HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-01-28MINUTES 163 Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, Calif. Tuesday, January 28, 1964 Mayor Lambert called the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. Roil Call Councilmen Present: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert T Councilmen'Absent: Wells ',Tunic nal_ ni C rt The Clerk read a communication from the Fequest Caret Huntington Beach -Seal Beach.Municipal Court regarding a request for new carpet in the courtroom of Division 1, Rcferree To On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch, this matter was referred to the City Administrator to study and report back to Council at the meeting of February 3, 1964. Motion carried. Sewer: Fund Disb. The Clerk presented a communication and To Sumitomo :dank transmittal from the Director of Public Works requesting approval of a discurse- ment in the amount of $40,000.00 from the Sewer Fund payable to Sumitomo Bank of California to cover costs of a sewer pump station which is presently up for bids. Rr 791.6 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Resolution No. 1916 - 01A RESOL17TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHOR- IZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND," was passed and adopted as read by the Clerk, on the following roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen. Wells The Clerk presented a communication from Day" the City of Anaheim transmitting a copy of a sample proclamation designating January 30, 1964, as "Angel Day in Orange County" and requesting Council to make a similar proclamation. 1./30/6zi Proclaime(: On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, `gin *el ay in Co. Council directed the Mayor to proclaim Thursday, January 30th, 1964, as "Angel Day" in the City of Huntington Beach. 1151 City Administrator Miller presented a letter which he, had prepared to be sent to the Chairman of the State Lands Commission, the Attorney General, State Controller, the Lieutenant Governor, Senator John A. Murdy and to Assemblyman James E. Whetmbre, concerning the interpretations which' had been placed on Assembly Bill No. 1151 amending Chapter 2160-63, Section 6817 to the State Public Resources Code in connection with revenue to cities and counties adjacent to State Tidelands. rvil.l_i_ar GFlliennr' At this point, William Gallienne, Manager of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council to discuss steps which could possibly be taken to help assure the City receiving revenue through this code section, -1- (1/28/64) 164 Pac,c ; ' - Council xiin t-cti - January 2S , 1964 To Meet Mayor Lambert then appointed Councilman Stewart :x1-- th, ;cry. Muand Councilman Gisler as a committee to meet with Senator John A. Murdy on Wednesday morning, January 29, 1964, at 9:00 o'clock A.I. to discuss the matter, H.H. Corp. Req. The City Administrator presented a letter Lots to `}'r�.ict #5360 from the Huntington Harbour Corporation re- questing that -Lots 1, 2 and 283 which were_ excluded in the approval of Tentative Tract No. 5360, because of an offer made by the City to purchase same, be included in said Tentative Map and the map approved with the inclusion. On motion by°Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council declined the offer to purchase Lots 1, 2 and 283 on Tentative Tract Map No, 5360 and referred the Tentative Map back to the Planning Commission for further action. Motion carried, Cit. Stecrint; Comm, The Clerk read a communication from the PrIl2oscc! Charter 'r Inc=. Citizens Steering Committee submitting a report on the Municipal Administration Committee on a study of proposed Charter amendments which they felt would be desirable to present to the voters of the City at the forthcoming City election. Froposa s The Council proceeded to go -over the StueLcd recommendations, one by one, as follows: r i`�Tt ?CI E 7, SE 'r!0'.1 L - Recommending that tthe section be revised and amended to set forth the present officers of the City; references to City Judge, Collector, City Assessor, should be deleted, and the offices of Finance Director, City Administration, Personnel Director, Director of Parks and Recreation, and Director of Public Works substituted; and further recommending that the second paragraph of said section be repealed. "e4-f�m- r;nc"cr' On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Ch,�irter Cht,n--.,cs Council directed the City Attorney to pre- pare for their consideration a Resolution which would place on the ballot an amendment to the City Charter, to amend Article 7, Section 1, by adding as officers of the City, the City Administrator, Finance Director and Director of Public Works. Motion carried. . .11Cn Mr, B. R. Allen, 8121 Sterling Avenue, City, �'�,�est addressed the Council regarding the foregoing of any changes at this t ime to the City Charter. t�yn� Hu1(ill-Fxotest Mr. Wayne Hukill, 8101 Sterling Avenue, City, addressed the Council and presented a pttition signed by twenty-eight residents of the City, indicating that they were against any changes to the City Charter, and tha-t they particularly felt that the Office of Chief of Police should be elected by the People. . �. Bilfot.t Mr, V. M. Elliott,° 805 13th Street, City, Protest. addressed .the Council and stated that he was not against putting the proposition to appoint the Chief of Police on the ballot, but that he felt from past experience that it would be futile.