HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-03MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Wednesday, November 3, 1965 Mayor Shipley called the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M' The Pledge € f Allegiance was given by all present it the Council Chamber, ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Welch, Gisler, Lambert, Stewart,, Shipley Councilmen Absent: None SUPPORT OF VETERAN'S DAY AND FIG&ITING FORCES IN VlET NAM. The City Administrator informed ed than Council it that the Chief of 'Police had contacted him concerning a request from Woodrow Smith., Principal ofothe Huntington Beach High School, for permission or students to conduct a demonstration and march or 'Veteran's Day, , November llth, from the High School to Memorial Hall, in support of than country's fighting forces in Viet Nam. On mot ,ion b La mbert,, second Gisler,, C;��r€.€ ci.l.' grated permission for, the Huntington Beach High. School students to conduct the demonstra- tion and march on Veteran's 'Day. Motion carried, PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED CITY CHARTER M ayor° Shipley announced that this was the day and hoer set for a public hearing on the proposed City Charter which had been >prepared and submitted by the Citizens' Charter Revision Committee, and directed the City; Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk r; notice € f public hearing on the purposed charter for the City of Huntington .Beach, as published in the Huntington Beach News on October 21, 1965, setting than hour o1 7:30 O'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of November, 1 C1a, in the Counc.i.l. Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Bea h,, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering 'appoposed City Charter for the City of Huntington Beach, as prepare4 And ,ubmi t d by the Citizens' zees' Charter Revision Committee, and invitingall interested. person to `'b pi~esa rat and e press t.'heir opinions € n said proposed City >Charter Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. The Clerk read ;a communication from ''Mrs. Bernard Gage, 302 Crest Avenue, City, urging the Council to give consideration to placing the issue of whether the Chief of Police and City Attorney should be elected or appointed, on the ballot, as an alternate with the, proposed charter. The Clerk also read a letter from NO. hRx E. Dingwall, 19?91 Estuary Lane, Cite, requesting that a skeleto ized personnel system for selection and promotion of Fire, 'Police and Lifeguard personnel, including department heads, he written in our Charter. Mr. Fred Mill em 5192 C nliAte Drive, 'City, addressed the Council to propose that Section 01 of the proposed Charter be changed by substituting the words "registered voter" for the words "qualified elector,'' Mrlea J. Decristofor f 9627 Adams Avenue, City, addressed .the Council to speak in support of the letter from Mr. Dingwall. Page 2 - Minutes, November 3, 1_96 5 hha Kenneth Lawson, 8131 Indianapolis Avenue, addressed, the Council to inform theme that the Revision Committee had thoroughly discussed Section 501, and. stated that he believed the section should remain as presented. Tv1r. Lawson also commented on the remarks of Mr. DeCristoforo, stating that any charter incorporating the personnel system as proposed by R.m Din call, would he extremely bulky and would require considerable additional time to prepare same. Mr. he ristotoro. again addressed the Council and took issue with Mrs Lawson{s remarks concerning the problem in incorporating a complete personnel system .in the Chaster. 1Y1r. Fred Miller again addressed the Council to differ with the thinking of Mr. Lawson concerning his suggestion regarding the use of the terminology "registered voter." Attorney Harry Williams, Attorney for the Citizens' Charter Revision Committee, who had been Invited by the Council to attend the hearing, discussed the matter of creation af a personnel system and inclusion of specific details In regard thereto, In the preparation of the Charter. firs Robert Dingwall., 19791. Estuary Lane, City, addressed the Council to take issue with Attorney Williams on various points in connection with the personnel system. Mr. Glenn Hottenstel.n, 5581 heal Avenue, City, addressed the Council concerning the inclusion of a specific personnel system in the proposed Charter, and stated that he believed the problem could he handled more expediently through the adoption of an Ordinance or Ordinances. Mayor Shipley requested the City Clerk to discuss the changes and alterations which he had proposed tag the Council on various sections of the Charter. The Clerk pointed out certain changes which had been suggested In Sections 