HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-05-20Council, Chau�h6k,, 'Civic GeAter Huti oh' Maeh, P l fo is ,da_v., May '0, 16 Mayor Coen called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to ,order at 4: 0 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present; -Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, > Iatney, Green, Coen Councilmen Absent: Shipley MINUTES On motion by Green, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 6, 1968, as prepared and amended.,and the minutes of the spacial meeting of May 9, 1968, as prepared by the City Clerk, were approved and adopted. Motion carried. FINAL TRACT MAP NO 6317 m RAAB REALTY CO The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director sub- mitting final form of Tract I -lap No. 6317 for adoption as follows: Developer; Raab fealty Company; Location: south of,Garfield Avenue, approximately 651 feet west of Magnolia Street; Acreage: 17.254; Lots: 90; that the map had been certified by ,,the Director of Public Works and the S-ecretary to the 'Planning Commission ,to be true and correct in accordance with provisions ;of the City Subdivi- sion aion Code. The City Council may adopt dedications as shown on the map .and ,approve the Final Map, subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the submittal and completion of the enumerated requirements. 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineeringland inspections, 2. Deposit of Park and Recreation Fees 3 v Band for improvements 4w Signature of agreement, 5. Certificate of insurance 6. Bond for monuments. e Approval_ from County Surveyor, 8. Deed for underground water rights On motion by Kaufman, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown can Final Map 6317, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipu- lated by the Planning Commission. Motion. carried, The Clerk presented a transmittal from the planning Director submit- ting final farm of Tract ,Map 6494 for adoption as follows, Developer., Hotel Kingsway Operating Company; Location: 712 feet east of Beach Boulevard, adjacent to San Diego Freeway on the north; Acreage: 5o 8 Lots: 13; that the map had been certified by the Director of Public: Works and the Secretary to the planning Commission to he true and correct in ,accordance with provision of the city subdivision Code, The Cite Council may accept dedications as shown can the map and approve the Final Map, subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the submittal and completion of the enumerated requirements zl., Deposit of fees for water, se-�,�er, drainages engineering and inspections. 2 � Deposit of park and Recreation Fees. 3 : Band for i.mpi-ovements t 4, Signature of agreement, : Certificate of Insurance„ 6. Bond for monuments 7 s ,approval from County Surveyor. 8. Deed for underground eater rights. On notion by Kaufman, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Map 6494, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Corm.ission. Motion carried. ti. 0'N1 0 `v a♦\v1L — . �FI �,v \N�iiy.Yfi E a���.. ....••... a ,..,..,,.vr,,,.vwawwawwr >,.w..r... ,..,.,..nw, w. .......v.:v:�.vr The Clerk presented a transmitt��l from the Planning Department of Conditonal Exception No. 68-12 m on Tentative Tract 5841 - Fashion Homes,, Incorporated, located on the southwest corner of Atlanta Avenue and Brookhurst Streets The Planning Commission recommended approval. On emotion by Kaufman, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution approving UV 68-12, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Conni.ssiono Motion carried. CODE AlvIENDMENT NO 68-4 -TRAILER PAS The Clerk presented a transmittal from the planning Department of Code amendment No. 68-4-,, an amendment to Division 9 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code proposing to allo-w home dccupations in trailer parks. The Planning Commission recommended approval, On motion by Kaufman, Council approved Code Amendment No. 6 -4p and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance amending; ;the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Motion carried. The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Department of Code: Amendment No, 68-5, an amendment t8 Division 9 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code proposing to change filing fee to $10.00 and amend thy: public hearing, procedure for Site Plan applications, Page 3 - Minutes -Play 20, 1968 On motion by Kaufman, Council approved Code ,Amendment No. 6 m5, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Motion carried, r 1� % P C REPORT - BUILDING AT 01 MAIN STREET The Clerk presented a communication from the Planning Commission recommending approval, of the remodeliTag of the existing structure at 201 Main Street,, and also a recommendation that the Council consider parking deficiencies in the downtown area and provide an incentive for future development. Mr. :fan Gillis, owner of the subject building, addressed the Council and requested Council's approval of the proposed plans presented to the Planning Commission and the Council, and not just the rem -ode lin ; of the existing building. On