HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-031 0 1 1�,UNpTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach., California Monday, July 3, 1967 Mayor Shipley called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4 a 0 P. M, The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber, The Invocation was given by ReverendJohn Allred, Minister of the First Christian Church, Huntington Beach. ,ROLL CALL Councilmen Present,. Bartlett, Gialer, Kaufman, Stewart, Green, Shipley Councilmen Absent- Coen ( Councilman Coen arrived at 4-4-5 P. M� ) IKYTRS . motion by Kaufman, they minutes of the regular meeting of June 19, 1967, were approved and adopted as prepared by the Clerk and Corrected by the Council, Motion carried.. O motion by Kaufman, Council directed a Certificate of Service be awarded to Miss Pamla. Bowers of Huntington Beach, for her heroic action in promptly removing Carolyn Cisco, age 3, from a swim -Ming pool and rendering rescue breathing, thereby saving the child's life. Motion carried. /�M The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director submitting final form of Tract Map 6391 for adoption as follows. Developer - Covington Brothers; Location. 502,93 feet south of Heil Avenue, east of Golden West Street; Acreage: 6 o l7 s Lots: 22 4 that the map had been cnrt.i. ied. by the Director € f Public Works and they Secretary to the Planning Co ission to be true and correct in accordance with provisions of the City Subdivision. Code. The City Council may accept dedications as shown on they map and approve they Rival Map., subject to the following conditions The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the subm� Ual and completion of the enumerated. requirements, 1, Deposit of fee a for water, sewer, 2, Bond for improvements, 4 Certificate of insurance. 5 Approval from the County Surveyor ., Bond for monuments 7, Deed :for underground water rights r drainage, engineering and inspection. 6 Page #1 2 Minutes, July 3, 1967 Chi motion HAP Stewart, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Map 6391., and adopted the snap subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. }A UV 67-28 u CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION - PALOS VERDESD V The Clerk presented a transmittal from the. Planning Department of Conditional Exception - HST 67- 8 - Palos Verdes Development Co, - on property locatewd. south of Heil Avenue, 660 feet east of Algonquin Street. The Planning Co,=ission recoimiended approval with conditions. On motion by Bartlett, Council sustained the recommendation of the Planning Commission and directed the City Attorney to Prepare a Resolution approving UV d 7-28, with conditions stipulated by the Planning Cormiission3 Motion carried. PRECISE PLAN 67-2 - STREET ALIGNMENT The Clerk Sresented, Precise Plan 67-2, a street alignment to delete an alley designed to serve interior lots and allow street pattern to remain as originally Proposed to facilitate traffic circulation and. access to land locked Parcels - Vineland Drave and four future streets. . motion by Stewart, Council sustained they Planning Commission's decision,, and approved Precise Plan Now 67-2, as modified., and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance adopting Precise Plan 67-2 for alignment. Motion carried. ;r i; l-CC-063 - WATER MAIN - WARNER AVENUE The Clergy Presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Plan, Specifications, Notice Inviting Sealed Rids, and Resolution No, 2595 for the construction of a. water mein and appurtenances within Warner Avenue from the northeasterly right-of-way line of Pacific Coat Highway to Bolsa Chica. State Parka On motion by Stewart, Council approved they Plana and Specifications for the construction of a water main and appurtenances within Warner Avenue, and directed the City Clerk to advertise for lids when directed by the Director of Public Works, Motion carried. The Clerk read Resolution No. 2595 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF H-UNTINCTOH BEACH E TABU aHI14C THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE CAP WORKMAN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WATER. MAIN AND APPURTENANCES WITHIN WARNER AVENUE FROM THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY TO THE BOLSA CHICA STATE PARK, PARTIALLY WITHIN THE COUNTY CAP GRANGE AND PARTIALLY WITH THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA." On motion by Gisler, Council waived further reading € f Resolution No. 2595, and parsed and adopted same by the following roll call vote - AYES, Councilmen.- .- Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Gram, Ship NOES- Councilmen., None Page #3 - Minutes, July 3, 1967 'REIMBURSEMENT - LUBOB INC The Clerk presented Resolution., o9 2597. On'motion by Stewart, decision was deferred on Resolution No. 2597 until a liter dates Motion carried, '�w J .r ; REALTY #11 ,.... ...