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Council. Chamber, City Hall.
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, October 15, 1962
Mayor Lambert called the regular meeting
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
7:30 o'clock P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all
present in the Council Chamber.
The Invocation was given by Rev. Ralph
Jason of the First Baptist Church of Huntington Village.
Councilmen Present: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
Councilmen Absent: Wells
Plaque Presented Mayor Lambert made a presentation to
Engineering Dept. James R. Wheeler, City Engineer, of a
plaque which had been awarded by the Am-
erican Water Works Association to the City of Huntington Beach
Water Department, for excellence in organization.
C of G Report On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Rec`d & Filed the report of the Chamber of Commerce
Manager was received and ordered filed.
Motion carried.
First. Meth. Church On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Re to Sell Candy a request of the Wesley Group of the
First Methodist Church, Huntington Beach,
to sell candy in the City during the month of October, was granted
subject to compliance with conditions stipulated by the Chief of
Police. Motion carried.
Meadow View P.T.A. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Reg. to Sell Tickets a request from the Meadow View P.T.A. to
sell tickets for a skating party on Nov-
ember 5, 1962, was granted subject to compliance with conditions
stipulated by the Chief of Police. Motion carried.
Petition Presented -
A petition from Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lee
Cumberland Circle
Bibb and 28 other residents on Cumberland
Circle and Cumberland Drive, requesting
permission to block in
an opening in the wall at the end of
Cumberland Circle, was
presented for Council consideration.
Ref. to City Engr.
Following some discussion, a motion was
City_Attorn_ey_t_ Aden.
made by Stewart, seconded by Welch, that
the matter be referred to the City Admin-
istrator, the City Engineer and the City Attorney for study and
report back to Council.
Motion carried.
Sr. Citizens Req.
A communication from the Senior Citizens
Use of Clbhse or Hall
of Huntington Beach, requesting permission
to use Lake Park Clubhouse or Memorial
Hall, with fees waived,
one day a week for meetings, was presented
for Council approval.
Permission On motion by Stewart, seconded by.Welch,
Granted the request submitted by Charles Alderton
on behalf of the proposed Senior Citizens
Club of Huntington Beach to use the Lake Park Clubhouse or Memorial
Hall, with fees waived, from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., be granted
subject to the following conditions: (1) That all matters as to
time, date and place be at the discretion of the City Clerk;
(2) That the City reserves the right to revoke permission for use
at any time without notice, and delegates the authority to revoke
to the City Clerk. Motion carried.
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H.B. Safety Council On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, a
Appreciation communication from the Huntington Beach
Safety Council, expressing appreciation for
the purchase and installation of additional traffic signals as a
means of solving crossing guard problems, was received and ordered
filed. Motion carried.
H.B.C.C. - Letter On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, a
Of Appreciation communication from the Huntington Beach
Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, ex-
pressing thanks and appreciation for the summit cut-off through
Reservoir Hill on Goldenwest Street, and the off-street parking lot
in Civic Center, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
No Oral Mayor Lambert called for oral communications
Communications from those in the audience who had anything
to bring before the Council. There was no
one present to speak under this heading.
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
P.C. Res, #276 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 276 of the City Planning
Commission, recommending approval of an amendment to the Master Plan
of Land Use - Signal Oil & Gas Co., concerning an area bounded gener-
ally by Beach Boulevard, Yorktown Avenue, Cannery Street and Atlanta
Avenue, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Resolution No. 276, as published in the Huntington Beach News,
October 4, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1962, in
the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California,
as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of consider-
ing a proposed amendment to the Master Plan of Land Use of the City
on property owned by the Signal Oil & Gas Company.
Letters of Protest
The Clerk informed the Council that he had
Petition Presented
received numerous letter of protest, in-
cluding a petition signed by 255 property
owners within the City,
against the ranting of this amendment. He
also presented the
Planning Director s transmittal, and the Resolu-
tion of the Planning Commission, all of which had been presented to
the Council through
copies, for their information.
Hearing Opened
The hearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Mrs. Robert Evens -
Mrs. Robert Evans, 19471 New Haven Lane,
City, addressed the Council and protested
the proposed amendment.
Mr. Robert Evans -
Mr. Robert Evans, 19471 New Haven Lane,
Protest _
City, addressed the Council and protested
the proposed amendment.
Mrs. Betty Armeta -
Mrs. Betty Armeta, 8431 Yorktown Street,
City, addressed the Council and protested
the proposed amendment.
Mrs. Helen Evans -
Mrs. Helen Evans, 19472 Harding Lane,
City, addressed the Council and protested
the proposed amendment.
Mr. Joseph N. Crow
- Mr. Joseph N. Crow, 8461 Gilford Circle,
City, addressed the Council and protested.
the proposed amendment.
Mrs. Dorothy Gilbertson Mrs. Dorothy Gilbertson, 19091 Hamden Lane,
Pretest - City, addressed the Council and protested
the proposed amendment.
Mrs. Frances Wachter - Mrs. Frances Wachter, 19081 Hamden. Lane,
Protest City, addressed the Council and protested
the proposed amendment.
Mr. Nick Hansen - Mr. Nick Hanson, 8422 Gilford Circle, City,
Protest addressed the Council and protested the
proposed amendment, giving as reasons the
fact that the change in the Master Plan
would permit the erection of ten story
apartments which would be detrimental to
the surrounding property and cut off the view.
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Mr. Bill McDevitt -
Mr. Bill McDevitt, 8471 Gilford Circle,
City, addressed the Council and protested
the proposed amendment for similar reasons.
Mr. Herschel Hopkinson
Mr. Herschel Hopkinson, 8391 Gilford Circle,
City, addressed the Council and protested
the proposed amendment.
