HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-10-05MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY OCTOBER 5 1965 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT. Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin„ COMMISSIONERS ABSENT; Kaufman, Lawson MINUrESS: On motion by Miller and seconded by Worthy, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of September 8, 1965, were accepted as transcribed and mailed by the Secr4tary. USE PERMIT NO,. 65-15 - Continued A licari�-- Huntington Pacific Co . To permit the construction of a planned devel- opment containing 107 apartment units and extending more than 150 ft. from a public street in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District and C-1-0,Neighborhood Commercial District combined with oil production. Located on the south side of Highway #1 between 6th Street and 9th Street Lengthy legal description on file in the Planning Depart. ment Office. The,Planning Director informed the Commission that this item was continued from the September 21st meeting in order to give the State Lands Commission time to investigate the question of State Tidelands as it pertains to this project. He stated that they have not completed their investigation; therefore, this item should be continued to the October 19, 1965 meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON.USE PERMIT NO. 65-.15 TO OCTOBER 19, 1965, FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED REASON. ROLL CALL VOTE; AYES- Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin. NOES- None. ABSENT: Kaufman, Lawson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO. 849 -, continued ADolicant - Roman Catholic Church To allow the construction of a churchy school, and related structures in the MI -A Restricted Manufacturing District, Located on the south side of Atlanta Avenue, approximately 990 feet west of Cannery Street and legally described as the W�, W 2, NEB, NEk, Section 13-6-11. -1., 10/5/65 Pa a No. 2 MUutes: H.B. Planningg Commission Tuesday, October 5, 1965 The Secretary read a telegram from Roger M. Sullivan, Attorney, representing the Roman Catholic Archbishop, requesting one month continuance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON USE VARIANCE NO. 849 TO NOVEMBER 2, 1965s AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT-. Kaufman, Lawson. - THE MOTION CARRIED, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5717 Revised > Continued Number of Lots: 167 Subdivider: Security Fore Corp. Total Acreage: 83 Engineer: Hall, Haynes & Assoc. Located 496 feet south of Indianapolis Avenue, east of Cannery Street and legally described as being a proposed subdivision of a portion of the W2, SW�, Section 7-6-10. The Secretary informed the Commission that Tentative Tract No. 5717 and Use Variance No. 856 pertain to the same parcel of land and the public hearing should be opened to both items4 The Subdivision Committee Report was read by the Secretary. The hearings were opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearings were closed.: A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5717 UPON THE FOLLOW- ING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Map received September 17, 1965, shall be the approved layout. 2s Approval of this Tentative Map shall be null and void unless Use Variance No. 856 is approved by the City Council, 3. All streets shall comply with Department of Public Works Standards.., 4. The flood control channel shall be fenced to Flood,Control District Standards. 5. All utilities shall be installed underground.. 6. The tract shall be approved for construction of single family homes only. 7. All "Standard Conditions of Approval" for tentative tracts that are applicable shall be complied with. 8. A full grown tree as approved -by the Park Supervisor shall be planted-on-eabh.lot. -2- 10/5/65 Page No. 3 Minutes: H.B. Planningg Commission Tuesday, October 5,:1965 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYESo Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin. NOES: None, ABSENT, Kaufman, Lawson. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO.,856 Applicant Security Fore Corp. To allow reduction of street right-of-way as shown on Tentative Map No. 5717 in deviation to the required 60 ft, right-of-way. Located on the east side of Cannery Street, 496 feet south of Indianapolis Avenue and legally described as a portion of the south 50 acres of the N2g SWk and the north 10 acres of the SWk� SWk of Section 7-6-10. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF UV IM 56 TO THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. All streets shall comply with Department of Public Works Stand- ards. 2. A full grown tree as approved by the Park Supervisor shall be planted on each lot. