HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-16214 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 16, 1964 Mayor Lambert called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Richard E. LeGros, Associate Minister of First Christian Church, City. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert Councilmen Absent : None MINUTES APPROVED On motion by Welch seconded by Stewart, Council approved the minutes of the reg- ular meeting of March 2, 1964, and the regular adjourned meeting of March 3, 1964, as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried. DEPT. REPORTS On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, the REC'D & FILED reports of the Chief of Police, City Treasurer, City Collector and Chamber of Commerce Manager for February 1964, were received and ordered filed. Motion carried. ADDENDUM ,�1 LIFEsUARD STH. The Clerk presented a transmittal from Jordan and Endsley, Architects, of Addendum #1 to the Plans and Specifications for the construction of the Lifeguard Headquarters Building, and informed the Council that the Addendum must be acted upon prior to the awarding of the Contract. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council approved Addendum #1 to the Plans & Specifications for the Lifeguard Headquarters Building - to be added to and made a part thereof in Job No. 63-500. Motion carried. SIDS AND A''9AUD The Clerk presented the bids for the construct- LIFEOUARD STA. ion of the Lifeguard Headquarters Building at First Street and Ocean Avenue, which had been opened at the informal meeting -of the Council at 8:00 o'clock A.M. on March 16, 1964, as follows: Leonard V. Bouas, General Contractor - Anaheim $ 127,222.00 Harris & Denner, General Contractors - Tustin $ 126,421.00 Holt Construction Company - Costa Mesa $ 145,000.00 James J. Barrett - Huntington Beach $ 127,300.00 Alert Construction Co. Inc. - Costa Mesa $ 139,940.00 Joseph J. Peluso, Building Contractor - Newport Beach $ 128,260.00 J. E. Barrington - Anaheim 129,937.00 J. Ray Construction Company, Inc. - Corona Del Mar 145,888.00 The Clerk then read a communication from Jordan & Endsley, Architects, informing Council that the bids had been reviewed and the low bid of Harris & Denner, General Contractor, was in order, and recommended that the award be made to Harris & Denner, Tustin, California, on the bid of $126,421.00. 'VILLALU JORDAN Mr. Jordan stated that his estimate had been revised after it was originally pre- sented, but that site problems in connection with the construction had not been anticipated. He informed the Council that he believed the low bid was reasonable -in construction of a building which would meet weather conditions on the beach. -1- 3/16/64 G 5 Pacc;e #2 - Minutes, March 16 , "­ 64 BID AWARD 4AiA IIS :a DEi;wk... On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council awarded the contract for the construction of the Lifeguard Headquarters Building to Harris & Denner of Tustin, California, on the bid of $126,421.00; rejected all other bids, and authorized the return of bid bonds to the uns.:ccessful bidders upon execution of the contract. Motion carried. ;-t6K ; 4 10 S CL '3 On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart Lr+i�E 'a"r�"� I'S: Council granted permission to the Hunt - Council ington Beach Lions Club for the use of the Lake Park Clubhouse on May 9, 1964, for the purpose of holding their annual "Sight Conservation" benefit breakfast; and directed the Clerk to waive the fees therefor. Motion carried. A/ L, ^ '?L ' , 1^ ' , TY On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, X S )L1C1Ts"ff1.04 Council referred the request of the Las Angeles County Epilepsy Society to place cannisters within the City during July, 1964 as a part of their fund campaign, to the City Administrator for study and report. Motion carried. L.D.S. MOo1Ik:S On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, I A' 74ALL Council granted permission to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for use of Memorial Hall to show a series of picture shows for children on various Saturday mornings, to benefit their building program, with normal fees and application to be met. Motion carried. v" a ,)"N'"' B{'11R ; X3 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, ua ,�til`31 :�Ast�� CLUBHOUSE Council granted permission to the Orange County Boxer Club to use the Lake Park facilities on June 7, 1964, for a Boxer Specialty Puppy Match, sub- ject to the usual fees and required insurance. Motion carried. �'",D 1 T��fS ,i{, On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, 1<� S /UTH SHOUS_';RACT Council referred the request from Albert m Murphy, 19411 Perch Circle, Huntington Beach, for speed signs in the area adjacent to the South Shores.Tract to the Traffic Engineer for study and report. Motion carried. DI �' , CTORY On Motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, i'ROTEST OF PROPOSAL Couthencil Cityrofeived Costaand Mesalled the transmittingefrom Res- olution No. 64-20 protesting the proposed dividing of the Orange County Telephone Directory. Motion carried. TENDED i`1�'I:? On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, ._.