HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-15MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 15, 1965 Mayor Shipley called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7030 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all. present in the Council. hamber The Invocation w given by Revered Robert Larson, Grace Lutheran Church. Mayor Shipley then called for a moment of silent prayer in memory of Harry LeBard and William Gallienne who passed away recently.. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley Councilmen Abs nt ; None MINIJT S n motion by Cambers, second Werth, Council approved the minutes of the regular meeting of November 1, 1965, and the regular adjourned meeting of November 3, 1965, as prepared by the City Clerk and mailedMotion carried. DEPART?SEEN AL REPORTS On motion by 'belch, second Ebert, the reports of the Chief of Police, Collector, Treasurer and Chamber of Commerce Manager, were approved and ordered filed. Motion carried. 3 d Y 4 r \ 4 r tvr '�. `t ��� Z a �`Y � 31� t c n motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council granted permission to the Orange County Association for Retarded Children to operate a pick-up truck within the City for articles for their thrift ahopp Motion carried-. SOa::ICITATU)_ BLU'E I STAII MK, ads`:';" :�:"m, , ANU >CRAPUIRr n motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council denied the request from the Santa Ana Chapter of the Blue Star Mothers for permission to sell tickets for their I'Mardi Gras Hall". as it is an taut -of' -town organization,, Motion carried. n motion by Lambert, second Gisler, an in�ritation from the San Pedro a'h„per to ente:r a float is the "Christmas Afloat?' ,.: t` f�gi �`s���emb �� t1, ;;�i :` : was refer read to the Chamber �f C� arse TGNI", HrI YMm'SKi�wnw�.. `...(i.. U On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, a protest to the $15.00 permit fee charged by the Building Department to install a sign, was received and ordered fil dM Motion carried. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, a letter from 11a J. halshe withdrawing his offer to exchange 30 lots on Slater Avenue west of Edwards Street, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. Page ,""Q - �-Iinutes -Jt MR t", On motion by Welch, second Gisler, a letter from Mr D & Untob., 16561 Thames Lane, City, requesting that a tree located in front of her home be removed, was referred to the Director of Public Works to investigate, Motion carriedc' On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council granted permission to the Pacesetter Chapter of the Childrens Asthma Research Institute Hospital to hold a rummage sale on November 20, 1965, at 226 Main. Street. Motion carried, LOTc-11011001; 1,100015 FEE WAIVER-DENI0 k Di, , � motion by Lambert 0 second Gisler, a request from the Huntingto�n Beach YM(.,.A, for of fees to operate a Christmas tree lot O'n,, Edinger Avenueo was denie& Motion carried. U"ETITION 31) V The Clerk presented a petition with 40 signatures requesting a divider on Heil Avenue between Trudy lane and Trojan lane to afford protection from automobiles being driven in a careless manner,, The Director of Public Works informed the Council that there were no funds available for such a projecto and further that the City would be creating a precedent it they allowed same,,, On motion by Welch, second Gislero Council referred the matter to the Director of Public Works to contact the residents regarding other possible solutions in this matter� Motion carried,, HWY SAFETY & BEATIFICATION The Clerk presented resolutions from the California Highway Commission advising Council of their support of the Federal Government's interest in Highway Safety and Beautification, On motion by Lamberti second Stewart, Council referred the matter of Highway Safety & Beautification to the Director of Public Workz Motion carried, On motion by Lam, ert, second Gisleri a letter from the Chamber of Commerce expresyIng their appreciation to the Police Department for assistance in. handling traffic at the San Diego Freeway dedication, was received and ordered filedo Motion carrieK, OCEANVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE - XMAS TREE L(T 9 LICENSE FES WAIVER DENIE", -------------- On motion by Lambert, second Welch, a request from the OceanviOw r Little League for waiver of fees to operate a Christmas tree lot 0, Beach Boulevard, was denie& Motion carried' D REQUEST SCE001, PH On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, a request for sidewalks from Beach Boulevard to the high schoolo was referred to the Director of Public Works for study and repor0 Motion carried. 'T - - Z.-------- - -- �'On motion by Post #133 for meeting place Public Works Welck second Gisler, a request from the American Legion, use of City ppoperty at, 1504]11. Capetown, Lane for p for a Boy Scout Trospo was referred to the Director of for study and report, Motion carried. 