HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-2093 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, rLkRCH 2Oth, 1962 CGRi-IISSIONERS PRESENT: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy Miller, Chairman Stang. COrRgISSIONERS ABSENT: None. MINUTES: On motion by Worthy and seconded by Letson, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Plan- ning Commission of March 6th, 1962, were accepted as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary. USE VARIANCE: UV.#334 - Continued To conduct a general Applicant - Bay Ready -Mix, Inc. building material business and ready -mix concrete business and to allow the construction of storage sheds, offices,.garage, rest rooms and ready -mix concrete plant in the A-1-Y General Agricultural District. Located east of Bushard Street and approximately 600 feet south of Hamilton Avenue and legally described as the S2 of the NW4 of the SE4 of Section 1$-6-10 SBB & M. The Secretary read a communication submitted by the Costa Mesa County Water District, stating their opposition to the proposed ready -mix plant. The hearing was opened ,to the audience. Mr. Harold Craig, adjoining property owner, addressed the Commission and stated that he was opposed to the cement plant. Mr. Victor Meyer, 1101 Sherman Way, Garden Grove, owner of adjoining property, addressed the Commission and spoke against the proposal. Dale Heinly, Attorney representing the developer of Tract No. 3903, stated -that he was opposing the ready -mix plant on grounds that the area is choice property and an ideal location for.single residences being close to the beach. 94 Page ;�2 Minutes— H. B. Plannin; Commission Tuesday, Mprch 7,O, 1962 Comment, the hearing was closed. There being no further ' Commission discussion was held at length. The Planning Director pointed out.that the pro- posed use is a business that now exists in Costa Mesa, which does not have room for expansion, thus necessitating a move to larger quarters. He further pointed out that part of the request is for a general building material business, which is permitted under the M-1 Zone to be effective soon. The Planning Director stated that the second part of the request is for a ready -mix plant, which is why the application was filed. Under the Code, concrete and concrete products manufacture requires a variance if within 2000 feet of property zoned for residential or agri- cultural use. It was the concensus of the Commission that this application does not set a precedent for other similar uses. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE: UV #384 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS AND UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: REASONS:' 1. Location being within one-half mile of the large rotary mud dump, the County Dispos4l. Station and the Edison Company generating station. 2. Location is also just over one -quarter mile from the sewer plant. CONDITIONS: 1. _.There shall be required a setback of 150 feet from side and rear property lines and 900 feet from Bushard Street for the Ready -Mix plant. 2. All roadways shall be surfaced,to prevent dust. 3. Bushard Street shall be dedicated to 40 feet from centerline. 4. All improvements along Bushard Street shall be installed meeting the approval of the City Engineer. ROLL CALL`VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. - 2 - 95 Pa, e #3 Minutes - H. B. Plannins, Commission Tuesday, I -larch 20, 1962 PUBLIC HEARING Initiated by Resolution of Intent ZONE CASE No..235 - Continued A Resolution of Intention of the City Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach initi- ating an amendment to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by adding Article 868 to permit temporary directional subdivision signs in all zones with limitations on the size and the number of signs permitted for any one development. The Secretary presented three communications submitted by the (1) Home Builders Association, (2) Wiscot & Lotwin Law Offices, and (3) Robert H. Grant & Co., all of which concerned recommendations for changes of the proposed ordinance regarding "Temporary Directional Subdivision Signs". The Secretary reported on the review of the suggested changes by the Committee appointed at the last meeting and the modifications recommended by the.Committee. The hearing was opened to the audience; there bang no comment, the hearing was closed. Discussion was held by the Commission. RESOLUTION NO, 235 A Resolution of the City Plannin- Commission Makin; Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case No. 235 4 with'su-;vested-modifications to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 235 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 235 TO THE CITY COUNCIL, ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES:. Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. - 3 - 96pa Je #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 USE PERMIT: UP #153 USE PERMIT: UP #158 USE PERMIT: UP #159 USE PERMIT: UP #f160 USE PERMIT: UP #161 USE PERMIT: UP #162 USE PERMIT: UP #163 USE PERMIT : , UP #164 USE PERMIT: UP #165 USE PERMIT: UP #166 USE PERMIT: UP #167 USE VARIANCE: UV #386 USE VARIANCE: UV #387 USE VARIANCE: UV #388 USE VARIANCE: UV #389 USE VARIANCE: UV #390 USE VARIANCE: UV #391 Columbia Outdoor Advertising Co. Genser Sign Co.. Stabile Signs, Inc. Stabile Signs, Inc. Stabile Signs, Inc. Stabile Signs, Inc. Columbia Outdoor Advertising Co. Columbia Outdoor Advertising Co.. Columbia Outdoor Advertisin;; Co. Columbia Outdoor Advertising Co. Carter Sign Co. Genser Sign Co. Genser Sign Co. Genser Sign Co. Genser Sign Co. Genser Sign Co. Genser Sin Co. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE ALL OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED USE PERMITS AND'USE VARIANCES UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. There shall be posted a-$250.00 performance bond guaranteeing removal upon expiration of all the above stated applications. 2. A $250.00 bond for the requested signs shall be required to be posted guaranteeing removal of the signs within one year of the approval of the applications. In the event the specified signs are not removed, the applicants shall forfeit the bonds and permit the appointed agents of the City to enter the property and remove all structures permitted under.these applications. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT: UP #154 USE PERMIT: UP #155 USE.,PERMIT: UP #157 USE VARIANCE: UV #362 USE VARIANCE: UV #392 Columbia Outdoor Advertisin- Co. Columbia Outdoor Advertising Co. Columbia Outdoor Advertising Co. Columbia Outdoor.Adverti:sing Co. Carter Sif n Co. The hearing was opened to the Audience. Mr. Pat Carter, Carter Sign Co., addressed the Com- mission and questioned the effective date of the proposed sub- division sign ordinance. The Planning Director stated that it would be approx.six weeks before the proposed subdivision directional sign ordinance would be in effect, assuming it is adopted by the City Council. - 4 - Pale #5 Minutes - H. B. Plannin,� Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 97 Mr. Carter stated that he feels that the proposed new signs should have the same rights regarding the size as the existing signs which -have been granted for one year extension of time. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held at length. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO APPROVE ALL THE ABOVE STIPULATED USE PERMITS AND USE VARIANCES UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. That all the new signs shall comply with the provisions of the proposed sign ordinance as recommended to the City Council. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Initiated by Resolution of Intent ZONE CASE NO. 236 A Resolution of the City Planning • Commission of the City of Huntington Beach, California, initiating a suggested amendment to Section 9490.5 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, regulating the size of signs in the C-2 Community Business District. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held. RESOLUTION NO. 236 A Resolution of the City Plannin,, Commission Making Recommendation • of Approval of Zone Case No, 236 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WELCH AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 236 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 236 TO THE CITY COUNCIL, ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch., Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman —Stang. - 5 - 98 Pa -re #6 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE CASE NO. 237 Initiated by Resolution of Intent A Resolution of Intent of the City Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach, California, declaring its intention.to amend the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code to provide a uniform front yard line along Beach Boulevard. The Secretary read a communi- cation submitted by the Dunvegan Corporation stating their protest regarding.the establishment of a 50 foot setback along Beach Blvd. The hearing was opened to the audience. C. P. Malloy,_ 1720 Balboa Cove, Newport Beach, addressed the Commission, and asked various questions regarding the present setback along Beach Boulevard. Mr. Sterling White, Land Develop- ment Engineer of Macco Realty Co., addressed the Commission and stated that the proposed uniform setback along Beach Boulevard would create a hardship upon the owners he represents by depriving them of use of approximately 75,000 sq. ft. of land. Mr. White further stated that since this property, consisting of approxi-. mately 24 acres, zoned R-5-0, and located south of Indianap9lis and west of.Beach Boulevard, is proposed for a trailer park, there will be a minimum of access onto Beach Boulevard. Mr. White further .stated that if the proposed uniform setback ordinance be adopted, there will be an unmaintained strip of 50 feet in width which would be created for the full length of the property. Mrs. Lorraine Webb, 2611 - 17th Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and stated that she was in favor of the proposed uniform setback ordinance. Robert Potter, 18572 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and stated that a 50 foot setback is not enough. He suggested 65 foot set- back from front property line. . S'� Faoe #7 99 Tiinutes - 11. B. Plannin- Commission Tuesday, Narch 20, 1962 Herbert Porter, 