HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-01-18MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, January 18, -1-965 Mayor Shipley called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7t30 P.M. in the Council Chamber in Memorial Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Rev. James DeLange, Faith Lutheran Church of Huntington Beach, ROLL CALL Councilmen Present. Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley Councilmen Absent: None ?,11 IN I ITES APPROVED On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, the minutes of the regu- lar meeting of January 4, 1965, were <approved as -transcribed and mailed. Motion carried, k On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the reports of the Chief of Police, Chamber of Commerce Manager, Collector and Treasurer, were received and ordered filed. Motion carried. SOLU-ITATION On motion by Gisler, seconded by Lambert, Council granted permission to the City of Hope to conduct their door-to-door solicitation on "Hope Sunday," June 6, 1965. Motion carried. CAMP FIRE GIRLS - LAKE PARK FACILITIES ® DAY CAMP - DENIED rho Clerk presented fi Let -ter the Orange Council - Camp Fire k- lus, the Lake Park facilities for a "i-,,ria. roqp.;,-�stirkg, se 1)ay Cawlp fo.r s"ix dtk.�ys durkr.r t4e gionth of July, with tables in the pienac aroa to bt, -used fe�r their craft program. On motion by Stowart, secownded by- Lambert, Council denied the request of the Camp F ir e Gir1. to -aaxe the -Lake Park facilities for a day cam,p.� because of One P:olicv i-,�eg k, 'Ir arding the reserving of the Par and the cierk to stind letter of explanation for such denial., tion cvrriedl T;` R 'D),NN' - DUB! TCAN U10,5T . . . . . . . . . . . . On motion by Welelh,, sec.wr,,dod by Gisler, a letter from the City of Garden Grove trwn-s 1 1". vwd-tt.hrq� thei-r Resolution 'endorsing the American Host Program and (."ounoill consideration fn endorsing same, was received as 4 ordered, filedl_ Matlkorcarried. On motion by $tewart, -ge-conded by Lam�berit, a Resolution from the a Board of'Supervis , o : ran s d a copy I of the Orange CouAty Master Plan of Regional Parks, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. GAT' T. The Clerk presented a I-e-tter-frors Sher Enterprises requesting that the beautification of Main Street be commenced as soon as possible. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch, Council directed the Clerk to forward a letter of commendation to Mr. Sher for the beautification program at the 5-Points Sh6pping Center, Motion carried. Page �,4'22 Minutes, January 18, 1.965 FON The Clerk presented a letter from 76 residents or property owners in -the Beach Club Homes of Huntington Harbour, requesting that adequate lighting be, furnis.hned at the entrances to the, Beach Club Homes from Warner Avenue, and that the speed limit be reduced from 50 to 35 �fflfl. On motion by Lmribert, seconded by Gisler, Council. referred the request for s-treet lighting and speed control to the Director of Public Works g and Traffic Engineer. Motion carried. I TRAFFIC PROBLEM - FOUN.-TAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DI The Clerk presented a letter from -the Fountain Valley School District transmitting their Resolution requesting the Huntington Beach City Council to take -corrective action on the traffic situation at Brook- hurst and. Continental Drive. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council referred the traffic control request from the Fountain Valley School District to the Director of Public. Works and Traffic Engineer fox, study. Motion carried. I I F JT'kl€r1 1.. S „A K E - P ARK C L U B I 10 U S E On motion by Gisler, seconded by Lambert, Council granted permission to the Camp Fire Girls, Orange County Council. Inc., to use Lake Park Clubhouse on March 13, 1965 between the hours of 11-00 A.M.. and 3-00 P�M. for a Play Day. Motion carried. CITY JAIL - ROBERT E. BATEKAN LETTER The Clerlizz presented a letter from Robert E. Bateman, 6472 Longford Circle, City, relating to the duties of prisoners in the City Jail� Oz-i motion.by Lambert, seconded by Welch, the letter from Mr. Bateman was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. ­4 Oin motion by Lambert, seconded by- Welch, Council directed that the police Department refrain from having, prisoners do any work other than that in the line of duty as prisoners. Motion carried. ' CROSS-1 NG . G IUAJ1D - HILL REQUE EST - MAIN & ADAMS The Clerk presented a letter from Mrs. AL. I -Till, 305 Adams Avenue, City, and 272 other residents and property owners, requesting a crossing guard at Main Street and Adams Avenue, until a more satis- factory solution is reached, On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Council ordered the matter of a crossing guard for Main Street and Adaras Avenue be taken under submission, pending a me-eting with the School Board., with action to C_� be taken at the meeting of February I., 1965Motion carried. SOLICITATION - HUNTINGTON EAST HOMEOW.