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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, January 6, 1964
Mayor Lambert called the regular meeting of
the City Council of the°City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30
o`clock P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all pre-
sent in the Council Chamber.
Councilmen Present: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
Councilmen Absent: Wells
Dept. &epu is On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, the
?,&`d & ia_LcG, reports of the -Director of Public Works,
Building Director, Fire Chief, Lifeguard
Chief and Recreation Director were received and ordered filed. Motion
Girl Scout
Coo'Kie Sale
in the City
On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, the
Santiago Girl Scout Council was granted per-
mission to conduct their annual cookie sale
from February 15th thru February 29, 1964, subject to the
registering with the Police Department. Motion carried.
Camp Fire Girls On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, the
Nut -Sale Orange County Council of the Camp Fire Girls
nuts in the
were granted permission to conduct a.sale of
City from January 17th thru February 3, 1964, subject to
registering with the Police Department. Motion carried.
H.B. Elena. Scb ool The Clerk presented a communication from the
Expr. Appreciation Huntington Beach Elementary School District,
expressing their thanks to the Courc it for
permitting the closing of a portion of Sixth Street while the First
Baptist Church was being used as a temporary school.
Rec'd & Filed
and ordered filed.
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, the
communicationi from the Huntington Beach
Elementary School District was received and
Motion carried.
Mrs. Marion Miner On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, the
Reg. Rec`d & Filed communication from Mrs. Marion Miller, 213
Baltimore Street, City, requesting Council
consideration in the placing of benches along Main Street, was
received and ordered"filed. Motion carried.
Steverson Appeal The Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Ben
to UV #667 Steverson of Costa Mesa, appealing the denial
by the City Planning Commission of Use Vari-
ance - UV No. 667.
Fublic Hearin. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
1/20/64 UV #667 Council ordered a public hearing for Monday,
January 20, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock P.M„ or
as soon thereafter as possible, on -the. -appeal to the denial by the
Planning Commission of Use Variance - UV No. 667, and directed the Clerk
to publish notice of same. Motion carried.
Gov. Coan-u. on motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, a
School CrossinEs communication from the Governor of California
regarding the matter of legislation permitting
School Districts to pay expenses incurred for school crossings was
received and w dered filed. Motion carried.
-1 - (1/6/64)
Pao-e #2 - minutes, January 6, 1964
The Clerk presented a communication from the
Yeet.1-2LS Orange County Street Naming Committee in-
forming Council of meetings of the Committee
to be held on January 7th and 21st, 1964, to consider Knott Avenue
and Goldenwest Street alignments, and an alignment for Magnolia Stree
Mayor Lambert appointed Councilman Stewart
to o,r,:w:6ttti_e to the Orange County Street Naming Committee
to replace Councilman Wells.
Tiunt, Continental The Clerk presented communications from the
eq, lies. Huntington Continental Town House Associatio
Inc., 19801 Brookhurst Avenue, City, request
ing that members of the Board of Directors of the Association be per-
mitted to address the Council concerning the possible dedication of
the sub -standard streets in the Huntington Continental Town House
development; and also concerning the matter of the installation of a
traffic light at the intersection of Brookhurst and Adams.
Hal ,cif -z Mr. Hal Wirtz, 9848 Argyle Drive, City,
President of the Huntington Continental
Town House Association, addressed the Council and requested that
Council authorize policing in the Town House area of parking and traf
Jack Matson Mr. Jack Matson, 9907 Continental Drive,
{� City Treasurer of the Huntington Continental
Town House Association, addressed the Council and requested that a
traffic signal be installed at the intersection of Adams and Brook-
hurst Streets.
Ke', to 1)P1w&_ p_,_.o. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
the matter of traffic conditions in the
Huntington Continental Town House Development was referred to the
City Administrator, City Attorney, Director of Public Works, and the
Chief of Police for study and report to Council; and the matter of
the traffic signal requested for Adams and Brookhurst Streets was
referred to the Traffic Engineer for study and report. Motion carrie
Trnphy to City The Clerk presented a communication from the
Xui,s becor.atio-n5 Annual Inter -City Challenge, informing
-- Council that a trophy had been presented to
Mr. Doyle Miller on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach as runner
up in the Annual Inter -City Challenge judging of Christmas decoration
in the Tri-City area.
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, the
Rec. & Filed communication from the Inter -City Challenge
was received and ordered filed. Motion car-
mrs. Leonard S1sco
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Council directed James R. Wheeler, Director
of Public Works, to answer the communication
from Mrs. Leonard Sisco,
7081 Betty Drive, City, requesting that a
left turn signal be installed at the intersection of Beach Boulevard
and Warner Avenue. Motion carried.
Re istex to Vote
The Clerk presented a communication from
;icnth - ,Tan. 1964 -
Patrick E. Duggan, Orange County Chairman of
requesting that a person
be selected from the community to act as
Chairman in coordinating
this County wide effort.
