HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-17MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beaus, California Monday, July 17, 1967 Mayor Pro-Tempore Green called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 Papia The pledge of Allegiance,was given by all present in the Council hafhber. a The Invocation was given by Reverend Clement Shoemaker, Igini.ster of the King of Glory Lutheran Church, Huntington Beach ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green Councilmen absent: Shipley MINUTES On motion by Bartlett, the minutes of the regular meeting of July 3, 1967, were approved and adopted as prepared and mailed by the City Clerk. Motion carried. The Clerk presented e transmittal from the Planning Director submitting final form of Tract heap 5500 for adoption as follows: Developer: S. Do C,. Incorporated, Locations south of Warner Avente, east of pinehure t bane o Acreage: 4 a 922; Lots: 2 ; that the map had been cert- ified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission to be true and correct in accordance with provisions of the City Subdivision Code. The City Council may accept dedications as shown on the map and approve the final Map, subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature .hall be withheld pending the submittal and completion of the enumerated requirements, lQ Deposit of fees for water, sewer, 2. Bond. fur improvements. 39 Signature of agreement. 4. Certificate of insurance. 5. Approval.fr€m. the County Surveyor, a Band for -monuments. 7. Deed for underground water rights drainage, engineering and inspection. on motion by Kaufman, Council accepted offers df dedicati'on as , ehown on Final Map 5500, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the planning Commission. Motion c.arriedr N I Page # .- Minutes, Jule 17, 1967 09 REIMBURSEMENT ,m CARIES HONES'.. INC The Clerk presented, a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a, request for reimbursement in the amount of $1.710.00 to Aries Homes, Inc. for the construction of a Water Main in bushard Street per a Reim- bursement Agreement between the City and Aries Homes, Inc . , dated November 8, 1963, On motion by Stewart, Council approved the reimbursement in the amount of $1.710o00 to .dries Hoes, by the following roll call vote AYES - Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NOES Councilmen: None . ESENT ° Councilmen: Shipley {;� ;_� EXPENDITURE FROM SEWER FUND The Clem presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Resolution No. 2605 authorizing transfer of $6,640.00 from the Sewer Fund to the 2107 Gas Tax Fund, for the expenditure made from sewer pipe and manholes on the CC-048 project on Algonquin Street. The Clerk read Resolution No. 2605 by title m "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HU TINGTCH BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND." On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading, of Resolution Hoa 2605, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote e AYESn Councilmen- Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Steuart, Green NOES: CoLinci1men d Name ABSENT.- Councilmen- Shipley ti761 CC-062 - MODIFICATION SEWAGE PUMP STATION m HE WARE S T The Clerk presented a transmittal from tb.e Director of Public Works of Plans, Specifications, Resolution and Notice Inviting Sealed Bids and request for the authorization to purchase pumps, controls, and gent fan, and to let a contract for the installation of said equipment. On motion by Stewart, Council approved the Flans and Specifications for the purchase of equipment for the modification of the Delaware Street Sewage Pump Station, and directed the City Clerk to advertise for bids when directed by the Director of Public Works. Motion carried. The Clerk reed Resolution. No. 2606 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HHHTI GTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMAN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE MODIFICATION TO THE EXISTING SEWAGE FU�T STATION CH DELANTARE STREET IN TRACT NO 3563, ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNT'INGTON BEACH,, CALIFORNIA,," On motion by Steuart, Council warred further reading of Resolution No, 2606, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote AY S:. Councilmen.- Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NNE?. 4 Councilmen: None B NT: Councilmen: Shipley Page #3 Minutes, July 17, 1967 The Clerk presented a transmittal fr of Plans, Specifications,Resolution Bids for the construction of Nicbols Warner Avenues. the Director of public Works and Notice! Inviting Sealed Street between Slater and . emotion by Caen, Council approved the Plans and Sppcifications for the construction of Nichols Street between Slater and:Warner Avenues, and directed the City Clerk to advertise for bids when directed by the Director of Public Works. lotion carried. The Clem. read Resolution No. 2607 by title - "A 4.-SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGT N BEACH EST SHINE THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EAC .SP OR TYPE OF WORKMEN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION,,, SURFACING, AND IMPROVEMENT OF NICHOLS STREET 0X, W- ER. AVENUE TO WARNER AVENUE, ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BRAER, CALIFORNIA." On motion by Bartlett, Council_ waived further reading of Resolution No. 2607, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote, AYES: Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen: Shipley CC-063 .- INSTALLATION WATER MAIN m WARNER AVENUE The Clerk read a communication from the Agaistant Director of Public Works stating that bids for the installation of a water main ,in Warner Avenue from Pacific Coast Highway to Bol a Chica State. Park were opened at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, duly 17, 1967, in the Council Chamber by the City Clerk, City Attorney and the Assistant Director of Public Works and that the two bids received were not a reasonable representation sample. He recmmiended that all bids be rejected, The bids submitted were as follows: Sully Miller, Orange 1.6,912r2 Rosecrans Construction Company, Compton $30,830.00 . motion by Kaufman, Council rejected. all ' bids as submitted, and ordered the City Clerk to readvertiae for bids when directed by the Director of Public Works. lotion carried. NOTICE OF 'TERMINATION W HUNTINGTON PACIFIC CORP The Clerk presented letters from the Huntington Pacific Corporation notifying the City of Huntington Beach of termination of Lease No. 141.9.E only insofar as it effects public crossings located at 7tb and 8tb Streets, and termination of Lease No. 13916 as to that portion of the leased premises located between southwesterly prolongations of the northwesterly terly line of 6 th Street and the northwesterly line of 9th Street, effective July 11, 1967. Page #4 - Minutes, July 17, 1967 Following considerable discussion and on motion by Coen, Council received the communication from the Huntington Pacific Corporation and ordered it filed by the City Clerk. Motton carried. SURETY BOND TERMINATION The Clerk presented a recommendation from the Oil Superintendent that Surety Bond No. 070833, Tidewater Oil Company, for Well "Aldrich Fee #2", be terminated.. Can motion. by Stewart, Council .authorized the . termination of Drilling Bond No,, 070833, and directed the the Oil Superintendent notify the Bonding Company. Motion carried. LOYMENT AGREEMENT m CLAUDE Fa JCNFS The Clerk presented an Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Claude F. Jones, for employment as .Assistant Civil Defense Director for the fiscal year 19 7-68. On motion by Bartlett, Council approved the Employment Agreement between the City and Claude F. Jones, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. Motion carried. 5-10 ORDINANCE NO 1331 - ADOPTED m BUILDING CODE The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1331 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTI GTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 81.1.1 OF THE HUTI.NGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE AND ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1967 . EDITION" VOLUME 1, SAND THE PENAL PROVISIONS., SECTION 205 THEREOF." On motion by Gisler, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1331, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYRSe Councilmen-. Caen., Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Green NOES a Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen. Shipley y"�-IC, ,,ORDINANCE NO 1332 - a.;Ca\PaEBUILDING CODE The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1332 a second reading by title m "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTI GTON- BEACH ADOPTING THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1967 EDITION, VOLUME. 4, RELATING TO THE REASONABLE PROCEDURES FOR CLASSIFICATION AND ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS AND PENALTY PROVISIONS FOR, -THE VIOLATION THEREOF; ADDING ARTICLE 819 AND SECTIONS THEREOF TO THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE„ On motion. by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1332, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote- AYES- Councilmen. Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NOES. C ounc i linen : None ABSENT'. Councilman. Shipley Page #5 - Minutes, July 17, 1967 70 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1337 a. second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REPEATING CHAPTER 11 OF THE HUN'TINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE COVE CONCMTT G THE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL ANT COMPENSATION OF COUNCILMEN, ARTICLES 103 AND 104 OF CHAPTER 10 OF SAID CODE CONCERNING MNICIPAL ELECTIONS AND SECTIONS 1012 AND 1013, PARTICLE 101 OF CHAPTER 10 CONCERNING THE SEAL OF THE CITE` OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND AMENDING SECTION 1022, ARTICLE 102, CHAPTER 10 DESIGNATING CITY ALL." On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1337, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote AYES � Councilmen- Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NOES: Councilmeny Nona ABSENT: Councilmen-, Shipley i at ¢Z a: a a "e �i astir0 N a a eA3 .i.,., 3N..wew.4.•>. waw,wa.c<.,... +»w.r>,,,«,,,,hizt,,, ..... ... ,-"---�.. The Clerk ,gave Ordinance No. 1338 a second reading by title m "AN ORDINANCE, OF THE CITE" COUNCIL CAP THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REIATI G TO BICYCLING ON THE BEACH SERVICE ROAD; A-MEINDIXG SECTION 7512.1 OF ARTICLE 751 OF THE, HU TI 'GTON REACH ORDINANCE CODE." On motion by Gisler, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1338, and passed and adopted same, by the following roll call vote, AYES, Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NOESCouncilmen: None ABSENT; Councilmen: Shipley The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1339 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE GB THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY GB HIMTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE 67-12 .AS AMENDING THE HUNTI 'GTON BEACH ORDINANCE LOBE BY RECLASSIFYING D -3 (Sectional District Map 8-5-11) ," On motion by Stewart, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1339, and passed and adapted same by the following roll call vote AYES.- Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Grams NOES. Councilmen: Nona ABSENT.- Councilmen: Shipley ORDINANCE NO 134C) vine,.w...,�wz..eesa.n wa,.w,��wa,. ,.�,•;.,;,. ..r.�:.,.. .«.... ADING „aa ..__�.�w.,..,...,...'1, -._. The Clerk gave Ordinance Noa13 •0 a first reading by title - "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COITNCIL OF THB CITY OF HMINGTON BEACH REPEALING SECTIONS 9261.1.1 and 9531e1 GB DIVISION 9; ADDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF DIVISION 9, AND ADDING SECTIONS TO DIVISION 9 OF THE HUNTI GTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO OFF-STREET PARKING." On motion by Stewart, Council waived further reading of Ordinance Nan 1340, when Put to a vote the motion Passed unanimously, Page #6 w Minutes, July 17, 1967 ORDINANCE NO 1341 - FIRST READING _- ZC 67-17 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1341 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL IL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO ZONE CASE NO 7-17; AMENDING THE HNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYING DPI-21(Sectional District Map 19-5-11.) ." On motion by Stewart, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1314. When put to a vote the motion passed unanimously. 0 ORDINANCE E NO 1342 m ,FIRST BEADING - _ C -1 _NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1342 a first reading by title m "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUN7- 1N1 GTON BEACH AMENDING ARTICLE 941 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE R-ELATING TO C W 1 NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT." On motion by Stewart, Council waived farther reading of Ordinance No 1432. When put to a vote the € otion .passed unanimously. �P-1 ORDINANCE_NO 3A FIINCH m PRECISE PLAN 67-2 The Clem. gave Ordinance No. 1343 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINTINGTON BEACH AMENDING ARTICLE 941 OF THE HLNTINGTON BEACH H ORDINANCE E ODE RELATING TO PRECISE FLAN 67-2 ALIGNMENT FOR VINEL,AND DRIVE AND FOUR () YUTURR STREETS." On motim, by Stewart, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1343. When pit to a vote the motion passed unanimously. ti kk,- RESOLTJTIOT,T NO 2608 --ADOPTED - VACATION UTILITY BASEMEWS The Clerk read Resolution -No. 2608 by title m "A ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL COIL OF THE CITY OF IRWINGTON BEACH H VACATING WO SEPARATE TEN FOOT UTILITY E,ASEIMENTS WITHIN TRACT NO 5331. IN THE CITY OF HLINTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA. a4 On motion by Gisler, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2608, and passed and adapted same By the following roll call vote - AYES; Councilmen-, Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen: Shipley RESOLUTION NO,, 2609 m ADOPTED m VACATION OF STREETS The Clerk read Resolution No. 2609 by title - "AN ORDER OF THE CITE` COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF pCNTI GTON BEkli VACATING CERTAIN PORTION OF C A' DLEy OOD DRIVE,, DEFRVALB LANE., RAMONA LANE ANTI ILA ELBROOK DRIVE I SAID CITY." as On motion by Bartlett, Council warred further reading of Resolution No. 2 0,, and passed and ,adopted same by the following roll call vote: AWES - Councilmen: Caen,, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NOES- C; o nc ilTren : None ABSENT- Councilmen: Shipley Page #7 - Minutes, July 17, 1967 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT No 6303 - RESOLUTION ADOPTED The Clerk presented a transmittal of Resolutions to commence pro- ceedings in Improvement District No. 6303, on property generally bounded by Garfield on the south, Ellis on the north., Beach Boulevard on the west and Newland Street on the east. The Clerk read Resolution No. 2610 by title m "A RESOLUTION CT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPOINTING ,ATTCRN. - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NC 6303a" On motion by Kaufman, Council waived farther reading of resolution No. 2610, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote AYES- Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Creep. NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT. Councilmen. Shipley The Clerk read Resolution No. 2611 by title m "A SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON REACH DESIGNATING NEWSPAPER - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 30K" On motion by Stewart, Council waived further reeding of Resolution No. 2611, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote; AYES- Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Creep NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen: Shipley The Clerk read Resolution No. 261.2 by title - BSA RESOLUTION OF THE CITE` COUNCILS OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDERING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, AND ESTIMATE OF COSTS 7 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO 6 0 9" On motion by Gisler, Council waived further reading of resolution No. 2612, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: .AYES: Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Creed NOES: Councilmen: None .ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley k111_ ` SUMMONS & COMPLAINT - CASE NO 153786 The City Administrator presented a suit filed againg� t the City and Council by various oil companies for recovery of ad valorem, taxes paid. On motion by Bartlett, Council denied the claim and referred same to the County Counsel's Office for appropriate defense, Motion carried, RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY - COMMITTEE Mayor Pro -tee€ Green appointed Councilmen Kuhn, Bartlett, and Coen as a Committee to review appraisals of the Huntington Beach Company and the City for the railroad rightrof-way adjacent to the City's Pavalon Building, before giving intructi,ons to the City Attorney regarding condemnation proceedings for samei Page # - Minutes, July 17, 1967 J' jf'}L'If .WESTERIN INSTITUTE OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERS On motion by Gisler, Council authorized the attendance of Paul Cook, Traffic: Engineer, at the Western Institute of Traffic Engineers ,to be held in Beattie, Washington, August 7, 8, and 9, with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. �j.A ASSEMBLY BILL 902 The Cavity Administrator infortraed the Council of Assembly Bill, No. 902, regarding law enforcement. This bill. finds "that the quality of la enforcement in the state is a matter of state-wide interest and concern rather than a purely local matter, 4g and further spells out the kind and type of equipment that should be used 'by :Local enforcement agancLes s The Clerk read Resolution No. 2613 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL IL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OPPOSING AB 902 RELATING TO STATE CONTROL OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR LAW