- FIRS FASHION SHOW On motion by Glisler, seconded by Welch, Council granted permission to the Huntington East Homeowners Association to sell Luncheon and Fashion Show -tickets door-to-door in the area including South Shores and Galaxie Homes. Motion carried. IU3 JR CHXXfl3K'R OF CO�IFRCE - PARKS & R-ECGZEATTON CCU T'IMISSION On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, a letter from the Huntington Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce expressing approval of the Council's action in considering the creation of a joint Parks & Recreation Department, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. Page; # @ Minutes, January 18, 1965 The Clerk read a communication from the Junior Wome s Club con- cerning the safety. of school children, and urging that a crossing guard he Placed at the intersection of Main Street and Adams venue. The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Phillip T. Vance Sr., l_7.1.32 Palmdale Street, City, requesting that action he tapen to improve the con- dition of Palmdale Street because of littering from trash falling off trucks, etc. The Director of Public Works gave a report of the t. ea of business In then area Involved and the follow up action taken in regard to the reports to his department of trash and litter an the street. Mrs, Vance, 1713 Palmdale Barest, City, addressed the Council regard- ing 'the condition of -the oil mix street and requested that, action be taken -to repair the street and control the litter on the streets in their neighborhood. The Chief of Police was directed to investigate the situation and take remedial action. The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Joanna Bra:vander, , Chairman for Maur er Education Weak-, requesting that the Mayor proclaim the week of February 7th through lath Nursery Education Week. ' ♦ : i e y v x � 3 � c 4 .,. �� �' � � ` \ `x �-•,� \•ems x � �r�c El� V Qn �moti r -,y J.�tmb,::r;t , e ouWlad by Gisler, Council granted Permission Oranw�re Coanit:y Cr pp..ed Childrens Society to conduct -their 1by the Police Department. Motion carried. OPAL COMMUNICATIONS ,1 MANGANO - SIGNALIZE° ION AT SPRINGDA� AND EDINGER Mr. John J, Mangano, 5661 Clark Drive, City, addressed the Council lh regard to Resolution No. 2078 for the channell. atlan and signal iza,tlon of several intersections In the City, and requested that signals be considered for the intersection of Springdale Street and Edinger Avenge near Marina high School, at Edinger Avenue and Edwards Street, and at Springdale sti"eet `and Warner Avenue. The Director of Public Forks informed the Council. and 1,1r4 Mangano that signals would he installed at the Springdale/Edinger inter® section this year and, that many other intersections will be signalized in the very near future. The Clerk Presented the appeal to the denial of Use Variance @ UV #1 1 @ Huntington harbour Corporation by the City Planning Commission on property located at the southeast corner of Darner Avenue and the possible southerly prolongation € f .Algonquin street. The hearing was opened on December 21, 1964 and continued to t.hAs meeting. The Clerk had received a: letter from Hard e, Bryant .and Pettftt, Attor- ne .-s o.n b,,:A alf of their clie t_ Lomita Oil Owners - Grover Collins, a�z,,:..Qg, th rantzn o (... ,..Y <...� �4�hsa nently, the Clerk received a letter froa unto � � �.n� � ��t-��J:z����� Corporation, requesting -that <'l be :;��r�..c��,��� �`-mm, Vhe as it is no longer the interest. ` 4.�3.� ,mj: ..e" al t,3 pursue permission to drill in the area in I)al.e Hal.nly, Attorney for Grover Collins, addressed the Council and requested withdrawal of the appeal to LTV #` 71 on behalf of his client, Gerald Jones, 1.7171 Sims Street, City-, addressed the Council to make an inquiry regarding the status of the variance requested. There being no one further present to speak (in the matter, and there being no protests -filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the 34ayr � On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Council concurred with the recommendation of the .Planning Commission and denied t1�e Variance UV # 71_a Motion carried, I'layor Shipley announced that this was -the day and hour eat for a public hearing on Resolution No. 495 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval. of Zone Case No. 495, on property situated at the northeast corner of Warner Avenue- and Goldenwe t Street, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case Na. 495 as published in the Huntington Beach News on January 7, 1965, setting the hour of 7 o 30 o'clock P.M. Q or as soon thereafter as posslhl � on Monday, the l_9th day of January. 1965, In the Councl.l Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and. place .for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a Resolu- tion of Intent for change of ,gone from MI bight Industrial District and A.1.-Y General Agricultural. District, to RA Residential Agri- cultural District., R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District, and. R5 Professional, hotel and Trailer Park District all with set- back provisions, The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No. 495, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the Zone Case or to the recommendation of the Planning Commission� Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor, On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council concurred with the reco €iendation of the Planning Commission, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No. 495. Motion carried. i LTC \i ,\ �\ vzvnawmev.WnwYtz.V; \:wttuwNv.»..:.Vw.t Vi.'?a'Zwnvi.:\: �v:.vz.,ia�a�Vv.�i\w.♦ 1 �:.� Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour sat for a public hearing on an appeal to denial by Planning Commission, o Resolution No. 497 of the City Planning Commission, do property located on the north and the south- sides of Bolaa Avenue an the east s-ide of Springdale Street, and directed the Glory to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing an Zone Casa Now 497, as published In the Huntington Beach Nava an January 7, 1965, setting than hens of 7 z O o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter an possible, on Monday, the 18th day of January, 1965, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Bea-ch, for the purpose of con- sidering an appeal to the denial by the Planning Commission o Zone Cass No. 497'for a change of zone on two parcels of property from C'2 Co -amenity Business District, to R3 Limited, Multiple Family Residence District. Page #5 - Minutes, January 18, 1965 The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the -Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission, recommending denial al of Zone Case No. 497. The Clerk read -tire letter of appeal riled by Sylvan Y. Allen on behalf of € Gorge S b Wilson, applicant. he, also read n letter -from John F. Land, Jr . , District Superintendent of the Westminster, School Dis- trict, protesting the proposed change of zone. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Mr. Alias Miller, 6303 Wilshire Boulevard, Leis Angeles, addressed the Council on behalf € f Mr. Wilson and A. L. Girdling, and requested approval of Zone Case No. 4 7 Mr. George-R. Smith, 433 North Palm Drive, Los Angeles, addressed the Council and stated that he was an expert in Shopping Centers Planning, and that the >present zoning was not compatible to shopping centers, as too many centers were already established in the area, Mr. Harvey O'Neil, 59Z1 Hacienda Drive, City, addressed the Council on behalf of A� La Gindling, and requested approval of Zone Casa No. 497. NIr. A. L. Gin.dling, 630-0 Wilshire, Los Angeles, addressed the Council and requested that the zoning be cha,r%ed to allow the building of apartments, as the density would be less than that in an Pl Zane. Mr. -fad Douglas, 148 l Northridge Lame, City, addressed the Council and opposed the rezoning on behalf € f the homeowners in the area, and requested rested Council to support the Planning Commission in their denial of same. Mrs hick LaRue, 179,71 1_ Beach Boulevard, City, addressed ,the Council and. informed there that they had: problems in the development opment of the 21 acres of property on the two corners at this Location.. r. Don Bischoff, 6331 Citadel Drive, City, addressed the Council and stated that the area was not condusive to residential housing. 'Mr . hill Sheets, 6171 Mar Vista, City, addressed the Council on behalf of the homeowners in the area, and protested the development of apart- ments at -this location, and `informed Council" that lie had originally fi..l.ed a petition of protest with the Planning Commission. on. Mr. George Smith again addressed the Council and submitted a latter from the Market Basket Stores, informing trim that said location was riot desirable, inasmuch as two large shopping centers were in chase proximity to said property. Mr. Paul. Huffman, 5702 Riviera. Drive, City, addressed the Council and stated that the homeowners in the area were in favor of a shopping center in the area. . There being no one further present to spear on the matter, and there being no protests filed., either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Associate Planner Kenneth Reynolds, addressed the Council and. gave'a res ` of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending denial of Zone Case -No. 497. On motion byWelch, seconded by Stewart, Council concurred with the recommendation of than Planning Commission and denied Zane Case No. , 497 Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING @ USE PERK T UP "GCS GZANTED- Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal to the € enia.l b the City Council oi,,,, Casa Permit'- UP 456, on property located at the southwest corner of Banning Avenue- - d Bushard Street, filed by Dale Heinl , Attorney on behalf of Dutch Haven Games. Said variance was granted by the Planning Commission and denied by the City Council after a public hearing on the appeal, held December 7, 1964, and reset for a public hearing at the meeting; of h emheir 21, 1964a The Clerk was dir°aeted� to re -ad the -leg -al notice. The Clerk -read notice of public hearing on Use Permit - UP #236 s as published in -the Huntington Heath News on December 24, 1964, setting the .hour of 7: 0 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 8th day of January, 1965, in. the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Bach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering an appeal to the denial.by the City Council of Use Permit - UP �'; 56, to -regulations of the Districting Ordinance, to allow the construe- tion. of a service station in the C 4 Highway Commercial vial District. The Clerk read the -letter of appeal filed by Dale Heinly and pre- sented a petition signed, by Ill property owners favoring the grant- ing of UP , �56 ,f and stated that he had received no further communi- cations or protests to UP 4, 5 a Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Dale Hein.ly, Attorney, Gll Nest Sth Street, Santa Ana., addressed the Council and requested that the permit be granted inasmuch as the purpose of the Use Permit is to control design and standards and that -the property in €question is zoned C 4 and a service sta.tioh is a permitted use in such zone, subject to a Use Permit. Mr. Lee Reynard, 9442 Molokai Drive, City. addressed the Council and protested the granting of UP ;7,."25G to allow a service station at said location. Ws. Lila Dash, Long Beach, addressed the Council and suggested. that Council allow an M1 zone in the area. We Fred Sands, 9441 %Molokai. Drive, City, addressed the Council and protested the granting of UP ,d, stating that he was told by the sales office that no gas station Mould. he .located on said corner. Mr. Dominic ftorane, 9412 Molokai, Drive, City, addressed the Council and opposed,. the.