HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-05-042W MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California `i'UESDAY MAY 42 1965 C0114ISSIONERS PRESENT: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil,,Worthy; Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. C01y2j1ISSI0NER3 ABSENT: None. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO.- 5424 - Continued Number of Lots: 190 Subdivider: Dutch Haven Homes Total Acreage: 40 Engineer: Millet, ling & Assoc Located at the northeast corner of Bushard Street and Banning Avenue and Legally described as being a proposed subdivision of a portion of the SW4, SE4, Section:18-6-10. The Secretary read a letter submitted by the subdivider requesting a 90 day continuance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5424 TO AUGUST 3, 1965 AT THE REQUEST OF THE DEVELOPER. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE 'TRACT MAP NO. 5874 - Continued Number of Lots: 72 Subdivider: Crane Development Total Acreae: 16.2 Corporation Engineer: Armet & Assoc. Located at the southwest corner of Warner Avenue and Graham Street and legally described as being a proposed subdivision of a portion of the NE4, NWk; Section 28-5-11. Report was read by the Secretary. the audience. The Subdivision Committee The hearing was opened to Duane Stout, Engineer for the subdivider, addressed the Commission and questioned condition #3 requiringg approval of Division of Land 65-10 by the Board of Zoning Adsustments, which would include dedication and im- provement of Warner Avenue. The Planning Director in- formed Mr. Stout that the improvements would take place at the time of development.' -1- 5/4/65 Page No. 2 Minutes: II. B: Planning Commission Tuesday, May 4, 1965 207 There being.no other comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5874 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Tract Map received March 8, 1965, shall be the approved layout. 2. "A" Avenue Shall connect to Tentative Tract Map No. 5792 on the south and said connection shall be included as part of the subject tract. 3. Division of Land 65-10 shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments and dedication and im- provements of Warner Avenue shall be provided for. 4. All utilities shall be installed underground. 5. All Standard Subdivision requirements tbat,are applicable shall be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATI.V TRACT MAP NO. 5394 - Continued - Revised Number of Lots: 55 Subdivider: Covington Bros. Constr. Co. Total Acreage: 15 Engineer: Lander Engineering, Located 660 feet south of Edinger Avenue on the west side of Sher Lane and legally des- cribed as being a proposed subdivision of a portion of the NW-4, NE4 of Section 23-5-11. The Subdivision Committee Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Jim Crowl, representing the property owner, addressed the Commission and displayed a sketch of the proposed development. He objected to the Staff recommendation that "D" Street not be allowed to stub into the commercial zone,on the north. Owen Powell, Director of Real Estate for Gulf Oil, addressed the Commission and.objected to the Staff Report. the hearing -was closed. There being no further comment discussion. The Commission held a lengthy The Secretary pointed out that if "D" Street,stubbed-out to the north it would xesult in a mixing of C=2 and' R-3 'traf f is within the subdivision which is very undesirable. It was the consensus of the Commission to deny this revised map on the basis of -2- 5j4/65 208 Pane No. 3 Minutes II. B. Plannin Commission Tuesday, May 4, 1965 design; thus the original date of approval and all conditions will apply. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO DENY TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5894 - REVISED, APRIL 8,-1965, ON THE'BASIS OF DESIGN. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lawson, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman., NOES: Crabb. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED: TENTATIVE TPUCT 114AP NO. 5523 - Continued Number of Lots: 158 Subdivider: Eercules Cons.. Co. Total Acrea e: 30.8 Engineer: Tours Engineering, Inc. Located at the southeast corner of Indianapolis Avenue and Brookhurst Street and legally'de- scribed as being a proposed subdivision of a portion of Lots 1, 2 and 3, J. A. Day Tract, The Planning Director in- formed the Commission that this agenda item and item No. 5 ,were continued from the last Planning Commission meeting for two reasons. First, to readvertise UV #824 because of an incorrect legal description. Second, to allow the Department of Public Works time to reconsider design -of driveway approaches when the sidewalk is adjacent to:the,curb. He also suggested that the public hearing be opened for both items since it pertains, to the same parcel , of land. The Subdivision Committee Report and the Staff Report were read by the Secretary. John Mandrell, Division Engineer, addressed the Commission and suggested that a condition be added requiring tbe-developer to pay his share of the sewer pump station cost and that condition #1 per- taining to UV #824 be 'amenda4, c}: to read as follows: "An 18 inch easement for utility and sidewalk purposes shall be provided along all sidewalks. Construction of any vertical structure within said easement shall be approved by the Department of Public Works." The hearings were opened to the audience. Ralph Jel'1._aem� , Vice -President of Hercules Construction Co., addressed the Commission and objected to the condition requiring an average lot width of 60 feet and the requirement.that a 5 foot side yard setback be provided. He stated that if the 60 foot lot width would be required they would lose 12 lots. John Goetten, engineer for the developer, addressed the Commission and stated t.hat lots within the development average between 5$2 and 592 feet'in width and averaga,xv 6000 sq. ft. of lot area for the develop- ment. Charles Palmer, Business Manager for H. B. Elementary School District, addressed the Commission and stated that he is concerned with. drainage of the adjoining school site. Willis Warner, Toups Engineering, addressed the Commission and informed�Mr. Palmer that all drainage problems have been solved. -3- 5/4/65 209 Vane No. 4 Minutes- ii. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 4, 1965 There being no other comment the hearing was closed. Commission held a lengthy discussion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5523 UPON THE`FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Map received March 24, 1965, shall be the approved layout. 2. Approval of this Tentative Map shall be null and void unless UV #824 is approved by the City Council. 3. Lots 52 through 61 shall be designated as one lot and reserved for park purposes. 4. Lots shall average 6000 sq., ft. per block. 5. The property line radius on all cul-de-sac and knuckle lots shall be 45 feet. 6. "A" Avenue shall be closed at its' intersection with Brookhurst`Street and an opening shall be provided at Lot 10. 7. "A" Avenue shall be dedicated and improved to City Standards. 8. A street stub to the south shall be provided -near Lot 31. 9. "D" Avenue shall be eliminated and any temporary provisions for access to the development shall be approved by the,Department of Public Works. 10. All streets shall comply with Department of Public Works Standards. 4 11. All utilities shall,be installed underground. 12. A large tree shall be planted in the front yard.of each lot. Said tree shall be approved by the Park Supervisor. 13. A 6 ft.' chain link fence or equivalent shall be constructed along the Southern California Edison Company R/W., ; 14. All Standard Subdivision requirements that are applicable shall be complied with.- 15. The developer shall pay his share of the sewer pump station cost. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO. 824 - Continued Applicant - Hercules Construction Co. To permit the following: (1) 50 ft. right-of-way streets, (2) sidewalk &butting curb and standard drive approaches, (3) 10 ft, Minimum front yard except 20 ft. for straight -in garages, (4) 6000 sq. ft. -4- 5/4/65 210 PaCye No. 5_ Minutes: H. 8. Planninn Commission Tuesday, May.4, 1965 average lot size and 5000 sq. ft. minimum, (5) minimum 3 ft. side yard on one side of a lot, (6) 15°ft. rear yard for irregular lots and lots with a front patio. Located at the southeast corner of Brookhurst Street and Indianapolis Avenue in the R-1 Singgle Family Residence District and legally described as Lots 1, 2, and the north. 152.75 feet of Lot 3, J. A. Day Tract; except the east.180 feet thereof and excepting the east 764.52 feet of the west 1116.47 feet of the north 267 feet of Lot 1. A`MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF UV #824 TO THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. An•18 inch easement for utility and sidewalk pUrposes shall be provided along all sidewalks. Construction of any vertical structure within said easement shall be approved by the Department of Public Works; 2. All streets shall comply with Department of Public Works Standards. 3. Lots within each block shall average 60 feet in width with 6000 sq. ft. of lot area and -the minimum lot shall not be less than 50 feet wide with 5000 sq. ft. of lot area. 4. The side yard may be reduced to 3 feet on one side of an interior lot provided the abutting side yard of the Adjoin- ing lot is not less than 5 feet. ° 5. A large tree shall be planted in the front yard of each lot. Said tree shall be approved by the Park Supervisor. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground. 7. For the purpose of this conditional exception, patio shall be defined as a paved area adjoining the dwelling unit which is enclosed with a fence. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: Lawson, Crabb_,Miller. ABSENT: None ° THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO. 827 1T nLlcant - Bob Mall To allow the construction of two directional signs; Sign "A" located at the southeast cor- ner of Beach Boulevard and Newman Street.' Sign "B" located on the south side ofNewman Street and approximately 800 feet east of Beach Boulevard in the R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. Legally described as the West' 15 acres of the N2, SW4, SW4, Section• 25-5-11. The Staff Reprot was read by the*Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Bob'Hall, applicant, addressed the Commission and gave his reasons for the request. There being no other comment the hearing was closed. -5- 5/4/65 -211 Page No. 6 Minutes: 11. B' Plannin¢ Commission Tuesday, May 4, 1965 A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND -SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NO. 8-7 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. A $100 cash bond guaranteeing removal of the signs shall be posted with the Building Department for each sign. 2. A $50 permit fee shall be paid to the Building Department for each sign. 3. All provisions of Article 868 shall be complied with. 4. The 50 foot building setback line shall be complied with and Sign "All shall be located 80,feet from the centerline 'of Beach Boulevard. 5. Use Variance No. 827 shall become null and void May 4, 1967. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazi1, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE.MOTION'CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO. 507 - Continued Aplicant- - Eldridge Corporation Change of Zone from C-2 Community Business District to R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. Located at the northeast corner of Springdale Street and Bolsa Avenue and l.ecally described as being a por- tion of the SW4-," `Section`ll0`-5=11:'=Further.legal description on file in the Planning Department Off ice. The Planning Director informed the Commission that this zone case was continued from the March 2, 1965 Planning Commission meeting to provide time for a zoning, land use and master plan study. He also •informed the Commission that two different petitions were submitted. One with 66 signatures which opposed the change of zone to R-3 and the other with 507 sig- natures favoring the change of zone. A letter was also submitted by the•Westminster School District -opposing any change of zone that would lead to an increase in school aged children. Floyd Belsito, Associate Planner, addressed the Commission and explained the present zoning, land -use and master plan of land use for the area. He also presented a breakdown of the zoning acreage, present land use acreage and future land use for property within the study area. Mr. Belsito pointed out that the total acreage presently zoned for 'commercial use in Huntington Beach - Westminster area was 94 acres and that only 27 acres was being used for commercial purposes. Further, the adopted master plan of land use for both cities reflects an ultimate total of 119 acres of commercial property use. He pointed out,that the estimated population for the study area is 175,400. Past studies indicate that a minimum of 13 acres and a maximum -of 42 acres of commercial could realistically:be supported by the expected population. The hearing was opened to the audience. Elias Miller, 6303 Wilshire Blvd., Los angeles, addressed the Commission and explained an alternate plan which would revert approximately 8 acres of the property back to R-1 leaving approximately 2 acres zoned C-2. -6- 5/4/65 212 Page 7 Minutes: 11. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 4, 1965 2. Ted Douglas, President of the Bolsa Home Owners Association, 14831 Northridge Lane, addressed the Commission and stated that if a new precise plan will be presented indicating single family residences on approximately 8 acres, the association would not stand in opposition. to the request.. There being no other comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED,BY WORTHY -TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON ZONE CASE NO. 507 'TO MAY 182 19652 TO GIVE THE APPLICANT TIME TO SUBMIT A PRECISE PLAN FOR THE AREA. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES! Crabb, Lawson, Eazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin,_ Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO. 516 A plicant - Aliso Domes, Inc. Change of Zone from RA Residential Agricultural District to R-1 Single Family Residence District. Located at the northwest corner of Banning Avenue and Bushard Street and legally described -as the SE4, SE4, SW4, Section 18-6-10. The Secretary informed -the Com- mission that -this -zone change.is.routine.because it was a condition of approval on the Tentative Tract Map No. 5882 that an R.-1 be patitioned-,.fora The hearing was opened to the audience; there being no,comment the hearing.was,closed. RESOLUTION NO. 516 A Besolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval. -,,of Zone Case No. 516 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 516.RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 516 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: I., This is a routine Plan of Land Use. There ,is a tentative tract, map on .this. property which was approved with the condition that the property be rezoned to.R-1. change of zone' to conform to the Master ROLL CALL VOTE: ' AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy,,.Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None, ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED.,, COMMUNICATION: The Secretary read a letter sub- mitted by R. M. Galloway and Associates, requesting that Use Variance No.. $16 be amended..to permit less than 45 ft. lot frontage on cul-de-sac and knuckle lots, as shown.on the tentative tract map. Robert Galloway,,addressed the Commission and stated that the wording and contents of the variance application were based on a previous similar type project and inadvertently a request for reduction in the 45 ft minimum lot frontage was omitted. -7- 5/4/65 Pace No. 3 Minutes: 11. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 4, 1965 213 Commissioner Bazil pointed out that the intent at the time of approval was to allow the request as submitted. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO APPROVE 45 FOOT MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGES ON CUL-DE-SAC AND KNUCKLE LOTS IN TRACT NO. 5907. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. COrav!UNICATION: The Secretary read a letter submitted by Maul and Pulver, Architects, requesting that condition #5 of UV #763 requiring that a 6 ft. masonry wall shall be constructed during the first increment of development along the west, north and east property lines be rescinded. 'The Commission reviewed said request, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO DENY SAID REQUEST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES:' None. ABSENT: None, THE -MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: The Secretary informed the Commission that the City Council continued their decision on Use Variance No. 812 and requested that the Commission establish conditions of -approval for all home occupations and particularly UV #812. Suggested conditions for home occupations were distributed to the Commission for review. After considerable discussion the Commission adopted the "Standard Conditions of Approval for Home Occupations." In -addition, the Commission recommended that a condition of approval be imposed on Use Variance No. 812 that -,would restrict the hours of operation -to no later than 10:00 P.M. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB.AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING "STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR HOME OCCUPATIONS" AND SUBMIT THEM TO THE CITY COUNCIL AS A GUIDELINE FOR CONDITIONALLY APPROVING ALL HOME OCCUPATIONS. 1. The business §hall be restricted to -one room only :in the dwelling -and -all material, equipment or facilities shall be kept therein. 2. No,garage shall be used in connection with such business, except for parking of business vehicles. 3. Only persons residing on the premises may be employed. 4. There shall be no display of merchandise, products, operation, signs or nameplates of any kind visible from outside the dwelling. -8- 5/4/65 214 Pa?e no. 9 Minutes: II. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 4, 1965 5. In no way shall the appearance of the dwelling be altered or the operation of the business within the dwelling be such that the dwelling may be reasonably recognized as serving a nonresidential use, whether by colors, materials, const- ruction, lighting, windows', signs, sounds or any other means. 6. There shall be no storage of materials, supplies., equipment,i or products outside of the one room of the dwelling used for a home occupation. - 7. The occupation shall not generate pedestrian- or.,vehicular traffic beyond that normal to the neighborhood in' which it is located. 8. The occupation shall not involve the use of commercial vehicles for. delivery of materials to or from the pre- mises. , 9. Any commercial vehicle or equipment used in conjunction with the occupation shall not be parked on the street or in, th6,-front".�ya— tCo'f the' rem ses. 10. The occupation shall not create noise, odor, dust, vibration; fumes, or smoke readily discernible at the boundaries of the parcel on which it is situated, nor create any electrical disturbances adversely affecting the operation of any appliance or equipment not on the same parcel. 11. Any violation of the conditions for approval of a home occupation shall be cause for revocation of the business license and immediate cessation of.the occupation. 12. Any license issued under -the conditions set forth shall be for a period not to exceed one year. If any complaints have been registered 'regarding -the conduct of such- business during the period for which .it' has been licensed, a review and determination on'the renewal of said license shall be made by the City Council. 13. An affidavit.shall be signed by,the applicant at the time he takes out a business license. He shall certify that he understands all conditions of approval. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy,~ Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. FOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. INFOIUU%TION: <The Planning Director informed the Commission that the City Council approved the Policy for Underground Utilities at their May 3rd,;1965 meeting; COI,ZIUNICATION: The Secretary read a letter submitted by the Orange County Planning Commission regarding UV #5548, to permit the establishment of a 2 unit apartment on a parcel containing less than the required area in the R-4 Suburban Residential District. , The Commission reviewed -UV #5548 and recommended that the application be denied for the following reasons: 1. The building is oriented exactly opposite of what it should be. 2. The building could easily be converted to three units. 3. The amount of off-street parking is inadequate and the turning radius to the off-street parking is inadequate. -9- 5/4/65 215 Pane 10 Ili.nutes: l-l. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 4, 1965 4. Access to the garage is proposed to take place along an unimproved ten foot easement. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF UV #5548 FOR THE FOREGOING REASONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT:. None. THE MOTION CARRIED. A14ZNDMENT TO ARTICLE 910 The Secretary distributed copies of a proposed amendment to Article 910 regarding setbacks for front, side and rear,yards. Richard Harlow, Associate Planner, addressed -'the Commission and explained the proposed amendment. The Commission reviewed the proposed amendment and after lengthy discussion it was their consensus to continue the matter for more study. DISCUSSION: Richard Harlow, Associate Planner, asked the Commission to determine whether or not a detached garage would be allowed in the front yard. He informed the Commission_ that the Board of Zoning Adjustments will have an application before them requesting the construction of a detached garage in the..'--* front 50 ft. on an R-1 lot. The Commission reviewed the request and it was their consensus that the Planning Department be instructed to prepare an amendment to the zoning ordinance, whereby, detached garages would be allowed in the front yard area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO PREPARE AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO DETACHED GARAGES IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. PAP.K AND RECREATION FACILITIES TAB' DISCUSSION Assistant"` Ci y Attorney,- George ; Shibata, addressed tli& 'Commiss' on 'an'd�'re'ported on the proposed ordinance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO WRITE A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PASSAGE,OF„AB,_,1150,TO S ��1TE ASSEMBLYMEN JAMES -E ,. WHETMORE, ROBERT ` E . B,�DHAM AND. STATE SENATOR JOHN.•--G:."SCHMITZ.. -10- 5/4/65 216 Ya,e No. 11' Mintues! lI. B. Planninn Commission Tuesday, May 4, 19035 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil-, Worthy,'.Mi"ller, Larkin, Kaufman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. K. A. Reynolds Henr .Kaufmanl Y Secretary Chairman