__ Council amended the preceeding motion an referred the communication from the City of Costa Mesa to the Cham er of. Commerce for studv and recommendation to Council. Motion darried. DIVIS3ON "I `-YTG v,1AY" submit recommendations concerning recommended CaliforniaFreeway and U1 , 3 EER `RE C1(i 1"10I' his , thanks to the tween Circle Park and ordered filed. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, a communication from the Division of Highways regarding a forthcoming request to to the Sacramento Headquarters by .July 1, 1964, additions to the State Highway System or Expressway System, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, the letter from Mr. James Farquhar, Editor of the Huntington Beach News, expressing Council for their Resolution namUig the area be and Lake Park as "Farquhar Plaza" was received Motion carried. NT,Vt' O.C. COASTAL PIZOJ. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch 3� COORD. Council received and filed the minutes of the North westerly Orange County Coastal Projects Coordinating Committee. Motion carried. -2- 3/16/64 216 Pa._e 3 - Minutes Marc h 1 6, 1964 �.u. SOUTH A`JU ETIC On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, %I/ASSa.- BAKE SALE Council granted permission to the Hunting- ton Beach Youth Athletic Association to hold a benefit bake sale on April 3, 1964, at the Market Basket at 7742 E. Edinger Avenue, for uniforms for Pop Warner_ Football teams in the City. Motion carried. €1.13. S- FE'1-Y &t3JNCIL The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington 103i STiTf. OF POLICY Beach Safety Council giving a statement of policy and purpose for the Safety Council. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, the letter from the Huntington Beach Safety Council was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. NOTICE f')F CLAIM On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler-, 0" D�_ V. 1F Ii1-H'dAYS Council denied the claim from the State Division of Highways for damage to a traffic signal at Beach and Main Street, caused by a City vehicle operated by Mr. Frank F. Groover, and referred it to the City Attorney and the City's insurance carrier for handling. Motion carried. CY AIL l''-IETZIN TES - Under Oral Communications, Mr. Cyril Met- 03�1 5 PC -)I TS CII.CUS zinger, 12925 Keel Street, Garden Grove, addressed the Council and read a letter from Jim Netherly, Promotion Committee Chairman, 5 Points Shopping Center Merchants Association, concerning a request for a license for Sutton's Imperial Free Circus - rides & concessions - to operate a "Free Circus" for promotional purposes for the period from March 18 - 23, 1964. Following discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Gisler,seconded by Welch, to grant a permit to operate a circus at 5 Points Shopping Center to Sutton's Imperial Free Circus for the period from March 18 thru 23, 1964, at a fee of $50.00 per day for said operation. Motion carried. ,BUS. LICE «E CODE On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, o13S CHANCE CARNIVALS Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance Code amendment con- cerning license fees for carnivals, reducing the fee from $100 per day to $50.00 per day. Motion carried. NjR1lrii\ rYELLS - C041PLAINT Mr. Norman Wells, 404 llth Street, City, IND. DIST. !PARblis addressed the Council and protested the parking requirements in Industrial Dis- tricts in the City, stating that he had been refused building permits because of lack of parking spaces, and requested Council to consider changing the code requirements to reduce required parking in Industrial Zones. WILLIS _', 4ER Planning Director Warner addressed the - Council and informed them that the owner of the property being considered proposes to over build the area on Gothard Street, and suggested that the owner consider applying for a variance. 1R. " FER Mr. Cofer addressed the Council on behalf 017 PATI rI RC�;j a OV _Rs of residents of Huntington Continental re- garding a request which had been referred to the City Administrator for permission for residents to cover their patios in their development, and stated that residents wished to conform with the decision of the City Council. The City Administrator presented the Build- ing Director who showed sketches of proposed roof corers and.pre- sented conditions under which patio roofs could be installed.. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council directed that each unit must comply with uniform construction regulations, and further directed the City Attorney to prepare an Agreement between the City and the Association for study by.the Association and Council. Motion carried. -'3- 3/16/64 217 P,C%1f3rE #4 - ixlin.utes march 16 1964 .G PUBLIC HEARIN-7 Mayor Lambert announced that this was the _C . .; day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 411 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No. 411 proposing to amend the Master Plan of Land Use by adopting an amendment entitled "Master Plan of Land Use - Study Area 111," and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 411, as published in the Huntington Beach News on March 5, 1964, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1964, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering an amendment to the Master Plan of Land Use - Study Area 111, encompassing that portion of the City lying within the area generally north of Ellis Avenue, west of Goldenwest Street and south of Bolsa Avenue, to guide future development. The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's trans- mittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No. 411, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the Zone Case or to the Res- olution of the Planning Commission. 