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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, February 17, 1964
Mayor Lambert called the regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30
o'clock P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all pre-
sent in the Council Chamber.
The Invocation was given by Rev. Carl Walker,
First Southern Baptist Church, Huntington Beach, California.
Roll Call Councilmen Present: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
Councilmen Absent: None
Minutes On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Approved Council approved the minutes of the regular
adjourned meeting of January 28, 1964, and
the regular meeting of February 3, 1964, as transcribed and mailed. Motion
Dept. Reports
Rec'd. & Filed
for January 1964, were
H.H. Corp.
Traffic Contr.
in Tract No. 4761 while
H.H. Corp. Comm.
Rec'd & Filed
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, the
reports of the Chief of Police, City Treasurer,
City Collector and Chamber of Commerce Manager
received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington
Harbour Corporation requesting permission to
control traffic temporarily on Courtney Lane
exhibiting model homes.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, the
communication from Huntington Harbour Corpor-
ation was received and ordered filed. Motion
H.B. Safety Council On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council
Off. Safety Organiz. designated the Huntington Beach Safety Council
as the official coordinating safety organization
for the City. Motion carried.
H.B. Safety Council On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, the
Main St. Changes request from the Huntington Beach Safety
Council making recommendations regarding the
proposed changes on Main Street to alleviate congestion, was referred to
the Chief of Police for study and report. Motion carried.
Weed Control Req. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch, the
Denied request from Weed Control Contractors, Midway
City, for an opportunity to bid on the City
Weed Abatement work for this year, was denied. Motion carried.
Law Suit On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, the
Summons and Complaint in a law suit against the
City, filed by Security First National Bank to
recover monies paid as taxes on safe deposit boxes during the year 1960-
t961, was referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried.
Hunsaker Appeal On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council
UV #663 - Tr. #5464 ordered a public hearing for Monday, March 2,
1964, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon there-
after as possible, on the appeal of S. V. Hunsaker and Sons to a deci-
sion of the City Planning Commission stipulating conditions on Tentative
Tract No. 5464, and also their decision in continuing action on sse
Variance No. 663. Motion carried.
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American Cancer Soc. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch;
April Crusade Council granted permission to the American
Cancer Society to conduct their annual
Crusade for funds during April in the City. Motion carried.
Bond Presented Mr. Robert Buesing of Harbor Security Patrol
Officer Arabelo awarded a United States savings bond to
Officer Stephen Arabelo for his courageous
act in wrecking his police car and endangering his life to avoid
hitting a station wagon full of children.
H.B. Surfing Jess Foss, a representative of the Hunting -
Club Presentation ton Beach Surfing Club sponsored by the
Lifeguard Department, addressed the Council
to present the City with surfboard racks made by their organization
for use on the City beach, and requested permission to place the
r: board racks along the beach.
Surfboard Racks On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Accepted Council accepted the surboard racks pre-
sented to the City by the Huntington Beach
Surfing Club, with placement to be made under the direction of the
Department of Public Works and the Lifeguard Department. Motion
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
P.C. Res. #408 day and hour set for a public hearing
on Resolution No. 408 of the City Planning
Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No. 408 on property
situated on the south side of Newman.Avenue, west of Newland Street,
and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Zone Case No. 408 as published in the Huntington Beach News on
February 6, 1964, setting the hour of 7:30 o clock P.M., or as soon
thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 17th day of February, 1964
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California
as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of con-
sidering a petition for a change of zone to regulations of the
Districting Ordinance, from: R-1 Single Family Residence District,
to: R-2 Two Family Residence District.
No Written Protests The Clerk informed the Council that they had
been provided with copies of the Planning
Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission,
recommending approval of Zone Case No. 408, and stated that he had
received no written protests to the zone change or to the recommend-
ation of the Planning Commission.
Mayor Lambert declared the hearing
There being no one present to speak on the
matter, and there being no protests
either oral
or written,
the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
Planning Director Warner addressed
Council and gave them a resume' of
Commission's reasons for recommending approval of a
of zone
to R-2 in Zone
Case No. 408.
Zone Case #408 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Approved - R-2 Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and directed the City
Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone to R-2
in Zone Case No. 408. Motion carried.