�.:.vv,avvvza.++>n.».w....:.<.,..i:�w�:�«....rz.•...wwww. ....»aw.....� ..:;.. T-e\,• rk p...`.a ti Z v t-e d as t' .�- �..."a l a.. nm t Nkmb � Y ,.� avva.... a, f a.:A .a �. a \•.� � 3. � a.'�,`,<.. �'�v.�a .\ak �-4. e; a Zq�;k-tea A i,..�r :, ai�ffZa3. s��?��:a.a�: � t � k i��= �t,£i i:�u�i �. 3,a a< $ a 2 j: �,�ia:� , 8�' i"? 4r ,v�SS^ I< C. � w ` v ��� w ` KC �.� �- v�i. yy33� '1 � 3 \`i � > a ky"- k, ,...' M,t. '`,.3. .-.,• ,: a :`3'�::.\ z- &,, aAa"n ,��a..�� sb.:at!\�,r a`3 k�e:$ ��aa..e�'.3�.Y. J.•.:�.,�.3�. r. \Z Z.�} w w , , 'v -i' � i aw' w ��� -�r ,, S. A..J.�:i a..._ .a,A a, r ar .'C-... a. ' - Area, t 1"., w, The Clerk read Resolution No. 2598 by title - "A RESOLUTION -OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF DTI GTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE < EXPENDITURE Off° ' MONEY FROM THEDRAINAGE AREA 7B FUNIDq " On motion. by Coen, Council wai-ved further reading of R&'S.olution No. 598, and passed -and adopted game by the oll in °kola coil vote. AYES: Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green, Shipley NOES. Councilmen: a None ABSENT: Councilmen: None \. `\.• w "_:. B \ ..FYI, �w�-'x 1"' ,-\ , v �,?��p �cL t .. r. a«•c.a. � r..A���`s;<\ : ���:va.vv� `� b.� C. �S�E��..�`r,i� \„Zf `K. Vm Clerk k :"ram e:., u\,d >vb ,a, 'kk att t Agreement between the City o . Huntington r� . � , �3�; , : AA, "w .>\� a\� . ` -i Control District, to permit contraction \'.'t- \ r ¢ ocrw \ box culvert n theOcean View Charm. H, CO— r: ti-a3. by Ss,.eumrt" Ccn av is gpvro'ved the Betterment greeme t with the Oi: c\nge \r\`i,a:nty Flood Cia,`n.trolkz—k-::�"i�;` s. , and authorized the Mayor and City lerk to emec>:.�'-"' 'savm, on bebalf of the City. Motion carried, p -,'.m t d a\ Z=: a ka, a A v t•^ cM, from the .Director of Public Works s al ing th t work on the i1Ma vv-e'>;�,--k of Springdale and Edinger had \e`w3 eaa i pit C3 c. t ? i i C`�%, i ".\a' cd���€[9��,1-i accept 7ak" 'work 'on prodect Due to a possible conflict of interest, Councilman Steuart requested and was granted permission to abstain from decision of this item. O. motion by Bartlett, Council accepted the work on Project , CC-051. Yoder & Sons, and directed the City Clergy to file a Notice of Completion with the Orange County Recorder., Motion carried. Councilman Stewart returned to his place at the Council table, CAL The Clerk presented a deed for a road easement which grants the City easement for public road and highway purposes across the Huntington Beach Ellis Transmission right-of—way Page #4 z Minutes, Jule 3, 1967 . motion by Kaufman, Council accepted the deed from the Southern Calif- ornia Edison Company for a road easement across the Huntington Beach Ellis Transmission right-of-way within the City of Huntington Reach,authorized the Mayor and City �Ierk to execute acceptance of same, and directed Lhe Clerk to recorded deed with the Orange County Recorder,. Motion carried,, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 6701 µ MARINA VIEW \YAHNv:\Wa\\w.w:\Ww\vaww.\WiwVJ.\\\vvv\\rv�\V\\\\\\...... \hv\\\\v`hrKm\\.tLKmM• The Clerk presented a transmittal of resolutions appointing attorn-ey, designating ewspaper, and ordering plans and specifications, diagram and cost estimate for improvements In Marina View, The Clerk read ,Resolution 2599 by title m "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPOI T°I c ATTORNEYS, as On motion by Stewart, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2599, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote 1� AYES. Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green,, Shipley NOES.- Cau.nc ilmen y None ABSENT x Councilmen, Nona The Clerk read. Resolution No. 2600 by title - "A REOLUTI N OF THE CTTT CGUNTIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DESIGNATING NEWSPAPER." On motion by Stewart, Council. waived further reading of Resolution No, 2600, and passed and adopted same- by the following roll call vote F AYES a Councilmen- Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green, Shipley. NOES: Councilmen K None ABSENT,,, Councilmen" one The Clerk read Resolution Nov 2601 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL IL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDERING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS,., A ES �,!MNT DIAGRAM, ,AND EST114ATE OF COSTS." Chi motion by Stewart, Council waived further reading of Resolution No, 2601, and passed and adopted sass.e by the following roll call vote: AYES- Councilmen- Coen, B rtlatt, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Gratin, Shipley NOES- Councilmen- Mono ABSENT: ouncilme no None The Clark. presented Ordinance No. 1331 for a second reading, O. motion by Green, Council deferred action on Ordinance No. themeeting of July 1.7, 1967. Motion carried ORDINANCE NO 1332; - DEFERRED - DANGEROUS:... BUILDINGS The Clergy presented Ordinance No. 1332 for a second reading. 