11,E; r -INC 0111EN'Ll) Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open. JOHN HURNER Mr. John Horner, Real Estate Broker, ARIES HOMES_ addressed the Council representing Aries Homes, Inc. (William Lyon), and informed them that Mr. Lyon purchased the property after being informed by the City that it was zoned for R-2 and R-3 development. He stated that approval of this Zone Case would deny Aries Homes, Inc. the right to develope the property according to the plan under which it was purchased. Mr. Horner also registered a complaint regarding the placing of tentative freeway routes on Master Plans. '11 F, ARI%4C CL ;SEL There being no one further present to speak _ on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Planning Director Warner addressed the Council and gave a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval of Zone Case No. 411. ZONE CASE #411.1 Following discussion by the Council, a DENIED motion was made by Gisler, seconded by Welch, to deny Zone Case No. 411 of the City Planning Commission, proposing t"amend the Master Plan of sand Use Study Area 111. Motion carried. Mayor Lambert called a recess of the Council at 8:50 P.M. SCuxti"1` N&) Council was reconvened at 9:05 P.M. by the Mayor. UOLIC iiZARII u Mayor Lambert announced that this was the AIJ 2.C. RES. ark 3 day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 413 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No'4,.3., on property situated at the southeast corner of Warner Avenue and Springdale Street, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 413, as published in the Huntington Beach News on March 5, 1964, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1964,in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, -4- (3/16/64) 218 as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance, from: A-1-X General Agricultural District, as adopted by Interim Ordinance No. 668, to: C-2 Community Business District with setback provisions, R-1 Single Family Residence Dis- trict, and R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. had been provided with and the Resolution of of Zone Case No. 413, or written protests to Planning Commission. HEARING OPENED The Clerk informed the Council that they copies of the Planning Director's transmittal the Planning Commission, recommending approval and stated that he had received no communications the Zone Case or to the Resolution of the Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open. HEARING CLOSED There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Planning Director Warner addressed the Council and gave a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval of Zone Case No. 413. ZO[`-E i:A: T..' #413 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, APPROVED Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare and Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No. 413. Motion carried. PLTSLIC HE ARI�i'=:x Mayor Lambert announced that this was the P.C. Z ES . 14 _7 day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 415 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of 'Zone Case No. 415 on property situated west of Bolsa Chica Street on the north side of Heil Avenue, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 415, as published in the Huntington Beach News, on March 5, 1964, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1964, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of con- sidering a Resolution of the City Planning Commission for a change of zone relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification, from: R-1 Single Family Residence District, to: R-2 Two Family Residence District. The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No. 415, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the Zone Case or to the Resolution of the Planning Commission. HEARIN T OPENED Mayor Lambert declared the hearing opened. HEARINz CLOSED There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. ZONE CASE NO. 415 On motion by Welch, seconded by Wells, ADOPTED Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No. 415. Motion carried. -5 - (3/16/64) 219 Page #6 Minutes March 16, 1964 12.1 PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Lambert announced that this was the P.C. RES. #42-0 day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 420 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No. 420 on property situated south of Hamilton Avenue on the west side of Brookhurst Street, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 420, as published in the Huntington Beach News, on March 5, 1964, setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1964, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of con- sidering a Resolution of the City Planning Commission