HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-01-17MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, January 17, 1966 Mayon Shipley called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 730 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The invocation was given by Richard E. 'Leer s" minister of Firgt Christian Church. ROLL CALL Councilmen PressntWelch,Gisler-, Stewart" Lambert, Shipley Councilmen Absent- None MINUTES On motion by Lambert, second Welch, the minutes of the regular meeting of December 20, f. 65 and the regular meeting of January 3, 1' SSA were approved as prepared by the City Clerk and mailed. Motion on carried. DEPARTMEIV J 1 On motion by Lambert second Gisler, the reports of the Chief of Police, Collector, Treasurer and Chmb r- of Commerce President, were pp. -roved and ordered filed. Motion carried. ANIT SS OF BALLOTS - BN CLERK - CHARTER REVISION ELECTION The City Clerk read the Statement of the City Clerk for the canvassla of ballots cast at the Special- Municipal Election held Tuesday, January 11, 1,966, On motion by 1�imbert, second Welch, 'Council_ received the Statement of the City Clerk for canvass of the Special 114anicipal Election held January 11, 1966. Motion carried. `:`here being no errors i 'the grass of the Special Municipal Election of January 11, 1966, the Clerk read Resolution No. 2295 - "RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF tfUNTINGTON BEACH., ALI:`FORNI STATING THE, RESULT OF THE CANVASS OF ELECTION ETURNS Off°' THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD JANUARY 11, 1966, AS CERTIFIED TO THEM BY T11E CITY CLERK." On motion by Stewart, second. Gisler, Resolution No. 2295 was passed and adopted and ordered spread in full In the minutes by the 'follow- ing Poll call vote: AYES Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Lambert, Stewart, Shipley' NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None RESOLUTION NO. 2295 RESOLUTION ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL HE THE CITE: OF HHNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, , STATING THE RESULT OF THE CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL MIJI@ -CIPAL ELECTION HELD JANUARY 11 � 1966, AS C'MTIFIEH TO .T.H. BY THE CITY CLERK$ .................. H: S� the City Council € f the City of Huntington Beach, California, by Resolution NoR 2257 � duly called and provided for the holding of a Special Municipal Election in said City January 11-th, 1966, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City the proposition on set forth in said resolution and here- inafter stated; and WHEREAS, notice of said. election was dull' and regularly given in time � form and manner as provided by a 5 and said election as on said date duly held at the polling places designated in Reso- lution No. 2271� passed and, adopted by the City Council on December Gbh, 1965, and. the votes castthereat were caxivassed and the returns thereof made at the time and in the manner and form provided by law; and WHEREAS, said City Council has duly assembled at its usual place of meeting to receive the certification of the r eturr.is of said election as determined by -the City Clerk conduction said canvass for the City Council ; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City Of Huntington Beach, California, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, D TE'RMIN AND ORDER, as follows Section 1. That the Special Municipal Election for the. pur- pose of submitting to the qualified voters of said Ginty, said prop- osition to adopt the revised Huntington Beach City Charter was uly held on January 11, 1966, and the votes cast at said election were duly and regularly canvassed and the returns -thereof gads at the time and in the farm and € anner required by law. Section 2. That the proposition to adopt the revised Huntington Beach City Charter voted uj)on at said election, is as follows, to -wit "Shall the proposed Charier for the City of Huntington Beach which was caused to had framed by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach during 1965, be ratified and adopted?" Section 3. That the absent voter ballots have been. daa.iy canvassed and counted as required by law, as d t,W3, o,- s c..h coolr,,t>. is hereinafter stated. That the City has. r �, ���,�� � the r et.ar , of said election, as canvassed by the (Uerk - at their dire- t.iomll and on their behalf, and. this City ("o � l i Isra.. � �i �,.`t ��� * ,. ', � � i �t �..x o1 votes cast in each of the respective ele ti, ,h pmcincl a for said election upon said proposition, and the number of votes therein .for and against said proposition, the -total number of absentee votes cast in each of the respective election precincts established for said election upon said proposition, and -the number o1 votes therein for ,and against said proposition, the -total n nber of absentee rotes cast at said election upon said proposition. and for and against said proposition, and the -total number of voles cast in said ni-ty. u said proposition and for and against said proposition, are s follows - TOTAL Precinct VOTES 411 YES 1 64 31 95 2 52 80 132 3 6 42 des 4 1.34 106 240 815 74 159 49 612 ill 7 51 61 112 d 52 66 118 9 79 18 97 10 212 18 2,30 11 73 18 91 12 1 6 57 13 55 5 60 page y,-3 - Minutes, January 17, 1966 Precinct r 15 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 �fYeit! ' � Ro`3G 6 27 `8 29 0 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 8 39 40 41 42 4-0 44 45 46 47 48 Total Vote; in. City Absentee Votes Grand Total YES TOTAL VOTES O CAST 76 79 11.3 o53 14 6 76 22 98 31 40 71 72 32 104 25 1. P 42 1. 19 7 26 14 4 19 40 59 .7 613 50 16 66 4 216 60 6:W 0 88 97 8 105 83 88 42 11 53 5 9 6 36 19 55 46 13 59 63 14 78 62 27 89 92 9 101 44 52 5 -7 62 8 13 81 72 so 59 9 6 91 16 17 96 19 1.1. 5 39 9 48 27 5 324 110 3t "S, , SectSecti,pn 4. That the votes of a majority Hof all of the voters Voting at sai& election were cast in f avar of the adoption of said proposition 1s hereby declared to -be passed PASSED AND ADOPIT0 by the City ounc l :of the -City of Huntington Beach this :17th day of Janus , 1966. ATTEST: ISI Paul C. Jones City Clerk M r i :4' a. �a \\ i Hoge #4 - Minutes b January 17 � 1966 STATE OF CALIFORNIA � COUNTY OF' ORANGE ss, CITY OF HUNTINNGTON BFACH Ig PAHL C. JO LSb the duly elected, qualified and. acting Litt' Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and -offici.o Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole numbers of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is five, that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting thereof tAd on the 17th day of J €u�ry, 1966b by the following vote AYES. councilmen Wel.Rh.2 Gi: ler LtwziberYt StewartShipley NOES- Councilmen- one None s Pau-1 C. goner City Clerk and e-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California SOLICITATION m CITY OF HOPE On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council granted permission to the City of Hope to conduct door-to-door door° solicitation on &anda , June 5, 1966, subject to solicitors- registering with the Police Department, Motion carried. L , LIB -- OVERDUE BOOK POLICY COMPLAINT On motion by L�wber°t, second Stewar°t, a complaint from Buster Ha Johnson, City, objecting to the delay of the City Library in noti- fying Her so of overdue books, was referred to the City Librarian and Library Board. Motion carried. L� i\� \ \,A'.: h .