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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, April 22, 1963
Mayor Lambert called the regular adjourned
meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order
at 7:00 o'clock P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all
present in the Council Chamber.
Councilmen Present: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
Councilmen Absent: None
Beach Erosion Mayor Lambert announced that the first item
Problem Presented of business would be a discussion of beach
erosion problems with members of the Orange
County Harbor Commission, the State Commission on Water Resources,
and representatives of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, in this
area. Mr. Willis H. Warner, Vice Chairman of the Orange County
Harbor Commission, addressed the Council and introduced the follow-
ing members of the Commission, together with members of the State
Water Resources Commission and the Army Corps of Engineer:
Mr. Malcolm J. Ker, California State Department of Water Resources,
Mr. Robert L. Harris, Chief of the Beach Erosion Unit,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Mr. Samuel C. Polk, Deputy County Counsel
Mr. Thomas Severens, Administrative Assistant, Orange County
Harbor District
Mr. Chip Cleary, Member of the Orange County Harbor Commission
Mr. James E. Ballinger, Harbor Engineer - Orange County Harbor
Mr. David L. Baker, Member of the Orange County_ Board of Supervis-
Mr. Robert Harris Mr. Robert Harris then addressed the Coun-
Reeort SW r� cil and presented a Congressional Report
Summary regarding the beach erosion problems
faced in the area between Sunset Beach and Newport Beach.
Mr. garner Mr. Warner then addressed the Council and
informed them that the State Water Resources
Board, which represents the State of California in dealing with
cities regarding these types of problems, had prepared a Resolution
and agreement to be presented to all City Councils for consideration.
It was pointed out to the Council that the Federal Governement would
assume 67% of the cost of the entire project, and that the State
Water Resources Commission would assume 50% of the remainder. It
was further stated that the Board of Commissioners had committed the
County to assume a portion of the balance, which would be divided
between the County and -the cities.
"Literal Drift" Mr. Harris again addressed the Council and
P� lained explained what was meant by the terminology
"literal drift".
:Proposed Beak- Mr. Jams Ballinger addressed the Council,
Water Presented and exhibited maps of the area involved in
the discussion, and attempted to point out
the problems faced in endeavoring to find a solution. He informed
the Council, that the proposed breakwater had originally been located
immediately off the coast of Newport Beach, but after some study, it
had been found to be more feasible to move it up to a point off the
mouth of the Santa Ana River.
-1- (4/22/63).
Page #2 - Minutes, April 22, 1963
Mayor Lambert Mayor Lambert informed the Council that further
studies in this matter were required, as the
Congress depends on local agencies to participate in the project, and
that he believed they were requesting a reaffirmation of approval of
the beach erosion program in principle.
David Baker Req.
Res. of Affirmation
the program and their
Supervisor David L. Baker addressed the Council
and requested that they consider the adoption
of a Resolution reaffirming their approval of
participation therein.
Robert F. Gardner
Mr. Robert F. Gardner.of Newport Beach address -
Newport Beach
ed the Council as a private citizen and extend-
ed his views on the program as it was being
Mr. Jack Kelly
Mr. Jack Kelly, representing the Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach
Association, addressed the Council, and in-
formed them that his area was very much in-
terested in having some
work done on this matter, as they were gradu-
ally losing their beach.
Council Disc.
The Council then held a discussion on the
problems involved in the City's participation
in the beach erosion program.
Previous Approval
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Coun-
cil reaffirmed their previous approval of the
beach erosion program in principle. Motion
carried unanimously.
Recess Called
Mayor Lambert called a recess of the Council
at 8:40 o'clock P.M.
Council Reconvened Council was reconvened at 9:00 o'clock P.M.
by the Mayor.
Claim Presented A claim against the City, made by Mr. John
Mr, John Griffithe Griffithe, 2827 Del Amo Boulevard, Lakewood,
for damages resulting from a collision with
a City vehicle, was presented by the Clerk.
C1Aim Denied On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, the
Ref. Tq_Atty. claim of Mr. Griffithe was denied and referred
w � to the City Attorney and the City's insurance
carrier. Motion carried.
Appeal Presented The Clerk presented an appeal from T. A. Worthy,
Worthy Trust, Estate Trustee of the Worthy Trust Estate, to a decision
of the City Planning Commission in denying
Zone Case No. 327.
Pub, Hearin; ordered On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells,
5/6/63 Z.C. #327 Council ordered a public hearing for Monday,
May 6, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible, on the appeal to the decision of the
Planning Commission in denying Zone Case No. 327 and directed the
Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion tarred.