motion by McCracken, Council approved the alterations and additions to the building at 201. M-ain- Street, subject to the applfcaht obtaining a Use 'parlance with fees therefor being waived,,and with the condition that the applicant cooperate in. the formation of a parking district. Motion carried, PARKING - DISTRICT On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the Planning Commission and staff to study the possibility of a parking district in the downtown .area and make a report to the Council on same. Motion carried VARIANCE .APPLICATION ® POLICY STATEMENT. The Clerk presented a request from the Planing Comission that Council set a deadline of June lst, after which no further consider- ation would be given to subdividers' variances on tentative tracts which comply with the previously adopted policy statement. r, Pale pwin, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council and requested the present poliev statement remain in effect until they new Subdivision Ordinance becomes effective. On motion by Kaufman, Council directed that the present policy be continued until such time as the city enacts a new Subdivision Ordinance. Motion carried The Clerk presented Arterial Highway Financing ,.Agreements 1#433 for the widening of Goldenwest Street from Pacific Coast highway to Varner Avenue, and j#435for the widening of Springdale Street. from Heil .Avenue to earner Avenue. On motion by Kaufman, Council approved the two .Arterial. Highway Financing Agreements, and aut1lori ed the Mayer and City Clerk to execute said Agreements. Motion carried. Pate #, M n€ites - May 20, 1968 � ,s "� � o STUDY REPORT The Clerk presented a communication from the Public Works Department requesting authorization to transmit a City Street Deficiency Study Report to the: State of California as required by Section 2156 of the California Street and Highway Cody:. On motion by Kaufman, Council directed the Directors of Public Works to tranaa-nr.t the City Street Deficiency Report to the State. of California. Motion carried D.'±)XA"rI0t ()I M R I ` R. A ,: 5� Tel: The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance of dedicated improvements, authorization for release of the Improvement Bond.) and termination of the Three -Party Agreement and Subdivision. Agreement in Tract No,, 5601 m Alco Pacific Construction Company. On motion by Kaufman, Council accepted improvements dedicata�, ..for public use in Tract No,, 5601, authorized the release of Improvement Bond and termination of the Three -Party Agreement ,and the Subdivision. Agreemient, and directed that the developer be notified by the City Clerk and the bonding company be notified by the City `treasurer. Motion carried v�� p-S •.: NO 6.i..1'. � ',Qu": The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Public Works Department of an agreement to reimburse Guy Cherry for a portion of costs in the construction of an off -site sewers main in Beach boulevard, in conjunc- tion. with development at :18.5.52 Beach Boulevard. On motion by Kaufman, Council approved Reimbursement Agreement No. 8-S2, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. Motion carried, A - \t% E...:..I IS ION AGR TICi, 6283 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Monument Bond, Improvement Bond, and Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 6283 - Armour Building Company. On motion by Kaufman, Council accepted Monument Bond No. 8SM-158-396, Improvement Bond No. 8SM-158-395 - American. Motorists Insurance Company, approved Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 6283; , and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City. Motion carried. &' "I';� RES 4,6 2755 - INTENTION TO VACATE 17TH STREET The Clerk read Resolution No,. 2755 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OF INTENTION T0.1FACATE A4 PORTION OF SEVENTEENTH STREET." Councilman Kaufman, rrade a motion to waive further reading and adopt Resolution No, 2755, but withdrew his motion before,it was voted upon.. Page #S s MI-nutea - May 20, 1968 Following further discussion with the Assistant Director of Public Works, Council deferred any action on this item to the meeting of June 3, 1. 68 a Motion carried, �-4 CLAIM_ NO 15-68 m JOYCE ANNE WILSON The Clerk presented a claim from Joyce die Wilson for alleged personal injuries and property damages Q sustained on or about February 5, 1968, in the vicinity of Coldenwest. Street and Warner Avenge On motion by Bartlett, Council denied the claim filed by Joyce Anne Wilson and referred same to the City Attorneys and the City' insurance Carrier, Motion carried. .4 C T A IM NO 1.6 - 6 8 - RCBERT A. EDGEC CME The Clerk presented a claim from Robert A,>Edgecomh for alleged damages to automobile caused by a City. vehicle On motion by Bartl.ettp Council denied the claim filed by Hobert A. Ed ecomb and referred same to the City Attorneys and the City' Insurance Carrier, Motion carried. � � W �,! NOTICE OF C%TPLETION - COBABE BRCS The Clergy ;presented a communication from the Building Department Stating that work on the installation of the sprinkler system at the Pavalon Building had been satisfactorily