•h,R.. w< \ < «.«<� ♦ �....�q ♦ ���a��� ���. vat The Clerk presented a letter from Sylvia. 0. Clutter, requesting permission to sell the concession known as Ver n's Bait & Tackle to Mr & Mrs. John McColister, City. On motion by Stewart, second by Gisler, Council authorized the assignment of the concession Neese from Sylvia 0s Clutter, 413 Detroit Street, City tag Mr. John C. Anna M. McColi.stert, 8.322 Talbert Avenue, City, directed the Liter Attorney to prepare said assignment rt under the seas terms, to terminate nat December 31, 19 Ala and directed the Mayor, and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City.. Motion carried. On motion LAP Lambert, second. Gisler, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution in support of Resolution ; 2-559 of the City of Orange, supporting i n members of the Armed Forces fighting in Viet Ham. Motion carried. CHAR3ER OF COMM19?CE INVITATION On motion by Lambert, second Welch, of Commerce for members of the City ings was received and € rde ed filed. an invitation from the Chamber Council to attend their- meet - Motion 4 Page #5 ® Minutes, January 17, 1966 M -INS'' PROTESTS OVE The Clerk presented seven letters of protest to the proposed moving in of duplexes and dwellings from outside the City, and placing,same on property located on the northwest corner of Van Buren and Newman Avqnue, frow Eugene H. Relyea, Donald E. Lujar, Arland Ussher, Jr., James G. Caldwell, Oliver E. Hadley, Michael J. & Margaret N. Doherty and P. R. PadghamThe Clerk also presented a report from the Building Depart- ment concerning the Van Buren Street move -ins. Mr. Robert Stellrecht addressed the Council and requeWd that his rights be considered inasmuch as he had conformed to City Code in moving dwellings into the City4 Mr< K W Padgham, 17680 Newman Avenue, City, addressed the Council. and protested the move -ins, and presented photos and a petition signed by 47 property owners in the area. MrTom Pitchfork, Palo Verdes, addressed the Council and stated that he was in favor of the move-insn On motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council deferred action on the Stellrecht move -ins to the adjourned meeting of January 25, 1966, for study. Motion carried. HOUSE DfETM0LTT10,N - PETITION The Clerk presented a petition signed by ten property owners in the vicinity of Joliet Avenue and Alabama Street, requesting removal of two abandoned houses, one at 1006 Alabama and the other an the north- east corner of Alabama Street and Joliet Avenue, A report from the Building Department was also submitted to the Council. On motion by Stewart, second Lambert, Council authorized the Building Director and City Attorney to proceed as previously directed. Motion carrie& I I , IQ, PAII-i'-1-11STRY BUS I S LIC�_,.`21��'SE On motiot by Stewart, second Gisler, an application for business license for palmistry, at 17712 Beach Boulevard, filed by Ted & Adams, Los Angelos, was referred to the Chief of Police for study and report. Motion carried. CAMPFIRE GIRLS - NUT SALE On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council granted permission to the Orange County Campfire Girls to hold their annual canned nut sale on January 22nd and 29th, 1966, near the pier from card tables. Motion carrie& uk, HA .01"", SERV1 '1 '1 1.4 - , CE STATIONS INC UN, AP _1EA -, IfO 1*x The Clerk presented an appeal to the denial by the City Planning Com- mission of Use Variance #883, and a request for the rededication of access rights to the property, from Harbor Service Stationsg Inc. On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council set a public hearing for Monday, February 7, 1966, at 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as pos- sible, on Use Variance #883, and directed the Clerk to publish the legal notice� Motion carried. M, 111 OR IN P �`T(Yll The Clerk presented an appeal filed by Mervin K Johnsong to Condition No� 7 imposed by the City Planning Commission in granting a one year extension of time on Tentative Tract Map No. 5841. On motion by Stewart, second Lambert, Council set a public hearing for Monday, February 7, 1966, at 7:30 11.11. on Tentative Tract Map No. 5841, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same, Motion carried. R, C € BRADFORD r On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, a recommendation that Bradford Mock be appointed to serve on the committee which will make proposals relative to the Urban Land Institute Report, submitted by Bette V Gay, was received and ordered filed, Motion carried. The Clerk presented Resolution No. 3048 of the City of Fountain Valley requesting that an Advisory Steering Committee and Sub -Committees be appointed to establish uniform criteria and to aid _ n the eval- uation on of deficiencies, priorities and expenditure of future funds of thE Orange County Flood Control District, and requesting support of same„ On motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council went on record as support- ing Resolution No, 3048 of the City of Fountain Valley, requesting the Board of Supervisors Board of Directors, Orange Co ant : Floo Control Distrid) to establish uniform criteria as to deficiencies, priorities and expenditures of fund for floods control projects. Motion carried, Mv- The Clerk presented a letter from the Board of Trustees of the First Methodist Church, relating to their church site drainage problems at Seventeenth and Delaware Streets. The Director of Public Works informed the Council that plans and specifications for the formation of an Assessment District would be ready in the Haas future, On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council referred the letter from the First Methodist Church to the Director of Public Works for rep y. Motion carried. .ECIATION TO COUNCIL A letter of appreciation from the Campaign Chairman of the Charter Revision Committee, expressing ratitu e for support given by the Council, was read by George Woo& Councilman Lambert and Councilman Gisler made statements clari yin their stands on the Revised Charter. LAKE PARK C :a On motion by Lambert, ;second Gisler, Council granted permission to the, over- night, with use of outside cooking facilities, on Monday, February 211 1960 Motion carried, The Clerk presented a letter from the Huntington Beach Company, offering an additional six month extension of time in which to con- sider their offer to exchange real property until the City had had an opportunity to review and evaluate the �.