501, 503, 504, 507, 509, 511, 512 and 1302. On motion by Stewart, second Lambert, Council directed that Section 1-302 of the proposed. City Charter he amended to read as follows, Section 1302. PIZOCEDU�E FOR HOLDING ELECTIONS. All eledtions shall he held in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California, as the same now exist or hereafter may he amended, for the holding of municipal elections so far as the same are not In conflict with this Chester; provided, however, that in the ease of the first election held under this charter, the time for filing nomination papers and the time for publishing the notice of election is extended until the fortieth day prior to the election. Motion carried. On .motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council directed that Section 514 of the proposed City Charter be amended to read as follows Section 514. ORDINANCES. IMN EFFECTIVE. Every ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of its adoption, except the following, which shall take effect upon adoption: (a) An ordinance calling or otherwise relating to an election; (h) An improvement proceeding ordinance adopted under some special law or procedural ordinance relating thereto (o) An ordinance declaring the amount of money necessary to he raised, by taxation, or fixing the rate of property taxation, or levying the annual tax upon property; (d) An emergency ordinance adopted in the manner provided in this Article.. Motion carried.. Page 3 - Minutes, November 3, 1965 On motion by Welch, se on€f Gisler, Council directed that Section 501, of the proposed City Charter be amended to read as follows, Section 501. ELIGIBILITY. No person shall be eligible to hold! office as a member of the City Councils City Clerk or City Treasurer unless he is and shall have been a resident acrid,``. registered voter of the City for at least two years next preceding the date of his election or appointment. Motion carried, Can motion by Stewart., second WbIch, Council directed that and other sections affected by -tire change to Section 501, be amended to corn- orrm to said change, as follows - Section 802. APPOINTMENTS. TERMS. The members of each of that boards or commissions hereinafter named in this Article shall. be appointed by the City Council from the registered voters of the City, none of whom shall hold any .full time paid office or employment in the City government. They shall be subject to removal by motion of the City Council adopted by the affirmative votes of a majority ity of the total membership thereof. The members thereof shall serve for terms of four years and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. The terms ms shall be sta-gered so that the number of terms on any such board or commission expiring in any year shall not differ b more than one from the -number of terms expiring in any other year. Such terms shall expire on =lame thirtieth of the approp- riate year, A vacancy occurring before the expiration of n term shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. Section 1.21.0. REVENUE BONDS. Bonds which are payable only out of such revenues, other than taxes, as may be specified in such bonds may be issued when the City Council by ordinance shall have established a procedure for the issuance of such bondsa Such bonds, payable only out of revenues, shall not constitute, an indebtedness or general obligation of the City. No such bonds payable out of revenues shall be issued without the assent of €are majority of the voters voting upon the proposition for issuing the same at an election at which such proposition shall have been duly submitted to the registered voters of the City. Motion carYr°:gar The public hearing on the proposed City Charter was declared closed by the Mayor, motion was made buy Lambert, second Stewart, that the proposed City Charter be approved as amended to this paint. x, The forego -in mot -ion was not brought to vote at this time, because of considerable discussion held by the members of the Council and citizens in the audience. The matter of placing the item of election or appointment of the City Attorney as a separate proposition on the ballot submitting the proposed sed City Charter to the voters of the € ity, was discussed at length. Mr. Eo, J. DeCristofor o again addressed the Council and stated, that the matter had been placed on the ballot at a recent election, and thart, it had been a mandate of -the people that the City Attorney and the lief of Police be elected. RECESS Mayor Shipley called a recess of the Council at 9 s l5 PJMz RECONVENED The meeting was reconvened by the Mayor at 9.55 P.Ms Page �4 - Minutes, November 3, 1965 Various citizens, including Attorney Williams, addressed the Council in regard to a proposition of election or appointment of the City Councilman Welch stated that he believed that Section 604 Paragraph (a) placed too much power in the hands of the City Administrator, and that Section 607 should be altered to vest the authority in the hands of the Council as as body x Some diti€:aas8_l.