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES, Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin. NOES, None. ABSENT, Kaufman, Lawson. THE MOTION CARRIED, ZONE CASE NO. 539 Applicant Security Fore Corn Change of Zone from R-A-O Residential Agricultural District to R-1 Single Family Residence District, Located on the east side of Cannery Street, 496 feet south of Indianapolis Avenue and legally described as a portion of the south 50 acres of the N2, SWk and the north 10 acres of the SW�, SW�, Section 7-6-10. The Secretary informed the Commission that this agenda item is routine and merely changes the zone on Tentative Tract 5717 to fit the intended use of property. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 539 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone -Case No. 539 to the City Council„ -3- 10/5/65 Page No, 4 Minutes: H.B. Plan in Commission Tuesday, October 5, 1965 A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO., 539 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO, 539 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1, The Master Plan of Land Use designates this area for low density residential uses, 2. This zone change is in accordance with the conditions of approval for Tentative Tract No, 5717, ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, NOES: None. ABSENT: Kaufman Lawson, THE RESOLUTION US ADOPTED. TENTATIVE TRACT MAPNO-* 5500 - Revised - Continued Number of Lots: 35 Subdivider: S.P.I. Development Corp. Total Acreage: 8.4 Engineer: Millet, King and Assoc, Located south of Warner Avenue, 520 feet east of Springdale Street and legally described as being a proposed subdivision of a portion of the NW4, NW-4,, Section 27-5-11, The Secretary informed the Commission that Tentative Tract No. 5500 and Use Variance No, 857 pertain to the same parcel of land and the public hearing should be opened to both items The hearings were opened to the audience, Stewart Bowie, President of S.P.I. Development Corp,, addressed the Commission and asked for clarification of Condition #6 regarding street dedication and improvements along the parcel designated "Not A Part of this Subdivision,." There being no other comment the hearing was closed; A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO, 5500 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1, The Tentative Map received September 23, 1965, shall be the approved layout. 2.. Approval of this Tentative Map shall be null and void unless Use Variance No, 857 is approved by the City Council. 3. All public streets shall comply with City Standards, 4. Disposal of runoff water shall be approved by the Department of Public Works, 5. All utilities shall be installed underground. -4- 10/5%65 Page No. 5 Minutes: JLB.,.*Planning 'Commission Tuesday, October ;�� 1965 6. Warner'.Avenue�larid :Springdale Street shall:,be .dedicated ,and improved:.to ,:City -,S�andards along the parcel, .!designate'd ' "Not A Part of :This ''Subdivision." Dedications shall.,'be made prior to final :recor d,ation of the, subdivision and. a -.bond, shall be posted -,paranteF ;ng : improvements , within tw9 ,!ye,ars d 7. A full -grown .t-ree as :approved by Parka Supervispr: shall;_be planted• on:,eaeh'_lot . 8. All'"Standard .Condi�tonq<.of Approval" for tentative'traots that lare<,,Ia.pplic4ble ,-shall:-be complied. with. ROLL .CALLt,VOTE: AYES: Crabb$ ;',Bali].,' Worthy, Miller, ' Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: :.Kaufman, "1awson. THE, MOTjON'.CARRTED. USE VARIANCE::NO. °'857 A licant ..To -allow reduction o .street righ�of -.way as, shown-.gn:Tentative';'Traof `No..5500 in�-:devl;ati,on=.t.o_.the}require d 60 ft. , in,.tbe:'-R;,3i.Limited,,,Multipl,e Famlly' Reside,nce:*.District. Located on the south --side --6f �rWarner.'Avenue, 520,feet, east of , Springdale Street and legal ,y.'described.:as,:a-,portIon of the;,NW'k, , NWk , ! -9f 'Section 27-5-11. A, MOTION WAS MADE BY'-MILL,ERL'AND.'.SECONDED BY WORTHY ' TO �RECOMMEND'�APPROVAL OF UV #857 TO ; THE ,. CITY :::COUNCIL • UPON THE FOLLOWING' -CONDITIONS: 1.. All- public,,streets, shall comply with City:-Stapdar-ds. 2. A full-grQwnt-trep as, -,approved by; the Park: SuperVisor:zhal,l be planted -.on,. -,each .lot. ROLL ,CALL ,VOTE: AYES: ,.Crabby `,Bath, : Worthy0 Miller* ' Larkin. NOES: None„ ABSENT: .Kaufman Lawson. THE MOTION':CARRtAD', 'TENTATIVE 'TRACT'"MAP,'NO 597 -Revised Number of:.Lots: i05 -Subdivider: Essex Land:Company Total -Acreage: '3fl:64 Engineer: .Bruns,AssodIates Located north of Atlanta'Avenue­and,.east of Brookhurst Street .and :.legally described as being a,proposed subdivision :of ,a_,,port3:on of the SWk, Section 8-6,-10. The "'Secretary informed .tbe �'..Gommmssion that Tentative': Tract',.No4 "978 and Use Variance No. 855 .pertain to the same ,parccl:,,of Jand acid the .public hearing should,,be; opened to both items* .' The - hearings were opened ; to ` the .. audience. -5- i 101.5'165 Page No. 6 Minutes: H.B. Planningg Commission Tuesdays October 5, 1965 Gene Rosenfeld y representing the applicant s addressed the Commission and explained the proposed development. There being no other comment$ the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 5978 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Map received September 30s 1965, shall be the approved layout. 