=L1 formal report. n motion y Lambert, second Gisler, Council accepted the six month extension of time from the Huntington Beach Company on t eN offer to exchange rear property. otio carried,, The City Adminlytrator presented a letter of protest from Kenneth E. Maxwell, 16751 Greenview Lane, City, regarding the City's under- ground water table, On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council referred Mr. Maxwell's eater to the Director of Public Works to answer. Motion carried. Page �Minutes, January 17, 1966 �_!;` ANAHEIM STADIUM REQUEST The Clerk read ar letter .from the Directors of the Anaheim Stadium Corporation ati on informing the Council that they wish to incorporate the County Seal and the Seal of each City in the County € n a plaque screen at the Stadium- requesting the Council to take action to author- ize - iz the inclusion of the Seal of the City of Huntington Beach in said plaque. On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council authorized the Anaheim Stadium Corporation Lion to incorporate the Sent of the City of Huntington Beach with those of the; other" Cities in Orange County in the plaque screen to be installed at the Stadium, and authorized zed the City Clerk to forward a copy of the City Seal for their use. Motion carried. ed. The Clerk presented a claim for damages from Ronald C. St Clair, for damages to his car when it went oi•i the road on Adams .Avenue south of Bushard Surest, together with an invoice for the alleged damages. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council denied the claim from Ronald C � St Clair ar:xrd referred same to the City Attorney and City' s insurance carrier. Motion carried® ORAL COMMUNICATION Mayor~ Shipley announced that this was the time .for Oral Communications, ti_ons, whin any person having any matter to bring before the Council, could address the Council in regard thereto. Mr. Calvin Nagel, , 7822 Newman Avenue, City, addressed the Council and requested widening of Newman. Avenue. The Director of Public Works informed the Council that he would notify Mr.. Nagel of the status of the future widening; of Neuman Avenue. DODO SHY VANCE m STREET INPRO EMENT R!! U��`�` Mrs. Dorothy Vance, 17132 Palmdale Street, City, addressed the Council and requested improvements of Palmdale Street south from Warner Avenue to Cedar Avenue, and Cedar Avenue from Gothn;r°d to Palmdale Streets She inquired as to the method of submitting petitions for an. Assessment District t for curbs, bs, gutters and paving only. The Director of Public Works informed Mrs, Vance that he would give her the proper petition form and that than pe i.oner~ could -include the improvements they- wanted, but added that he would life to see them-nclude the underground work, if at all possible, as it world have to be done in the near future. i r..�PARKWAY PLANTING„ ® HEIL AVE ISlNH Mr. M. L. lionnann.i., 6362 Heil. avenue, City, addressed the Council and read specifications for than improvement of the Heil Avenue Island nd for the purpose € f safety and beautification. Mr. Bonnanni represented r°awsented the homeowners on the 200® 300 block of Heil Avenue. The Director of Public Works informed the Council that he h>ard no funds available and that a rough estimate of the work specified would be between $4,000 and. $5,000. Mrs, Lake, 4342 Heil venue, City, addressed the Council and inquired of the Director of Public Works his basis for the footage estimate. Mr. Wheeler expl.ained the plans for several parkway aprojects proposed for the future. Mr. Lake, 6342 Heil Avenue, City, addressed the Council and presented a request for inclusion of the project requested d. in the next budget, as he felt: than safety factor was important. Mr. Colo: informed the Council that the property owners will plant the shrubs if the City will plant the trees and iris -tall the requested barrier. No action was taken by that Council. 4, Page #8 - Minutes, January 17, 1966 PACE iT3,:H Maa hCouncil jackL, v5. .,. � \ �: v ♦. �Z }v\. ZYv�Z�'i�� ��r. a`C�.a �.z� C, `C.��.�.. �� C ����Z•�a. ♦ \ �- . ,. requested payment y the City Of a $32 , 00 legal fee t\ a\aar;\x ed v ♦ ? ` ♦ C\ \ \ `. ion \ from Y the 'a `�W Z �'�`�,'..3-1C. }� C�'.�. ��' S�`Ca3. �S. ���•� i. � n 'i�\♦.::a.:..: �'ZZ � � \�a,�$$`�`r'"c �fra r.�\.a$Z3�a��z•.+��.•���r fY a ZZ s:a.. City' trinf, irasmu6h as the residents had beenpaling taxes to the everal years.. t.\Z. .kvl`,ti \Caa::; :-Z .v:ov District for t'rZ�.same services .. Following discussion on the matter, a motion was made by Lambert, second Gisler, authorizing payment in the amount of $32500 to the Midway City Sanitation District for legal fees for the deannexation of an area within the City. Motion carried. Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a pub- lic hearing on Zone Case No. 544, can property located on the south- west corner of Yorktown Avenue and Br€ okb rst Street, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk rep.d notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 544, as published in the Huntington Beach News on January 6, 1966t setting the hour of 700 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 17th day of January, 1966, in the Council Chamber of the of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for .a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance, from RA Residential Agricultural District, to Rl Single Family Residence They Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission recommending approval of Zone Case No. 544, and stated that he had received no communications or written protest to the Zone Case or to the recommendations of the Planning Commiss- ion. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. There being no one present: to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed. by the ME�yor. On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council directed the City Attor- ney to prepare on Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No. 40 Motion carried. APPROVED ,this h- �Z\tZr Shipley announced that�fa\ ra\ Z001 for R public hearing an zone Came No. $4 5 § an prope tTgenorally W$Anded by ♦ va\ City ty limits and Garfield Avenue \; aaZ oZ• h'Z{ North. .. _ ast `�`.? ` Clay Street, Main Street, 3..Z C �Z. \,��. az-v Ave.,, C�a�d .\a�.-.b` Street 0, the east,. va 3�_qa$b a�F`�' � �a the :¢..o \at . and. the City \ �• Limitv r\ e.\ \, n ted he Clerk to read the legal notice The Clerk rend notice of public hearing on Zone Case Now 545, as published in the Huntington Bead. News on January 6, 1966, setting the hour of 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 17th day of January, 1966, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as W time, alld Place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for a, chaDgle of zone to regulations of the Districting O �y �: dina��` ,,O� �"������ RI-0 Single Family Residence District,'. '�:•\1�AZ.b�,Znvv.