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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Reach, California
Monday, September 17, 1962
Mayor Lambert called the regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7: 30
o'clock P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all
present in the Council Chamber-
The Invocation was given by Reverend Gordon
Gilbert of the First Baptist Church of Huntington Beach.
Councilmen Present: Wells , Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
Councilmen Absent: None
Dept , Report On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Rec'd & Filed
the report of the Chamber of Commerce -Man-
ager was received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Req. to Purch. Lots - A communication from Southern Counties Land
So. Counties Land Co.
Company of Los Angeles asking for a minimum
that Council would accept for the purchase df Lots 25 and 26, Block
1502, Vista Del Mar Tract, owned by the City, was presented for
Council consideration.
Comm. On motion by Wells, seconded by Gisler, the
Rec'd & Filed
communication from Southern Counties Land
Company was received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Proposed Op. Firebreak A communication from William J. Phillips ,
& Fuelbreak Plan Pres . '
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of
Orange County, transmitting a report on the proposed Operational
Firebreak and Fuelbreak Plan, was presented for Council considera-
Comm. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Rec 'd & Filed
� tbe communication from Supervisor Phillips
was received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
Req. Release of Bond - A communication from Lowe11' W. Evans , re-
Lowell W. Evans
questing release of a bond being held by
the City to cover the planting on slope areas of Tracts 1813 and 3573,
was presented for Council consideration.
-] - (9/17/62)
Page #2 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
Referred For On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells,
FurtlZer Study-
` the request of Mr. Evans was referred to
the Council for further study. Motion carried.
Appeal - UV #467 A communication from Mark Downing, Presid-
Mark Downin
ent of Mark Downing Ford, Inc. , registering
an appeal to a denial by the Planning Commission of Use Variance -
UV #467 , was presented for consideration of the Council.
Pub. Hearing Ordered On motion by Stewart, seconded . by Wells ,
Oct, }. i962 - UV #467
Council ordered a public hearing for
Monday, October 1, 1962, at 7: 30 o'clock P.M. , or as soon thereafter
as possible, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of . same.
Motion carried.
H.B. Safety Council - A letter from the Huntington Beach Safety
Letter of Thanks
Council expressing their thanks for the
action of the Council in having the traffic hazard on Goldenwest
Street eliminated, was presented to the Council..
Letter - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Redd & Filed
the letter from the Safety Council was
received and ordered filed. Motion carried..
Req. Heil Ave, impr. A letter from Mrs . Mary Ciddio, 5211
Mrs . Mary, Ciddio
Heil Avenue, City, requesting a hearing
by the Council on the matter of improving Heil Avenue between Bolsa
Chica and Graham Streets, was presented for Council. consideration.
Mrs . Mary Ciddio Mrs . Mary Ciddio, 5211 Heil Avenue, City,
addressed the Council and informed them of
the conditions existing on that portion of Heil Avenue.
Eng. Directed to On motion by Wells, seconded by Gisler,
Correct Situation
the Engineer was directed to correct the .
situation immediately. Motion carried.
Speed on Heil Ave. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells ,
Ref_._ to Traff.. Eng.
the matter of excessive speed on Heil.
Avenue was referred to the Traffic Engineer for .study and report
to the Council. Motion carried.
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Page #3 - Minutes, September 17, 1962
State Lands Comm. A communication from the State Lands Com-
Mtg. - Council Chambers
mission informing the Council of a public
review of proposed tide-and-submerged lands oil-and-gas lease terms
and conditions to be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall in
the City of Huntington Beach on Tuesday, October 16th, 1962, at
2:00 o'clock P.M. , was presented for information. No action was taken.
Mrs . Evelyn Proctor - Under oral communications, Mrs. Evelyn
Paving of Heil Ave.
Proctor, 5691 Waite Lane, City, addressed
the Council to inquire whether the City is going to pave Heil Avenue.
City Engineer - City Engineer Wheeler informed Mrs. Proctor
Westm. to Pave Heil
that the City of Westminster and the West-
minster School District are arranging for the paving of this portion
of Heil Avenue.
Admin. to Contact On motion by Stewart , seconded by Welch,
City of Westminster
the Administrator was directed to contact
the City of Westminster to see if this were going to be done in the
near future. Motion carried.