Mayor to
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
�.PLt.' Direct-c-
Mayor Lambert was authorized to make said
appointment as soon as possible. Motion
-2- (1/6/64)
a e =r3 Minutes - January 6, 1964
Mr. John Be-11 Under oral communications, Mr. John Bell of
Boxer Club Reg. Santa Ana Valley Boxer Club, 16612 Lucia
Lane, City, addressed the Council and request
ed the use of a park or recreation area for dog training sessions to
be held on Saturday mornings for 10 weeks.
Mr. Doyle Miller The City Administrator informed the Council
City .Administrator that the City had leased property north of
Memphis between Lake Street and the Pacific
Electric Railway, and stated that this location could be used if
sufficient liability insurance is provided.
Cr alated
On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
!iOxer CIu",
Council granted the Santa Ana Valley Boxer
Club permission to use the property north
of Memphis between Labe
Street and the railway as requested, upon
receipt of sufficient
insurance with the City named as co-insured,
and under the supervision
of the City Administrator. Motion carried.
Mac Banzu-y
Mr. Mac Bangoy, 6942 Canterbury Circle, City,
gyres. check
President of the Golden West Homeowners
Association, addressed the Council and pre-
sented the City with a
check in the amount of $1,000 as their part
in the Agreement with
the City for the construction of a block wall
fence between the Doumain apartments and the City Park located near
Golden West Street and
McFadden Avenue in the City.
L�ublic Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
P.C. ..,9 j day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 393 of the City Planning Com-
mission, recommending approval of a portion of Zone Case No. 393 on
property located at the southeast corner of Garfield Avenue and Cannery
Street, and directed the City Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public heating on
Zone Case No. 393, as published in the Huntington Beach News on
December 19, 1963, setting the hour of 7:30 o clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 6th day of January, 1964, in
the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California,
as the tine and place for a public hearing for the purpose of consid-
ering a petition for a Change of Zone to regulations of the Districting
Ordinance, as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 672, from: R-4-Y Subur-
ban Residential District, to: R-4 Multiple Family Residence District,
and from: R-4-Y Suburban Residential District, to: C-2 Community
Business District, with setback provisions.
No .1ri.tten Protests The Clerk informed the Council that they
had been provided with copies of the Plan-
ning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Com-
mission, recommending approval of a portion of the Zone Case .and
denial of a portion of Zone Case No.`393, and stated that he had
__ ece.ivpd_._no written protests to -the zone .:change_ car to the recommenda-
tion of the Planning Commission.
Heariz=; peaed Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Hearin Closed There being no one present to speak on the
matter, and there being no protests filed,
either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
Plan in,L_ Director Planning Director Warner addressed the
Council and gave them a resume' of the Plan-
ning Commission's reasons for recommending approval ofa portion of
this Zone Case, and denial of the R-4 portion.
Z.C. `3�-3 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,,
<1dppLec: Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and directed the City
Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the Change of zone to
Con 1i.a portion., of Zone Case No. 393, and denied that portion
requested for R-4. -Motion carried.
-3- (1/6/64)
Page #4 - Minutes, January 6, 1964
Public Hearing
Mayor Lambert
announced that this was the
P.o. kes. # 94
day and hour set
for a
public hearing on
Resolution No.
394 of
the City Planning Com-
mission, recommending
approval of a portion of
Zone Case No. 394 on
property located south
of Adams Avenue
Newland -and Cannery
Street, and directed
the City Clerk to
read the
legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Zone Case No. 394, as published in the Huntington Beach News on
December 19, 1963, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntingto
Beach, California as the time and place for a public hearing for
the purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone to regula-
tions of the Districting Ordinance, as adopted by Interim Ordinance
No. 672, from: R-4-Y Suburban Residential. District, and R-1 Single
Family Residence District to: C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District
with setback provisions, C-2 Community Business District with set-
back provisions, and R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District.
"No 'v�ritterk Protests The Clerk informed the Council that they had
been provided with copies of the Planning
Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission
recommending approval of a portion of Zore Case No. 394, and denial
of a portion of Zone Case No. 394, and stated that he had received
no written protests to the zone change or to the recommendation of
the Planning Commission.
Hec` ri fLL' Open,ed
either oral or written,
Zoae Case q'P394
Attorney to prepare an
zone to C-1 and Rp 2 on
that portion requested
Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
There being no one present to speak on the
matter, and there being no protests filed,
the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Council approved the recommendation of the
_Planning Commission, and directed the City
Ordinance effecting the proposed change of
a portion of Zone Case No. 394, and denied
for C-2. Motion carried.
