HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-10-26MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION - Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California "TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1965 STUDY SESSION: COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Crabb, Lawson, Kaufman, Larkin. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Worthy, Bazi1, Miller. CHAIRMAN KAUFMAN HONORED: A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY BY LARKIN TO COMMEND CHAIRMAN HENRY S. KAUFMAN ON HIS APPOINTMENT BY GOVERNOR EDMUND G. BROWN AS A MEMBER OF THE STATE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE. DISCUSSION: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND STATUTORY CONDOMINIUMS. The Secretary briefly reviewed the Commission's proposed policy to have planned development.subdivisions"processed.as, statutory condominiums rather than by deeding land in fee to individual property owners. He then informed the Commission that Ron Foell - Security Fore Corp., Rodney Hill, Huntington Harbour representative, Cedric Sanders, Decon Corp., and Wallace Mitchell, Jr., Attorney, were invited to attend the meeting and give their opinions concerning this proposed policy. These gentlemen were all in agreement that if the City acloptbd' a policy to require statutory condominiums it would have an adverse affect on the number of planned developments in Huntington Beach. They stated that the City, through the CC&Rls, could be protected from the possibility of having numerous small parcels remaining after the dwelling units were destroyed. This is done by giving the management an irrevocable power of attorney to sell the property when the situation warranted it. They also stated that if the City should require statutory condominiums, the developer would be unable to combine his units to form one common association and the developer would not be able to obtain FHA financing. It was the consensus of all parties con- cerned that the City should adopt an ordinance which would allow condominiums. '1' 10/26/65 Page No. 2 Minutes: H., B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 26, 1965 COMMISSIONER MILLER: Commissioner Miller arrived at 7:43 PM and assumed his duties. DISCUSSION: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM The Secretary informed the Commission that the Planning Department has completed the final draft of the Capital Improvements Program and all department heads were asked to attend the meeting and explain their requests, Floyd Belsito, Associate Planner, briefly explained the objectives of the Capital Improvements Program and a breakdown of the various department's needs. He mentioned that there would probably be further modifications to these totals. Ben Arguello, Finance Director, gave a resume' of the alternative methods available to finance a Capital Improvements Program. Norm Worthy, Director of Parks and Recreation, appeared before the Commission and explained his department's future needs and the city's park and recreation needs, The Planning Director informed the Com- mission that a public hearing is scheduled for November 2, 1965. DISCUSSION: CARPORTS IN R-1 DISTRICTS The Commission held a discussion concerning whether or not carports would be permitted in the R-1 zone, in con- trast to the required fully enclosed garage. It was the consensus of the Planning Com- mission to amend the R-1 zone to permit carports subject to the following provisions: 1. The carport shall be fully enclosed on three sides. 2. The carport shall be attached to the parent structure. 3. The carport shall be constructed of the same materials as the parent structure. 4. The'carport shall be completely finished on the inside and at least 400 cubic feet of enclosed storage should be provided. 5. The carport shall be setback the same as any other structure. 6. Each carport shall be judged individually by the Board of Zoning Adjustments under a Use Permit procedure. -2- 10/26/65 Page No. 3 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday,October 26, 1965 SITE PLAN - UV #768 The Secretary displayed a revised site plan for Use Variance No.-768 pertaining to a planned development for C-D Development Co. He informed the Commission that changes made increased the recreation space, parking and reduced the number of units from 148 to 131. The Commission reviewed the revised site plan and it was their decision that there was no substantial change in the plan. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO APPROVE THE REVISED SITE PLAN - UV #768 WITH ALL PREVIOUS CONDITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Crabb, Kaufman NOES: Lawson, Larkin ABSENT: Worthy, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED SITE PLAN - UV #752 The Secretary displayed a revised site plan for Use Variance No. 752 pertaining to additional covered carports within the condominium development. The Commission reviewed the site plan and it was their decision that there was no substantial change in the plot plan. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO APPROVE A REVISED SITE PLAN FOR UV #752 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Modification of the site plan shall permit covered parking. 2. All parking shall comply with provisions of the proposed Article 979. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Larkin, Kaufman, Crabb NOES: Lawson ABSENT: Bazil, Worthy THE MOTION CARRIED COMMISSIONER BAZIL:_ Commissioner Bazil arrived at 9:54 P.M. and assumed his duties. COMMISSIONER MILLER: Commissioner Miller was excused from the meeting at 9:54 P.M. -3- 10/26/65 Page No. 4 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 26; 196-5-- , I DISCUSSION NEW­-STRE-ET ----STANDARDS j-, - CORNER RADII, -LOT REDUCTION I .SIDE -YARD VEDVOTiON. The Secretary distrib�t:ed­copi-es of the typical exceptions whic):�have­b,een granted for subdivisions in the past. This included street reductions; lot variations and yard variations. He also distributed .copies 6f.-the typical conditions of approval,.required of a subdivision when these exceptions are granted. The Commission �evi-ewed the proposal and it was their consensus to continue said proposal for -further study. DISCUSSION H. B. GONPANY:�!S TWENTY-TaRD(, STREEIT­PR The -Playin'g �ire,cto!r ihf6rmed,, the Commission that --plans of the project' ,which ,were. given -'to the Commission last week for study and ­review w'ouid,­bIe,';-dI1souzsed tonight and perhaps there could be an- erxdh-�*e' of -ideas,4[bout the plan that may have been genebated by the' dommission li'review, over the past week. The Planning,pire.ctor explained the Huntington Beach Company's Twenty,Third,Sbreet lliojedl't,and the superblock.concept they -plan to use. Commissiondi6cussion followed. The then informed the Commission,that-a public leabing is,­schea�ied- for Novemb­6r 21 1965, to consider said.plans,along with I an amendment to,'the Master Plan of Arterial,S.treets and Highways. 10/?6/65 Page No. , Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday,.October 26, 1965 DISCUSSION The Commission discussed the possibility of expanding responsibilities of the Board of Zoning Adjustments to include signs, lot widths in .subdivisions, building heights, off-street parking, driveway requirements, lot coverage and commercial, industrial and professional separation walls. It was the consensus of the Commission to have the Planning Department prepare a draft of this proposal and subnit it to them for their review. THERE BEING NO kURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURLVED. Le'. Reynolds enry Kazafjian Secretary Chairman -5-- 10/26/65