Mr . Wm. P. White - Mr. William P. White of Orange addressed
Reg. Pri . Patrol Serv.
the Council, and requested that his applica-
tion for a Certificate of Need and Necessity for the operation. of a
private patrol service, together with a request for a license for
same, be reconsidered.
Chief of Police - Chief of Police Robidoux informed the Council
Requirements Met
~' that Mr. White' s application had -been thor-
oughly checked and that he had met all the requirements for a Certifi-
cate of Need and Necessity for a private patrol service.
Wm. P. White Granted On motion by Wells , seconded by Gisler,
Cert . of Need & Nec.
Mr. William P. White was granted a Certificate
of Need and Necessity, and the Clerk was directed to issue a license
for the private patrol business in the City. Motion carried.
Mr. Richard Sinclair -� Mr. Richard Sinclair of the Huntington
Hunt. Driftwood Corp-. -
Driftwood Corporation addressed the Council
to inquire if they had given any more consideration to the request of
f his company for a hypothecation of their Lease, to permit obtaining
financeing from two sources.
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Page #4 - Minutes, September 17, 1962
City Atty. Plunkett - City Attorney Plunkett informed Mr. Sinclair
H.D.C. Not in Default
and the Council that the Huntington Drift-
wood Corporation was not in default at this time, except in the
filing of the Construction Performance Bond, and that they do not
need Council permission for hypothecation of the lease to give a
trust deed or a mortgage.
No Action No action was taken by the Council in
this matter.
Public Hearing - Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
P.C. Res . #266
day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution #266 of the City Planning Commission, recommending
approval of Zone Case #266, on property located west of Beach
Boulevard and north on Indianapolis. Avenue, and requested the
Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Zone Case #266 as published in the Huntington Beach News on Sept-
ember 6, 1962, setting the hour of 7: 30 o'clock P.M. , or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 17th day of September, 1962,
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif-
ornia, as the time and place for a public rearing for the purpose-
of considering a petition for a change of zone from: R-3 to
Limited Multiple Familv Residence District to: C-4 Highway Com -
mercial District , with setback provisions.
No Written The Clerk informed the Council that they
had been provided with copies of the Plan-
ning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning
Commission, and informed them that he had received no written
protests to this zone change.
Hearing Opened The Hearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Hearing Closed There being no one to sneak on the matter,
and there being no protests filed, either
oral or written, Mayor Lambert declared the hearing closed.
Planning Director Planning Director Warner pointed out the
area involved in this Zone Case on a map,
and gave the Council a resume' of the Planning Commissions reasons
for recommending this change of zone.
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Page #5 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
Zone Case #266 - On motion by Wells , seconded by Gisler,
Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance covering Zone Case #266 , Motion carried,
Public Hearing - Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
P.C. Res. #268
day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution #268 of the Planning Commission, recommending approval
of Zone Case #268, on property located north of Adams Avenue and
west of Brookhurst Street, and directed the Clerk to read the legal
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Zone Case #268 as published in the Huntington Beach News on September
6, 1962, setting the hour of 7: 30 o'clock P.M. , or as soon thereafter
as possible, on Monday, the 17th day of September, 1962 , in the
Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as
the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of consider-
ing a petition for a change of zone from: A-1-Y General Agricultural
District to: R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District.
No Written The Clerk informed the Council that they
had been provided with copies of the Planning
Director' s transmittal, and the Resolution of the Planning Commission,
and informed them that he had received no written protests to this ,
Zone Change.
Hearing Opened The hearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Hearing Closed There being no one to speak in this matter,
and there being no protests filed, either
oral or written, Mayor Lambert declared the hearing closed.
Planning Director Planning Director Warner pointed out the
area involved in this Zone Case on a map,
and gave the Council a resume' of the Planning Commissions reasons
for recommending the change of zone.
Zone Case #268 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance covering Zone Case #268. Motion carried.
-5- (9/17/62)
Page #6 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
Public Hearing - Mayor Lambert^ announced that this was the
UV #438
day and hour set for a public hearing on
an appeal from Doyle & Shields to a denial by the City Planning
Commission of Use Variance -' UV #438, and requested the Clerk to
read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing
on an appeal to the denial of Use Variance - UV #438 by the City
Planning Commission, as published in the Huntington Beach News on
September 6, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. , or as
soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 17th day of September,
1962, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach,
California, as the time and place for a public hearing on an appeal
to a denial by the Planning Commission of Use Variance - UV #438, to
Doyle & Shields.
