HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-01-04MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers,,Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1966 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Miller., ZONE CASE NO. 543 - Continued Applicant_ - Shields Development, Co. Change.. of Zone from 3R A, Resi- dential Agricultural District to R-1 Single Family Residence District and C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District with setback provisions. Located at the northwest corner of Brookhurst Street and Yorktown Avenue and legally described as follows: Parcel I: From R-A to R-1; the W. 260 ft. of the S..264 ft. of the SE/4,, SE/4,, NE/4 of'' Section 6-6-10. Parcel II: From R-A to-C-l': The E. 400 ft.' of the S. 264 ft. of the SE/4, SEA, NEA of Section 6-6-10. The Secretary read a letter submitted by Randall F. Paull, Vice -President of Shields Development'. Co., requesting a continuance to February 1, 1966, meeting., A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON ZONE CASE NO. 543 TO FEBRUARY 1, 1966. ROLL,CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. EXTENSION OF TIME - TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5841 The Secretary informed the Commission that this item and Use Variance No..884 pertain to the same parcel of land and the public hearing should be opened to -both items. Staff Reports on both items were read by the Secretary. It was noted that the recommendations of,the ULI should be implemented and the service station site should be eliminated. The hearing was opened to the audience on Tentative Tract 5841 and Use Variance 884. R.,E. Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and questioned if there was a hardship. The Planning Director read the application and the reasons stated for the request. -1- 1/4/66 Page No. 2 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 Robert Gulino, engineer for the developer, addressed the Commission and explained the proposal. Mark Porter, 19842 Providence Lane, Huntington Beach., addressed the Commission and asked if underground utilities were regVired and further requested the City to require average lot sizes larger than 6000 sq..ft. the hearing was closed. the service station site because of There being no other comment, It was the consensus to eliminate Urban Land Institute recommendations. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5841 TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Map received January 4, 1965, shall be the approved layout. 2. Approval of this Tentative Map shall be null and void unless Use Variance No. 884 is approved by the City Council. 3. The property line radius of all cul-de-sac streets shall be 45 feet. 4. The minimum frontage of lots on cul-de-sacs shall be 45 feet.- 5. The proposed pedestrian walkway shall be designated Lot "A" and said walkway shall be improved to Department of Public Works Standards. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground. 7. -The Service Station site shall be omitted and the tract shall be approved for construction of single family homes only. 8. A petition for rezoning to R-1 shall be filed approximately at the time the final map is recorded. 9. The property line radius on cul-de-sac streets may be reduced to 45 feet and the minimum frontage on cul-de-sac lots may be reduced to 40 feet if said reductions are approved by the Fire Department and Department of Public Works. On -street parking shall be provided for each lot; otherwise, conditions 3 and 4 shall prevail. 10. All "Standard Conditions of Approval" for tentative tracts that are applicable shall be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 1/4/66 Page No. 3 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4,.1966 USE VARIANCE NO. 884 _....Applicant - Mervin B. Johnson To permit the following: 1) The property line radius of all cul-de-sacs'to be'45'feet. 2) The minimum frontage of lots on cul-de=sacs and knuckles to be 40 ft. 3) The•-lots.within each block.to average 60 ft. in. width (at a 20 ft. setback from front property line) -with an average 6000 sq. ft. of.'lot area per -block. (The minimum lot shall not be less than 50 ft. in width with 5000 sq. -ft.. Hof lot area including corner lots). 4) 50`;t. right of way streets as indicated on ac- companying maps of Tracts 5841 and 6068. 5) ' ' 10 ft. mi.ni.mumfront yard setback for 'fences not over 6 ft. in height and for garages With a side approach. 6) A minimum of 3 ft. side yard on one side of a lot provided the abutting side yard of the adjoining lot is not less than 5 ft. 7) 15:ft. minimum rear yard setback on irregular shaped lots and.on other lots only where a front patio is provided. (For the purposes of -this variance a patio shall be defined as an area adjoining the dwelling unit which is enclosed with a fence, 8) Roll curbs (to Department of Public Works Standards) for driveways and continuous roll curbs around cul-de-sacs and knuckles. 9) Sidewalks adjacent to curbs, with no parkways. Located at'the southwest corner of Atlanta Avenue and Brookhurst Street in'the R-A-O Residential Agricultural District ,and 'legally described as .the NE/4, NE/4 of Section 18-6-10. A MOTION WAS MADE BY'KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY LAWSON'TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF -UV #884 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The request conforms to intent of the subdivision ordinance code. AND FURTHER RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF USE VARIANCE N0..884 TO THE.CITY COUNCIL WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The property line radius of all cul-de-sacs shall be'45 feet. 2. The minimum frontage of lots on cul-de-sacs and knuckles shall be 45 feet. 3. 