PLiblic Hearin�� Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
UV 4_66' day and hour set for a public hearing on an
appeal to the denial by the City Planning
Commission of Use Variance - UV No. 660, submitted by East-West
Development Corporation, 17612- Beach Boulevard, City, covering grope
ty located on the south side of Slater`,.Avenue, approximately 245.75
ft. west of Newland Street, and directed the Clerk to read the legal
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Use Variance - UV No. 660, as published in the Huntington Beach News
on December 19 1963, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 6th day of Jan Ary, 1964,
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, -California
as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose df consid-
ering an appeal to the denial by the City Planning Commission of Use
Variance - UV No. 660, to regulations of the Districting Ordinance.
rearing opened Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Ir. Chrysler Mr. Chrysler, 17612 Beach Boulevard, City,
rest_ -West Dev; addressed the Council and presented his
� appeal to the denial by the City Planning
Commission of UV No. 660.
H��a r it . Closed There being no one further present to speak
on the matter, and there being no�further
protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by
the Mayor.
UV #660 deferred On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Back to 2lan.g. ce"ITn. Council referred Use Variance - UV No. 660
back to the Planning Commission for recon-
sideration, with ahy�a.dd.itional fees waived. Motion carried.
-4- (1/6/64)
LL -e of .. L0 __aL4 L es jC.1LZ41Cla_. ,, Gi y 1964
PuL)Iic Hearin- Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
Res. No. 1897 day and hour set for a public hearing 'on
Resolution No. 1897 of the City Council,
declaring their intention to grant a franchise to Union Oil Company
of California, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing, on
Resolution No. 1897, as published in the Huntington Beach News on
December 19, 1963, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Hunting-
ton Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for
the purpose of considering Resolution No. 1897 of the City Council,
declaring intention to grant a franchise to Union Oil Company of
California, covering certain facilities within certain of the public
ways of the City of Huntington Beach.
No Written Protests The Clerk informed the Council that they
had been provided with copies of Resolution
No. 1897 of the City Council, and stated that he had received no
written protests to the Resolution.
Hearipz� Opened Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Heaz.inL.0 os,ed There being no one present to speak on the
chatter, and there being no protests filed,
either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
Atty. :o ''._c' . On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Council directed the City Attorney to pre-
pare an Ordinance granting a franchise to
Union Oil. Company of California. Motion carried.
?u,- �; 7- j_ f. = Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
L'=day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution of intention No. 1884 of the
City Council, to vacate a portion of Ward'Street in the City, and
giving notice of hearing on said vacation, and directed the Clerk
to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Resolution of intention No. 1884 of the City Council, as published
in the Huntington Beach News on the 5th day of December, 1963, in
the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California,
setting the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. on Monday, the 6th day of
January, 1964, as the time and place for a:public hearing for the
purpose of considering the vacation of a portion of Ward Street in
the City of Huntington Beach.
No `�: itte,7 `?rotosts The Clerk informed the Council that they
had been provided with copies of Resolution
No. 1884 of the City Council, and stated that he had received no
written protests to the Resolution.
Hear:IL,ri- ODened Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Hearinll-. Closed There being no one present to speak on
the matter, and there being no protests
filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
Atty. to Prey. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Resolution Council directed the City Attorney to
prepare a Resolution vacating a portion of
Ward Street. Motion carried.
Bids I.'res. The Purchasing Agent presented informal
LfZd, Jecls bids which had been received fro two 1964
CJ-5 Jeeps for use in the Lifeguard Depart-
ment, as follows:
Chuchua Brian 4 Wheel Drive Center - Fullerton - $5,031.94 tax inc.
Copeland Motors - Santa Ana - $4,410.45 tax inc.
Rancho Jeep Company - Long Beach - $4,661.38 tax inc.
-5- (1/6/64)
Pa,Le # - Minutes, January 6, 1964
Copeland Motors
bid of $4,410.45,
land Motors, Inc.,
prize the purchase
The Clerk presented a communication from the
Purchasing Agent informing Council that a
review of the bids indicated that the low
including all applicalbe taxes, submitted by Cope -
was in order, and recommended that Council auth-
of these vehicles from this agency.
2 Jeeps On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
IL fci Dot'_- Council authorized the Purchasing Agent to
purchase two 1964 CJ-5 Jeeps for the Life-
guard Department from the low bidder, Copeland Motors, Fullerton,
for the sum of $4,410.45, including sales tax. Motion carried.
ab. Hearings Ordereu On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Z.C. A395 & #397 Council ordered a public hearing on Zone
.T_. _ Cases No. 395 and No. 397, for Monday, Jan-
uary 20, 1964, at 7.30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possi-
ble, and direct-fhe Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried.
