HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-06-04MLN-U-E Council Ch,-, mb r° j Chic Center} Huntington Heath, California Friday, June 4, 1965 Mayor Shipley called the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of tine City o1 Huntington Beach to order at 7 :30 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL Council present. Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley Council Absent None PAYROLL REGISTER On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the Payroll Register for May 25, 1965, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried, ARR'T REGISTER On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the Warrant Register for =luny: 4, 1965, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried, MINUTES On motion Her Lambert, seconded by Gisler, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 17, 1965, and the regular adjourned meeting of May 21 1965, were approved as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried. DEPARTMEYfAL REPORTS IT On motion by Welch., seconded by Gisler, the reports of the Director of Public Works, Fire Chief, Lifeguard Chief, 'Recreation Director and Building Director, were approved and ordered filed. Motion carried, c-,il regarding of the Harbor; Department relating to Harbors and Reaches, quested a meeting between a Committee of the City Council Supervisor Allen and himself to discuss said Ordinance the Ordinance and re® and Councilman Lambert and Mayor Shipley were directed to meet with. Supervisor Baker and Super -visor Allen on Friday afternoon, June ll; 1965, to Santa Ana, COASTAL FREEWAY - AB 2913 l motion was made by Shipley, seconded by Stewart, to forward a telegram requesting support of AB 2913, and urging assemblymen Wht ore and Collier to bring the report out of committee onto the floor. The motion failed� Supervisor Baker then informed the Council that AB 2913 was acted an by the assembly during the day. i4ke Clerk opened the bids for the construction of the Aldrich H. Peck Memorial Municipal Reservoir and the Public Works Director read the total as follows: Coxco Inc. $567a600.00 Lomar Development Co. $512,803.00 Sully Miller Contracting Co. $509.450.00 The bids were taken for review by the Director of Public Wonky with r ecommen.datl om to be made later to the meeting. IDS (A"EN"I'D- The Clerk opened the bids for the resurfacing of portions of Fourteenth Streets Adams Avenue and Atlanta Avenue and the Public Works Director read the totals as allows Griffith Company $121324.80 R � J a Noble Company $12,270.50 Sully Miller Contracting Co. $11,239.50 The 4,ids were taken for review by the erector of public Works with recommendations to be made later In the meeting. LANE PARK CLUBHOUSE - GIRL SCOUTS - OVERNIGHT n motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council 'granted permission to the Santiago Girl Scout Council to use the auks Park Clutahou e. Jean an overnight cumpout from 4_00 P.M. June 181b through noon, June 1 h, 1965. Motion carried. 'fin motion by Welch, seconded by € isler, Council confirmed the re- appointment by the Mayor-, of RrA Charles Mashburn .for a one year term on the kluntt.ngto'n. Bach Recreation and Parks Co mission. Motion curried. 'The Clerks presented a letter from H. Fa New -a n, Attorney for Hunting- ton Continental Townhouse Association - 'Unit #1 and Unit request- ing that the City accept offers of €1 diction of streets in both units. The Clerk read n letter from Roger D. Slates protesting the acceptance by the City o1 the offer of dedications of private streets in the Huntington Continental Townhouse units A Norman Alexander, .1.9832 Berkshire Lane, City, addressed the Council and requested Council to accept -their offer. Mr. Jim DeQuelle, 1011 California, City, addressed the Council and protested the acceptance by the City of private streets in con-- dom-inium areas. Jerre Mad.ney, 19846 Leighton t��ne, City, defended condominium prop- erty owners, and requested assistance for the property osi ers through acceptance of the Huntington Continental streets by the City. MrQ John Mangano, 5661 Clarks Drive, City, addressed the Council and protested the acceptance of private streets, as it would set a precedent In such cases. R. J. Neuman, City, Attorney for the Petitioners,, Council and stated that all citizens are entitled for taxes paid, and requested that the petition b s addressed the to the same benefits granted. Page m Minutes, June 4, 1965 Gerald Lance, President of the Huntington Beach Board of Realtors, addressed the Council and requested denial of the petition and stated that if any inequity existed, it should be handled through tax control John Knapp, 0191 Pua Drive, City, addressed the Council and re- quested the Council to reconsider the acceptance of the offer of dedications, ono, rela- tiveo his statement on the legality of aceeptance made at previous meeting, and questioned Mr. Neumanregarding the By-laws of their organization., Following further discussion on the matter, a motion was made by Welch, seconded by Gisler, to accept the offer of dedications for, streets, curbs and lighting equipment for general public use, sub- ject to receipt by the :€t Attorney of certification of the vote of the Associations conceraed5 and proof that right"of-way can be delivered to the City free of any and all :ncumberances � Motion carried. Mr. Norman Alexander addressed the Council and expressed appreciation on behalf of the residents of the Huntington o,tinenter . Townhouse use Association Units., BODNE14 DISMISSAL - NOTICE OF 11E. MA Q 'The Clerk presented a Notice of Demand for findings and recommenda- tions to the dismissal of Douglas J. B d er from the City Fire Department, from Jack FAustin, Attorney for Nk� Bodner, requesting that he be furnished in writing the findings and recommendations of the Council On motion by lambert, seconded by Welch, Council received the Notice f Demand from Jack V Austin, Attorney for Douglas Bodner, and directed the Clerk to forward a certifiedcopy of the minute action of .May 21, 1965, to Nr� Austin, Motion carried. ` a motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council ranted permission