`�';C with oa.l) Z IA1��5 `0 Single �,?e Family �'� v�.\.,.:t.Za:Z&\ ZZ. c`\� l�v .�\, £i�3:Za' i. ?�.. - ": ?ar :.Z.�a�2,'R w h \:il $ $-\JM�„�0 3,�Lo �Y�� ���,l IR.���,..". Z` L � iZ�'�kaZZ Z D strict, �" Z c �• combined �@ .3 t of � e � z,. Neighborhood 010 to; I-0 Single 'Family Residence DiNtrict, combined with wilf. ` ♦ Multiple Family Residence ,$ r \Z ; `2 tC \ \ Z �, { \`Z ` d A3�.-", �r\ h all; R4-0 Multiple Family Residence District; combined withoill Cl 0 Neighborhood ood o rcial District, towhined with oil, with setback, prowl ionsf and C2-0 CommunityBusiness District, combined with oi.1. with setback provisions. Page #9 - Minutes, January 17, 1.966 The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal and the Resolution of the Planning Commission recommending approval of Zone Case Nom 54515 and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the Zone Case or 'to the recommendations of the Planning Commiss- iona Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Morton Bernstein, representative of the Huntington Beach Company, addressed the Council and gave a resume' of the Huntington Beach Company proposal for the Tventy-Third Street Project, and distributed plans for same, Councilman Stewart made an inquiry of the HantIngton Beach Company con- cerning their plans to annex all of their property hot ':pres*Atly in the City. Mr. Jack Fr oggatt, Vice President of the Huntington Beach Company, addressed the Council and stated that the 75 acres pre -zoned in the Twenty -Third Street Project, 2.8 acres on which the Standard Gas Plant is located and 80 acres located north of Garfield and west of Edwards Avenue, would be annexed to the City of Huntington Beach in the imme- diate future, on the condition that the existing use of said property would be continued after annexation. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was clos- ed by the Mayor, On motion by Lambert, second Velch� Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting Zone Case No,� 545. Motion carried. RECESS Shipley called a recess of the Council at 9;00 P.M� Council was re- convened at 9z3O P.M� by the Mayor. Rt 'NTS K RU Q "'W, K.�a(UII IVACT 6, I �ZQK Ekt: DP' Mayor Shipley aiuiounced that this was the day and hour set for a pub- lic 'hearing on an appeal to the Director of Public Works' interpreta- tion of the conditions of approval imposed on the acceptance of Tenta- tive Tract Map Nam 6119, on property located between Orange and Mag- nolia Avenues and 12th and lath Streets, and directed the Clerk to read. the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on the appeal to the Director of Public Works' interpretation of the conditions of approval imposed on the acceptant e of Tentative Tract ft,,q): NNt,*,� 61-19, as P k1bliabo'd in t1hip Huntington Peach News on January 6, 1966, setting t h o h t)� i r , o f- 7 3) 0 P ..1111 or as soon thereafter as possible, o.nMlondlak'-x t."'he 17th day yatlw 1966 $ in the Council Chamber of the C'I"VI"'o Ce.nter Hantiugltwo, Beach 'he parv, California, as the time and place fo�.t �a put"Lic lavklngg rf:�D�r t, pose of considering an appeal to the Director of Public Works' inter- pretation of the conditions, of approval of Tentative Tract Map Nlo� 61195 relating to streets, curbs and gutters. The Clerk read the letter of appeal from J. W. McMichael Company, Fullerton, and informed the Council. that he had received no further communications or written protests to the appeal. Ma- yor Shipley declared the hearing open, Mr. Willis Warner, ?10 l2th Streetl City, Representing Toups Engi- neering Company, agents for J. W. McMicbael. Company, addressed the Council mid presented plans and reasons why he felt the Public Works Directors' requirements were unnecessary and excessive, and requested Council. to consider their appeal. Mr. John McMichael addressed the Council and protested the required underground utilities imposed by the Planning Commission, Page #10 - Minutes, January 17, 1966 There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there in no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor, The Director of Public Works gave a resumes of the requirements stip- ulated and stated that they were in the best interest of the City� and the same as required for any other subdivision. On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council denied the appeal to the Director of Public Works' interpretation of the conditions of approval of Tentative Tract Map No� 6119. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ® V 'ATION OF BORDEN DRIVE Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a pub- lic hearing on Vesolution of Intention No, 2269 of the City Council covering the vacation of Borden Drive in the City, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice, The Clerk read notice of public hearing on a Resolution of Intention of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to vacate Borden Drive in said City, and giving notice of hearing on said vacation, as published in the Huntington Beach News on December 9, 1965, setting the hour of 8:00 P.M., on Monday the 17th day of January, 1966, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing on said vacation., The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Resolution of Intention; presented the Affidavit of Posting Notice of Vacation of Street, executed by the Street Superintendent, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the proposed vacation or to Resolution No. 2269 of the City Coun- cil� Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council directed the City Attor- ney to prepare a Resolution ordering the vacation of Borden Drive in the CityMotion carried. The Clerk presented bids for the development of Brunswick Paxk, Sun- shine Park, Schroeder Park and Wardlow Park in the City, which had been opened at the informal meeting of the Council at 7:00 A.Mn on January 31, 1966, with the award of same deferred from the regular meeting of January 3, 1966. The Clerk presented a letter from the Director of Public Works in- forming Council that the bids had been reviewed and found to be in order and recommending that the contract for Project CC-033 be awarded to W� K Shirley, Jra for the low bid in the amount of On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council awarded the contract for park development - Project CC-033, to W� J. Shirley, Jr� for the low bid of $901088.25, rejected all other bids, and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders. Motion carried. Councilman Gisler dueoto, a conflict table. _ AB-S`,L�)!INS abstained from action on UV #884 and Tract Map #5841 of interest, and left his place at the Council �90 Page ;* 11 NMinutes, January 17,96 a a 1...INQ .: The Clerk presented transmittal from the Planning Director of Con- ditional Exception UV ;#8 4 -w Fashion Roues, Inc.. on property' located at the southwest corner of Atlanta Avenue -and Brool hur t Street, involving deviations to the RA-0 Residential AgiQuIthral District requirements and the Subdivision Ordinance Code for Tenta- tive Tract Map Now 5841 and No. 068; The Planning' Commission rec- ommended ppr of 1, with conditions. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council deferred action on UV t 871 s and directed the Clerk to place the matterlonAhVaginda follow- ing the public herring on the appeal to ondition''7 of Tentative Tract Map 5841 on February 7, 1966. Motion carried. ied. Z 2 . . .♦ 0 0141 Z.. A A y. V\ r. yy ON OF TIME, The Clerk presented transmittal from the Planning Director of as re- quest or a one year extension of time to record ` entatiA Tract. Map #5841. The Planning ng Commission recommended ' approval; withcon- ditions. On motion by Lambert, second elch, Council deferred action on the extension of time on Tentative Tract MAp #5841 a hd ° irette , the Clerk to place the matter on the agenda: following th publK hearing on the appeal to Condition 7 of TontatiQ Tract '''Map #Q$41 on February 7, 1960 Motion carried Councilman Gisler resumed his place at that Council table. 00 PUBLIC HEARING SET - CODE AS4END11ENTS On motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council or dereo public hearings for Monday, February 7, 1966, at r 30 P.M., or A soot thereafter as possible, on Code Amendments No. 5-9, No. -1 and' Nol 65411, and directed the Clerk to publish notice of same� Mtion 'carried. 'v.v ♦ �. \� :Z �� � .. v:0 .\a�iZ F .a 2 ♦ it:.�2 i ,.°,` R Z�`.:> .'a.\ CORP The Clerk presented a transmittal .from, the Planning Director, sub- mitting final form of Tract Map 5191, Meredith Construction, for adoption: Subdivider: Meredith Construction Corporation, Tustin; Engineer: Voorhei s—Trindl,e-Nelson, Inc 4 We t inst n Locat en z South of Adams Avenue, 1539.00 feet east of %ootho.rk tre g Legal Description: Being a proposed subdivisionof the NW9 oh hion 8®6-1 ; NAmber of Loud 28; Total Ar3eag s 6.61j;Abdt thi lap had been certified by the City Engineer and the SAVet y tag thi Pl nning Commission to be true and correct In acco Banc ' kith 0visions of the -'City ,Subdivision Code. Thy City Council may accept dedication as shown on the map and in niltll.tion approve the Finnal. Map, subject to the following ohd tfons The City Clerk's signature shall be with held peydiy the submittal and completion n on the enumerated regarirements z 1. Depo&t of fees for grater, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2, Bond for 3 � Signature of agreement. 4.. Certificate of Insurance. % Approval. from County' ' urveyor m 6 Q Bond for €aaoraun.erit s e, 7 hood for Underground Water Rights. On motion by Lambert, second Welch, Council accepted offers of de- dication as shown on Final `fret ;alp #5191 Meredith Co t uctibn orpo atiora, and adoptid' the map subject to conditions Atipilated by the Planning Commission. Motion carrie& 49, � a w � � � cw:w<��wu..ivr e. � . tw�.�.w...c.....cc......w.....n.......,.w..�.....:.:.w..:...::.....wwww............ .�.�..a..:�.. 011V' USE VARIANCE, On motion by 'belch, second Gisler, a transmittal from the Planning Commission of a legal opinion of the Assistant City Attorney on the "Legal Effect of Use Variance" was received and ordered file ,. Motion carried. WATER DEPT WAREHOUSE m CC-037 m PLANS Q SPECS The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Plans and Specifications and resolution adopting the prevailing wage rates for the construction of a Water Department Warehouse Project C-- 03 7 . On motion by Lamberts second Gisler, Council approved the Plans and Specifications for the Water Department Warehouse at the Overmyer Reservoir Site. Motion oarrl,e& RESO- LUTION OF THE CITY OF ;i UNTI `GTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL PRE- VAILING RATE OF HOURLY UAGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR ` YPE OF W`ORXMEN OR MECHANICNEEDED F'OR THE REPAIR SHOP AND WAREHOUSE INCLUDING STREET 101ROVENINTES OF HUNTINGTON STREET, All IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTUN BEACH, P which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read y them, was Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES Councilmen; Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, s Shipley NOES: Councilmen; None ABSENT; Conno l linen z None n motion. by Lambert, second Stewart, Council directed the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of a repair shops warehouse and street improvements it the City Motion carried.. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Plams and Specifications and resolution adopting the prevailing wage rates for the construction of street improvements, channelizatlon an si nnlization of Four intersections In the Cite. On .notion by Lambert, second Stewart, Council approved the Plans and Specifications for the sFgnalization of four intersections in Project CC-03 > Motion carried. On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Resolution No. 22 - ''A RESOLUTION OF' 11110 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FDR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMEN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR TIFF CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CHANNELIZATIO , . .AND SIGNALlZ?1`lYION OFKHTE FOLLOWING INTERSECTIONS: BROOKEURST STREET AT HAMILTON AVENUE, CANNERY STREET .AT ADAMS AVENUET BUSRXRRD STREET .AT . DAMS AVENUE, .AND EDWA DS STREET AT EDINGER AVENUE, ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACHI CALIFORNIA," which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and rend by them, was passed and adopted by the following 'roll call vote AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES z Councilme0 Norge ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Stewart, second Welch, Council directed the Clerk to advertise for bids for the signaliz Lion of various intersections in the City. Motion carried. On motion by Lambert, second. Gisler, Council authorized progress pay- ment #1 to Steiny & Mitchell in the amount of 38, 2S.2S g for work' performed to date on the signa.lization in, Project C -0 1. Motion carrie& Page #lay - Minutes, January ary 17, 1966 On .motion by Welch second Lambert, Council authorized progress pay- ment #5 to Sully Miller to the amount of $38,704.251 for work per- formed to date on the Peck Reservoir. Motion carried. The Clerk presented transmittal from the Director of Public'Works of Monument Bondg Agreement in Lieu Of Improvement 'Boni and Subdivision mo b ;­Uwl �� a �i>h! -o ,_ Council. accepted Monument Bond �`z\ =z r � � zz\ .' t t � �♦ ::� ° Insurance Company, approved the A"g'�'�e."'wmnt tn. of lr,:'�Provement bond and Subdivision Agreement for Tract ac t aut 4o a . ed i aa:= HAY'or and Clerk to execute same" on ♦ r "h\\vw ♦.....a-�....