HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-10-03MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1967 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Larkin, Lawson, Royer, Tom Worthy, Miller, Bazil. ZONE CASE NO. 67-25 Applicant - Ash Corporation Change of zone from C-2 Community Business District to R-5 Office - Professional District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Adrian Hubbell, applicant, addressed the Commission and gave his reasons for the request. There being no other comment the hearing was closed. The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that the Staff has reviewed the subject zone case and recommends approval. RESOLUTION NO. 67-25 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No. 67-25 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TOADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 67-25 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE, -CASE NO. 67-25 TO -THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The additional R5 property will allow for expansion of the present trailer park. ROLL CALL, VOTE; AYES: _Larkin, Lawson, Royer, Tom NOES: None ABSENT: Worthy, Miller, Bazil THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. USE VARIANCE NO. 67-59 Applicant - A to Z Auto Wreckin Yard o permit the renewal and continued use of property for automobile wrecking and dismantling purposes in the M-1 Light Industrial District. 10/3/67 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 3, 1967 Page No. 2 The Staff Report was read by the Acting Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LARKIN AND SECONDED BY ROYER TO APPROVE USE VARIANCE NO. 67-59 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: to A water system shall be maintained to Department of Public Works and Fire Department Standards. 2. Access roads shall be maintained within the wrecking yard for fire protection. Said roads shall remain free and accessible at all times and said roads shall be approved by the Fire Department. 3. A 40 ft. front yard setback from existing right-of-way shall be maintained. Off-street parking within said setback shall conform to City Standards. 4. Vehicles and parts shall be stored within the fenced area. 5. There shall be no stacking of vehicles. 6. Use Variance No. 67-59 shall become null and void September 8, 1969. AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: to The applicant is providing a service that is needed in the City. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Larkin, Lawson, Royer, Tom. NOES: None ABSENT: Worthy, Miller, Bazil. THE MOTION CARRIED. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 67-19 MOTELS The Acting Secretary distributed copies of a code amendment which will re -define motels by permitting kitchens in 25% of the units and will restrict motel locations to arterial highways. COMMISSIONER BAZIL: Commissioner Bazil arrived at 7:20 P.M. and assumed his duties. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LAWSON AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF CODE AMENDMENT NO. 67-19 BY THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Larkin, Lawson, Royer, Tom. NOES: None ABSENT: Miller, Worthy ABSTAINED: Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 10/3/67 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 3, 1967 Page No. 3 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 6278 SUBDIVIDER: Oakhurst Land Co. - To permit 153 Lots on 29.85 Acres. The Subdivision Committee Report was read by the Acting Secretary. Robert Galloway, representing the subdivider, addressed the Commission and explained the proposed development. The Commission held a lengthy discussion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY LAWSON TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 6278 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Map received September 25, 1967, shall be the approved layout. 2. Hamilton Avenue shall be fully improved to City Standards across the Edison Co. R/W. Bushard Street shall be fully improved to City Standards across the southerly one half of the Edison Co. R/W. 3. "A" Street shall extend across the south one half of the Edison Co. R/W and said street shall be fully improved to City Standards. 4. -A 6' high chain link fence or equivalent shall be constructed along the Edison Co. R/W on both west and north side of the tract. 5. All utilities shall be installed underground. 6. "I" Drive between Bushard Street and "H" Circle shall be 54 ft. in width. 7. All provisions of Article 998 shall be complied with. 8. All "Standard Conditions of Approval" for tentative tracts that are applicable shall be complied with. .AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. Two thirds of the previous tentative map has been recorded* ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Larkin, Lawson,.Royer, Tom, Bazil. NOES: None ABSENT: Miller .Worthy THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER ROPER: Commissioner Royer stated that even though he voted yes,_ he was not in favor of the standards which include walls along arterial highways. COMMISSIONER MILLER: Commissioner Miller arrived at 7:45 P.M. and assumed his duties. _3_ 10/3/67 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 3, 1967 Page No. 4 BILL HARTGE: Bill Hartge, Deputy Director of Public Works, stated that the Department o:� Public Works would prefer to have•17th Street, between Lake.Str.eet,and Ga?field Avenue reduced from a Primary Arfterial-Highway to local street status due`to the location of the Coast Freeway. He also stated that the change in highway status will not hinder the traffic circulation in the area. The Commission discussed the proposal. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL STREETS AND -HIGHWAYS. ROLL -CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Larkin, Lawson, Royer, Tom, Bazil. NOES: None ABSENT: Worthy THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: Bill Hartge, Deputy Director of Public Works, discussed street widths in subdivisions which have a reduction of the standard 10 ft. parkway. Mr. Hartge stated that there is an administrative problem witb.'the 18 inch wide utility easement located along the sidewalks in that vertical structures are not permitted. He stated that an answer .to this problem could be to require wider sidewalks. It was -tie consensus of the Commission to discuss the matter at a later date. COMMUNICATION: ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION e Acting 6ecretary read a communication submitted by the Orange County''Planning Commission regarding Use Variance No. 5962 to permit the establishment of off-street parking at a location other than on'.the` pr6ffiises in connection with an existing tavern in the C-2 District. The Commission reviewed Use Variance No. 5962 and unanimously recommended that Use Variance No. 5962 be denied for the following reason: to There is no guarantee that the parking will remain available to the use it is intended to serve and that when the lease for the parking expires the building will not be served by adequate parking facilities. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY LARKIN TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE ORANGE COUNTY PAANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF USE VARIANCE NO. 5962 FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED REASON. ROLL CALL . VOTE :.. . AYES: 'Miller, -Larkin, Lawson,.Royer, Tom, Bazil. NOES: None - ABSENT: Worthy ' THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: Sam Ferguson, Assistant Build- ing Director discussed structures such as canvas awnings in the side yard setback in Deane Brothers and Armour Developments. -4- 10/3/67. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 3, 1967 Page No. 5 It was the consensus Of the Commission that canvas awnings which are removable will be permitted if a sign is attached to the awning in the model home area stating that only temporary structures of this nature are permitted within the 10 ft. setback. DISCUSSION: Assistant Building Director, Sam Ferguson, addressed the Commission and asked that the Planning Commission review their policy pertaining to 8 ft. high walls and allow said walls between abutting "residential lots and along arterial highways'if,�the additional height of the wall is constructed of the same material as the existing wall. It was the consensus of the Commission to review the Deane Brothers development which has 8 ft. high walls, before any further decision is made pertaining to fence and wall heights. DISCUSSION: Robert Galloway, addressed the Commission and informed them that the Subdivision Map Act allows 18 months in which to record a final map. Mr. Galloway asked if the City has considered extend- ing the time approval for tentative maps from 12 months to 18 months. It was the consensus of the Com- mission to continue with the policy of only permitting a 12 month time limit. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. Z�i'0-e1z( CSi %f � _ r Richard A. Harlow Kenneth S. Lawson Acting Secretary Vice Chairman -5- 10/3/67