o the Services for the Blind to place c.annisters in places o business within the Cite to raise f nd . Motion carried. zAS The Clerk presented a request from the Cite of Sere Juan Capistrano or adoption of a Resolution opposing SB-997 which would permit the use of Gas Tax Funds or License Fee Funds for purposes other then the benefit of motor vehicles The Director of Public Works explained that SB-997 would apply to the Greater Los Angeles area only, due to the existing Rapid Transit problem On motion y WbIch, seconded by Gisler, the letter from the City San Juan Capistrano relating to S ® 9 7 t was received and ordered filed. Motion carried, - CITY OF BEIL GARDENS - SUPPORT ThS Clerk presented letter from the City of Bell Gardens, request- ing support of AB 2844 which wrou .d require certification byCouncil before the issue of on -sale or off -sale alcoholic beverage license Page 774 m Minutes, dune 4, 1965 On motion by Lambert, ascended by Welch, Resolution No. 21930 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF IWNITINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ON -SALE OR OFF -SALE LICENSES UNDER THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL ACT NI'D SUPP RTINC,x AB 2 44," which had heretofore been sub- mitted to the Council, and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vets .AYES- Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES Councilmen: None ABSE_Mr Councilmen: None 4,6 I ?:e City Administrator presented an offer to exchange real property from the Huntington Beach Company and Pacific Electric Railway Compare r a A motion was made by Welch, seconded by Gisler, to direct the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution accepting the offer as stated In the Letter. Before a vote had been taken on the motion, a motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Lambert, to table the matter for study. After the chair ruled that the motion to table had preference, it was carried On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council authorized the City Administrator to proceed with the hiring of an appraiser and report to Council as soon as possible after receiving the appraisal, Motion carried. I�vni .. .......,,........M,,..... <.w,i;..a���z �...i....... «M.�.,.::,n ..,,. .M,. \0.DISTRICT 9k 4J. a O'N37CHI . 0..n motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, a letter of appreciation to the City from the.. Huntington Beach Elementary School District for cooper�tton extended in the laying of the cornerstones for the Joseph R. Perry and John 11. Eader Schools, was received and € rdered filed Motion carried. n motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, a letter of appreciation from the Huntington Beach Masonic Lodge for use € f bleachers and City equipment at the cornerstone laying ceremonies at Joseph R. Perry and John R. Eider Schools, was received and ordered Bled. Motion carried WYA1 On.motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council confirmed the appointment by the Mayor of John Wyatt to the Recreation and Parks Department, Motion carried, r he Clerk presented an appeal from Pacific Shores Realty to con- ditions stipulated by the Planning Commission in the gr�ntirq of Conditional Exception - UV ,#828, requiring that off -site improve- ments be installed prior to use of the parcel. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Council set a public hearing for Monday, June 21, 1965, at 7:30 P.M.� or as soon thereafter as passible, on the appeal, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried, Clerk- p^t. an zx • `:.� �r Va i, at heir Subdivision .Map #5601 be approved. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council denied the request, as the asap was still ender study by the Council. Motion carried. Page ,#5 Minutes, June 4, 1965 HEA ,I ,:aye Clerk presented a letter from the Driftwood Beach Club, Cit � Pe luting to water meter charges in multiple dwelling areas @ protesting the "Service vice Charge" ge" as inequitable and discriminatory, and a special, tax as opposed to a service charge. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council referred the matter to the City Administrator and City Attorney, to met with the Driftwood Beach Club to clarify the intent of the € rdinance Code relating to this service charge. Motion carried. REQUEST m STREET DANCE M- ROBERT I ANE �ie Clerk presented a letter from Mrs. Robert Edd , 16651 Robert Lane, City, requesting permission to hold a neighborhood hood street dance on On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council referred the re- quest quest to bold a street dance to the Chief of Police to handle. Motion carried. FIREWORKS STAND FERMITS The Clank presented applications filed by various organizations nizatr ins for Fireworks Stand Permits, together with receipts for payment of filing and service epproval by the Huntington Beach Fire Department, as follows: 1... .. V.F.W. Post ,#d 64 (2 ) College View Teachers Organization (3) Robinwood Little League (4, Jr*. Chamber of Commerce ()_ Continental Charities sties (6) North End Lions Club (17) Oceanview Little League (8.) Golden West Homeowners Assay. () Exchange Club (10) Moose Lodge #18 2 ( 11.) American Legion post ,14 Huntington East Homeowners Assn. (15) Civil Air Patrol - Squad 91 (16.) St. ilfr id { s Episcopal Church (17.) H.B. Youth .Athletic Assn. (18" Bohr Scouts Troop of America, l (19 Crab pets. ;- 506 (2 ): Kiwanis Club of Huntington Beach 21) Mothers Auxiliary Troop #34 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council granted Fireworks Stand Permits to the organizations listed, subject to the posting Of the required bond and certificate of tnsurance g and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the permits. Motion carried. 'rhe Clerk presented a petition for improvements In the area of the Huntington Rl er°la `bract, signed by .160 residents, On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Council referred the petition .for improvements in the Huntington River°la Tract area to the Director of Public Works to handle, Motion carried. Page .