completed, and reconmendingCouncil accept the work on said project. On motion by Green, Council accepted the sprinkler system work an the Pavalon Building, completed by Cobabe Brothers, and directed the City Clergy to file a Notice: of Completion with the Orange County Recorder, Motion carried, / MINA The Clerk gave Ordinance No. loll d second reading by title - 'FA ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CE TRE CITY OF HUNTINTON BEACH ELATING TO ZONE CASE NO. 65-5 COVERING REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ATLANTA AVENUE, EAST OF BROOKHURS`I; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RECLASSIFYING DMm19 - (Secti.onal. District Map 17-6-10) ," On motion by Greens Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. mall., and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote, AYES: Councilmen.; Bartlett, McCracken., Kaufman, Matney, Green Coen NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley. Page Q Minutes .m May 20, 1968 1412 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1412 e. second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ELATING TO ZONE CASE NO 8-8 COVERING REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF GARF'IELD AVENUE AND EAST OF MAGNOLIASTREET; AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON gEACH ORDINANCE CODE By RE-CLASSIFYING DM-6 (Sectional District Map 6-6-10) ,,L On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No1412, and passed and adopted same by thifollowing roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NNE 9 Councilmen; None ABSENT..•-t Councilmen; Shipley � The Clergy. gave Ordinance No. 1413 a first reeding by title - "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 1421 Q OF CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 14 PERTAINING TO THE SALARY OF THE CITY ATTO HEM, ' . motion by Barltett, Council warred further reading of Ordinance No. 1413. When put to a Grote, the motion passed unanimously. 4-4 -q* i3 J:'a.F.314114 a t:...i'k aw.CODE The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1414 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE .L�•Y REPEALING CHAP "ER 41, ARTICLE 410,411, AND 412, ADD ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER- 41, ARTICLE 410 TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE1 1967, EDITION AND APFRE DI S AWE, AND AMENUMENTS THERETO Can motion by Kaufman, Council waived farther reading of Ordinance No1414. When put to a vote, the motion passed unanimously. Council set a public; hearing on. this Ordinance for the meeting of June 17, 196& Motion carried. RESOLUTION E V 'j,`F L L < 4 \Z�4' fee �r 4 F 4 � .�. 4�, � :: ,'' D ; i '4 i4 7 1. � `E �..H�'�, i. 4:.C�� .o+t;.L... l+ a4 it S� �to: y�a-aa`!�.'4� \ z4��'e�'.:: iV4 FIE '.: The Clerk read Resolution No. 2747 her title - "A RESOLUTION OF TH.E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE RATE OF 751 FOR PARKING AUTOMOBILES IN THE BEACH PARKING LOT." On motion by Bartlett., Council warred further reading of Resolution No. 2747, and passed and adopted sari By the following roll call. vote AYES: C ouncilmen z Bartlett, McCracken, KaufmAn, Matne:y, Green, Coen. NOES: Councilmen, None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley t _A� RESO UTION NO 748 - ADOPTED m REPAIR-1k1UN1UIPAL .PIER The Clerk read Resolution No. 2758 By title - 'FA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REE ICI" ING -AND DECLARING THE URGENT NECESSITY FOR PRESERVING LIFE, HEALTH AND PROPERTY,; AND AUTHORIZING THE LETTING OF A CONTRACT FOR REPAIR OF TH ' L"N1C IPAL PIER WITHOUT ADVERTISING FOR BID a'r On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2748, and passed and adopted same by the following roll. cell € ote AYES: Councilmenq Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green Coen NOES; Councilmen: None ABSENT o Councilmen: Shipley Page # 7 - Minutes m May 20, 1968 IR' SOLUTION NO 2749 The Clerk read Resolution No. 2749 by title - "A RESOLUTION TION LAN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON 'BEACH REQUESTING THE PACIFIC FIRE RATING BUREAU TO CONDUCT GRADING SURVEY." On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2749, and passed and adopted same by the follming roll call vote: AYES- Councilmen- Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen: Nona ABSENT- Councilmen. Shipley The Clark read Nas+altuion No. 2750 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITE` OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING AMENDMENT NO 68-2 TO THE MASTER DEAN OF SAID CITY, IDENTIFYING NONSTRUCTURAL BLIGHTED AREAS." On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2750, and passed and adapted same by the following roll ,call voted AYES- Councilmen. Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Greens Coen NOES- Councilmen. Nona ABSENT- Councilmen. Shipley t( ._ r � fl The Clerk reach Resolution No. 2751 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. APPROVING CONDITIONAL EXCEB` ION NO 68 - 9 RELATIVE TO TENTATIVE TACT NO 6 57 5 � " Cki motion by Kaufman, Council waived .further reading of Resolution No. 2751, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote AYES- Councilmen- Bartlett, NOES- Councilman- Nona ABSENT: Councilmen. Shipley McCracken, Kaufman, atnay)Green, Coen 1(�-aS RESOLUTION NO 2752 m_ ADOPTED__- FIRE TAX RggUIREMENTS The Clerk read Resolution No. 2752 by title m "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 'CITE` OF RUFfIN TON BEACH RE UESTING THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO DELETE ALL AREA WITHIN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH FROM THE COUNTY STRUCTURAL FIRE TAX FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1968-6%'" Can Notion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of.Resolution No. 2752, and passed and adapted same by the following roll call vote AYES- Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Gratin, Coen NOES. Councilmen: Nona ABSENT- Councilmen. Shipley Page #8 - Minutes a May 20, 1968 " a0 RESOLUTION NO 2753 - ADOPTED - CE 8-1 :the Clerk read Resolution No.. 2753 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING CONDITIONAL E<XCE?'TIONAL NO, 8-17 RELATIVE TO TENTATIVE TRACT No 6331." Ce motion b Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution No, 2753, and passed and adopted same by the following roll gall votes: AYES : Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green., Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: 'Councilmen: Shipley 0V ,, T: RESOLUTION O 2754 f�,'«�.Et�� m. MAYOR AND CLERK ERK The Clerk read Resolution No2754 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF h'UNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK. TO EXECUTE CITY DOCUMENTS BY USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES.'' On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution No2754, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, , Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: ncilmen. None ABSENT: Councilmen; Shipley H RESOLUTION NO 2756 m ADOPTED - CIVIL DEFENSE The Clerk read Resolution No. 2756 by title - Q RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL IL OF THE CITY OF HUTI`INGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS TO REPRESENT THE CITY IN EXECUTING DOCUMENTS IN RELATION TO CIVIL DEFENSE.,'' n motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution. No. 2756, and passed and adopted same by the following roll. call Grote AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Careen, Coen NOES: C ounc i lme n a None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley RESOLUTION NO 057 a ADOPTED m SURPLUS FEDERAL PROPERTY The Clerk read Resolution No. 757 by title - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HDNTINGTON BEACH F,EQUESTTNG ELIGIBILITY TO RECEIVE SURPLUS FEDERAL PROPERTY FOR CIVIL DEFENSE PURPOSES UNDER PUBLIC LAW 655, 84th CONGRESS (70t.h STAT, 4 3) .iv Can motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 757, and passed and adopted same: by the following roll call Note AYES: Councilmen; Bartlett., NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen Page #9 ,a, Minutes - May 20, 1968 x.r , 0` .#� r Ms a'^3 x3 a;r��y. aC�`��.}i `�• �, Fita ` _;� Yi tii� T -.�0_Zy. The Clerk reed Resolution No. 2758 her title m "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING E 'S AL SIGNATURES OF FRANK B . ARGUELLO AND EL1400D A. BERRY.?' On motion. by Kaufman, ,Council waived farther reeding of Resolution No� 2758, and passe and adopted same by the following roll call vote - AYES: Councilmen, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Greer., Coen NOES- Counel.lnen < None ABSENT, Coun•eilmen e Shipley 7j?.4,a�. e{� i�i�a a...i'�5.?�NW-�*x. r . .> . :ION NO 2 15 Y ♦ a ..:.. ., r f .,K. wi..w.vz...x. .H..xce .rep•.,.....,... ...... The Clerk read Resolution No. 2759 by title m "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL UT THE CITY € F HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING >EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM DRAINAGE DISTRICT 7G FUND." On motion by Kaufman, Goonol.l waived further reading of Resolution No, 2759, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matn y, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT- o- noilmen K Shipley %q RESOLUTION NO 2760 —ADOPTED ­DaTELOPMEN ' POLICY The Clark read Resolution No. 2760 by title -"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING ITS POLICY FOR ICE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BEACH AREA BETWEEN BEACH BOULEVARD NORTH TO THE BLUFFS IN THE C ITY Q Q t On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Resolution No,. 2760, and passed and adopted same by the following roll. call vote: AYES. Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, R•auf •an, . etney, Green, Coen NOES. Councilmen: None ABSENT. Councilmen: Shipley a `.h'CO.a. as fix. •+. C)CEA,Nl V ., \.W 3.t ` �' � k �.'., i.• t, The Assistant City Adiministrator informed the Council that the Ocean View Mushroom Corporation on Goldenwest Street is in the process of acquiring acreage conposed of postage stamp lots adjacent to their property. In, this area the city own `ry.