Engr. Req. to Einp. A request from the City Engineer for auth-
Design. &_Services EnErs. orization to recruit a person to fill the
position of Design Engineer to replace Mr.
Robert Kay; and to recruit a person to fill the position of Services
Engineer, was presented for Council consideration.
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Page #3 - Minutes, April 22, 1963
Emp. of Engrs. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Auth. Council approved the Engineer's request
and authorized the recruiting and employ-
ment of a Design Engineer and a Services Engineer in the proper
range and step. Motion carried.
Engr. Req. The Clerk presented a letter from the City
Daugherty Promotion Engineer recommending the reclassification
of Mr. Clyde G. Daugherty from Maintenance
Man, Range 29-B to Skilled Worker, Range 31-A.
Daugherty to Skilled On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Worker 31-A Council approved the Engineers recommenda-
tion and authorized the reclassification of
Mr. Daugherty to Skilled Worker, Range 31-A, effective May 1, 1963.
Motion carried.
Res. #1763 On motion by Wells, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution No. 1763 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
tofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed
and adopted by -..the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT.: Councilmen None
Res. #1762 The Clerk read Resolution No. 1763 - "A
Res. #1762 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution No. 1762 was passed and adopted,
and the Clerk directed to have certificates
prepared for presentation to the families of Mr. Moiola and Mr.,
Lichlyter, and to the.City of Fountain Valley, by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Std. Met. Area The City Clerk presented a letter to be
Spokesman sent by the City Council to the committee
on Standard Metropolitan Areas in Washingtor
D.C., designating Mayor Rex Coons of the City of Anaheim as the
authorized spokesman for the Huntington Beach in all deliberations
concerning the separation of Orange County from the Los Angeles -
Long Beach Metropolitan Area, for Council consideration. -
Mayor Coons
Autb. to Rep. City On motion by Welch, seconded by Lambert,
Council authorized Mayor Coons of Anaheim
to represent the City in this matter, and directed the Clerk to
present the letter of authorization to him. Motion carried.
-3- (4/22/63)
Page #4 - Minutes, April. 22, 1963
Engr. Disc.. City Engineer Wheeler discussed with the
Weed Problems Council, the problems which bad been created
in the weed cleaning program, due to the fact
that they could no longer get the property cards from the County to
obtain names and addresses on the various properties. Mr. Wheeler
suggested that Council grant permission to delete the notices to pro-
perty was being cleaned, and put all cleaning costs on the tax roll
without any further billing. He informed the Council that he knew of
no other way to notify property owners of the charges due under the
weed cleaning program.
Engr, To Delete Following some discussion by the Council,
Notice to Prop. Owners the Engineer was directed to delete the
notices to property owners whose property
was being cleaned, and put all charges on the tax roll without a bill-
ing therefor. He was further directed to put ads in the local papers
to inform the people that this proceedure was to be followed in the
Chief Higgins Recomm, Fire Chief Higgins discussed with the Council
Re: Fire Station a report from the National Association of
Fire Underwriters which he had received in
the last week. He stated that the Association had changed requirements
regarding running distances of fire equipment, and that as a result,
he had determined that the City would only need 9 out of the 12 fire
station sites which had been recommended for purchase. Mr. Higgins
recommended that the Council therefore, consider dropping the purchase
of property on which they had been negotiating in the Wintersburg area,
in favor of a site on Taylor Street.
City to Cant. Nyeg. During a discussion on the matter by the
To Purchase Sites Council, it was recommended that the City
theproperty in
yard or for some
site. No action
Mayor Lambert
continue with their negotiation to purchase
the Wintersburg area for use as a possible maintenance
other municipal purpose, rather than for a fire station
was taken by Council in the matter.
Mayor Lambert addressed the Council, and stated
that various newspapers had been making an
issue of a possible violation of a City Ordinance by several Council-
men, in their dealings with department heads. The Mayor then asked
City Attorney Plunkett for an interpretation of the Ordinance section
covering relations between Councilmen and Department Heads.
City Attorney
than through official
penalty was involved
informed the Council
Council, and they had
saw fit.
The Attorney informed the Council that the
Ordinance does prohibit Councilmen from giving
orders to department heads in any other wanner
action as a Council; but further stated that no
in the violation of this section. Mr. Plunkett
that the ordinance had been passed by the City
the complete power to revoke the Ordinance,if they
No Action Taken There was no action by the Council in this matter.
Mt . Adjourned On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, the
regular adjourned meeting of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried.
ty Clerk an,x-otficio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, alifornia
y er
-4- (4/22/63)