HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-04-23MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach., California ADJOURNED MEETING,,APRIL 23, 1963 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:, Letson,,Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Crabb. PRECISE PLAN STUDIES: Property owners within the area bounded.by Beach Boule- vard, Ellis Avenue, Newland Street and Garfield Avenue had been invited to attend this meeting for informal discussion of several problems within the area. Most property owners were present and Senior Planning Aide Floyd Belsito reviewed a series of Precise Plan studies which could solve problems.of traffic, drainage,, and utilities within this quarter section.area. Many of the property owners pa rticipated in the discussion, particularly as to future street alignments, and many helpful suggestions were offered. It was the concensus that additional studies should be made, particularlyinlight of some of the prospective developments mentioned by property owners, and that another informal meeting be held in the near future. DIVISION OF LAND N0.191 To allow the Division of Applicant: Llovd Mannes Land into three separate parcels. A lengthy legal description is on file in the Planning Department Office. Lo- cated at the northwest corner of Beach. Boulevard and Talbert Avenue. The Secretary informed th.e Commission that the subject parcels are well over the minimum 6000 square feet. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY LETSON TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DIVISION OF LAND NO 191 TO THE,CITY COUNCIL UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Dedicate and improve to City Standards the right-of-way for Talbert Avenue and Beach Boulevard. 2. Participate in drainage assessment district at cost of $930 per acre. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letso,n, Bazil, Kaufman,,Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION CARRIED. 19, Page #2 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, April 23, 1963 COMMUNICATION: The Secretary read a communication submitted by Glenn W. Clark, 12081 Diane, Garden Grove, California, requesting a consideration of a 23 foot turning radius rather than the 25 feet required by adopted standards. After considerable discussion, it was the concensus that in this particular case, 23 feet would be suitable provided there are no supporting posts between parking spates. rr THE MOTION BY BAZIL WAS SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO APPROVE A 23 FOOT TURNING RADIUS PROVIDED THERE ARE NO POSTS BETWEEN THE PARKING SPACES. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE MOTION,CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO 537 - Continued Applicant: Salem Development Co. Mr. Salem D. Caplan, applicant, addressed the Commission and explained the problem that would be encountered if the Commission approves the requested variance with. the standard condition of dedication and improve- ment of all of the street frontage of the proposed trailer pErk. The applicant does not own all of the small lots fronting on Gothard Street and, therefore, would not be able to make all of the dedication or improvement. The Commission felt that if a trailer park were to be developed, the full street improvement should be made. The applicant questioned whether the city could condemn the lots he does not own. Thereupon the Secretary was re- quested to secure an opinion from the City Attorney as to whether the city could use their power of condemnation to buy such lots if the developer stood the entire cost. The Secretary was also requested to ask the City Council if they would take such action if -the Attorney determine's it to be legal. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT A proposed amendment to Section RE: HEIGHT OF FENCES 9296.5 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code was •presen.ted to allow the normal fence height to be in addition to the h-Aght of any portion thereof used as a retaining wall. -2- ,,2o Page Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, April 23, 1963 The City Attorney had stated that no public hearing is necessary for this type of amendment. RESOLUTION NO 335 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Re- commending Approval of Zone Case 335 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 335 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO 335 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ' ABSENT: Crabb. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT Drafts of two proposed RE: APPEALS ordinances for amending the Code regarding appeal periods for various actions -of the Planning Commission were presented by the Secretary. The amendments would standardize the appeal period at 10 days for all matters acted upon by the Commission. RESOLUTION NO 334 A Resolution of the City -' Planning Commission Re-_ commending,Approval of - Zone Case 334 to the City Council. THE MOTION BY BAZIL WAS SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 334 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF ZONE CASE NO 334 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Letson, Bazi1, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. C014MUNICATION: The Secretary read: a com- munication -submitted by Millet, King & Associates, engineer for the subdivider of Tract No 4380, requesting a one year extension of time in wh.ich.to record the final map of the tract. ON MOTION OF WORTHY, SECONDED'�BY- tEutbN, AND, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED', APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WAS RECOMMENDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. -3- 21, Page #4 Minutes; H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, April 23, 1963 CHANGES OF ZONE AS INTERIM MEASURE STUDY AREA I Associate Planner Ken Reynolds reported that the revised Master Plan of Land Use, Study Area I,had been adopted by the City Council and questioned if the Commission would consider initiating interim zone changes for portions of the area. It was felt that the industrial area east of Cannery Street should be rezoned before some obnoxious use becomes established and also it would be well to eliminate the hold -over County Zoning. It was suggested that these areas be zoned RA as an interim holding zone until such time as precise zoning for specific projects is petitioned. It was also suggested that notice of the hearing be given by publi- cation and posting only as the Code permits. After considerable discussion by the Commission, it was the concensus'that the changes of zone as an interim measure was suitable and the Secretary be in- structed to advertise a public hearing for the regular meeting of May 21, 1963, at 7:30 P.M., by publication and posting of notices. DISCUSSION: Change of,Zone - Warner Avenue and Algonquin Street area. The Secretary questioned if the Commission'wish.ed to initiate a change of zone on the recently annexed area as had been requested by one of'th.e property owners. Studies of the Revision of the Land Use Plan of the area had been reviewed by the Commission and the request seemed' • to be in line with.the studies. It was -the concensus that hearings should be held on the proposed Master Plan Revision before a specific change of -zone- is initiated. DISCUSSION: Associate Planner Ken Reynolds reviewed four specific park sites which. are being considered and negotiated for purchase. Some sites still have alternate possibilities. In the near future particular sites and costs will'be presented for consideration. CONDOMINIUM FACTS: The Associate Planner presented a fact sheet of the general concensus of planners throughout the County on standards .fox•.condominium development. It was the feeling of the Com- mission that these data should be studied and discussed further at a later meeting. -4- 22 Page #5 Minutes; H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, April 23, 1963 PROPOSED "R" ZONE REVISIONS: The Commission discussed the possibility of a final review and then public hearing on the "R" Zone revisions as now drafted. New'"R" Zones -to cover condominium projects and "planned developments" would'be drafted for consideration as soon as possible. ' The Staff was requested to prepare a final draft of the Revised "R" Zones for consideration as soon as possible. CURRENT LAND USE REPORT Associate Plagggr Ken Reynolds distributed copies of the Land Use Report, Revised to date, for the information of the Commission. COMMUNICATION: T he Secretary read a letter submitted by Dr. W. R. Cusick requesting'an interpretation by the Commission as to wh.eth.er -dr'ug :and tablet manufacturing is 'similar to those uses listed in the M-1 Zone. It was noted that Drug^Manufacture is listed as an M-1-A use. Commission discussion was held. It was the unanimous opinion that such use is similar to uses permitted in the M-1_Zone, therefore, the interpretation that drug manufacturing is similar to M-1 uses was recommended for approval to th.e City Council. COUNTY VARIANCE NO 5147 The Planning Director read a communication submitted by the Orange County Planning Commission regarding Use"Variance No 5147 to allow the construction of a two-story duplex in the Ar Agricultural Residence District. The Commission held a discussion and it was unanimous that approval of the -application be recommended to the County Planning Commission. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS THE MEETING ADJOURNED' W. C. Warner Edward Stang Secretary Chairman -5-