# — Minutes, June 4, 1965 FIRE AID w 4-he Clerk rend a letter from Supervisor David L. Baker, reporting on the City z s request for mutual aid in obtaining first run, service from the Sunset Beach Volunteer Fire Department to the I- ntington Harbour area on a contract basis. The letter stated that the County Counsel had ruled out the proposed contractual agreement, inasmuch as the City cannot both be excluded from the tax and contract for the partial service. Following discussion on the matter, a motion was made by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, directing the City administrator to study possible temporary arrangement for fire protection in the Huntington Harbour area, and further directing; the Administrator to arrange a. meeting between the City and the County of Orange to discuss this problem and other fire service mutual aid agreements presently in existence. Motion carried. ® JUNE The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to sponsor the Walt Coast Shows carnival from None l6b m 20th, 1965, with permit fees waived. The letter stated that permission has been granted by the Huntington Beach Company for use of the property along the railroad tracks from Main Street to Sixth Street for rides and booths with games of skill, Which would be operated by the Huntington Beach. Kiwanis Club. Money received from the rides will go to the Chamber of Commerce Celebra- tion Committee and money from the booths to the H.iwanis Club, with no food or drink to be sold. On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch, Council granted permission for the lest. Coast Shows to operate their carnival from June 1 th 20hp 1965, with permit .fees waived, subject to the conditions that no food or drink be sold; that there would be no games of chance; and the furnishing of a certificate of insurance with the City named as co-insured in the amount of $100,000/$300,000 Public Liability and $25,000 Property Damage; and farther subject to the approval of the Chief of Police. Motion carried. RECESS Mayor Shipley called a recess of the Council at 9:20 P.M. Councilmen Welch and Gisler left the meeting at that time.. RECONVENED Council was reconvened at 9 r 5 7 P.M. by the Mayor. BROOKMIMIT STORE - PERMIT GRANTED l� Charles Paulny, , Manager of the llr ookmart Store on Brookhurst Street, addressed the Council and requested permission to use an Air Force helium balloon can a nylon line for a, period of six months, for advertising purposes, with the balloon to be raised each morning and taken down each evening. Planning Director Reynolds stated that he thought a Use Permit should be obtained by the applicant. Following discussion, a motion was made by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, granting permission to Mr. Charles Pauley, Manager of the Brook cart Store, to use an Air Force helium balloon on a nylon line for a period of six months, for advertising purposes, subject to certification of the F.A.A... and subject to the furnishing of required insurance naming the City as co-insured. Motion carried. Page 117 m Minutes, June 4, 1965 'N"11 or S"b" .fie wrnn,aunc*d t� ;,a-t : ,eyes -te day and hour set -for a pnih.. de hekkU-,ing on an 'anpe-al 1:4-led by Coldwell � Banker % Company on behalf of the. rzacordlfto .der and subdivider, to a denial by the Planning Conunission to allow revision of the street layout in previously approved Tract Map #5894, and directed the Clerk to road the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on. Tentative Tract Map #5894, as published in the Huntington Beach News era .eta 0a 1965, setting the hoar of 7 0 o'clock P.M., or as soon, thereafter as possible, on Friday, the 4Lh day of dune, 1965, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, for the purpose of considering an appeal to a decision of the Planning Commission in denying a revision of Tentative Tract Map #5894, on property located 660 feet south of Edinger Avenue on the west side of Sher Lane. The Clerk mead the letter of appeal and a letter requesting with- drawal of said ,appear without prejudice, from Coldwell, Banker � Company. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing operas There helarg no one; present to spear on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Can motion her Stewart, seconded by Lambert, -Council denied the request for. withdrawal of the appeal which had been filed. by Coldw ll, Banker . Company. Motion carried. Ora Motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council denied the appeal to the decision of the Planning; Commission in Tentative Tract Map 5894. Nathan carried. �Mayr)r Sh,Iea announcm,d that: th s was the day and hour set for a on ax&salution "old of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zane Case No. 5.16, on property located at the northwest corner of Banning Avenue and. Bushard Street, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The (",'Ierk read n tic-e of pubkl: c hearing on Zone Case No. dial, as In t��r� leach l�o�ys err May 20, li d, setting the ho: r o f: 730 o'clock .� �l. ,, or ass soon thereafter as possible, ..on r id'a <�z �� > •Tklt� �, 1.96Aa, in the Council Chamber of the .gto a De ac1h, for the purpose of considering a 0-'Intent,> for .k-) c1hange of zone to regulations of the €. t': i t ng Or .d. xam fr,mu RA. Residential Agricultural. District, The Clerk infd.rmed the Council that they had been provided ded with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Casa No. 16, and stated that he had received d no communications or r-ittan protests to the Zane Craw or to the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mayor~ Shipley declared the hearing opera Thera being no one present to speak on the matter, and those being no protests filed, either aural or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion her Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance affecting the change of zone in Zane Gawk No. 516. Motion carried. 248 Page Minutes, June 40 1065 ZONE CASES 431 &.4nim - On FuR , 'w n " not i ambt, , Wended by Stewart, Council set public hearings for Manday, kune-01, 1965, at 700 O'clock P.M., or as soon there - After as possible, an Zone Qaand #518, and directed the Ciekk to publish notice of some, Motion carried. 