OFFICERS." On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2613, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: YES- Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kat:f an, Stewart, Green NOES j Councilmen. eno None. ABSENT. Councilmen- Shipley D14YER FOOL AND GYMNASIUM BUILDING The City Administrator informed the Council. that the Agreement between the City and School District had been signed and requested authorization to proceed with the re odel.ina of the buildi.na , On motion by Bartlett, Council authorized the expenditure of a sum not to exceed $5, 500 to remodel the Dwyer School Gymnasium Building. by the following -roll call vote AYE � Councilmen: Coen., Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green. NOES Y Councilmen- Nana AFSFN'1 a Councilmen. en. Shipley l t.j BEACH MAINTENANCE CONTRACT C T - HUNTINGTON BEACH CO The Cite Administrator informed the Council that as a result of the commencement of than bth Street Development by Huntington Beach Company, the amount of area for heath maintenance and lifeguard service had been reduced. The new cost for these services for the current fiscal year is $25,357.00 On motion by Gisler, Council P'° e #9 Minutes, Jury 17, 1967 The City Administrator presented a request from the Huntington Beach High School District for a variance to permit the paving of the full sidewalk area between the property lime and the curb for the entire length of the school frontage at the Edison High School Site, The .School District plans to provide on -site planting of trees to fulfill. the `pity a s requirements of tree planting, wells. On motion by Stewart, Council ,granted the request of the Huntington Beach High School District to pave the sidewalk area between the property line and the curb at the Edison High. School. Site. Motion carried. FAR WEST FINANCIAL CORP - 'P-WMM9T PURCILAS PROP' RT The City Administrator presented a request from the Far West Financial Corporation to purchase lots owned by the City at the northwest corner of ,Slater Avenue and Gotbard street Mr,, Carl Munsey, representing Far West Financial Corp. addressed the Council_ and requested approval of this purchase. On motion. by Stewart, Council referred the request from Far West Financial Corporation to the staff for study, and requested that an appraisal be made by the par West Financial. Corporation. Motion carried. The City Administrator presented a request from the Huntington beach Athletic Association for a parade permit to conduct € n auto parade in the City on Saturday, July 22, 1967, to promote "Registration Day" for the "Pop Warner" football season. On motion by Gisler, Council granted permission to the Huntington Beach ?athletic Association to stage a parade in the Clay on duly 22, 1967, subject to clearance -wiith the City Administrator and the Police Depart- ;z"e:t).t . Motion carried. The Clerk presented an Agreement between the City and Richard's Landscape Architects covering the Master plan for Marina Park and the full development of Perry Park. On motion by Coen, Council approved the Agreement between the City and Richard's and author°ized, the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement, and. authorized the expenditure of money to pay fees for said development, by the following roll call vote AYES: Councilmen: Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Kaufman, Stewart, Green NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ,� LAKE PARK CLUBHOUSE, The City Administrator introduced Mr. Richard Tom, of Toga and Truskier, Architects who have been engaged to design the new Lake park Clubhouse Mr. Toni ,answered questions from the Council, The Council discussed the weeds in Lade park which would regulate the size of the Proposed building. 9 Page #10 - Minutes, July 17, 1967 On motion by Gisler, Council directed the Mayor and. City Clerk to execute an agreement with Tom a -Lid Truskier for the Lame park Clubhouse development. Motion. carried. On motion by Kaufman, Council directed the: City Clerk to amend page of the minutes of the July 3, 1967, meeting of the City Council, with regard to the Lake park Clubhouse discussion. Motion carried. On motion by Kaufman, Council directed the staff to negotiate an ,agreement between the City and Mr. Dick Bigler for preparation of a master plan Lake. Parka Motion carried. RECESS Mayor Pro-tem called a recess of the Council at 6:15 P.M. Council was reconvened at 7930 P.M. by the Mayor pro-tem. BOSINESS LICENSE m MIND SHAFT CO The Clerk presented an application for a business license submitted by Mr, day Harris, 20845 pioneer Boulevard, Lakewood, to