HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-11-06326 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1962 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Letson, Bail, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Crabb. MINUTES: On Motion by Worthy and seconded by Letson, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of October 2 and October 16, 1962, were accepted as trdnscribed and mailed by the Secretary. TENTATIVE TRACT NO 4889 - Continued Number of Lots: 6•,. _ Subdivider: Lomar Developers,.'Inc. Total Acreage: 1.3 Engineer: Lander Engineering. Located on the west side of Huntington Street at Quebec Drive and legally described as being a portion of the east 14 acres of the N2 of -the SW� of the NEk of Section 35-5-11. The Secretary read a letter from Joe E.,Long, President of Lomar Developers, Inc., requesting a con- tinuance of Tentative Tract 4889 until the regular meeting on December 18, 1962. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO DECEMBER 18, 1962. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT NO 4841 - Continued Number of Lots: 40 Subdivider: Doyle & Shields Total Acreage: 9.1 Engineer: Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson Located east of Springdale Street and north of Heil Avenue and legally described as being a subdivision of a portion of the SW� of the NWk of Section 22-5-11. The Secretary read a letter signed by Kenneth W. Carlson of Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson, Inc. requesting a withdrawal of Tentative Tract 4841 since it falls within Tentative Tract 4333, which is on file with the Planning Department. - A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO WITHDRAW TENTATIVE TRACT 4841. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION CARRIED. 327 Page #2 Minutes - H. B. Planningg Coiramission Tuesday, November 6, 1962 Z0, �. CASE. NO 267 - Continued Change of zone from M-1 Applicant: Oka Bros, Corn. Li;ht Industrial District to R-1 Single Family Residence District. The following parcel of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition is described herewith: Located approxi- mately 660 feet north of Banning'Avenue and west of Bushard Street and legally described as the NZ of the SE4 of the SW4 of Section 18-6-10. George Gillette, Attorney for Oka Bros. Corp., addressed the Commission and stated that he was awaiting the decision of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission held a discussion at which time it was agreed, with the consent of Mr. Gillette, to continue the hearing to December 4, 1962. In the meantime, the Planning Commission along with the City Council will take a tour of the southeast area of the city for further study of the area in question. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED.BY BAZIL TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO DECEMBER 4, 1962. ROLL CALL `VOTE : AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. - ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO 283 Change of zone from A-1-X Applicant: Doyle & Shields -General Agricultural District as adopted by Interim Ordinance No 668 to R-1.Single Family Residence District, R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District and C-2 Community Business District,with setback provisions. The following parcel of real property as submitted on the applicant's petition is described herewith: Located south of Edinger Avenue, east of Springdale Street, and north of Heil Avenue, and legally described as follows: Area I: (R-3) The N 495 ft of the WZ of the NW4 of Section 22-5-11 SBB & M, EXCEPT the W 528 ft thereof. Area II: (R-1) Lots 1 through 304, Tentative Tract No 4333. Area III: (C-2) Lot 305, Tentative Tract No 4333. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Wally,Nichol, Engineer from Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson, Inc., representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained the reasons for requesting the zone change. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. - 2 - 328 - Page ' #3 Minutes Tuesday, - H. B. Planning Commission November 6, 19b2 A lengthy -discussion was held by the Commission at which time the Planning Director stated that the Tentative Tract Map of the area in question was approved at the last meeting upon a variety of conditions, two of which dealt with this proposed zoning, therefore, the subdivision plans hinge largely on -the -action on the proposed zoning. After con- siderable discussion, the Commission agreed"that the R-1 and R-3 zoning were reasonable, but felt that there already was ample commercial zoning in the area to serve the needs of the people. RESOLUTION NO 283 A -Resolution of the Planning Commission Recommending Approval of a Portion of Zone Case 283 and Further Recommending Denial of a Portion of Zone Case 283 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL'AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE R-1 AND R-3 PORTIONS OF ZONE CASE NO 283 AND FURTHER RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF THE C-2 PORTION OF ZONE CASE -NO 283 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: R-1:- There is an approved tentative tract map on the subject