2,. Approval of this Tentative Map shall be null and void unless Use Variance No. 855 is approved by the City Council,. 3. All public streets shall comply with City Standards.. 4. A 6 ft. chain link fence or equivalent shall be constructed along the Southern California Edison Company R/W. 5. The bridge approach on Atlanta Avenue shall be filled and compacted to Department of Public Works Standards. A cash bond guaranteeing improvements of Atlanta Avenue shall be provided. A 6 ft. concrete block wall shall be constructed to Department of Public Works Standards along the top of slope* As an alternate and as approved by the Department of Public Works; Atlanta Avenue right-of-way shall be at the bottom of slope and said wall shall be constructed at bottom of slope, 6. All utilities shall be installed underground. 7„ The tracts except for Lot 158, shall be approved for construction of single family homes only. Lot 158 shall be rectangular as possible. 8„ A petition for rezoning to R-1 shall be filed approximately at the time the final map is recorded and said change of zone shall adjust the R-1 and C.-2 boundaries. 9. 'The' blue border of the tract shall extend to centerline on Brookhurst Street and Atlanta Avenue., 10. The developer shall pay his share of the sewer pump station* 11. A full grown tree as approved by 'ark SuPervisor shall be planted on each loto 12„ All "Standard Conditions of Approval" for tentative tracts that are applicable shall be complied with.' ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabbs Bazily Worthy, Miller,, Larkin* NOES: None., ABSENT: Kaufman Lawson, THE MOTION CARRAD. USE VARIANCE N0. 855 Anulica„at, Essex Land. Comma= To permit the following: 1) 6000 sq,ft. average lot area with 60 ft4 average frontage per block but not less than 5000 sq* ft. or 50 ft. frontage per lot,. 2) Reduction of street -6"-,10/5/65 Page Noo7, Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesdayv October 5. 1965 rights -of -.way as shown on Tentative Map No. 5978 in deviation to the required 60 ft. rights-of-wayo 3) A 10 ft, minimum front yard setback for fences not over 6 ft. and for garages with a side approach may be permitted; however, for garages entered directly from the street'•a minimum 22 ft# front yard setback shall be provided. 4) A minimum 3 ft4, side yard may be permitted on one side of a lot pro- vided the abutting side yard of the adjoining lot is not less than 5 ft. 5) A 15 ft4 minimum rear yard setback on irregular shaped lots and on -other lots only where a front patio is provided may be permitted. Patio shall be defined as a paved area enclosed with a fence. Located on the east side of Brookhurst Streeto north of Atlanta Avenue and legally described as being a part of the J.A. Day Tract, lying in the SWk of Section 8.6-10. Further legal description on file in the Planning Department Office. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF UV JJ855 TO TBE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSs 1. Lots within each block shall average 60 ft, in width with 6000 sq. ft. of lot area and the' -minimum lot shall not be less than 50 ft. wide with 5000 sq,ft, of lot area. 24 All streets shall comply with standards proposed by the Depart. ment of Public Works and approved by both the Planning Commission (August 3i 1965) and City Council (September 7t 1965). 3. The minimum front yard shall be 10 ft* except the minimum front yard for garages entered directly from the street shall be 22 ft4 46 The minimum side yard shall be 3 ftov provided the abutting side yard of the adjoining lot is not less than 5 ft. and further provided no architectural feature shall be located closer than 30 inches to the property line. 5. A 15 fto minimum rear yard setback on irregular shaped lots and on other lots only where a --front patio is provided may be permitted, Patio shall be defined as a paved area enclosed with a fence4 f 6. A full grown tree as approved by the Park Supervisor shall be planted on each lots ROLL CALL VOTE; AYES$ Crabbo Bazilo Worthy$ Millero Larkin, NOESY None* ABSENT% Kaufman Lawson. THE MOTION CARRHD„ USE VARIANCE NO. 852 Applicant =- Fountain Valley Land Co ewun a+ro�� To allow the construction of a church and Sunday School in the &.l Single Family Residence Districtb Located —7— 10/5/65 I Page No, 8 Minutes.:, H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday'' October 5, 1965 at the