DST #206 - Granted On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
;earhard-Moffett Council granted Division of Land - DV #208 -
Petitioner: Gearhard-Moffett, Long Beach to allow a Division -of Land into four parcels on propertylocated`
b "the nort great corner of Neon Avenue and Van Buren Street, as
rec nded by the Planning. Commission Motion-- carried,-.- _____ _
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, the
Annex. Tent._ Ap�� unanimous recommendation of -the Planning
Commission to proceed with the Sunset Height
No. 3 Annexation, located east of Bolsa Chica Street, south of Heil
Avenue, was received, and tentative approval given to said proposed
annexation. Motion carried.
Plarm . Goatfa. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Officers Named -a communication from the Planning Director
informing Council that Dr. Henry S. Kaufman
had been elected Chairman and Nr. Harry Letson Vice -Chairman of the
Planning Commission for the year 1964, was received and ordered file,
Deeds Preseated The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Director of Public Works of deeds as follows
(a) Deed for street aid public utility purposes for a portion
of Gothard Street, from Ernest and Maxine Gigala to the City.
(b) Deed for street and public utility purposes for a portion
of Garfield Avenue from Walter N. atd Betty Jean Dabney to
the City.
(c) Dead for additional right-of-way at the northwest corner
of Goldenwest and Edinger Streets, from Dr. Adrian 0. and
Alice Hubbell to the City.
(d) Easement Deed for the Gothard Street Bridge, from the Orange
County Flood Control District to the City.
Doed's Accepted On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler-:.,
Council accepted the deeds presepted, and
directed the Clerk to record same with the Orange County Recorder.
Motion carried.
Req. Bond Substitute The Clerk presented a request from William
Wi i.__ Lon-reeLment Lyon for the release of the existing three -
party agreement on Tract No. 3903, and
substitution of a $25,000 bond to cover the completion of the tract
improvements, transmitted and recommended by the Director of Public
-6- (1/6/64)
P a f, e ;- �1 11i.autes
Tr :ct f-'3903 - .gee. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
1'erm, Bo -.a :� . Acc . Council concurred with the recommendation of
��- the Director of Public Works, and directed
that the three -party agreement on Tract No. 3903 (Wm. Lyon), be ter-
minated; and accepted the $25,000 bond submitted to cover the completion
of improvements in Tract No. 3903. Motion carried.
Sewer Reiiiiburseinen.t The Clerk presented a communication from the
Jai7E .Pz-� r t ' Director of Public Works informing Council of
the completion of sanitary sewers in Garfield
Avenue and Reach Boulevard, in which the Council had authorized partic-
ipation in the cost with .lames Praggastis; recommending that Council
authorize final payment in the amount of $682.50 to Mr. Praggastis,
and transmitting a Resolution authorizing said reimbursement.
?des. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Ado Led_ Resolution No. 1901 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted
by tbefollowing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: -Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Fund ' ra,..s . Req . The Clerk presented a communication from the
Cann Fee ran. Dist. IlDirector of Public Works, requesting permission
to transfer funds in the amount of $25.00 for
a connection fee to Sanitation District No. 11, from the fire station
on Lake Street, and transmitting Resolution authorizing said transfer.
Res. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Adopl.-ec_ _ Resolution No. 1902 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted
by them, was passed and adopted by`the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Req. for A sL� ss Dist. The Clerk presented a communication from the
r a L C Baas t:a; :,';_ e_LL. Director of Public Works, transmitting a
request by Mr. William F. Kimes, Orange Coast
College, for the formation of an Assessment District to provide neces-
sary improvements in connection with the proposed Junior College in
Huntington Beach.
DPW to Proceed On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
With Assess. Dist. Council approved the request of Orange Coast
Junior College, and authorized the Director
of Public Works to proceed with the formation of the Assessment District.
Motion carried.
DPW to Atten(3 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
sts.:. filar. iYlt Council authorized the Director of Public
Works to attend the Annual Streets and
Highways Conference at Berkeley from January 29th thru February 1,
1964, with reasonable expenses and transportation by City vehicle
allowed. Motion carried.
Rra�:. -Peat. Q On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Ray sierrz ALath . Council approved a recommendation from the
Director of Public Works to authorize pay-
ment of $10,255.50 as Progress Payment #2 to Bay Sierra Construction
Company for the construction of Municipal Reservoir Unit No. 2.
Motion carried.
-7- (1/6/64)
Faze #8 - Minutes, January 6, 1964
Dec:. limpr. rxes. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
' LfCJ`a _ Director of Public Works recommending that
-� improvements dedicated for public use on
Tract No. 4051,' located on the west side of Goldenwest, north of
Slater, be accepted; and authorization be granted for the release of
the Monument Bond and termination of the three -party agreement and
the Subdivision Agreement,
De d , a rupr . Acc , On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Tiac;t No. 4051 Council accepted the improvements dedicated
for public use on Tract No. 4051, and auth-
orized the release of the Monument Bond and termination of the three -
party agreement and the Subdivision Agreement; and directed that the
developer and bonding company be notified of the action. Motion
Final AdOptIOLL The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Traci Map #5201 City Planning Director submitting final form
of Tract Map No. 5201 for adoption: Develo-
per: Fashion Homes, Inc., Fullerton; Engineer: Millet, King &
Associates, Fullerton; Location: Southeast corner Hamilton Avenue
and Cannery Street; Number of Lots: 88; Total Acreage: 19.410; that
the map had been certified by the City Engineer and the Planning
Director to be true and correct with provisions of the City Subdivi-
sion Code.
