HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-01-03MIhA TES Council Chamber, Civic Center k € ntlngton Beach, California Monday, January 3, 1966 Mayor Shipley called the regular mead.ng of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beech, to orders at 7 z 30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The invocation was given by Reverend,Dale Johnson, Lutheran Church of the Resurrection. POLL CALL Councilmen Present: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley Councilmen Absent: Nang: DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ............................................................ On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, the reports of the Director of Public Works, Eire Chief, Lifeguard Chief, Recreation Director and Building Director, were approved and ordered filed. Motion carried. LIBRARY BOARD REA.PPOINTr4ENT - MISS LEA 110D On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council reappointed Miss Lei, Hood to the Library Board for a three year term terminating December 31, 1968, are recommendation of the Library Board of Trustees. Motion carried. =; COMMENDATION -- P C JONES - LEAGUE € F CITIES On motion by Lambert, second Welch, a letter of commendation .from the League of California Cities expressing appreciation for services rendered ed by Paul C. Jones as a member of ra League Committee d to the City for its cooperation, was received and ordered filed. Motion carried. On motion by Gisler, second Lambert, Council granted permission to the Santiago Girl. Scout Council to conduct a cookie sale from February 12Lh 191 and March 18th - 26 s and a calendar sale tro € vember^ 4th 26t, 1966, subject to solicitors registering ing with the Police Department. Motion carried. OIL OR[ EN INC, On motion by Lambert, second Welch, a Letter from Ken Klrchmeyer Construction Company approving the now €ill code laws and requesting consideration of various suggestions, was received and filed as same are being considered In the new or°dinancee Motion carried. USE VAIANCE 7S ,r The Clerk presented a .utter from Planning Commissioners Kaufman and Crabb.. relating to Planning Commission approval of Use Variance #878, for the sign for McDonal.d's Golden Arches restaurant. Councilman Stewart abstained from ,action on UV 078 due to a conflict of interest and left his palace at the Council table.. A, motion was .rile by Welch, second Gisler, to x ecei e .d file thy: communication from Pla. ing Commissioners Kaufm n and Crabb. Prior to the vote, Jake P. Stewart, 901 Rhine Drive, Chip, addressed the Council as a private citizen and stated that the removal of the two signs presently located on the restuar a t property world greatly improve the area. Following discussion on the matter, the matter was put to a vote and carried. Page n, - Minutes, January 3, 1966 Councilman Ste -wart resumed his place at the Council table. \ �:.� �'�.�, �, •. ...z.`0 a�. v� ant as *v E F okrZ, -Ir LLx 3 S vt� a_v , On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council granted a permit to the Charter Revision Committee to operate a loud -speaker on a moving vehicle on January 9, 1966, to urge citizens to vote. Motion carried. The Clerk presented an appeal from J. W� McMichael Company, to the Director of Public Work's interpretation etation € f street, cures and gutter requirements 1n Tract 6119. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council set a public hearing on the appeal to the Public orks Director's interpretation o requirements to Tract 6119, filed by J. W. McMichael Company for Monday,. the l7b day of January, 196 ., at 7,30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible. Motion carried. On motion by Shipley, second Welch, Council authorized the City Clerk to take the Revised City Charter to Sacramento for .filing and presentation to the State Legislature, 1l approved at the January 11 election. Motion carried. 'i°ha Clank read a -letter from tJohn Critchlow, proprietor for the Newport great, Shell Service, complaining and inquiring as to the reason. for -tire delay of street construction on Bushard Avenue between Banning and Hamilton Aven es ., which has been impassable since October ber 14, 1965. The Director of Public Works reported d can the weathers conditions which have prevented his or ker s from completing repairs on Bushard Street and stated ire would notify Mr. Critchlow of the problems involved. The Clerk read a letter from William F. Fewer, Vice -President of Power, Inc. requesting a 30 day extension of time can Use Variance P27, in which to break ground for the hospital on Beach Boulevard. On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council grunted a 90 day extension of time to Fewer Inc. on Use Variance #727a Nation carried., The Clerk presented a claim for damages filed by George T. Edudston for property damage to his station wagon caused by water valve box lid puncturing the transmission parr and rendering the car inoperative. On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council denied the claim for damages filed by George T. Edmiston, and referred same to the City Attorney and the City's insurance carrier. Motion carried., ON S Mr. George Woods, .15441 Duke Circle, addressed the Council on behalf of the Charter Revision Committee and informed the Council that public .form -a would be geld at the Edison Company on January 6, 1966, and requested support on the proposed City -barter Revision. vRI` 11V z , 9.:. Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set fora public hearing on an appeal from Scottco, Incorporated, to the decision of the Planning Commission in denying UHF #7 g on property hounded hex Florida Street, 1.7th Street, Clay Avenue € nd Delaware .Avenue, and directed the Clank to read the legal notice. Page # - Minutes, January 3, 1966 The Clergy read notice of public hearing on an appeal to the denial by the Planning Commission of UV 79, as published in the H nt-ington Beach News on December 23, 1965, s.ettin.g the hour of 7,30 P� d , or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of January, 1966, In the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach., California, as the tune and. place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering an appeal to the denial by the PD-inning Commission of U 79 to regulations of the Districting Ordinance on 6.2 acres of land zoned R2 and master panned for medium density residential use. The Clerk presented the letter of appeal. from Scottoo Incorporated and stated that he had received no further communications or protests to the Use Variance., Mayor h:ipley declared the hearing open. Mr. Roger Watson, President of Scottco, Incorporated, addressed the Council and stated that he was the former owner of the property now owned by Bayport Enterprises, Mr. Watson presented a report on the irregularities on said property which he felt warranted a variance being issued. Mr. Mal hahal.ais, Newport Beach, addressed the Council and stated that he felt the € bjectl.on of the Plann-ing Commission was to the decrease In the number of bedrooms, Mrs ,back H. Morris, Newport Beach, addressed the Council and stated that lie was in favor of UV #879 There being no one further present to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Planning Director Reynolds addressed the Council and gave a resume' of the Planning Commissions reason for denying Use Variance #879. Following discussion on the matter, a motion was made by Welch, second. Gisler, to overrule the Planning Commission and grant Use Variance ;#-'879, Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE 22542 ® APPROVED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Zone Case No. 542, on property located approximately 750 feet north of Garfield Avenue, between Stang Lane (Florida) and. Delaware Street, and directed the Clerk to ream the legal notice,. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Casa € . 42, as puhlish.nd .in the Huntington Beach dews on December 23, 19 5� setting the hour of , 30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of jan aryR 1966, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Bear , California, as the time and place for a. public hearing .for the purpose of conside inn a p titian for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordhance, from h2 Two Family Residence District, to: R5 Office -Professional District. The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission recommending approval of Zone No. 542, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the Zone Lose or to the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed her the Mayor. 4 On motion by Stewart, second Welch, Council directed the Cite Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone: Case Nh z 422 otion carried Mayor ,Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Code Amendment 65-8 to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, and directed the am.ere to read the .legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Code Amendment 65-8, as published in the Huntington BeachNews on December 23 1965, setting the hour of 700 110V der° as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday,, the 3rd day of January, 1966, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach; California, as t t me and place for public hearing for the purpose of considering Code Amendment 65-8 of the City Planning Commission, amending Article 953 of the Huntington Beach Ordinanceode a s it relates to the M1 Light Industrial District which would delineate parking requirements for manufacture or research testing laboratories, motor vehicle Or machinery wales, transportation terminal facilities, storage buildings, wholesale, warehousing and distribution favilities� The Clerk informed the Council that the,, had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and copies of the proposed amendment to the Code, ardstated that he had received no communications or written protests to the Code Amendment or to the recommendation of the Planning Commissi= Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open., There being no one present to speak ak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor, On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance amendingArticle 953 of the Huntington each Ordinance €mod?die as recommended by the Planning Commission, Motion carried. VMS e ... :� _.r,.. i, �»,»„v�:W�.,,�� v.,,w.v ww. � �<i.