• two of these small lots with an appraised value of $1985.009 The Mushroom Corporation has requested permission to purchase these lasts. Council -man. Bartlett made a motion to accept the offer of the Mushroom Corporation and sell the subject lots, but withdrew his motion before it was voted upon. On motion by Bartlett, Council deferred action on this matter to the meeting of June 3, 1968. Motion carried. Page #10 - Minutes - May 20, 1968 o POLICE VDEPART1y ENT ;MNNIUAL The Assitant City Administrator presented copies of a recently amended Police Department manual of Rules and Regulations, and recommended the Council instruct the Attorney to prepare. a Resolution adopting these rules Can motion by McCracken, Council directed the City Attorney. to prepare a Resolution adopting the Police Deaprt€reent Manual of pules any; Regulations, Motion carried. qu PURCUASE PROPERTY C7O HARD STREET The Assistant City Administrator discussed with'; the Council a proposal to purchase a 131 acre postage stamp parcel an the guest side of Gothard Street south of Warner Avenue for a future Central City Yard, at a cost of $15,000 per acre, On motion. by Bartlett, Council deferred action on this item to June 3, 1968 to allow the Director of public Works to study the soil conditions ind report. to Council, Motion carried. BUDGET SESSIONS Mayor Coen caller: informal meetings of the Council as a committee of the Whole for Tuesday, May 21, 1968, and Wednesday, May 22, 1968, at 700 K& In the Administrative Annex to conduct Budget sessions. 10A CIVIL DEFENSE - REPLACEMENT The Assistant City Administrator introduced Mr. Charles V a Ciol tier s-L.- A ho will }h::> the palace of Claude Jones as Assistant Defense Director. Councilman Green, as chairman of the Huntington Beach Elementary School District property Committee, presented a letter received from the School, District indicating a starting price of $1,500,000 for the Dwyer School. Site:. It was Mr. Green's recommendation that the Site no longer be considered as a proposed civic center site Mayor Coen received the letter from the Huntington Beach City School District, and ordered same filed by the City Glares MIC CENTER SELECTION w- ULI REPORT Councilman Matney made a motion to direct the Civic Center Sub Committee ittee of the Cuban Land Institute Committee to submit to the Council their report on the proposed Civic :enter sites no Later than May 6, 1968, and requested the Mayor call a meeting of the Council, the ULI Committee and the Planning Commission on Mondays May 27, 1968 When put to a vote, the motion failed. Mayor Caen called a meeting of the Council as a Committee of the Whole for Thursday, June 6th, 1968, at 7:00 P,Ms to meet with the ULI Committee and Planing Commission on the proposed civic center site, Page #11 - minutesMay 20, 1968 RECESS Mayor Coen called was reconvened at a recess of the Council at 6:1.3 P.M, 7 : 30 P "M a by the Mayor, - GOLDE The meeting The Clerk presented a letter from the Junior Wo gan"s Club requesting that the City preserve the fresh eater lake at the corner of Coldenwest Street and Talbert Avenue for beautification purposes as well as to provide outdoor recreational facilities, Mayor Caen received the letter from the Junior Woman' Club and ordered same filed by the City Clerk, nQUESI COUNCIL STAND m FREEWAY ROUTE The Clergy presented a letter from Iro Larry L. Curran, representing the Concerned Citizens Committee, requesting the Council take a stand prior to May 21, 1968, on the adoption of the Red Route, or some modification thereof, and submitting a peti.titon with 2,879 signatures, Mayor Coen received the letter fron Mr. Curran and ordered same filed by the City Clerk,: APPLICATION - RENEWAL OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT The Clerk presented an application for the renewal of an Entertai-n- ent Permit for Syndicate 3000, from Covell Productions, 302 Ocean Avenue, to have entertainment from. 8 PMto 2 A.K. seven days a week. The Clerk presented reports from the Police Department and Building Department. Nero Henry Clearer, Attorney for Covell Productions,, addressed the Council and stated the reasons subject permit should he issued. On. n.otion by Green, Council denied the request for an entertainment permi.t. from Covell Productions, on making a finding that the opera- tion of the business is detrimental to the public welfare, 'health and moral of the community, based on information and reeonm-ftendation submitted to the Council by the Police Deaprtmen.t . Motion carried The Clerk presented a letter from Nick Cpri.an of Oprian Realty reporting a possible completion of consolidation of the redevelopment project at Edwards Street and Slater Avenue by July 26, 1_96 , and suggesting that the City pick another parcel. with which to .initiate the re -development project.. Mayor Caen received the letter fkom fro Cpri_an., and ordered same filed by the City i.ler o Page # 12 - Minutes May 20, 1968 On motion by Kaufman, Council directed the Planning Department to proceed with another redevelopment project at this time Motion carried,, k� The Clerk presented an application for a business license from Keryl Vander Walker to operate a retail sales business of importedmerchan- dise at 464 Ocean Avenue, The