The City Council may accept the offers of
dedication as shown on the map and may approve the final map, sub-
ject to the following condition:
The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld
pending completion of:
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer,
2.. Bond for improvements.
3. Signing of subdivision agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5, Approval from County Surveyor.
6. Bond for monuments.
drainage, engineering, and
Tract 1�5201 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Council accepted the dedications as shown
on Final Tract Map No. 5201, and adopted
the map subject to compliance with conditions stipulated by the Plan-
nig Commission. Motion carried.
Firia1 Adoption The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Tract 4`5251.y City Planning Director submitting final form'
T' of Tract Map No. 5251 for adoption: Devel-
oper: Fashion Homes, Inc., Fullerton; Engineer: Millet, King &
Associates, Fullerton; Location: Southeast corner Hamilton Avenue
and Cannery Street; Number of Lots: 88; Total Acreage: 17.883; that
that map had been certified by the City Engineer and the Planning
Director to be true and correct with provisions of the City Subdivi-
sion Code.
The City Council may accept the offers of
dedication as hown on the map and may approve the final mpa, subject
to the following condition. -
The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld
pending completion of:
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer,
2. Bond for improvements.
3. Signing of subdivision agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5. Approval from County Surveyor.
6. Bond for monuments.
drainage, engineering, and
pale - ;1 .autos , Janua ry 6, 1964
Iract ;F52_5J On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Council accepted the dedications as shown
on Final Tract Map No. 5251, and adopted the
map subject to compliance with conditions stipulated by the Planning
Commission. Motion carried.
S.C. Securit:y Ref.. The Clerk presented a request from Southern
License & Cert- California Security of Santa Ana, for a
Certificate of Public Need and Necessity and
business license to operate a private patrol service in the City, which
had been referred to the Chief of Police for investigation at the meet-
ing of December 16, 1963.
Req. Denied On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
For Priv. PatroL Council denied the request for a Certificate
---_. _.d. of Need and Necessity and a business license
to operate a private patrol in the City filed by Southern California
Security of Santa Ana. Motion carried,
Larkin Apr)t., On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Confirmed Council confirmed the appointment of Mr.
Frank Larkin, as a member of the City Plan-
ning Commission, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Edward R. Stang.
Motion carried,
Tillman, Hawkins The Clerk presented a communication from the
+4harf:in�;er Director of Public Works requesting that
Council authorize the appointment of Mr.
Tillman Hawkins to the position of Wbarfinger, in addition to his pre-
sent classifications of Maintenance Man, on the Municipal Pier.
Emp, r'uth, On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Eff. 1/16/64 Council approved the request of the Director
of Public Works, and authorized the appoint-
ment of. Mr. Hawkins as Wharf finger, effective January 16, 1964. Motion
Lf'�d. Chief seq. The Clerk presented a communication from. the
"Lifeauardi Cadets" Lifeguard Chief requesting Council to auth-
orize the establishment of a new classification
of "Lifeguard Cadet" in the Lifeguard Department, to be used for trarin-
irng purposes only.
Lifeguard CedeL On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Glass. & A' 1ae _ Council approved the Lifeguard Chief's re-
quest and directed the City Attorney to
prepare an Ordinance establishing the classification and allocations
of Lifeguard Cadet. Motion carried.
Plann, Director The Clerk presented a communication from the
Req,_Add. Emplc��>-es Planning Director requesting Council to auth-
orize the employment of an additional Associate
Planner and one additional Planning Technician.
Tabled Until. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Plani,_i. _Revenue Incr. Council tabled the request of the Planning
Director until the increase in City revenue
from proposed Planning fees is studied. Motion carried.
E k) , 'lteq. The Clerk presented a communication from
Geo . A. Whlttl the Director of Public Works requesting the
employment of Mr. George A. Whitley as Main-
tenance Man in the Parks Department, Range 31-A, to replace George
Siebert who retired January 1, 1964.
Reg. -De erred On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, the
request from the Director of Public Works to
employ George A. Whitley, was deferred until the Administrator can
make a determination of policy in this matter. Motion carried.
-9- (1/6/64)
VW e #110 - Minutes, January 6, 1 6L:
xec.�ass:i_ficac i on The Clerk presented a communication from the
A.i _zaii► Sweetland Director of Public Works requesting the
reclassification of Mr, William Sweetland
from Maintenance Man Range 31-C, to Skilled Worker, Range 33-B,
in the Street Department, effective January 16, 1964.