for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance, from: M-1-A Restricted Manufacturing District, to: R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's trans- mittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No. 420, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the Zone Case or to the -Res- olution of the Planning Commission. I LARING OPENED Mayor Lambert declared the hearing open. H3'ARINT CLOSED There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. ZONE CASE 7`420 On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, ADOVI'ED Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No. 420. Motion carried. Z.IC HL.IIir'S On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, "o-1 SE'z_ FOR 4/6/64 Council ordered public hearings for Monday, - April 6, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as sopm thereafter as =:possible, on Zone Cases Nos. 414, 416, 422, 423, 424 and 425, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. t� Ti2 CT 1:L 1 1' Ju The Clerk presented Tract Map #�4380 - RETU&iED 20 rLANv. Aries Homes, Inc. (William Lyon), for CGitinlllSS10'tN acceptance of dedications and final adoption of the map. The Clerk then read a letter from Mr. William Lyon requesting that Council consider eliminating one -of the stipulations contained in conditions stipulated on Tract -Map #4380. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council referred Tract Map #4380 - Aries:Homes - back to the Planning Commission for further study. Motion carried. CONDITIONAL, EXCEPTION On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, oil _''iI r `1 H.H C 1R,0 _ Council approved Use Variance #�689 for Huntington Harbour Corporation, involving a conditional exception to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code for Tentative Tract #5481. Motion carried. �jv DEED ACCEPTED On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, HOMS-CiCHt N Council accepted a deed for street widening on Beach Boulevard,north of Atlanta Avenue, from Mary I. Thomson, Evelyne F. Cochran, the Estate of F..E. Farns- worth, deceased, and Pacific Sands, to the City, and directed the Clerk to record same with the Orange County Recorder. Motion carried. -6- (3/16/64) 220 On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, G.5 -- SG2, Council accepted a deed for StormChannel , C5-SC2, from the State of VAUS � it r+tt rs f# Iyhrb" V i 1Ijpv* t&ate;*corded by the State, and directed the Clerk to file same. Motion carried. 1)17�,DlGATED ITS The Clerk presented a transmittal from TRACT -iA,-:a,J the Director of Public Works recommending that improvements dedicated for public use on Tract #4301, located on the north side of Slater Avenue west of Beach Boulevard, be accepted and authorization granted for the re- lease of the.Improvement Bond and Monument Bond, and termination of the Subdivision Agreement. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler Council accepted the improvements dedicated for public use on Tract #4301, and authorized the release of the Improvement Bond and Monument Bond,and termination of the Subdivision Agreement; and directed that the developer and bonding company be notified. Motion carried. REIMB. AIGREE24T. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the AIIIIES HOMES Director of Public Works of a Reimbursement Agreement between the City and Aries Homes, to provide a manner of reimbursement of drainage fees, together with a recommendation that the agreement be approved. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, Council concurred with the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, and approved the agreement between Aries Homes and the City for reimbursement of drainage fees, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried. SUBDIVISION ACRIT On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, TRACT'„J 460 Council accepted Monument Bond No. 1180098 issued by Travelers Insurance Company, and directed the Clerk to .file same; and accepted the Agreement in Lieu of Improvement Bond and the Subdivision Agreement for Tract #5460, (Doyle & Shields), and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried. SUBDIVISION On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Ti:ALT #5105 Council accepted Monument Bond No. 45M 156 450 and Improvement Bond No. 45M 156 449, issued by American Motorists Insurance Company, and directed the Clerk to file same; and accepted the,Subdivision Agreement for Tract #5105 (Tancredi), and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried. REIMB. ACRY1T. The Clerk presented a transmittal from PEREUS INC, the Director of Public Works of a proposed Agreement between Pereus, Inc. and the City, for the installation of an oversized main on Delaware Street south of Seventeenth Street, in connection with Tract #5105; and recommend- ing that Council authorize reimbursement from the Water Fund for the City's share of costs. On motion by Welch, seconded by Wells, Council concurred with the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, and authorized the reimbursement of Pereus, Inc. in the amount of $2,990.70 from the Water Fund for work in installing an oversized main and making connections to the existing line on Delaware Street south of Seventeenth Street. Motion carried. 