�z \ \.�` \�' \. i 'i..\ >\.♦.'ti:.u�X., �i.. The Clerk presented transmittal from the Director of .Public Works of Monument Pond, Improvement Bond and Subdivision agreement for Tract On: mw t 0­n .q W.,. � F� k U1 �;<�a�a:�er ,: Council accepted onume t �� `\? \ 6 \5 ♦\ ` :ta"♦'•``: ♦@F�,="Y�� and 3r:F= 15®3-633 Continental ation- C\ car���?sd.tAgreementfor Tract #60 g thes Ma Qterk to execute same on behalf of the yor and The Clerk Presented transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Monument Bond, Improvement Bond and Subdivis-.on Agreement for Tract dl l Craig Development Company. wt and 212199 - National Automobile & ky° a qxn?�o� the Subdivision Agreement for F` "z t and, a�ut;a���a`�„,�\_l Ul "I'la or and Clerk to execute same o The Clerk presented transmittal from the Director of Public Works o Monument Bond,, Improvement Bond and Subdivision Agreement for Tract On:m tion by ��`'i:..�,ch� r �tr'�;`;cok Ar �t-e ,:."'-:fDevelopment Company, ,.:..,� Council accepted Monument Bond ♦ :. an - Improv went. Bo -ad N`o. 212277 - National Automobile & `"okme\ p rk \ c`: trprZ3> ' the S�u6divisio n. Agreementfor aluthorlzed the �Hayor and Clerk to execute same 3 The Clerk presle to > transmittal From the Direct6r 0- PUbla_c Works' of Monument Band, I�P"Ove ent Bond and Subdivision Agree ei nt for Tract -""6100 ® Security -Fore Corporation. On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council accepted Monument' Boyd.; No. 545265 and Improvement Bond NTo. 345266 - General Insurance Com- Pany o.f. Americ � approved the Subdivision Agreement for Tract #6100 and authorized the Mayor and € lerk to execute, same on behalf of t o CitYQ Motion carried. �, .♦. The Clark presented tr ansmittal from the Dire t6r of Public Works of Plans and Specifications and resolution adopting the prevailing wage rates for -tie construction and improvement of Main Street from Beath Boulevard to Delaware Street In the City. 493 ... On motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council approved the Plans and Specifications for the construction and improvement of a portion of Main Street m project CC-0d54 Motion carried. On motion bar Lambert, second, Stewart, Resolution No. 2298 - "A RESOLI-TI N bF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE AL PREVAILING HATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT Ohl TYPE OR WORKIIIIAN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE SURFACING AND IMPROVEMENT OF TINSTREET FROM 450 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY OF' DELA14ARE STRE r TO BEACH BOULEVARD, ALL I-N THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA." which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote .YES. Councilmen Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NHES � Councilmen. gone ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council directed the Clerk to advertise for 'bids for the construction and improvement of a portion of Main Street @ Project CC-035, when directed by the Public Works plrector� Motioncarried. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council authorized payment of 527.54 to Mr. Robert Pyle as a reimbursement for off -site water main construction In Ellis avenue, east of Beaeb Boulevard, Motion carried. \ q ♦ ♦ ♦ \ z� Z \ 3 0� \). a On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council authorized progress pay - In the amount of 25 � 86 3 � 0 t�€ C a E . Hurley Co�tr�ct � ���€® pang � for work completed to date on Warner er Avenue Realignment _,) STORM DRAIN .EA ET,4ENT TO MEREDITH ® TRACT _ 5197 The Clerk presented transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a, storm drain easement deed from the City to Meredith Construction Company for abandonment o1 the Midland Cage storm drain, to facilitate the recordation of Tract Map No. 5197� The portion of the easement necessary for the storm drain lies is to be rededicated on the Tract Map . On motion by Welch, second Gisler, Council approved the abandonment deed to Meredith Construction Company on Tract I Tg and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the Hltyr Motion carried. ,pDEEDS TO CITY " The Clerk presented deeds from Sunbeam Homes, , Inc. for storm drain purposes, Fashion Homes, Inc. for underground water in Tract #- 6068, and Garfield Homes, , et al, for 'underground water in Tract ?- 79.. On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council accepted the deeds l'rem Suntae.: ri Hama,, Fashion Homes - .d Garfield Homes, and directed the Clem to record sae with the Orange County Recorder. Motion carried. BEACH REPORT The Clerk presented a report submitted d. by Douglas L. Inman, Consultant in + ceanogx�'npky, entitled "Artificial & Natural Influences on the Beaches at Huntington Beach," on which action was deferred at the meet- ing off", January 3, 1966 On motion by Lambert, ,cooed Ste t, Council received the report on beaches :and. authorized payment: to Mr. Douglas L. InMan In the amoulnt of $262.70 for said report. Motieft carried. 494 Page #15 - Minutes, January 17, 1966 On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, copies of letters written by the Director of Building and Safety to property owners using their property for junk auto storage, were received and ordered filed. Motion carried. ,; ,EAT I E DRAIN —AGE PROBLEM The Clerk presented a report from the Director of Public Works € f requirements necessary to correct existing drainage problems east of Delaware, between Hartford and Frankfort Streets. This mutter had been deferred ;from the meeting of January 3, 1966. The Director of Public Works reported on plans to form an Assessment District for the area involved, which should he ready by April., 1966. On motion her Lambert, second Stewart, Council authorized the Director of Public Works to proceed immediately with plans and specifications for the formation of an Assessment District for the eastsidde area, Motion carried.. The Clerk presented a request from Jae Irvine for permission to leave curbs and gutters in fret of his Liquor Store on Bead Boulevard until such time as the freeway is constructed. This matter had been deferred from the meeting of January 3, 1966. Mr. Russell Riley, 7672 Seine: Drive, City, addressed the Council and requested that Council take action to require Mr. Irvine to put in curbs and gutters, and further requested a median tared in the high- way in front of his place of business. The Director of Public Works repor ted € n both matters. A motion made by Lambert to dairy Mr. Irvine' request to leave curbs and gutters as they