1,2ZA01P ---------------- Mkna�,tes, November 15, 1965 .......... on On motton by Lambert5 second Welch, behalf'of Juan Vela and of of Cain Ave!nffl1_1e east of Palmdale�Street, WAY iffirrOd to MXrectOr Public WoM. ""t-isuk cacried'i CONCESS11"t STAND PARADE On motion by Lambert. second Stswarh 6 request from tba PiPst MbthOd : "at Church for permission tO OPOTRU a cOncesslun stand at 908 MAQ St"t dUring the parade, and all future requeats for: Chr!9000 I 't lle� parade aUtz` eqssion s, were referred to%s City Administrator to-baid darried. I WThe Cl&Kread a letter from:Dorothy-,�Vancev,17132 Palmdalp Avenue, t ' ' r Cit-'— 'uirinq as to why action.had not beep taken -0 1 y,, -i. nq conditiohvof Palmdale Street and Cedar -Street, an.0 reque:Tove the ng,tiat the zoning ordinance be,enforced relative.tvinsPOctiOn., On motion by AM, yevord Gisler, COUQU ref.,�,-rred Mats, Vance',"*' request for k of foaditlopa;on Palmdale and Man Wants tko the Director of NiFlvlk,�Jlc Workal : NotibW' exPrUd. A!'KIE"IN, 'MU The Clerkrvbd a communication from Warren Mijurn, PaperWor ofthe: Fifh:* Los Angeles Elom'd ol'.. Supervisor-04 requesting Worst - went hidsuppart of th,Decanay AmendmentAnitiative,PatitiVOW The Clerk. 0160 presented, a copy of e:to the Editor, of the, !On Uselem"Times, fro.m.. Assemblyman Howard J,Uku in relat,,ive to 4,n editorial" 0,� til,e 'Rescency Amendment, On motib0by S t ewar t , i e c a nd G is I e r - tb e. M, cat I A s. 0 0 n I C er nx n�.-; thUDechhey Amendment Initiative petitions Wore refirr64joltheXhief bf,P611co KrAtudy and report, Motion carriet- A"VI ""'o"' 's I .......... ............. . ..... ........... . .......... The GlerW bresented a claim for damages for VrUngll';ul death 0 f *'S bleen Ann,Silveyj William HU9000,6109A UK& -Kat Stij& K61jy Silvey, Craig SilvOY° WUMAY Und through GuardiAnA& Litem Marie Elizabeth AndurejaAlvey,:and Ranald W14 silvqy- son motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council denied the claim for damages filed by Marie Elizabeth Silvey, Ind Ronal?f. Smilvev, Guardian at Litem for Susan Norie Silv6y�-et AI,And rtferyedm m6ttor toAthe City Attorney and ,City's,insuranPe,carrier. :Motion CLAIM F01? DAMAGES W71PIDIETRIEN The Clerk presented a claim for damages filed,by Wayne L. AdAerien, 2611'Eogland Street #10; City, for damago sustained.to 413 car due to street c6nAtruction on YorktoWn Street, by the City of Hunt ingtpn Beach which allegedly had inadequate lighting� On mation-by Lambert, second.Gtoler,Council ,depied.the claim for damages filed. by Wayne L. Wedderien,�and>referr edothe matter to the CityAttornly And the City,s insurance varrier. 19tion careie&' ORAL COMMUNICATIONS D,jayor Shipley announced that this was the time for Oral Communications, when Any person having any matter to bring before the Council, could address the Council in regard thereto 421 Page # _Minutes, November 15, 1965 C'4.}`a LAIN �... �;�;a��"3E:. R, REPAIR '�`v' ,3vn�f3. � �.S'it I t`'i`c.t`�2�2.. �, R €BEST TO SHOOT FILMS ON BEACH - MILLER Mr. Howard Miller, 480 N. Baldwin, Berra Madra, addressed the Council and requested permission to film sequences on the Heach near the fluff area, with a drama group, on Saturdays during a two mouth period. On motion by Welchs second Stewart, Council granted permission to Howard Miller to film drama a-euence s on the beach one time only, with the condition that the Chief of Police has the night to extend such permission for other Saturdays, at his discretion. Motion carried. RKQ MSTS SIGNAL - REFUND OF DYKE WATER CHARGES - gUESNEL Mr. Douglas Terry, 15352 Fieldston lane,, City, addressed the Council and thanked them for their cooperation In helping them to locate a meeting place for the Hoy Scouts, and further commended Council for the excellent recreation program available to the Youth of Huntington Beach Page #5 - Minutes, 'ovemberry 15, 1965 `,.� .��� wwwww\Nww\ w\w\wwwwww+?T+FbM +w:v N\Ycn..:, V�; wTr�N'W.b\\'A'n\�`nw; � nhitihQN w�.w�i�M�r�a\\ vgwwwihiru.. Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set fog° public hearing on Resolution No. 2246 of the City Council, declaring their intention to call e. special election in certain .inhabited territory contiguous to the City, and directed the Clerk to reed the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hee.a .:,:i�ati. z nk N10, 22461 o the City Council, as published in the et.Wh O € ctober 21s28th 1.965 ett2 ,ng the hour of 80,10 .i on Monday, the l th day of November, 1,965 1n the Cztualci l Cie -akmb r of the Civic Center, Huntington Beat. Cali `k :.f .. \3 the t a=`a e sz.` 1 place for a public hearing; for the �.