€ n was held by various Councilmen and citizens _ n regard to the suggestion of Councilman Welch. On motion by Stewart, soo€and. Lambert, Council directed that Section 607 of the proposed Clay Charter be amended d to read as follows z Section 607, NON-INTERFERENCE WITH ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, no member o the City Council shall order, directly or indirectly, the appointment by the City Administrator, or by any of the department heads in the administrative service of the City, of any person to any office or employment, or his removal there- from. Except :for the purpose of inquiry, no member of the City Council shall deal with the administrative service under the jurisdiction of the City Administrator except through the City Administrator, and no member of the Cite Council shall give orders to any subordinate na.ate of the City Administrator, either publicly or privately. Motion carried. A motion was made by Gisler, second Welch, that the proposed City Charter be amended to make the office of City Attorney elective by the people, At this point Councilman Stewart demanded and Mayor Shipley ordered a vote to be taken on Councilman Lambe t } s previous motion to approve the proposed Charter as amended to that point.b been put to vote the motion failed, Mayor S1:a.1_pley then called :fo_a° a vote on the motion of Councilman Gisler to amend the proposed Charter to make the office of City Attorney elective by the people, Motion oaa.rr_ e& Attorney 'ill aa€ s then presented amendments to Sections 500, 03, 01 and 03 to provide l=oa:r the City Attorney being an elective olficial rather than appointive, as follows: Section . 0% CITY COUNCIL, ATTORNEY, CLERK AND TREASURER- TERMS. The elective officers of the City shaall consist of as City Coaa.ncil of seven members, a City Clerk, a City Treasurer and a City Attorney, all to be elected from the City at large at the times and in the manner provided in this Charter and who shall serve for terms of four goers and until their respec .--ive successors qualify. - Subject to the provisions of this Charter, the five members o the City Council in office at the time this Charter takes effect shall continue in office until the expiration of their respective terms and until their successors are elected. and qualified, and shall_ constitute the City Council until two additional members are elected as hereinafter provided, Four members of the City Council shal~l, be elected at the eneraa;l municipal election bald 1_n April, 1.966, and oaaoh fourth year thereafterThree members of the City Coaaaacil shall be elected at the general municipal election held in April., 1968, and each fourth year thereafter. In the event this Charter shall not take effect in time to elect four members of the City Council at the general municipal election held in April, 1966, and €a€a.l_y two members of the City Council are then electedl a special election shall be called and held not less than 60 nor more than 90 days after the effective date of this Charter to sleet two additional members of the City Council for the remainder of the terms expiring in April, 19707 111 Page #5 - Minutes, November 3, 1965 _�Subj6ct to the provisions of this Charter, the City Clerk, City Treasurer and City Attorney in office at the time this Charter takes effect shall continue in office until. the expiration of their respective tees and the qualification of their successors. A City Clerk and City Treasurer shall be elected at the general. muiiici.pal election held in April, 1968, and each fourth year thereafter. A City Attorney shall he elected in April, 1'966% and each fourth year thereafter. The term € f each member of the City Council, the City Cleirk, the City Treasurer rnr and the City Attorney shall commence on the first Tuesday following his election. lies in voting among candidates for office shill be settled by the casting of lots. Section 303. VACANCIESs A vacancy in the City Coon it ,� or City Clerk, City Treasurer -or 'City Attorney, from whatever cause arising, shall be filled by appointment by the 'City Council,, such appointee to hold office until the first Tuesday following the next general municipal election and ;until his successor qualifies. At the next general municipal, election following any vacancy, a successor shall be elected to serve for the remainder of any unexpired tame, if any As n.ged in this pay agr ph 5 the next