HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-12-20MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1966 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Miller, Worthy, Bazil, Lawson, Royer, Tom, Larkin. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None MINUTES: On motion by Miller and seconded by Worthy, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of November 15 and November 29, 1966, were accepted as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 6084 - Extensiori_of Time Subdivider:_ Deane Brothers The Secretary informed the Commission that Tentative Tract Map No. 60a4 and Use Variance 66-59 pertain to the same request and should be considered at the same time. The Subdivision Committee Report and the Staff Report were read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Gil Covell, representing Deane Brothers, addressed the Commission and gave his reasons for the request. He further requested that the Commission grant a 6 months continuance before making a decision on Tentative Tract Map No. 6084 and Use Variance No. 66-59. Tentative - A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO CONTINUE THEIR DECISION OWN TENTATIV2 -TRAO'T-MAP NO. 6084 TO JUNE 20, 1967 AT THE REQUEST OF THE'SUBDIVIDER. ROLL CALL, VOTE: AYES: Miller, Worthy, Bazil, Lawson, Royer, Tom, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. USE VARIANCE NO. 66-59 - Continued Applicant - Deane Brothers A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY TOM TO CONTINUE THEIR DECISION ON USE VARIANCE NO. 66-59 TO JUKE 20, 1967, AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Worthy, Bazil, Lawson, Royer, Tom, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. 12/20/66. Page No. 2 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 20, 1966. USE VARIANCE NO. 66-67 To allow the construction of a Applicant - Regent Enterprises mortuary in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. The Staff Report was read by the Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. George McCracken, representing Regent Enterprises, Inc., addressed the Commission and questioned the parking requirements. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NO. 66-67 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Beach Blvd. shall be fully improved to State Standards. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs and street lights. 2. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 3. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assess- ment district. 5. 'Preliminary and final, soil reports shall be submitted by an approved private soils engineer to the City prior to issuance of building permits. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground. 7. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 8. Off-street parking facilities including landscaping, arrange- ment, access, paving and striping shall conform to Article 979. 9. The parking lot shall be redesigned to provide on -site vehicular circulation. Said redesign shall be approved by the Plan- ning Department and the number of parking spaces shall conform to Section 9456 (f). A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO RECONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF USE VARIANCE -NO. 66-67. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Worthy, Bazil, Lawson, Royer, Tom, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Further discussion was held by the Commission. -2- 12/�O/66. Page No. 3 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 20, 1966. .A, MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NO. 66-67 AS AMENDED,WON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Beach Blvd. shall be fully improved to State Standards. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs and street lights. 2. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 3. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 5. Preliminary and final soil reports shall be submitted by an approved private soils engineer to the City prior to issuance .of building permits. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground. 7. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and.Fire Department. 8. Off-street parking facilities ixicluding landscaping, arrangement, access., paving and striping shall conform to Article 979, 9. The parking lot shall be redesigned to provide on -site vehicular circulation. Said redesign shall be approved by the Planning Department and the number,of parking spaces shall conform to Section 9201.3.5 (a).. AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The subject request fronts on Beach Blvd.,, and should be a highway related use. 2. The subject request is within close proximity to a hospital and cemetery. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Worthy, Bazil, Lawson, Royer., -Tom, `Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO. 66-66 - STUDY AREA I RESOLUTION OF INTENT Change of zone from: K) C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District to.C-4 Highway Commercial District with setback provisions; L) C-2 Community Business District to C-4'Highway Commercial District with setback provisions; M) RA-0 Residential Agricultural District combined with oil produc- tion and R-4 Multiple Family Residence District to R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District; -3- '12/20/66. Page No. 4 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 20, 1966. N) Ml-A-O Restricted Manufacturing District combined with oil pro- duction to R-A Residential Agricultural District. 