- granting of IT as traffic was already over- burdened in the neighborhood. Mrs. Barbara Cole, 22032 Newport Circle, City, addressed the Council and protested > the -granting of UP A56, stating that a. service station would be a hazard to children, Mr. Mel Cole, 22032 N0'wp6rt Cjr°e3_e,addr=essed the Council and, stated that the area in the southeast portion of the City was already saturated with service stations, and. protested, the granting of OF C Mr. Pacifica Montano, 9451 Molokai Drive, City, addressed the Council and opposed the planned, construction of a service station next to his home in the residential area at Banning; Avenue and Hushard Street. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and -theme being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Associate Planner Kenneth Reynolds, addressed resume: of the action and. vote of the Planning granting of Use Permit - UP ��'- 6.. the Council and gave a Commission ssion in the Page #7 - Minutes, January 18, 1965 On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch, decision of denial on December 7, 1964s the Planning Commission and granted, Use carried.. Council rescinded their and upheld the decision of Permit m UP Motion �11 USE VARIANCE -_UV #739 - /SIDE BUSH D /ADAMS ® GRANTED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set .for a public hearing on Use -Variance m UV 759, on property located on the west side of Bushard Street, approximately 1000' ,south of Adams Avenue. Inasmuch as Council approved Hsi #159 prior to the tea day appeal period., Council set the matter for public hearing at, their" " meeting o1 December 21, 1 64a The Clerk read letters of protest to UV #759 from the Pacific Sands Homeowners Association, and :Sea -Haven Homeowners Association, and stated -that he had received no further communications or protests to Use Variance - UV ;1�-759. May€r Shipley declared the hearing open. 4 Martin Crite, addressed the Council, representing S. V. H€ nsakex and Company, Irwindale, California, and requested that Council consider granting UV ,#7 9 to allow the construction of a planned residential development consisting of 171 living units and 10 common green. areas. Mhrs. Carol Wall, 9382 Nautilus Drive, City, addressed the Council and protested the building of 'further condominium developments in the develop- ments approved, by Council to date. Mrx Bradley Slater, 9362 Nautilus Drive, City, addressed the Council and protested UV 7,''759, stating that condominium housing was not than best type of housing for the area. MrH� Larnglois, 9392 Nautilus Drive, City, addressed the Council and protested the proposed condominium ium development ent to the south of their tract Mrs. Lillian Jeffries, 9402 Nautilus Drive, City, addressed the Council and protested UV �75 , stating'.that traffic problems would be created on Nautilus Drive, by traffic feeding € orth from the condominium development. fir°. Robert Ea Dingwald, 19791 Estuary Lane, City, President of Seam Haven Homeowners Association, addressed the Council and protested the granting of Use Variance UV 759, because of traffic problems which would be created € n Nautilus Drive. Mr. Dingwall requested denial of UV #759 or continuance until an equitable solution could be reached. Mr. Wes Warvi, .10141 Kuku1, City, addressed the Council and stated that homeowners in that area protested the granting of UV #759 as traffic problems would increase with the added density; in housing. tra Dennis Smith, 17082 Van Dyke Lane, City, addressed -the Council and supported the stand of the Sea -Haven Homeowners in protesting UV -#75 , for the reason of traffic congestion in the area. Mr. John A. Harley, 5262 Lar chwood. Drive, City, addressed the Council to protest ..the granting of Her .#75.9 to allow another ndominium development in that area of the Clth. There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no furthers protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Page #8 - Minutes, January 18, 1965 Associate Planner Kenneth Reynolds, addressed the Council and gave a resumel of the action and vote of the Planning Commission in the granting of Use- Variance - UV 7.'�t759. Fire Chief Higgins informed the Council that the condominium plan presented was the best to date, and gave his approval for such a -,i-ariance, as the plan met fully with the requirements of the Fire Department. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council concurred with the recommendation of the Planning Comaiission and. approved the granting of Use Variance - IW �759, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission, Motion carried. RECESS Mayor Shipley called a recess of the Council at 10-30 P9M. RECONVENT!