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the da,
P.C. Res. #409 and hour set for a public hearing on Resolu-
tion No. 409 of the City Planning Commission;
recommending approval of Zone Case No. 409, on property situated at
the northeast corner of Bushard Street and Banning Avenue, and di-
rected the Clerk to read the legal notice.
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The Clerk/notice of public hearing on Zone
Case No. 409, as published in the Huntington Beach News on February
6, 1964, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter
as possible, on Monday, the 17th day of February, 1964, in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time
and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition
for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance, from
M-1 Light Industrial District, to C-4 Highway Commercial District, with
setback provisions, and R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District.
Protest Pres. The Clerk informed the Council that they had
Aries Homes been provided with copies of the Planning Di-
rector's transmittal and the Resolution of the
Planning Commission, recommending approval of an R-2 zone, rather than
the R-3 and C-4 zones requested, and stated that Aries Homes of Anaheim
had appealed the decision of the Planning Commission in this zone case.
Hearing Opened Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Wm. Lyon William Lyon, President of Aries Homes,
Aries Homes addressed the Council to protest the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission and re-
quested consideration of the R-3 and C-4 request petitioned for.
Hearing Closed There being no one further present to speak
on the matter, and there being no further pro-
tests filed, either oral or written, the hear-
ing was closed by the Mayor.
Planning Director Planning Director Warner addressed the Council
and gave them a resume' of the Planning Com-
mission's reasons for recommending an R-2 zone in Zone Case No. 409,
rather than the R-3 and C-4 requested.
Zone Case #409, On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Adopted - R-2 Council approved the recommendation of the
Planning Commission, and directed the City
Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in
Zone Case No. 409. Motion carried.
Bids Pres. The Purchasing Agent presented informal bids
Water Dept. Truck which had been received for one pickup truck
for use in the Water Department, as follows:
Malcom Dodge Fullerton $1,650.51
International Harvester Santa Ana $1,493.66
Both bids are less trade-in and including taxes.
International Harv. The Clerk presented a communication from the
Low Bidder Purchasing Agent informing Council that a re-
view of the bids indicated that the low bid
of $ 1,493.66, less trade-in and including all applicable taxes, sub-
mitted by International Harvester of Santa Ana, was in order, and re-
commended that Council authorize the purchase j)f a pickup truck from
this agency.
Purch. Auth. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Coun-
Pickup Truck cil authorized the Purchasing Agent to purchase
a pickup truck for the Water Department from
the low bidder, International Harvester, Santa Ana, Less trade-in and
including sales tax. Motion carried.
Bids Presented
Graham St. Work The Clerk presented the bids for the recon-
struction, surfacing and improvement of
Graham Street from Edinger Avenue to Bolsa
Avenue which had been opened at the informal meeting of the Council at
7:00 o'clock A.M. on Monday, February 17, 1964, as follows:
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1. Boeck Paving Orange $ 69,866.61
2. Filco Engineering Westminster $ 63,690.67
3. Industrial Contractors Stanton $ 65,314.77
4. Largo Company Pico -Rivera $ 74,716.91
5. R. J. Noble Orange $ `58,947.66
6. Sully -Miller Orange $ 62,174.14
7. JohnTiedemann Co. Whittier $ 69,318.82
8. Wennermark Co. Redlands 65,985.27
9. Whitehead Construction .LaHabra 67,607.95
Low Bidder The Director of Public Works stated that
R.J. Noble all bids had been examined and recommended
that the contract be awarded to the low
bidder, R.J. Noble of Orange, California, for the total price of
Contract Awarded On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
R. J. Noble Council awarded the contract for the recon-
struction, surfacing, and improvement of
Graham Street from Edinger Avenue to Bolsa Avenue, to R. J. Noble
of Orange, California on the bid of $58,947.66; rejected all other
bids, and authorized the return of bid bonds to the unsuccessful
bidders upon execution of the contract. Motion carried.
Bids Presented The Clerk presented the bids for the re-
Street-Impr. construction, surfacing and improvement of.