0) Ml-A-O Restricted Manufacturing District combined with oil production to R-2 Two Family Residence District; and P) Ml-A-O Restricted Manufacturing District combined with oil produc- tion to R-A Residential Agricultura District. The Secretary read a letter submitted by Margaret Shupe, objecting to the proposed zone change. Floyd Belsito, Associate Planner, made a presentation on the proposal. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Partridge, representing Standard Oil Company, addressed the Commission and requested that the "0" Combining Oil District remain on their property. It was pointed out by Chairman Bazil that the Standard Oil.property is zoned C-2 and not 02-0; therefore, their request has no bearing on the Planning Com- mission's decision. There being no other comment the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 66-66 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No. 66-66 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY ROYER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 66-66 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 66-66 SUB ITEM K TO THE MY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. To implement the Master Plan of Land Use. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Worthy, Bazil, Lawson, Royer, Tom, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROYER AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 66-66 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE,CASE NO. 66-66 SUB ITEM L TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. To implement the Master Plan of Land Use. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: biller, Worthy, Bazil, Lawson, Royer, Tom, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. -4- 12/2O/66. Page No. 5 Minutes: H.B.:Planning.Commission Tuesday, December 20, 1966. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO ADOPT.'RESOLUTION NO. 66-66 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO..66-66 SUB ITEM M TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH.THE MODIFICATION•THAT A DRILLING ISLAND OF APPROXIMATELY ONE ACRE BE ZONED R3-0 AROUND ANY EXISTING OIL WELL OR CLVSTER.OF.OIL, WELLS FOR THE.'FOLLOWING REASON: 1., To implement.the Master Plan of Land Use. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Worthy; Bazil, Lawson, _ Royer, ,Tom,., NOES: Larkin., ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION.WAS MADE.$Y ROYER AND SECONDED BY TOM TO ADOPT'RESOLUTION NO. 66-66 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO...66--66 SUB ITEM N TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. To,implement the Master Plan.of°Land-Use. ROLL - CALL VOTE:,, AYES:* Miller,. Worthy, Bazil', Lawson,. Royer,. Tom.. NOES: Larkin.. ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY -MILLER AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 66-66 RECOMMENDING.APPROVAL OF ZONE -CASE NO. 66-66 SUB ITEM 0 FOR AN R-2-0 RATNER,THAN R-2 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Larkin, Worthy. NOES: Royer, Tom, Lawson,, Bazil. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION DID NOT CARRY A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY ROYER AND SECONDED BY TOM TO.ADOPT RESOLUTION NO., 66-66 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF'ZONE CASE -NO. 66-66 SUB -ITEM 0 WITH THE;MODIFICA- TION THAT A DRILLING ISLAND OF APPROXIMATELY ONE ACRE -,BE ZONED R2-0 AROUND ANY EXISTING OIL.WELL OR CLUSTER OF OIL WELLS FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. To implement the Master Plan of Land Use. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Worthy, Royer, Tom, Lawson,Bazil. NOES: Miller, Larkin ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROYER AND SECONDED BY TOM TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 66-66 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 66-66 SUB ITEM P TO THE (MY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. To implement the Master Plan of Land Use. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Worthy, Royer, Tom, Lawson, Bazil, Miller. NOES: Larkin ABSENT: None. THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. _5- 12/20/66. Page No. 6 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 20, 1966 CODE AMENDMENT NO. 66-23 PLOT PLAN AMENDMENT The Secretary informed the Commission that this proposed Code Amendment pertains to plot plan amendments. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY WORTHY TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF CODE AMENDMENT NO. 66-23 BY THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Worthy, Royer, Tom, Lawson, Bazil, Miller, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. ADDITION TO RESIDENCE IN HUNTINGTON CONTINENTAL - REFERRED BY CITY -COUNCIL The Secretary informed the Commission that the'City Council had referred a request from Mr. Maas to them for consideration. His request was for an addition to a condominium unit in the Huntington Continental project. The Commission reviewed the request. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO DENY THE REQUEST BECAUSE OF A LACK OF INFORMATION AND BECAUSE THE APPLICANT FAILED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE COMMIS- SION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Worthy, Royer, Tom, Lawson, Bazil, Miller, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. INFORMATION: The Secretary informed the Commission 'that the City Council instructed them to study parking requirements for medical centers. INFORMATION: The Secretary informed the Commission that there will be a joint trip with the City Council in January to view Casas Capistrano. INFORMATION: The Secretary informed the Commission that. the City Council instructed them to re-evaluate the Master Plan of Land Use at Warner Avenue and Beach Boulevard. INFORMATION: The Secretary informed the Commission that the City Council wanted a recommendation on whether or not another public hearing should beheld on.Zon6 Case No. 66-58. John Pitts, attorney, representing Mr. Shulta, addressed the Commission and requested that another hearing be held on Zone Case No. 66-58. "6- 12/20/66. Page No. 7 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 20, 1966. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WORTHY AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO RECOTEVIEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT ADDITIONAL HEARINGS BE HELD ON THE CHANGE OF ZONE FOR PARCEL "A" ONLY AND THAT ALL COST FOR SUCH HEARINGS BE PAID BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Worthy, Royer, Tom, Lawson, Bazil, Miller. NOES: Larkin. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. INFORMATION: The Secretary informed the Commission that the City Council postponed their decision on Zone Case No. 66-43 so the Planning Commission could meet with the Industrial and Commercial Committees of the Chamber of Commerce and develop a solution to our industrial problems in time for a report back by March 6, 1967. Chairman Bazil appointed Commissioner Lawson and Commissioner Miller to work with the Chamber of Commerce. INFORMATION: The Secretary informed the Commission that the City Council referred a request from the Huntington Beach Citizens Freeway Association to the Plan- ning Commission for study and report. It was the consensus to place said item on the January Study Session Agenda and invite one spokes- man from their group. DISCUSSION: The Commission held a discussion pertaining to holding Planning Commission meetings at 6:00 P.M. instead of 7:30 P.M. The Secretary informed the Commission that the By -Laws must be changed. A MOTION WAS 11ADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO PROCEED WITH CHANGING THE BY-LAWS STARTING THE MEETINGS AT 4:00 P.M. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Worthy, Tom, Bazil, Miller, Larkin. NOES: Lawson, Royer. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS CALLED: Chairman Bazil called a recess at 9:30 P.1:7. COT,E�IISSION RECONVENED: The Commission reconvened at 9:45 P.141. MEMO: The Secretary read a memo submitted by the Board of Zoning Adjustments per- taining to rear yard setbacks in the R-1 Zone. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY LAWSON TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO PREPARE A CODE AMENDMENT PERTAINING TO -REAR YARD SETBACKS IN THE R-1 ZONE. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Worthy, Tom, Bazil, Miller, Lawson. NOES: Larkin, Royer. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. -7- 12/20/66 Page 8 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, December 209 1966 DISCUSSION: The Secretary suggested that the Commission consider a zone ell-ange west of Gothard and north of the Orange County Flood Control Channel from R-3 to M-1. The Commission reviewed the proposal. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY ROYER TO SET THE MATTER FOR PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Royer, Tom, Bazil, Miller, Lawson. NOES: Larkin. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINED: Worthy. THE MOTION CARRIED. PERRY""PARK SITE AND Norman Worthy, Director of Parks and EDISON CO. EASEMENT Recreation, addressed the Commission and displayed a design concept of the Perry Park Site and Edison Company easement. The Commission reviewed the proposal. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO RECO1,24END APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN CONCEPT TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Royer, Tom, Bazil, Worthy, Miller, Larkin, Lawson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Election of officers was held pursuant to Section 2,.By-Laws of the City Planning Commission. Nominations for Chairman were opened. Commissioner 7,1orthy was nominated for Chairman by Commissioner Miller. There being no further nomina- tions, on motion by Lawson and duly seconded and carried, the nominations for Chairman were closed. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Royer, Tom, Bazil, Miller, Lawson, Larkin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINED: Worthy. THE MOTION CARRIED. Nominations for Vice -Chairman were opened. Commissioner Lawson was nominated for Vice - Chairman by Commissioner Larkin. There being no further nominations, on motion by Miller and duly -seconded and carried, the nominations for Vice -Chairman were closed. ROLL -CALL VOTE: AYES: Royer, Tom, Bazil, Miller, Larkin, Worthy. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINED: Lawson. THE MOTION CARRIED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. 40_� X) , J Reynolds Robert D. 'Bazil—___--e�0- Secretary Chairman -8- 12/20/66