31 Tit Clerk presenteda transmittal Irom the Planniug Director of Conditional Eerrption, -- IN 3.1k � ffu�*.ati."-t ,�tc,n H., r:bour Corporation an property located wasterly of SaybrooKlane and northand south B of ell Avenue. e-;� -.,x�,ck.",:Ption to the, (In'diram, nce code for Tentative Traci Malp #5963l ju an, Rl and, R3 Kne, The Commission had recommended approval, with conditions� On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambevt, Council approved Conditional Exception - UV #831, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission, Motion carried,, Quo? The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Commission of a request for a one year extension of time in which to record Final Tract. Map #5633 - Huntington Harbour, with conditions. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council approved the one year extension of time on Tract Map #5633 - Huntington Harbour, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning CommissionMotion carried. MIAE-0120", MOK — VRATpia DFAI., Ne Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director! mitting final form of Tract Map #51920 for adoption: Developer: Craig Development Corporation, Tustino Engineer: Voorheis-Trindle- Nelson, Inc; Location; East of Brookhurst Street and south of Adams Avenue; Legal Descriptionn Being a subdivision of a portion of the NO of Fractional Section 8-6-10; Number of 1,ots: 72; Tptal Acreage: 16.391; that the map had been certified by the City EAgQeer and the Secretary to the Planuing Commission to be true and correct in accordance with provisions -of the City Subdivision Codex The City Council may accept dedication as shown on the map and in addition approve the Final Mapo subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated requirements. 1, Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2� Bond for improvements. 3. Signature of Agreement, 4Certificate of Insurance, 5. Approval from County Surveyor, 6,, Bond for monuments, 7. Deed for Underground Water Rights. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Shipley, Council accepted offer of dedications as shown on Final Tract Map #5192, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried ;!q9 Page 9 - Minutes, Jane 4, 1965 the Clerk presented a, transmittal from the Planning Director, sub- mitting final- .form of Tract leap #5367 for adoption: Developerr. FAitch Haven Homes, Inc., Anaheim; ginear : Voor ,els-°Trindle® Nelson, Inc., 'Westminster; Location: South of Slater Avenue, 579.13 feet east of Springdale Street; Legal Description- Being a subdi-vision of a portion of the % 4 of Section 7® m11g Number of Lots: 147 g Total Acreage: 32.040; that the map had been certified by the City Engineer and the Secretary to the Planning Commission to be true and correct in accordance with provisions of the City Subdivision Code. The City Council may accept.dedication as shown on the map and in addition approve the Final Map, subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the submittal and. completion on the enumerated requirements; 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, inspections. 2. Bond for improvement. 3. Signature of agreement. 4e Certificate of Insurance. 5. Approval from County Surveyor. 6. Bond for monuments. 7. Deed for Underground Water Rights. drainage, engineering and On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council. accepted offer of dedications a shown on Final 'tract leap 0,5367 and adopted the asap subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried, "I"he Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of an Agreement for installation of a traffic signal at the ---inter- section of Bolsa Avenue and Edwards Street, together with Resolution No. 2181 approving same. On motion by Stewart, seconded by lambert, Council deferred action on the agreement with the City of Westminster until said agreement is executed and transmitted by them. Motion carried. '1%t Clerk presented a. transmittal from -the Director of Public Works requesting payment in the amount of 9125.00 for correction of a sewer lateral at 7921 Ronald Road., together with a Resolution authorizing pament of same. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No. 2182 "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF H"_NTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY: FROM THE SEWER FUND," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by teem, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote; AYES.- Councilmen NOES- Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Stewart, Lambert, Shipley None Welch, Gisler Clerk presented a transmittal from. the Director of Public Works of a reimbursement agreement between the City and the First Baptist Church of Huntington Village, for street construction across the front of the Church on Springdale Street, in conjunction with -the City si gna.lizati.on of Springdale Street and Edinger Avenue. Can motion by Lambert, seconded y Stewart, Council approved the Agreement between the: City and the First Baptist Church of Hunting- ton - same an behalf of the City Motion carried,. ried MI Xfit „ UTRACT zt24 ,,� . fi ... tie Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance of the Monument Bond and approval of the Agreement in Lieu of Bond and Subdivision Agreements for Tract `592 seconded d �C�On motion by Lambert, b S �wa : �3`.'���`?fint Bond #286 i5 (The Travelers gnClmn fi* ) far Tract #392 , and directed the Clerk to file same; and approved the Agreement in Lieu ot ,80nd and authorized fi to Mayor and City �.'U �� and Subdivision Agreement, to execute same on behalf of the City Motion carried. MY The Clare presented a transmittal front the Director of Public Forks recommending acceptance of the Monument Bond and SubdivisionAgree- ment Can motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council accepted j0nullervt Bona No. 15-3- 587 (tt.