Florida Street - between 17th and Garfield
Avenues; and Garfield Avenue - between Florida Street and Beach
Boulevard, which had been opened at the informal meeting of the
Council at 7:00 o'clock A.M. on Monday, February 17, 1964,as follows:
1. R. J. Noble Orange $ 21,735.82
2. E. H. Phillip Smith, Inc. Long Beach 22,826.58
3. Sully -Miller Orange 21,483.03
Low Bidder The Director of Public Works stated that
Surlly-Miller all bids had been reviewed and recommended
that the contract be awarded to the low
bidder Sully -Miller, for the total price of $21,483.03.
Contract Awarded On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Sully -Miller Council awarded the contract for the re-
construction, surfacing and improvement of
portions of Florida Street and Garfield Avenue to Sully -Miller Con-
tracting Company on the low bid of $21,483.03; rejected all other
bids, and authorized the return of bid bonds to the unsuccessful
bidders upon execution of the contract. Motion carried.
Pub. Hearings .Ordered On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Z.C. #396, 400, 405,
Council ordered public bearings for Monday,
410 and 412
March 2, 1964, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on
Zone Cases No. 396,
No. 400, No. 405, No. 410 and No. 412, and
directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried.
DV #21.0
The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Decon Corp.
Planning Director of a petition for a
Division of Land - DV No. 210 - Petitioner:
Decon Corporation, Santa Ana, to allow a Division of Land into two
Separate parcels on
property located at the northwest corner of
Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue. The Planning Commission had
recommended approval
of the Division of Land with conditions.
DV #210
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Council granted Division of Land - DV #210,
with conditions stipulated by the Planning
Commission. Motion
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DV #211 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Lands & Bldgs. Inc. Planning Director of a petition for a
Division of Land - DV #211 - Petitioner:
Lands and Buildings, Inc., Los Angeles, to allow a Division of Land
indo two separate parcels on property located at the,northwest corner
of Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue. The Planning Commission had
recommended approval of the Division of Land with Conditions.
DV #211 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Granted Council granted Division of Land - DV #211,
with conditions stipulated by the Planning
Commission. Motion carried.
Final Adoption The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Tract Map #4992 City Planning Director submitting final form
of Tract Map No. 4992 for adoption: Developer:
Buchanan -Hudson Development, Huntington Beach, California; Engineer:
Paul Calvo Co., Santa Ana; -Location: Approximately 660 ft north of
Banning Avenue and west of Bushard Street; Legal Description: Being
a subdivision of a portion of the N� of the SEt of the SWk of Section
18-6-10; Number of Lots: 65; Total Acreage: 13.86: that the map
had been certified by the City Engineer and the Planning Director to
be true and correct in accordance with provisions of the City Sub-
division Code.
The City Council may accept the offers of
dedication as shown on the map and may approve the final map, subject
to the following condition:
The City Clerk's signature shall be witheld
pending completion of:
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer,
2. Bond for improvements.
3. Signing of subdivision agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5. Approval from County Surveyor.
6. Bond for monuments.
drainage, engineering and
Tract Map #4992 On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart,
Adopted Council accepted the dedications as shown
on Final Tract Map No. 4992, and adopted
the map subject to compliance with the conditions stipulated by the
Planning Commission. Motion carried.
Final Adoption The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Tract Map #5440 City Planning Director submitting final form
of Tract Map No. 5440 for adoption: Subdivider:
Doyle and Shields, Anaheim; Engineer: Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson, Inc.
Westminster; Location: Approximately 990.ft south of Heil Avenue and
west of Edwards Street; Legal Description: Being a subdivision of the
Sk of the SEk of the NEk of the SWk of Section 22-5-11; Number of Lots:
22; Total Acreage: 5.005; that the map had been certified by the City
Engineer and the Planning Director to be true and correct in accordance
with provisions of the City Subdivision Code.
The City Council may accept the offers of
dedication as shown on the map and may approve the final map, sub-
ject to the following condition:
The City Clerk's signature shall be witheld
pending completion of: ,
1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer,
2. Bond for improvements.
3. Signing of subdivision agreement.
4. Certificate of Insurance.
5. Approval from County Surveyor.
6. Bond for monuments.
drainage, engineering and
Page #6 - Minutes, February 17, 1964
Tract Map #5440
Adopted On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Council accepted the dedications as shown
on Final Tract Map No. 5440, and adopted
the map subject to compliance with the conditions stipulated by the
Planning Commission,, Motion carried.