Mr. Robert E. Johnson
Mr. Robert E. Johnson, 19441 New Haven Lane,
City, protested the proposed amendment,
stating that he felt that the allowing of
same would be detrimental to the surrounding property and to the
entire area, through the
erection of tall apartment buildings.
Mr. John Henricksen
Mr. John Henricksen, 618 Quincy Avenue,
For the Amendment
City, addressed the Council and stated
that he felt the amendment, if allowed,
would be for the benefit
of the community and would not be detri-
mental to surrounding property.
Mr. Mark Downing.
Mr. Mark Downing, 8362 Laura Lane, City,
For the Amendment
addressed the Council and stated that he
felt the allowing of the amendment would
be beneficial to the City.
Mr. Nick Hanson Mr. Nick Hanson again addressed the Council,
giving reasons for his protests to the
proposed amendment, stating that Huntington Beach should not have
the type of buildings used in Cities of the size of Los Angeles.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Robert Evans, again addressed
the Council to give additional reasons
why they felt the amendment should not be made.
Mrs.Robert Johnson Mrs. Robert Johnson, 19441 New Haven Lane,
City, protested the granting of the
proposed amendment.
Mr. -Joseph N. Crow Mr. Joseph N. Crow again addressed the
Council to give additional reasons_ why he
felt the amendment should not be made.
Hearin& Closed There being no one further present to
speak in the matter, the hearing was
closed by the Mayor.
Planning Director Planning Director Willis Warner addressed
Warner the Council and explained the Planning
Commissions reasons for recommending
approval of the amendment to the Master Plan, stating that the City
presently had a law restricting the heighth of buildings to three
stories, and that any building higher than this would have to
receive special consideration from the Council through a variance.
Mr. Warner also told the Council that the Commission felt that such
taller structures, if proposed, would not be for a matter of from
ten to fifteen years.
Zone Case #276 - Following some discussion by the Council,
Approved _ on motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and directed the City Attorney to prepare a
Resolution covering Zone Case No. 276. Motion carried.
Public Hearing - Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
Special Permit day and hour set for a public hearing on
the ggranting of a Special Permit under
Section 2423 through Section 2425.8 of Article 242 of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code, to Standard Oil Company of California,
Western Operations, for the drilling of an oil well in the proximity
of a railroad, and directed the Clerk to read the le al notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
the request for Special Permit No. 5, as published in the Huntington
Beach News, October 4, 1962, setting the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1962,' in the Council Chambers of
the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place
for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a request for a
Special Permit to drill an oil well in the vicinity of a railroad.
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No Written The Clerk informed the Council that he had
Pretests received no written protests to the granting
of this request.
Hearing OPe_ned Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Hearing Closed There being no one present to speak on the
matter, and there being no protests, either
oral or written, Mayor Lambert declared the hearing closed.
Special Permit On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
_Granted Council granted the Special Permit requested
by the 5tatadard Oil Company of California,
Western Operations, Inc., for the drilling of a well. Motion carried.
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
Res. No. 1605 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 1605 of the City Council,
giving notice of proposed annexation to the City of Huntington Beach,
of that certain uninhabited territory designated as Huntington Harbour
Corporation - Parcel No. 3A, and requested the Clerk to read the
legal notice.
The Clerk.read notice of public hearing, as
provided in Resolution No. 1605, previously adopted by the Council,
setting the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M.- on Monday, the 15th day of
October, 1962, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington
Beach, California, as the time and place for a public bearing, when
and where any person owning property within the uninhabited territory
described in the Resolution and proposed to be annexed to the City
of Huntington Beach, and having any objections to the proposed annexa-
tion, might appear before the Council of the City of Huntington Beach
and show cause why such uninhabited territory should not be so annexed
to said City of Huntington Beach.
No Written The Clerk informed the Council that he had
Protests received no written protests to the proposed
Hearin& 0 ened Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Hearing Closed There being no one present to speak in this
matter, and there having been no protests
filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by Mayor Lambert.
Prop. Annex. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Approved Council approved the proposed annexation and
directed the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance to cover same. Motion carried.
Mr. Ed Hartsook , Mr. Edward A. Hartsook, 2110 Main Street,
Citizens Steer. Comm. City, addressed the Council and presented
reports of the Citizens Steering Committee
and Sub-Committies of the Citizens Committee., which had been making
studies on various phases of City Government.
Mayor Lambert Mayor Lambert expressed his appreciation
through Mr. Hartsook to all the members
of the various committies and sub-committies for the work which they
had done, and asked that they continue in this work.
Letter & Reports On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Reed & Filed the letter and reports of Mr. Hartsook were
received and ordered filed, and the Admin-
istrator was directed to prepare a letter of appreciation on behalf
of the Council, to the various committies and sub-committies for
'their work. Motion carried.
Recess Called
Mayor Lambert called a recess of the Council
at 8:20 o'clock P.M.
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Council was reconvened at 8:35 o'clock
P.M. by the *a.yor.
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
P.C. Res. #27� day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 273 of the City Planning
Commission, recommending denial of Zone Case No. 273, on property
situated at the southwest corner of McFadden Avenue (formerly
Sugar Avenue) and Edwards Street, from R-1 to R-3 and C-4, with
setback provisions, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Zone Case No. 273, as published in thg Huntington Beach News on
October 4, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday the 15th day of October, 1962,
in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif-
ornia, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose
of considering a petition for a change of zone, relative to proposed
change of district boundary and use classification, from: R-1
Single Family Residence District to: R-3 Limited Multiple Family
Residence District and C-4 Highway Commercial District, with set-
back provisions.