� � � t,�:,�n �. v.:.�. r•K.,,�:..�............ .. ,.�ii„�, ,�,«xvi,�,w... The Clerk presented bids for the development of Brusnwick Park, Sunshine Park, Schroeder Park and Wardlow Park in the City, which had been opened at the informal meeting of the Council at 7 :00 _Z Mp the Director of ., A Z summary by Public Works, as follows: Adder J, Shirley, `ire Pasadena. Johnson's Landscape Costa Mesa 91,5=00 Valley Crest Van Nuys 239$524,366 Moulder Bros.Glendale 101,61204 R. W, McClellan Costa Mesa 103,84006 Kawai oso - Buena -ark 11 , 46co W R. ilkinson - Ballwin Park 111,233,51 Shawn Co. - Placentia 13037=00 1,5n.(X) 94,672 S8 99,69&766 103,84007 105,183.10 116,530.43 1201906,01 134,273.22 OR motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council took the matter of the bid award on Project CC-033 under consideration for two weeks. Motion carried.. On motion by Stewart second Lambert, Council authorized payment to Architect Richard Bigler, as per d: ontract � MDti on carried. RECESS Mayor Shipley called a recess of the Council at 8:50 PY. Council was reconvened at.908 P.M. by theMayor d` moo' 1,5n.(X) 94,672 S8 99,69&766 103,84007 105,183.10 116,530.43 1201906,01 134,273.22 OR motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council took the matter of the bid award on Project CC-033 under consideration for two weeks. Motion carried.. On motion by Stewart second Lambert, Council authorized payment to Architect Richard Bigler, as per d: ontract � MDti on carried. RECESS Mayor Shipley called a recess of the Council at 8:50 PY. Council was reconvened at.908 P.M. by theMayor d` moo' Page #5 - Minutes, January 3s 1966 FINAL TRACT P 5197 - MEREDlT _, CONSTRUCTION The Clerk presented a transmittal prnm the Planning it eptor, sub- mitting final form of Tract Map 5197, Meredith Consteuttlon, for adoption: Developer eredith Construction Corporation, Tw�,tin Engineer: Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson, Inc Location. Booth Of Adams Avenue, 965.00 feet east of BrookhurstStreet; Legal Description,., Being aproposed subdivision ofa portion of the _NWV4 of fractional Section 8-6-10; Number of Cats: 8 6 Total cred 1 .537 s that the map Had been certified by the City Faigineer and the Secrete to the Planning Commission to 'be true and correct in accordance with provisions of -the City Subdivision Code. The City Council may accept dedication as shown n the map` and in addition approve the Final Map, subject to the followingfollowinig conditions,, The City len 4 signature shall He withhold pending the submittal and completion on the enumerated requirements 1. Deposit of fees .fog° waters surer°, drainage engineering and inspections, L Bond for improvements. 3. Signature of agreement. 4. Certificate of Insurance. S. Approval from County Surveyor. H� Bond for monuments. 7. Deed for Underground Water Rights. n motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map 51975 Meredith Construction Corporation, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. The Clerk presented n communication from the Planning Director -of Conditional Exception - UV 071 - Mills Construction Company - on property located on the southeast caner of Heil Avenue and Algonquin Streets involving deviations to the R2 Two Family Residence District requirements and, the Subdivision Ordinance for Tentative 'Tract Map No, 90� On motion by Lamberts second Welch, Council approved Conditional Exception - U 871,, ith conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commissiun� Motion carried. T 4 ® SHIELDS DES The Clerk k presented n communication from the Planning Director of Conditional Exception - UV #874 ® Shields Development Company ® on property located at the southwest corner of Yorktown avenue and Brookhurst Street) involving various deviations to the RA Residential Agricultural District requirements mid the Subdivision Ordinan+ for Tentative Tract Mop 6117. On motion by Welch, second Stewart, Council approved Conditional Exception - UV 874, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. u 7 - LUXURY HOMES The Clerk presented a communication from the Planning Director, of Conditional Exception ® UV #876 - Luxury Homes, on property located at the