police Department discussed this item with the Council and requested time to investigate the proposed business, Councilman Kaufman made a motion to approve the business license and direct the City Clerk to issue same to Mrs. gander Walker, Councilman Green made a potion to amend the motion to defer action on this item to the meeting of May 27, 1968. When pit to a vote, the motion to amend Councilman Kauf an's motion failed. Councilman Matnay made a motion to amend Councilman Kaufman's motion to read approve the business license subject to the approval of the police Department, Motion carried,. A vote was taken on Councilman aufman's motion as amended a. to approve the license subject to the approval of the Police Department, Motion carried J;-, SIGN IN INDUSTRIAL ZONE - BEKINS MOVING & STORAGE The Clerk presented a letter from Mr, Norman Marshall, representing Eekins Moving and Storage, informing Council of the omission in the Huntington Reach Ordinance Code of requirements for advertising signs in an Ml zone, Since his firm plans to open their new warehouse on Warner Avenue within the next four weeps, Mr. Marshall requested consideration on this matter. On motion by McCracken, Council approved the posting of advertising signs for the Bekins Moving and Storage warehouse, ,subject to conform- ance with the, proposed Sign Ordinance, Motion carried, The Clerk presented Code Amendment Nos 67-26 which had been deferred from the: meetings of March lg, and May 6, 1968. This amendment to the code proposes to add Article 976 to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and establishes standards for sign structures and advertising devices. The planning Commission has recommended approval. The Clerk presented letters received from Southern California Edison Company, Pacific Outdoor Advertising CaTpany, the Chamber of Commerce, the Building Industry Association of California, Inc,, De Guelle & on's Glass Company and Marcus.iorter, Mr. Dale: Duna, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council and discussed the views of the Legislative body of the Chamber of Commerce, He informed the Council that a meeting was being held by the Chamber of Commerce in. the Administrative Annex of City offices at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, May 22, 196K On motion by McCracken, Council deferred any decision on this matter to the meeting of rune 17th, 1968. Motion carried Page # 13 - Minutes - May 20, 1968 Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour suet for a public hearing an Zone Case No. 8-2, on property located on the east side of Cameron Street,, between Slater Avenue and New -man Avenue, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice, The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No. 68- g as published in the Huntington Beach Nees on May 9, 1968, setting the hour of 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 20th deep of May, 1.968, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petititon for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance from R2 Two Family Residence District to R3 Lim:i.ted Multiple Family, Residence District. The Clergy informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the planning, Secretary's transmittal., recommending approval, and stated that he had received no cormunications or written protests to Zone Case No. 68-2a At this time, staff reports were presented for information to the Council Mayor Coen declared the hearing open. Mrs. Jack. Koebig, Harbor Realty Company, addressed the Council and discussed the eater problems in this area and the possibility of acquiring water from the Slater Avenue eater main. for Cameron Street. There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor, Can motion by Greens Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zane Case No. 8-2, and directed that the second reading of this Ordinance he held until the proposers fire code, Ordinance No, 1414, is in effect. Motion carried PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE NO 65-12 m APPROVED Mayor Caen announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Zone: Case No. 68-1. , on. property located on the east ,side of Sher Lane, approximately 550 feet south of Edinger Avenue, and directed the Clerk to read the 'legal notice.. The Clerk read notices of public hearing on Zone Case No� 68-12, as published in the Huntington Beach Neaps on May 9, 1968, setting the hoar as 7 � 3C P.M., or as soon thereafter as, possible, on Monday, the 20th day of May, 1968, in the Council, Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California., as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering, a petition for a change of zone in regulations of the Districting Ordinance from C2 Community Business District to R3 Moulted Multiple Family Residence District. The Clerk infon- ed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Secretary's transmittal, recoiMnending approval, and stated that he had received no commiunications or written protests to Zone Case Nis„ 6-12., Page #14 - Minutes -. May 20, 1968 At this time, staff reports were presented for information