31DS CALLED On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, k�`ATE Ai,y��;7Itjl Council authorized the Director of Public Works to obtain formal bids for the construc- tion of water connections between the Huntington Beady water lines and the old Southern California Water Company lines at five inter- sections. Motion carried. -7- (3/16/64) ,221 P�� e Minutes, March 16 , 1964 STS. & HIGtFgAY STUDY The Clerk presented a request from the S . 21,56) - AUTHCdk! r 1) Director of Public Works for authorization yqq to employ a man on a temporary basis to prepare the study required by Section 2156 of the Streets and Highways Code, required every four years. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, Council approved the request of the Director of Public Works, and authorized him to employ a man to make this study on a temporary basis, with expenses to be charged against Gas Tax Funds. Motion carried. 'ACIFIC AID `.IND. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, 4y; TOPOGIAPHIC MAPS Council authorized the payment of $2,108.00 to Pacific Air Industries for Photogrammetric Engineering Services for topographic mapping of the beach from High- way 39 to the Fier. Motion carried. BIDS CALLED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the 30" W,ATL& .VAii Director of Public Works of Plans and `µ Specifications for the fabrication, furnish- ing and delivering of 30 inch pipe for a water main trunk: line to be constructed from Huntington and Clay Streets, to a metering station 100' west of the Santa Ana River; requesting that Council approve ` the Plans and Specifications, and direct the Clerk to advertise for bids to be received until April 3, 1964, at 5:00 P.M., to be opened at the informal meeting of the Council on April 6, 1964, at 7:00 A.M. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, Council approved the recommendation of the Direct'or,of Public -Works, approved the Plans & Specifications for the'F.purchase of 30" pipe, and directed the Clerk to advertise for bids to be received until 5:00 P.M. on April 3, 1964 and opened at 7:00 A.M. on April 6, 1964 Motion carried. WATER MAIN CO,,','XEC'TION The Clerk presented a communication from 01i9 H vTINIT0`'N ST'. the Director of Public Works requesting _ _ authorization to negotiatea contract for making the connection to the 21" water water main at Huntington Street in conjunction with the work to be done under the previous item, and further requesting authorization to negoitate a contract for the work. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council approved the request of the Director of Public Works, and authorized him to negotiate a contract in an amount not to exceed $2,500.00 for the necessary connection to the 21" water main in Huntington Street. Motion carried. H14Y. FUND .ALL6CA ION The Clerk presented a transmittal from ,the ,4to G&AFAij. Sx . C NST . Director of Public Works of Resolution No. 1930 providing funds from the allocation of the State Highway Fund to cities, for the construction of Graham Street from Edinger Avenue to Bolsa Avenue. RESOLUTION �G. 11:C On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, _ Resolution No. 1930 - "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: #1 og D3uND- RELEASED TRACT #4563 that the developer and Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert None None On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the release of the Monument Bond for Tract #4563, and directed bonding company be notified. Motion carried. t -8- (3/16/64) 222 v'. A_ UUEIAENT On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart', DE'DICATI)IN Council authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the City and the Veterans Administration for dedication of a portion of Lot 36, Tract 3430, to the City. Motion carried. �j:II'I' .11�2 The Director of Public Works informed the B)A SIEi,I,hA' I�:K STOAPPED Council that work had stopped on the Harry t..- AY Reservoir, Unit #2, and recommended that the City give notice of non-compliance to the contractor, Bay Sierra Construction and Equipment Company and to Robert Moore, that they had failed to perform in their contract, pursuant to Section 7 (f) of the Specifications for said job. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council directed that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved, and that Bay Sierra Construction and Equipment Company, and Robert Moore, an individual, 18371 Beach Bouelvard, Huntington Beach, California,be notified that it is the opinion of the City Council that they have failed to perform in their contract, pursuant to Section 7 (f) of the Specifications for the construction of the Harry A. Overmyer Reservoir, Unit #2, and that they are hereby directed to perform prior to 8:00 o'clock A.M., on March 27, 1964, or said contract shall be suspended; and that the City Clerk shall make this notification by a certified copy of the minute action of the City Council,' said notification to be delivered by Registered or Certified Mail. Motion carried. 