�.aa tpose lolf a oZIII:"s.der.a.ak t. O No. 2246 of the City Council deolar q Tl �� r .'int u, i.on to e'a'.Il a, special election in certain inhabited der i.tory c,'�.ntizuokus ,o, the C.a.tyt for the purpose of submitting to the quill-k-fied e.a.ecto s >esII-di-n, a the territory, the question whether o.r not nrr. i` j "H.��, 4�, annexed to the City of Huntington Beach and fixing a time and place when and where any person owning real property wi.thi.n such territory may appear before said City Council to show cause why such territory should not be annexed. The Clerk presented letters from owners of ten parcels of property, protesting; the annexing of said territory into the City of Huntington Beach, Mayor Shipley deleared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak in this matters on motion by Stewart, second Lambert, Council continued the hearing to Friday, November 26, 1965 at 4:00 P.M. in accordance with the Government Code covering the Inhabited Territory Annexation Act of 1913. Motion. carried. a.,a; s ih a r; -ec ,a na:�:�:a�ced � ��,zi: �` `� i,s gas the day and hour set for e � \ , ubll" .. on an apa� �:� a� .�:z��°��er Estates to acondition by �.i`�`pio? .` ed' '�.i`e ��:�a.� 3 ��a� � �> ���`:`.�� a :� ;�: Inning Commission in granting UNI on, M i, a et k:ca a . at GarfieldAvenueand Gregory Lane, and d.'Ik'r-ected -the C.,,Lerk tko read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on an appeal to the condition stipulated by the Planning Commission in granting UV 52 F as published in the Huntington Beach News on November 4, 19 , setting the hour of 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday the 15th day of November, in the Council. Chambers of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a. public hearing for the purpose of considering an appeal to the condition stipulated by the Planning Commission which would allow. ingress and egress from. Gregory lane to the parking lot of the propose. Calvary Baptist Church, in the granting of Use Variance TTV ;#852, to r°e ,alations of the Districting Ordinance. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Ma Wi Hoot, 18171 Gregory Lane, City, addressed the Council representing residents of the harper Estates, and presented petitions and a map, protesting the condition imposed by the Planning Commission. Win. Bob Schwerdtfeger, 9092 Talbert, Fountain. Valley; addressed the Councilrepresenting the developer of the property and stated that he favored the driveway proposed in Condition 9 imposed by the Planning C€a=issi.on. Bert Harding, 81.32 Munster Drive, City, a representative of Pacific Shores Hearty, informed the Council, that he had recently sold property in Harper Estates as a private tract, and requested that Council consider the appeal to Condition 9 imposed by the Planning Commission.. Page; #6 - Minutes, November 15, 1965 Mr. Morgan Eissey, , 1.8851 Gregory Lane, City, addressed the Council and. inquired about the closing date of escrow on rise church property, and protested the driveway from the proposed church parking ng lot onto Gregory Lune, There being no one 1`urther present to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Planning Director Reynolds addressed the Council and gave a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for approving Use Variance #852 with the imposing of Condition 9a On motion by Lambert., second Gisler, Council overruled the Planning Commission and granted the appeal of residents of Harper Estates to remove Condition 9 from Use Variance 8 2, and added a condition to require the widening of the westerly driveway to 25 feet, Motion carried. RECESS Mayor Shipley called a recess of the Council at 9.1.5 P.M. Council was reconvened at 9.45 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING SET m ZC 540 On motion LAP Lzm— Bert , second Stewart, Council ordered a public hearing for Monday, December 6, 1965, at 7 : 30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Zone Case 540, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same,. Motion carried, UV 63 - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION - DEANE BROS The Clerk presented a communication from the Planning Director of Conditional Exception - UV #8 - Demme Brother - on property Located at the southwest corner € f .deans Avenue and Cannery Street, involving deviations to the R2 Two Family Residence District requirements and to -the Subdivision € rd.inance gods for Tentative Tract Map #6084� On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council approved Condi.tiona.l. Exception - UV #8 3), with conditions as st.i.pul.ated by the Planning Commission,, Motion carried. %l � Robert llingrvall , 19791 Estuary Lane � City, addressed the Council and stated that he was in favor of TJV #863, and requested that Council stipulate that contractors clears. up their mass when jobs are completed. The Director of Public Works informed. Mr. Dingwall that the inspectors would require such cleanup. FINAL TRACT �14P The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director, submitting final. form of Tract Map #6087 --- S aP s l s Development Corporation, for adoption: Developer.