to the Council Mayor Coen declared the hearing open., There being no one present to speak: on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearingwas closed by the Mayor a On motion lav Green, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Cass. No. 68M12, Motion carried , 9 ,'.1 .PUBLIC AEARING _, ZONE CASE No 68-1.3 - APPROVED Mayor Coen. announced that this was the day and hour set for e public hearing on Zone Case No. 68-13, on property generally bounded by Garfield Avenue on the north, Golderngest Street can the east and Palm Avenue can the south, and directed the Clerk to reed the legal notice The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Case No, 68-13, as published in the Huntington. Beach News on May 9, 1968, setting the hour of 7 a 30n, or as soon. thereafter as passible, on Monday, the 20th day of May, 1968, in the Council Chamber of the Civic. Center, Huntington Reach, California, as the time and place for a public h.na.:~i.ng for the purpose of considering a petition for n change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance from RI-0 Single Family Residence District, combined with oil production, 4-0 Multiple Family Residence District, combined with coil production. and R.5_0 Office Professional District, combined with oil_ productions to Hl. Single Family Residence District, RI-02 Single Family Residence District, with more restrictive oil. production, R4m01 Multiple Emily Residence District, with more restrictive oil production and 5-01 Office - Professional District, combined with more restrictive oi.l. production. The Clerk informed the Council that they. had been provided with copies of the Planning Secretar 3s transmittal, recommending, approval_, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to Zone Casey No. 68-13 ti At this time, staff reports were presented for Counc.i.l.as information. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing -was closed by the Mayor, On mation-n by Bartlett, Council_ directed the City Attorney to prepare n Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No. 68.-13 � Motion carried PUBLIC HEARING ,m ZONE_ CASE NO 68-14 m APPROVED `<V'aVv �VVv'aVv'av'h'h�HVVVbhV EVV�, VVmvhVVNv...wv..w.nVM awawiwi..«iaaaaaaaraa.VViVVVVaVi�ann.nvVw.rnrm+xa�. Mayor Coen announced that this was the deb% and hour sot for a public hearing on Zone Case No, 68-14, on property. located west of Teach Boulevard, approximately 600 feet south of bell Avenue, and directed the Clerk to reed the legal notice 430 Page # 15 - Minutes - May 20, 1968 The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone Cage No. 68-14, as published in the Huntington Beach News on May 9, 1968, setting the hour ci. 7:30 PR 6 , or as soon thereafter as passible, on Monday, the 20t1h day of May, 1968, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington. Beach, California, as the time and place for a hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for e change of zone to'regulations of the Districting Ordinance from C;2 Conn-nunity Business District to R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District, The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Secretary's transmittal, recce rending approval, and stated that he had received no communications or written pretests to Zane Cease No. 68-14. At this time, staff reports were presented for Council's information. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open, There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On rsntion by Kaufman, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Cease No. 68-14. Motion carried, PUBLIC HEARING ,- ZONE CSE,_NO 68-15_ m APPROVED Mayor Coon announced that this was the day and hoar set for a public easing on Zone Case No. -15, on property located on the ,east side of Delaware Street, 121.29 feet south of Main Street., and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice. The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zane Case No. 68-15, as published in the Huntington Beach dews on May 9, 1968, setting the hour of 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible,, on Monday, the 20th day of May 1.968, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for ohmage of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance from R2 Two Family Residence District to R5 Office-Proftssional District, The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Secretary's transmittal, recommending approval,, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to Zone Case Nay 8-15. At this time, staff reports were presented for Connnci_l.ga information. Mayor Coen declared the hearing €opens There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayors On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zane Case Nox 68-1 . Motion carried, 4::.1. Page #16 Minutes m May 20, 1968 NO ZOMY-4 CAKE 68-16 Mayor Gaon announced that this was the day and hour :yet for a public hearing on Zone Case No. 68-16, on property located at the northeast corner of Hamilton Avenue and Bushard Street, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zane Case No68-16, as published in the Huntington Reach