`ihe Continental National Insurapce Group) or Tract. #3335 and directed the Clerk to file same; and approved the Subdivision Agreement nt and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute saes on behalf of the City, Motion carried. SON 2 "REEI MUT t , ON ' t.tae Clerk presented a € ran8m tt l from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance of the Monument. Band and Subdivision Agree- ment for Tract_ # 5 - Decon Corporation,, On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council accepted Monument Bond §15 - —562:a (The Continental National Insurance GrOUP) for Tract 5865, and directed the Clerk o file same, and approved the Sub- division ra a t and authorized the i yor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City, Motion carrie& T,.$y , wSUBDIVISION UiIVItION AG1EUfi,;� 1 ..c-omi"�' The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance of the Monument ;and and. Subdivision Agreement far Tract §5864 - Decon Corporation. - On motion by Stewart, seconded by lambert, , Council apeepted Monument Bond W 15-3-35 6 (The Continental National Insurance Group) or Tract r'`5864, add directed the Clerk to file same, and approved the Subdivision Agreement and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried. TRACT S�_TRDIVTSIO.N' A'Clerk resented a transmittal from the Director € f Public Works recommending acceptance of Monument Bond, Agreement ent in Lieu of Improvement Bond, and Subdivision Agreement for Tract #333 -William lyonQ On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert., Council accepted Monument: Bond No1 --5649 (The Continental National insures • ce Group) for Tract #5 366, and directed the Clerk to file same, aAd appro ed the Agreement in Lieu of Improvement Bond and Subdivision Agreement and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of Doge #11 Minutes, Funs 4s 1965 STRE Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Plans and Specifications, Resolution establishing wage rates and Notice Inviting Sealed Bids for the realignment, reconstruction, and improvement of portions of Warner Avenfle, Algonquin Street and Davenport Drive to the City. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council approved the Plans and Specifications ons for the realignment and improvement of portions of Warner -Avenue, Algonquin Street and Davenport Drays. Motion € arri d. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Resolution € . 218® "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL EVAILING HATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT DH TYPE OF WORKMAN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE REALIGNMENT, RECONSTRUCTION, SURFACING., AND 1 R€` VEME�`°�S OF THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS ANDSTREETS- WARN. AVENUE BETWEEN 158FEET WEST DP ALGONQ IN STREET AND 655 FEET EAST OF ALGONQUIN STREET; ALGONQUIN STREET BETWEEN WARNER AVENUE AND DAVEIN- PORT DRIVE; DAVENP RT DRIVE, FROM ALGONQUIN STREET 280 FEET WESTERLY; AND LOS PATOS AVENUE, FROM WARNER AVENUE 160 FEET EASTERLY; ALL IN THE CITY DH HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by teem, was passed and adopted b the following roll call vote AYES- Councilmen: Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen: None _ ABSENT- Cbuxicilmen; Welch, Gisler On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council directed the Clerk to advertise for bids for the realignment and improvement of portion of earner Avenue, Algonquin Street and Davenport Drive, when author°f zed to proceed by the Director o1 Public Works. Motion carried. motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council approved Progress Payment #1 to Industrial Contracting Company, for sig al nation and I mprovement of various intersections in the City, in the amount of $10,341.89. Motion carried. 1 c` n motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council approved Final Progress Payment to R. J. Noble Company for s1 nalization and cDanne11zat1on o1 various intersections in the City, in the amount of 42 , 97B. D a, and directed the Clerk to f ile otice of Completion. Motion carried. DEEDS ACCEPTED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of deeds to the City for acceptance and recordings as .follows (a) Westminster Elementary School District ® Street Ham' Cornell. Drive and Columbia Lane m NW Corner (b) Westminster Elementary School District Street R Hammon lane and Bards Drive SE C�orner (c) Howard G. & Ellen Me Trabant m Street North gide of Yorktown E/Beach On motion By Stewart, seconded by Ebert,, Council accepted the deeds as lasted, and directed time City Clerk to .record same with the County Recorder. Motion carried. <"kt Council approved Progress .fix Y,mens ;t. 2 t a •a � � � €� ;?�: �. �.�: «>.; p� a z£� for installation of water Z ... t � �, x � as _ nx x a t m y� yy }gyp f 4xq /fie }\�\�� ��� .\ ., A� 2• ,�� ``�:.\�\Z•`.5�. ..�� � �. c .b..` .i:. .2.'. � ���:: � ... Z � x ,`4-.i♦ the amount 'Gi .S. ��1! � S�� ie �"]G 6 Motion carried, ThZ Director of Public Works presented a t iarimmi ta-1 requesting ng approval of an expenditure in the :uk.aa,.£ -lt z�:s l ro? 141 tlhke Tax Fund for the purpose of paying \qppra 0 S ` r e0,s irz <acqu; sit_lon o; necessary right—of-way the Warner v`t��i�;��'x r`x.`L$ .y,aiamint, t(..)et3.9:e:r with a Resolution authorizing same. Can motion by Stewart, seconded by 1aalbe t, Reh 31,utdonNo. 21194 m :: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF' A 11111 1.2 Nk" FRE E EI��ITLT3 E OF' MONEY FROTI THE GJAS TA F N'D � =Y �t a�,. � had � ��z�:re � ,� � fps> been submitted to the Council. and r .,J. by. them -is adulated by the following roll call vote, AYES - Councilment Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None P1 NIT Councilmen. Welch, Gisler BIB) AWARD - PECK. RESERVOIR Vie/ Director of Public Works reported on the review of the bids on the .Aldrich. R. Peck Memorial. Muulclpal.. Reservoir,, which had been opened earlier In the € eettug, and stated that the lour bidder was Sully -Miller € t_r tl ny, Orang , lea the mount of 509. 0.00, and recommended that Council. accept the low bald. On motion by Lwnbert, seconded by Stewart, Co a cil^ awarded the Con- tract for the constraction of the Aldrich RA Peck Memorial Milnlc.x.pal Reservoir to the low bidder,, Sully -Miller Contracting Compaia , Orange', in the amount of 509, 50.00 , rejected all other bids; and authorized the return of the bid bonds to the unsuccessful bidders upon execu- tion of the contract, Motion carried. Z �? @� 1 ' ,`x 3'v £x 3 ; �� xxt\ Z r 2 t } �. r 'S t: Of '` bids for `�... .