HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-12-11MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, December 11, 1967 Mayor Shipley called the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington.Beach to order at 6.30 PoM. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present. Coen, Bartlett, Gisler, Stewart, Shipley Councilmen.Absent. Kaufman (Councilman Kaufman arrived at &.47 P.M.) Green (Councilman Green arrived at 6.54 P�M,) 7® ORDINANCE NO 1375 - ADOPTED - HOME OCCUPATIONS The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1375 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO THE REMOVAL OF REQUIREMENT THAT A USE PERMIT BE APPROVED FOR A HOME OCCU- PATION; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 97300200" On motion by Stewart, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1375, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote. . AYES. Councilmen. Coen, Bartlett, Gisler., Stewart, Shipley NOES. Councilmen. None ABSENT. Councilmen, Kaufman, Green %D-11,3 ORDINANCE NO 1380 a FIRST READING - REFUSE COLLECTION The Clerk gave Ordinance No, 1380 a first reading in full m "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCII:L OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELATING TO REFUSE COLLECTION; AMENDING SECTION 3240 OF ARTICLE 324 OF CHAPTER 32 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE." q9- ioS REQUEST FOR NEGOTIATION OF PARK & RECREATION FEES - HUNT HARBOUR CORP The City Administrator presented a Staff report on a reques-t from Hunting- ton Harbour Corporation for the waiving of the requirement of the payment of park and recreation fees prior to recordation of the map on Tract 6405, together with a request for credit for fees paid on the recordation of Tract 5481. The report covered certain standards which could be used in allowing credits on these fees if approved by the Council. Mr. Wallace W. Ahern, 17042 Baruna Lane, City, Vice President of the Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association, addressed the Council to discuss the purported values of land in the Huntington Harbour dev- elopment; and on behalf of the Association, requested that Council deny any requested reduction in Park and Recreation fees. Page 2 - Minutes m December ll,.,1967 Mr. William R. Hardcastle, 16512 Somerset Lane, City, President of the Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association, addressed the Council to point out that there were some apparent discrepancies between the amount of park and recreation acreage the Huntington Harbour Corpora- tion indicate in their advertising, and that actually dedicated for public use, Mr. Hardcastle also discussed with Council the problem of boat trailers parked either -in front of Huntington Harbour properties or in garages., which created a necessity for cars to then be -parked in front of the homes. He informed the Council that a new state law allows for a City to lease some park property in specified areas for such trailer storage, When directed by the Mayor. the City Clerk read a telegram,whiEh he had received from George and Lotus Williams, 16872 Harkness Circle, City, requesting Council to deny any relief to the Huntington Harbour Corpor- ation in the payment of required park and recreation fees, Mrs. Charlene Bauer.: 16.911 Bedford Lane, City; addressed the Council to inform them thatin her opinion, the small grassed areas - provided by the Huntington Harbour Corporation were inadequate for organized play such as baseball football etc. She requested that any: -request of the Corporation for reduction of fees be denied, Mr. W. A. Delmar; 16901 Bedford Lane, City, addressed the Council to inquire whether any alternate plans for park development:which might be acceptable to the residents and the Corporation, had ever been proposed, Mr. Gene fisher Executive Vice -President of the Huntington Harbour Corporation addressed the Council to discuss the requirements- of Section 9987 of the .Huntington Beach Ordinance Code concerning amount of -land to be dedicated in lieu of fees, and procedure for determin- ing fair market values. Mr, Don Byrnes. Vice President of the Huntington Harbour Corporation, informed the Council that in all developed areas of the project all recreational areas shown on the master plan for those areas have been developed. Mr. Dave Sirl, 4212.Windsor Drives City, addressed the CouncZI and stated that land values in the project are appreciating.wh'ile:still undedicated and that such appreciation might forestall future --dedi- cation of these areas. Norman Worthy Director of Recreation and Parks-, discussed with the Council the parks which are needed in the Huntington Harbour develop- ment under the Recreation and Park Commission's master plan. Mr. Arthur .Jan Ho.: 3331 Bounty Circle, City, addressed Council and stated that in his opinion. the Huntington.Harbour Corporation is not fulfilling.p.romises made in their sales campaign, Mr. Robert Hubbard_ 16572 Somerset Lane, City, indicated to the Council that he believes a -small group of homeowners as members of the Property Owners Association, purports to represent all of the property owners in Huntington Harbour, and that he does not believe that this is the _,-case. Page 3 - Minutes - December 11, 1967 Councilman Stewart suggested that some solution of this matter might be forthcoming if a committee of the Council were appointed to meet with representatives of: the Huntington Harbour Property -Owners Asso- ciation and representatives of the Huntington Harbour Corporation to discuss the problems involved. Mayor Shipley then appointed Councilmen Stewart, Coen and Bartlett as a committee to meet with these groups in an effort to resolve the problems. 