HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-07-19MINUTES Council Chamber, Oivic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, July 19, 1965 Mayor Shipley called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Thomas W. Overton, Minister of the First Christian Church of Huntington Beach. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley Councilmen Absent: None MINUTES On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, the minutes o£`:the regular meeting of July 6, 1965 were approved as transcribed and mailed. Motion carried. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, the monthly reports of the Chief of Police, City Treasurer, Collector, and Chamber of Commerce Manager for June, 1965, were approved and ordered filed. Motion carried. ;3,�- OCEAN VIEW LITTLE LEAGUE - KEMSLEY CARNIVAL On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council granted a request from the Women's Auxiliary of the Ocean View Little League to sponsor the Kemsley Shows at their annual carnival.on August 26th through'29tb at a location to be determined later, and waived permit fees therefore. Motion carried. 7 HERCULES CONSTRUCTION - TEMPORARY OFFICE TRAILER On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Council authorized the Hercule Construction Company to use a merchandising trailer for sales purposes on a temporary basis for a six months period, at the site of Tracts 5523 and 6003 on Brookhurst Street, subject to their posting with the City Treasurer a.cash bond in the sum of $1,000.00 to guarantee removal when required by the City. Motion carried. rc,y HUNTINGTON HARBOUR - RECREATION PLAN APPROVED On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council approved plans pre- sentby the Huntington Harbour Corporation covering recreation imps ments to be constructed on Lot 4 of Tract 5775 in their develop- ment'. Motion carried. �/ HIGH RISE PROTEST - MRS. BLOODWORTH Oft motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, a communication from Mrs. Joseph Bloodworth, 112 eighth Street, City, protesting the construction of proposed high rise apartments on the beach side of Ocean Boulevard westerly of the City Pier, was ordered received and filed. Motion carried. 1,7 NEWPORT WEST HOMEOWNERS ASSN - CONCERN OF CONDITIONS IN CITY On motion by Welch, seconded by Lambert, the various items contained in a letter from the Newport West Homeowners Association concerning conditions in their section of the City, were referred to the Director of Public Works to investigate and report to Council. Motion carried. Z9Z Page #2 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 WESTERN MISSIONARY .ARMY - NOTICE TO SOLICIT RECEIVED & FILED On motion by Stewart., seconded by Gisler, a letter from the Western Missionary Army of Los Angeles requesting the City to issue an exempt certificate X,or 6olicitation by their organization in the City was received and oi°dered filed. Motion carried. :PROTEST - KIM LANE CUL-DE-SAC INSTALLATION On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, a letter of protest from residents of Kim Lane and Rhone Lane in the Sol Vista Subdivision north of Heil.Avenue, to the termination of and installation of a cul-de-sac at the end of Kim Lane and the construction of apartments ,adjacent to and directly north of Kim Lane, was received and referred to the City Planning Commission for study. Motion carried. t)r P'ROTEST - BEACH HIGH RISE - RENFRO On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, a letter from Mrs. J. H. Renfro, 508 California Street, City, protesting the proposed erection of apartment buildings on the ocean side of Ocean Avenue, westerly of the City Pier, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. ,/6SUPPORTING BEACH HIGH RISE - KIRCHMEYER On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, a letter from the Ken Kirchmeyer Construction Company of Huntington Beach supporting the developers in the proposed erection of apartment buildings on the ocean side of Ocean Avenue, westerly of the City Pier, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried, fF 4::ALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH -- SOUND TRUCK FOR DUBS - AUTH on motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Council granted the request tof 'the Calvary Baptist Church of Huntington Beach to use a sound truck on July 26b, August 2nd,9L" and16t between the hours of 9;00 Aa,M.