No Written The Clerk informed the Council that they
Prat-es}s had been provided with copies of the Plan-
ning Directors transmittal and a Resolution
of the Planning Commission and stated that he had received no writ-
ten protests.to the zone change.
Hearing Opened The hearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Mr. ,Torn Prinz Mr. John Prinz, 1665 S. Brookhurst Street,
- Anaheim, agent for the R. H. Grant Co.,
addressed the Council and requested that the C-4 portion of the
Zone Case be allowed, though the R-3 portion be denied.
Mr. Carl Collania Mr. Carl Collania, 6401 Dunn Drive, City,
addressed the Council and stated that he
had concurred with the developer in his request for a partial allow-
ance of the zone change.
Mr. Bill_ Tinsley Mr. Bill Tinsley, 15331 Toway Lane, City,
addressed the Council and registered an
objection to the high density which would be provided if the zone
change were permitted and apartments were allowed to develop in
this area.
Hearing Closed There being no one further to speak in
this matter, Mayor Lambert declared the
hearing closed.
Planning Director Planning Director Willis Warner addressed
Warner the Council and gave them a resume' of the
Planning Commission's reasons for denying
the original application.
Zone Change On motd:mn by Stewart, seconded by Welch, -
Denied Council approved the recommendation of
the Planning Commission and denied the
zone change. Motion carried.
Pub1.I..c Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
P.C. Res. #272 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 272 of the Planning Com-
mission, recommending approval.of Zone.Case No. 272, on -property
situated at the NW corner of Warner. Avenue and Goldenwest Street,
and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
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Page #6 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Zone Case No. 272, as published in:the Huntington Beach News on
October 4, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1962, in
the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California,
as the time and place for a'public hearing for the purpose of consider-
ing a petition for a change of zone, relative to proposed change of
district boundary and use classification from:• A-1-K General Agricult-
ural District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 66$., to: C-2 Com-
munity Business District, with setback provisions.
No Written The Clerk informed the Council that they had
Protests been provided with copies;of the Planning
Director's transmittal, and the Resolution
of the Planning Commission and stated that he had received no written
protests to the zone change.
Hearing Opened The hearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Hearing Closed There being no one to speak in this matter,
and there being no protests filed, either
oral or written, Mayor Lambert declared the hearing closed.
Planning Director Planning Director Warner pointed out the
Warner area involved in this Zone Case on a map,
and gave the Council a resume' of the
Planning Commission's reasons for recommending the change of zone.
Zone Case #272 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Approved Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and directed the City
Attorney to prepare an Ordinance covering Zone Case No. 272.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing - Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
P.C. Res. #274 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 274 of the Planning Commis-
sion, recommending denial of Zone Case No. 274, on property situated
at the southwest corner of Main and Delaware Streets, and directed
the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Zone Case No. 274, as published in the Huntington Beach News on
October 4, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1962, in
the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California,
as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of consid-
ering a petition for a change of zone from: R-5 Professional District
to C-2 Community Business District with setback provisions.
No Written
The Clerk informed the Council that they had
been provided with copies of the Planning
Director's transmittal, together with the
Resolution of the Planning Commission, and stated that he had received
no written protests to
the zone change.
Hearing Opened
The hearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Mr. Carlos Reeves
Mr. Carlos Reeves, 213 Main Street, City,
representing owners of property in the area
in which the change of
zone is proposed, addressed the Council and
informed them of plans
which had been developed for this property,
if the zone change were
Mr. Dick Ludlow_
Mr. Reeves then introduced Mr. Dick Ludlow,
representative of Shell Oil Company, who
addressed the Council and preserved pictures, drawings and a model of
the gas station his company planned to erect if granted approval by
the Council.
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Page #7 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
Mr. Gene Evans Mr. Gene Evans of the Reeves -Lances malty
Co. addressed the Council and pre&,
communications from owners of property adjacent to the properly"-"'
proposed for rezoning, stating that they had no objection to the
property being used for this purpose.
Hearing There being no one further to speak in ttis.
Closed_ matter, and there being no protests filed,
either oral or written, Mayor Lambert
declared the hearing closed.
Planning Director Planning Director Warner pointed out the
Warner area involved in this zone case on a map,
and gave the Council a resume' of the
Planning Commissions reasons for recommending denial of the zone
Zone. Case #F274 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Approved Council approved the change of zone, and
directed the City Attorney to prepare an
Ordinance effecting the change. Motion carried.
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
UV I'F'473 day and hour set for a public hearing on
an appeal from Ray Mercado, agent for the
Salem Development Company, to a denial by the City Planning Commis-
sion of Use Variance - UV #473, and requested the Clerk to read
the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing
on an appeal to the denial of Use Variance - UV #473 by the City
Planning Commission, as published in the Huntington Beach News on
October 4th, 1962, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M.,.or as
soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City:
Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a
public hearing on an appeal, to the denial by the Planning Commis-
sion of Use Variance - UV #473, to the Salem Development Company.
Mercado Appeal The Clerk informed the Council that they
Received had been provided with copies of the
letter from Mr. Mercado, appealing the
denial by the Planning Commission, and that he had received no
other communications concerning this matter.
Hearin, Opened The hearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Mr. S.F. Kaplan Mr. S. P. Kaplan, 12351 Westminster Ave.
Rec, Hear. Cont. Santa Ana, representing the Salem Develop-
ment Company, Inc., addressed the Council
and requested a continuance on the hearing in order that his company
might accumulate further data to present to the Council.
Hearin gg Contd. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
11/5/62 the request of Mr. Kaplan was granted and
the hearing was ordered continued to the
meeting of November 5, 1962. Motion carried.