'Lots within each.block shall average 60 feet in width with 6000 sq. ft. of lot area and the minimum lot shall not be less than 50 feet wide with 5000.sq.-ft.-of lot area. 4. The minimum.street'shall have 50•ft. of right-of-way. 5. :The minimum front yard shall be.10 ft. except the minimum front yard for garages entered directly,from.the street shall be 22 ft. 6. The minimum side yard shall be 3 ft., provided the abutting side yard of the adjoining lot is not less than 5 ft. and further provided.no architectural feature, shall be located closer than 30 inches to the property line. -3- 1/4/66 Page No. 4 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 7. A 15 ft..minimum rear yard setback on irregular shaped lots and on other lots only where a front patio is provided may be permitted. Patio shall be defined as a paved area enclosed with a fence. 8. All streets shall be to Department of Public Works Standards. 9. A full-grown tree, as approved by the Park Supervisor, shall be planted in the, front yard of each lot and in the exterior side yard of each corner lot. 10. The property line radius on cul-de-sac streets may be reduced to 45 feet and the minimum frontage on cul-de-sac lots may be reduced to 40 feet if said reductions are approved by the Fire Department and: Department of Public Works. On -street parking shall.be provided for each lot; otherwise, conditions 1 and 2 shall prevail. 11. The developer shall notify the Real Estate Commissioner of the above listed conditions. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Bazil suggested that the Commission instruct the Staff to inform all applicants that the Planning Commission is reconsidering the location and amount of commercial property throughout the City and the reconsideration will be based on recommendations of the ULI. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5148 Number of Lots: 17 Subdivider: B. G. Williams Total Acreage: 3.95 Engineer: Valley Consultants, Inc. Located approximately 727 ft. south of Edinger Avenue and west of Bolsa Chica Street and legally des- cribed as being a proposed subdivision of Lots 146, 147, and a portion of Lot 148 in Tract No. 3750. The Subdivision Committee Report was read by the Secretary. Jack Carlson, engineer for the developer, addressed the Commission and objected to the condition requiring underground utilities. He stated that there are 5 overhead poles existing on the south property line. He further requested that the Commission reconsider the condition requiring that a 6 ft. block wall be constructed along the north line of the subdivision. He stated that the owner on the north property line objects to the block wall because he does not have plans to develop his property at this time. -4- 1/4/66 Page No. 5 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 Bob Williams, applicant, addressed the Commission and submitted various photographs of existing overhead power lines.surrounding the subject property. He further requested .that the block wall be deleted until the adjacent property is developed. Commission discussion was held at length. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY LAWSON TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5148 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, AS AMENDED: 1. The Tentative Map received December 10, 1965, shall be the approved layout. 2. All public streets and alleys shall comply with City Standards. 3. All utilities shall be installed underground. 4. All "Standard Conditions of Approval" for tentative tracts that are applicable shall be complied with. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 6136 Number of Lots: 36 Subdivider: Doyle Development Total Acreage: 7.76 Engineer: Voorheis-Trindle-Nelson,Inc Located east of Springdale Street, 808 feet south of Heil Avenue and legally descrbied as being a proposed subdivision of a portion of the NWA, SWA of Section 22-5-11. The Subdivision Report was read by the Secretary. Stanley Bell, engineer for the developer, addressed the Commission and objected to condition #5 requiring the installation of underground utilities. He stated that the surrounding area is all overhead. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 6136 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Map received December 15, 1965, shall be the approved layout. 2. The property line radius of all cul-de-sac streets shall be 50 feet. 3. The drainage easement on Lot 16 shall be eliminated. 4. A 10 ft..'drainage easement shall be provided on either Lot 8 or Lot 9. 5. All utilities shall be installed underground. -5- 1/4/66 Page No. 6 Minutes: H.B..Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 6. A petition for rezoning to R-1 shall be filed approximately at the time the final map is recorded. 7. All "Standard Conditions of Approval" for tentative tracts that are applicable shall be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO. 883 Applicant - Westwayy Petroleum Co. To allow the construction of a service station in theR-1 Single Family Residence District. Located at the northeast corner of Warner Avenue and Newland Street and legally described as Lots 60 and 61, Tract No. 3431. Secretary. The Staff Report was read by the The hearing was opened to the audience.. Mr. Marshall, representing Westway Petroleum Co., addressed the Commission and presented maps and photo- graphs of the proposed service station. He stated that the subject property is not desirable for single family dwellings. The following property owners addressed the Commission and objected to the service station: Mrs. Christine O'Connell, 8521 Glasgow Circle, Richard Bond, 8551 Glasgow Cr., John O'Connell, 8521 Glasgow Cr., R. E. Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane and Mark Porter, 19842 Providence Lane. Mr. Neil Evans, 7605 Granada Drive, Buena Park, owner of the adjoining property spoke in favor of the request. . There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. Commission noted that the subject property is zoned R-1, used as R-1 and master planned for low density residential use. The Planning Director pointed out that vehiVlar access rights from Newland Street and Warner Avenue to the subject lots have been dedicated to the City. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY LAWSON TO DENY USE VARIANCE NO. 883 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The applicant did not establish a hardship because the subject property is used for single family housing. —6— 1/4/66 Page No. 7 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 2. The request is incompatible with the Master Plan of Land Use and the ULI recommendations. ROLL CALL VOTE: — AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT:, Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. CODE AMENDMENT 65-9 - ARTICLE 981 „Board of_Zonin Adjustments , The Planning Director informed the Commission- that -thi-s ; amendment pertains to the expansion of the Board of Zoning Adju-6tinents responsibilities. The hearing was opened to the audience. Warren Hall, 9381 Nantucket Drive, addressed the Commission and objected to S. 9811.1, Subsection K, allowing the Board to act on adjustments in plot plans previously approved by the Commission which do not constitute a substantial change. He stated that the public should have an opportunity to express their opinion and participate in the discussion. He also felt that the Planning Commission should act on any revisisions in plot plans which were previously approved by the Planning Commission. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY KAUFMA,N TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF CODE AMENDMENT 65-9 TO THE CITY COUNCIL, DELETING ITEM K. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS CALLED: Chairman Bazil called a recess of the Commission at 9:45 PM. CQ4HISSTON--R CON-VE-NED: Commission reconvened at 10:00 PM. CODE AMENDMENT 65-10 -"ARTICLE 910 R-1 Zone Parking Requirements The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment, the hearing was closed. The Planning Director informed the Commission that this provision is an amendment to the R-1 District which will alter the parking requirements by permitting carports subject to the approval of a Use Permit. Discussion followed regarding the use if this provision on a large scale. It was the consensus that -7- 1/4/66 Page No. 8 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 any application for a use permit would have to be for each lot and a single use permit would not cover an entire subdivision. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF CODE AMENDMENT 65-10 AS AMENDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller THE MOTION CARRIED. CODE AMENDMENT 65-11 - ARTICLE 973 Miscellaneous - Home. Occupations The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. The Planning Director informed the Commission that the proposed amendment will allow Home Occupa- tions in the residential districts subject to approval ofa Use Permit. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF CODE AMENDMENT 65-11 TO THE CITY COUNCIL, AS AMENDED. ,ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION The Secretary read a letter sub- mitted by R. H. Grant Co., regarding the commercial block wall ordinance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO RECEIVE AND FILE SAID COMMUNICATION.. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION: The Secretary read a letter sub- mitted,;by Rev. James Dolan, regarding the location of access to the proposed church site from Gregory Lane. R A representative of Harper Estate, addressed the Commission and stated that they did not have any objection to the amendment. Rev. Dolan addressed the Commission and explained the parking layout. He requested that "no parking" signs be posted along Gregory Lane and that the curbs be painted r&6. -8- 1/4/66 Page No. 9 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 The Commission reviewed the request and it was their consensus that the submitted plot plan is not a substantial change. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CRABB AND SECONDED BY KAUFMAN TO APPROVE THE REQUEST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION: The Secretary read a letter sub- mitted by Security Fore Corp., requesting minor revisions of a previously approved plot plan. Ron Foell, representing Security Fore Corp., addressed the Commission and explained the revised plot plan. It was noted that the total number of lots in the development is reduced from 730 to 703, the density is reduced from 9.55 to 9.35 dwelling units per acre, and there is no change to the street pattern, common green or recreational areas. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO APPROVE THE REVISED PLOT PLAN FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS; 1. There will be no adverse effect to surrounding area. 2. It will provide less density. 3. The same street pattern will be retained. 4. The revised plan will not constitute a substantial change. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kaufman, Worthy, Crabb, Bazil. NOES: Lawson, Larkin. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Mr. Jack Bass, 8712 Adams Avenue, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and requested that he be relieved of the hardship of maintaining a tree planted by the subdivider and be allowed to plant palm trees in place of the existing olive tree. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO GRANT THE REQUEST FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. 'It would be a hardship to maintain the existing olive tree. ROLL, CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None., ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. -9- 1/4/66' Page No. 10 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 DISCUSSION: USE VARIANCES The Planning Director informed the Commission that the topic of Use Variances was opened for general discussion at the last meeting. He stated that it was prompted by a request that the City Council declare a moratorium on use variances, The Secretary read a letter sub- mitted by Assistant City Attorney, George Shibata, regarding the legal effect of use variances. Commission discussion was held. It was the consensus of the Commission that said letter should be forwarded to the City Council for their review. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY CRABS TO FORWARD A COPY OF LETTER SUBMITTED BY THE ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR INFORMATION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY CRABB TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO PREPARE AN AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE TO LIMIT REQUESTS FOR VARIANCES TO THOSE PERTAINING TO PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ONLY AND NOT THOSE INVOLVING LAND USE. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: Miller. THE MOTION CARRIED. TI-PICAL EXCEPTIONS ON NEW SUBDIVISIONS: I � The Secretary ,rQe, `d' a list of recommendations pertaining to street widths, lot 'reduction and yards, that should be discussed by:the Commission. It was the consensus of the Commission that the City should: 1® Continue the existing policy pertaining to street widths. 2. Require larger average lot sizes. 3. Process all yard variances through..the Board of Zoning Adjustments9 with a specific plan and not as a general request. 4. Allow 10 ft. front yard setbacks for garages with a side approach for 1/3 of the lots on a block, excluding corner lots. 5. Discontinue the policy of permitting 3 ft. side yards. 6. Discontinue the policy of permitting 15 ft. rear yard setbacks on irregular shaped lots and other lots where a front patio is provided. -10- 1/4/66 i Page No. 11 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM: The Secretary read a ii9t of seven recommendations that should be discussed -by the Planning Commission relative,to the Capital Improvements Program. 'These recommendations were based on the findings -of the Urban Land Institute. It was the consensus of -the Commission,that the City should: 1. Not obligate more than 50% of its allowable bonding capacity. 20 Defer action on,a master plan of beach development until a workable program and methods of financing are achieved. 3. Limit -,the use.of bonded''funds to the acquisition of land and its improvements. 4. Delete the,concept:of a golf course from the immediate program and reconsider its,,potential at a later date. 5. Hold the construction of a main library in abeyance until a firm commitment is -made -concerning the location of the civic center. 6. Consider the possibility of transferring the trash and refuse collection,to a, -use -or service charge. %m Pursue one main library and additional bookmobiles in lieu of a branch library system. Also if the present library is in the future civic center, it should be expanded as a branch library. DISCUSSION_: PARK.AND.RECREATION FEES - IMPLEMENTATION OF AB 1150 It was the consensus of the Commission to continue the, matter ;to ,January 18, 1966. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Richard Harlow, Associate Planner, addressed the Commission and asked whether or not underground utilities should apply to all commercial, industrial -and residential subdivisions as well -as --..apartment projects and commercial developments. It was the consensus of the Commission that underground utilities should be required in all instances and that a code amendment should be initiated requiring underground utilities as a requirement of a zone:, �i A MOTION WAS MADE BY KAUFMAN AND SECONDED BY CRABB-TO AMEND"THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE TO REQUIRE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AS A REQUIREMENT OF THE ZONE AND THAT THE BOARD,OF ZONING'ADJUSTMENTS'AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION ADOPT THE REQUIREMENT ASA POLICY,UNTIL THE ORDINANCE IS IN EFFECT. -11- 1/4/66 Page No.12 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, January 4, 1966 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crabb, Lawson, Bazil, Kaufman, Worthy, Larkin. NOES: None. ll THEEMOTI ON' HIED. K.A. Reynolds Secretary. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. �)- t al'i Robert D. Bazil Chairman -12- 1/4/66