property that has been designed for single-family resi- dential development. The rezoning of the property will eliminate any -uses that are not compatible with single family residential development. R-3: The proposed zone change will provide for a transition from commercial to single family residential. The -property is adjacent to a primary highway and east of another primary highway which will provide easy accessi- bility for a high density development. C-2: The property is situated at the one-half mile intersection which is not the proper location and is unnecessary to serve the area. Changes of zone on two other corners of the intersection have previously been denied, ROLL CALL VOTE: - AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE RESOLUTION WAS -ADOPTED.: ZONE CASE NO 284 Change of zone from R-1 Single Applicant: R. H. Grant Family Residence'District to C-4 Highway Commercial District with setback provisions. The following parcel of real property as submitted on the applicant's -petition is described herewith: Located at the -southwest corner of McFadden Avenue and Edwards Street and legally described as Lot No 82, Tract No 4275, Star- dust Homes No 2, Inc. the Secretary. The Staff Report was read by - 3 Page #4 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1962 320 The hearing was opened to the audience. John Prins, agent for R. H. Grant, addressed the; Commission and explained that this application was filed as a result.of_a meeting with.,the_nearby property owners who previously had opposed the previous.request_for_.R-3 zoning .mainly because they objected to apartments being,built,near their homes. The homeowners had no objection ,to the building of a small shopping center, however. George Wood, 15441 Duke Circle, spoke for the nearby,homeowners and agreed that -they were in favor of the commercial zoning. Carl Calamia, 6441 Dunn Drive, also spoke in favor of the C-4 zoning. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed.. -Commission discussion followed and it was pointed out to the property owners present that C-4 zoning would allow apartments also. It was suggested to Mr. Prins that he refile, with fee waived, asking for a C-2 zoning." Mr. Prins agreed to this . suggestion. RESOLUTION NO 284 A Resolution of the Planning Commission Recommending Denial of Zone Case 284 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF ZONE CASE*284 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON.. ALSO, IN THE EVENT THE APPLICANT DID REFILE FOR A*C-2 ZONE, THE FILING FEE WOULD BE WAIVED. 1: ''All of the .uses permitted in the C-4 zone would not, be compatible with the surrounding single-family development and a more.restrictive zone could possibly be applied to the property. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 285 Change of zone from R-4-Y Suburban Applicant: Residential District as adopted by Williamson Park Co. Interim Ordinance No 672 to C-2 Community Business District with setback provisions. The following parcel`of "real property as submitted on the applicant's petition is described herewith: Located at the northwest cor- ner of Adams Avenue and Cannery Street and legally described as Lot No 83, Tract No 4339, Williamson Park Co. - 4 - 330 Page #5 Minutes - H. B. Planningg Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1962 The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. The h.ea'ring' ,t as ' op'ened to the audience•: Wally Nicha`1' agent' for the appl'ica)k,' 'addressed the Commission= and -stated he was'" in' agraeance with the 5taf 'Re- port which' recommended- appiova'1 of th'e zone ch'aiige''`as the{ parcel was designed into 'the" adjoining`'traCt`'for commercial use'. comment, the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO 285= There being no further A`Resoluti6n'of the Pfii` ing -Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case 285 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO -RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE 285 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:--'' 1— The property -is located at -the intersection of a Major and a Primary Arterial. 2. The property is situated -at the corner of a section -which -is a more desirable location for commercial zoning. 3. The property is within a proposed subdivision and is intended to provide a commercial development to serve the needs of the people who will occupy that subdivision as well as surrounding subdivisions. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. -THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 286 Change of zone from R-5-0 Applicant: Fred Brocan Professional, Motel and Trailer Park District, combined with oil-, to R-5 Professional, Motel and Trailer -Park District. The following parcels of real properties as submitted on the applicant's petition are described herewith: 'Located', generally north of Memphis Avenue and west of Beach Boulevard and legally described as: PARCEL I: The east 330 ft x 410 ft, of the NZ of the SW14 of the NEk of the NEk of Section 11-6-11, SBB & M. PARCEL II: The north 410 ft x 410 ft of the W z of the SEA of the NEB of the NE4 of Section 11-6-11, SBB & M. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. -The _hearing was, opened , to • the audience; there being no comment, the_hearing.was closed. _Commission.discussion was held. The Planning Director pointed out that there was only one existing well in the area which has been idle for some time and further that it seemed doubtful if any more would be drilled because of the poor production of wells in that area. - 5 - Page #6 Minutes - H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1962 33'1 RESOLUTION NO 286 A Resolution of the Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone.Case 286 to,the-City Council. A- MOTION WAS. MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY,KAUFMAN TO -RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF -ZONE CASE 286 TO THE -CITY COUNCIL:FOR THE_FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The one e_xisting_we11 within the area proposed for change has been idle for some time. 2. Removal of the 110" designation could encourage development of the land to a new and more useful purpose. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES.-"'Letson, Bazi1, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: , Crabb .' ­ THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: - AREA VARIANCE NO 486 To allow the construction of a 6 ft Applicant: Austin Hanvy high fence along'the front property - line in deviation to -the 32 ft fence permitted in the-R-l-Single Fami-ly Residence District. This property is located -at -the southwest corner of Ross Lane and Hastings Circle and legally described as Lot 10, Tract 3506. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Austin Hanvy, applicant, addressed the Commission and stated he was willing to go al6rig'with the suggestions of the Staff as outlined in the Staff Report. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed: The Commission discussed at length the placement of the fence -in question. It was pointed out that technically Hastings Circle is -the front of the lot al- though when the tract was constructed, the homes bn the corner lots Caere turned around'to face the side street, Ross Lane, thus the request to construct a-6 ft fence in the required front yard which is at the side of the house. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE 486 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. The fence will set back 30 feet from the property line on Ross Lane. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION CARRIED. 332 Page #7 Minutes Tuesday, - H. B. Planning Commission November 6, 1962 AREA VARIANCE NO 487 To allow the construction Applicant - M. Friis-Hansen Co. of a service station, pro - By: Blackburn/La Rue. -Inc * ue,-Inc. fessional offices and com- mercial stores, waiving-the*required 50 ft front yard setback in the C-1.Neighborhood-Commercial-.District Located at the southeast corner.of Beach -Boulevard -and Warner Avenue, and - legally described _as Lots 2, -'4;-6;8-; 102 122 14-j ,•16, 18,2. 20, 22, and 24, Tract No 298. The Staff Report .-was,.read by the Secretary. , ; •..� -.-,The hearing was opened to the audience. Dick La Rue, agent for the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained the plans for developing the property, including extensive landscaping., Bert Holmes, 17041 A. Street, objected on the grounds that the site is too.small. Mrs. Greenwood, 17051 •A Street, objected . because:. the • homes - are too close to the alley and the proposed commercial use of the property across the alley would create, a safety hazard for the children as well as the adults using the.alley.- She,also pro- tested that the proposed two-story buildings would completely deprive them of their privacy. Mike Barros, 17061 A Street, Guy Avent, 17011 A Street, and T. V. Case, 17031 A Street, all objected and asked that the setback be adhered to. Barbara Barros, 17061 A Street, was against the commercial use of the property because it would undoubtedly bring.their property valµes down. M. G. Hitt, Pastor, and Virgil Painter, both representing the Baptist_Church.ac-ross the alley from the subject property, spoke against granting the variance because of the parking problem, the extra.traffic con- gestion, and because a seven day business..would be a nuisance_ to the church. comment, the hearing was closed. There being no further, The Planning Commission discussed the matter thoroughly. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO DENY AREA VARIANCE NO 487. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang, NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb." - THE MOTION CARRIED. MM Page #8 Minutes - H. B. Planningg Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1962 333 AREA VARIANCE NO 488 -To allow the construction of a. Applicant: Richard F. Smith family room to encroach 9 feet into,the,required'20 ft rear yard setback in'the R-1 Single Family'Residence=District. Located at -the southwest corner of Sandra Lane and Audrey Drive and legally described"as Lot=No 130,'Tract.No,3616.