The Clerk informed the Council that they
had been provided with copies of the letter from Doyle & Shields,
appealing the denial by the Planning Commission, and that he had
another communication to present to them.
Doyle '& Shields Req, The Clerk then read a communication from
To Cont. Hearing
Doyle & Shields requesting that Council
continue the hearing on this appeal until the meeting of October lst,
Hearing Opened The bearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Mrs . Mildred Leahy - Mrs. Mildred Leahy, 5902 Par Circle, City,
addressed the Council and objected to the
granting of the Use Variance.
Mr. Frank Burns - Mr. frank Burns, 16301 Fairway Lane, City,
addressed the Council and objected to the
granting of the Use Variance.
Mr. Leon Rutterman - Mr. Leon Rutterman of the Doyle & Shields
Doyle & Shields
Company, addressed the Council and request-
ed that the hearing be continued until the next meeting in order
that their company might have an opportunity to talk with residents
in the area.
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Clarence Eastwood - Mr. Clarence Eastwood, 5712 Castle Drive,
City, addressed the Council and registered
an objection to the granting of the Use Variance.
Harold A. Schingeck - Mr. Harold A. Schingeck, 15772 Hummingbird
Lane, City, addressed the Council and regist-
ered an objection to the granting of the Use Variance.
Jess Salcedo - Mr. Jess Salcedo, 16222 Birdie Lane, City,
addressed the Council and registered an
objection to the granting of the Use Variance.
Mrs . Barbara Mocilnikar Mrs, Barbara Mocilnikar, Secretary of the
Bolsa Chica Homeowners Assn. , 15791 Huiming-
bird Lane, City, addressed the Council and registered an objection
to the granting of the Use Variance.
Mr. George Martins - Mr. George Martins, 16232 Birdie Lane, City,
addressed the Council and registered an
objection to the granting of the Use Variance.
Clerk Read At this time the Clerk, on request of the
P. C. Minutes
Council, read the minutes of the Planning
Commission covering their action in denying the Use Variance.
Mr. Strobel - Mr. Strobel, 5692 Castle Drive, City,
addressed the Council and registered a
protest against the granting of the Use Variance.
Mrs . Doris Abraham - Mrs. Doris Abraham, 5701 Mangrum Drive,
City, addressed the Council and registered
a protest against the granting of the Use Variance.
James Loschivo - Mr—James Loschivo, 5922 Par Circle, City,
addressed the Council and registered a
protest against the granting of the Use Variance .
Planning Director Planning Director Warner addressed the
Council and informed them that the people
in attendance had expressed all the objections presented to the
Planning Commission at the time the matter came before them.
Mrs . Nostromi - Mrs . Nostromi, 16221 Birdie Lane, City,
addressed the Council and reg istered a
protest against the granting of the Use Variance.
•7 (9/17/62)
Page #8 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
Mr. Ruttertua.n - Mr, Rutterman again addressed the Council
Doyle & Shields
to explain that the conception of the
apartments which his company proposed to develop on the adjacent
property, was not at all like the ideas which had been presented
by various citizens objecting to such development.
Mr. LaVigne - Mr. LaVigne, 6962 Oxford Drive, City,
addressed the Council and registered
a protest against the granting of the Use Variance.
Hearing There being no one further to speak on
the matter, the hearing was closed by
Mayor Lambert.
UV #438 - On motion by Wells , seconded by Gisler,
Appeal Denied
,Council upheld the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and denied Use Variance - UV #438. Motion
Recess Mayor Lambert called a recess of the
Council., a.t 8'47 o'clock P.M.
Council Council was reconvened at 9:03 o'clock P.M.
by the Mayor.
Public Hearing Ordered On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
P.C. Res . #269
Council ordered a public hearing on
Resolution #269 of the Planning Commission, for Monday, October Ist,
1962, at 7: 30 o'clock P.M, , or as soon thereafter as possible,
. and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion card:
Public Hearing Ordered On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
P.C. Res . #270
Council ordered a public hearing on
Resolution #270 of the Planning Commission for Monday, October lst,
1962, at 7: 30 o'clock P.M. , or as soon thereafter as possible, and
directed the Clerk to publish notice of .same. Motion carried.
