HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-03225 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1962 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. COiv24ISSIONER S ABSENT: None. MINUTES: On motion by Worthy and seconded by Letson, the Minutes of the Huntington - Beach Planning Commission of June 19, 1962, were accepted as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 4707 - Continued Number of Lots: 514 Subdivider: Macco Realty Co. Total Acreage: 133 Engineer: Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson, Inc. Located at the northeast corner of Brookhurst and Adams Avenue and Legally described as a portion of the S 2 of Section 5-6-10. The Secretary read a letter -submitted by Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson, Inc., requesting a two weeks extension of time for consideration of Tentative Map No 4707. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO JULY 17th, 1962. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. EENTA`lIVE TRACT MAP NO 4708 - Continued Number of Lots: 320' Subdivider: Macco Realty Co. Total Acreage: 69.3 En--ineer: Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson, Inc. Located at the southwest corner of Garfield and Ward Street and legally described as being a portion of the E2 of the NW4 of Section 6-5-10. The Secretary read the Subdivision Committee Report. The hearing was opened to the audience. Kenneth Carlson, representing the developer, addressed the Commission and objected to condition No. 4 requiring street improvement along the parcel labled "Not -a Part" stating that the property has been under separate ownership since 1958. 226 Page #2 liinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1962. He further stated that the developer does not have jurisdiction over the parcel. Sterling White, Macco Realty Co., addressed the Commission and also objected to the require- ment of the Subdivision Committee to dedicate and improve streets across the parcel labled "Not a Part." Frank Richardson, Voorheis- Trindle-Nelson, Inc., stated that it was unfair to require the subdivider to improve and acquire the land which is not a part of the proposed tract. Kenneth Carlson agreed that the matter should be studied further and requested that action be continued to the next meeting. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KA_UFMAN AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO JULY 17th, 19623 AS REQUESTED BY THE SUBDIVIDER'S AGENT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT n%P NO 4301 - REVISED Number of Lots: 45 Subdivider: S. V. Hunsaker & Sons Total Acreage: 11.6 Engineer: Brown Engineering Located north of Slater Avenue and approximately 990 feet west of Beach Boulevard and legally described as being a portion of the SE4 of the NE4 of Section 26-5-11. The Subdivision Committee Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Stuart Purdy, representing the subdivider, addressed the Commission and stated that there were no objections to the conditions of the Subdivision Committee Report. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 4301 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Map designated as Revised June, 1962, shall be the approved layout. Pa e #3 i1iinutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1962 227 2. The alley between "C" and "D" Drives shall be terminated at the east boundary of the tract with a turn -around. 3. Adequate soil borings of the tract shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to recordation of any portion of the tract. 4. All Standard Subdivision Requirements shal.l be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chair- man Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 47 51 Number of Lots: 77 Subdivider: Huntington Harbour Corp. Total Acreage: 21.7 Engineer: Moffatt & Nichol Located on the north side of Warner Avenue (Los Patos) and approximately 900 feet west of Algonquin Street, and legally described as a portion of Section 30-5-11. The Secretary read a letter submitted by Lewis L. Douglas, Jr., representing the Huntington Harbour Corporation, requesting a two weeks extension of .time for consideration of Tentative Map No 4761. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZI.L AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO JULY 17, 1962, AT THE REQUEST OF THE SUBDIVIDER. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 260 CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to pro - Initiated by Resolution posed change of district boundary of Intent and use classification from: M-1 Light Industrial District to R-1 Single Family Residence District and legally described as the south 100 feet of the north 340.12 feet of the SW-4 SW4 SE4 Section 23-5-11 and Lots 1 thru 16, and Lot 21, Tract 179; situated on the north side of Warner Avenue and on the east side of the Pacific Electric Railroad. The Secretary read a communication submitted by the Pacific Electric Railway Company protesting the proposed change of zoning. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. - 3 - 228 Page #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1962 The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Mark Varela, 7542 Washington Street, addressed the Commission and stated that he was representing his father in the subject zone case and spoke in favor of rezoning for a residential use. There being no further verbal protest, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held at length. RESOLUTION NO 260 A Resolution of the City Plan- ning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No 260 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 260 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO 260 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The land use of the area is predominantly residential and this change will eliminate any uses which are incompatible with the present use. 2. The Planning Commission has approved variances to construct single family dwellings in the area. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 261 CHANGE OF ZONE, relative to Applicant - Pacific Sands proposed change of district boundary and use classification from: C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District to R-1 Single Family Residence District. The following parcel of real pro- perty as submitted on the applicant's petition is described herewith: Located on the east side of Beach Boulevard and approximately 1290 feet north of Atlanta Avenue and legally described as follows: Beginning at the SEI'ly corner of Tract No 4649; thence W'ly along the S'ly line of said Tract 4649 and" its W'ly prolongation S 89015100/1 W 601.21 feet to the Wily line of said Section 12-6-11; thence NIly along the W'1y line of said Section 12 N 00048109/1 W 41.96 ft; thence N°890 42153" g 601.23 feet to the Elly line of said Tract 4649; thence Sily along said Elly line S 00045100/1 E 37.08 feet to the point'of beginning. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing ,was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. - 4 - 229 Page #5 Ninutes - H. B. Plannin:; Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1962 Commission discussion was held. It was noted that this case comes about because the business zone was established on the basis of a preliminary -tract layout. The Planning Director pointed out that at the time the final tract map was calculated and the lots were precisely established, it was discovered that the southerly edge of the tract projected into the area previously zoned for business, therefore, the purpose of this case is to adjust the C-1 Zone to coincide with the tract boundary. _:ESOLUTION NO 261 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case 'L\'0 261 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 261 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO 261 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The change would alter the boundary between the residential and commercial development to conform to property lines. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. AP.EA VARIANCE: AV r450 To allow a 16 foot rear yard set - Applicant - James F. Deane back on Lots No 31, 35, 421 46, and 68; and to allow a 15 foot rear yard setback on Lots No 33, 44, 535 555 57, 64, and 66; and to allow a 18.5 foot rear yard setback on Lot 6, all in deviation to the required 20 foot rear yard setback; and to allow a 20 foot side yard setback on Lot 17, in deviation to the required 50 foot side yard setback from Beach Boulevard in the R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located within Tract No 4649 (Pacific Sands). General location being east of Beach Boulevard and on both sides of Indianapolis Avenue. Secretary. The Staff Report was read by the The hearing was opened to the audience. James F. Deane, applicant, addressed the Commission and asked that consideration be given to the subject variance. There being no further comment; the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held at length. It was pointed out that most of the lots are on cul- de-sacs and are irregular in shape; but it is not.the usual case of a corner of the house projecting into the required yard. - 5 - 230 Pave #6 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1962 It was further noted that in each case the rear yard of the house is parallel to the rear property line making the entire rear yard 15 feet wide. The Planning Director pointed out that there is considerable area in a triangular shape off in the corner of the lot, but it is not in -a location to best serve the house. A MOTION -WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN- AND SECONDED BY _$AZIL TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE AV #450 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Lots No 6 and 17 and all lots backing onto the Orange County Flood Control Channel shall be approved as indicated on the plot plan. 2. Plan 114" type of house or a curved driveway to provide at least 24 feet between garage and sidewalk on Lots No 31,' 35, 42, 46, 53, 57, 64,- and 68, or the above lots shall have an average of 20 ft rear yard setback. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None'. THE MOTION CARRIED. ' AREA VARIANCE: AV ;r451 To allow a 3 foot side yard set - Applicant - Harry Hibler back in deviation to the required 4 foot side yard setback in the R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located on the north side of Crest Avenue and legally described as Lot No 24 and portion of Lot No 25, Block 805, Wesley Park Section, also known as 226 Crest Avenue, Huntington Beach, California. The Staff Report -was read'by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Commission -discussion was held. It was noted that the applicant is proposing to add one room to an existing dwelling which is situated on a small, irregular shaped lot. It was further pointed out that only one corner of the proposed room will encroach into the required side yard and the majority of the room meets or exceeds the side yard require- ment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY'AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE'AV #451. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Bazil, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. IM:E 231 Pase 47 r.inutes - H. B. PlanninG Co=ission Tuesday, July 3, 1962 USE PE11d-1IT: UP 7'r-'193 To allow an existing subdivision Applicant - Carter Sign Co. directional sign 10 ft x 30 ft to remain at its present location for one year period. Located 65 ft north.of the centerline of Adams Avenue and 65 ft east of the centerline of Brook- h urst Street and legally described as 65 ft north of the south line of the SW-4 of Section 5-6-10 and 65 ft east of the west line of the SW4 SW4 SW4 of Section 5-6-10. (Renewal of. UV #295) The Secretary read the Staff Report. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, it was closed. The Planning Director pointed out that this is another routine case of renewing an existing sign for another year. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO 193 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Approval of this application shall be for one year from the date of approval. 2. The sign shall be removed by the owner on or before the expiration of the approval and a $250 bond shall be posted guaranteeing such removal. If the sign is not.removed as required, the City retains the right of entry for removal of the sign and the bond shall be forfeited and the full amount paid to the City Treasury. 3. The bottom of the sign face shall be at least 10 feet above the centerline grade of any street within 50 feet of the sign and the area under the sign shall remain unobstructed except for the necessary structural members. 