�D Council was reconvened at 10o50 P.M. by the Mayor. The Clerk presented bids for the construction, channelization a€ d. signalization of intersections at Bolsa Avenue and Bella, Chica Street, Bolsa Avenue and Springdale Street, Adams Avenue and Brookhurst Street, and at Beach Boulevard and. Taylor Avenue, in the City of Huntington Beach, California, which had been opened at the informal meeting of -the Council at 7:00 A.M. on January 18, 1965, as follows. Griffith Company - Costa Mesa il7,152.92 Hurley Contracting Corp - Garden Grove Lomax- Development - Huntington Beach 114,245.08 R,, J. Noble Co - Orange 971?450�31 sully -Miller - Orange 103,716.05 'The Clerk then presented a transmittal from. -,the Ditector of Public Works informing Council that the bids on the subject project had been reviewed and were in order-, recommending that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, -R. J. Noble Company, Orange, on their bid in the amount of $97,450.31; that all other bids be rejected, and the Clerk instructed to notify the bidders. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Council awarded the contract for the construction, channelization and signalization of several intersections in the City, to RA J. Noble Company, Orange, on their bid in the amount of S97,450, 31; rejected all other bids; and authorized the return of bid bonds to the unsuccessful bidders upon execution of the contract. Motion carried. R� "AME'l 'JEJ Q On motion. by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Council approved a recom- mendation from the City Planning Commission for a street name change from Gerhart Avenue to Heil Avenue, generally located between Algonqui-nStreet and Bolsa Chica Street, and directed the ."'City Attorney to prepare a 'Resolution effecting same. Motion carried. 111� PUBLIC HEARINGS SET - Z C 501 & 502 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council ordered public hearings for 'Monday, February 1, 1965, at 7:30 P.M., or as soon -there- after as possible, on Zone Cases No. 501 and No. 502, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. Page #9 - Minutes, January 18, 1965 The Clergy presented Division of hand m DV #,2 7 Richard L. LaRue to allow a division of land into three separate parcels on property located south of Old Pirate Lane, 1201 west. o1 Graham Street. The Planning Commission had recommended approval, with condi.tions� n motion. by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council_ granted Division of Land ® IN Y237 to Richard L. LaRue, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission, Motion carried. `='i ` :fir. �.� ;ti :.:. i.ra; � a �ir" , AN' `E The Clerk presented Division of hand DV #2 8 _ Cp E. Houser to allow a division of land into three separate parcels on property located at the southwest corner of Edinger venue and Edwards Street. The Planning Commission had recommended approval, with conditions. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council granted Division of Land ® DV- #2938 to C. E. Houser. with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. The Clerk presented Division of Land DV #240 @ Harold B. Dawson to allots a division of land into four separate parcels on property looted northeasterly of Florida Street and Utica Avedue. The Planning Commission had granted approval, with condi_tionss On motion hX Welch, seconded by Lambert, Council granted. Division of Land � DV #240 to Harold B. Dawson, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. The Clergy. presented Division. of Land. DV 441 Redeemer Lutheran Church, Missouri. Synod - to allow a division of land into three separate parcels on property located west of Springdale Street and 192 4 north of Bail venue, The Planning Commission had recommended approval with conditions. On motion her Stewart, seconded Land - Der #-941 to the. Red-e r conditions as stipui_nted her the by Welch, Council granted Division of Lutheran Church, Missouri. Synod, with Planning Commission. Motion carried. �4 UV Z'784 DEANE- BRO - SW, COR. .ATI 00 HUR°f . �. _ QED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Department of Conditional Exception - UV #784, requested by Deane Brothers, City, on property located at the southwest corner of Atlanta Avenue and Bronkhurst Street. The Planning Commission had recommended approval, with conditions. Councilman Gisler requested permission to abstain from action on UV #784 due to a conflict of interest, and left his place at the Council table. On motion by Lambert, econded by Stewart, Council grwnted. Conditional Exception ® UV 768, with conditions as sti,pul.ated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. Councilman Gisler resumed his place at the Counciltable. \ S \� \♦. i �\1\ \.?\ v�.\Z\ ? d \\1 '2 �: Yv2\ `�\\ w .l,��l�l ..��� ... f.�P '• \a`.\a\\a aaaa\w\h\\\\\\4tv\H�E\\a\waaw\\,a\wwaaaaa<aaai\\\\\»\�\\\��tn+++++++��a\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\.T.�..�:-.:. ... � aaaa;i\\\ � \\ The Clark presented a transmittal from the City Planning Department, requesting a one year extension of time to record to the Developer, D , N r Schneider Company, , Fullerton. The Planning Commission had recommended approval, with conditions. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council granted a one year extension o.1 time to record Tentative Tract Map No. 5502, to D,, Na Schneider Company, with the conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission, Motion carried, The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Monument Bond, Improvement pond and Subdivision Agreement nt fox, Tract �4707 (Macc€r Corporation). On motion by Welch, seconded by lambert, Council acdepted Monument Bend No.. 7848915 and Improvement Bond No. 5667728 issued by the Fidelity & Deposit Company; accepted the Subdivision Agreement for Tract #14707, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute sage on behalf of the City. Nhtion carried. j 22. g Q :IEN aza\...\e..\i<: The Clerk presented a transmittal tt.al from the Director of Public Works, with recommendation for approval., € f Final_ Progress Payment to J. E. Young Pipe Line Construction Company, in the amount o 1 , 903. 9, for work on the Springdale 12 water main. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council accepted the work on the 121 Springdale Water plain, authorized Final Progress ess Payment in the amount of 16,90,79, and directed the Clerk to file a Notice of Completion on the project. Motion carried. w The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Worksg with recommendation for approval, of Project CCsi and Project 67A s Traffic Signals at Ellis Avenue, Bench Boulevard. and Main Street, and at Beach Boulevard and Atlanta venue. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Resolution Nos 2101 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITE` OF HUNTINGTON BE .CHI CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A_ND- SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR ENFENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE ITICH[WAY FUND TO CI' IES, 8 Erich had heretofore been -submitted to the Council and rend by thee, was passed- and adopted by the following roll call vote YES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: done ABSENT: Councilmen: o None TIATEV MAIN REPLACEMENTS - PLANS & SPECS The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works, with recommendation for approval, of Plans, Specifications, Notice :inviting Sealed Bids and Resolution adopting wage scale, for the replacement of water mains in Blocks 107, 207, 307, 407, 507, and 607, and. in Blocks 108, 208, 308, 408, 08 and 608, in Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Street, in Clad venue ,and. in Delaware tr eet On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the Plans and Specifications as submitted by the Director of Public Works, and directed the Clerk to advertise for bids. Motion Page # 11 - Minutes, January 18, 1965 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Resolution No. 2102 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE c,,ENMAL PREVAILINU RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT GR TYPE OF WURKMAN 01-'? MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WATER MAIN AND -APPURTENANCES WITHIN ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 1071 2071 3071 407, 507, 607; IN BLOCKS 1081 208, 308, 408, 50S, 608z IN YORKTOWN AVENIE FROM SEVENTEENTH STREET 765 FEET + TO DEIAWARE STREET: IN HUNTINGTON STREET FROM SEVENTEENTH 175 FEET + TO YORKTOWN AVT!.fflJE; IN HUNTINGTON STREET I-IZOM CLAY AVENUE TO 243 FEET + SOUTH OF&LAY AVENUE; IN CLAY AVENUE FROM IR;NITINGTON STREET TO 120 FEET + WEST OF HUNTINGTON STREET; IN DELTA RE STREET FROM 76 FEET A- SOUT11 OF' YORKTOWN AVENUE TO 310 FEET + NORTH OF YORKTOW N-AVENUEI 1-N, DELAWARE STREET FROM CLAY AVENUE TO 725 FEET SOUTH OF CLAY AVENUE, AIJ, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote; AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None y DEEDS ACCEPTED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of deeds as followsz (a) Street widening at the southeast corner of Warner Avenue and Goldenwast Street, from the Huntington Beach Union High School District to the City. (b) Water rights in Tract No. 4707, from Seams Development Compan ny to the City. Q) Easement for drainase (D-05 Channel), from Southern California Edison Company to the City. (d) Street widening of Terry Drive, from Hisako Nerio, Art & Lily Yuriko Herb, To & Togo Nerio, and Dick Yukio Nerio to the City. (e) Street widening at the southwest corner of Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue, from Boone & Godfrey and Gerald J. Chazan to the City. Q) Street widening an the east side of Gothard Street, from Steverson Brothers to the City. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council accepted the deeds as listedi and directed the- Clerk to record same with the Orange County Recorder. Motion carried. BUSINESS LICENSE - SAUNA BATH PERMITTED USE Under deferred items, the Clerk presented an application for business license from Dorathy Ine Haying for the business of sauna bath and mannagn at 10383 Bolso Chied Street, in the City. This item was to the 1-1,11,wnningg 4�',ommdi ss ion for study and report at the Council meeting huld December 21, 1964, The Planning Commission, at their meeting al." Ja� -wary- 5, 1963, determined that a sauna bath and massage service was a permitted use in said zoning, The Clerk read a letter from Martin Cookerow of Huntington and. Realty, reqnesting consideration of the Council for approval of the business licenae requested by Dorothy Heying. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council directed the City Clerk to issue a business license to Dorothy Heying for a sauna bath and massage business at 16383 Bolsa Chica Street, after approval by the Building and Fire Departments. Motion carried. The Clerk presented a letter from the Huntington Beach Recreation Commission requesting permission to work with various civic group's n the City who are pledging their monetary support. and interest to the acquisition and planning of parks and supplying same with equipments On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the Recreation Coiiimission to work with civic groups interested in pledging monetary support in the acquisition and equipping of City parks� Motion carried, ,�­;PARKUN(3, CODE CHANGE RE UESTED wm The -Clerk presented a letter from the Chief changes in he HuntingtonBeach Ordinance vehicles may park on Cite- streets for only present 120 hour,, , and further amending the parking of commercial vehicles to a period parked for a specific service, of Police, recommending ode to provide that 72 hours instead of the code to provide limiting of 5 hours, except when On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the recommendation of the Chief of Police, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the changes in the Ordinance Code relating to parking. Motion carried, (ARIT NA C NO. 1116 - ADOPTED --- 'HOOTING CODE CHANGE..- EMERGENCY The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1116 a second reading by title - '' AN ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY OF HU.--' .V1NGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 4011 O� THE U T:� GTO BEACTI C��g.DT'��.Y.�3N�:`�,`e CODE RELATING T SHOOTING; +7�� p y DEC.f_A2Q5>.�. G.. _-N Ec11 �`.�ix'i�x_ ,''�i�aC f' O EXIST AND REPEALING THE C�AI.I.GI.E'�.c�3.ff.: s.73.'.���TI�S3,� �`�-G�.&. , Ct On motion by Lambert, ascended by Gisler, Ordinance No. 1116 was ax&ed and adopted by the following roll call votez AYES: ; Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, St wart , Lambert, Shipley ABSENT: Councilmen: None jj�', ORDINANCE'W 1117 ADOPTED - ZONE CHANGES The Clerk ave Ordinance No. 1117 a second reading by title "AN ORDINANCE OF THE, CITY 010 UU TINGTCN BEACH RELATING To ZONE CASE OS a 4 7 AND 0 ; AMENDING THE H.UNTI NGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE B R- 'ECTA, SIFYING SECTIONS 9061.14 (Sectional District Map 26 - -1 ) AND 9061.41 ( Sectional District Map 2 7 -5 --11) x'7 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Ordinance No. 1117 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Welchl Gisler, Stewart, Shipley NOES Councilmen: < Noes ORDINANCE NO, 1118 - BOARD CIF' ZONYING ADJUSTMENTS m FT �T READING The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1118 for a first reading- "AN ORDYN NCE, OF THE CITY OF HUNNUINGTON BEACH JkMENDING THE HU TINGTC BEACH ORDINANCE ANC C'OD BY ADDING ARTICLE, L, 981 tIELA' ING To BOARD F ZONING AIXTUSTME 'T AND ADDING SECTIONS TO SAID ARTICLE.` All Councilmen stipulated that they hadread the Ordinance 1n full and were aware of the contents therein. 1):; \.\01 Page # 13 - Minutes, January 18, 1963 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1118 was waived. Motion carried. N _. 5 :: � ATyCIp�E COASTAL E" ".b.ich had heretofore ase`2ri submitted to the Council and read bY them, was passed and adopted by the f011Owing roll call Grote AYES Councilmen: linen: Welch, NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: C ou oilmen r one Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley 1 A Phil Fleschner, , president of the fluntIngton Harbour Ffomwowne.rs Association addressed the Council to inquire as to the legality of their orkaniz a• ion placing a private guard at the Admiralty Street bridge. The City Attorney informed the Council that since the streets had been dedicated to the City, they could not be blocked gaff in any way. After discussion on the matter, it was recommended to NO. Fleschner that Huntington Harbour hire a private patrol security guard 10 giA added protection to the homeowners on the islands. a: z The City AdminigtrAtpr presented for consideration, the need to pur- Chase prppe ty gehlrally located near the southwest corner of Slater Av\`'?n.-0z: avd.Edwapda Street, for street right- of -way g storm € ,rain purposps" and park site. Can motion.by Lxm-,b yr , seconded by Welch, i:. Council directed the City Attorney to proceed with negotiations to pu:rChape as much of said, property as possible in t=•aenoxt �a..� and thereafter, proceed with Eminent �Oma 2,: P`aT`WOM1 O."a`a the remainder, oti4. n carried. 1) SITE e City Administrator proseptpd the matter of the use of property at i, hols .Stream and Warner Avenue for a .fire station site, stating that it is now doubtful that he property wilVl, be needed for such sh" zince. .Ike ;€ ,3�a� � �a �.� ��� � `aating Burg ar.'s adoption of new minimum fire run\ regulations, The INablic Works Department is now interested ..3 the a,qa i s?.tion of one ventral: city yard geographically located near the center-, o-f= the City, in place of the -proposed scab -station. for maintenance equipment at the-Nichols/Warner /Wgarner location. Councilman Stewart recommended that the City consider the acquisition or postage -stamp -lots in the vicinity of Talbert Avenue and Gothard Street -for a Mlintenance Yard. On motion by Stewart, ,seconded by Gisler, Council directed the Fire Chief and Public Works Director to study the matter and present their recommendation to the Council. Motion carries. ` On �aaz� a a h by lambert, a:a c z dWelch, letter from the Golden West complimenting the City on it, intention to create e to Parks & R sv ea3t a on Commission, and offering to purchase playground equip, e t for Brunswick Park, was referred to the Recreation Mkrtion, carried., 1�31.C:�-t' a��.T�� ACQUISITION- a .3S_:E1'� Ft�.t'N-M v.x.......,�..