HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-05-13COUNCiLMEN )ONALD D. SHFPLEY. MAYOR ERNUZT li. GrsMER JAKE R. STRWART PAUL Q ,BONES COTY ATTORNEY ]BETTY Ck9fwKOF-t° TPWA"RER MINUTES CITY OF 0. F30X 190 C A L I F0 R lit I .A 9.2ifPy�0 CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY Donal . ' Da Shipley, Mayor Robert M. Lambert, Councilman .lman Jake R. Stewart, Councilipan Ernest 11. Gisler, Councilman Thomas eta Welch, Councilman Cie rat l a m a YLE MN LFR l4So?AEEMEES"F'EBAYi`d� �E�#�3CeR BRANDER D, CASTLE A8,919TANT ADMENIaTnA'TOR DAMES R, tFs{E-IEELER DFRECTOR OF PVt�LIS WORMS NNA4CE". DI RSOTOR JOHN SEA i RRR POLICE CMU ViE' CENT 1K, pvlpORHOU'SE LWSIQUARD CHMP ML9N C, CL.RVELaAND BEYCtl'i,dStSC t7IE3FC`F'C7Ef Wtr A' 19K $EADV4B NTENDPrNT You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City"Council of the City of Huntington Beach$ California, is called for and will be held in. the Council Chamber of the City Halt, at the hour of :00 A.M. , Thursday, May 13, 1965, for the purpose of considering award of contract an the Aldrich � Peck Memorial Municipal Reservoir. Rated this 1-21b day of May, 1965 Attest: t it 1 hereby certify that I rec 'eived the above not ice � CALL FOR SPECIAL AME E' INN OF THE CITY COUNCILMEN, prior to 9 t00 A.M. on %edae ,v� May 12, 1965, and consent to said wasting. N. =a ilman- "°K°ate°n\iov."v"� �•„ - y `aQ'"via+:a+' '•aw~ay.JVaw. \,»wM�++,,-ria:.a.t. t Councilman Councilman the Director of Public Works addressed the Council and reiterated the basis criteria used in determining the low bidder, as follows: The use of sound engineering judgment; the best interest of the Cite; and its legality. 219 MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huxitington Bead, California Thursday, May 13, 1965 Mayor Shipley called a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 9.00 A.M. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Gisler, Lambert, Shipley Councilmen Abeent > Welch, Stewart CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING The Clerk read the Call for Special Meeting which had been received and consented to by 9,00 A.M. on Wednesday*, May 12, 19-65Y for the purpose of considering award of contract on the Aldrich R. Peck Memorial Municipal paa.l Reservoir. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY TY C 'UNC l TNEN Donald D. Shipley, Mayor Robert M. Lambert , Counc-il-man Jake R. Stewart, Councilman .Ernest Hs Gisler, Councilman Thomas H. Welch, Councilman Gentlemen: You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City- of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held in the Ccsunci-.l. Chamber of the City Hall at the hour of 9,00 A.M. , ''L`hursdayr, May 13, 1965, for the purpose of considering award of contract on the Aldrich R. peck Memorial Municipal Reservoir. Dated this l2tb day of May, 1965 I I Donald D a Shi l<ey Mayor, City of Hu tin ten Beach Attest: /S/ Zaaul C. Junes City Clerk l hereby certify that I received the above notice, CALL FOR SPECIAL MZETINa OF THE CITY COUNCILMEN, prior to 9,00 A.M. on Wednesday, May 12, 1965, and consent to said meeting. IS ISI R.q e. ' fax L�,ai _'i d,.. $r• "w3 i> £�£a :a « .w The City Administrator traator read as letter from the Director of Public, Works relative to his review of the manner in which the recommendation' for an4aard of contract for the Aldrich lie Peek Memorial Reservoir was made, giving his personal observations in the matter. The Ad- ministrator also read a letter from the City Attorney indicating that in his opinion, the Department of Public W ax-ks did not violate any; laws in their invitation for Saida on this project. The Director of Public Works addressed the Council and reiterated the basic criteria used in determining the low bidder, as follows: The use of sound engineering judgment; the best interest of the City; and its legal.ity. Page #2 m Minutes, Ila Y 13, 1Q65 r. Leo Fitzsiaion addressed the Council on behalf of Lomar Develop- ment Co. and reviewed the reason fortheir protest in the matter, stating that the use of rack fill rather than sand fill would make Them the .low bidder. He stated that: he felt that if sand fill was preferred, it should have been spelled out in the specifications, together with specifications for the blanket required. Mr. Herbert Dix, Sail Engineer from Newport Beach addressed the Council relative to the types of dill which could, be used and stated that crushed ruck would be superior to sand in this case. Mr. dcc Leung, President of' Lomar Development Company addressed the Council and requested that the contract be awarded to the Company who could do the beat job for, the least amount of money. Mr. Long stated that he felt his complaint was justified, as he was misled when he consulted ,the Engineering Department regard.g an inter- pretation of the specifications on fill. Mr, Silver, a Civil. Engineer, requested the ton.age basis used for bidding. The Director of Public Works answered Mr.. Silver's question, and presented his € pini ono regard ,Mr. lai-tzsimon' a and Mr.. Long f s protest F cil.ow-ing additional discussion o on the matter, a motion was made by Gi_,,�;l_cr, and seconded by Lambert to rescind the award of contract made May 3, 1965 to J. Putnam He ck for the construction of the Aldrich. R. Peck Memorial Municipal, pal, Reservoir; reject all bids; and direct the Director of Public Works to prepare revised slaw.i- fica"tiora s for re -advertising for bids on the Aldrich R. Peck Memorial. Municipal Reservoir. Motion carried. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, the Special. Meeting of the City Council. of the City of Huntington Bea.ch was adjourned.. Motion carried. ATTEST: Paul City Clerk City Clerk and. ex—officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Dk"�m Ind 220