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Council Chamber, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Friday,, May 21� 1965
MMYOr Shipley called the regular adjourned meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 o'clock
Councilmen Present: Gisler, Lambert, Shipley
Councilmen Absent z w lch $ Stewart
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On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council granted Oar i.ssion
to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Huntington Beath Post No. 7368, to
sell "Buddy Poppies" on May 8th- and 29M, 196 $ Motion carried.
.11.1&6lerk presented a transmittal from the Assistant City Attorney,
recommending that Council accept the negotiated price of $45,000
from Mr. Eddy Meredith for his portion of a parksite ender condem-
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler., Council approved the
recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney and authorized pay-
ment o 45, 00 to fir. Eddy Meredith, P. 0. Box 483, Tustin, Califor-
nia, for a portion of a parkslta under condemnation by -tire City.
Motion carried,
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€€.� Cac-.,�'r;, presented a. latter of request from Clara B. Warners lease-
holder of the Tram Concession on the Pier, for reduction in her
insurance requirements, doe to the high rate of said insurance.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, action on Mrs, Warner a s
requa,st .for reduction in insurance requirements an the Tram Con-
cessionswas referred to the City Administrator for study and report.
Motion carried.
1,1e Clerk presented a memorandum from the Urban Land Institute
Committee, submitting for approval a list of the responsibilities
with which Council should officially charge them, 'together with a
request that Jerry Lance be appointed to the Committee as the
representative from the Board of Realtors.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council officially charged
the Urban Land Institute Committee with the following responsibilities -
I. Maintain contact between the Urban Land Institute aAd City Council.
2. Develop the necessary information to complete the study.
8 Informs the City Coon iI and Urban Land Institute of Committee
Motion carried,
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council appointed Jerry
Lance to the Urban Land Institute Committee as a representative of
the Board of Realtors. Motion carried.
Page #2 Minutes May 21, 1965
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The City Administrator presented a request from the Employees
Association, informing Council that Mr. William Sweetland, an em-
ployee in the Public Works Department, had been injured on the ;fob,
is presently hospitalized for an indefinite period of time, and does
not have any available sick leave or vacation time. State Compensa-
tion insurance benefits begin after seven days and disability insurance
benefits after thirty days. The Employees Association requested that
Council consider making Grp the difference between the insurance bene-
fits and Mr. S eetland f s regular salary.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the
payment of e supplemental. compensation, to Williams Sweetland, to make
up the difference between his insurance benefits and his regular
salary for a period of two months, at which time, the case shall be
reviewed by the Council. Motion carried.
The City, Council, acting in its capacity as City Council and as a
personnel review committee p€arsuaart to Resolution No. 1348 of the
Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Cite of Huntington Beach, had,
previously received a letter dated May 17, 1965 from Douglas Ala
Bodner which was treated as a complaint, requesting a hearing of his
dismissal by Fire Chief Higgins.
The City Administrator, acting in his capacity as personnel offi-cer�
informed all the personnel review committee members of this action
and an investigation was made her the personnel review committee and
a hearing was set for Fridays May 21s 1965 at 7:00 P.M.
On motion by Gisler, seconded by Shipley, Council voted to hold a
open personnel hearing for dismissed Fire Engineer Douglas J. padner $
renewing the right to discuss the matter in Executive Session prior
to -faking action. Motion carried.
The aspen personnel hearing on the dismissal of Douglas J. Bodner
from the Fire Department was commenced € ith opening statements by
Jerome Colton and Jack Austin, Attorneys for Mr. Bodner.
Mr. Colton handed copies of a memorandum to Council, the City Adminis-
trator used the City Attorney, citing pules and Regulations of the
Huntington Beach Fire Department, requesting that each, and all of
the twenty alleged, charges be dismissed, objecting to any evidence
being introduced ced at the hearing and .listing reasons therefor, and
requesting that Douglas J. Bodner he reinstated to full and active
d€ate° as as Engineer in the Fire Department.
The City !attorney stated that the Rules and Regulations were merely
directives and not mandatory and were; not binding on the City Council.
Mr. Colton, Attorney for Mr. Bodner, requested that all -testimony
given during the hearing he given sander oath. The request was granted
and all witnesses were placed under oath before testifying.
Fire Chief Higgins read his statement of charges and presented the
statement of Fiore Engineer Moll.ica.
Fire Engineer Angelo Monica read his statement concerning -the
incident relative to the Bodner dismissal. al. Mrs Molli.ea, was cross-
examined by the Attorney in defense of Mr. Bodner.
Attorney Colton presented his defense relating -to -the charges filed
against lair. Bodner and called on former Fire Engineer Robert Sh€rl.er
to testify on behalf of �11r. Bodner.
Douglas J. Bodner then gave his own testimony to questions presented
by his attorney.
Page - Minutes ® May 21, 1965
David Nave, former teacher of Mr. odne.r a s at Orange Coast College,
testified as a character witness on . Bodner A s behalf �
All charges made by Chief Higgins were denied by Douglas Bodner, ad-
mitting only that he lost his temper with Engineer Molly ca.
The Attorney for the defense of Mr. Hodner presented his concluding
remarks and requested that all charges against Douglas J. Hodner be
dismissed and that he be reinstated as Fire Engineer In the Fire
Discussion of -the Fire Chiefs "Work Rules" was hold.
A recess € f the Council was called at l o 5 Pe w Her the Mayor, and the
Councilmen went into Executive Session at that time,
The meting was reconvened at 11:10 P.M. by the Mayor.
The City Council, after review of all the evidence presented at the
hearing, on motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, upheld the suspen-
sion of Douglas J. Hodner :from the Fire Department. otion carried.
On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council corrected the
previous motion as upholding the dismissal of Douglas J. Bodn r from
the Fire Department. Motion carried.
n motion by .Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council adjourned the
regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach to Friday, June 4, 1965, at 7: 30 o a loc °P.M.. Motion carried.
Paul Ca Jones
i-t Clerk and ex-o.fllc Z, rk�
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
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