HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-02-27MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council�•`Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1968 - STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Miller, Bazil, Larkin, Royer, Lane COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Tom, Worthy. DISCUSSION: SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE The Acting Secretary outlined several of the major topics to be considered by the Planning Commission in their review of the Subdivision OrdinauiTe The following -- items were discussed in details by the Commission: Lot sizes-, lot depths, 'lot coverage, street widths, street trees on arterial highways, on -site and parkiiay trees. The Commission tentatively agreed that the ordinance should provide for the following: Lot sizes to average,6500 sq. ft. front yard setbacks of 15 ft., rear yard setback of 1.0 ft. 6n-site trees should be planted within 10 ft. of the sidewalk, and recommendation of a 15 gallon tree be planted within the parkway on standard streets instead of 5 gallon as presently required. It was the consensus of the Commission that the Staff prepare studies on the Commission's comments and bring them back -for further discussion. STUDY -REZONING NEWMAN AVENUE FRONTAGE BETWEEN CAMERON STREET AND -THE WEST LINE OF -TRACT NO. 4845. .The Acting Secretary stated that this study was referred to Staff -by the City Council to investigate the possibility of rezoning the property to R-5 which would allow R-5 uses subject to approval of a Site Plan application ih.o�rder to prohibit the conversion of existing dwellings. Mr. Harlow made a presentation. Commission discussion followed regard- ing the_.po-ssibility of rezoning the property to R-5. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LANE AND SECONDED BY ROYER TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO CONDUCT FURTHER STUDY OF THIS AREA AND TO INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING A NEW ZONE WHICH WILL ALLOW R-5 USES SUBJECT TO SITE PLAN APPROVAL IN ORDER TO PROHIBIT THE CONVERSION OF EXISTING DWELLINGS AND TO NOTIFY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE COMMISSION'S ACTION. 2/27/68 Minutes: H-.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 27, 1968 Page No. 2 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Bazil, Larkin, Royer, Lane NOES: None ABSENT: Tom Worthy `3:'HE MOTION ClRRIED. INFORMATION: The Acting Secretary informed the Com- mission that Nor. Paul White of the Southern California Hospital Planning Committee would like to meet with the Planning commission at the next Study Session to discuss the function of the group. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LANE AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO DEFER THIS MEETING AND CONTACT MR. PAUL WHITE WHEN A NEW APPLICATION PERTAINING TO CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL IS SUBMITTED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Bazil, Larkin, Royer, Lane NOES: None ABSENT: Tom Worthy THE MOTION ClRRIED. STREET NAME CHANGE: The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that Coast Highway is identified by three names within the City limits; Ocean Avenue, Pacific Coast Highway and Coast Highway. He asked that the Commission take action to initiate a street name change to Ocean Avenue. It was the consensus of the Commission to -refer the matter to the Orange County Street Naming Committee for a recommendation. COMMUNICATION: The Acting Secretary read a letter submitted by Lander Engineering requesting permission to construct a wood fence along Norma -Drive in Tract No. 6371 and Tract No. 6495 as required as a condition of approval of Tract No. 6371. ' A letter submitted by,Mrs. G, R. Black, opposing construction of the wood fence was also read by the Acting Secretary. The Commission discussed the request. It was noted that inasmuch as the' developer was given the option ofconstructing either a wood fence or a masonry wall, the Commission was not in a position to support Mrs. Black's opposition. A,MOTION WAS MADE BY ROYER AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO:INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO HANDLE THIS MATTER ADMINISTRA- TIVELY AND THE,LETTER BE RECEIVED AND FILED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Bazil, Larkin, Royer, Lane NOES: None ABSENT: Tom Worthy THE MOTION CIRRIED. -2- 2/27/68 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, February 27, 1968 Page No. 3 DISCUSSION: A further discussion was held regarding the subdivision ordinance. It was the Commission's consensus to contact the Home Council when future discussion on the proposed subdivision ordinance occurs. Renn�Wh A. Reynolds Secretary THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. Robert D. Bazil 61) Chairman -3- 2/27/68