Plann. Trans.
On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, the
Rec'd & Filed
communication from the Planning Director
regarding the appeal of Tentative Tract
#5464 and Use Variance -
UV #663, giving reasons of the Planning
Commission for their action
in this matter, was received and ordered
held for the hearing on March 2, 1964. Motion carried.
Payment Auth.
On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Plumbing Contr. Inc.
Council authorized a payment to Plumbing
Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $2,447.60
for Water Main Extension
work in Atlanta Avenue east of Beach Boul-
evard. Motion carried.
Councilmen Wells
Councilman Wells requested and was granted
permission to abstain from voting on the
next item, due to a conflict of interest,
and left his place at the
Council table.
Sewer Reimb. Auth. The Clerk presented a communication from
Odmark & Bazil the Director of Public Works requesting that
Sewer Reimbursement in the amount of
$2,416.28 be made to Odmark and Bazil for 50% participation in the
cost of a sewer line extension in Nashville -Street between Alabama
and Delaware, and transmitting Resolution No. 1924 authorizing such
Res. #1924 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution No. 1924 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
been presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopt-
ed by the following roll call vote:
Councilman Wells
Resumes Seat
Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
Councilmen Wells resumed his seat at the
Council table.
Payment Auth. The Clerk presented a commumication from the
Orange Co. Flood Contr. Director of Public Works requesting Council
authorization for payment of $14,170.13
from funds in Planned Local Drainage Facilities Fund, Area #2, payabl
to the Orange County Flood Control District, as agreed upon in Sec-
tion 3 of Agreement No. MS 634C4-89, and transmitting a Resolution
authorizing such payment.
Res. #1925 - On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution No. 1925 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
(AREA 2) FUND." which had heretofore been submitted to the Council
and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Reimbursement Auth. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the
Cody _& Lansing Inv. Director of Public Works requesting Council
authorization for refunds in the amount of
$1168.35 for a waterline and $3486.46 for a sewer line in Slater Ave.
under a Reimbursement Agreement with Cody Investment Company, Inc.
and Lansing Investment Company, Inc., and transmitting Resolution
No. 1926 authorizing an expenditure from the Sewer Fund.
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Pmt. Auth. On motion by Welch,
For Waterline Council authorized
to Cody Investment
Investment Company, Inc. for reimbursement c
in Slater Avenue. Motion carried.
seconded by Stewart,
the payment of $1168.35
Company, Inc. and Lansing
n waterline construction
Res. #1926 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Res -
Adopted olution No. 1926 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND," which had heretofore been
submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Payment Auth. The Clerk presented a communication from the
Johnson Pump Co. Director of Public Works requesting approval
of a partial payment in the amount of $32,802.64
to Johnson Pump Company for work on the Adams Avenue Pump Station,
and transmitting Resolution No. 1927 authorizing the transfer of funds.
Res. #1927 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution No. 1927 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
DRAINAGE FACILITIES (AREA 7) FUND," which had heretofore been submitted
to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the follow-
ing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Aerial Maps On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Beach Front Council granted permission for the Director
of Public Works to proceed in contracting for
Aerial Topographic maps of the City -owned beachfront from Beach
Boulevard to the Pier, at an approximate cost of $2,100. Motion carried.
MWD Request The Clerk presented a communication from the
Rate of Flow Meters Director of Public Works informing Council
of a request from the Metropolitan Water
District for all users to provide rate of flow meters on all con-
nections, and recommandini that the installation of a meter for the
City on Feeder No. 1 on Newland Street be included in a project pre-
sently under design by the West Orange County Water Board.
Meter Install. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Included Council approved the recommendation of the
Director of Public Works, and directed him
to notify the West Orange County Water Board to include the installation
of the City's rate of flow meter in their project on Feeder No. 1.
Motion carried.
Wardlow PTA On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, a
Bridge Fencing communication from the Director of Public
Works reporting on his meeting with the
Parent -Teachers group of the Wardlow School regarding work requested
on the Flood Control Channel bridge in that area,was received and
ordered filed. Motion carried.