11 to 11 On motion by Green, Council deferred action on Ordinance No. 1332 to the meeting of duly 17, 1967, Motion carried. Page #5 , - Minutes, July 3, 1967 ORDINANCE NO 1333 m ADOPTED - 2C 66-43. The Clerk gave Ordnance No. 1333 a second readin& by title m "AN OR- DINANCE OF THE GIVE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TWIN BEACH RELATING TO ZOJE CASE 66® - AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANC8 CODE BY RE- -CL SSIFT ING DM-15 ( Sectional District Map' 14-5-11 On motion by Kaufman, Councitwaived further reading of Ordinance o K - 1333, and passed and adopted same by the follo i - 1,1 call vote: ., SCouncilmen, Coen,, Bartlett, isler,�--,Ka-- n St vart, , ree ,,. Shipley NOES, Councilmen: None < _ S E N? � C omnc i ° � None '\? \`.; \ � \i ;, r N?. a V 4 IM N A 'a as ` ? � .: `"` 14 The Clerk gave Ordinance No, 1334 a second reading by title ,m "'AN ORDINANCE OF,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HLW-rINGTON BEACH RELATING,'TO ZONE CASE No 67ml ; , 1 ; HE HUNTINGTON $EACH ORDINANCE CODE, B ,REt-LASSIFYINU D -7.6 (Sectional z: :iTi t Map 14-6-11) ." M_ On ation by Gisler, Council waived further reading of Ordina ce, o. 1334, and gassed and,adopted ,saw by the follokng roll call vote AYES,, Counciliz-aan'- ... r e \C 31,-e r k tC Z ; to r \` • Z\ C?'A`.�.�,y; ♦'. r \ 'a:a \` u� `y`4:. u } h_. � k G .., `�:. : Zk7. •fa�A�L.-Z �w, ia;� Y. ri.:R f: \\ �.} r�h'�. Q. �,�ex�C A\3a C- 54.r • . r '\ k. ha a..�... 5 a second. r\v \ ° '.: C � \" \ A r „a ..:.: ♦ a: ,a aAA. \ �$ itle .� kr ANN ORDI�.� 9 Z. T a:: .�+` y `� y�,`�NCI Of,` t�'C�` E7 �,� ��`'y` ���ir�'t: 'G .3..5.� COUNCIL C,n \� �:�3�: S:AAa t�� ��C 1 •.♦ y`` �r♦�La\ a,.,, a .T.�. ai a y\� ♦ A`..�*a�tS ::£.ki3::iC,:2.\�>`` C \, a:'. �. a aaA 3 _a ;$ C• r i N�� .t. CE IRURNT 0 a? e r u; . " R. a .A \ +r v N r � 1 � `i ¢ Z\:,: '��? r.{�� .r k. ti �+' :i.r \ �• �� ,� USE ,'^ `�,, �r y,�. `fi r x y �,� a A+, �, . \r �.,�.: 1 ..�...y:'`\�` .a.. §@,� . ".` T 74NGC 7•\' 'J.. A&:�O a3a"'R�.�a� �L .\3�'��w,� \w�3:p. a�`S`\xd�:��a 4a vC 'Y �1 fi?,?C�:: i��.' r,`,� a�..r\ `��..5'a����� Y",,, \N\:.� .� �'w`;r�A? �;. .Y ..tAND: 1t1.@�.A.Li z � (.'A : r ?:Y i�zrg yr� TF • UAL yn , k: {� r\ 4k\, ` TO r.@r �r �g� .' - kk\\gg� i• '� • \�0"�',�. Z .la$`��,x♦ -a.: v. pwpJ#A; . ,� , „ : A C h# .z . .r:'C aa8F R� SW Si- 3:,�.C&'�� 9730;C a', ? k ,'.'9 i pass, �,`l C. e f':�aa a�C. �r�„�a?a ��� �tif �r� �A3C.G.A�. ��3ar�> A� �:, C �.,, ,.�.. �„ "F: is ' ` Sa` 4 and : y: � ! �:,k.-.�c T' �3 : `C`4 q.`.},`C � C•n° . \ \ A ♦ .. p. ay � •: a, .. Ca.,w?„ .\. �,+.�• S. \..,w ,\�7k i. ,\�.ba i+.. .ho � ::. '''.;Y:iaF'•- a.�, `S\,.'4`? a N AM,(, E No `.. Z z. ' a ..:.. a�.a SlcHnT R°� A?A N"C rs way.w.E,.,,..L.. X...' A101N' O ITEM .rmem'.�am•�. .:`za :..rr+h.v,amayswvaw,.wa......u.......u.,a.wa,...cn.:R..ea j The 'C lei gave 'O � ` cLe . o a 1337 a first reading by title,- "ANIORDINANCE OF HE CITY C `XL OF 'SHE :CITY O RgICI °� 11 F THE � � ,B RDIN C :CODE CO 1 .T _ NGS O 'THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMPENSATIONOF-COUNCILMEN, ARTICLES 103 ' and 104 OYCHAPTER _1 OF SAID CODE CONGMING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS SECTIONS 1012 d' 1013, ARrICLE IDI OF CHAPTER 10 CONCERNINOTHE SEAL OF -THE CIS OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND - AFMDING SECT-IONSECT-ION 1022 ARTICLE 02, CHAPTER 10, DESIGNATINQ ZITY HALL, �P Page 06 - Minutes, July 3, 196 O motion by Bartlett, Council .-give d further reading of -Ordinance No.. 1337. shen gut to a vote the motion eased unanimously. q 0 _. j:1l ORDINANCE NO, 1338 - FIRST READING - ACT a ING ON BEACH R& � The Clerk dive Ordinance No. 1338 a first reading by till - ''AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ITY OF HUNTING°.SON BEACH RELATING TO BICYCLING ON THE BEACH SERVICE ROAD; AMENDING SECTION 7 1 M OF ARTICLE 751 OF THE 'HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE," On motiob by Gisler, Council ncil waived, fiar her reading of Ordinance No, 1 38 Abev put to a vote the motion passed unanim.ously. jp- The Clerk. gave Ordinance No. 1339 a first reading by title - ''AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE 67-12; AS AMENDED: AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECQS- On notion by Green, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1339. Wen put to a vote the motion pas-sed unanimously, ,I a-1 SOLUTION NO 2594 - ADOPTED - COUNCIL MEETINGS The Clerk read Resolution Noa 2594 by title - '' RESOLUTION F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PRESCRIBING THE TIME FOR THE HOLDING OF REGULAR COUNCIL 1,11EETINGS'" On motion by Kaufman, Coyncil waived further reading of Resolution No, 2594, end passed and adopted same by the following roll