general municipal election shall mean the next such election at which it is passible to place the matter on the ballot and elect a successor. Section 701, APPOUNTMENT AND REMVAL� All officers, depart- ment heads and employees of they City, except elective offices, shall be appointed and may be removed as elsewhere in this Charter provided, Section 703$ CITY ATTORNEY. POWERS AND DUTIES To become and remain eligible for Cite Attorney the person elected or appointed shall be an attorney at law., duly licensed as such under the laws of the State of California, and shall have been engagedin the practice of law in this State for at least three years prior to his election or appointment. The City Attorney shall have the power and may be required, to Represent and advise the City Council and all City officers in all matters of law pertaining to their offices. b) prosecute on behalf of the prople any or all criminal cases arising from violation of the, provisions of this Charter, or of City ordinances � and such .Stage mis- demeanors as the City has the power to prose ut6 � unless otherwise provided by the City Council. ( ) Represent and appear for thdt' City in =W: ? all $ctiOUa* or proceedings in which the City to concwt"nod or party, and represent and appear for ay City officer employee, or former City offic—or or employee, 111 4n1 all civil actions or proceedings l�."1 o c X'r or employee is concerned € r a: q a par t y z for ,ana act, .rising out of his empl o ez t. by eau,etpof his of l> �al capacity. (d) Attend all regular meetings of the City Council, unless excused, and give his advice or opinion orally or in writing whenever re ndsted to do so by the City Council or by any of the Boards or Officers of the City. (e) Approve the form of all contracts made by and all bonds and insurance given to the City, endorsing his approval thereon in writs (f) Prepare any and all, proposed ordinances and City Council resolutions and amendments thereto,. Page 6 - Minutes, November :3, I965 Devote such time to the duties of his office and at such place as may be specified by the City Council. (h) Perform such .Legal functions and duties incident to the execution of the foregoing powers as may he necessary. Q) Surrender to his successor all honks, papers, files and documents pertaining to the City Y s affairs. The -City Council shall have control of all legal business and proceedings and all property of the legal department, and may employ other attorneys to take charge of per may contract for any prosecutions, litigation or other legal matters or business. On € otion by Welsh, second Gisler, the amendments to Sections 500, 031 01 and 703 heretofore set forth by Attorney Willis, and table of contents related d thereto, were included In the proposed City Charter. Motion carried. On € otion by Teich, second Gisler, Council directed that the proposed City Charter he approved and adopted by the Clay Council as amended at this meeting, and presented to the people in that form. Nntlon carried, The Clerk read Resolution Now 225 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVINKa NOTICE OF .A SPECIAL ELECTION N TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF HUNT F° G1`ON BEACH ON THE 11TH HAY OF J ANU A,RY , 1966, O. THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING T11 THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY , A NEW CITE` CHASTER F[.r1L'a. SAID CITY.'' On motion by Welch, second Gisler., Resolution No. 2257 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES- Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Sha.Pl Y NOES; Councilmen; Lambert ABSENT: Councilmen.- en.- None On motion by Stewart, second Lambert, Resolution. No258 - "A RESOLUTION ION OF' T11E CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE CITY TO THE CITIZEN C1-1ARTER REVISION C0101ITTHH FOR ITS SERVICES CONCERNING THE HR FOSEh CHARTER, P which had been presented by the Clerk, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote .AYES. Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen. None n motion by Welch, seconded by Gisler, Resolution No. 2259 ® "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH COMMENDING HARRY C a WILLIAMSFOR HIS SERVICES ADVISING THE CITIZENS CHARTER REVISION I O CONE4ITT E, °} which had been presented by the Clerk, was passed bald adopted by the following roll call. vote: YES— Councilmen. Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: atone ABSENT: Councilmen: None Mayor Shipley called for a. meeting of the Council as an informal Committee -of -the -Whole for Monday, November 15, 1965, at 7:00 &M. in the Council Chamber for a study session. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, the regular adjourned meeting 4