18383Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, stated that he was in favor of the proposed ordinance. Tom Turner, 18421 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, stated that he was in favor of the uniform setback ordinance and that it should apply to everyone along Beach Boulevard. Mr. Ray Murray, 17441 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, asked where he stands with his existing building which is presently within the proposed 50 foot front yard setback. Tim Talbert, 219 Main Street, Huntington Beach,,addressed the Cqmmission, and stated that he was representing his parents and would like to know what would happen if Beach Boulevard will be widened. The City Engineer.stated that if the state highway is widened, it would not have any effect on the setback line because there would be no access to Beach Boulevard as it would affect the Talbert property. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. -RESOLUTION Td0, .2,�.-7 A Resolution of the City Flannin. Commission Making Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case Uo. 237 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 237 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 237 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman,.Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang, NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. - 7 - 100 Page #8 Minutes - H. B. Plannin- Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE CASE NO. 238 Initiated by Resolution of Intent A Resolution of Intent of the City Planning Commission of the.City of Huntington Beach, California, initiating a change of zone from A-1-X General Agricultural District as adopted by Interim,Ordinance No. 668 to M-1-0 Light Industrial District combined with oil production on property located north of Garfield Avenue and east of Goldenwest•Street. Further legal description on file in the Planning Department -Office. The hearing was opened to the audience. Charles Vavra, 18736 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the -Commission and objected to the proposed zone change on grounds that his property would be divided by the M-1 boundary. • John Wilson, 2401 Queensberry Road, Pasadena, addressed the Commission and questioned the in- crease in taxes, street improvements and effect on oil leases if the proposed zone change would be adopted. Chairman Stang stated that there would be no difference in tax increase or oil leases. Mr. Hudson DeCray, 434 - 17th Street, Santa Monica, addressed the Commission and asked various questions. E. S. Tayloe, Holly Sugar Co, representative, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the proposal. George Renner, 807 Frankfort Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and requested that his property at the southeast corner of Holly and Garfield be rezoned back to M-1 zone. The Chairman pointed out that Mr. Renner's request will have to be applied for by separate application since the subject property was not included in the legal notice set for public hearing. Page ,19 Minutes - H . B . P lannin3 Commis s ion Tuesday, March 20, 1962 10i the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 238 There being no further comment, A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Makin; Recommendation of Approval of Zone Case Leo. 238 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 238 RECONJMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 238 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy,, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. AREA VARIANCE: AV #396 To allow a 15 foot front yard set - Applicant - Ilerbco Construction Co. back in deviation to the required 20 foot front yard setback in the R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located on the south side of Medford Drive within Tract No. 4573, Lot No. 1; and to allow a 15 foot front yard setback in deviation to the required 20 foot front yard setback on Lots No. 18 and 19 within Tract No. 4573, located on the cul-de-sac of the southeast side of Medford Drive and Bayside Lane. The Secretary read the Staff report. The hearing was opened.to the audience; there being no comment,the hearing was closed. Com- mission discussion was held at length. The Planning Director pointed out that the Staff Report covers the next three item$, as each of the items involves a front yard variance for lots in the same development.. He further stated that in each case the lots are either at the end of a cul-de-sac or on a "knuckle" which creates irregular shaped lots. The Planning Director further.pointed out that in two cases the houses could be moved back and thus main- tain a 20 foot front yard and a_20 foot rear yard, but not in the other four cases. 102 Page #10 Minutes - II. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO DENY AREA VARIANCE ON LOTS 1 AND 18 AND APPROVE AREA VARIANCE FOR LOT NO. 19 WITH 18 FOOT -FRONT YARD. SETBACK. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. . ABSENT: None. THE MOTION -CARRIED. AREA VARIANCE: AV #397 Applicant - Werbco Construction Co. To allow a 15 foot front yard setback in deviation to the required 20 foot front yard setback in the R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located northeast of Sydney Drive and Bayside Lane, and legally described as Lots No. 18 and 19, Tract No. 4576. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE: AV #397 WITHOUT CONDITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: .None. THE MOTION CARRIED. AREA VARIANCE: AV #39 Applicant - Werbco Construction Co. To allow a 15 foot front yard setback in deviation to the required 20 foot front yard setback.in the R-1 Single Family Residence District.. Located on the north side of Medford Drive and legally described as Lot 1, Tract 4574. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. - 10 - 103 Page it'll Minutes - H. B. Planning; Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE: AV #398 WITHOUT CONDITIONS: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES; Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. AREA VARIANCE: AV #399 To allow the construction of a Applicant - Rinker Dev. Co. service station in the C-4 High- way Commercial District with three pump islands, floodlights and a rotating identification sign -encroaching into the required 50 foot front yard setback. Located at the northwest corner of Warner Avenue and Newland Street and legally described as the east 192.00 feet of the south 210.00 feet of the SE4 of Section •24-5-11. Secretary. The Staff report was read by the The hearing was opened -to the audience; there being'no comment, the hearing was closed. : Commission discussion -was held. The Planning Director pointed out that the application is listed as an Area Variance to permit the usual service station pumps, -lights, and sign in the setback area. This would be permitted under the proposed Code Amendment recently approved by the Com- mission and approved by the City Council at their meeting of March 19, 1962. He further.pointed out that there is one technicality - the approval of the entire plot plan for the service station for which a Use Permit would normally be required in the C-4 zone. The procedures for public hearing, publication and mailing of notices,.are identical under Area Variance or Use Permit and the application and notice are broad enough -to include both the construction of the station and the setback matter. 104 Page #12 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE: AV #399 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SERVICE STATION WITH PUMP ISLANDS, LIGHTS AND SIGN WITHIN THE SETBACK AREA AS SHOWN ON THE PLOT PLAN. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. _ NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV # 400 Applicant - Plymouth Foundation To allow the construction of a gasoline filling station in the R-5 Professional Business Dis- trict. Located at the southwest corner of Brunswick Drive and Goldenwest Street and legally described as being a portion of Section 15-5-11 SBB &.M. . The Secretary read a letter of protest submitted by 71 property owners within the Goldenwest Estates. The staff report was read by the Secretary. 0 The hearing was opened to the public. Mrs. Speer, 15502 Victoria, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and stated that she was opposed to the gasoline service station.. Mrs. Ann Bauer, Melbourne Lane, Huntington Beach, stated that the service station would be a definite detriment to the neighborhood. Mr. Peter Packard, Dresden Circle, Huntington Beach, stated that no one within the subdivision is in favor of the proposed service station. Rev. Clark Har$hf ield.; repre- senting the Congregational Churches, spoke in favor of the pro- posal. He explained the problems of finding a church site location within the city. He further stated that the church organization proposes to buy a strip of R-5 property for 4 church but feels that it is economically infeasible without selling or leasing the service station site. - 12 - Pa3e i�13 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commssion Tuesday, March 20, 1962 105 Jeffrey Millet, addressed the Commission, and stated that due to soil conditions (peat), pilings will be necessary for buildings, which again is not economically feasible for R-5 uses. also protested the proposal. Mrs. Levine, Goldenwest Estates, Mr. William Lewis, Goldenwest Estates, stated that he was opposed to the service station on grounds that his house would be facing the proposed service station site. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY WELCH TO DENY USE VARIANCE: UV #400. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE: UV #401 To allow the construction of five Applicant - Wm. Lyon model homes,•salcs office with recreation area in the R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located on the west side of Bushard Street and on both sides of Lanai Circle, Huntington Beach, and legally described as Lots 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, and 69, Tract No. 3903. Further legal description on file in the Planning Department Office. The Secretary read'the Staff report. The hearing was opened to the audience. Attorney Dale Heinly,.representing the applicant, addressed the Commission, and requested that posting of a bond or contract should be considered. the hearing was closed. There being no further comment, - 13 - 106 Pale #14 Minutes - 1-1. B. Plannin,; Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 The Planning Director pointed out that the subject application is necessary because the final tract map has not yet been recorded. He further stated that the developer wishes to proceed with -the models in order to be ready for a sales program this spring. Commission discussion was held. • A MOTION WAS MADE BY WELCH AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE UV #401 UPON THE FOL- LOWING CONDITION:: 1. There shall be posted a contract or a bond of $6000 to' guarantee completion and conversion of the models to dwellings and removal of the sales office and playground. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINED:' Letson; THE MOTION CARRIED. DIVISION OF LAND: DV #166 Applicant - A. L. Gindling To allow Division of Lot 7, Tract No. 4361, into four parcels; one of which is 50 feet wide and contains 5000 sq.-ft..in deviation to the required 60 f,00t width and•6000 sq. ft. area. Located west of Springdale Street and on the north side of Hacienda Drive, Huntington Beach. The Staff report was read by the Secretary. C - The hearing was opened to the audience. Jeff Millet, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and requested that Division licit and "D" be approved, and .that Division"A" and "Bit remain as one lot. .There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. The Planning Director pointed out that this prcperty is part of a brand•new tract recorded about two months ago and one large lot was recorded instead of the four 14 - 107 Page i�15 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 lots originally intended. An existing house situated on Parcel A of the proposed Division of Land and Parcel A is shown as a 70 foot lot to provide the required side yard. In so doing, the adjoining lot, Parcel B, is proposed as a 50 foot lot, rather than the required 60 foot. Parcel C and D are substantially the same as originally proposed to be subdivided and do meet all minimum requirements. Commission discussion -was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DIVISION OF PARCELS C and D, BUT NOT PARCELS A AND B-, TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch,' Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. DIVISION OF LAND: DV #167 To allow the Division of Land of Applicant - Hays W. White the following described property into four individual parcels. Located at the northwest corner of Clay Street and Florida Avenue, east of Seventeenth Street, and legally described as a portion of Lot B. Block 2906, East Side Villa Tract. Further legal descrip- tion on file in the.Planning Department office. The Secretary read the Staff report. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. The Planning Director explained that this is another parcel being created out of the triangular block bounded by 17th Street,'Clay and Florida Streets. He further pointed out that the subject property is well over the minimum requirements. Commission discussion was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DIVISION OF LAND - 15 - Minutes - H. B. Planninj Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 DV #167 TO THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. There shall be required the installation of curbs, gutters, paving and sidewalks along Florida Avenue and Clay Street. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Worthy, Miller, Chairman COMMUNICATION: - STATE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS The Secretary read a letter submitted by the State Division of Highways regarding a public hearing scheduled relative to the proposed improvement of Legis- lative Route_60 in Orange County between 2.2 miles south of Mac- Arthur Boulevard and Beach Boulevard, on April 19, 1962, at 1:30 P.M., at Newport Union High School. Chairman Stang appointed the Secretary to the Planning Commission to attend said hearing. COMMUNICATION: - ORANGE COUNTY STREET NAMING C01MITTEE The Secretary informed the Commission that a notification has been received by the City Clerk and transmitted to the City Council regarding a street name change of Sugar Avenue to McFadden Avenue. It was further noted that the City Council approved the street name change on March 19, 1962. COMMUNICATION: - ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING CO1,24ISSION The Secretary read a letter sub- mitted by the Orange County Planning Commission.regarding Use Variance No. 4949 to permit the construction of a single family dwelling addition to an existing single family dwelling on a parcel containing less than the required area and the elimination of one of the two required off-street parking spaces in the R-4 Suburban Residential District. request at length. The Commission discussed the - -16 - 109 Pade # 17 Minutes - H. B. Plannin- Commission Tuesday, March 20, 1962 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO WRITE A LETTER TO ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF UV #4949. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Welch, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. W. C. Warner 2dward Stang Secretary Chairman 17 -