call ute � AYES: Coqncilmen; Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen; None RESOLUTION NO 2596 - ADOPTED - MASTER PLAN OFLAND USE The Clerk :read. Resolution No, 2596 by title - ''A,RESOLITTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTONREACH AMENDING THAT CERTAIN MASTER L Nro USE PLAN ENTITLED ''MASTER .CLAN OF LAND USE> REVISED . ANUARY 1, 1961" BY OPTING AMENDMENT O THE MASTER PLAN OF LAND USE, STUDY AREA III." Omotion by Bartlett, CounAl waived further teading of Resolution No. 2.59 ,. ' and passed and ;adopted same by the following roll call vote F .AYES- Councilmen: Coen-Baitlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart Green, Shipley N,OES - Councilmen, None ABSENT. Councilmen;, None Lti yfr Rl'ate01;1' a.I.O NO 260 - ADOPTED - b\ fM�\\a-AEw )a 0 .. w wwwwwww ww ww wwwwww ww \ w w www www w� w w.. w ww ww+ + The Clerk read Resolution No. 2602 by title CUUNC I L OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SUPPORTING THE, TO THE COMPENSATION OF CITY COUNCILMEN," - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Page #7Minutes, Jule 3, 1967 n motion by Bartlett, Council -waived further reading of Resolution No. 2602, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vo to e AYES 9 Councilmen-, Coen, Bartlett, Gisler Stewart, Green, ;Shipley NOES Councilmen None ABSENT-. Councilmen- -None << RESOLUTION NO 2603 ADOPTED - CHARGE 'FOR.;PUBLIC CORDS The Clerk read Resolution No. 2603 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON, BEACH ESTABLISHING CHARGES TO BE 1:IVIED BY THE CITY OFFICES FOR YURNTSHING C.OP1 S '0F ,PUB IC RECORDS . g On motion by -Bartlett, Council waived ,further reading of Re -solution No. 2603, and. ,pissed and adopted same by the following roll na11 vote AYES: Councilmen- Coen, Bartlett, NOES- Coundilmen i None ABSENT; Councilmen.- None TrSI '� pt.Ts i�€1 Gisler, Kauftan, Stewart., Greece, Shipley The City Administrator 'informed the Council of a request received from the Nor al Petroleum Corporationstating. their, interest ;in purchasing lot 21 of Block- 418, inc-ludi,ng meneral rights, or ' in ob- taining an oil and gas lease covering both the -surface and sub -surface e This is necessary for tie c-.mi truct:ion of a block wall fence for a drilling island.. On motion by Stewart, Council defend action on the ,request ,:from Nnrc-al petroleums Corporationpending a recommendation fro, the Oil Committee, Motion carried. s AGREEMENT- QMN ca 'CQUY RA-gf-og a The City Ad in.ist:rtor -presented an agreement betweem the City of Huntington Be-ach and the >Orange County Harbor. District fog° use of City Lifeguards on beaches i the -Orange County, Harbor District. On motion by Bartlett, Council approved the Agreenverat for the use. of City Lifeguards beaches in the.Ormage County Harbor District, and authorized the 'Mayor -and City Clark to execute Said Agreeiw.nt on behalf of the City Motion carried. uNTYN The City Administrator presented an argent between the City of Huntington .Reach and the County of Orange -for -financial assistance, pursuant to Section 25550 of the Government Code. On motion by 'Bartlett, Counc.il approved the -Agreement for financ1a.1 assistance, pursuant to Section 25550 of the,Government Lode, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute °said -;A; reement on behalf of the City r Motion carried. 71 'Page #8- Anutfs, July 31 �2� �. \ \ ♦ �` , .va.wvarvwuc.a <a.a. ea�r �—II-1,,..,.. The City Admin0trator informed the .0 -i that the Chamber ofCommerce has appointed d -r . Gruber and Dr. Forney as a-conmittee to meet' with a committee of the My Cecil to discuss or not. the Christmas parade will continte,and also tine ,mat er of Chtjtnas Decorations. Mayor Shipley appointed Councilmen Bartlett and Coen at act as z committee -of the Council to meet with the Chamber of Cowmerce committee,. W? r- A) III MUNICIPAL P RING LOT FEES The City Administrator presented a repo t _fry Vince Mooncc€ s , Director of Harbor and Beaches., cove -ring parking fees in the municipal parking lot veil as contract services for beach cleaning and >life- guard serviveWth the Huntipgton Beach Conpany,, r9 Cecil Wbeat, a beach cannessYnaire-represeqting .the Concessionaires Aasoci-ation, addressed, the Council and requested the City to :miss the price of admission to the ,parking lot on week -ends and holidays, but to leave it at 0, from Monday through Thursday. Following considerable discussion on motion by Green, Council brought Ordinance No.1328 to 'tom fioor for ions i.d .rati ,Motion carxi -a n motion by Green, Council directed the Attorney to amend Ordinance No. 1328 to require parking few ,a . Wnicipal PaT ing let to be 0, on weekdays (Monday through Friday) and $1, 00 an weekends an holidays. Motion carried. F Counzilman Coen msdeA MoLion to direct the departnent heads to keep re ord fer -the °pur ose of studying the a y ndanca in the •parki lot as a -survey for next year, The motion was withdrawn before put to a VOW 04cc ATTORNEY' CONTRACT - INCREASE 1 On motion by Coen, Council authorized the preparation of a new contrA t be en the City and the City Attorney providing for a . fire^'•per'An i Crease in salary and directed the oMaydr and City Clark to efecute the document on behalf of the City. Orion cads . 