- S,P,lDevelopment Corp., Corona, Dell r; Engineer 2 Mil.lett, King and .Assoc.; Location. South of Warner Avenue, 520 feet east of Springdale Street; Legal Description- Being a pro- posed subdivision of a portion of the NWT, NWN, of Section 27®5®11; Number of lots.: 6 ; Total Acreage: 2 , 8d3 ; that the map had been certified by the City Engineer and -the Secretary to the Planning Commission to he true and correct in accordance with provisions of the City Subdivision Code. The City Council may accept dedication as shown on the map and in addition approve the Final. Map, subject to the following conditions, The City Clerk's signature shall he withheld pending the submittal and c€mpleti.on on the enumerated requirements l_� Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage,, engineering and inspections, : Bond for improvements. a Signature of agreement. a Certi fic to of l nsuranc ,. 5 s Approval. from County Surveyor. 6. Bond for monuments. 7. peed for Underground Water Rights. 'ate%,,c Page; #7 - Minutes, November 15, 1965 On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map A08 , and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commisslon,� Motion carried. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director of a. second draft of the Capital Improvements Program, which had been recommended for adoption and implementation by the Planning Cora€ar fission. On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council ordered a public hear -in for Monday, December 20,, 1965, at 7 e 30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible, and directed the clerk to publish notice of same on the Capital. Improvements Program, Motion carried. f DRAINAGE PW DOYLE & . SHIPLI) The Clerk Presented as transm3ttal from the Director of Public forks of an invoice for refund of costs in the construction of the C mSC3 Box Culvert at Lennox Street in t)rai nage District SA, to Doyle Shields Development Company in the amount of S631.70. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Resolution No. 2260 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF hUNTI GrON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE DRAINAGE DISTRICT 5A FUND," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and roach by them, was Passau. and adopted by the following roll call vote AYES Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen: Nona VE The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of invoices from Signal O11 & Gays In the amount of $2,025.00 and Santa Ana Valley Contractors in the amount of _ 9, 00.49, for work Performed in lowering the City owned trunk water" wales - Warner Avenue Realignment - CLm02 7 On motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council. approved the invoices and authorized payment. of 2 , 0 � 00 to Sigma. 01.1. & Gas Company, and $9,600.49 -to Santa Ana Valley Contractors, from the Water Department Account No. 343� Motion carrr ie P .ORDIC &, SONS - SEA Ate° - CC-019 On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council authorized Progress Payment No. 2 to Kordick & Sons in the amount of 7,9638 0, for work performed on the Graham Trunk Sewer CC-019. Motion car°r ied � .r The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works presenting a request from the Division of Highways for execution of Utilities Agreement No. 71JTm30e, for the engineering and construction of the relocation of a waterline in Edinger Avenue at the Sari Diego Freeway. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council approved the Utilities Agreement No. UT-302 , for the engineering and construction of the relocation of a waterline in Edinger Avenue at the Sari Diego Freeway, and authorized the Director of Public Works to execute said agreement on behalf of the Oity� Motion carried.. r,,, RFINBU P S MEAGMT- LA ALBA LAND CO The Clerk presented a request from the Director of Public Works for reimbursement of $2,092.50 for water .farts collected from Tract 4148, as per -agreement dated December 11, 1961. On motion by Welch, second Lambert, Council aut.hroized reimbursement to La, Alba I.a.ad Company -in the amount of $2, 092 d 0 for water fees collected from Tract 4148, as per agreement. Motion carried. BOND SUBSTITUTION ® TRACT 5206 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a request from Oakhurst Land Company to exchange the Impro"ment Bored on Tract 5206s Page #8 - Minutes, November 15, 1965 On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council released Improvement Bond No. 369153 in the amount of 12- 0, 60 and accepted Improvement Bernd No. 257459 in the amount of $20,0 0 from Pacific Indemnity Company as requested by the developer. Motion oarried � SUBDIVISION AGREEI�NT - TACT 5567 .:..