northwest,,corner of Garfield Avenue and Gregory Lane and legally described as being a portion of the SE'k of the SWk of Section 36-5-11. Further legal description on file in the Planning Department Office„ The Secretary react a letter -submitted by Wm. A. Bossard, 575 So, Gibbs St., Pomona, California., opposing the subject variance., The Secretary also road a letter submitted by Lyndon A. Wells,, Sr., which was -accompanied by a deed Showing his o`wniexsb ip of the property north of the subject parcel. as , well as: his- interest in a 15 ft* . right -of -way easement along the east side` of" the subject parcel,., The Planning Director stated that after receiving his letters from Mr, Bossard and Mr*, Wells, be checked with the, Clay Attorney to determine whether or not the Planning Commission should take action on the variance, It was the City Attorneyts opinion that the Commission cannot act on UV #$52, therefore, the Planning Director recommended a continuance to some agreeable time so •t hat , a new ' plot 'plan could be presented or until t an agreement -is reached. between the property 'owners over the use of the easement. w The hearing was opened to the audience. Lyndon A„, ,Wells* Sr..> addressed" the Commis.. sion and requested that the records show that his statement,s' are made without prejudice'or malice and that all statements made are the opinion of the .speaker¢ - Mri Wells further requested 'tha' t ' if ' the hearing -on UV #852-is to be continued that it besheld after November 7* 1965 or after,J.anuary 80 1966s because he would riot be available between November 7th and January 8th* Rubin Dobkin$ 18211 Newland Street, ad. dressed the Commission and requested that an action be taken at this time,* Mr.., . E,, V. Kadow$ representing the applicant* addressed the Commission and also requested that the Commission take. "action at this meeting. There being no other comment* the 'bearing was closed; A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO OCTOBER 19.4 1965 WITH THE CONSENT OF THE APPLICANT,; ROLL. CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabbo Baza if Worthy$ Millen, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Kaufman, Lawson. THE MOTION CARRIED„. -8- 1.015/65 Page No. Minutest, H,6B„ Planning Commission Tue�day,,� October 54 1965 USE'VARIANCE NO„ 854 ADDlicant, a F'i st' B fist CLt1rch, To a11ow the construction of a churchl, religious achool,o gymrrasium auditorium in the R+4A Residential Agricultural District* Located on the south side of Edinger Avenue and east of Springdale Street and legally described as the north 2 acres of the north 4 acres of the west 16 acres of the NWk,, NWk of Section 22.5-o11; Except the Elly 180'ft6 and that portion dedicated to the City of Huntington Beacho and the south 2 acres of the north 4 acres of the west`16 acres of the NW'k j NWk# Section 22-5,41. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary# The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment it was closed, A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NOO 854 UPON THE FOLLOWING COND;;.t TIONS: 1. A zone change application from RA to R►.5 shall be 'filed prior to 'f inal inspection of any new structure, 24 Prior to construction of any structure designated for "future," uses a plot plan of the entire parcel shall be submitted for Planning Commission approval., 3,6 Springdale Street and Edinger Avenue shall be -dedicated and fully improved to City Standardso Improvements skull include street trees* street lights4 and street signs 4o The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department, 3o Drainaga of the property shall be approved by the Department of Pisbl,ic W6rks4 64 The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment diet-ricti 7* Retaining walks shall be provided where there is a difference in elevation of one (1) foot between adjoining lots or lots abutting City right-ofo wayb 8,6 Preliminary and final soil reports shall be submitted by an approved private soils engineer to the City prior to issuance of building permits, 9A 25 ft* building setback line shall be 'provided along Springdale Street and Edinger Avenue.a, 10. Off-street parking facilities shall comply with all standards proposed in Article 9794 The number of parking spaces and. landscaping shall comply with Section 9201.3o5 of the Huntington Beach. -Ordinance Code, TM9— 1 . 10/5/65 Page No.. 10 Minutes: H.B„ Planningg Commission Tuesday, October 50 1965 11. A 6 ft. masonry wall shall be constructed to City Standards along the south property line and along the south 160 ft. of the east property linef except said wall shall be 42 inches in the front yard setback. 