HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-31MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, City Hall Huntington Beach, Calif. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Crabb, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Larkin. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Letson. HEARING: Adjourned Meeting, March 31, 1964 PROPOSED OIL ORDINANCE The Planning Director presented a draft of proposed new provisions for oil operations. The proposal had originated with the Huntington Beach Company and is designed to be primarily applicable to their properties. It was em- phasized that the proposal would have no effect on the present 110" District nor the properties that are zoned with the 110" designation. After considerable dis- cussion, -it was the concensus that since the proposal is for the purpose of adding the proposed 01, 02, 03 to the ordinance and that it/would not be applied to any property at present, it is suitable for a public hearing. THE MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED�BY CRABB TO SET THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 21, 1964. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Larkin, Bazil, Miller, Kaufman. NOES:' None, ABSENT: Letson, Worthy. MASTER PLAN OF LAND USE - STUDY AREA III Associate Planner Kenneth Reynolds informed the Commission that a recent amendment to Study Area III, which the Commission had recommended, was re- jected by the City Council because of a controversy in one small area. He further explained that the Staff had revised the amendment to eliminate the controi,versial point but sill retaining the many other changes in the plan. After discussion, it was the concensus to make one further modification northwest of Springdale Street and Heil Avenue and that the plan would then be satisfactory for public hearing. THE MOTION BY MILLER SECONDED BY CRABB TO SET THE AMENDMENT TO THE MASTER PLAN OF LAND USE - STUDY AREA III FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 21, 1964. 3/31/64 49T 375 Page #2 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 31, 1964 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman NOES: None. ABSENT: -Worthy, Letson. Commissioner Worthy arrived and assumed his duties. BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT. The Planning Director suggested that the Commission give con- sideration to establishing a Board of Zoning Adjustment for the City. It would be the intent of such a Board to hold, hearings on the many minor variance applications,.and their decision would be final unless appealed to the Planning Commission. This type of arrangement could be a very simple process with much less expense to the City which could be passed onto the applicants in the form of lower filing fees. The procedure for giving notice could also be greatly simpli- fied. It was noted that provisions for establishing a Board of Zoning Adjustment would have to be an ordinance adopted by the City Council. It was the general concensus that the idea has -merit and the Staff was instructed to pre- pare a draft for consideration at a future date. PARK.PROGRAM - PROGRESS REPORT Associate Planner Kennetb Reynolds displayed a -map showing existing parks and park sites, park sites which are being negotiated for purchase and other potential park sites which are being investigated. There was considerable discussion about possible park sites along the Edison Company rights -of - way in the easterly portion of the City. The Commission agreed that the park sites are well distributed throughout the city but many more will be needed. AMENDMENTS TO THE C-1 ZONE The Planning Director presented a draft of proposed minor amendments to the C-1 Zone. The amendments are to include marine fuel docks as a permitted use and a modification of parking requirements for rest homes. THE MOTION BY BAZIL SECONDED BY MILLER TO SET THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT FOR;PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 21, 1964,. WAS CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin,,, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. -2- 3/31/64 376 Page #3 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 31, 1964 M-1-A ZONING IN THE CANNERY - NEWLAND AREA The Planning Director re- minded the Commission that at a previous meeting they had discussed retaining a portion of the industrial zoning in the area generally along Cannery and Newland Streets south of Atlanta Avenue and that it was mentioned that the zoning should be M-1-A rather than M-1. A map was displayed showing the areas in question. ON MOTION OF WORTHY SECONDED BY CRABB THE COMMISSION INITIATED A CHANGE OF ZONE ON PROPERTIES ON THE WEST SIDES OF NEWLAND STREET AND CANNERY STREET GENERALLY BETWEEN ATLANTA AND HAMILTON AVENUES FROM M-1 TO M-1-A. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson. Commissioner Crabb asked to be excused from the meeting due to a prior commitment. He was excused by the Chairman. , COUNTY R-4 AREAS IN CONFLICT WITH THE MASTER PLAN Associate Planner Kenneth Reynolds displayed a map showing those portions of the City which are still zoned in the "hold -over" County R-4 Zone. Many of these areas are shown as single family areas on the adopted Master Plan and the R-4 Zone creates a potential con- flict. ON MOTION OF BAZIL SECONDED BY WORTHY THE.COMMISSION INITIATED A CHANGE OF ZONE ON THOSE AREAS OF CONFLICT SOUTH OF GARFIELD AVENUE.TO RA AND R-1. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Letson, Crabb. The Staff was instructed to make further studies of the areas north of Garfield Avenue where adjustments might be necessary. Florida Avenue - Street Name Changes The Planning Director pointed out the street name problem created by the re -alignment of 17th Street onto Florida.Avenue at Garfield Avenue. Most affected is the portion of -Florida Avenue extending north of Garfield ' Avenue to Main Street. -3- 3/31/64 Page #4 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 31, 1964 377 After discussion, the Commission agreed that the name of the portion of Florida Avenue north of Garfield should be changed and it was the concensus that it would be nice to honor a former member of the Planning Commission. THE MOTION BY BAZIL SECONDED BY KAUFMAN WAS TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE PORTION OF FLORIDA AVENUE NORTH OF GARFIELD AVENUE TO MAIN STREET BE NAMED STANG LANE. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Miller, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Crabb, Letson. CENSUS REPORT The Planning Director pointed out some of the highlights of the report .of the October 1963 Census. One of the interesting points was that the median age of the city-wide population had dropped from 30 years to 22 years since the 1960 census. EDUCATION COST BREAKDOWN - HUNTINGTON BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT A brief discussion was held on the cost breakdown of education which had been prepared by the Huntington Beach Elementary School District. The Commission agreed that the information would be valuable in considering future zoning cases. ANNUAL REPORT. The Planning Director presented copies of the Annual Report of the Planning Commission activities for the calendar years 1962- 1963. APPLICATION FORMS The Planning Director presented copies of new forms for filing variances, use permits and zone changes. The Code provides that the forms have to be.approved by the Commission. ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECONDED BY WORTHY, THE FORMS WERE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS THE MEETING ADJOURNED. 'ov�zv?'.11�0 W. C.-Warner Henry K f man Secretary Chairman -4- 3/31/64