®:...LYON The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Work; of Monument pond, Agreement -in -Lieu of Bond. and Subdivision ,Agreement for 'Tract #5 67 - Lyons. n motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council accepted Monument Band o 1.3 -3-5655 - Continental National insurance Group, approved the -Agreement-in-Lieu of Bond and the Subdivision agreement for 'bract #5367, and authorized the Mayor and Clerk to exegete same on behalf of the City. Motion carried. � �, �: � `� :58 � rat. � � .� i .�; �� _`�� � �� ��' �� <���"�".� ;� ������ I ..Z.. �. tam }i. ♦ eZ�. ....E ,.r :.v. a �. �. i �,.. �Z�.- Thai Clerk presented a communication cation from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance of € edicated improvements and authorization to release the Monument Bond and terminate the Three -Party Agreement and Subdivision Agreement on Tracts 0832 and 5855, Doyle & Shields. On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council accepted improvements dedicated for public use on Tracts #5 2 and #5 33; authorized the release of the Monument Band and termination of the 'Throe -Warty Agreement and Subdivision Agreement, and directed that the developer and bonding company be notified.a Motion carried. r; BUILDING RELOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE_ The Clerk presented. a .request from the Director of Public Words for Council to direct the Building Department to require -that the proposed building to be constructed at 525 Second. Street be relocated sea as riot to conflict with future right-of-way .y .for the arterial street, Orange Avenue On motion by Welch, second Gisler, Connell directed the Building Department to require that the proposed building to he constructed at 525 Second. Street he relocated as requested by the Director of Public 'forks. Motion carried. DEED ACCEPTED On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, conch accepted a deed from. the Shell O11 Company for street widening on Pacific Coast Highway, and directed the Clerk to record same with the Orange County p.ecor et. Motion carried, t? The Clerk presented a request for removal of Street from Jud E. Brott, which was referred Works at the meeting of November 1, 1965., a palm tree at 714 Alabama to the Director of public The Director of Public Works reported that the tree is being trimmed to eliminate the problem of pigeons nesting therein. On motion by Welch, second Lambert, Council. denied the request for removal of a palm tree at 714 Alabama Street, and referred Mr. hrott a s communication to the Director of Public Words for reply. Motion. carried. Councilman Ste -wart requested and was granted permission -to abstain from action on the business license for sauna. bath, due to a conflict of interest, and left his place at the Council table. Page #9 - Minutes, November 15, 1965 The Clerk presented an application for business license from Mrs$ Rose Juerges, Los Angeles, to conduct the business of the Viking Sauna Bath at 16942 Beach Boulevard, City, which was deferred from the meeting of November 1, 1965. Followings report of approval by, the City Administrator, on motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council approved the application for business license from Mrs, Rose Juerges for the Viking Sauna Bath at 16942 Beach Boulevard, City, Motion carried. Councilman Stewart resumed his place at the Council table. �RECREATION FOOTBALL TEAMS TO TOURNA1 NT On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council approved a request from the Director of Recreation and Parks to send two teams of boys to Needles on December 3-5� 1965, by City vehicle, with reasonable expenses allowed, to compete in a football tournament. Motion carried, HB HLNIANE SOCIETY - REqUES IJ The Clerk presented a request from Robert E. Sharkey, Deputy Animal Control Officer, requesting permission to sell dog licenses in conjunction with the Huntington Beach Rotary Club Rabies Clinic on January 25, 1966� said licenses to be valid through March 31, 1967� He further requested permission to sell licenses for 1;� years, should the present supply of licenses be depleted before January 23, 1966 and new ones have to be ordered. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council granted permission to the Animal Control Officer to sell dog licenses valid through March 31, 1967 at the Rabies Clinic on January 25, 1966, and to sell licenses for 11,6 years if necessary to reorder before that date. Motion carried, ORDINANCE NO. 1165 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE 531 The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1165 for a second reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REIATING TO ZONE CASE 531; ,01ENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYING DM-13 (Sectional District Map 12-6-11)e11 On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Ordinance No. 1165 was passed and adopted by the following roll call votez AYES, Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES, Councilmen. None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ORDINANCE NO� 1166 - ADOPTED - WATER DEFT - SALARY The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1166 for a second reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY A -MENDING SECTION 1578 (a)." On motion by Welch, second Gisler, Ordinance No. 1166 was passed and adopted by the following roll call votet AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen; None ABSENT- Councilmen: None ,fLORDINANCE NO 1167 - FIRST READING - SOIL TESTING The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1167 for a first reading ® "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MJNTINGTON BEACH REIATIVF, TO SOIL TESTING FOP, BUILDING SITES; ADDING TO ARTICLE 811 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE." All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware of -the contents therein. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1167 was waived. Motion carried. Page #10 - Minutes,, November 15, 1965 FIRIFF \sIC , Z. 3 �7 ��- k ;S 529, ti x 37 The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1168 for a first reading ® "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE, GASES CODE BY RECI ASSIFYING SECTIONS -22 (80tional District Map DM-25 (Sectional District Map 22-5-11),, "'Sectinval District Map AND DM-7 (Sectional District Map All Councilmen men tl.pulated that they had read the Ordinance in fill and were aware of the contents therein. Can motion by Lambert, second Welch, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1168 was waived, Motion carried, tit e, _ \' \ \ 3 \ _ ♦ \ a= a 1�\3♦g. (.w\. $a�7..�3.\�� ��a. �"`� >ti ��: ♦� }�',? � 3 v \ ?. t\r Qr�'-��. �Z.a' \7�\S. 3:.wivv �m.�.. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1169 for a first reading - "AN ORDINANCE Olio THE CITY OF T1UNT IN TON BEACH -AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING ARTICLE 979, ENTITLED 'OFF" STREET PKRKING ; AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 'THERE,TO , 33 All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents there n. On motion b Lambert, second Welch, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1169 was waived. Motion carried. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1170 for a first reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST AND AMENDING ARTICLE 157 OF THE HUNTINGTON HhQJ ORDINANCE C OLE 'RELATING TO SALARY CLASSIFIC:ATI ON $ ALLOCATIONS, AND SALARY SC HEDTJI Q 36 All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents therein. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, the oral first reeding of Ordinance No. 1170 was waived. Motion carried. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1171 for a first reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF IH-.iNTLNGTON BEACH ADDING SECTION 2111 s 6 R 1 TO ARTIC I E 211 OF THE HUN T INGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE, RELATING TO INVESTIGATION FEES FOR CERTAIN TAIN BUSINESS ES e 34 All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents therein. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1171 was waived. Motion carried. The Clerk r presented Ordinance No. 1172 for a first reading - "AN TTFRHI ANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNT'INGTO BEACH ORDINANCE CODE, AM[ENDIHG ARTICIIE 925 OF THE! HUYI INGTON BEACH 011DINANC J NODE BY REPEALING AND _ MENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS THEREOF RELATING To R5 DISTRICIV All. Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents therein. On € otion by Lambert, second Welch, the oral. .first reading of Ordinance No. 1172 was waived. Motion carried. 2;;\ Page #11 - Minutes, November 15, 1965 RESOLUTION NO 2261 - ADOPTED - EXPENDITURE A On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Resolution Nom 2261 ® "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 01' THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY liMOM THE DRAINAGE AREA 7G FUNND,?