�t3 i S. `n..w�ka.nx:Zwx. �S•ayxrie'r!d Atlanta Avenue, which had been opened earlier, in the meeting, and stated -that the low bidder was Sul l r l .filler er Contracting Company, Orange, in the bid amount of 11,23 .E 50, and recommended that Council accept the law hid, On motion her Stewart, seconded by L nbert, Council awarded the Con- tract for the resurfacing of portions of 14Lh Street, Adams Avenue and Atlanta Avenue to the low bidder, Sully -Miller Contracting Company, Orange, In the bid amount of 11,239, 0, rejected all gather bids,, and authorized the return of the 'bid. bonds to the unsuccessful bidders upon execution of the contract, Motion carried. %e Clerk presented an application for Business License from Zorau Kac, to conduct the business of Motorcycle Rentals at 502 Ocean Avenue, This matter was refer -red to the Chief of Police at the meeting of May 17, 1965s Reports were submitted from -the Chief of Police and Building Director recommending denial of the application. On motion her Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council denied, the appli- cation for Business License from Zoran Ka 'to conduct the business of Motorcycle Rentals at 502 Ocean Avenue, Motion carried. Page #13 - Minutes, June 4, 1965 PURCHASE - PICK-UP TRUCK - POLICE DEPT ion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council authorized the purchase of a new pickup truck to replace the 1955 Dodge pick-up i-n -the Police Department, and directed the Purchasing Agent to advertise for bids for same. Motion carried. AGREEMEN - LIFEGUARD SERVICES - ORANGE COUNTY ,�Iq oil motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No. 2191 . "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUESTING `TOTE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR ADDITIONAL R-JNDrq FUR LIFEGUARD SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1966, AS AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION 25551 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council mid read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call Grote AYES: Councilmen: Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT : Councilmen. Welch, Gisler LEASE A(;REFMNT - CHAS J CUMKINGS JR - BOATWORKS motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council approved a lease agreement between the City and Charles J. Cummings, Jr. for the boatworks property located east of Newland Street, south of Hamilton Avenue, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City� Motion carried. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council approved an Agreement between the City and the Huntington Beach Company, for the playground in Block 1012, Wesley Park Section for use as a public playground, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Chief of Police requesting that the City establish a Medical and Physical Examination Policy for adoption. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council approved the request to establish a Medical and Physical Examination Policy for all safety employees. Motion carried. PERSONNEL - ENGINEERING DEPT (Id-m-otion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council authorized the -Director of Public Works to employ William Gals and Mike Miller for the summer, as Engineering Aides in the Public Works Department. Motion carried. ORDINXNCE NO. 1144 - ADOPTED the Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1144 a second reading by title ® "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HU-NrIN(-xTON BEACH RELATING TO STOPS AND YIELDS; A]MENDING CHAPTER 62 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE; REPEALING ARTICLES 620, 622, 623, 624 and 625 THEREOF, AND AMENDIN� ARTICLE 62 T. 11 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Ordinance No. 1144 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote-. AYES- Councilmen- Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen: Welch, Gisler Page ;#14 ®Minutes, James 4, 1965 ORDINANCE -NOa 1145 y- ADOP''T`ElD The ...Clerk ...gave Ordinance ...,No. 1145 a second reading by title - `AN ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REIATING TO ZONE CASES NOS 512, 513 and 514; VWENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINIANCE COTE BY RECLASSIFYING SECTIONS 9061:. 3 (Sectional District Map 21-5-11) q 9061.17 (Section D-istrict Map _6-1 ), and 9061.22 (Sectional Dis- trict Map 12- -11)." On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Ordinance No. 1145 was pissed and adopted by the following roll call vote AYES: Eoaa c11men NOES. Councilmen: ABSENTCouncilmen, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley None Welch, Gisler The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1146 for a first reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT"INGT'ON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE NO 511; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY HECIASSI YINT1 SECTION 9061.15 (Sectional District Map 6-6-10)." All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware € f the contents thereinr On motion by Stewart, seconded by Umnbert , the oral first reading € f Ordinance No. 1.146 was waived. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1147 - _ FIRST READING - BIDG /The Clerk presented Ordinance No,, 1147 for a first reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITE' OF HUIVU GTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 81..12. 3 OF THE HUNTIPCxTON BEACH ORDINANCE GODS fl ;n All Councilmen stipulated that they had rend the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents. therein. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lem an, the oral first reading o Ordinance No. 11.47 was waived,, Mot -ion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 114 -,FIRST READING -- SALARY The Clerk presented Ordinance No,. 