01 -an n On motion by Gisler' Council directed the Mayor the Agreement with Tom and Truskier, Architects, new drake Park. Clubhous& Motion carried. SERVICE CA•R.\::.:5. .1^ uca S S v1 Cam, motion by Kaufman, Council directed the City Attorney td prepare a. 0Rsoluti.on commending.Bill Lewis for his 18 years of service with the Cite of Huntington Beach, and directed .the. City Clerk to haves a cert- ificate of Service prepared. MWon carried.. Page.- i9 - Minutes , July 3, 1967 LAKE PARK CLUBHOUSE - SR CITIZENS Nxs. Frank Edwards, President of the Huntington Beach Senior Citizens, addressed the Council and innuired nbout the gize of the Rs8noblv arP8 of the proposed Lake Park Clubhouse, `, r. NNo--nm., Worthy, Director of Recreation and Parks, reported on the uses of the Lake Park Clubhouse and the attendance of the \\\a\i\.:. On motion by Coen, Council directed the City Administrator to request MY, Dick Bigler and Mr, Richard Tom to be present at the next Council ,�,aee­'An.g wJUh a master plan for the Lake Park covylex, Motion carried, RECESS. Mayor Shipley called a recess of the Council at 025 P,M. Council was reconvened at V30 P,M, by the Mayor PAMELA BOWERS Mayor Shipley presented a Certificate of Service to Miss Pamela Bowers for her heroic action in saving the life of Carolyn Cisco, age 3, by removing her from a swimming pool and administering rescue breathing, The Cisco child, together with her father and mother and other members of her family, were present in the Chamber, and were introduced to the audience by the Mayor, ARMOUR DEVELOPMENT The Clerk presented a letter from Armoor Development Company requesting waiver Of.standard relocation fees and all standard requirements for relocation of an existing sales office from another developmenm Mr, Paul Brans, representing Armour Development, addressed the Council and requested the Councs approval of Armour Development's request, On mOtiun by Stewart, Council granted the request \-_ .,Pk..: our Development subiect to the submittal of a $1000 clean-up bond and the normal requirements, Motion carrie?, NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE The City Clerk informed the Cowncil of a, d n invitation to atten 44th Annual Congress of , Cities july 29 thra August in Boston. On motion by Kaufman, Council authorized the attendance of any Councilman III that is able to go, Motion carried, "T. RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS The Clerk presente& from various school districts within Run for appointments to the Huntington Beadn Recreation and Forks Commission. The are as follows-, Page # 1 - Minutes, July 3, 1967 Ocean View Scheel District m 'Robert Ao Knox (reappointment) Golden. West College - Bruce h, Williams Westminster School District - Neomi.a Wi.lmore (reappointment) Huntington Beach Union High School District m Charles Mashburn (reappointment) Huntington Beach Elementary School District John Wyatt (reappointment) Harry Turner altetlb.ate) Fountain Valley School District - 'Dr. Dale Coogan On -motion by Kaufman, Council approved the recommendations of the various school districts for appointments to the Recreation land Barks Una :i.ssion o Motion carried. Mayor Shipley appointed Councilmen Stewart, Coen, and. Green as a Committee of the Council to -study the procedure of recommendations to the Recreation and. Parks Commission. Ss' - .BUSINESS APPLICATION - BRIDGE CLUB The Clerk presented an application for a business license from Mr. Syd Slade for a business license for a Bridge Club. The club would he located at 504 Main. Street, -t motion by Kaufman, Council granted the issuance of a business license to Mr, 3yd Slade for a Bridge Club subject to the limitation of only three games to be played on the premises - bridge, gin r€ nmy, and pinochle. Motion carried. BUSINESS APPLICATION - MIND SHAFT GO, The Clark presented an application for a business license from Mr. ,lay Harris for the Mind Shaft Company, On motion hy. Gisler, Council deferred action on this application to a further date, Motion carried. PUBLIC t 4XRtiKt IJV 67-23 APPEAL D v 'WEST Mayer Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal to a condition imposed by the Planning Commission in granting Uv 7-23, requiring i.ring underground utilities on Lore Circle, and directed the Clerk to read the legal -notice The Clerk read native of public hearirg,oh an appeal to the condition i.mposed, by the Planning Co=i.ssion on UV 6 7 -23, as published in the Huntington Beach Hews on June 22, 1967, setting the hour of 7:30 BK a , or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd of Ju1 , 1967, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Centers Huntington Beach, California, s the time and place for a public hearing on a condition imposed by the Planning Commission requiring underground utilities on forge Circle.. The Clerk informed the Council that they and of the Planning Di.rec to r e s transmittal, and no communications or written protests to C of appeal by Golden West Industries. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. been provided with copies stated that he had received 7-23 ether than the latter page #11 - Minutes, duly 3, 1967 N Lloyd McDonald, 16121 Gothard street , City and answered questions concerning the condition Planning Cissionv €��f����d � ddressed��a �e��€n��� `here being a.one further tO Speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or writte� by the Mayor. , thearing was closed On Motion by Kaufman, Council overruled the decision of the I Planning Commission and allowed the overhead wiring for the two street l� on Lorge Circle, € tion carried, hts .f `Z Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour hearing on an appeal to the approval, In part', by the to 67-24, and directed the Clerk to �,ad the legal notice�g Cofssion., The Clerk read notice ♦i.aa `:t" \Z ri'�"_ N x o w `�\ ai.\.� the � ,.v. a. . 0 � `� .,2 C •t � . i..., a §. . Leo. d,. � 2`^ N '^�` a\ 3 '¢ Z.. t h\ approval a \ .. 6 Nt t ".> \ .a \ ♦ ai\aR h ♦ a� n a),\'� t + r \ �,:\ \i� t sell �tv " s \ \i \3v 3 ♦ `fix \� : \ \ gg r 3. � 2�. A a a.. aai,i � VAn:k �`ii`Sv d vhv 4 ♦ w � v A i3. Y i`: A $ \ r 1• a ;r Lv a r`R t`L ��o var.��Te u e 3 E t - � aa� `� "t b' � � � ♦.: M N . c h a i.��\`t aid 3r � \ ? t ♦\ Zaa, v i `�'�1b �iAZ:'. the v h ) <\ .e..0 N \C ♦ �\ ,-\ '♦ .� N ;2,.. i .f�J. V r.,i: 1.2 '+n \. �\ \ r \\)Q v{ a� \N ;gyp. 1 ' ;` y ':'K a Z..]„\' �y„ •�. Z 3:?w :L p ` \ ,1 �3'vKi a -'\ �r DD N #a $ C y�,\a +� �..`�' \9`�a.z� � \v Y � i. \ ♦ +\• :X3 \ �`4'`♦ar"11v#\S On 3.ri `20 :y c �`\vZ\ �4 b�.Jt4 k.-:: ZC and \`2 a�w..t\ ♦�?� y. �\ •C•`t' -, Nv '2 ♦ 2 � \ \?�t �,M Z A. t'h\ a\�+� £ � � �,v , $ �L 'Ei� �:2.\ � a..%�i, $\ Z. ♦ \ i.. %�Yta \37, 0. \ �`�' \Z`i ` A \ 2 ¢ ♦a: \. yN.e a ;£, i�%2- Y♦�d �\` 2.a��;Km`K x a•`v3aa v\, a t;S ♦2 \\Zcti�:ia\�Z�r �v\♦ \ H, \\� tad t.ai3♦a3t fia ` \�a z ,. file a a -an �, ra a \ r\ \ x a \ \rev a�\�t -Z r Tract: \ ♦., r\ \ .aria. * t : a,;vt tq: i e\ \ v \' . \ j x:2:.. 1-i- t \ r h i :' . 2\ aY� a ��� d to,as t � # \ "t ` � i r 2- ,�,. .. \ b \e plash a. \. ., . 2 \a3 A,.a� y`a, �. t v. �� \ a\i R` :i ilt s� xi \z# , y `i ) j \ ` \1 ` \ e� $ 4 Z.. 1l. i. , \.::a W\a.CAS .fVi�1.� \ \ � 't' �n 1 \ , ♦ �P,,C i� e \ \\ice F.\V. s: b.}.+im" '! c, a � w'�. Z T�� � ♦��a,,\ �Qx� ♦ . d,- \b \ \ \� ` \ at,.k- d t i`i.tS'- , \�'F. .vi t.�a. �: ♦\ \ \' ♦♦.°\` \ \ `a.: „ •` i� a\ apt w ti. ;.t. ::.i\ a`� 1 ?;i `h ``�: ` `. i c. .i;, acjthe Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open, Mr. Don Burns, representing Huntfn tOn Harbour, and explained the reasons for thedd�d�cil PlanningCommission. � � �� to the decision of the There being no,one further tO.Speak on the further protests filed.31 either oral Or - ritten���%� 'her$ and aring ����� x�� by the Mayor. acing was dosed U ♦gym , Overruled .-.i s,� a`.'Z�ri and �i - , thy` .,... .. <.., fi �.� �.:�'�,i� �sa�.'ax��� decision �� ��� ��.���. s teds n carried. - . x,♦ . \� a v a$;R Z. i; : tr. tam \, i public Z. va♦\ `` N\� h�,r ♦�i\' a, 2\ w ublic N C\ .e`ar\ aigce ti� 1•` � 2pZ v x ti "t�#•yiy\\i\a\r \ \ .fa\rZ~ \a��\" M 5.\ao Ru av. ���"a\�i�r\2eabl hv♦-.t om\"\ S .22 :k i, v vt. 'i �i #" v tia \ \ : 'ai �+a C Y. � a? t\ P # r, ♦. ` ♦ \.v a.. aiy:\ `�`,3.t kSib \tr`. ram? �2, \ - ,2\ t0,0 v.. t i`„ �. \\ 3 Ni Z ,2\.v.� ♦ \^ 2 \ F'� i. \ a 3� \ ' V' \ t Y av: 3 \ \3. ��.�fu+.'�i 0 `�� \'v� v .� \va` �` ; '3 � s the ay C♦ t i s c\ i 4 i t -ki t I., i. �� \ \\ 3 = 3 z ♦ �3y.*: za \ a \ \ i i=i a.., :a .as. itZ f Via\ A d \\ �� t t \ ': a\��', �`♦ `C �` `\��:vx. �. \♦ '�, r a 2,,� >� a ♦Tia..M a` v\ a.\\��. cY )♦ t,2'♦ a N r , a. N J1..1"v � •�,. <.,�: it\ ;.+ . A \ A ,\, �..e ` 9 �l .\ .