$ which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call. vote: AYES- Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen- None ABSENT- Councilmen: None RESOLUTION NO 2262 - ADOPTED - EXPENDITURE On motion by Stewart, second Welch, Resolution No. 2262 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE E)XIENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE STREETS & HIGHWAYS FUND 186.IB FUND, which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted. by the following roll call vote AYES- Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmenz None RESOLUTION NO 2263 - ADOPTED - TOWING-SERITICES On motion by Lambert, second Gisler., Resolution No2263 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING A POL1(X FOR TOWING SUZVICES FOR THE POLICE DEPARTNENT OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH," which had heretof ore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote. AYES- Councilmen. Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ULI MEETING WITH DEFT HEADS The City Administrator the City Council, City to be held on Monday, Beach Club. The City Administrator November 22, .1.965 for the Parks & Recreation informed the Council of a meeting between Department Heads and the Urban Land Institute November 29, 1965 at the Huntington Harbour - VCIM �IVP.Tl. 1. suggested that the Council set Mon&ky, an informal. meeting between the Council and Commission� ,'f-`,_FIRE BOAT AgRUISITION The City Administrator informed the Council that the Civil Defense and Fire Departments have been looking for a government surplus' vehicle which could be converted into a fire boat, and that notice had been received that now and unused amphibious vehicles will be available at $150.00 each at the Tooele Equipment Depot in Utah. He requested permission to send the Fire Chief and two men to Utah to inspect and acquire a vehicle, if possible. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council authorized the Fire Chief and two of his men tb go to the Utah base - Tooele Equip- ment Depot - to purchase two amphibious vehicles it possible, with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. ,), ROCK REEF NF.AR PIER ,x The City Administrator informed the Council that the State Wildlife Conservation Board had completed plans for installation of an artificial rock reef in the vicinity of the fishing pier. 4,�',�,!9 On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council referred the plans for the artificial rock reef to the City Administrator and Director of Public Works for study, Motion carried. The City Administrator informed the council of a meeting of the State High�j,_ y Commission in Sacramento on November 17, 1965, relative to the possible reopening f the Newport Freeway alignm & On motion y Stewart, second Gisler, Council authorized Councilman Stewart and any other Department head able to attend the State Highway meeting in Sacramento to attend with reasonable expenses allowe& Motion carried,,, The City Administrator presented as request from the Fi amens' Benevolent Association, for permission to install private dial telephones in the five fire stations, with charges to be paid by the Association. The Administrator ecommen ed approval of the request subject to the negotiation of a satisfactory agreement between the City and the Association covering the use and payment of said phones, installa- tion of private telephones in the five fire stations, subject to negotiation of a satisfactory agreement between the City and the creme ' Benevolent Association covering than use of the phones and payment for service therefor. Motion carried. p COMPENSATORY HOLIDAY TIMIE The City Administrator informed the Council that Christmas will fall on a Saturday this year and the employees will thaws .less the holiday, and suggested that Council consider granting the employees the Friday following Thanksgiving as compensatory time. On motion by Gisler, second Welch,, Council granted the it Employees as compensatory holiday on F,�ridaay,, November 26, 1965. Motion carried. The City Administrator informed the Council that as a result of a meeting of he "Nuclear Power esal ding Plant Sub -Committee" of the Northwesterly Coastal Projects Coordinating Committee, nine sub® committees were created to study various phases involved. Bill. Hartge was appointed to the Project Safety committee, and NO. Miller to as committee to determine whether the project is needed or aao On motion by, Stewart, second Lambert, Council authorized Mr. Range and Mr. Miller to serve on the above named committees of the "Nuclear Paaweate Desalting Plant Sub -Comm tteeJ Motion carried. MURDY PARK SITE, The City Administrator presented a recommendation that the City accept the appraisers valuation agreed to by property owners Richard and Margaret Leaver, on two lasts abutting n sae street in the Murry park site, now under eminent omaain proceedings :for final acquisition On motion by Lambert, second GiSICV, COVACH a'Proved the appraisVrS valuation of $1535 on Lots 54-551 block At and 51.5550 o.n Lot'"" 58-59, Block B9 Tract 392 in the Nurd Park site, and directed the Director ♦.: t 83,085,00 a b ;� f �` �"��:� �,��preparea warrant �.� $ the ai:2z�•$$.