14 A new plot plan shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. ROLL CALL VOTE; AYES: Crabby Bazili Worthyf Miller, Larking NOES 9 None, ,ABSENT: Kaufman Lawson. THE MOTION CARRIAD. ZONE CASE NO, 535 Avulicant - Wilfred R$ Cohen,. MaD& f, . Change of Zone from RSA Residential Agricultural District to R-5 Office -Professional Business District, Located on the south side of Edinger Avenue, approximately 350 feet east of Springdale Street and legally described as the east 180 fto of the north 2 acres of the west 16 acres of the NWk* NWko of Section 22.5-11; Excepting therefrom the south 20 ft. of the north 50 feet of the east 150 feet of the north 2 acres of the west 16 acres of the NWk of Section 22.5-114 The hearing was opened to the audience,6 there being no comment the hearing was closed. The Secretary informed the Commission that this application is a routine change of zone on property master planned for commercial or office use. RESOLUTION N0. 535 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission °""L35 RecoiYim&iding Approval of Zone ' Case No. 535 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LARKIN AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.. 535 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE N04 535 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The Master Plan of Land Use designates this area for office and retail uses. 2. The property is being used for office -professional purposes. 3. A condition of approval applied to UV #841 was that a change of zone be filed on the subject property. ROLL CALL VOTE; AYES; Larkin§ Bazil# Worthy4 Miller, NOES: None. ABSENT: Kaufman$ Lawson. ABSTAINED: Crabb THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED, -10 1015105 Page No. 11, Minutes: H*B6 Planningg Commission Tuesday, October 5t 1965 ZONE CASE NOS, 538 A icanta Irvin B M er Change of Zone from R-A"O Residential Agricultural District to R►-5 Office -Professional District, Located at the southeast corner of Hamilton Avenue and Bushard Street and legally described as being a portion of the Net, NWk SEk of Section 18":6-10,* Further legal description on file in the Planning Depart- ment Office The Staff Report was read by the Secretary, The hearing was opened to the audience there being no comment the hearing was closed, It was noted that the subject parcel plus the general, area .southeast of Hamilton Avenue and Bushard Street is master planned for medium density residential uses, RESOLUTION N0 538 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission R,ec """' ending 1�enial o£ Zone Case Noy 538 to the City Council-. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS 538 RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF ZONE CASE NO* 538 TO 'SHE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1* This zone change does not conform to the Master `Plan of Land Use., ROLL CALL VOTE, AYES: Crabbo $,azili Worthyt Miller, Larkinr, NOESt None*. ABSENT: Kaufman and Lawson# THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED4, ZONE CASE NOS 537 6RRlic ant..• J B j , Kin Change of Zone from R-A Residential Agri. cultural District to Co4 Highway Commercial District with setback provisions, Located on the north side of Warner Avenueo 380 feet rest of Beach Blvd4,t and legally described as Lots 99 to 103 in. clusive; Lots 114*►118 inclusive; Lots 123 to 127 inclusive; Lots 138 to 142 inclusive and Lots 147 to 151 inclusive$ being portions of Blocks A and B* Tract 194 and 195,E The Staff Report was read by the Secretary* The hearing was ,opened to the audience* Julius Gomeso representing the applicant# addressed the Commission and requested that action be taken without delay. -11� 10/5165 Page No. 12 Minutes: H.B.Planning Commission Tuesdays October 5* 1965 was closed* There being no other comment f the hearing Commission discussion followed# RESOLUTION NO* 537 A Resolution of the City Planning Commis. si6n Recommending Approval of Zone Case Nog 537 to the City Council A VO TION WAS MADE BY MILLER, AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO, 537 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO* 537 TO THE CITY COUNCIL, ROLL CALL VOTE: AYESt Worthy* Miller. Bazile NOESt Crabb* Larking ABSENTI Kaufman Lawson THE RESOLUTION WS ADOPTED,, ZONE CASE NO* 536 ARplicant .'Charles, Gears Change of Zone from R*3»0 Limited Multiple Family Residence District to G#.2 Community Business District with setback provisions, Located at the southwest corner of Adams Avenue and Huntington Street and legally described as Lots 25 and the N z of Lot 144 Tract No # 734, The Secretary read a letter submitted by AA, James Ayeraj favoring the proposed zone change,,* He. also stated that he received a telephone call from Mr* Henry Clock* owner of a 10 acre parcel at the southwest corner of Adams Avenue and Delaware Street v favoring the subject zone change* The Staff Report was read by the Secretary, The hearing was opened to the audiences, Mr,* Geers,j applicants addressed the Commis- sion