Conditional Except. A transmittal from the Planning Director
?TV AZL62 - H.H. Corp.
of Conditional Exception - UV #462 -
Petitioner: Huntington Harbour Corporation, Beverly Hills , Calif-
ornia; to allow; Development of property for use for single family
dwelling and appurtenant structures on lot when located on water-
front with minimum area of 5000 square feet, and with reduction of
lot frontages and street widths as shown on Tentative Tract Map
#4761, was presented for Council consideration.
-8- (9/17/62)
Page #9 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
Planning Director Planning Director Warner explained to the
Council the matters which were covered in
this request for Conditional Exception, and the reasons for the re-
commendation of the Planning Commission to its being granted.
Conditional Exception On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
UV #462 - Granted
Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and granted Conditional Exception - UV #462.
Motion carried.
DV #171 - Req. A transmittal from the Planning Director
Mrs . Walter Dabney
of a request for a Division of Land
DV #171 - Petitioner: Mrs. Walter E. Dabney, Sr. , .8081 Garfield
Avenue, City; to allow: Division of Land into two separate parcels ,
was presented for Council consideration.
Mrs . Walter Dabney Mrs . Walter Dabney addressed the Council,
and informed them that the Planning Commis-
sion had approved the request for the Division of Land, with condi-
tions which she felt were unjust. She explained to the Council that
, under these conditions she would be required to deed the City sufficient
property to widen Garfield Avenue to 50' from the centerline , and to
install curb, gutter and sidewalk paving on the front half of the
DV #171. - Allowed Following some discussion-by the Council,
Without Conditions
a motion was made by Wells , seconded by
Gisler, that the Division of Land - : DV #171 be allowed without con-
ditions. Motion carried,
Refund Auth . To A communication from the Engineer re-
Lisbon & Mansion Co.
questing Council authorization for the
refund of $9,719.29 from the Planned Local Drainage Facilities Fund
(Sugar Avenue Storm Drain) , to the Lisbon Company and the Mansion
Company, was presented for Council consideration.
Res . #1652 - On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Council approved the Engineer' s recommenda-
tion, and adopted Resolution #1652 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL
presented to the City Council and read by them, by the following
roll call vote:
-9- (9/17/62)
Page #10 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, -Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Engineer Req. - A communication from the Engineer re-
Edwards St._ R1W
questing Council permission to proceed with
negotiations for the acquisition of right-of-way on Edwards Street
in the vicinity of the flood control channel, was presented for
Council consideration.
Eng. A.utb. to On motion by Stewart, seconded by -Welch,
Proceed with Nego.
Council authorized the Engineer to proceed
with negotiations for the acquisition of right-of-way on Edwards
Street. Motion carried.
Pacific Sands Req. A communication from the City Engineer,
Re: Hiway Tmpr.
' presenting data regarding a request of
Pacific Sands to delete certain improvements on the State Highway
right-of-way, was presented for Council, consideration.
Permission Granted - On m6t ion by Wells, seconded by Welch,
With Conditions
Council granted the request of Pacific
Sands with the following conditions: the developer will construct
curb and gutter on Highway 39; the developer will plant the island
in accordance with specifications set forth by the City; that
paving may be omitted except where required for safe and orderly
access to the State Highway. This policy is to be applicable
only to residential developments on State Highways where frontage
roads are provided. Motion carried.
50-50 Sewer Particip. A communication from the -Engineer regard-
Alabama Street
ing ,.50-50 participation n a sewer in
Alabama Street, from Nashville northerly about 950' , and recommend-
ing City participation in an amount not to exceed $3,000.00, was
presented for Council consideration.
Recomm. Approved On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Participation A_uth .
the recommendation of the Engineer was
approved and participation authorized in an amount not to exceed
$3,000.00. Motion carried.
-10- (9/17/62)
Page #11 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
Req. Auth. Refund A communication from the Engineer recommend-
To S. V. Hunsaker
ing Council authorization for a refund of
$201020.00 from the Planned Local Drainage Facilities Fund (Area 5A) ,
as a reimbursement to S. V. Hunsaker & Sons for building a pump station,
was presented for Council consideration.