1149 for a first reading - "AN ORDINANCE del' THE CTIN' OF' HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST ANT) AT,4ENDING ARTICLE 157 AND 158 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH OTHT����1-�sgANCE ��ODEREUTING TO SALARY CLASSIFICATIONS, ALLOCATIONS, ND ��gg� All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance In lull and were aware of the contents therein,. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, the oral first reading -of Ordinance No, 1149 waswaived. Motion carried The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1150 for a first reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REUITI G TO TRAIL- Z PARKS; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BE�,.C'H ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 87 AND ADDING ARTICLE 818 AND SECTIONS THEREOF." All Councilmen stipulated that they had read. the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents therein. On. motion by Stewart, seconded by T €be.r t, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1150 was waived,, Motion, carried¢ .,5151 Page pl`l -� .nut s" June 4, 1965 av,*rAVY,vV•h'��r�.t ��� �w�.w.�,w< ....ai�����uii..+o,.....M.MAN»�ww,w.v?.w.��wnw.�wavc��ti`t�: MMn�. ,i.���t�i�x�v�.p. _.+..+waVa♦♦w:. 'he Clerk presented Ordinance Nos 1148 for a first reading - "AIN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGfON BEACH ADOPTING A BUDGET POR THE CITY H1' HUNTINGTON BEACH IN THE FISCAL YEAR .1965m1 6b. "a 'zh`' il'i or£♦.ed .he t1hwt the matter was i3pe.a for di:r, US,a,..i'a Th�. C.t�• $��:..� � � .s.o-.;�::\`� \a�$._ �.Z�i.�'.�_,a.�: '%t�• ,1te �`.t�La �:'e`�?:na � " ♦ tqt r `.. '�L' Z ri; Budget a'C ♦\� t . C7` �\,t tY p ?.Z a'� 2 tt' \ j' C \y `� {♦ ..fit this �,`4..�.�:,-,��♦t ::omm-:�d tea :.� � 1�i\`g a w�.\ �� fir, \A z�4 C Z..A � astt�:� �.� � r�".'.x �:. as ". si:d 3re,dl b-Coun?E £.l t.a adlop :o.n f��" "ahei Budget Co alei -mrat ed amended prior to the second reading., Also discussed were Recreation and Park requests, street cleaning equipment for the Hunting -ton Continental Tracts, and th6 possible. expansion of the Lake Hark Clubhouse. All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance i.n'full and were aware of the contents therein. n motion by Lambert, seconded 'by Stewart, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 11.48 was waived. Lotion carried. ,.♦ \ tt \ t ` t 2 1 A C t rt...� t♦. �♦ �t t .A. A♦v`i Z t n motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Resolution Nop 2184 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTI OF HIT.NTINGTON BEACH. RE- LATING TO PROJECTS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE NATIONAL RIVERS AND HARBORS CONGRESS AT THEIR 52ND NATIONAL CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN _' ASHI HTON" D.C. ON DUNE B-ll � 19 5�": which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by ahem, was passed and adopted by the following roll. call vote AYES- Councilmen: Stewart, Lambert, Shipley "DOES : Councilmen,. None ABSENT; Councilmen: Welch, Gisler tZ gat r $ a E t' : a R a.��mahvu.��.emw:::<::,...,..H:,. �.u...... ,m...,,�,:>;:...... ..' --____ ♦wvs�. �,v.•:•.wr...�.tw •m.�.t�.:;:::< tla motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No. 2155 ® "A RESOLUTION E THE, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITE OF HUNTIN TON EFT RE- LATING TO SETBACK AT 16911 BOLSA CHICA, IN THE CITY OF HUNT'IHETON H&AEH. "r which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read b -them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES- Councilmen: Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen; Beane ABSENT, Councilmen. Welch, Gisler n..w..�:::..,..,,.......,w.«< ------ ;. tvw.:.w.+..v.. vaa:...aaa..�.,rn........,.V..::w....�. r.:. ,...au.♦w..wwwu=ae� On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Resolution Nye. 2186 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY O 'HUNTINGTON BEACH, HALIFOR I.A� € ERI H� CALLING" PROVIDING H AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGT€3N BEACH ON THE 10th DAY OF AUGUST, 1965, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY A PROPOSITION TO AMEND THE CITY CHARTER OF SAID CITY.," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and _read by -them, was; passed and adopted by the following roll cell vote AYES: € ounci.lme e Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES. Councilmen: Non ABSENT: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler 2':' On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No. 2187 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGT N BEACH SUPPORTING AB 54 RELATING TO SALARY PAY 01' LOYEES WHILE O MILITARY DUTY'," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll gall vote-. AYES < Councilmen: Stewart, Lambert, ShipleY NOES- Councilmen; None ABSENT- Councilmen - Welch, Gisler 01-6tiou by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Resolution No. 2188 ® "A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO PUBLIC AGENCIES SUPPLYI IG WATf+1 D OPPOSINf:, SIB 687,11 hick had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read b there, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote, AYES,Councilmen: NOES, Lo€ar€ci. men ABSENT � Councilmen: l men RESOLUTION NO. 2189 Stewart, Lambert, Shipley Non Welch, Gisler n motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No. 2189 - "A RES011TION OF TRE CITY COUNCIL Or, THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OPPOSING SB 9954 which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote - AYES: Councilmen: NOESCouncilmen; ABSENT: Councilmen: 'Meter , Lamberts Shipley None Welch, Gisler On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No. 2190 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' HUNTI GTO BEACH DE- CLARING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST ANC NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR STREET ANND DRAINAGE I ZOVE tE TS .