Reclass. Auth.
On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Council authorized the reclassification
of Mr. Sweetland to Skilled Worker, Range 33-B, in the Street
Department, effective
January 16, 1964. Motion carried.
Recess Called
Mayor Lambert called a recess of the
Council at 8:20 o'clock P.M.
Council was reconvened at 8:43 o'clock
---`---_._., _.
P.M. by the Mayor.
Lake Huntington
The Clerk presented a communication from
k:ecx t `r�.li,
the Chief of Police concerning a body of
water located north of Taylor Street
between Goldenwest and
Edwards Streets, and pointing out that this
was a dangerous situation
and a public nuisance.
ReF. to Atty.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,*
For Recouo..
Council referred the communication from
the Chief of Police to the City Attorney
for recommendation on
a solution to the problem. Motion carried.
Chaiainess Go cession The Clerk presented an extension of
Lease Exten6ed _ agreement prepared by the City Attorney,
for execution and forwarding to Mrs.
Effy Lee Channess, 817 Main Street, City, extending her Concession
Agreement with the City until December 31, 1964. -`
Extension Auth. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Charzne,ss Lease Council approved the extension of agreement
as prepared"by the City Attorney, and
authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of
the City. Motion carried.
HDQRS. Fire Station The Clerk presented a transmittal from
Progress Pmt. No. 2 Jordan & Endlsey, Architects on the
Headquarters Fire Station, of an invoice
covering Progress Payment No. 2 in the amount of $25,131.92, to
James J. Barrett, contractor.
Pay,uent Guth.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Janes J. Barrett
Council authorized the payment to James J.
Bartlett in the sum of $25,131.92, as
Progress Payment No. 2
on the alteration of the Headquarters Fire
Station on Lake Street.
Motion carried.
Chaa e Order -
The Clerk presented a transmittal from
HDQRS. Fire Sta,
Jordan and Endsley, Architects, of Change
Order No. 3 in connection with the
alteration of the Headquarters Fire Station on Lake Street.
Change Order
On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Council approved Change Order No. 3 to the
"contract for Headquarters :Fire Station
alterations, and authorized its execution by the Mayor and City
Clerk. Motion carried.
Decon Corp. The Clerk presented a communication from
Annexations Reg. Decon Corporation of Santa Ana, requesting
that Council give tentative approval to
the proposed annexation of certain uninhabited territory adjacent
to the northwesterly boundary of Sam's Seafood property, said
annexation to be designated as "Sunset Beach No. 2 Annexation."
-10- (1/6/64)
Pale #11.1 - ,iinutes , January 6, 1964
File Annex. Notice
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council
approved the request of the Decon Corporation,
and authorized the Clerk to file a notice of
to annex said property with the Local Agency Annexation Com-
and to file the map and legal description with the County
Commission. Motion carried.
Irvine ltr c ens ', ater Dist. The Clerk presented a communication from the
Reservoir Lease Asree_ Irvine Ranch Water District, transmitting an
amendment to the Reservoir Lease Agreement -
Supplementary Reservoir Agreement, attached as Exhibit B, and re-
questing that Council authorize the execution of same.
iteservoi.r Lease Amend, On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Anrovea Council approved the request of the Irvine
Ranch Water District, and authorized the
execution of the amendment to the agreement by the Mayor and City
Clerk. Motion carried.
Assess. Dist-. No. 6301 The Clerk presented a transmittal from
L,2c sed 'pork Chan-es� Mr, John T. Ganahl, Attorney on Assessment
District No. 6301, of a Resolution proposing
to make changes in the work in Assessment District No. 6301; together
with a Consent Agreement executed by Zavas & Sons, the contractor in
Assessment District No. 6301.
Res. 4903
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewrt, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Pietition. Pre::, The Clerk presented a petition of property
Assess- Dist. `6301) owners for the installation of water and
- sewer lines and the improvement of streets
under provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911 in the proposed
Sandra Lee Improvement District, Assessment District No. 6302.
Format-t-on. Approved On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Assess. Dis_, 'f-6302 Council approved the formation of the
proposed Assessment District, and referred
the petition to the City Engineer and Mr. John T. Ganahl, Attornev
for the Assessment District. Motion carried.
Petition. Pres. The Clerk presented a petition.of property
Assess. Dist. 7`6303 owners for the installation of water and
sewer lines, storm drains and improvement
of streets under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911 in
the proposed Beach Boulevard -Ellis Avenue Improvement District,
Assessment District No. 6303.
Formation Approved On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Assess. Dist. #6303 Council approved the formation of the
proposed Assessment District, and referred
the'petition to the City Engineer and to Mr. John T. Ganahl,
Attorney for the Assessment District. Motion carried.