D,b` c Hearin.- Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
Term. - Drilling Bond day and hour set for a public hearing on
a request for termination of drilling bond
on H. A. Harth, Jr. well Venture Fee No. 1, located on Lot 18,
Block 1903, Tract 12 in the City of Huntington Beach, in accordance
with Section 2427.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and
requested the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
a request for termination of drilling bond on the H A Harth, Jr.
well Venture Fee No. 1, located on Lot 18 of Block igg03 n the City
of Huntington Beach, as published in the Huntington Beaci News on
October 4, 1962, setting the hour of 7.30 o'clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1962,
in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif-
ornia, as the time and place for a public hearing on the termination
of such drilling bond.
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No Written
Hearing opened
The Clerk informed the Council that he had
received no written protests to this term-
ination of bond.
The hearing was opened by Mayor Lambert.
Hearing Closed There being no one present to speak -on the
matter, and there being no protests-
either oral or:=written, Mayor Lambert declared the hearing closed.
Drilling Bond On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Terminated Council directed that National Automobile
Insurance Company Bond No. 22359, dated
November 10, 1941, covering drilling on the H. A. Harth, Jr. well
Venture Fee No. 1, be terminated and the owner notified. Motion carried.
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
Res. #1660 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 1660 of the City Council,
stating the intention of the City to vacate a portion of Circle Drive
in said City, and giving notice of hearing on said vacation, and
directed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing as
provided in Resolution No. 1660 of the City Council and published in
the Huntington Beach News on October 4, 1962, setting the hour of
7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the
l5th day of October, 1962, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public
hearing when and where all persons interested or objecting to the
proposed vacation of a portion of Circle Drive, might be heard.
No Written The Clerk read the Affidavit of Posting of
Protests the property by the Street Superintendent,
and informed the Council that he had re-
ceived no written protests to this vacation.
Hearing Opened Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Hearing Closed There being no one present to speak on
this matter, and there being no protests
filed, either oral or written, Mayor Lambert declared the hearing
Res. #1660 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution No. 1660 -- "AN ORDER OF THE CITY
IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH," which had heretofore been presented
to the City Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Bids & Awards Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
Presented time for presentation of bids and awards and
requested the Purchasing Agent to present
informal bids,
Beach Dept. Bids - The Purchasing Agent presented bids for a
Ton Pickup Truck k ton pickup truck for the Beach Department,
as follows:
troth Chevrolet - Huntington Beach $ 1,704.65
Brookhurst Dodge - Garden Grove $ 1,794.45
Worthington Dodge - Fullerton $ 1,731.01
McMurtrie-Payne GMC - Anaheim $ 2,006.73
International. Harvester - Santa Ana $ 1,712.39
Coffing Dodge - Santa Ana $ 1,793.77
Mel Burns Ford - Long Beach $ 1,744.03
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GroLb Chevrolet. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Low Bidder Council authorized the Purchasing Agent to
purchase a kZ ton pickup truck for the
Beach Department from the low bidder, Groth Chevrolet of Huntington
Beach, for $1,704.65, including sales tax. Motion carried.
Street Dept. -- Bids The Purchasing Agent presented bids for a
`4 Ton Pickup Truck k ton pickup truck for the Street Depart-
ment, as follows:
Groth Chevrolet - Huntington Beach $ 1,681.99
Brookhurst Dodge - Garden Grove $ 1,782.51
Worthington Dodge - Fullerton $ 1,714.58
McMurtrie-Payne GMC - Anaheim $ 1,940.62
International Harvester - Santa Ana $ 1,693.71
Coffing Dodge - Santa Ana $ 1,781.60
Mel Burns Ford - Long Beach $ 1,730.32
Groth Chevrolet On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Low Bidder Council authorized the Purchasing Agent
to purchase a k ton pickup truck for the
Street Department from the low bidder, Groth Chevrolet of Huntington
Beach, for $1,681.99, including sales tax. Motion carried.
Maintenance 'Sept. The Purchasing Agent presented bids for a
3 f 4 zori Pickup Tiuck 3/4 ton 'pickup truck for the Maintenance
Department, as follows:
Groth Chevrolet - Huntington Beach $ 1,762.80
Brookhurst Dodge - Garden Grove $ 1,812.52
Worthington Dodge - Fullerton 1,788.86
McMurtrie-Payne GMC - Anaheim 2,042.66
International Harvester - Santa Ana $ 1,769.37
Coffing Dodge - Santa Ana $ 1,823.12
Mel Burns Ford - Long Beach $ 1,800.06
Groth Cbevrolet
Low Bidder
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Council authorized the Purchasing Agent
to purchase a 3/4 ton pickup truck for
the Maintenance Department from the low bidder, Grotb Chevrolet of
Huntington Beach, for $1,762.80, including sales tax. Motion
Park Dept. Bids -
The Purchasing Agent presented bids for a
:,. Ton Pickup 'ruck
k ton pickup truck
for the Park Department,
as follows:
Groth Chevrolet
- Huntington Beach
$ 1,726.40
Brookhurst Dodge
- Garden Grove
$ 1,810.52
Worthington Dodge - Fullerton
$ 1,765.23
GMC - Anaheim
$ 1,986.38
International Harvester - Santa Ana
$ 1,729.95
Coffing Dodge -
Santa Ana
$ 1,820.03
Mel Burns Ford -
Long Beach
$ 1,757.53
Groth Chevrolet
On motion by Stewart,
seconded by Welch,
Lour Bidder
Council authorized
the Purchasing Agent
to purchase a k ton
pickup truck for the
Park Department from
the low bidder, Groth Chevrolet
of Huntington
Beach, for $1,726.40,
including sales tax.
Motion carried.