southeast corner of Slater Avenue and Edwards Street � involving v a.rio s deviations ns to the R2 Two Family Residence District require- ments and the Subdivision Ordinance for Tentative Tract Map 5855. On motion by Welch,, second Stewart, Council approved Conditional Exception - U $976, with conditions as Rtipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion c nind� Page #6 - Minutes, January 3, 1966 V -1 - S NBF-AM 11ONES The Clerk presented a communication from the Planning Director of Conditional. Exception - UV #881 - Sunbeam Homes, Incorporated, on property located on the east side of Bushard Street, 772 feet north of Adams'. involving various deviations to the R2 Two Family Residence District requirements and the Subdivision Ordinance for Tentative Tract Map 5613, On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council approved Conditional Exception - UV //881, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission, Motion carried,, PUBLIC HE ING SET Z�ONE _CASES 54- 45 On motion by Stewart, second Lambert, Council ordered public heartaV for Monday ,, January 17, 1966, at 7:30 11,M., or as soon thereafter -as possible, on Zone Case No. 544 and Zone Case No. 545, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. BEACH REPORT - PUBLIC WORKS The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a preliminary report entitled "Artificial and Natural Influences in the Beaches at Huntington Beach," submitted by Douglas L. Inmanb consultant in oceanography, together with an invoice for same in the amount of $262,,M A motion made by Stewart, second Lambert, to receive the beach report fair study and authorize pa- yment to Mr. Inman in the amount of 8262s70, failed when put to a vote. On motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council deferred action on the beach report and payment therefor, to the meeting of January 17, 1966. Motion carried. The Public Works Director presented a proposal from the Public Services Director of Westminster to pay their share of the drainage fees due the City of Huntington Beach as established by thearbitration board, and recommended that an agreement covering same be prepared which would also include the area east of the railway On motion by Gisler� second Lambert, Counci ' I authorized the City Administrator and Director of Public Works to proceed with the pre- paration of an agreement in conjunction with officials of Westminster, to include the area arbitrated and the trailer park area east of the railway, Motion carried. ST IMPR ACrRPTPn The Clerk presented a trmasm.ittal from the Director of Public Works of Resolution No. 2289, accepting street improvements from the State for that portion of Golden West Street and Bolsa Avenue as outlined in red on the right-of-way map dated December 8, 1965 and attached to Resolution No. 22895 The intersection was improved as a part of the recently completed San Diego Freeway between Bolsa ChicStreet and Beach Boulevard, but was not included in the executed freeway agreement dated February 1., 1960& On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Resolution No2289 - "RESOLU- TION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING ACCEPTANCE OF' A PORTION OF C ts9 N ST STREET AND BOLSA AVENT3E.11 which had here- tofore been presented to the Council and react by them, was passed and adopted by the followin,- roll all, votez Ay"P.2'. Councilmen - NOES- -, Councilmen" ABSENTICouncilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley None None 474 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a Resolution of Intention to vacate two portions of Poke Avenue and, one portion of Springdale Street, which have become surplus due. to relocations and realignments of flood control and street rights - of -way. On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Resolution No. 2290 - "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNT TON BAR � CALIFORNIATO VACATE PORTIONS OF BOLSA AVENUE,AND SPRINGDALE STREET IN SAID CITY AND GIVING NOTICE OF REARING ON SAID VACATION," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll cull voteY AYESo dunbilm6n.,. Welch, d ies°.,' t'e art; Lambert, Shipley M� Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None A ATIO - ALLEY - TRACT 4992 The Clerk presented d a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a Resolution of Intention to vacate two portions of an alley in Tract No. 4992 which are no longer needed. On motion, by Lambert � second Gisler, Resolution No. 2291 - SBA RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OR THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON REACH� CALIFORNIA TO VACATE TWO PORTIONS OF AN ALLEY LOCATED IN TRACT NO. 4992 IN SAID CITE' AND GIVING NOTICE OF HEARING ON SAID VACATION," which had'heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roil call vote; AYES, Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES, Councilmen: done , B ET s Councilmen: Name T - i 'R - C- 2d - FINAL PR€ G P T -., _SULLY FILL On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council accepted the work as completed an Project C -02d, Rolm Chita Street, Improvements, ,and directed the Clerk to file a Notice ofCompletion; and authorized the payment of $40.43 to Sully Miller Contracting Company. Motion carried. EAISTSIA DRAINAGE PROBLEM The Director,of Public Works presented a report on the Rants d. drainage Oto lem, and stating that the requirements .waded to correct the situation between Hartford and Frankfort Streets required u.ired 1210 linear feet of 1811 reinforced concrete pipe, seven catch basins and four manholes at an estimated cost of 2 , 68.00. n motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council referred tie _Eastside drainage problem to the Director of Public Works and City Administrator for further study. Motion carried. Mrs. Marilyn Janow, 617 Frankfort Street, City, addressed the Council and pr°utosted Council putting the matter off, as a dangerous health hazard existed. Following further discussion, on the matter, a motion was made by Lamnt� second Gisler, to defer action until the next meeting, and directed the Administrator -and Public Works Directory to research the possibility of a septic tank as a temporary solution to the problem. Motion carried. :1 TRACT 5 90 - DEDICATION OF IFPRO EMRNTd - ALISO HOMES The Clerk presented a communication . from the Director of Puhlic Works recommending acceptance of dedicated improvements and authorization to release the Monument Bond and Improvement Band and terminate the Subdivision Agreement cement for Tract 3()v- Aliso Homes. Page #8 - Minutes, January 3, 1966 On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council accepted improvements dedicated for public use on Tract #5590; authorized the release of the Monument Bond and Improvement Bond and termination of the Sub- division Agreement-- ' - and directed that the developer and bonding company be notified. Motion carried. CURBS & GUTTERS - BEACH BLVD - JOE IRVINE Under deferred items,. the Clerk presented a request from Joe Irvine to eliminate the requirement for construction of curb and gutters In front of his Liquor Store on Beach Boulevard until such time as the Freeway is constructed. Mr. Russell J. Riley� 7672 Seine Drive,, City, proprietor of a business in an adjoining block, addressed the Council and protested that the median at Joliet Avenue had not 'been cut through, and claiming that discriminatory practices were being followed. On motion by Welch, second Stewart, Council directed the Administrator and Director of Public Works to study the problem presented by Mr. Riley, together with �!r. Irvine's request and report. Motion carried. PROPOSED OIL ORDINANCE - PUBIAC HEARING SET The Clerk presented a proposed oil ordinance submitted by the attorney for the Independent Oil Operators, and the proposed oil ordinance submitted by the City's Oil Committee, for Council. consideration. On motion by Stewart, second Glisler, Council ordered a public hearing for Tuesday, January 25, 1966, at 7,30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on the proposed oil ordinance for the City of Huntington Beach, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same. Motion carried. rF GRANT DEED ACCEPTED - W11140TH On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council accepted a grant deed from James E. Wilmoth for Lot 34, Block A, Tract 392 in the Murdy Park site, and directed the Clerk to record same with the Orange County Recorder. Motion carried. 1.17 A,X,,PTED1 The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1176 for a second reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING TBE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY .MENDING SECTION 1578 Q). it On motion by Lambert, second (killer, Ordinance No. 1176 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES. Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None � ORDINANCE .1.1.77 - ADOPTED The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 11-77 for a second reading.- "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE 540 AM1NDING T11k, IRJNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CA)DE BY RECLASSIFYING DM-135 (Sectional District Map 12-6-11)." On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Ordinance No. 1177 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES, Councilmen: Welch,, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert-, Shipley NOES. Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen: None ORDINANCE 1-178 - FIRST READING - PAIMIST'RY 7he Cldrk--gave Ordinance No. 1178 a first reading in full ® "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNrINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 2114.2.9 AND ADDING ARTICL, 534 ENTITLED IFORTUNE TELLING PROHIBITED' AND NEW SECTIONS OF SAID ARTICLE." Page #9 ® Minutes, January 3, 1966. 