010S.D.A. RELI�tIOUS The Clerk presented a request from Mr. BOOK SELLII1'7 DEivIED Steve R. Morgan of Santa Ana, to sell religious books door-to-door in the City for the Seventh Day Adventist Church, which had been deferred from the meeting of January 20, 1964 for study by the Chief of Police. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council denied the request of Mr. Steve R. Morgan, to sell religious books door-to-door in the City, inasmuch as door-to-door solicitation is not permitted under the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.. Motion carried. q�D?"" EM2. Iz'SP. 4n motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, U,RCE PICKU11? 'LICK Council authorized the employment by the -� Director of Public Works, of one additional construction inspector in Range 38-A, effective March 16, 1964; and further authorized the Purchasing Agent to secure bids for a pickup truck for the Engineering Department. Motion carried. �Z :ai:C.- in the Police Department, Motion carried. MR. K UC ISICK LAI1dT . �!A_`'. D_fA' On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the employment of Mrs. Sharon A. Kerr as a Secretary -Stenographer in Range 30-A, effective April 1, 1964. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, Council authorized the employment of Mr. Geao rge J. Krumsick as Maintenance Man in the Street Division in Range 31-A, effective March 16, 1964. Motion carried. 'f MR. a� UYLL On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, Council authorized the reclassification of Mr. Bartley A. Mull from Mechanic 1 to Skilled Worker in _'Range 33-D, eff&ctive March 16, 1964. Motion carried. CI7:1y CLERK On motion by Gisler, seconded by Stewart, VACA`IOl Council approved the vacation of the City Clerk from March 23rd through April 7th, 1964. Motion carried. -9- (3/16/64) 223 Pa, e #10 - Minutes, Marcie 16, 1964 y HUtiTI =,N DRIF7'""D The Clerk presented a communication from ASSI!-3NN zivi A1fEvDED the Huntington Driftwood Corporation requesting Council to approve an amendment to the Consent to Assignment by Deed of Trust, prepared by the City in favor of Glendale Federal Savings and Loan Association, and executed on January 22, 1963. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Wells, Council approved the amendment to the Consent to Assignment by Deed of Trust in favor of Glendale Federal Savings and Loan Association, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Motion carried. UNION OIL COMPANY The Clerk presented a letter from Union 5 ??< %F P�IC� S Oil Company of California making appli-cation for the extension of the rights and privileges granted by franchise Ordinance No. 1033, to include that portion of Heil Avenue lying between the northerly prolonga- tion of the westerly line of Algonquin Street and a point 280.71''' easterly of the centerline of Algonquin Street. I_:lJTI'A\ NO. 1; J On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, PUBLI.0 f Ei TN171 S Resolution No. 1931 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO GRANT AN EXTENSION OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES GRANTED BY UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA FOR PIPELINES AND UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH AND ELECTRICAL POWER LINES, WITHIN CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, TO ALSO INCLUDE A CERTAIN PORTION OF HEIL AVENUE, IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 11 B OF SAID ORDINANEC NO. 1933," which had heretofore been presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll°call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells,.Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 31 0'''". OF The Clerk presented a communication from CENSUS AGREEMENT the State Department of Finance, trans- mitting an agreement for a population estimate for the City, to be made by this Department; together with a Resolution requesting the Department of Finance to conduct the population estimate. .aO. 1_932 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, CEUScS Resolution No. 1932 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUESTING THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TO CONDUCT AN ESTIMATE OF THE INCREASE IN POPULATION OF THE CITY 'AS OF APRIL 1, 1964," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None SUN. BEACH #2 ANNEX. The Clerk presented a petition for annexa �s PETITIONS ACCEPTED tion, Clerk's Certification, and Resolution of Intention, in the annexation designated as "SunsetlBeach #2 Annexation." On motion by Welch, seconded by Cisler, Council accepted the petitions for the proposed annexation designa- ed as "Sunset Beach #2 Annexation." Motion carried. -10- (3/16/64) 224 minutes , March 1-96 �1�Ea��LJTION NC. '933 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, M LLIC HEARTN':T SET Resolution No. 1933 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OF THAT CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED AS "SUNSET BEACH #2 ANNEXATION" AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO, " which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Q'CTITCLA z DEED T'. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, VIE7TU1v Council authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Quitclaim Deed on behalf of the City, to the Ocean View School District, covering Lot 123, Block D, Tract 281, for a consideration of forty dollars to cover the City's expenses in connection therewith. Motion carried. A ASSESS. DIST. r63-I_ The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works informing Council that work had been completed in the Boulevard Gardens Assessment District, Assessment District No. 6301, and accepted by the Public Works Department; and requesting that Council accept the improvements and authorize the release of the Bonds. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council accepted the improvements in Assessment District No. 6301, and authorized the release of the Bonds. Motion carried. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, L V Ir ' n 1)1A ,�:.yxI Resolution No. 1939 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE _ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM IN BOULEVARD GARDENS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 6301," which had here- tofore-- been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None RDIiACE vim. ' " :> The Clerk gave Ordinance No.. 1043 a second Ijk/ AD-0 07 E D reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASES NOS. 408 & 409; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RE- CLASSIFYING SECTIONS 9211.41 (Sectional District Map 25-5-11) and 9211.61 (Sectional District Map 18-6-10)." On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Ordinance No. 1043 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ,f? )T V � �7r;�:, , D, :1_ 44 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1044 a second ill ADOPTED reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE #407; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY PREZONING AND RECLASSIFYING SECTION 9211.351 (Sectional District Map 24-5-12.)" On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Ordinance No. 1044 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: -11- (3/16/64) �25 PaZe #12 - Minutes, March 16, 1964 AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None. t)[Ugi 1r A C N?(). a All Councilmen stipulated that they had St r, t�„J NY,' �'4A.I: EI) read Ordinance No. 1043 in its entirety . and were aware of the contents thereof. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council directed that the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1045 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASES NOS. 396 and 410; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY PREZONING AND RECLASSIFYING SECTIONS 9211.44 (Sectional District Map 28-5-11) and 9211.36 (Sectional District Map 20-5-11)," be waived. Motion carried. ORDINA ("E' The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1046 a first REA5 reading in full - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO USE PERMITS FOR MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCES: DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST AND AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SECTIONS 9308 and 9407." P7� ORDINANCE NO. 1.047 All Councilmen stipulated that they IST HEADING WAIVED had read Ordinance No. 1047 in its -entirety and were aware of the contents thereof. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council directed that the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1047 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SECTIONS 6302.1 and 6431," be waived. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1934 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, 1C iDOPTED Resolution No. 1934 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTING - TON BEACH DECLARING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PARK PURPOSES AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF SUCH PROPERTY BY CONDEMNATION OR NEGOTIATION AND DIRECTING ITS ATTORNEY TO PROCEED WITH SUCH ACTION," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by.them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ikEscLUficht NO. i935 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, ADOV1E"D _ _ Resolution No. 1935 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF HUNTING - TON BEACH DECLARING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PARK PURPOSES AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUTAITION OF SUCH PROPERTY BY CONDEMNATION OR NEGOTIATION AND DIRECTING ITS ATTORNEY TO PROCEED WITH SUCH ACTION." which had thertofore been submitted to the Council and read by them; was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None j',301_,UT10' N, . 