Deeds Presented
The Clerk presented transmittals from the
Director of Public Works of deeds as follows:
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(a) Easement Deed for street and public utility purposes on a
portion of England Street north of Yorktown Avenue from
Carl C. Newton and Ora I. Newton, and Ronald Blackwell and
Helen L. Blackwell to the City. w
(b) Easement Deed for street, slope_ bank and other public
utility purposes on a portion of Gothard Street south of
Ellis Avenue from the Huntington Beach Company to the City.
Deeds Accepted On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Council accepted the deeds and directed the
Clerk to record same with the County Recorder of Orange County.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
Res. No. 1912 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 1912 of the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach, giving notice of.intention to vacate
a portion of Seventeenth Street in the City, and directed the Clerk
to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Resolution No. 19121as published in the Huntington Beach News on
January 23, 1964, setting the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. on Monday,
the 17th day of February, 1964, in the Council Chamber of the City
Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a
public hearing for the purpose of hearing any protests which might
be presented on the vacation of Seventeenth Street in the City.
So. Counties The Clerk read a letter from the Southern
Gas Co. Letter Counties Gas Company to the City, requesting
a permanent easement across the property to
be vacated for the maintenance of existing gas piping facilities in
the area.
No Written Protests The Clerk informed the Council that they
had been provided with copies of Resolution
No. 1912 of the City Council, and stated that he had received no
written protests to the vacation of a portion of Seventeenth Steet
in the City.
Hearing Opened Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open.
Hearing Closed There being no one present to speak on the
matter, and there being no protests filed,
either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
Atty to Prep. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Resolution Council directed the City Attorney_ to pre-
pare a Resolution[ ordr.tl�a+er$eainn pf_wa_
portion of Seventeenth Street in the City. Motion carried.
Public Hearing Mayor Lambert announced that this was the
Bolsa Chica #4 day and hour set for a public hearing on
Resolution No. 1904 of the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach giving notice of the proposed annexation
to the City of uninhabited territory described as "Bolsa Chica No. 4
Annexation', and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice.
The Clerk read notice of public hearing on
Resolution No. 1904 as published in the Huntington Beach News on
January 16 and January 23, 1964, and published in the Westminster
Herald on January 16 and January 23, 1964, setting the hour of 8:00
o'clock P.M. on Monday, the 17th day of February, 1964, in the
Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as
the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of hearing
any protests which might be presented on the proposed annexation to
the City of uninhabited territory described as "Bolsa Chica No. 4
Annexation", and giving notice of time and place for hearing of such
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No Written Protests The Clerk informed the Council that they had
been provided with dopies of Resolution No.
1904 of the City Council, and stated that he had received no written
protests to the proposed annexation.
Hearing Opened
Mayor Lambert declared'the hearing open.
Hearing Closed There being no one present to speak on the
matter, and there being no protests filed,
either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
Res. #1923 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Resolution #1923 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE
HEARING ON 'BOLSA CHICA #4 ANNEXATION"', which had heretofore been
submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote: '
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Atty. to Prep. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Annex. Ord. Council directed the City Attorney to pre-
pare an Ordinance annexing the territory
included in Bolsa Chica #4 Annexation to the City. Motion carried.
Orange County
Tax Lot Sale
AP 112-011-20, Code
reque.gting Council
to this sale.
The Clerk presented a letter from the Deputy
County Tax Collector of Orange County, in-
forming Council that Lot 48 in Tract No. 360,
Area 4-010 is to be sold at public auction, and
determination as to whether they consent or object
City Objects On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
To Sale Council objected to the sale of Lot 48
in Tract No. 360, AP 112-011-20, Code Area
4-010, and directed the City Clerk to notify the County Tax Collector
of such objection; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute
an agreement to purchase this property at a price not less than
$4,000.00. Motion carried.
Lifeguard Hdqrs. The Clerk read a communication from Jordan
Cost .Estimate & Endsley, Architects, confirming the cost
estimate for the new Lifeguard Headquarters
Building in the amount of $80,000.00.
Jordan & Endsley On motion by Welch, seconded by)�Gisler, the
Comm. Rec. & Filed communication from Jordan & Endsley was
received and ordered filed. Motion carried.