1r; ORDINANCE 1:179 - FIRST HEADING The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1179 for .a first reading ® "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTI GTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 1578 (h.) OF THE HUNTINGT€ N BEACIi ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO SALARY All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents therein. On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, the oral first reeding bf Ordinance 1179 was waived,. Motion carried. RDINAN E 1180 - FIRST R AHT. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1180--_for -a first reading - "A 01'ZD . ANCE OF THE CITY OF' HUN` INGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONECASE ,36; AMENDING THE HU T1 GT N BEACH ORDINANCE CHIIF TAT RECA SIFY IN SECTION DM-1 (Sectional District Map 1.1® ®11) a" All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents therein. On motion by Lamberts second Stewart, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1.180 was waived. Motion carried`. r+ ORPI A CE 1181 -_FTRST REDOING Awc00000, mooamoaaooudouwox«aaw:,ovoo.:�.�a�e�.+H ovoH.� The Clerk presented Ordnance No. 1181 for -a first reading - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY € F HUNTINGTON BEACH REEL TINE TO LICENSES; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE ,COME BY ADDING SECTION 21.14.2. � 1 TO ARTICLE 211 OF CHAPTER 21.12 All Councilmen stipulated that they had. read the Ordinance to full and were aware of the contents therein. On motion by Lambert, second St wa?t, the oral first reading o Ordinance Noy.. 1.181 was waived. Motion carried. E�,; 1�NA C 8 - FIRST READING The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1182 for -a first reading - "A: ORDINAN CE ,OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZOO CASE 54 y AMENDING THE HUTI GT N BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY R LASSIE 1 p m39 (Sectional District Map 35-5-1..1.V' All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and, were aware of the contents therein. On motion by Lambert, second Stewart. the oral first t reading of Ordinance No. 1182 was waived., Motion carried. 4r: r RESOLUTION NO 2292 - ADOPTED - MASTER PLAN -STREETS On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Resolution No,. 2290. - ."A RESO1,UT10N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF_,'THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING AN A-MMI hMENT TO THE INST PLAN OF ARTERIAL STREETS AND HIGHWAYS AS IT RE1,A°TFS TO THE AREA BOUNDED BY THE CLUZRENTLY FRF SED . AMENDMNT TO THE MASTER PIA.N OF JANT USE - STUDY AREA V WITH CERTAIN CIIAN ES," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adapted by the following roll call. vote: AYES; Councilmen: belch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- 6ounci1men z None ABSENT- Coaanci linen : done 477 Page #10 - Minutes4 January 3, 1966 I IN') N: F 1� +1,1 � On motion by Lambert, second Stewarto Resolution No, 2293 - "A RESOLUTION OF 1k[`1,'-1E CITY OF 110 CITY COUNCIL OF 11111 CITY OF k ' -1 - Cl -,,E %X11 AUT11ORIZING TRE -J-,1k-1X TO CANVASS BALLOTS ONN OF THIE CITY Cffi)`�\T 'k*,'L,` w1hich had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the followin roll call votez Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, -Shipley N(AE'S', Councilmenn None ABSENTv Counci Imen : None -- — ------------ - ---------- -X,- ........ ..... On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Resolution No� 2294 - "A RESOLUTION 01F TTIE CITY COUNCIL (Ar T11E CITY OF BEACIT A>M\->Nfl IN'(3, CERTAIN fi11-4STER LAND 0SE PLAN `14ASTOZ, LPL AN�' OF IA�N,-D USE 1* 2 1961,1 BY IIUDOPTII�\-,,`G: TO REVISED JANUARY I THE 0F LAN1) 13SE111 STUl-',Y AREA V s which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote-'' Councilmen, Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NO'E', S Colaunci-laze�--, None gBARTER MOVISION COMMM'ITTEEI - SUPtuRl" 0011- ,,, . ....... . ....... ---- ....... am"11-1-1-1. Council pledged their support M Mn Fadj MW I I to the Charter Revision Committee for their efforts in prompting pas&age of the proposed Revi6ed City GharterMotion carried, Welch commented on the need for a resolution establishing policy regarding overtime compensation being submitted to Council within 60 days of the date earned, The Administrator informed the Council that such a resolution was neededo and that it would be incorporated in the new personnei ordinaMe bein.,@, . p--,etpared,, E,,, % -- FEDERAL FUN.."DIS The City Administrator informed the Covincil that Federal funds up to 50% are available for park development of park sites that had been purchased with Federal participation, and requested permission to proceed with applications immediately for Federal funds for acquisition and development of