HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-07-16-112 MINUTES OF THE HUNTINQTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JULY 762 1963 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Crabb, Bazil, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Letson, Worthy. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 5243 Number of Lots: 74 Subdivider: Robert L. Farrow Total Acreage: 17.18 Engineer: R. L. Stuckey Co. Located at the northwest corner of Warner Avenue and Gothard Street and legally described -as being a proposed subdivision of a portion of the W2 of the SE 4 of the SW4 of 'Section 23-5-11. The Secretary read a letter submitted'by R. L. Farrow, subdivider, requesting a continuance for a period of 30 days. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON TRACT NO 5243 TO AUGUST 20, 1963. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson, Worthy, Bazil. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO 537 - Continued To allow the construction Salem Development Co. of a mobile home park of approximately 120 stalls, an office building, a recreation building and swimming pool in the M-1 Light Industrial District and the R-1 Single Family Residence,District. -Located west of Gothard Street, approximately 400 feet north, of Slater Avenue, and legally described as follows: All of Tract No 263, 264, 265, 273, and 274; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the west 162.50 feet of the north 225.00 feet, and all of Tract No 275; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the west 162.50 feet. The hearing was opened to the audience. S. D. Caplan, applicant, addressed the Com- mission and stated that he will agree to a continuance on the subject variance. There being no further comment, the hearing was. closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO AUGUST 6, 1963. 113 Page #2 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1963 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: C rabb, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: Norte. ABSENT: Letson, Worthy, Bazil. THE MOTION CARRIED. DIVISION OF LAND NO 194 To allow tha-Division of Land Doumain Development Co. into two separate parcels. Located on the southwest corner of Brunswick Drive and Goldenwest Street. Lengthy legal description file in the Planning Department Office. The Secretary informed the Com- mission that a revised plot plan has been submitted to eliminate a community driveway between Parcel I and Parcel II. Th.e hearing was opened to the. audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DIVISION OF LAND NO 194 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson, Bazil, Worthy.,,__ THE MOTION• CARRIED. :.,.:. Commissioner Bazil arrived at 7:45 P.M. -.and assumed -his duties. ZONE CASE NO 354 The Planning Director presented MASTER PLAN OF LAND USE STUDY AREA I - REVISED the revisions of the adopted Master Plan of Land Use, Study Area I, which were necessitated by the adoption of the route of the Coast Freeway. It was noted that no great change -was proposed and that the various land use relationships were very similar to the adopted plan. The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO 354 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No 354 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY,KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 354 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO 354 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL ' VOTE AYES:_ Crabb, Bazil, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Worthy, Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTEDt -2- 114 Page #3 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1963 ZONE CASE NO 343 - Continued Change of'Zone from M-1-A Cedric Sanders Restricted,Manufacturing District to C-3 General Business District with setback provisions and R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District., .Located,at the southwest corner of Hamilton Avenue and Brookhurst Street and legally described as portion.of the NZ of the SE4 of Section 18-6-10. Further legal description on file in the Planning bepartment Office. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to th.e audience; there being no comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held. The Secretary informed the Commission that -a portion of this case had been continued by the Commission pending completion of studies of revisions to the Master Plan necessi- tated by adoption of the freeway route. He further stated that a portion of the requested commercial zoning at`the immediate corner of Brookhurst and Hamilton had been recommended'to the Council but the Council referred it back to the Commission for considerationnaloxig with the remainder of the case. It was noted -that the submitted plan calls for a condominium type development of 10 units per acre. It was further pointed out by the'Secre- tary that the preliminary plan would also fall well within the provisions of the R-2 Zone. It was the concensus to approve a C-4 zone on'the first 500 feet west'of Brookhurst Street and an R=2 zone on the balance. RESOLUTION NO 343 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No,343 for a C-4 -Zone and R-2 Zone Rather than the Requested 0-3 Zone And' R-3 Zone to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY' KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO-343 RECOMMENDING A C-4 AND A R-2 ZONES RATHER THAN THE REQUESTED C-3 and R-3 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The easterly 500 feet of the property which is located on Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue is better suited: for a C-4 Zone rather than a C-3 zone. 2. In conformance with the adopted Master Plan of Land,Use, Study Area I and preliminary plans, submitted by the developer, the -balance of the property is better suited for a R-2 zone rather than the R-3 and C-3 zones requested, -3- Page #4 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tm sday, July 16, 1963 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang NOES: None. ABSENT: Worthy, Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 355. The hearing was opened to the REVISION OF "R" ZONES audience. Jack Randall, representing the,Home Builders Association, addressed the Commission and objected to the proposed floor area requirements. John H. Horner, member of the Home Builders Association, addressed the Commission and . stated that the requirements of the square footage should be stricken from the overall plan. He further stated that this requirement will,price, everything out of the,market• and'is discriminating against homebuilders and home buyers.. Warren Huber, Macco Realty, .addressed the Commission and also, opposed the floor area requirements Wm Lyon, 905 N. Euclid Avenue, Anaheim, addressed the Commission and opposed the suggested floor area per dwelling. Ralph Jensen, 18352 Delaware Street,'addressed the Commission and vigorously'objected to the floor areas and further suggested that an interim period of 6 to 9 months be considered before the final effect of the revisions. Larry Jordan, 910 Orange Avenue, addressed the Commission and objected to the revision of R-3 zone. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held. It was the concensus that further study of th.e proposed floor areas would be advisable. RESOLUTION NO 355 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No 355 to the City Council Except that Portion Re- garding.f loor Areas Within All R Zones. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 355 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO­355 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. -4- • 116 Page #5 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1963 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES:- Crabb, Bazil,- Kaufman,�Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: WORTHY, Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN'AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO HOLD A STUDY SESSION ON'','', JULY 302 1963, REGARDING FURTHER STUDY OF FLOOR AREAS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazi1, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Worthy,-Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. s , F ZONE CASE NO 356 Change of Zone from A-1-X' George T. Hraoka General Agricultural'District _lito.I�-3• Limited.-Multiple -'Vaniily ,Re-sidence District. ' L;ocat A at the southwest corner of Warner Avenue and Oak Lane and legally described as the E 2 of the E z of'the NWy, of the NE 4 of Section 26-5=11 -- EXCEPTING the south. 2 acres thereof . The Staff,Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Clarence Nishita, 1,01.E West Lincoln_.Avenue, Anaheim, representing theapplicant, addressed the Commission aid spoke in favor. James Hazelton, property, owner at the northeast corner of -oak and Sycamore, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the proposed multiple, development. Mr. Edward Harding, purchaser of the subject property, addressed the Commission and explained the proposed development. He further stated that he proposed to construct a fourplex on each. lot and to subdivide the property. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. It was noted that the Master Plan shows this general Ocean View area for medium density development which, basically is'R-2 zoning. RESOLUTION NO 356 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recom- mending Approval of,a portion of -Zone Case 356 to R-2 and a portion to R-3-to the City Council. -5- '117 Page #6 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July '16, 1963 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 356 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PORTION OF'ZONE CASE NO 356 FOR AN R-2 ZONE AND A PORTION'FOR A R-3 ZONE TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES:, Bazil, Miller. ° NOES: Crabb, Kaufman, Chairman Stang. ABSENT: Worthy, Letson. THE MOTION -WAS LOST. RESOLUTION NO 356 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No 356 to R-2 Rather than the Requested R-3 to the City.Council.. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 356 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO 356,TO AN R-2 RATHER THAN .THE RE- QUESTED R-3 ZONE TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING,REASONS: 1. The Master Plan of Land Use has the area indicated for medium density development which, basically is R-2 zoning. 2. There is already extensive R-3 development to the south of this parcel which in conjunction with the subject property will cause conjestion on the local streets and overcrowding of the schools. ROLL CALL VOTE AYES: Crabb, Kaufman, Chairman Stang. NOES: Bazi1, Miller. ABSENT::, Worthy, Letson. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 357' Change of Zone from A-1-Y General Cedric E. Sanders Agricultural District to C-2 Community Business District with setback provisions, R-3 Limited Multiple -Family Residence District and R-2 Two Family Residence District. Located on the north, side of Hamilton Avenue and between'Bush.ard and Brookhurst Streets, and legally ddscribed as the S 2 of the NEk of Section 18-6-10 and the south 41.75 feet of the N z of the. NE4 . of said Section 18 ; EXCEPTING the north 180 feet 'of the S 2 of the NE4 of Section 18-6-10. The Secretary read the Staff Report. The hearing was opened to the audience. Cedric E. Sanders, applicant, addressed,.the.Com mission and read a portion of a report submitted by Coldwell, Banker & Company on research for the proposed development of a shopping center. He also explained a survey of the shopping center sites within;tbe Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley areas. Page #7 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1963 There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held at length. It was the' concensus that the developers plans are substantially in accord with,the Revised Master Plan of Land Use for this area except for the amount of requested R-3 zone. It was felt that a portion of the R-3- should be R-2. RESOLUTION NO 357 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Re - commending Approval , of. Zone Case No 357 to the City Council., A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO ADOPT RESOLUTION'NO 357 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO 357 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The developers plans are substantially in, -conformance with. the -Revised Master Plan of Land Use -for this 'area. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb; Bazil;'Kaufmari, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson,'Worthy. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO 358 Change of Zone from A-1-Y RoK. Sakioka General Agricultural District to C-2 Community Business District with. setback pro-' visions. Located at the southeast corner of Adams Avenue and Brookhurst Street and legally described`as portion of the NW4 of Section 8-6-10. Further legal description on file in the Planning Department Office. by the Secretary. The Staff Report was read The hearing was opened to the audience; ,tYiere being no comment, the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO.358 A Resolution of the 'City Planning Commission Re- commending Approval .of Zone Case No 358 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 358 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO 358 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The proposal is in accord with, th,e' Master Plan of Land Use, Study Area I. 1 2. The property is situated at the intersection of a major arterial and a primary arterial highway which. is the preferred location for commercial development. -7- 119 Page #8 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1963 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES:. Crabb, Kaufman, Bazil, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson,.Worth.y. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. USE VARIANCE NO 616 Marie_ Hens* M.D. To allow the erection of an electric 75 square foot sign" in the C-1 Neighborhood Com- mercial District. Located approximately 440 feet south of Blaylock Drive and east of Beach. Boulevard, and legally described as follows: Beginning at a point 130 feet north of the southwest corner of the NW4,of the NW-4 of Section 25-5-11. Further legal description on file in th.e ,Planning Department Office. The Secretary read the Staff P Report. The hearing was opened to the audience. Walter Brooks, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and displayed various sketches and ph.otograph.s of th.e property. He further spoke in favor of the subject variance . There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. The Commission held a discussion. It was noted that this particular parcel has a frontage of 100 feet which allows 50 square feet of sign and the request is for 50% more sign area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO DENY USE VARIANCE NO 616. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Kaufman, Chairman Stang. NOES: Miller. ABSENT: Letson, Worthy. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO 617 To allow the construction of a L. E. Gates 60 bed convalescent home with parking for approximately 44 automobiles rather than the 60 spaces re quired'in the R;2 Two Family Residence District. Located on the north side of Garfield Avenue and approximately 150 feet east of Delaware Street, and legally described as Lot 13, Block G, Tract No 7. Th.e Staff Report; was read by the Secretary. _ The hearing was opened to the audience; there`being no comment, the hearing was closed. .20 Page #9 Minutes! H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1963 It was.the concensus that further study of the convalescent hospital was needed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO AUGUST 6, 1963. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. - NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson, Worthy. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO 618, To allow the waiver of 7000 Buchanan -Hudson square feet corner lot size requirement on Lots No 1 and 8 in Tract No 4992. Located on the west side of Bushard Street and approximately 660 feet north. of Banning Avenue. The Secretary read the Staff Report. The hearing was opened to the audience. Paul Calvo,.engineer for the developer," addressed the Commission and explained the hardship due to costs of developing the tract. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. It was the concensus that the standard tract requirements have not been complied with, since the applicant requests that two corner lots be allowed which. are 60 feet and 63.4 feet wide rather than the required 70 feet. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL .AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO DENY USE VARIANCE NO 618. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ; ABSENT: ­ Letson,•Worthy. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO 619 To.allow,the construction Violet L.- McKee of 3 unit apartment building on a lot containing -less than the required -land ,area in the R-2 Two Family Resi- dence District. Located at the southwest corner of 14th St. and Palm Avenue, and legally described as Lots 25 and 27, Block No 614, 17th.Street Section. The Secretary read the Staff' Report . ' The hearing was opened to the audience. John Fellhoelter, 605 - 14th Street, addressed IM 12'i Page #10 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1963 the Commission and opposed the three units. Dorothy Streader, 14th.and Acacia Streets, addressed the Commission and also opposed the subject variance. I There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED.BY MILLER TO DENY USE VARIANCE NO 619. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES.: , .Crabb,, Bazil, Kaufman,. Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Worthy,_ Letson.. . THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO 225 To allow the conversion of an Robert Randall existing garage —into quarters for dog grooming in the C-4 Highway Commercial District. Located approximately 200 feet east of Beach. Boulevard and south. of Garfield Avenue and legally described as a portion of the NW-4 of Section 1-6-11. Furth.er legal description on file in the Planning Department Office. Th.e Staff Report was read by the Secretary. 'Th.e hearing was opened to the audience; there being no comment, the hearing Iwas closed. • The Commission held�a discussion. It was pointed out that after the dedication of Garfield Avenue, th.e proposed commercial part -of th.e building will have a setback of about th.ree . feet . It was ' further noted .' that sthere 'would havei_t.o . be= a new garage provided for the existing dwelling unit,and at least one off-street parking space will be required. It was the concensus that any conversion such as this is a make -shift type of thing at best and is no asset to the City. A MOTION WAS MA DE - BY - BAZI L SECONDED BY CRABB TO DENY USE PERMIT NO 225. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazi1, Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Worthy, Letson. THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: The Planning Director presented a proposal for zoning of the area between Ellis Avenue and Garfield Avenue east of Beach Boulevard which has been under study for future streets -10- IL22 Page #11 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1963 designated Precise Plan No I. It was noted that property owners within the area felt that zoning should be considered prior to adopting the�street,plan and that most owners wanted an R-3 Zone. The Commission agreed that the proposal would be a step 'toward solving the street,- sewer, water and drainage problems of the area and that the -proposed zoning was very similar to the adopted Master Plan of the area. RESOLUTION NO 368 A Resolution: of Intent of the City Planning Commission Initiating a Change of Zone from R-4-X Suburban Residential District and R-1 Single Family Residence District to R-3 Limited Multiple Family Resi- dence District on property South of Ellis Avenue and 600 .Feet East of Beach Boulevard. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO 368 AND TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO ADVERTISE.A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 6, 1963. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil., Kaufman, Miller, Chairman Stang. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson, Worthy. THE MOTION CARRIED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO JULY 30, 1963, AT 7:30 P.M. W. C. Warner /Edward Stang Secretary Chairman -11-