Res . #1653 - On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Ado ted
Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and adopted Resolution #1653 u "A RESOLUTION OF
heretofore been presented to the Council and read by them, by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Parksbro Prog. Pmt. #2 A transmittal from the Engineer -of a re-
Auth. Re nested
quest from Parksbro Construction Company
for Progress Payment No. 2 on Water Well No, 1, and recommending
Council authorization for the payment, was presented for Council
Recomm. Approved - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Payment Authorized
Council approved the Engineers recommenda-
tion and authorized the payment of $10,438.20 to Parksbro Construc-
tion Company for Progress Payment No. 2 on Water Well No. 1. Motion
Eng. Req. Reimb. A communication from the Engineer recommend-
Re: Kay & Mandrell
ing that Mr. Robert Kay and Mr. John Mandrell
be granted permission for the use of a City vehicle for transporta-
tion to the University of Southern California once a week, in con-
nection with a course they are taking in Engineering; and reimburse-
ment for one-half of the tuition after the successful completion of
the course, was presented for Council consideration.
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Page #12 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
Recomm. Approved On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Reimb. Authorized
Council approved the Engineer's recommend-
ation- and authorized reimbursement to Mr. Kay and Mr. Mandrell for
one-half the tuition- after successfully completing their course,
and granted permission for the use of a City vehicle for transport-
ation once a week to the University. Motion carried.
Mon. Bond #15-2-9397- On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Accepted - Tract 3750
-'� Council accepted Monument Bond No. 15-2-
9397 , and directed the Clerk to file same; and accepted the Sub-
division Agreement and Agreement in Lieu of Bond for Tract #3750,
and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf
of the City. Motion carried.
Mon. Bond Accepted - On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Tract 4627
Council accepted the Monument Bond 'for
Tract #4677 w Huntington Harbour Corporation, and directed the
Clerk to file same; and accepted the Subdivision Agreement and
Agreement in Lieu of Bond for the same Tract, and authorized the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City.
Motion carried.
Guy P. Settimio - A business license application from Mr.
Ambulance Service
Guy P. Settimio to conduct an ambulance
service in the City, together with an application for a Certificate
of Need and Necessity, was presented for Council consideration.
Mr. Settimio Req. Mr. Settimio addressed the Council and
Perm to Withdraw
requested permission to withdraw his
application from consideration at this time,
Permission On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Council granted permission for Mr. Settimio
to withdraw his application. Motion carried.
Parcel No. A-18, A-19 The Clerk presented a transmittal from
Murdy Park Site
Land Acquisition Service, Inc. of a grant
deed from Nola P. Dessert to the City, covering Parcel No. A-18 and
No. A-19 in the proposed Murdy Park site, at a cost to the City of
-12- (9/17/62)
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Deed Accepted - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Payment Auth.
^� Council accepted the grant deed and- author-
ized the Clerk to return it to Land Acquisition Service, Inc, for re-
cording; and autb.orized the payment of $3,400.00 to Nola P. Dessert,
when approved by Land Acquisition Service. Motion carried.
Parcel No. B-40 -- The Clerk presented a transmittal from
Murdy Park Site
Land Acquisition Service, Inc. of a grant
deed from M. Glenn Gossard, et al , to the City, covering Parcel No.
B-40 in the proposed Murdy Park site, at a cost to the City of $450.00.
Deed Accepted - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler. ,
Payment Autb .
* Council accepted the grant deed and author-
ized the Clerk to return it to Land Acquisition Service, Inc. for
recording; and authorized the payment of $450.00 to M. Glenn Gossard,
et al, when approved by Land Acquisition Service. Motion -carried.
Parcel No . A-48 - The Clerk presented a transmittal from Land
Murd Park Site
Acquisition Service, Inc . of a grant deed
from Gladys Cooper Miller to the City, covering Parcel No. A-48 in
the proposed Murdy Park site, at a cost to the City of $450.00.
Deed AccepLed - On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
P ym nt Auth.
Council accepted the grant deed and author-
ized the Clerk to return it to Land Acquisition Service, Inc, for .
recording; and authorized the payment of $450.00 to Gladys Cooper
Miller, when approved by Land Acquisition Service. Motion carried.