Petitions-C rt, The Clerk presented petitions, Clerk's
Balsa Chica #4 Anuex. Certification and Resolution of Intention
in the annexation designated as "Bolsa
Chica No. 4 Annexation."
Petitions i�cc. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Council accepted the petitions in the
annexation designated as "Bolsa Chica #4 Annexation". Motion carried.
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Page #12 - Minutes, January 6, 1964
Res. two. 1904 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
ACA&pt-eel Resolution No. 1904 - "A RESOLUTION OF
PROTESTS THERETO," which had heretofore been submitted to the
Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:' Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Parking Changes The Clerk presented a communication from
In Code Keusteel the Chief of Police requesting Council to
consider an addition to the HuntinFton
Beach Ordinance Code relating to narking of vehicles in a hazardous
R ''c Cn.iei On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
acid Atty. Council referred the request to the Chief
of Police and City Attorney for inclusion
with other parking changes being made. Motion carried.
ori. #1025 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1025 a second
Second Readies reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
Ord. #iG25 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Ac�c feel Ordinance No. 1025 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Ord. if"i I-6 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1026 a second
Second veadinL reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
Ord, a1726 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
1uvatec Ordinance No. 1026 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Ord. #1027 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1027 a second
second Reading reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
RECLASSIFYING SECTION 9211.5 (Sectional District Map 1-6-11)."
or.,:-. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
LLLLtc� — Ordinance No. 1027 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
-12- (1/6/64)
.Page #:° 3 - Mi.nutes, January 6, 1964
Ord. ��1028 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1028 a second
Second .Reading reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
NOS. 379, 380, 383, 384, and 387; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDIN-
25-5-11), 9211.38 (Sectional District Map 22-5-11), and 9211.34 (Sec-
tional District Map 15-5-11)."
Ord. r102b
AYES: Councilmen:
NOES: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Ord, #1029
Second ReadinL
9480, 9490 and 9421.1 and
Ord, # 1029
AYES: Councilmen:
NOES: Councilmen:
ABSENT: Councilmen:
Ord. #1030 - Stip.
Read,by All Councilmen
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Ordinance No. 1028 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1029 a second
reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Ordinance No. 1029 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
All Councilmen stipulated that they had
read Ordinance No. 1030 in its entirety and
were aware of the contents thereof.
Ord. �U 030 - orpd- On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
First Readin Waived Council directed that the oral first reading
of Ordinance No. 1030 - "AN ORDINANCE OF
(Sectional District Map 26-5-11)", be waived, Motion carried.
Ord. #1031 Read All Councilmen stipulated that they had read
By All Councilmen Ordinance No. 1031 in its entirety and were
aware of the contents thereof.
Ord. 3;=1 }31 _. rai,al On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
First 1�eadin,- 1 awed Council directed that the oral first reading
of Ordinance No. 1031 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
SIFYING SECTIONS 9211.38T (Sectional District Map 22-5-11), 9211.47
(Sectional District Map 36-5-11) 9211.41 (Sectional District Map
25-5-11) 9211.62 (Sectional District Map 23-6-11)," be waived.
Motion carried.
Ord. #1032 Read All Councilmen stipulated that they had
By All Co;_,ncihaen read Ordinance No. 1032 in its entirety and
were aware of the contents thereof.
Orel. 1.1032 -- Oral On motion by Stewart, seconded by -Welch,
Firs a Rcar,� _ �'; W _:_ Council directed that the oral first reading
of Ordinance No. 1032 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
Motion carried.
Ord. �,1(133 - Read All Councilmen stipulated that they had
By All Councilraen read Ordinance No. 1033 in its entirety
and were aware of the contents thereof.
-13- (1/6/64)
Page 14 - Minutes, January 6, 1964
Ord, #1033 - Oral. On motion by,.Stewart, seconded by Welch,
l'ir.-! R.eadinz7 ,ta;.ved Council directed that the oral first
_. , reading of Ordinance No. 1033 - "AN
WAYS OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH," be waived. Motion carried.
So. Cal. Water Co. The City Administrator informed the
Sale to City Council that the closing of escrow in the
sale of the Southern California Water
Company to the City had been moved to January 8, 1964 in order to
allow time for necessary Council action, and presented Escrow
Instructions covering conditions in the purchase agreement for
Council authorization, together with Resolution No. 1905 authorizing
the.City Treasurer to prepare a check in the amount of $1,234,950.81,
(the adjusted amount as of November 39, 1963), for adoption.