�...........-..,....,,..> The -City Administrator informed the Counetl thot the MY is Q -a position to close -escrow on a parcel of property owned by Freeman -NOW, needed for the -realignment of Warner Avvnhe in the VicNitY Of Algonquin Street. The Escrow Departmeut of the First American Title Trust Company has requested that a warra.,k-A in t1he WIount Of AnO11111) (the appraised price), be authorized. Can motion by Lambert, seconded by C"Miler, Council authorized the Finance Director , to prepare a warrant in the amount of $5,000, payable to the First American Title and Trust Company, for the purchase of right-of-way for the realignment of Warner Avenue, from the Freeman - Mohr , .: +.:..w..tH.�\.�tw.w.�.t...vav�.��..vv�,n�.vv�,et•,.....,,w.....,..�.....,,::�,\\\zi\\t----.....�����..wattwwtw :...,n...., �. Can motion by Gisler, seconded by l awba.:rt, Council l autnor zea°• two detectives to attend the University ty of Sou$.?a.ka".3 California Inx:.tiNto on Arrest, Search and Seizure on J;wua.tty2 ry' 1. to \ 2:6, :r°obraa:aMar, ^.Y 9-` and 16, 1965, with tuition and travel expenses allowed, %t . on ear'\ : .e,WWW\,\t:H v \ K,M _ „e.,, .0 t„KS,t�Nm m�\\ •t,.w.+wMw\\\ . The City Administrator informed �� he C ounci that the r en�Fvating of the old* fire station building for municipal court use has been in process for the past six months. He stated that under the agreement, rent would begin when the building is occupied for use, Inasmuch as six months have elapsed and remodeling is not completed, the Admin- istrator .felt that it would be reasonable to past the ounty On notice that rental payments shall start February 1, 19W On :motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council directed the City Administrator r to notify the County that rental payment for the use of the old fire station building, shall be due commencing February I .1965Motion carried. \., APPRAISAL tt On lotion Lambert, \� l` b t Y t , : seconded o 2 ��� Stewart, Council `Zi . t �c\ �� g 2.4� ` \': x �r'�•' .a.,Wr.,,,'1 t: . $..��:��'i,: \..a. ta.�..�,�.,. $ t\,�Na,� ��iC'3.'� aZ�xa\• of \..` a appraisal price of 566.250 a:.\b.d. Escrow rt:w fees in the amou:.t3.. Z.. of, 88 t 5 o total of yb 3?4 3 forthe,tiurch,aae or the m i ean\fit, property \pZ \: : located o s t p north ath side or Taylor Avenue �d'\ r Nto the now Ocean ;e.S\\\o3District site, �\�e.S; purposes. Nation ' Can motion by lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council l authorized a representative from the Public Works Department to attend a public hearing in Riverside can February 10, 1965, relating to flood control improvements and development for the Santa Ana River Basin and Orange County and sponsored by the United States .nay Corpo Engineers. NOtion carried, On motion 'by Welch, seconded by Gisler, agreement between the City and George W lease, and authorized the Mayor and City behalf of the City � Motion Carried. 3. ,� ___ 3." �f��].V.3:wY. R:::'tla_:.i�. ..r?.F.t3DO d Council approve1a revised Sutton, for a boatbuilding Clerk to execute same on Can motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council aathrized the City Clerk to attend the Conference of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks in Denver, Colorado, May 24-27, 1965, with reasonable expenses and transportation allowed.-0 Motion carp~ie& Page 15 ®Minutes , January 18, 1965 y POLICE DEFT UNIFORM. & EQUIP POLICY STUDY r The City Administrator presented a report on the Police Uniform Policy in sixteen- Orange County Cities, and recommended that n revision of,.'' the..City's,, existing policy be considered by Council. On motion. by Gisler, seconded by Lambert, Council directed the City Administrator and Chief of Police to study the Uniform and Equipment policy In the Police Department and make recommendations to Council. Motion carried, On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council granted permission to the March of Dimes for the Mother's March to solicit funds door- to-door on January 26, 1965, subject to the conditions stipulated by the Police Department. Motion carried. On motion by Stewart, seconded Register for January 8, 1965, Committee. Motion carried. 6-;'�'WARRANT REGISTER by Gisler, Council ,approved the Payroll on recommendation of the Finance On motion.by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the Warrant Register for January .18, 1965, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried. INFO L MEETINa 2/l/65 Mayor Shipley called a. westing of the Council as an informal Committee of the Whole for Monday, February 1, 1965, at 7 00 A.M. for a, study session. ADJOURNED T1 . On motion by Lambert, , seconded by Gisler, the regularmeeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Wednesday, January 20, 1965 at 7 :30 P.M. Motion carried. City Clerk- ere-aa ftcio of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. California ATTEST: R Paul C b j"hey City Clerk