Police Dept. Bids
The Purchasing Agent
then presented bids
4 Patrol Cars
for four (4) police
patrol cars for the
Police Department,
as follows:
Groth Chevrolet
- Huntington Beach
$ 5,792.80
Coffing Dodge -
Santa Ana
$ 6,478.95
Mel Burns Ford -
Long Beach
$ 7,300.48
Worthington Dodge
- Fullerton
$ 6,321.40
Mandic Plymouth
- Huntington Beach
$ 6,167.18
McPeek Plymouth
- Anaheim
$ 6,639.44
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Groth Chevrolet On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Low Bidder Council authorized the Purchasing Agent to
purchase the four (4) police patrol cars
from the low bidder, Groth Chevrolet of Huntington Beach, for $5,792.80,
including sales tax. Motion carried.
Fire Dept, Bids
Chiefs Sedan
The Purchasing Agent presented bids for one
sedan for the Fire Chief,.per bid specifica-
tions presented, as follows:
Groth Chevrolet
- Huntington Beach
Coffing Dodge -
Santa Ana
Mel Burns Ford
- Long Beach
Worthington Dodge - Fullerton
Mandie Plymouth
- Huntington Beach
McPeek Plymouth
- Anaheim
McPeek - `.Anaheim On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Low Bidder_ _ Council authorized the Purchasing Agent to
purchase the sedan for the Fire Chief from
the low bidder, McPeek Plymouth of Anaheim, for $2,359.76, including
sales tax. Motion carried.
Bids Presented The Clerk presented a communication from
Assess. Dist. No. 6202 City Engineer James R. Wheeler, informing
the Council that the bids which had been
received on Assessment District No. 6202 and opened at 7:00 o'clock
A.M. on October 15, 1962, had been reviewed and were in order. He
recommended that the bid of Nick J. Leko & Son, in the amount of
$22,191.35, be accepted, and the contract awarded, and that all other
bidders be notified and their bid bonds returned, subsequent to the
signing of the contract.
Low Bidder -
Nick J. Leko & Son
construction of sewers in
that all other bidders be
sequent to the signing of
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Council accepted the bid of Nick J. Leko &
Son, in the amount of $22,191.35, for the
Assessment District No. 6202, and directed
notified and their bid bonds returned, sub -
the contract. Motion carried.
Res. #1668 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Adopted Resolution No. 1668 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
CALIFORNIA, AWARDING CONTRACT," which had heretofore been submitted
to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the fol-
lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Bids Presenter) - The Clerk presented a communication from
Assess, Dist. #6203 City Engineer James R. Wheeler, informing
the Council that the bids which had been
received on Assessment District No. 6203 and opened at 7:00 o'clock
A.M. on October 15, 1962, had been reviewed and were in order, ex-
cept for the extension of total price from unit. Mr. Wheeler re-
commended that the bid of Nick J. Leko & Son, in the amount of
$25,765.20 be accepted and contract awarded, and that all other bid-
ders be notified and their bid bonds returned, subsequent to the
signing of the contract.
Councilman Stewart Councilman Stewart requested permission to
Abstains from Action abstain from consideration of this matter,
due to ownership of property within the
Assessment District, and left his place at the Council table.
Low Bidder On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Nick J. Leko & Son Council accepted bid of Nick J. Leko &
Son, in the amount of $25,765.20, for the
construction of sewers in Assessment District No. 6203, and directed
that all other bidders be notified and bid bonds returned, subsequent
to the signing of the contract. Motion carried.
-10- (10/15/62)
Page #11 -- Minutes, October 1.5, 1962
Res. #1669 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution No. 1669 - "A RESOLUTION OF
BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING CONTRACT," which had heretofore been
presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
NOT VOTING: Councilmen: Stewart
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Public Hearings Ordered On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Res. #275#277; #278,- Council orderWd public hearings for Monday,
#279. and hbo November 5, 1962, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., or
as soon thereafter as possible, and direct-
ed the Clerk to publish notice of same on Resolutions No. 275,
No. 277, No. 278, No. 279 and No. 280 of the City Planning Commis-
sion. Motion carried.
Councilman Stewart At this time, Councilman Stewart resumed
Resumes Seat his seat at the Council table.
Final Adoption The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Tract Ma #4816 City Planning Director, submitting final
form of Tract Map #4816 - portion of
Tentative.Tract Map #4707, for adoption: Developer: Macco Realty
Company, Paramount, California; Engineer: Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson,
Inc., Westminster, California; Location: E of Brookhurst Street
and approximately 560.00 ft. S of Yorktown Avenue; Legal Descrip-
tion: Being a subdivision of a portion of the SW � of Section
5-6-10; Number of Lots: 132; Total Acreage: 27.130; that the
map had been certified by the City Engineer and the Planning Dir-
ector to be true and correct in accordance with provisions of the
City Subdivision Code.
The City Council may accept dedication as
shown on the map and in addition approve the final map, subject to
the following conditions:
The City Clerk's signature shall be with-
held pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated re-
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering, and
2. Bond for improvements.
3. Signature of agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5. Approval from County Surveyor.
6. Bond for monuments.
Tract Map #4816 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Adopted Final Tract Map #4816 was adopted, subject
to compliance with conditions stipulated
by the Planning Commission. Motion carried.
Hunt. Harb. Corp. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Reg. Fees Waived Planning Director of a communication from
the Huntington Harbour Corporation, re-
questing and recommending that Council consider waiving the Parks
and Recreation fees for Tract #4880, because of the large area being
set aside as public area.