and gave his reasons for the request, There being no other comment the hearing was closed6 Commission discussion was held at lengths It was the consensus to conduct a special study, of the general area and continue the decision on said zone case to November 160 1965o A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO WITHHOLD ACTION ON ZONE CASE NOS 536 TO NOVEMBER 160 1965* WITH THE CONSENT OF THE APPLICANT* ROLL CALL VOTE; AYESt Crabbf Bazil*, Worthy#, Millerj Larking NOES None. ABSENTS Kaufman Lawson* THE MOTION CARRIADs. T12� 1015165 Page No.33 Minutes'. . �I.B,� Planning Commission Tuesday, October 5, 1965 ZONE CASE NO.. 529 RESOLUTION OF INTENT Change of Zone, relative to proposed change of district boundary and use classification from R-5 Professional,, Motel, and Trailer Park District to R-2. Two Family Residence District, Located 591 feet west of Bushard Street, abutting the Orange County Flood Control Channel,. Legal description on file in the -Planning Department., The Planning Director stated that the Planning Commission initiated this change of zone as a result of a public hearing two months ago on Tentative 5664 and Zone Case No« 527. He stated that the ,final decision on these items created a spot zone of R-•5 between R..1 and R-2 and that the purpose of this hearing is to modify the zoning and establish continuity between the R-1, R-2 and R-a3 zones. The hearing was opened to the audience„ there being no comment the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION N0. 529.- A Resolution of the City Planning Commission a.m. Recommending Approval of Zone;Case No. 529 to the City Councils A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABBAND SECONDED BY LARKIN.TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 529 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO,. 529'TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1,. This change' will -conform to the Master Plan of Land Use. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE So. Crabb, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin. NOES: None, ABSENT: Ka.ufman,, Lawson.. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED* CODE AMENDMENT NO. 65 -6 ARTICLE 979 OFF-STREET PARKING The Secretary informed the Commission that this Code Amendment has been the subject of several study sessions and is before the Commission today for recommendation on to the City Council,. He stated that the cede amendment provides minimum standards for --the development of off-street parking lots in residential, commercial and industrial zones and also estab.. lishes landscaping and maintenance standards for these parking lots. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no -comment the hearing was closed. _13 - 10/5/65 Page No.l4 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesdays October 50 1965 RESOLUTION A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Code Amendment No, 65-6 Article 979 Off -Street Parking too the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY WORTHY RECOMMENDING ADOPTIO14 OF CODE AMENDMENT 65,.6 ARTICLE 979 w OFF-STREErPARKING BY THE CITY COUNCIL, ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb$ Bazilo Worthyo Millero Larkin. NOES. None. .ABSENT: Kaufman and Lawson. THE RESOLUTION WAS.ADOPTED. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 65-7 - ARTICLE 925 R"5 DISTRICT The Secretary informed the Commission that this code amendment will remove apartment uses from the R-5 District. He further states that it will add sanitariums, convalescent hospitals and hospitals as permitted uses (subject to a use permit) -and will modify parking requirements for public and quasi -public uses. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed,. RESOLUTION A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Code Amendment No. 65-7 - Article 925 R-5 District to the City Council, A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY LARKIN RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF CODE AMENDMENT NO. 65-7 ARTICLE 925 m R-5 DISTRICT BY THE CITY COUNCIL, ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Bazil, Worthyt Millero Larkin. NOES- None. . ABSENT: Kaufman Lawson. THE RESOLUTION US.ADOPTED. COMMUNICATION: REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION BY CITY COUNCIL. The Secretary read a letter submitted by Church of the Nazarene, requesting erection of a sign at the southwes corner of Beach Blvd. and Garfield Avenue, The Commission considered the request and it was their consensus that the applicant should apply for a variance. A MOTION WAS MADE,BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO ADVISE"THE APPLICANT OF THE PROPER PROCEDURE. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESSg THE MEETING ADJOURNED. �- . . eynolds Robert D: azil Secretary Vice -Chairman -147 10/5/65