1955 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, r9 ADj PTE3 Resolution No. 1936 - "A RESOLUTION OF __. __. ._, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PROCLAIMING THE WEEK OF APRIL 18-24, 1964, AS "CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP WEEK," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: - -12- (3/16/64) 226 AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ORESOLUTIONI NO. 1937 On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, ADOPTED Resolution No. 1937 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES," which had ' heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert i NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None RESOLUTION NO. 1933 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler ¢;j ADOPTED Resolution No. 1938 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ,OCEAN VIEW FIRE STA. .00 SALE FROM COUNTY convey real property, Station to the City. The City Administrator informed the Council that he had received from the County Board of Supervisors a notice of intention to covering the sale of the Ocean View Fire Following some discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Stewart, seconded by Welch, that the City enter into an agreement with the County of Orange for the purchase of the Ocean View Fire Station, following the form shown in the Notice of Intention, and complying with the conditions indicated therein, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. Motion carried. F.L. ETa xINEERS On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, LIST CERTIFIED Council certified the list of Firemen eligible for promotion to Fire Engineer, as a result of a State Personnel Board Examination recently conducted by the Personnel Department. Motion carried. KIDDIE RIDEThe City Administrator presented a request 35f ST'RIi CXDALi" SHOP. . CEiv . from the Springdale Shoppong Center for a permit for the Kemsley Shows to set up kiddie rides in their shopping center parking lot for three days as a sales promotion. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch, Council granted the request, and directed the Clerk to issue a permit to Kemsley Shows to operate rides at the Springdale Shopping Center at the corner of Edinger and Springdale Street from March 26 through 28, 1964, subject to payment of a fee of $50.00 for the three days; and further subject to the presentation of a Certificate of Insurance in the amount of $100,000/300,000 Public Liability, and $25,000 Property Damage (minimum), to be filed with the City Clerk prior to the opening of the rides. Motion carried. On motion by Wells, seconded by Council granted the request'of Director Willis Warner to take over -time from March 23-27, 1964, as recommended by the istrator. Motion carried. Gisler, Planning acqumulated City Admin- -13- (3/16/64) 227 'aze #14 - Minutes, march 16, 1964 o / 0UR.,CHASE OF Mr. Miller informed the Council that a DYKE_ WATER CO. meeting had been held by Councilman Gisler, Councilman Welch, and the City Administrator with the Dyke Water Company officials regarding the proposed pur- chase of.Dyke's water system in Huntington Beach. He further stated that the Engineering and Water Departments have made a study of the Dyke properties and its potential earning capacity, and deter- mined that an offer of $55,000 would be equitible. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch, Council directed the City Administrator to make an offer of $55,000 (Maximun) on behalf of the City, to Dyke Water Company for the purchase of their system in Huntington Beach. Motion carried. LIBRARY - The City Administrator presented a request #&j :306id,iGBILE from the Library Board that a second book- mobile be included in the new budget; requesting that a purchase order be prepared at this time, inasmuch as it will take 6 to 7 months for delivery. IG 3 On motion by Wells, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the Purchasing Agent to investigate and obtain figures for the purchase of the truck for a second bookmobile. Motion carried. SMALL CRAFTS & HARBOR ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Small Grafts and Harbor carried. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance adopting the State Administrative Code by reference. Motion CITY ADMINISTRATOR On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, VACATION Council granted permission to City Administrator Doyle Miller to take seven working days of his vacation beginning March 23, 1964. Motion carried. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, i� REIMBURSEMENT Council authorized the reimbursement of the West Orange County Water Board Construction Fund for the City's portion for March, 1964, for Feeder No. 1 in the amount of $1,209.00, and for Feeder No. 2 in the amount of $56,455.80 Motion carried. 0 PAYROLL :REGISTER On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the Payroll Register for March 10, 1964, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried. 5y 4ARRANT fUGISTER On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, 4 Council approved the Warrant Register for March 16, 1964, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried ,.94 POLICE CULE A request from the Chief of Police for an additional motorcycle for the Police Depart- ment, was discussed. No action was taken on the matter. , FIRE DEPT. 05, ELECTION RETUaN" unanimously granted said INFORMAL !ATC. I`J/ , 7 A 7:00 o'clock A.M. for a Fire Chief Higgins request permission to tally election returns atthe Headquarters Station on April 14, 1964, and Council request. Mayor Lambert called a Council as an informal whole for Monday, April study session. meeting of the committee of the 6, 1964, at -14- (3/16/64) 228 �q�_ItCS N 1964 •�=T I INIkIT A D J i-10 ItN E T) On motion by Gisler, seconded by Lambert, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST: City Cl� City Clerk dhbq,ficio Clerk of the City 06-uncil of the City of Huntington Beach, California mayor -15- (3/16./64)