H.H. Corp. Req. Following considerable discussion by the
Tie Vote Council., a motion was made by Welch,
seconded by Gisler, that the request of
the Huntington Harbour.Corporation to substitute the dedication of
water -way facilities in lieu of fees for Parks and Recreation on
any lots within the Tract, be denied. When put to vote, the motion
failed on a tie vote.
_11- (10/15/62)
M• 1
Wage #12 -- Minutes, October 15, 1962
Final Adoption. - The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Tract Ma2 #4880 City Planning Director, submitting final form
of Tract Map #4880 - portion of Tentative Tract
Map #4761, for adoption: Developer: Huntington Harbour Corporation,
Beverly Hills, California; Engineer: Moffatt & Nichol, Long Beach,
California; Location: N of Warner Avenue and W of Algonquin Street;
Legal Description: Being a subdivision of a.portion of Section 20 and
fractional Section 29, T.S.S., R.11.W.; Number of Lots: 174; Total
Acreage: 62.374; that the map had been certified by the City Engin-
eer and the Planning Director to be true and correct in accordance
with provisions of the City Subdivision. Code.
The City Council may accept dedication as
shown on the map and in addition approve the final map, subject to the
following conditions:
The City Clerk's signature shall be with-
held pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated require-
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering, and
2. Bond for improvements.
3. Signature of agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5. Approval from County Surveyor.
6. Bond for monuments.
Tract Map #4880
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert,
Final Tract Map #4880 was adopted, subject
to compliance with conditions stipulated by
the Planning Commission,
and to the condition that they pay Park and
Recreation Fees on all lots.
Motion carried.
City Engr. Auth. to
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Attend Meeting
Council authorized the City Engineer to
-' -
attend the American Water Works Association
meeting in Santa Monica
from October 23rd to 26th, with transporta-
tion and reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried.
Street Improvement
A communication from the City Engineer, re -
Doug as Plant_ Area
commending that the City participate in
street improvements in the vicinity of the
Douglas Plant, was presented for Council consideration.
City to Participate On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
r. In Street Improvement Council approved the Engineer's recommenda-
tion and authorized him to proceed with the
roject as outlined, with the City to participate in an amount of
100,000.00. Motion carried.
Water -Rights Deeds On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler
Ace. - Williamson Pk. water -rights deeds for Tracts #4740 and 4741 -
Williamson Park Co., were accepted by the
Council, and the Clerk directed to record same with the County record-
er of Orange County. Motion carried.
Right -of -Way Deed On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, a
Accepted deed for right-of-way for street widening
of Brookhurst Street at the Edison Company
right-of-way, was accepted by the Council, and the Clerk directed
to record same with the County Recorder of Orange County. Motion
Right -of -Way Reed On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, a
Accepted deed for right-of-way in connection with the
C5-SC2 Channel on the east side of the
P.E. Railway between Edinger Avenue and the Edison Company right-
of-way, was accepted, and the Clerk directed to record same with the
County Recorder of Orange County. Motion carried.
-12- (10/15/62)
Page;413 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
Tract #4771 - Bonds On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Acc. - R. C. Tger'rel Council accepted Monument Bond -No. 021762,
and Improvement Bond No. 021662, for Tract
#4771 - R. C. Werbel, and directed the Clerk to file same; and
accepted the Subdivision Agreement for the same Tract, and author-
ized the-Mayorand City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City.
Motion carried.
Tract #P4770.- Bands On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welsh,
Acc. - R. C. Werbel Council'accepted,Monument Bond No. 021562,
and Improvement Bond No. 021462, for Tract
#4770 - R. C. Werbel, and directed the Clerk to file same; and
accepted the Subdivision Agreement for the same Tract, and author-
ized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City.
Motion carried.
Tract i,�4769 Bonds On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Acc. - R. C. Werbel Council accepted Monument Bond No. 021362,
and Improvement Bond No. 021262, for
Tract #4769 - R. C. Werbel, and directed the Clerk to file same; and
accepted the Subdivision Agreement for the same Tract, and author-
ized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City.
Motion carried.
li:at '4 77 - Bands On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Ace. - H. H. Corp, Council accepted Monument Bond No. 1043542
for Tract #4677 - Huntington Harbour
Corporation, and directed the Clerk to file same; and accepted the
Subdivision Agreement and Agreement in Lieu of Improvement Bond.for
the same.Tract, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute
same on behalf of the City. Motion carried.
C ,:jii 0_'Y F hood Control The Clerk presented a communication from
D`.s t.rIc5 t -- Report Pr. es , the • City Engineer regarding progress of
negotiations with the County Flood Control
District for property needed by the City to trade for street right-
Fro( ress Report On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
r,.t�7:r,:acaCs Council approved the Progress Report from
the Engineer, and the recommendations made
by bim therein. Motion carried.
St, Sewers
The Clerk presented a communication from
Pelft nd Requested
the City Engineer regarding the Alabama
Street sanitary sewers, requesting Council
to authorize a refund
of $2441.07 from the Sewer Fund for the
Cityis50% participation.
Refund Auth.
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Dr. Leon C. Nelson
Council authorized the payment of $2,441.07
from the Sewer Fund to Dr. Leon G. Nelson.
Motion carried.
' Resolution #1670 -
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Resolution #1670 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
which had heretofore been
presented to the Council and read by them,
was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Murdy Park Sites - The Clerk presented transmittals from Land
Deeds Presentee. Acquisition Service, Inc. of grant deeds
covering parcels in the Murdy Park site,
for Council consideration.