U.C.B. Req. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Depository Council granted the request of the United
California Bank, 7092 Edinger Avenue, City,
and authorized this bank to be named as a depository for City funds.
Motion carried.
Assn. of Plumbing The Clerk informed the Council that he had
Contractors Complaint received a telephone call from Mr. Ray A.
Buckley of the Association of Plumbing Con-
tractors, requesting that the item concerning discussion of the
installation.of a plumbing job at the corner of Brookhurst Street
and Adams Avenue be stricken from the Agenda.
Ray Buckled - Mr. Ray Buckley addressed the Council and
commended Mr. Jack Cleveland, Director of
Building and Safety, for the cooperation they have received from his
department, and requesting that their letter be removed from the Agenda
at this time.
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Removed From On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Agenda Council granted .the request of Mr. Buckley
and removed the item concerning violations
of the State Codes from the Agenda. Motion carried.
Officers Mtg.
On motion by Stewart, seconded
by Welch,
Springs 2/21
Council granted permission for
the City
Clerk, Treasurer together with
any Council -
Members who might be interested,
and Dir-
of Finance, to
attend a concurrent meeting of City
Treasurers and
Finance Officers in Palm Springs on
February 21,
with reasonable
expenses allowed. Motion CArried.
Mun. Fin. Officers On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Mtg. - Santa Barbara Council granted the Director of Finance
permission to attend the annual seminar of
the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers in Santa
Barbara on March 5, 6 and 7, 1964, with reasonable expenses allowed.,
Motion carried.
Second Reading The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1037 a second
Ord. No. 1037 reading by title - '!AN ORDINANCE OF THE
CLASSIFYING SECTION 9211.62 (Sectional District Map 13-6-11)."
Ord. No. 1037 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Ordinance No. 1037 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Second Reading The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1038 a second
Ord. No. 1038 reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
BY RECLASSIFYING SECTIONS 9211.,38. (Sectional District Map 22-5-11)
and 9211.59 (Sectional District Map 8-6-10.)"
Ord. No. 1038 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Ordinance No. 1038 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Second Reading The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1039 a second
Ord. No. 1039 reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
ING SECTION 9211.4 (Sectional District Map 24-5-11)."
Ord. No. 1039 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Adopted Ordinance No. 1039 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Second Reading The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1040 a second
Ord. No. 1040 reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
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Ord. No. 1040 On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Adopted Ordinance No. 1040 was passed and adopted
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wells,
NOESi Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Ord. #1041 All
Read by All read
Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert
Councilmen stipulated that they had
Ordinance No. 1041 in its entirety and
aware pf the contents thereof.
Ord. #1041 - Oral On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, .
lst Reading Waived Council directed that the oral first reading
of Ordinance No. 1041 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE
SECTIONS 9211.36 (Sectional District Map 20-5-11), 9211.38 (Sectional
District Map 22-5-11) Map 22-5-11) 9211.62 (Sectional District Map
13-6-11) and 9211.36 (Sectional District Map 20-5-11)," be waived.
Motion carried.
Ord.41042 All Councilmen stipulated that they had read
Read by All Ordinance No. 1042 in its entirety -and were
aware of the contents thereof.
Ord. #1042 - Oral On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
1st Reading Waived Council directed that the oral first read-
ing of Ordinance No. 1042 - "AN ORDINANCE
CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH," be waived. Motion carried.
Additional Police On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Unit Authorized Council authorized the purchase of one
additional police vehi&Le equipped with radio,
for the Police Department, and directed the Purchasing Agent to ad-
vertise for bids for same. Motion carried.
Chiefs All Zone On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch,
Meeting Council granted the Chief of Poiiee per-
mission to attend the Chiefs of Police and
Sheriffs Zone Meeting in El Centro, California, on February 25th
and 26th, 1964, with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried.
City Insurance The City Administrator presented a revised
Coverage insurance program prepared by Pacifid Indemnity
Insurance Company, broadening the City's coverage
to comply with the new statute spelling out the City's liability and
immunities which went into effect September 20, 1963. The Adminis-
trator explained further that coverage had been written effective
January 1, 1964; that it was approved in form by the City Attorney,
and recommended Council consideration and approval.