Parcel No. A-35 , A-36 The Clerk presented a transmittal from
Murdy Park Site
Land Acquisition Service, Inc. of a grant
deed from Ross Hayward Miller and Sylvia Miller to the City, cover-
ing Parcels No. A-35 and A-36 in the proposed Murdy Park site, at
a cost to the City of $900.00.
Deed Accepted - On motion by Wells , seconded by Gisler,
PayLnent Authorized
Council accepted the grant deed, and
authorized the Clerk to return it to Land Acquisition Service, Inc.
for recording ; and authorized the payment of $900.00 to Ross Hayward .
Miller and Sylvia Miller, when authorized by Land Acquisition Service.
Motion carried.
-13- (9/17/62)
Page #14 - Minutes, September 17 , 1962
Ord. #923 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 923 a second
Second Reading
reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
AND AMENDING SECTIONS 9211.39 (Sectional District Map 23-5-11) and
9211.57 (Sectional District Map 12-6-11) .
Ord. #923 - On motion by Welch, seconded by Wells,
Adapted _
Ordinance No. 923 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES : Councilmen: Wells , Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Ord . #927 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 927 a second
Second Reading
reading by title - "AN, ORDINANCE OF THE
Ord . #927 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
- Ordinance #927 was passed and adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES : Councilmen; Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Ord. #928 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 928 a second
Second Reading
reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
TAIN PROPERTY AND AMENDING SECTION 9211.38 (Sectional District Map
22-5-11) ."
Ord. #928 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Ordinance No. 928 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells , Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
-14- (9/17/62)
Page #15 - Minutes , September 17 , 1962
Ord. #929 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 929 a first
First Readin
reading in full - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
AND AMENDING SECTIONS 9211.56 (Sectional District Map 11-6-11) and
9211.49 (Sectional District Map 6-6-10) ."
Res . #1654 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Resolution No. 1654 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
been presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Ord. #930 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 930 a first
First Reading
- reading in full - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF
City Emp . Assn. The City Administrator presented a communica-
Comm. Pres .
tion from the City Employees Association,
requesting Council consideration of correspondence previously presented
to them under personnel items .
Position Reclassifications The Administrator then presented, for
Council consideration, reclassifications
for the following positions and recommended that they all be approved:
Mrs . Ruth Burnes - from Clerk Typist to Intermediate Typist Clerk,
Range 27-A
Mr. Donald L. Umphenour - from Mechanic I to Mechanic II ,
Range 33-D
Mr. Bernard B. Rozas - from Skilled Worker to Equipment Operator
Range 33-C
Mr. Daryl Smith - from Skilled Worker to Equipment Operator,
Range 33-C
Mr. Henry Fahrenkrug, Jr. - from Maintenance Man to Skilled Worker,
Range 31-E
Mr. Dennis P. Moore - from Maintenance Man to Skilled Worker,
Range 31-B
-15- (9/17/62)
Page #16 - Minutes, September 17 , 1962
Mr. Oakley M. Lauer - from Maintenance Man to Painter 1,
Range 31-C
Mrs . Virginia R. Segelson - from Intermediate Typlist Clerk to
Senior Clerk, Range 30-A
Effective - All the foregoing to be effective on
Oct. 1 , 1962
-' October 1st, 1962.
Mountford Reclass . Mr. Miller further recommended the reclas-
Efi,-_Nov. 1„z.,, 1962
sification of Mr. Charles B. Mountford -
from Skilled Worker to Equipment Operator, Range 33-B, to be effect-
ive November 1st, 1962.
Recommendations On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells,
Council approved the recommendations of
the City Administrator and authorized the reclassification of the
employees contained therein. Motion carried.
Mr. Willard T. Jordan - The Administrator then presented Mr.
Architect - Fire Sta.
Willard T. Jordan, Architect, who is
doing the architectural work on the proposed Fire Station at
Heil Avenue and Springdale Streets .
Mr. Jordan - Mr. Jordan addressed the Council and
Addressed Council
presented plans which he had prepared for
the proposed new Fire Station, incorporating an area of 3110 square
feet at an approximate cost of $51,800.00. He pointed out some of
the features which have been incorporated in the plan which would
make it adaptable for use for all future Fire Stations .