-13- (10/15/62)
Page #14 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
Parcels No. B-83, B-53, On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
A-63, A-21, B-135 & 136 Council accepted the deeds from Sarah Jane
Accepted Bolger - Parcel No. B-83, at a cost to the
City of $450.00; Eugenia K. Goble - Parcel
No. B-53, at a cost to the City of $450.00• Marguerite H. Drake -
Parcel No. A-63, at a cost to the City of �450.00; Marcus M. Drake
and Marguerite H. Drake - Parcel No. A-w21, at a cost to the City of
$450.00; and from Lucia Bonelli - Parcel Nos. B-135 and B-136, at a
cost to the City of $900.00, and authorized the Clerk to return them
to Land Acquisition Service for recording; and further authorized
payment to each of the grantors or set of grantors in the amount
specified, when approved by Land Acquisition Service. Motion carried.
Bldg, Director Req, The Clerk presented a communication from
Plumbers Exam. Board the Director of Building and Safety,
recommending that Council reappoint the
Plumbers Examining Board for the ensuing year.
Geer -Schulz -Williams On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, .
Re -appointed Council accepted the recommendation of the
Director of Building and Safety, and re-
appointed Mr. Charles Geer, Mr. Warren Schulz and Mr. Charles Wil-
liams, to serve on the Plumbers Examining Board until November 1,
1963, or until their successors have been appointed. Motion carried.
C. L. Lyen - Asst. City The Clerk presented a communication from Mr.
Atty - Req. Term. of C. L. Lyen, Assistant City Attorney, re -
Contract questing that his contract which expires
November 15, 1962, be terminated.
C. L. Lyen - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Resignation Ace. Council accepted, with regret, the resig-
nation of Mr. C. L. Lyen as Assistant City
Attorney, effective November 15, 1962; and directed the City Attorney
to prepare a Resolution commending Mr. Lyen for his work on behalf
of the City during his term. Motion carried.
Petition for Annex. The Clerk presented a petition from eleven
Bolsa Chica Road owners of property in the neighborhood of
Bolsa Chica Road and Warner and Pierce
Streets, requesting annexation to the City of Hunting ton Beach.
Certification He then read a certification to the effect
Read that the petition was signed by the property
owners of more than 25% of the property
owners in the entire area, both by area and assessed valuation; and
that there were not more than eleven registered voters residing with-
in the area proposed to be annexed.
Petition On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Accepted Council accepted the petition for annexa-
tion from the residents in this area ad
jacent to Bolsa Chica Road and Warner and Pierce Streets. Motion
Res, #1671 - On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution #1671 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO," which had heretofore been submitted to
the City Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the fol-
lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
-14 (10/15/62)
Page #15 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
Eminent Domain Action Councilman Stewart informed the Council
Murdy Park Site that the City Attorney had filed an action
in Eminent Domain, entitled "City of
Huntington Beach, a municipal corporation, vs. Richard T. Leaver,
et al, to condemn six vacant lots at the east end of the Murdy
property, necessary for the construction of a storm channel, which
action was authorized on October 1, 1962, by Resolution No, 1661
of the City Council, and an order of court having been obtained
authorizing the deposit in court of $450.00 per lot for a total of
$2700.00, and a certified copy of the order having been filed with
the City Treasurer, and informing the Council that upon deposit of
this fund in court, an order will be obtained authorizing immediate
possession of the property.
Deposit Autborized - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
L. B. Wallace Council directed that the City Treasurer
be instructed to draw a warrant in the
sum of $2700.00, payable to L. B. Wallace, County Clerk and Clerk
of the Superior Court, Orange County, for deposit in the case of
The City of Huntington Beach vs. Richard T. Leaver, et al, No,
107701. Motion carried.
Ord. No. 931 -
Second Reading
SECTION 9526."
Ord. No. 931 -
AYES: Councilmen:
NOES: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 931 a second
reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Ordinance No. 931 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
Ord. No. 932 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 932 a second
Second Reath. reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
District Map 1-6-11) and 9211.51 (Sectional District Map 2-6-11.)"
Ord. No. 932 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Adgpt_ed Ordinance No. 932 was passed and adopted
by the following roll..call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilman: Wells
Ord. No. 933 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 933 a second
Second Readin& reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
Ord, -No. 933 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Ordinance No. 933 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert a.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
County Healt1i Officer - The Clerk presented a letter from the Health
Cert. Nec, of Sewers Officer of the City of Huntington Beach and
Assess. Dist. #6201 the County of Orange, certifying to the nec-
essity of installation of sanitary sewers in
the Washington Avenue -Patterson Way Improvement District, Assessment
District No. 6201.
-15- (10/15/62)
Page #16 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
Communication On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Rec'd & Filed Council ordered the communication from the
Health Officer received and filed. Motion
Res. #1662 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Ad.o2 ted Resolution No. 1662 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
SEWERS," which had heretofore been presented to the City Council and
read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:
NOES: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
October 11, 1962
The Honorable Mayor and
City of Huntington Beach
City Hall
City Council
Huntington Beach, California
Re: Washington Avenue -Patterson Way Improvement District
Assessment District No. 6201
The rapid growth of the area described in Resolution 1607
of your body adopted June 18, 1962 without the concurrent development
of a sanitary sewerage system is a problem which has concerned this
department progressively over the last several years. This department,
therefore, recommends:
1. That the construction of sanitary sewers to serve
the area described in said resolution, as shown upon the plans and
specifications of this improvement district is necessary as a health
2. That proceedings for the construction of said sanitary
sewers is necessary as a health measure.
3. That proceedings under the Improvement Act of 1911,
Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California
for the construction of said sanitary sewer system is necessary as a
health measure.
This recommendation is made pursuant to the provisions
of Section 2808 of the Street and Highways Code of the State of
California. This department is prepared to fully support the urgency
of this measure as a protection to the public health.