-and 5:00 P.M., for the purpose of advertising their Daily Vacation Bible School, and directed that permit fees be waived. Motion carried, fy),-RIVATE PATROL - STATEWIDE - DENIED A communication from Mrs, Clarence C. Hultquist representing Statewide Special Patrol Service of Buena Park, California, requesting a Certificate of Need and Necessity to operate in the City of Hunting- ton Beach, together with a business license, was presented by the City Clerk for'donsideration of the Council. On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council denied the request from Statewide Special Patrol Service for a Certificate of Need and Necessity on the grounds that there were sufficient private patrol services operating in the City, and the need and necessity for an additional one could not be justified. Motion carried. Following the passage of the foregoing motion, Mr. Hultquist addressed the Council and objected to the denial. He was informed by the City Administrator that the City presently has six other private patrol services serving it, and that there was no. justification for licensing others. fl CITY EMPLOYEES ASSN. - PERSONNEL SALARY ORDINANCE , The Clerk read a letter from the City Employees Association request- ing that Council take action -and give favorable consideration to the Personnel Ordinance which had been submitted to the Council for adoption. Mr. Daryl Smith of the Association addressed the Council and informed thew that the Employees Association felt that the inequities covered in the proposed Personnel Ordinance were justified and further re- quested the Council to act on the matter. �� 3 Page //3 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council directed that action on the proposed Personnel Ordinance be deferred until final figures on the City's tax revenue had been received from the County and the State - probably at the second meeting in August. Motion carried. ,t> ALCO-PACIFIC RE2 TO WITHDRAW PROTEST - TRACT 5601 DEFERRED The Clerk presented.a letter from Alco-Pacific Construction Company, Inc. of Westminster, California, requesting permission to withdraw, their protest to the.payment of business license fees for their Tract No. 5601. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council continued action on this request until the regular meeting of August 2, 1965.. Motion carried. 71 HUNTINGTON EAST HOMEOWNERS - FAVOR KAR.LSEN ART COLLECTION - MUSEUM' The Clerk presented a letter from the Huntington East Homeowners Association informing the Council t.hk'.;their organization is in full support of a.museum to house the Karlsen Art Collection which has been offered to the City, but protesting any use -of tax revenue of the City for such project. On motion by Lambert, seconded by. Stewart, the letter from the Huntington East Homeowners Association was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. I/ TREES IN PARKWAYS - REQUEST REFERRED TO DPW The Clerk presented a letter from Dr..Donald A. O.leson, 22111 Islander Lane, City, concerning the planting of trees in the parkways of the Newport West Tract. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, the letter from Dr. Oleson was received :and referred to the Director of Public.:Works for investi- gation and possible action. Motion carried.. /� RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS - REFERRED FOR. STUDY The Clerk presented a letter from the Recreation and Parks Commission recommending the appointment of Mr. Fred W. Cleland, 220 Springfield Street, and Mrs. Norma Gibbs, 17087 Westport Drive, to the Commission to fill the unexpired terms of Donald A. Shipley and Robert Pestolesi respectively. On motion by Lambert,.seconded by Gisler, the recommendation of the Recreation and Parks Commission was referred to the Council as a whole for study. Motion carrid. F.A.A. REGULATIONS - FLIGHT RULES - RECEIVED.& FILED The Clerk read a communication from the Federal Aviation Agency concernifng,F.A.A, regulation covering general operating and flight rules for planes and helicopters. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, the communication from the Federal Aviation Agency was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Shipley announced that this was the time for Oral Communications, when any person having a matter to bring before the Council.could address the Council in regard thereto. 179 CATERING TRUCK - PARKING REQUEST .- DENIED Mr. Ernest Zimmerman, operator of a catering truck in the City, addressed the Council and requested that the ban which had been imposed on parking in front of the Douglas Space and,Missile'Cetter be lifted to allow catering trucks to operate at this location. �94 Page #4 - Minutes, July 1.9, 1965 The City Administrator read a report from the Chief of Police recommending That ng waiver of the parking regulations ,on Bolsa Avenue be granted, The Director of Public Works presented a report from the Traffic Engineer regarding the parking problem on Bolsa Avenue and also recommending that no waiver of the parking regulations on Bolsa Avenue be granted,, On Motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council denied the re- quest of Mr. Zimmerman for waiver of parking regulations on Bolsa Avenue at the Douglas Plant, Motion carried. c.)l NOISE COMPLAINT - AIR CONDITIONER - SPEEDEE MART Mrs, Blanche Sands, 9441. Molokai Drive, City, addressed the Council and registered a complaint against the noise created by an air conditioning unit on an adjacent Speedee Mart grocery store. Following some discussion by the: Council and the Director of Public Works, on motion by Lambert; seconded by belch, Council directed the City Attorney to take all necessary steps to abate the nuisance under the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING _. ZONE CASE NO. 307 - APPROVED 1� Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and the hour for a public hearing on Resolution, No. 507 of the City Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone We No, 607, on property located at the northeast corner of Springdale Street and Bolsa Avenue, and directed the Clerk to read the legal. notice, The Cleric read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No® 507, as published in the Huntington Beach News. on July Sg 1965, setting the hour of 700 P$&, or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday the 19th day of July., 19650 in ibe Counci.i. Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a Resolution of f n.tent for change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance from; C2 Community Business District, to; R3 Limited Minitiple Family Residence District. The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Directors transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No� 5079 and stated t.ha:t, he had received no communications or written protests to the Zone Case or to the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Theme being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or writtea, the hearing was closed by the Mayon, On motion by Stewart;, seconded by Lambert, Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No� 07 Motion carTr:ied� PUBLIC HF',ARI:];0 - Z0NE C'',- ACTION CONTINUED Mayor :Shippey announced that this was the day and the hour for. 'a public. hearing on Re solution No, 520 of the City Planning Commission recommending approval of Zone Case No� 520, on property located on the north and south ;ides of Atlanta Avenue and east of Brookhurst Street, and +directed. the Clerk to read the legal notice® Z95 Page #5 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 520, as published in the Huntington Beach News on July 8, 1965, setting the hour of 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 191 day of July, 1965, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a Resolution of Intent for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance, from; RA-0 Residential Agricultural District, to:. Rl Single Family Residence District, R2 Two Family Residence District and C2 Community Business District, with setback provisions. The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission, recommending approval of Zone Case No. 520, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the Zone Case or to the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Robert Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, addressed the Council and inquired as to the required change in the Master Plan. The Planning Director informed Mr. Dingwall that the zone change did conform with the Master Plan. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council continued action on Zone Case No. 520 until Council determination of Use Variance - UV #835 on the Agenda under Planning items. Motion carried. r�r PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE NO. 521 - DENIED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution No. 521 of the City Planning Commission, recommending denial of Zone Case No. 521, on property located at the southwest corner of Seventeenth Street and Delaware Avenue, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 521, as published in the Huntington Beach News on July 8, 1965, setting the hour of 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday the 19th day of July, 1965, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, for the purpose of considering a Resolution of Intent for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance, from: R2 Two Family Residence District, to:iCl Neighbor- hood Commercial, District, with setback provisions. The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission, recommending denial of Zone Case No. 521, and read a letter from W. F. Kartozian, Attorney for P. J. Maddox, requesting withdrawal of their application for zone change in Zone Case No. 521. The Clerk stated that he had received no further communication or written protests to the Zone Case or to the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council concurred with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and denied Zone Case No. 521. Motion carried. 96 Page #6 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 "j BIDS -- SIGNALIZATION - BOLSA AVE & EDWARDS ST - PHOENIX ELECTRIC The Clerk presented bids for signalization at the intersection of Bolsa Avenue and Edwards Street, which had been opened at the in- formal meeting of the Council at 7:00 A.M. on July 19, 1965, as follows: t- Paul Gardner Corp - Ontario s,�141170.00 Hahn, William R. Electric - La Habra $„-131920.00 Johnson, E. D. & Co - Anaheim C,.d4, 925.00 Phoenix Electric Service - Long Beach C131678.00 Steiney & Mitchell - Los Angeles 13,840.00 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works informing Council that the bids for the signalization of the inter- section of Balsa Avenue and Edwards Streed had been reviewed and found to be in order and recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder Phoenix Electrical Service Company for the bid in the amount of h3,678.00. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council awarde-d the bid for signalization of the intersection of Bolsa Avenue and Edwards Street, to the low bidder - Phoenix Electrical Service Company, for the bid in the amount of $'13,678.00; rejected all other bids; and authorized the return of bid bonds to the unsuccessful bidders upon execution of the contract. Motion carried. �f USE VARIANCE - UV 835 - REFERRED BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director of Conditional Exception - UV #835 requested by Essex Land Company of Los Angeles, California, for various deviations to the Rl Single Family Residence District, R2 Two Family Residence District and C2 Community Business District requirements and the Subdivision Ordinance for Tentative Tract Map No. 5978, with a recommendation for approval with conditions as stipulated, from the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, City addressed the Council and protested the granting of the variance to allow the placing of units side by side with no side yard setback -.- Mr. Eli Broad of Essex Land Company addressed the Council and ex- hibited drawings of the proposed development, showing the location of units in relation to other units, streets, alleys; etc. Mr. John Knapp of the Huntington Continental Townhouse Association, addressed the Council to inquire whether -the project would have rolled curbs. When informed by Mr. Broad that it would not, he registered an objection to the granting of the variance. Following further discussion by seconded by Welch, the Council Conditional Exception - UV #835 Commission for further study. the Council, on motion by Lambert, directed that the application for be returned to the Planning Motion carried. UV #842 - REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director of Conditional Exception - UV #842 requested by Chrysler, Wiebach, Von Schlatter of Newport Beach, involving exception& to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code for Tentative Tract Map No. 3274, with a recommendation for approval with conditions as stipulated, from the Planning Commission. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, Conditional Exception - UV #842 was denied. Motion carried. 97 Page //7 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 Mr. Wiebach then addressed the Council and informed them that his firm proposes to make changes in the plans presented for Council consideration, and requested that, instead of denying the variance, the Council refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for additional study. On motion by.Welch, seconded by Stewart, Council rescinded the action taken in the previous motion to deny the variance. Motion carried. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council directed.that Conditional Exception - BY #842 and Tentative Tract Map No. 3274 be referred back.to the Planning Commission for further study. Motion carried. ,1� TRACT MAP #4708 - MACCO REALTY CO The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director, submitting final form of Tract Map No. 4708, for adoption: Developer: Macco Realty Company, Corona del Mar; Engineer: Voorheis- Trindle-Nelson, Inc., Westminster; Location: North of Yorktown Avenue, approximately 478 feet west of Ward Street; Legal Descrip- tion: Being a proposed subdivision of a portion of the S" of the NWY of Section 5-6-10; Number of Lots: 94; Total Acreage: 18.852; that the map had been certified by the City Engineer and the Secretary to the Planning Commission to be true and correct in accordance with provision of the City Subdivision Code. The City Council may accept dedication as shown on the map and in addition approve the Final Map, subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated requirements: 1m Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2a Bond for improvements. 3. Signature of agreement. 4. Certificate of Insurance. 5. Approval from County Surveyor. 6. Bond for monuments. 7. Deed for underground water rights. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map No. 4708, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. REIMB - SULLY MILLER CO - ASSESS DIST-.6302 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a request for payment to Sully Miller Contracting Company in the amount of $7,414.47 for the City's share in work completed in Assessment District 6302, previously authorized by°Resolution of Intention No. 1990 dated June 15, 1965; together with Resolution No. 2208,. .3,•�» ` On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, Resolution No. 2208 "A' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGrTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Lambert -seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the payment of $4,270.55 from the Water Fund to Sully Miller Contract- ing Company for work completed on Assessment District 6302. Motion carried. _ 298 Page #8 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 q'j GRAHAM ST TRUNK SEWER CC-019 CONSTRUCTION The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Plans and Specification, Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, and Resolution establishing wages for the construction of the Graham Street Trunk Sewer CC-019. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council approved the plans and specifications for the construction of the Graham Street Trunk Sewer CC-019. Motion carried. On motion.by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Resolution No. 2210 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMA,IIT OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND -INSTALLATION OF A VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE TRUNK SEWER AND MANHOLES IN GRAHAM STREET BETWEEN EDINGER AVENUE AND BOLSA AVENUE, ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA," which had previously been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: -Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council directed the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of the Graham Street Trunk Sewer CC-019. Motion carried. DPW TO CONFERENCE —UCLA The Clerk presented a letter from the Director of Public Works requesting permission to attend the Biennial Conference on Ground Water to be convened at U.C.L.A. on September 1 and 2, 1965. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the Director of Public Works to attend the Biennial Conference on Ground Water, with transportation and reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried, jo DEED ACCEPTED - DUTCH HAVEN HOMES - 210 PARCELS On motion by Welch, seconded by Lambert, Council accepted a deed from Dutch Haven Homes, Inc. to the City, for 210 parcels of land located at the Southwest corner of Slater and Edwards Streets for a park site, and directed the City Clerk to return the deed to the Escrow Agent for recording. Motion carried. p, DEED ACCEPTED - FLOOD CONTROL DIST R%W On motion by Lambert, seconded by ment deed from the Orange County for construction of Saybrook Lane and directed the Clerk to record Orange.County. Motion carried. q DEEDS ACCEPTED - TO RECORDER Gisler, Council accepted an ease - Flood Control District to the City within the District's right-of-way, same with the County Recorder of On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council -accepted the following deeds and directed the Clerk to record same with the County RecQ,rder of Orange County: . M;r (a) Arthur M. and Mary E. Hiroshima to the City for Street right - of --way at the southwest corner of Warner Avenue and Edwards Street. (b) D Haven Homes Inc. to the City for Street right-of-way, reservoir and exchange purposes, at the southwest corner of Cannery Street and Banning Avenue. (c) Leroy B. and Yolando Collins, and Sergre and Charlotte_ Zweibel to the City for Street right-of-way at the southwest corner of Talbert Avenue and Beach Boulevard. Z99 Page #9 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 (d) Laura Har er to the City for D05 Drainage 5 - Sewer District #1, on the east side of Bushard Street, south of Garfield Avenue. (e) Laura Har er to the City for the Flounder Drive Pump Station, on the eas side of Bushard Street. (f) S. V. Hunsaker & Sons to the City for underground water in Tract No. 5602. Motion carried. REIMB AGREEMENTS - SOUTH SHORE HOMES The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Reimbursement Agreements No. 121, 122 and 126 between the City and South Shore Homes, with a recommendation that the agreements be approved and execution authorized. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council approved the reimbursement agreements with South Shore Homes, and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the documents on behalf of the City. Motion carried. WATER - SEWER -DRAINAGE REIMB - SOUTH SHORE TRACTS The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Resolutions to cover authorization for reimbursement for offsite and oversize water and sewer lines and construction of drainage facilities for South Shores Tracts (Kenneth W. Koll.), with a recommendation for such authorization, as follows: Water Fund Sewer Fund Drainage Area No. 6A Fund 3 11,721.97 $ 19,84.5.78 $ 197902.00 On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized re- imbursement from the Water Fund to Joseph W. Aidlin, Trustee on an assignment of claim from South Shores Homes, in the amount of $11,721.97. Motion carried.. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Resolution No. 2211 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND,':' which had heretofore been presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Resolution No. 2212 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE DRAINAGE AREA NUMBER 6A FUND,""which had heretofore been presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None WALL CLOSURE - STANFORD LANE The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a petition signed by residents of Standord Lane between McFadden Street and Citadel Drive, requesting a closure of the walkway through the wall at the Stanford Lane cul-de-sac; with a recommendation that Council authorize such closure upon receipt of funds from the resi- dents to cover construction costs. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council authorized the Department of Public Works to proceed with the work of closing the walkway through the wall at the Stanford Lane cul-de-sac upon receipt of funds from the residents involved. Motion carried. 300 Page #10 -- Minutes, July 19, 1965 10 SIGNALS - PROG PMT &g - INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTING The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Monthly Progress Estimate No. 2 for work completed on the installation of signals at various intersections in the City, with a recommendation that payment be authorized to Industrial Contracting Company in the amount of $5,928.24. On motion by Stewart, seconded by.Gitl:er., Council authorized the payment of Progress Estimate No. 2 to Industrial Contracting Comgp"y in the amount of $5,928,24, Motion carried© . SIGNALS - CHANGE ORDER 21 - SAM PEARCE The Clerk presented a letter from the Director of Public Works in- forming Council that work on signal improvements CC-023 had been completed by Sam Pearce Company under Change Order No. l to Industrial Contracting Company, and recommending that payment be authorized directly to Sam Pearce Company in the amount of $9,189.75. On motion by Welch, seconded by Lambert, Council authorized the payment of $9,189.75 to Sam Pearce Company for work performed on signal improvements CC-023 under Change Order No. 1 to Industrial Contracting Company. Motion carried. RECESS Mayor Shipley celled a recess of the Council at 9:17 P.M. RECONVENED Council was reconvened at 9:46 P.M. by the Mayor. TRAFFIC PROBLEM - MEADOWLARK & GRAHAM —STOPS AUTH The Clerk informed the Council that a traffic problem at Meadowlark and Graham Streets had been presented to the Council under Oral Communications at the last regular meeting by Mrs. Jean Felton, 5441 Meadowlark Street, City, and that action on the matter had been deferred to this meeting, The Director of Public Works presented a report on the prob-1em involved, and making recommendations for the -installation of'islands at two corners of the intersection to.permit better view for traffic approaching and entering same. Mrs. Jean Felton addressed the Council and informed them that the people in the area feel that 4-way stop signs should be installed to properly control traffic at the intersection. Mrs, Josephine Greely addressed the Council to state that she believed it mould be necessary to install 4-way signs at the inter- section for proper control.. Mr. Alexander Simon, 16302 Hollywood Lane, City, addressed the Council to request that 4-way stop signs be installed at the inter- section. Mr. Glen Swigart, 5420 Meadowlark Street, City, addressed the Council to request the installation of 4-way stop signs at the intersection. Mr. Robert Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, City, addressed the Council to give support to the residents requesting the 4-way stop. Mrs. Thomas Livengood, 5461 Meadowlark Street, City, addressed the Council to request the installation of 4-way stop signs at the inter- section Mr. Jack Huntington, 5471 Meadowlark Street, City, addressed the Council to request the installation of 4-way stop signs at the intersection. 30:1 Page #11 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 Following considerable discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Gisler, seconded by Shipley, that the Director of Public Works be directed to cause stop signs to be installed at all four corners of the intersection of Mdadowlark and Graham Streets, together with the islands proposed to increase the view at this corner. Motion carried. STOP SIGNS AUTH - DAVENPORT AT EDINGER On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Council directed the Director of Public Works to have stop signs installed on Davenport Drive on both sides of Edgewater Drive. Motion carried. ,pe,,DEEDS ACCEPTED - HUNTINGTON CONTINENTAL The Clerk presented the grant deeds for the streets in Huntington Continental Townhouse Units #1 and #2 to the Council for their consideration. He informed them that action had been deferred on this matter at the meeting of July 6, 1965, pending receipt of policies of Title Insurance, and stated that he had received preliminary title reports which had been checked by the City:,Attorney. . Mr. R. F. Neuman, Attorney for the Huntington Continental Hom-eowners Associations for Units #1 and #2, addressed the Council and stated that it was his understanding that Council would accept the pre- liminary title reports, and that he was not aware°that they -had required policies of title insurance for the properties. Mr. Jerry Madney, President of Huntington Continental Unit #2 Home- owners Association, addressed the Council to request that they accept the deeds for the streets. Mr. Robert Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, City, addressed the Council to urge them to accept :the streets. Following discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Welch, seconded by Gisler, that Council accept the deeds for the streets in Huntington Continental Townhouse Units #1 and #2 from the Town- house Association, and direct the City Clerk to record same with the County Recorder of Orange County. Motion carried. 