� a� a , payable, l e to Richard T. & Margaret Ea Leaver and Robert Mcki r Attorney, to be paid upon receipt of deems for said property, Motion carried. Page #15 - Minutes, November 15, 1965 LIFEGUARD DEPT DORY tlb'LL On motion by Gisler, second Lambert, Council authorized the purchase of two unfinished dory- hulls ,for the Lifeguard Department, for use in the coastal. dory race competition. Motion carried. ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION The City Administrator ator reported on an item referred to him at the last meeting from the Southern California Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, requesting permission to solicit funds In the City He stated that the request was a similar to those received from many other organizations. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council approved the request from the Arthritis Foundation to solicit funds in the City from February 4 -6, 1966, subject to the solicitors registering ing with the Pollee Depar°tmentK Motion carried. MrENA JARK .RACING A SN The City Administrator- presented ar report concerning a request from the Buena Park pacing Association, for permission to Operate e race tract on 37 acres owned y Theodore -iManthel a On motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council denied the request of the Buenas Park Racing ssociation to operate an auto race track in than City-. Motion carried. PERSONNEL - ELIGIBILITY LISTS On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council. certified the Eligibility Lists for the position of Electrical Inspector and Structural. Inspector in the Building ding Department, as submitted by the City Administrator. Motion carried. The City Administrator presented recommendations of approval. for the nipley€gent and reclassification of the following personnel In the Public Works and Water Departments. 2DI David Chow., Street Maintenance Man - Public Works, Range -A�and Merle J ¢ Ker s v � Service Man - Meter Reader m Water Department, , e eett e November 16, 1965, Fred A. Barker, Reclassified ssified to Skilled Worker, Public Works, Range 3 - A anal Gerald S. Tomas, Reclassified to Maintenance Carpenter, Public Works, Range 3 ® of -festive November 1, 1965x Marvin D. Weil_ern€an'. Reclassified to Equipment Operator. Public Works, e -- e eo.tl December 1, 1965. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council authorized the employment and reclassification of the above named personnel in the Water and Public Works Departments, as recommended by the City Administrator. Motion carried, �* 22 yy,,,, .: �.Ht,,,,,� ,vvv,�a. v.,vmavrmr,n....i<in..,...r,::.. �nx....����.tti...;......,..:.... On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Resolution No. 2264 - " RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR HARRY E w RATTEUIAN AT COMPENSATION GREATER THAN THE MINIM1714 COMPENSATION FIXED AND DETERMINED BY ORDINANCE," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll eall. vote - AYES, Councilmen. Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES,, Councilmen. None ABSENT. Counci linen: None Fags ;- 1 - Minutes, November 151 1965 RESOLUTION TO LEBARD FAMIIIX On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Resolution No. 2265 - "A RESOLL T1014 CIF' THE CITY COUNCIL IL OF THE CITY OF HUNT1N TON BEACH T THE WIDOW AND FAMILY OF HAFR TEBARD, DECEASED, u which was presented by the City Clerk, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote, AYES, Councilmen; Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT. CouncilmenNone RESOLUTION TO GALLIENNE, FAMILY On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Resolution No. 2266 ® " RESOLUTION ELF' T11E CITY COUNU1L OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH T THE WIDOW AND F.A. IIX OF WILLIA GALLIENNE , DECEASED : " which was presented by the City Clergy, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES, Cauncilmenn Welch, Gisler, Steuart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- C ounc .lmen . None ABSENT: Councilmen: :eons PAYROL.T., REGISTER On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council approved Register for November 10, 1965, on recommendation of Committee� Motion carried. 5,4'-WARRANT REGISTER On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council approved Register for November 15, 1965, on recommendation of Committee. Motion carried, the Payroll the Finance the WArrant the Finance Mayor Shipley called an informal meeting of the Council as a Committee - of -the -Whole for :30 P.M. on November 22, 1965, for, a study session with the Recreation and Parks Commission. \�H \N,w+�rrn_NK V�,\Va�VN On motion by Lambert; second Gisler, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Friday, November 26, 1965, at 000 P.M. Motion carried. Jones City Clerk and ex -of f icio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: : T'auIcity a\zaA