- Mr. Elliott further stated that he believed that the people wanted the opportunity to elect their officials and that any effort made to cause them to become appointive would be voted down. 7�iigt^LISP �.oz7 ballot for the decide whether appointive. Members of the Council then held a discussion regarding the placing of a proposition on the April election to give the voters an opportunity to to have the Office of Chief of Police elective or __ -2- (1/28/64) 165 Inns 03 Council "'Iinutes January 28, 1964 `\ece,s Caltee Mayor Lambert called a recess of the Council at 8:55 oclock P.M. "rlo il. l:ccoi:nlen1- � Council was reconvened at 9:12 P.M. by the Mayor. Atty tc rep. Ord.. Following futher discussion by the Council, 570 :e��e91 (arc=:. 403 a motion was made by Welch, seconded by Stewart, to direct the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution which would incorporate an Ordinance of the People repealing Ordinance No. 403, for inclusion on the ballot in the City election in April, 1964 -� said Resolution to be presented to the Council at the regular meeting of February 3, 1964. Motion carried. OF THE. YJUNICIPAL ADMII,'ISTRATION COI`2,TITTEE THAT -- TII^ FIRST FARAGRZ-1,P11 OF 4%RTI: L-_, 7, SECTION' 8 BE REPEALED. Include Repeal - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Art,--7, Sec. 8 Council directed the City Attorney to include',,the Resolution regarding Charter amendments the.repeal of the first paragraph of Article 7, Section 8. Motion carried. C. RECO,'4ME TDATIOi'! OF YTLE C07,1_'-`ITTEE THAT ARTICLE 71, SECTION It, T 'nr�. . E'F1:ALED Discussion Council held considerable discussion on this recommendation. Nr, James Parker Mr. James Parker, 8411 Santana Circle, City, addressed the Council and stated that he believed it might be difficult to get qualified people to accept various supervisorial positions with the City if it was limited to residents of the City. Nelson Mauer Mr. Nelson Mauer, 821 Main Street, City, addressed the Council and stated that he believed that there might be many qualified people to take positions which were offered.. 1r. Elliott Mr. Elliott again addressed the Council to inquire whether they were considering put- ting on the ballot the proposed repeal of Section 11 of Article 7, setting residence requirements for holding such offices to three years. Following futther consideration of this Art. 7, Sec. Ll item by the Council, a motion was made by Stewart, seconded by Welch, that the Attorney be directed to include in the Charter Resolution the proposed repeal of Article 7, Section 11. Nation carried. 1). RI TEC CNIIENDAT ION TlIzVP ARTICLE 7, SECTION 12 BE AMENDED TO PROVIDE FOR FRES 'NT AND PROBAL'LE 1; UT1.RE FUNCTIONS OF TILE PUBLIC �A)-RKS DEPL'IRT14EX T . E5f`f'c Ctivc' - The Council in their discussion indicated �rtic]_e 7 Sec. 11. that this had already been taken care of in their action on Article 71, Section 1.1. `I . :i:CUT° E,_ tiTDAT. IO1� OF T11E CON1h1ITTEE THAT CONXIDERAT ION BE GIVEN Tip .` * 1.`xE:dD;�1E T TO PRO�'ID% EC7R 13LAI KET BO DING IN TIE INTEREST OF I CGN0N1Y. Blanket Fond On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, the City Attorney was directed to include in the Charter Resolution, a recommendation to provide for a blanket bond, and to request the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Finance Director and Insurance Carrier to assist in the preparation of this item. Motion carried. -3- (1/28/64) Fngc '.L .. Co ailc it :.tiri_iics Jant.:,r ry ?: ? 1964 Nr. E11;:.>tt At this time Mr. Elliott addressed th and inquired ;about the possibility of City again having a City Judge, and he was informed that this had been taken over by the County through the County Municipal setup. e Council t he function Court 3F THE CU?24ITTEF THAT ARTILL 1-11 SECTION 51) SLL:T ION 9, SECTION 7C ? (� an(.", ARTICLE 9 I� : REY� ::,ELF . Inc l.vc".Ee Re ci7,fir On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, �; (, c . 5 , 9 10 Council directed the City Attorney to in- �} chide in -the proposed Charter Resolution, the repeal of Article 7, Section 5, 9 and 10, and Article 9, for their study. Motion carried. 'ieetinc- with Mayor Lambert,,informed the Council that School_ 11w0,7rc' 'LIN C. the City had been requested by the Hunting- ton Beach Elementary School. Board to set up a meeting between the City Council and the Planning Commission and the school board to have a discussion and make a study on industrial zoning within the City. ''tlier School_ 310arcls Councilman Stewart, stated that he believed _ 7nc'_udee such meeting sould include the Huntington Beach Union High School District Board, the Ocean View Elementary School Board, and the Westminster Elementary School Board as their areas covered considerable a_roperty concerned with industrial zoning. Ac'mi_n. to Arran7c On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, '.1cetina ::_ 1 tCouncil directed the City Administrator - to contact the members of the Planning Commission, the Huntington Beach Union High School District Board, the Huntington Beach Elementary School Board, the Ocean View Elem- entary School Board and the Westminster Elementary School Board to set up a discussion meeting on industrial zoning. Motion carried. tic'. '-sUrrm"r-n On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington $each adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST: City Jerk a ex-o ficio Clerk of the City ouncil of the City of Huntington Beach, California /Ao Mayor -4- (1/28/64)