Very truly yours,
Health Officer, City of
Huntington Beach and
County of Orange,
State of California
Res. #1.663 - On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adapted Resolution No. 1663 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
which had heretofore been presented to the City Council and read by
them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
-16- (10/15/62)
Page #17 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
Res. #1664 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by.Welch,
Amsted Resolution No. 1664 - "IN THE MATTER OF
IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT," which had heretofore been presented to the
City Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the fol-
lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Res. #1.665 - On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adapted Resolution #1665 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
had heretofore been presented to the City Council and read by them,
was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Res. #1666 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Adopted Resolution #1666 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
PATTERSON WAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT," which had heretofore been
presented to the City Council and read by them, was passed and
adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Resolution #1672 - On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution No. 1672 - "A RESOLUTION OF
OR FUNDS," which had heretofore been presented to the City Council
and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Police Chief Req, Auth. Chief of Police Robidoux presented a
Off. Payne - Juvenile request that Juvenile Officer Payne be
School authorized to attend a school designed for
his kind of irk. Mr. Robidoux informed
the Council that the total expense involved was $75.00.
Payne Auth. to Att. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
School - Exp. Auth, Patrolman Grover L. Payne was authorized
to attend the school for Juvenile Officers,
with expenses in the amount of $75.00 to be reimbursed. Motion
Tuition Paid By
Ins. Co. of Calif.
the City,
attend the
an amount o
covering a
The Chief of Police also stated that he
had been informed that the Insurance
Companies of California had granted to
f $750.00 for tuition for one officer to
of Southern California course on Juvenile
three month period.
-17- (10/15/62)
Page #18 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
Admin. Req. Auth. To The City Administrator informed the
Pres. Case to Lands Comm.Council that the State Lands Commission would
hold a hearing on October 16, 1962., at
2:00 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers, as previously requested by
the Council. He requested Council authority and direction to present
a case for the City.
Admin. to Pres. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Off -shore Tidelands the City Administrator was directed to pre -
Case to Comm. pare and make a presentation of the City's
case regarding the leasing of off -shore
tidelands within the City limits. Motion carried.
Reclass. of Police The City Administrator presented a request
Personnel Requested from Chief Robidoux for the reclassifica-
tion of certain employees and authorization
for the employment of Policemen to replace those reclassified. Mr.
Miller informed the Council that he recommended the reclassification
of two Sergeants to the position of Lieutenant, three Patrolmen to
the position of Sergeants, two Patrolmen to the position of Detectives,
and the hiring of three new Patrolmen.
Promotions & Emp. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Authorized Council approved the recommendations of the
City Administrator and authorized the Chief
of Police to promote two Policemen to the position of Detectives,
three Policemen, -to the position of Sergeant, and two Sergeants to
the position of Lieutenant; and authorized the employment of three
new Patrolmen. Motion carried.
Auth. Code Change Following some discussion of Administrative
To Incr. F.D. Alloc. problems within the Fire Department, a
motion was made by Stewart, seconded by
Lambert, that the Administrator be authorized to prepare an Ordinance
increasing the allocation in the Fire Department, within the budget.
Motion carried.
Admin. Report - The Administrator informed the Council that
Footbridge over Freewy. they have studied the requests that had
been made at a previous meeting for the re-
location of a pedestrian footbridge across the San Diego Freeway.
He stated that he and the Engineer had made an investigation and
could find no objection to terminating the pedestrian overpass in
the proximity of Heil Avenue, rather than Savoy Circle.
Engr. & Admin. to Neg. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch,
To Rewrite Agreement Council instructed the City Engineer and the
City Administrator to negotiate with the
State to rewrite the agreement and make this change. Motion carried.
Robert deMalignon The Administrator reported that the request
Private Patrol Serv, of Robert deMalignon for a Certificate of
Need and Necessity and business license to
operate a private patrol, which was referred to the Police Chief and
the City Administrator for study, had been investigated. Mr. Miller
informed the Council that the application and bond from Mr. deMalignon
were in order, and recommended that the Certificate of Need and Nec-
essity and business license be granted.
Autb. to Operate On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Private Patrol Serv- Council authorized the granting of a Cert-
ificate of Need and Necessity to operate a
private patrol to Mr. Robert deMalignon, dba Southern California
Security, and directed the Clerk to issue a business license to Mr.
deMalignon. Motion carried.
Percy Courmer Perm; On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
To Operate - Term. permission heretofore granted to Mr. Percy
Courmier to operate a private patrol service
in the City of Huntington Beach, was terminated immediately, by
reason of his failure to obtain a State license to operate a private
patrol service, and because there recently has been an unfavorable
recommendation from the Chief of Police. Motion carried.
-18- (10/15/62)
Page #19 - Minutes, October 15, 1962
Minutes Approved - On motion b
10/1/62 the minutes
October 1,
ed and mailed. Motion carried.
y Stewart, seconded by
of the regular meetin
Payroll Register On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
10/10/62 the Payroll Register for October 10, 1962,
was approved on recommendation of the
Finance Committee. Motion carried.
Warrant Register On motion by Welch, seconded by Lambert,
Approved the Warrant Register was approved on
recommendation of the Finance Committee.
Motion carried.
Councilman Stewart At this point, Councilman Stewart left the
Leaves Meeti a - meeting.
Ord. No. 934 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 934 a first
First Readin& reading in full - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
Informal Meeting Mayor Lambert called a meeting of the
11/5/62 7 A.M. Council as an informal Committee of the
Whole for Monday, November 5, 1962, at
7:00 o'clock A.M. for discussion purposes.
Meeting On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch,
Adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned..
City Clerk and -officio Clerk
of the City C ncil of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
City C k
-19- (10/15/62)