parksites in the City On motion by second Wfich, Council directed the City Administrator to proceed With applications for Federal funds for the acquisition and development of parksites in the City� Motion carried,,, U ULI RECOMMJ, 1'. "I"\ . . . . . . . . . . ... . ....... The City Administrator presented a recommendation that Council consider study of ten items by the Urban Land h,�',u�tittzte for implementation4 presented by Dr, Kaufman at the meeting of December 20, 1965� Nr, Miller distributed to Council copies Of Dr. Kaufman's letter, and recommended that Dr, Kaufman be commended by Council action On motion by Stewart, second Welch, Council directed the City Administrator to prepare a plaque of commendation for Dr, Kaufmarl for his efforts with the Land Institute study. Motion, carried, 113RCTEISITA! CTITICTI&S by Gisler, second Lambert, Council authorized the Purchasing Agent and Buyer to attend portions of the California Association of public purchasing officers conference at the Disneyland Hotel - January 26th - 28th, 1966v with transportation, registration and reasonable expenses allowed, Motion carried, 4 1 17\\� I" IN: "i Page #11 ® Minutes, January 5, 1966 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. :-� .......... ..... The City Administrator informed the Council that Planning Director Kenneth Reynolds will graduate from the University of Southern California in February,, 1966, with a Master of Science Degree in City and Regional Planning, Members of the Council expressed their appreciation for his work In obtaining the degree. :IIDYM�NT bn motion by- Lambert,, second Welch� Council authorized the employment of James R. Dahl and Floyd L. Stafford as Policeman, Range 39-Al effective at the discretion of the Chief of Polices Motion carried. PERSONNEL - POLICE CANDIDATE EXMINATIONS AUTH On motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council authorized the Personnel Department 'to proceed with Police candidate examinations as soon as, possibles on recommendation of the Chief of Police mid it Administrator. Motion carried On motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council authorized the employment of one replacement police officer and two new police officers from the next certified list of police candidates, Motion carried. 'RI AR, H I D .1 f IASE, N The City AdndnLs trator presented a transmittal from the Recreation and Parks Commission recommend-ing that Richard A. Bigler. Architect, be authorized to proceed with first phase development of the Murdy Park site, under an extension of the existing contract. On motion by Lamberts second Gisler, Council authorized Architect Richard A. Bigler to proceed with first phase development of the Murdy Park site, under an extension of the existing contract. Motion carried. US CI OF COMMMCE SEMINAR The City Administrator presented a letter from Mr. Ralph Kiser, Industrial Chairman of the Huntingston Beach Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the City be represented at the U. Chamber of Commerce Community Development Management Seminar in Pomona, January 6, 1966, On motion by Stewart, second Lambert, Council authorized the Chairman of the Planning Cofmission, the Administrator, Planning., Director and as many Councilmen as possible, to attend the Industrial Management Seminar in Pomona, January 6, 1966, with reasonable expenses allowed., Motion carried, EMPLOYEES HEALIM INSURANCE On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council authorized the City Administrator to notify the present carrier of the City Finployees, health insurance plan of cancellation of same, and authorized the placing of the health insurance with another selected company. Motion carried, a I-wwm 1� The City Attorney reported on the car storage problem at Warner Avenue and A Street and other, locations. On motion by, Lambert, second Stewart, Council directed -the City Attorney to notify by registered mail all car dealers in violation of the Code, that they must apply for a variance before February 7, 1966, or legal a-etion will be taken. Motion carried. Page #12 ® Minutes, January 3, 1966 PUOLL REGISTER n motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council approved the Payroll, Reigster for December 2 � 1965, on recommendation of the Finance Committee, Motion carried, - WARRANT REGISTER On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council_ approved the Warrant Register for January 3, 1966, on recommendation of the Finance Committee. Motion carried. Mayor Shipley called art informal meeting of the Council as a. Committee - of -the -Whole for 7;00 A.M. Monday, January 17, 1966, in the Council Chamber for -a study session. On motion by Stewart, second Lambert, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntl.t ton Beach adjourned. Motion carried,. of the City Coinici1. of the City of Huntington Beach, California .TTFT- A � :