conduct the business of sales in metal arts (sculpture) at 109 Main Street, City. This item was referred to the Council by the City Clerk under Section 2111 a .5 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, On motion by Bartlett, Council denied the permit based on the fact that the conduct of such business is detrimental to the health, welfare, safety and morals of the citizens of Huntington Beach, Motion carried. BUSINESS LICENSE - COSMIC KINDERGARTEN The Clerk presented an application for a business license submitted by Cathleen Sties , 132 harbor Island Road, Newport Reach, to conduct the business of Arta and Crafts at 11.5 Main Street, City. This item was referred to the Council by the City Clerk under Section. 2111.5 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code On motion by. Coen., Council denied the permit based can the fact that the conduct of such 'business is detrimental to the health, welfare, safety, and :corals of the citizens of Huntington Beach. Motion carried, R g OI i.. �.:..Y.. \+..L. The Clerk presented a letter from Beloil Corporation Ltd., requesting Council consideration for exemption from loud requirements as net forth in article 235 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Codex r. Tom Food, representing, Beloil Corporation,, Ltd., addressed the Council and requested. Council-'s approval of the exemption from bond. requirements, On motion by Kaufman, Council received the letter from Beloil Corporation, Ltd., and ordered it filed by the City Clerk. Motion carried. Page #11 - Minutes, July 17, 1967 MENTS The Clark presented a latter from Huntington Beach Union. High School District requesting Council consideration for exemption from hoed requirements as sat forth, in Article 235 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code On notion. by Kaufman, Council received the letter from Huntington Beach Union High School District, and ordered it filed by the City Clerk. Motion carried. ♦ \2.,-.\ v\T. \� Q\ r`Sr,�♦\ N�?: a &'.•3.V''4,+8:a HEIGHT \ �� a,: z z`\tpetition a from the residents on the north side o the reduced height of fences as a result of the construction ofZody's ` Department Store. Mr. Irving Stone, 6871 Nyanza Drive., City, addressed. the Council and re ues ted something be dorm by the City to correct this situation created her Zody's construction. Mr. games Young, 6821 Nyanza Drive, City, addressed the Council and report.e.d that the construction done at Zody's has disrupted drainage in the area. Mr. Jack Cleveland, Building Director, addressed. the Council and reported on the steps that have been taken by his department to insure that this matter will he corrected before the store is permitted to open for business On -motion by Kaufman, Council received the petition from the residents on the north side of Nyanza Drive protesting the height of fence built by Zody's Department Store, and directed it he filed by the City Clerk Motion carried, 3 The Clerk presented a petition, with approximately 94 signatures requesting a traffic signal at the corner of Varner Avenue and Newland Street. On emotion by Stewart, Council referred the petition requesting a traffic signal to the traffic engineer. Motion carried. '7 ..;DOE FERM .w ORDINANCE 1332 Mr. Joe Ferm, 17581 Gothard. Street, City, addressed the Council and requested explaination. of Ordinance 1332 pertaining to dangerous buildings,, 4'- OUT OF _ STATE On emotion by Kaufman, Council granted permission for the Cite Attorney to be out of the state from August 7 through the 16tho Motion carried, AB- 24 54 m GAS T. FUNDS The City Administrator informed the Council of a heari S on July 19, 1967, in Sacramento on Assembly Bill 2454 concerning the Qas Tax Fund. Page #1 2 - Minutes, July 17, 196 On motion by Gisler, Council directed the Administrator to notify Senator Whetmore and Schmitz of the City's support of the Assembly Bill. Motion. carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION The. Mayor -Prot m called an executive session of the Council at: 9 a 10 P.M. Meeting was reconvened by the Mayor -Prot at y 55 P.M. INFORMAL HEFTING The Mayor -Protein called an informal meeting of the Council of the Whole, for Tuesday, July 18, 1967, at 7-.30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT On motion. by Stewart, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beaux was adjourned to Wednesday, July 19, 1967, at 3:00 P,M. Motion carried. t � Jones1. City Clerk and, ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California v.:CY .... i. 'Nil h \\ \ .i 5 a aoS Jones City Clerk