 3183623,
and Subdivision Agreement for Tract #4381-
Huntington Development
Co. (Mueller),.
Bonds & Agree.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells,
Tr_, #4331 - Accpte.
Council accepted the bonds for Tract #4381
and directed the Clerk
to file same; and accepted the Subdivision
Agreement and the Agreement in Lieu of Subdivision Bond, and author-
ized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City.
Motion carried.
"Jay Annexation" Per.
The Clerk presented a petition from Melvin
A. Jay, Charlie A. Jay and Victor A. Jay,
requesting annexation by the City of an uninhabited area, together
with the report of the
County Boundary Commission that the boundar-
ies of the area here involved are reasonable definite and certain.
."Jay Annexation"
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Petition Accepted
the petition for annexation of territory
presented. by the Jays,
was accepted and the Clerk directed to file
same; Motion carried.
Reso. #1569 -
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
Resolution #1569, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
which had heretofore been submitted,to the Council and read by them,
was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:
. Wells, Lambert, Stewart', Gisler
NOES: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Oil Sc Gas Lease -
The Clerk presented an assignment of a por-
Assig�ment _
tion of an Oil and Gas'Lewse between the
City of Huntington Beach as Lessor, and Charles E. Black, Lessee,
covering Lots 9 and 11,
Block 618, Seventeenth Street Section, to-
gether with well known
as rCity No. 2'".
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2 4 1
Page #16 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
City Permission He informed the Council that he had
Required received the assignment which had prev-
iously been recorded,.and had received no request for such assign-
ment. He further stated that he had read the original lease and
it required perm'Lssion of the City Council before such assignment
would be allowed.
Ref. to City Atty. Following some discussion by the Council,
Investig.•& Report a motion was made by Wells, seconded by
Gisler, that this matter be referred -to the City Attorney to in-
vestigate and report back to Council. Motion carried.
Mrs.. Eva Borcoman - A communication from the City Clerk re -
Rea. to Serve on questing the appointment of Mrs, Eva
Election Board
Borcoman, 16262 Birdie Lane, City, to
serve as Clerk on the Board of City Precinct No. 15, in place of
Mrs. Patricia M. Ferris who had given notice that she would be
unable to serve, was presented for consideration of the Council.
Appointed to Serve - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells,
Election Board Council appointed Mrs. Eva Borcoman to
serve as Clerk on the Board of City Precinct No. 15. Motion
Lonnie T. Davis - The Clerk presented copies of an Amended
Amended Agree. Pres. Agreement between the City and Lonnie T.
Davis for the operation of the bait stand .on the pier, increasing
the percentage rental for the remainder of the time of -the
amended agreement.
Amended Agreement - On motion by Stewart, seconded by.Lambert,
Accepted Council accepted the Amended Agreement
between:the City.and Lonnie T. Davis and authorized the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried.
Req. Emp. Floyd G, The Clerk then presented a communication
Belsito, Sr. Plan. from Planning Director Warner requesting
Aid e
Council approval in employing Mr. Floyd
G. Belsito as Senior Planning Aide, Range 36-C, effective April
1st, 1962.
Reso. #1572 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Adopted -- -- Resolution #1572, "A RESOLUTION OF THE
which had heretofore been submitted to the City Council and read
by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells,, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
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Page #17 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
Ord. #893 - The Clerk gave Ordinance #893 a second read -
Second Reading ing by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF
Ord. #893 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Adopted Ordinance #893 was passed and adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
Ord. #994 - The Clerk gave Ordinance #894 a second. read -
Second Reading ing by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
PROPERTY AND AMENDING SECTIONS 9211.39 (Sectional District Map
Ord. #894 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Wells, -
Adopted Ordinance #894 was passed and adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
Ord. #895 - The Clerk gave Ordinance #895 a second read-
Secone, ReadinL ing by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF
ING SECTION 9211.37 (Sectional District Map 21-5-11).
Ord. #895 - On motion by Wells, seconded by. Lambert,
Ado tech Ordinance #895 was passed and adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
Ord. #896 •- The Clerk gave Ordinance #896 a first read -
First Reading ing in full - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF
AIN PROPERTY AND AMENDING SECTIONS 9211.4 and 9211.34 (Sectional
District Maps Nos. 24-5-11 and 15-5-11). 7
Orc' . i)�89 7 - The Clerk gave Ordinance #897 a first read -
First Reading ing in full - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF
-17- (3/19/62)
Page #18 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
Reso. #1570 - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
Accepted Resolution #1570, "A RESOLUTION OF THE
FUND", which had heretofore been submitted to the City Council
and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll
call vote:
AYES; Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, Stewart, Gisler
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite
Minutes - 3/5/62 & On motion by Wells, seconded by Lambert,
3/.13/62 Accepted the minutes of the meeting of March 5th
as corrected, and minutes of the meeting of March 13th, 1962, were
approved as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried.
Payroll Register - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Approved Council approved the Payroll Register for
March 9th, 1962, on recommendation of the Finance Committee.
Motion carried.
'Warrant Register - On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart,
ApprovedCouncil approved the Warrant Register as
presented, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion
Drainage Problem - City Administrator Miller presented a
Alley at 1719 Main letter from City Engineer Wheeler regard -
To Be Accomplished
ing the drainage problem in the alley in
the rear of property owned by Mr. Theodore J. Bose, 1719 Main
Street, City. This communication recognized the existence of the
problem, and stated that it had been scheduled for accomplishment
when personnel is available.
Req. Trans. Parking Lot City Administrator Miller then requested
To Engineerincy Dept. that the operation of the Parking Lot be
transfered from former Parking Lot Manager Lemuel Berry to the
Engineering Department, under the supervision of Mr. James Way.
Transfer On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Authorized. City Council authorized the transfer of
operation of the Municipal Parking Lot from Mr. Berry to Mr. Way
of the Engineering Department. Motion carried.
Informal Meeting Mayor Gisler called a meeting of the
4//62 - 7 AM Council as an informal committee -of -the -
whole for Monday, April 2nd, 1962, at 7:00 o'clock A.M. for dis-
cussion purposes.
-18- (3/19/62)
'age #191 - Minutes, March 19, 1962
Adjourned On motion by Stewart, seconded by 1 ambert,
the regular meeting of the City Council of
the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach adjourned.. Motion carried,
City erk
City Clerk an ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
-19- (3/19/62)