__ The Staff Report was. read by --- the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the. audience. Richard F. Smith, applicant, addressed the Com- mission and"ekplairned his proposed structure. .. There being no further comment, the' hearing wa's' closed. The Planning Commission -dis- cussed the -matter thoroughly. - A MOTION WAS.MADE•BY MILLER. AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE NO 488 ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1.' The proposed room'be turned around to encroach not more than-13.feet into the_required.rear yard. ROLL CALL VOTE:.. , AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO 489 To allow the continued use of Applicant: Ben C. Deane five model homes for home sales display for Tract No,3595 together with accessory parking and recreation in the C-1,Neighborhood Commercial -District. Located.at the northeast corner of Atlanta Avenue -and Beach Boulevard and legally described as a portion of the SWk of Section 12-6-11. Further legal description_ on file in the:Planning..Department Office. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary., The hearing was.opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held. It was noted that approval of the application would limit the use to the Pacific Sands tract and that there was.no indication of how long the models would be needed: _The Staff felt that two years would be long enough. Also a bond might,.be considered for each model and sales office to be posted to guarantee their removal together with the signs and the restoration of the site. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LETSON AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NO 489 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1• - 8 - `,34Paoe #9 Minutes Tuesday, - H. B. Planningg Commission November 6, 1962 i 1. The expiration date of -this application will be two years from the date of approval. 2. A $1000 bond will be posted for each model house and the sales office to guarantee their removal together with the signs.and"the restoration of the site. ; ROLL CALL -VOTES AYES:. Letson,.Bazil,.Kaufmany Worthy.., Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None.,-"• t ABSENT: Crabb. THE.MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO 490 , ,._--To allow the storage of house - Applicant: hold goods within a building Donald H. Busch in the C-3 General Business District. Located at the northwesterly corner of 3rd Street and Olive Avenue and legally described -as Lots No 1, 3, 5, and 7, Block 303, Huntington.Beach Tract. The Staff Report was read -by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Jerry Salay, agent for the applicant, "addressed the Commission and told how he had checked with the'Planning De- partment -and had -been told that the storage of household goods within a building was permitted in the C-3 zone. On that -basis, he went ahead and asked the Building Department -and the Fire Department to check the building in question for necessary repairs needed to bring it up to City Code. This they went ahead and"did and in so doing, spent and committed themselves to a cost of $8000. He went on to say that he then applied ' for a business license and at that time the Planning Department turned him down,' " thus the -reason. for filing this application'. Donald H. Busch, applicant,confirmed Mr. Salay's statements.' Mr. Frank Bray, 321`•2nd Street, objected'to'this type of business being in that location. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. The Commission discussed the matter of the discrepancy in the Code and agreed that it was ambiguous and not.always clear in -its meanings. The Planning Director pointed out that the City must condider the parking and truck -traffic conjestion that might -be created by this proposed use; also, he stated that, in the Staffs opinion, industrial uses can only -detract from the potential of the downtown area.- 335 Page #10 Minutes - H. B. Planningg Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1962 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NO 490 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The expiration date of this application will be one year from the date of approval. 2. All trucks and vans will be parked off the street when not loading or -unloading.. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION CARRIED. MISCELLANEOUS: DIVISION OF LAND NO 174 To allow the division of land of the -following described property into two separate parcels: Located south of=Garfield*Avenue and northeasterly of Kaimu.Drive and legally described as the west' one-half of -the -west 200 ft of the - north 200 feet of the Ez of the NW4 of Section -5-6-10. PARCEL I: The -north 80 ft thereof; -EXCEPTING the north 50 ft. PARCEL II: the south 70 ft thereof. Commission discussion was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED -BY LETSON TO APPROVE DIVISION OF LAND NO 174. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy; Miller,' Chairman Stang. - NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION CARRIED. _ The Planning.Director reported that the City,Council had.requested a joint meeting with the Commission on Tuesday.,. -November 13, at 4:30 "P.M. 'to tour and discuss the southeast.area. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS -ADJOURNED TO NOVEMBER 13, 1962, AT 4:30 P.M. . '12 ;�OG? 011/y2 1)if �i2it% AQ, . W. C. Warner 'Edward Stang Secretary Chairman - 10 -