now _exists failed for lack of a second. A motion made: by Gisler to rant Mrs Irvin per —mission to leave curbs and getters as they now -e istl failed for lack of a second. CLEPKIS ".; r� € n motion by Lamberts second Gisler, Council approved the City Clerk's reappointment t as a member of the league of California Cities Committee on City Clerks' Institute, and authorized transportation and reason- able expanses for same. Motion carried. The Clerk presented .a letter requesting a Council to require a 100 deposit fee to he paid by the candidates in the April 12, 1966 election, if they desire to file a "Statement of alifica,tionss" and authorize the Clerk to prorate costs of preparation and mailing to candidate availing himself of this provision. On motion by Lambert. second Gisler, Council approved the requirement of payment of $100 by candidates desiring to file a "Statement of Qualifications!' for the April � 196election, and authorized the Clerk to bill the candidate for or refund any difference between the amount deposited and the actual cost of his prorated share. Motion carried. . .,e>: a.Y�+.: xcw...vw.aw.va..... vga,.y.. _ _w.wa;.,,a::: :..!...�......n.�.a........t.......:.......:...... _ ....... .�. U 1 3. The Clerk give Ordinance No. 1178 a ,second neadinp-1 by title "AN ORDINANCE OF TRE CITY OF H1; NTIN TON BEACH .��DIN THE 41UNTI GTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE -AY _REPEALING SECTION 2I14.2.� .AND ADDING ARTICLE 534 ENTITLED "FORTUNE TELLING PROHIBITED" AND NEV CTIO S OF SAID. .ARTICLEl " On motion by Stewart, second adopted by the following roll AYES.- Councilmen. Welch, NOES;- Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen, None Welch, > rdi.nance No. 1178 was passed and call vote: Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley' Page §16 - Minutes,, Janivary 17, 19 r__ 'fed Adams addressed the Council and requested the Council to rescind their action in passing an ordinance prohibiting the conduct of ary business of fortune telling. ORDINANCE NO. 1179 - ADOPTED - SALARY The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1179 a second reading by till - "A -ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BUX11 ENDING SECTION 157 �.� OF THE I-YTI GTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE REIATING TO AIALRY CLASSIFI- CATIONS." On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Ordinance No. 1179 was passed and adopted d by the loll swing roll call vote, AYES- Councilmen; 'belch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: CouncilmenNone H ETN7, Councilmen. None ORDIAtANCE NO. 1180 - ADOPTED m ZONE CASE E 536 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1180 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF H N TINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE d y AMENDING THE HUINIIINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYING SECTION DM -lam, (SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP On motion by Lambert, second Stewart, Ordinance No. 1180 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote' AYES. Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lamber , Shipley HOES Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen- None The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1181 a second reading by title - "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNWT N TON BEACH RELATING TO LICENSES: AMENDING THE JIUNTI.NGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SECTION 114.2.9 TO ARTICLE 211 OF CHAPTER 2,1. " n motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Ordinance No. 1181 was gassed and adopted by the following roll call vote - AYES,. Councilmenz 'belch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENTn Councilmen: Tone I F ORDINANCE NO. 1182 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE .542 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1182 a second reading by -title - "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH HEI .TI G TO ZONE CASE 4 g AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYINGh -39 ( Sectional District M.� On motion by Ebert, second Welch, Ordinance No. 1.18,E was passed and adopted by the following roll call. vote: AYES, Councilmen, Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES-, Councilmen: None ABSENT. Councilmen- None The Clerk presented Ordinance No. .1183 for a first reading ® "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. REIATING TO PARKING RE- QUIRE E TS; .ENDING THE HUNTI GTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ,ENDING SECT-IONSECT-ION 9531 AND ADDING SECTION 95l.1 a " All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance In full and were aware of the contents therein. n motion by Stewart, second Welch, the oral first reading of Ordinance No. 1183 was waived. Motion carried. Page #117 Minutes, January 17, 1966 The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1184 for a first reading m " ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTIN TON BEACH HELI&TING TO ALLOCATION: AMEND- ING THE HHN"TI GTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 1578 THEREOF FB All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in full and were aware of the contents therein. On motion by Stewart, second Welch, the oral. first reading of Ordi- nance No. 1184 was waived. Motion carried. r �ra gg 8C` Ci£ LEg G ,�� V r �,\ .mot 2a The Clerk presented Ordinance No.. 1185 for a .first reading ® "AN IZDI - FANG" OF' THE CITY OF HUNTI G'T N BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO MOVING NOTICE GADS; AMENDING SECTION 8131.2 OF SAID EOHE w t' All Councilmen stipulated that they had read the Ordinance in 1'uLl and were aware € f the contents therein. On motion by Stewart, second Welch, the oral. .first reading of Ordinance Nos I185 was waived. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2299 _ ADOPTED _ -__ELECTION On motion her Lambert, second Stewart, Resolution Igoe 2299 - "A RESO- LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUESTING THE BOARD € F SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO HERMIT THE COUNTY' CLERK OF SAID COUNTY TO REFER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO THE CITY OF HUN- FrIN TO < BEACH, RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC- TION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITE ON PRI.L 12, 1966, " which had heretofore been submitted to the Council and read by them, was passed and adulated by the following roll call vote, AYES; Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES- Councilmen- None ABSENT: Councilmen. None R "S k. i>.::1 a a AIM.�T�X) :zzr�':� �.� .. I \w�.