9�7-yi- q.5 REQUEST FOR NEGOTIATION OF PARK & RECREATION FEES - FLUOR-HUNTINGTON The City Administrator presented a Staff report on a request from Fluor -Huntington for full credit for recreationalareas provided against Park and Recreation fees chargeable to their development. Planning Director Reynolds discussed the compliance of Fluor -Hunting- ton in meeting,requirements for neighborhood parks, and informed the Council that he felt that it was more than adequate. Mr. William Wren of.the Huntington Pacific Corporation, .representing Flucr Huntington, informed Council that he had not been previously aware of the conditions of the proposal prepared by the City Staff, but stated that his Corporation were prepared to,pay the sum of $8,477 as recommended by the Staff. Mr_. Wren expressed the opinion that the matter could be studied further before it -was concluded. __Y9 MINUTE ACTION CLARIFICATION - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK City Attorney Dale Bush informed the Council that the Southern Califor- nia First National Bank, which is handling certain financing 1o.r some of the beach concessionaires, would like to have a clar:Lfication of certain minute action of the Council made at the meeting of October 23, 1967. He stated that the bank would like to have the rights of lender under a security agreement in advancing financing to conces•sionaires., set out in the Council's minutes. On motion by Stewart, Council adopted the following minute action "That in the event a lender takes a security agreement to secure a loan to a beach concessionaire for the purpose of securing a construction loan, the lender would have the right to transfer the assets to a responsible third party provided the City approves the purchaser_., and the terms of the -present -agreement are met." Motion carried. TRACT MAP 5518 & UV 67-38 - APPEAL_ PERPETUAL SAVINGS The City Administrator presented the matter of the appeal 'of the Per- petual Savings and Loan Company to a denial by the Planning Commission of Tentative Tract Map 5518 and UV 67-38, and informed the Council that the County still has not released the appraisal on lake .area which they own adjacent to the lake area owned by Perpetual Savings=. He informed the Council that the Assistant Administrator has been notified that the appraisal would be released on Wednesday or Thursday. -of this week. No action was taken by the Council. 248 Page #4 m Minutes m December 11, 1967 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS ® DOWNTOWN AREA Councilman Bartlett discussed with the Council the:lack of Christmas decorations on the streets in the downtown area. and stated -that -be be- lieved the City should have made an effort to initiate this .project. Assistant City Administrator Castle advised Councilman Bartlett of the steps which had been taken by the City to deal with the Chamber.of Commerce concerning this matter and stated that lack of organization among the merchants had.brought about the failure for decorations. He informed the Council that money appropriated by the City for this. pur- pose had then been used to decorate buildings in the Civic Center -com- plex. A suggestion :that decorations on Lifeguard Station Zero on the pier be installed was referred to the Staff to handle, MEETING WITH STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION m REMOVAL OF SIGNS The Administrator reported to the .Council concerning.a meeting.between the State Highway Commission and the City staff regarding the ordinance requiring.removal of outdoor advertising signs on State highways-. Mr. Miller.informed.the Council that the State have withdrawn --their support for such -removal and are presently working with the advertising companies in,beautifying.s.ign installations, y� PERMISSION r.RANTED m MAYOR SHIPLEY OUT OF STATE - Mayor Shipley requested permission to be out of the state during the period from December 15th.. 1967, through January 5th.. 1968, on -vacation. On motion by Bartlett Council granted the request of Mayor Shipley to 'be out of the state from December 15 1967, through January`-5, 1968. Motion carried. 63 FEDERAL FUNDS FOR LIBRARY BUILDING PURPOSES The Administrator informed the Council that Federal funds are available to assist Cities in constructing Library facilites3 and suggested that they consider this -possibility. While no action was taken, the Administrator was directed to acquire more information in this matter. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Bartlett the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST Paul C. Jones _ ity Clerk Paul C ones City Clerk and exmofficio Clerk of the City Council of..the City of -Huntington Beach.., California gpIf, - 1 .104, J Donald D. S ip ey -Mayor 249