1 UV #782 GRANTED - HUNTINGTON HARBOUR The Clerk presented a Conditional Exception - UV #782 requested by Huntington Harbour Corporation for Council consideration. Action on this matter had been deferred at the meeting of February 15, 1965, until de -annexation of the property from Orange County Sanitation District No. 11 could be accomplished, and the Clerk informed the Council that the County Board of Supervisors had authorized this at their last meeting. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council granted Conditional Exception - UV #782, with conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. DEED ACCEPTED - MURDY PARK PARCEL B-117 The Clerk presented a letter from Land Acquisition Service in Santa Ana, transmitting a deed from Gladys Fillmore Dowell to the City for a one -quarter interest in Parcel B-117 in the Murdy Park Site, at a ,cost of $112.50.' On motion by Stewart, seconded by Lambert, Council accepted the deed from Gladys Fillmore Dowell to the City for Parcel B-117 in the Murdy Park Site, and directed the Clerk to return same to Land Acquisition Service for recording; and authorized payment to Mrs. Dowell in the amount of $112.50 upon return of the deed to the City after recording. Motion carried. 302 Page #12 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 A41 GREEMENT - FOUNTAIN VALLEY - TRAFFIC SIGNALS The Clerk presented a letter from the City of Fountain Valley trans- mitting executed copies of an agreement between that City and the City of Huntington Beach covering the installation of traffic signals at the intersections of Warner Avenue and Cannery Street, and Brookhurst Street and Garfield Avenue, On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the joint agreements between the City and Fountain Valley for installation of traffic signals, and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the documents on behalf of the City. Motion carried. 0 HUNTINGTON PACIFIC CORP - EXT OF AGREEMENT The Clerk presented a letter from the Huntington Pacific Corporation extending provisions relating to the City's maintaining certain structures on the beach westerly of the City Pier beyond June 30, 1965. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Council accepted the extension as set forth in the letter from the Huntington Pacific Corporation. Motion carried. jI ORDINANCE #1154 - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1154 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE NO. 518; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFY- ING SECTION 9061 - DW25 (Sectional District Map 22-5-11).'T On motion by Lambert, seconded by Stewart, Ordinance No, 1154 was gassed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None If,. ORDINANCE #1155 - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1155 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REPEALING CHAPTER. 64; AMENDING CHAPTER 63 ENTITLED 'PARKING' AND ARTICLES 631, 632, 633 and 634, AND SECTIONS OF SAID ARTICLES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE. T' On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Ordinance No. 1155 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 3 RESOLUTION #2213 - ADOPTED - NO STOPPING On motion by Lambert, seconded by Welch, Resolution No. 2213 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO 'NO STOPPING' AT DESIGNATED POINTS ON PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY," which had heretofore been presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 303 Page #13 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 RESOLUTION #2209 - ADOPTED - NO STOPPING V, - On motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Resolution No. 2209 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO 'NO STOPPING' ON BEACH BOULEVARD," which had heretofore been presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None RESOLUTION #2214 - ADOPTED - DESALINIZATION �lOn motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Resolution No. 2214 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SUPPORTING SUPERVISOR DAVID BAKER IN HIS PROPOSAL THAT THE DESALINI- ZATION PLANT BEING CONSIDERED BY THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT BE LOCATED OFF SHORE IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH NEAR THE ENTRANCE TO THE PROPOSED BOLSA CHICA HARBOUR," which had heretofore been presented to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None DOWNTOWN POLICE PATROL -- AUTHORIZED S&I The City Administrator informed the Council that, according to their instructions at the meeting of July 6, 1965, a reserve police officer had been assigned to the downtown area on an experimental basis. Mr. Miller reported that this had worked out very well and recommended that Council authorize continuance of the project for the balance of the summer. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the Chief of Police to keep a lJolice officer in the downtown area for the balance of the summer. Motion carried. AGMT - SPORTS PROGRAMS INC. - SURFING The City Administrator informed the Council that ABC-TV Wide World of Sorts, in the preparation of an agreement to televise the National Surfing Championships, had requested that they be given a first right of refusal for next year's contest at whatever price the Council might demand. On motion by Stewart, seconded by Welch, Council granted a first right of refusal to ABC-TV Wide World of Sports for televising of the 1966 United States Surfing Championships, with the pribe to be subject to negotiation. Motion carried. PERSONNEL RECLASSIFICATION & EMP AUTHORIZED e� On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, the following personnel transactions were approved: (a) Reclassification of Marvin D. Weilenman to Skilled Worker in the Street Division - Public Works Department, Range 34-A, effective July 16, 1965. (b) Employment of Stanley Chambers as Serviceman -Meter Reader in the Water Department, Range 33-A, effective August 1, 1965. (c) Employment of Myron Dabich as Serviceman -Meter Reader in the Water Department, Range 33-A, effective August;l, 1965. (d) Employment of Helen Krelling as Typist Clerk in the Police Department, Range 27--A, effective July 19, 1965. Motion carried. 304 Page #14 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 CITY PROPERTY TRADE DENIED - H. J. BELSHE The City Administrator informed the Council that he had been contacted by Mr. H. J. Belshe regarding the exchange of two lots which he owns for one owned by the City in the vicinity of Goldenwest and Warner Avenues. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council denied 'the request of Mr. Belshe to exchange lots on a one for two basis. Motion carried. j NATIONAL RIVERS & HARBORS CONGRESS - MEMBERSHIP AUTHORIZED JJ1! On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, Council authorized renewal of the City's membership in the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, and directed payment of dues thereto in the amount of $250.00. Motion carried. CLERK TO CITY CLERKS INSTITUTE - BERKELEY On motion by Gisler, seconded by Lambert, Council authorized the City Clerk to attend the meeting of the League of California Cities Committee on City Clerk's Institute in Berkeley on August 4, 1965, with transportation and reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. FIREMAN-HOSEMAN - CERTIFIED LIST On motion by Gisler, seconded by Welch, Council certified an eligibility list of Fireman;Hoseman for the Fire Department. Motion carried. ly H B CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INDUSTRIAL CONTRACT The City Administrator presented a renewal agreement of the contract between the City and the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce for Industridl Promotion on behalf of the City for the year 1965-66, On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler,•Council accepted the renewal agreement between the City and the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City. Motion carried. OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DIST - OFFER TO EXCHANGE PROPERTY The City Administrator presented a request from the -Ocean View School District for an exchange of property between the City and the District in an area adjacent to a new Ocean View school site. On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, Council authorized the City Administrator to negotiate terms for such exchange of property with officials of the Ocean View School District, and present the offer to the Council when completed. Motion carried.. y ADMINISTRATOR VACATION AUTHORIZED' The City Administrator requested that he be authorized to take annual vacation starting August 3, 1965. On motion by Welch, seconded by Stewart, the City Administrator was authorized to take annual vacation beginning August 3, 1965 for a 3 week period. Motion carried. PAYROLL REGISTER a On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the Payroll Register for July 91 1965, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried. WARRANT REGISTERS On motion by Stewart, seconded by Gisler, Council approved the Warrant Registers for July 19, 1965, on recommendation of the Finance Committee.. Motion carried. 305 Page #15 - Minutes, July 19, 1965 INFORMAL MEETING - 8/2/65 Mayor Shipley called a meeting of the Council as an informal Committee - of -the Whole for Monday, August 2, 1965, for a study session,at 7:00 A. ADJOURNED On motion by Lambert, seconded by Gisler, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST; —Paul C. Jones City Clerk sul C. Jones City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Donald D. Shipley Mayor 306