��s The Clerk read Resolution No. 2300 in full ® "A RESOLUTION OF THE C1'1''I<Y COUNCIL OF THE CITE OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SUPPORTING THE ADOPTION OF THE RED AUrERINATE AS THE LOCATION OF' THE ROUTE ; 240 FREEWAY BETWEEN BEACH BOULEVARD IN HUNTI_NG1 ' BEACH AND THE ADOPTED ROUTE 22 FREEWAY." On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Resolution No. 2300 was passed and adapted by the following roll call vote - AYES, Councilmen. Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT. Councilmen, None The City Administrator informed the Council. of a letter received from the President of the League of California Cities, announcing the appoint- ment of the City Administrator to the League Committee on 'Tidelands. Mr. Miller requested permission to accept the assignment ,and to attend the meetings of the Committee, with reasonable expenses allowed. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council granted the City Admin- istrator permission to accept the appointment to the League of Calif- ornia Cities Committee € n,- Ti'delunds a and authorized attendance at meetings of,the >Committee, with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. :CSC : \. _.,a, �: , .,.. w-♦ \: CG: aS C. c..\.., w.♦a.... y 17, \ v ` \♦ �. Co- �.'�., v a'4 _ �v ..-. 3. \al,.: :::;,,,,,-- ,,.,,:., ,,,,,,,,..:,K.,K,:. w... � „K..♦.,�wa.. ,may.,o�:m,,.. ,,V.:<..„,,,. •n.,,.,::,.,.�.. ..a,.,,.,.,w,.,,,,,aa. The City Administrator informed the Council of an Assembly Interim Committee hearing on beach erosion to he held on January 21, 1966 in Capitola . California, and recommended that the City participate by sending representatives to said hearing, n motion by Stewart, second Gisler;', (ou.,,ac il. au:thorizxed the of Public Works, City Admiistrato City : lUd wnn Councilman to attend the beach eras cw� o,ak 3og expensesallowed. Motion carried CITY CON, 1, Nc n motion by Gisler, second Lambert, Council authorized the City Administrator r to attend the League of California Cities City Manag- ers' Annual Sprang Conference in San Diego, February 2 -25, 1966, -with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. The City Administrator informed the Council of a request from the Library heard for an increase of $10,000 in this years' hook budget n motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council directed the City A .in- i trator to notify the Library Boar -that additional funds are not available in the budget at the present time. Motion carried. UCI 1ELTURE SERIES ']'he City Administrator presented a request from the Director of Public € rks for permission for Water Superintendent Ed Stang to attend a serjes of lectures at the University of California - Irvine, from February 22nd through May l7th, 1966, a total of 13 lectures, at a cost to the City of $30.00, plus $3.50 parking fee. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council authorized the Water Superintendent to attend a lecture series at the University of Calif- ornia a Irvine,, with the cost of $33,50, travel by City vehicle and reasonable expanses allowed. Motion carried. ... ::: „♦,♦„•„ v...�,:,.v.�.... „a: v,.r„�,w.�w w.vM\.,v,v v��\\cv �v�,..,.,,�,.,,,,.�.,,:.,k,,: ,v,,,,,i ,,,,,, ,+„h„µ,ava,,,,vn,w+.,w.: n motion by Gisler, second Stewart, art, ouncil authorized the Planning Director to attend the Annual Conference of the American Institute of Plarmers in Fresno, February 9-12, 119663 with reasonable expenses allowed, Motion carried. The City Administrator presented toy, permission to carry over the the November 30th certified list list now being prepared. a request from the Chief of Police name of Mr. Francis D. Nagle from of police applicantsto the new On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council granted the Chief of poltpe permission to carry over the name of MrNagle from the Nov- ember 30th certified last of police applicants to the new list being - prepared. Motion carried, The City Administrator informed the Council that he had received inquiries from beach concessionaires regarding now contracts and plan for considerable improvement to their concessions. Ile pointed out the need for a Master Plan of Beach Development. t. as recommended in the urban Land Institute study,. On motion by Lw—nbert, second Gisler, Council directed the CityAdmin- istrator to proceed with contacting architects for the. preparation of Master Plan of Beach Development and other desired Mastep Plans, for Council consideration. Motion carried, 413\: --------------------. Page #19 - Minutes., January l? , 1966 On ,motion by Stewart, second Lambert, Council stated their intention to hold a study session with the interested _concessio,.atres at an in- formal l meeting to be^ held January 31, I96$ Motion carried, ULI LIAISON COMMITTEE DISMISSED On motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council officially dismissed the U1,rban Land Institute Liaison Committee. Motion carried' WILSHIRE OIL GULF € I L - FRANCHISE The City Administrator informed the Council of the purchase of the Wilshire Oil Companyby GulfO _ l and of the resulting transfer an assignment rights. On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council authorized the City. Admin- istrator T.strator to contact the ,Gulf Oil Company and report the results of said meeting to Council. Motion carried. 11U I li m f " The City Administrator presented a communication from the Chief of Police recommending that th Huntington Auto Service be approved as an official Impounding garage € nd towing servi - ce for the Police Depar t- ment n _motion by Gisler, second <Welch, Council approved Huntington Auto Service as an off icia . police fmpourk-dingy garage and towing service subject to the filing of an application foi- .a Use Varianc . Motion carried. PROMOTION PD EGA On motion by Lambert, second Gisler, Council authorized the promotion of Dorothy Eagan from Typist Clork to Intermediate Typist C11'er c in the Police Department, Range 2 m q effective February I, 1966. Motion carried. CU�TIFIED LIST -- ASST FIRE CHIEF On motion by L-.bent , second f'Xisler, Council certified .the list pre- sented by tie City Administrator of eligible applicants for the posi- tion of Assistant nt Fire Chief Motion carried. 13AYROLL REGISTER On <motion by Stewart, second Gisler, Council approved th Pa r€ ll P-egi st r° for January 10, 1966 � on recommendation ,of the Finance CowMittee. Notion carried. — UQU?RANT REGISTER On motion by Ste,wart, sec,ond Gisl.er, Council a proved the Warrant Registery for Ja. near 17 1966, on recommendation ,of the Finance Com- mittee. ATTORNEY PMUTTED OUT OF STATE .a�ww.w..�..H..i:. On motion by Stewart, sec coned by Gisler, Council granted the City Attorney permission to be out of State, i lecossary AMotion tensed. On motion by Ebert, second Gisler, the regular meeting of the City Council of the C-€_ty of Huntington Beach adjourned to Tuesday, January 25, 1966, at 7.30 P.M. otion carried. `'h :� ex® offer of the Cit `council of the Gigs of Huntin t€ n Beach,California CI'Ay Clerk