€4.; AUTHORIZINNIG THE ACQUISITION OF SUCH PROPERTY By CONDEMNATION OR NEGOTIATION AND DIRECTING ITS ATTORNEY TO PROCEED WITH SUCH ACTI N of which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote - AYES: Councilmen: Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- CouncilmenNone ABSENT: Councilmen, Welch, Gisler ..:R S$-IX2 a:ON NO. 202 ta.Ll �P¢;C 8 On motion bv Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No.. 2192 @ "A RES0113TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL € F THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMIEN14 INN CLASS SPECIFICATIONS OF THE POSITIONS CIF` POLICE14AN AND FTREMAN- HOSEMAN BY AMENDING FIVLOYpMENT STANDARDS," hich had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them., was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote. YES— Councilmen; Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen - None ABSENT- Councilmen, Welch, Gisler, On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council approved a one year renewal pop . °act with Assistant Civil Defense Director Claude Jones or 1 month, beginning July 1, 1965, and authorized the Mayer and City Clerk to exegete same on behalf of the Citya Motion carried. Page 7,4 -- Minutes, dune 4, l_ 65 The City Administrator informed the Council that on August 3 d, Huntington Beach Pilot will publish a. special edition n nt'i.tl d "Your Community and You," and requested direction concerning the placing of an advertisement for the City in this edition. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council referred the matter to the Chamber € f Commerce for possible insertion of an ad in the Huntington Beach Pilot. Motion carried. BLDG DIRECTOR TO CONFEE,ENCE- 1- tin motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council authorized the Building Director, to attend the international Conference of Building } a.i � aR ''Y�$ 2'� �.a Octobe �� .?a , �.°.6—g �:�.ta.a a"�3 $:*onanib ILe n motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council authorized the Purchasing Agent to negotiate the purchase of fireworks for the annul_ 4Lb of July Celebration, in the amount of 12 0� Motion carried. f �} The City Administrator presented a request from the Ocean View School District to acquire Lot 8, Bloch D, Tract 281 as a part of their school site 41, located ai the southwest corner of Edwards and. Slater Streets.The Administrator stated that the City recently acquired this list through tax sale and recommended that the lot he sold to the School District at the same negotiated price of other parcels acquired in this area for a park site. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council referred the request to purchase property for Ocean View School site 31, to the City Administrator to handle. Motion carried. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council authorized the employment of Roderick E. Rieger in the position on of Hoseman, Range 38-A, in the Fire Department, effective Nuns 6, 1965. Motion carried. Of motion by Stewart, seconded by classification for Fireman -Trainee Certified List. Motion carried. Lambert, Council directed that a be established, together with a PERSONNEL m BOUCHER RECLASSIFICATION ® E D ` n € otion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council authorized the reclassification of Barrel P. Boucher from the position of Hoseman to Fire Engineer, Range 39® , in the Fire Department, effective June 1, 1965. Motion carried n�~motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council authorized the employment of Mike R6 he ees as part-time Draftsman in the Planning Department at $2.50 per hour, effective June 1.6, 1965. Motion carried. KASSAN TO USC COURSE On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council. authorized Art Kassan to attend a course in Traffic Estimation at the University _ of Southern California, July 21, 22, 23, 1,965, with the enrollment fee of $25.00, reason -able expenses and travel. by City vehicle allowed. Motion carried. Page -#l8 - Minutes, June 4, 1965 The City Administrator read a .fetter from the State Compensation Insurance Fund stating that the City had qualified for a dividend of 818s433.28 on its policy for the period ending my 1, 1964, and requesting -that congratulations to City employees responsible for the achievement in accident prevention be extended. n € otion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council directed that n copy of the letter from the State Compensation Fund be included in all City employee per'" chocks with a note from the City Administrator. Motion carried, ,'SAE 11 €1 - VAR _SITE FEES On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Resolution No. 2195 - "A RESOLUTION F' THE CI11Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF HU TINGTOX BEACH SUPPORTING THE ENACTMENT OF ASSEMBLY BILL 1150 ESTABLISHING TILE RIGHT OF MUNICIPALITIES TO REQUIRE RESIDENTIAL LAND DE 'ELO E S T EITHER DONATE LAND FOR. PARKS OR PAY A FEE FOR SAME.," which had here- tofore been submitted to the Council and read by thee, was leased and adopted by the following roll call vote AYES- Councilmen: Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen: None .ABSENT: Councilmen: Welch, GJ_ len -PLANNING COM!� IISSIEN SOLI cr ESTABLISHED - LOT WIDTHS On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council established n firm policy on minimum lot area and minimum lot widths, as follows Lots € ithin each block- shall average 60 feet in width with 6000 square feet of lot area. The minimum lot shall not be less than 50 feet wide with 5000 square feet of lot area, Motion carried. «..,......,.w,-w;.,�..:r..,>�...�.,,..u... .:::...tom:....:ttit�t.�:;..R..::.:.�....... :..�.:...�z��z...- tin motion, by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council wended the Agreement between the City and Polynesian Traders to cover rent on an easement, to stipulate proper insurance requirements previously omitted and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on 'behalf of -the City. Motion carried. On motion moving of Library to ADJOUIRNED On motion meeting of adjourned. .ATTEST by Lambert, seconded by StOvart', Council authorized the the Assistant City Attorney, the Legal Secretary and La, Stewart, the regular adjourned City of Huntington Beach was City Clerk and ex-offtc10 Clerk of the City Council of the City BST Huntington Beach, California � �*----------;a � `-- �x a - A S1 i VT �Iy t r r t y tl. rk by Lambert, seconded by the City Council of the Motion carried. , zi: - 0