4. The sign shall be removed at the owner's expense, upon 30 day's notice, if such is necessary because of street w idening. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERiiIT: UP 1194 To allow the erection of a Applicant - 111arell Homes, Inc. subdivision directional sign 8 ft x 30 ft in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. Located at the southeast corner'of Slater Avenue and Beach Boulevard, and legally described as Lot 1, Tract No 405. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. - 7 - 232 Pa-e #8 0 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1962 The Planning Director pointed out that the proposed sign is for a'new development just starting construction and apparently will be the only directional sign for the particular tract. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO 194 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Approval of -this application shall be for one year from the date of approval. 2. The sign shall be removed by the owner on or before the expiration of the approval and a $250 bond shall be posted guaranteeing such removal. If the sign is not removed as required, the City retains the right of entry for removal of the sign and the bond shall be forfeited and the full amount paid to the City Treasury. 3. The bottom of the sign face shall be at least 10 feet above the centerline grade of any street within 50 feet of the sign and the area under the sign shall remain unobstructed except for the necessary structural members. . 4. The sign shall be removed at the owner's expense, upon 30 day's notice, if such is necessary because of street widening. 5. The sign shall set back 50 feet from the Beach Boulevard property line. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman . ­ Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. SCHOOL SITE APPROVAL The Secretary read a lettdr FOUNTAIN VALLEY - SITE #26 submitted by the Fountain Valley School District re- questing a school site approval in the quarter section bound6d by Yorktown Avenue, Brookhurst Street, Adams Avenue, and the Santa Ana -River. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE SCHOOL SITE NO 26 AS.DESIGNED INTO TRACT NO 4707. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. 8 233 P a e 72r'9 Ninutes - H. B. Planninc- Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1912 OF THE LOT SIZE The Secretary read a communication STUDY CO,,ZIITTEE addressed to the Chairman and submitted by the Lot Size Study Committee. The report and considerations were discussed at length -and were given very careful study. The Commission unanimously sup- ported the objectives under consideration and approved the recommendations,of the Committee with certain minor amplifi- cations.' it was further pointed out that the recommended lot widths of 65 feet for interior.lots and 70 feet for corner lots should be supplemented with an area re- quirement of 6500 square feet for interior lots and 7000 square feet for corner lots. It was also recommended that the required side yard of 10% of the lot width, but need not ekceed 6 feet, could be reduced to 10%, but need not exceed 5 feet. The Commission further recommended that a provision should be added that the side yard requirement for the exterior side of a corner lot be twice the interior side yard requirement. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS BE ADOPTED IN ORDINANCE FORM AS MINIMUM STANDARDS THROUGHOUT THE CITY: 1. Establish a minimum lot width of 65 feet for interior lots and 70 feet for corner lots. 2. Establish a minimum lot area of 6500 square feet for interior lots and 7000 square feet for corner lots. 3. Establish a side yard requirement of 10% of the lot width, but need not 'exceed 5 feet and not to be less than 3 feet; and that the required exterior side yard of a corner lot be twice the required interior side yard. 4. Establish a 15 foot front yard setback for the dwelling and a 22 foot front yard setback for a garage which is entered .directly from the street. 5. Estab lish a minimum floor area of 1100 square feet for a two bedroom dwelling and 1300 square feet for a three bedroom dwelling. 6. Establish a minimum of two covered off-street parking spaces for'each single family dwelling unit. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOE,S: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. 2q4 Pase #10 Minutes'- H. B. Plannin- Commission C-3 Tuesday, July 3, 1952 PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION AREA VARIANCE AV #448 - Applicant S. Kenneth Johnson The Secretary,read a com- munication submitted by S. Kenneth Johnson requesting that the variance #448 granted by the Commission on June 19, 1962, be given consideration re- garding condition #2 "Garage door be 18 feet wide" be reduced to 16 feet for the following reasons: 1. The outside width of the garage is only 18 feet and this can- not be increased because of the existing window location in the rear of the residence. 2. It is desired to re -use the existing 151611 garage door and hardware.- - 3. All garages in the Pacific Sands development are 18 ft x 20 ft and 15 ft 6 in doors are standard. held. Commission discussion was A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE THE REQUEST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION -CARRIED. DISCUSSION: BLOCK WALLS ALONG ARTERIAL HIGIDIAYS The Commission held a lengthy discussion concerning solid block walls along arterial highways where lo t s "side -on" to the highway. It was the con-, census that solid walls could be constructed across ends of all cul-de-sacs where the developers wish to do so. DISCUSSION: SERVICE STATION CANOPIES The Commission held a dis- cussion of service station canopies in the front setback area. The Staff was instructed to conduct -a further study and submit a report as -soon as possible. DISCUSSION: The Se-cretary suggested to the Commission thdt a study session could be held between the meetings of July 17 and August 7 since there are three weeks between regular meetings. The Com- mission agreed that a meeting on Tuesday, July 31, would be desirable and that the July 17 meeting could be so adjourned. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. I t? �_& _rli)z m W. C. Warner Secretary - Ei— Edward St n�' Chairman'TI - 10 -