Doyle-Shields Sta. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells,
Plans Ap2roved
Council approved the plans of the architect,
and authorized them to proceed with the preparation of definite
plans and specifications for the construction of the Fire Station
which has been designated as the Doyle & Shields Fire Station.
Motion carried.
Homeowners Assn. The Administrator presented a communication
iteci Removal of Weeds
from the Goldenwest Homeowners Association
concerning the tumbleweed problem in that area, and requesting
further action by the Council .
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Admin. to Contact Mr, Miller informed the Council that he would
CiLy of Westin,
again contact the City of Westminster to see
if they could be stirred into action in this matter.
Bldg. Dir. Req. to Councilman Stewart presented a request of
Attend Conference
the Director of Building and Safety to attend
the International Conference of Building Officials in San Diego from
October 1st through the 5th, and recommended that Council reconsider
this matter,
Bldg. Auth. to On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Attend Conference
Council authorized the Director of Building
and Safety to attend the International Conference of Building Officials
in San Diego from October 1st through 5th, with reasonable expenses al-
lowed. Motion carried.
Police Chief Req. The City Administrator presented a request
Reasonable Expenses
from the Chief of Police that he be allowed
reasonable expenses in attending the Police Institute to be held at
Berkeley, California .
Request On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
the Chief of Police was granted reasonable
expenses in attending the Police Institute at Berkeley. Motion carried.
Trash Contract Councilman Stewart reported for the committee
on the trash contract, and stated that neg-
otiations for the pickup were completed up to the point of receiving
authorization by the Council .
AL,y. Auth . to On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Comp . Negotiations
the City Administrator and City Attorney
were authorized to complete negotiations for the contract for the
trash and garbage pickup, and the Mayor and City Clerk were author-
ized to execute h contract on behalf of the it the City.
Mayor Lambert - Mayor Lambert requested that he be permitted
Abstains frow Action
to abstain from consideration of this motion,
due to a possible conflict of interests , and retired from the Council
Aching Mayor Councilman Gisler was appointed acting
Mayor at this time ,
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Motion Carried When put to vote, the motion carried.
Mayor Lambert
Resumed Seat Mayor Lambert then returned: to his seat
at the Council table.
School Attendance Chief of Police Robidoux presented some
E:22 ort
figures on school attendance for Council
Trial Port . Stop The City Administrator reported on the
Light Purchase
proposed purchase of a portable stop light
to be used on a trial basis at the intersection of "B" Street and
Warner Avenue, and at other various locations throughout the City,
at a cost of approximately $850.00.
Purch. Auth. On motion. by Wells , seconded by Gisler,
Schools Pay 50%
�- Council authorized the purchase of the
portable stop light, providing the School Districts involved would
pay 50% of the cost. Lotion carried.
Minutes Approved - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Sept . 4, 1962
Council approved the minutes of the regular
meeting of September 4th, 1962, as transcribed and mailed. Motion
Payroll Register On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
the Payroll Register for September 7th,
1962, was approved on recommendation of the Finance Committee.
Motion carried.
Warrant Register - On motion by Welch, seconded by. Gisler,
Supplemental Reg. AUr.
Council approved the Warrant Register and
Supplemental Warrant Register, on recommendation of the Finance
Committee. Motion carried.
Recreation Comm. - Mayor Lambert made the following appoint-
Appts ._ by Mayor
ments to the Recreation Commission to
serve as representatives of various School Districts until June 30th,
1963: John Wyatt for the Huntington Beach Elementary School; Ross
Cowling for Ocean View Elementary School; Alvin Krukenberg for
Fountain Valley Elementary School; Charles Mashburn for Huntington
Beach Union High School; and Mrs. Naomi Willmore for Westminster
Elementary School.
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Appointments On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
the appointments of the Mayor were approved.
Motion carried.
Informal Committee Mayor Lambert called a meeting of the
10-1-62 7 A.M.
Council as an informal committee of the whose
for Monday, October 1st, 1962 , at 7:00 o'clock A.M. for discussion
purposes .
Meeting On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
the regular meeting of the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 10: 17 o' clock P.M. Motion
City Clerk an ,ok-o fficio C er
of the City C66ncil of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
Cit lerk
-19- (9/17/62)