Insurance Coverage On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Approved Council approved the recommended insurance
coverage prepared by Pacific Indemnity Insur-
ance Company, effective from January 1, 1964. Motion carried.
Serv. for Blind On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Reg. to Sell Tickets Council granted permission to the Services
for the Blind of Santa Ana, to sell tickets
to merchants in the City, for a benefit circus to be held at the Orange
County Fair Grounds. Motion carried.
Req. Cars For The City Admini"strator presented a request from
Police Dept. the Chief of Police for three new black and
white units for the Police Department as re-
placement vehicles, and further requested that a police radio be pur-
chased for installation in unit #4218 recently totaled out in an ac-
cident. The insurance carrier will reimburse the City for the cost
of said radio.
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Purchase Auth. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch,
Police Cars Council authorized the purchase of 3 re-
placement police units and one police radio,
and directed the Purchasing Agent to advertise for bids for same.
Motion carried.
Parking Problems
The City Administrator informed the Council
On Residential Sts.
that the problem of parking control on
private residential streets had been referr-
ed to the City Attorney
for a determination.
City Attorney
The City Attorney informed the Council that
he felt the Fire Code was sufficient to
take care of the existing
problem and suggested that the City con-
tinue issuing citations
under the existing Fire Code. No action
was taken by Council on
the matter.
Acquisition of
The City Administrator informed the Council
Park Site
that the Bolsa Chica Homeowners Association
had petitioned the Council regarding the
possible purchase of a
park site for development in the northern
area of the City. The
Administrator suggested the purchase of a 5
acre parcel adjacent to
the Marina High School grounds.
Study & Report
On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Council directed the Planning Director,
Director of Public Works and City Admin-
istrator to study the possibilities
and report their findings at the
next Council meeting.
Motion carried.
ABC Agrmt. The City Administrator informed the Council
TV Rights that the City Attorney was working on the
agreement between the City and ABC Vide
World of Sports for programming the 1964 West Coast Surfing Champ-
ionship, and said agreement would be ready for approval in the near
Shaw Oil Agrmt. The City Administrator informed the Council
Assignment that a letter had been received from the
Attorney for Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Shaw,
assignees of an oil & gas lease between the City and Charles E. Black
requesting approval of the City of the assignment required by
Ordinance. An inspection of the property revealed that certain
cleanup work had not been accomplished and they were advised that
this must be done before the City could approve the assignment. A
second request for assignment has been received, but the necessary
cleanup had not been complied with.
Admin. to Notify On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler,
Applicant Council directed the City Administrator to
notify the applicant that the required
cleanup must be done before action on the assignment will be taken
by the City Council. Motion carried.
Payroll Register On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Council approved the Payroll Register for
February 10, 1964, on recommendation of the Finance Committee.
Motion carried.
Warrant Register On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler,
Council approved the Warrant Register for
February 17, 1964, on recommendation of the Finance Committee.
Motion carried.
Rec. Comm. Mayor Lambert appointed Mrs. Carolyn Anne
Appointment Menees, 15141 Newcastle Lane, City, to the
Recreation Commission to fill the unexpired
term of Mrs. Eva Borcoman, who recently resigned.
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Mrs. Menees Appt. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart,
Confirmed Council confirmed the appointment of Mrs.
Carolyn Anne Menees to the Recreation Com-
missiod, to fill the unexpired 5 year term of Mrs. Eva Borcoman which
ends June 30, 1966. Motion carried.
Informal Mtg. Mayor Lambert called a meeting of the City
2/27 6:30 PM Council as an informal Committee of the Whole
for Thursday, February 27, 1964, at 6:30
o'clock P.M. at Sam's Seafood for the purpose of meeting with the
combined School Boards in the City to discuss zoning problems.
Informal Mtg. Mayor Lambert called a meeting of the Council
3/2/64 7 AM as an informal Committed of the Whole for
Monday, March 2, 1964, at 7:00 A.M. for a
study session.
Adjournment On motion by Stewart, secbnded by Gisler,
the regular meeting of the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried.
City Cie
(2,e A, 1r�
ity Clerk an -a Ale,-officio Cle=r
of the City Codhcil of the City
of Huntington Beac alifornia
-13- (2/17/64)