'! 5�-70W I ns t ruc t4_r�tl s On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Execi�_ta_or ALitb. Council authorized the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute the Escrow Instruction covering
conditions in the purchase agreement. Motion carried.
z.es. a11905 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Lit -1t (I Resolution No. 1905 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
PAYMYNT FOR SAID PROPERTY." which had heretofore been submitted to
the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart., Welch, Lambert_
NOES: Councilmen.: _. ftne _.-
ABSENT: Councilmen: Wells
Orb Pack �t-101 The Citv Administrator presented a request
Re uest from Cub Scout Pack #101 for permission to
clean up the island on Main Street from
Mansion Avenue to Five -Points.
Permission Grantee On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Council granted the request of Cub Scout
Pack #101 to clean up the island on Main Street from Mansion to
Five Points, with said activities subject to the approval of the
Director of Public Works James_�,-Wheeler. Motion carried.
t?c,ssible E•uz,rhase The City Administrator informed the Council
j�� Water Co. H.B. that officials of the Dyke Water Company
have inquired whether there would be any
interest on the part of the City in the purchase of Dyke's Hunting-
ton Beach Water System of 163 services, located in the Huntington'
Crest and Roberta Ranchos subdivisions. if Council is interested
in said purchase, the City Administrator recommended that the
Public Works Director, City Attorney and City Administrator be
directed to negotiate further with the Dyke Water Company; and
further recommended that a cowmittee of two Councilmen be appointed
to assist.
DFW, Arty & Admin. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
To Ne-o-l—Late Council directed the City Administrator,
the Director of Public Works and the City
Attorney to negotiate further with the Dyke Water Company for the
possible purchase of their Huntington Beach system. Motion carried.
Councilmen Appt. Mayor Lambert appointed Councilman Welch
Welch & Gisler and Councilman Gisler to assist in the
� Dyke Water Company negotiations.
Chief of Police The City Administrator presented a request
All Zone Meeting from the Chief of Police for reimbursement
for reasonable expenses while attending the
Attorney General's All Zone Meeting on January 16 and 17, 1964, in
-14- (1/6/64)
Wage #15 - Minutes, January 6, 1964
PropQsed Park Sites The City Administrator informed Council of
Acquisition notification from the Federal. Housing &
'-' Home Finance Agency regarding a Federal
grant for the acquisition of open space land for parks and recreation-
al purposes; stating that the City may proceed with the acquisition
of the sites identified in the application. It further stated that
the monies will not be disallowed if acquisition is completed prior
to final approval of the City's application.
The City Administrator informed Council
that verbal agreement on the price for two of the park sites had been
reached, but recommended that inasmuch as deeds have not been received
to date, the City Attorney be instructed to file condemnation proceed-
ings on the three proposed sites under consideration.
Atty. to File On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Condemnations Council instructed the City Attorney to
file condemnation proceedings on the three.
proposed park sites under consideration, to wit: Cornell Drive,
Taylor Street west of Beach Boulevard, and Cannery Street north of
Adams. Motion carried.
Acquisition of The City Administrator informed the Council
Park Site of a triangular parcel of Navy property at
the northwest corner of the intersection of
Edinger Avenue and Bolsa Chica Street, created by a County flood
control channel, and recommended that Council authorize the City
Administrator and City Attorney to proceed with negotiations for
the purchase of said site from the Navy.
Admin. & Atty. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
To Proceed Council authorized the City Administrator
and City Attorney to proceed with the
negotiations for the purchase of a triangular parcel of property at
Edinger Avenue and Bolsa Chica Street from the Navy. Motion carried.
Councilman. Wells On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch,
To be Absent due to the illness and ill health of
Councilman Wells, he be granted permission
to be out of the City and/or to be absent from Council. meetings..
Motion carried.
W.O.C.W.B. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Construction Fund Gouncil authorized the reimbursement of the
West Orange Count yy Water Board Construction
Fund for the City's portion for January, 1964, estimated in the amount
of $63,589.99. Motion carried.
Minutes ,approved On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Council approved the minutes of the regular
meeting of December 16, 1963,- and the special meeting of December 20,
1963, as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried.
Payroll, Register on motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Approved Council approved the Payroll Register
for December 20, 1963, on recommendation
of the Finance Committee. Motion carried.
Warrant -Resister On motion by Welch, seconded by.Gisler,
Approved the Warrant Register for January 6, 1964
was approved on recommendation of the
Finance Committee. Motion carried.
Sturdy Session Mayor Lambert called an informal meeting of
Plannines the Council as a committee -of -the -whole
for Monday, January 13, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock
P.M. in the Council Chamber, for a study session to discuss the Plan-
ning service fees.
-15- (1/6/64)
JLttu ,
Page #16 - Minutes, January 6, 1964
Study Session Mayor Lambert called an informal meeting
1120/64 7:00AM of the Council as a committee -of -the whole
for Monday, January 20, 1964, at 7.00
o'clock A.M., for a study session.._
Adjourned On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
the regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried.,
City Cler
� e .
City Clerk and x-of£icio Clerk
of the City.Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
-16- ' (1I6/64)