�, ; x t h a• 122i t \.. tw i - \ \ \ Page ail - Minutes, July 3, 1967 The Clerk informed the Council that they had been. provided with copies of the Planning Director's transmittal, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the appeal filed by Security Fore. Mayor Shipley declared they hearing open r. Rory Fell, representing Security Fore, addressed the Council and explained the reason for the appeal' -to the Planning Commission's decision. There being no one farther to speak, on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either € ral or -vritten, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Councilman Stewart requested and was granted permission to abstain from voting, on Tentative Tract act No. 5972, and vacated hie ,pldc -at. the Council table. On motion by Coen, Council_dafe,rred decision on this matter to the meeting of August 7, 1967. Motion carried. Councilman Stewart returned to his place at the Council table E tx f PUBLIC HEARING m ZONE CASE 7-1.7 - HUNTI CTCN HARBOUR m APPROVED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Zone Case No. 67-17 Q on property located south of Admiralty Drive, east of Highway No., 1, and directed the Clerk, to read the l.esgal. notice, The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 67-17, as published to the Huntington Peach News on June 22, 1967, setting the hoar of 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of duly, 1967, in they Council Chamber of the Civic Centex; Huntington Beech, as the time sand. place of Public hearing for they purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance, from C4 Highway Commercial District, to R2 Two Family Residence District. The Clerk informed the Council, that they had been provided with, copse of the Planning Secretary's transmittal,. recommending approval, and stated that he had rec ived no communications or'written Protests to Zone Case Nov 67-1.7 M Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Mr. Bill Ehrlich representingthe Huntington Harbour, addressed e Council.l and requested approval of Zone Case No. 67-17. There being no one further to speak the matters and there being no protests filed, either oral or -written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Ot motion by Bartlett, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Cormission, and approved ZC 7-17, and directed, the City. Attorney to prepare an Ordinances effecting the change of ,zone. Motion carried. Page 7# 13 Minutes, July 3, 1967 r� c� t\Z\i"�, ��\�C ``kC +Y•"�i`"�".. C.,.� �`�� v �ti\.� ��a��� .3.o as $�a .. L. 3. ... �,.. .�.. :.tom. s`�.R �:..� •*laE A w `n+?te++s.-+,.+.�.i .>v+±z-:.w: wya: wa�ww.wa;�•e�a�. .......:... ����.���«<��r.��..��<».:....,�:,. Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Code Amendment No. 67-12, and directed the Clerk to read the legal, noticed The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Code A-mendment 7-12, as published ,in the Huntington Beach News on June 22, 1967, setting the hour of 7 a 0 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1967, in the. Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach., California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering. a proposed code amendment to Division 9 of the Hdif ington - peach Ordinance Code. Said amendment proposes to amend off-street parking requirements for all commercial and industrial uses her adding a comprehensive requirements section to Article 979 - "Off street parking." The Clark informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning ecret,ary�s transmittal, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to Code Amendment No. 67-12, or to the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open There being no one preset to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing.was closed by the Mayor, On motion by Stewart, Council approved Code Amendment No. 67-12, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Motion carried., RECESS Mayor Shipley called a recess of the Council at 9:25 P.M. Council was reconvened. at 9r40 px a by the Mayor. `< o i m,'E, A1.'i�NENT 67 °°` 13 w\\. F,I'" IC N. kE 941 AI'TWOVIt;D. Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour sot for a puhlic'"hearing, on Code Amendment No. 67-13, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice The Clerk read. notice of public hearing on Code Amendment 67-13, as published in the Huntington Beach News on. June 22, 1967, setting the hour of 7:30 P.M , or as soon thereafter as possible, on. Monday, the 3rd day to July, 1967, in the Council, Chamber of the Civic Center, lli.ttington Beach, California, as the time and place ` for a public hearing; for the purpose of considering, a proposed code amend- ment f to Division 9 of the Huntington Bach Ordinance Code. Said amendment pertains to- a revision of the Cl Neighborhood Commercial pistrict9 The Clork informed the Council that they had been provided ,with copies of the Planning ecr 'iar ?,s transmittal, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to Code Amendment NO. 6 7 -1 , or to the recommendation of approval of the flapping Commission. Page # 14 - Minutes, July 3, 1967 Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. There being no one present to,speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed., either oral or wri,t�tn, the hearing was closed by the Mayor; On motion by artlett, Council approved Coda Amendment Noe 67-13, and directed the City.. attorney to prepare an Ordinance amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Coda. Motion carried, Councilman Coert made a motion to direct the Planning Comission to review the master plan of setbacks. This motion was withdrawn before being voted on. On motion by Kaufman, Council. directed the Planning Cormission to review the setback requirements in the various C zones with a view toward modification of the 50 foot setback. Motion carried. l#LP PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION - R S 257 - UTILITY EASEMENTS Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 2572 of the City Council covering the vacation of Utility Easements in Tract No. 5331, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Resolution. of Intention ,No. 2572 of the City Council of the City of Huntington ,Beach, to vacate certain utility easements in Tract No. 5331 in the City of Huntington Beach, and giving notice of hearing on said vacation, as published in the Huntington. Beach News on June 22, 1967, setting the hour of 7:30 paMab or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1967,, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for the public hearing on said vacation. The Clark informed the Council that they. had been provided with copies of the Resolution of Intention; presented the Affidavit of posting of Notion of Vacation of Street executed by the StreetSuperintendent; and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to the proposed vacation or to Resolution No. 2572 of the Council. Mayor Shipley declared -the hearing open, r There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing ,was closed by the ayor. On motion by Kaufman, Council approved, the vacation of the utility easements and directed the City attorney to prepare a Resolation ordering the vacation of same. Motion carried. j 1, 4'p PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION - RES 2571 - TRACT 5755 Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 2571 of the,City Council vocerin.g the vacation ,of certain portions of Candlewood Drive, Deervale bane, Ramona hand and Haz lbrook Drive, Tract 5755, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. Page #15 - minuzes, July 3, 1967 fhe Clerk read notice of public hearing on Resolution of Intention N 2571 of the City Cowncil of the City of Beach, to vacane- Portions of streets in Tract 5755, and giving notice of hearing on said vacation as published in the Wtington Beach News an june 22.11 1967, setting the hoar of 7:30 P,M,, Or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1967, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time anu1 zAa"--�e for the public hearing on said vacation, The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with, copies of the Resolution of Intention; presented the Affidavit of Posting Of Notice Of Vacation Of Street executed by the Street Superintendent; and stated that he had received no communications or written protest to the proposed vacation or to Resolution No, 2571 of the City council, MaYor Shipley declared the hearing open, There being no One Present to speak on the matter, and there being no Protests filed) either oral or written> the hearing was closed by the mayor, On motion by Stewart, Council OPProved the vacation of the streets in Tract 5755, and directed the City Attorney to prepare a Resolu- tion ordering the vacation of same, motion carried, APPOINTMENT OF FIRE CHIEF Councilman Green made a motion no direct the City Adhz,,�daaistrator to request the Personnel Board to �ake recommendations regarding the methods Of Procedure to be used in employing a Fire Chief., COnsldyrable discussion was held an the mWter, and the motion failed when put to a roll call vote on a request by Councilma Green, as follown AYESi councilmen� Gisler, Shipley, Green, Coen, Bartlett, Stewart, Kaufman ABSENT: Councilmen; None Councilman Coen made a motion to direct the Personnel Board to review present procedures for employment Of department heads and other appointive positions, and to make recommendations in regard thereto, The motion was withdrawn before being put to vote, Tif COUUM requShted the City Administrator to outline his policy of procedare for recommending an employee for promotion and for making, to various positions OUT or STATI,,'.. On motion by Bartlett, Council granted permission of Mayor Shipley to be out of the State for a Period Of six weeks beginning July 6, 1967, Motion carried, INFORMAL MEETING Mayor Shipley called an infOimal meeting of the Council as a for Monday, July 10, 1967, at 7:30, Page # 16 m Minutes, July 3, 1967 ADJOURNMENT On.motion by Stewart, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach was adjourned. Motion carried. 1 C..Jones City Clerk and exmofficio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,. California B_onal, a. ®_ /, o.� e ATTEST Paul C. Jone - City Clerk