News on May 9, 1968, setting the hour of 7:30 P,V , or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 20th day of May, 968, in the Council Cha her of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a petition for a change of zone to regulations of the Districting Ordinance from R2 Togo -FaKly Residence District to R1 Single Family Residence Ui.atricto The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Secretary's transmittal, ttal, recommandi.ng approval., and stated that he had received no congunications or written protests to Zone Case W 68-1 At this times staff reports were presented for ouncil's information. Mayer Coen declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor On mDti.cn by McCracken, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an. Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No, 68-16 Motion carried,, pshisr `:Vx M.. _. Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for the continuation of a public, hearing on Resolution No272 - Intention to Grant Franchise, which had been opened at the Tneeti.ng of May 6y 196 Mr. Warren Hall, City Treasurer, addressed the Council and requested information and clarification an some points of the Franchiser There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor, The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 141 0 a first reading by title a ''AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BUNTlNG'TON BEACH GRANTING TO STANDARD GAS CONTANT ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO LAY, CONSTRUCT, REPAIR AND MAINTAIN A STEEL PIPELINE IN AND ALONG INDIANAPOLIS AVENUE BETWEEN MAGNOLIA STREET AND BUSHARD STREET IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, STATE OF CALIFORNIA.-." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No1410. When put to a Yenta, the motion passed unanimously,, Page #17 - Minutes - May 20, 1968 0 CODE AMENDMENT O 8-5 m FILING FEE Mr. Dale Dunn, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council and stated that since Code Amendment No. 68-5 proposes to decrease the filing fee for site plans to $10a0, he felt that the two restaurants who had paid the required $100.00 should he refunded the $90.00. Councilman Bartlett made a motion to make Cade Amend- ment No. 68-5 retroactive when it is passed, but this motion was withdrawn -when the City ,attorney advised the Council that this was not legal, HUNTINGTON BEACH FREM414Y Mr. Jerry Sapp,8141 Wadebridge Circle, City, a member of the Concerned Citizens, Colmli,ttee s addressed the Council and discussed their Committee's experiences and discussions with the City of Westminster. Be stated the Committee felt Westminster teas firmly against any route other than the "OrangeB° route for the Freeway and that there was no need to tali any further with that entity. Mr. Gerald Larsen, 19351 Weymouth Lane, City, a member of the Concerned Citizen's Committee, addressed the Council and discussed the actions of the Council on this matter. Mrs Larsen stated he felt th.e Council was not doing everything possible to obtain full cooperation from all entities involved. He informed Council that this Citizens' Committee was not interested in just this proposed freeway route, but is also interested in other matters vital to the Community's progress, Upon the request of ,Mr. Larsen, each Councilman stated which freeway route he most ,favored Bartlett - the most westerly McCracken - westerly Coen - Green dashed Green red Green - Red atney - Red Kaufman - Green Mr. Larry Curran 8131 Wadebridge Circle, City, a member of Concerned Citizens' Committee, addressed the Council. and discussed the freeway eeti.n.g to he held in Napa,California, on May 21st, 19686 he requested Council to take action stating that they opposed the "Orange" route. Councilman McCracken made a motion that the Cite go on record as opposing the "Oran e" route. Following discussion by the Council, this motion was withdrawn Councilman Matney made a motion that the City go on record as opposing the "Orange" route. This motion failed when past to a vote and Councilman Green requested a roll call vote be taken: AYES- Councilmen' Green, Matney NOES- Councilmen, Bartlett-, McCracken, Caen, Kaufman ABSENT- Councilmen: Shipley 14ra Dale Dunn, manager of the Chamber of Commerce addressed the Council and again stressed the importance of an early adoption of the freeway route. Page #18 - Minutes - May 20, 196 3� Mayor Coen informed the Council that the ULI Committee was in a posi- tion to make a recommendation to the Council for a person to fill the vacancy on their Committee. Councilman Green made a motion to request the ULI Committee to submit their recommendation, plus two additional people to the Council for interviews, and to expand the existing Committee from seven people to nine. This motion was withdrawn before being voted upon. On motion by Green, Council authorized the expansion of the Urban Land institute Committee from seven persona to nine. Motion carried. 9 UII INTERVINT SET FOR 5/27/68 Can mo ion her Green, Council directed the City ,Administrator to set up interviews with the three top Individuals recommended by the ULI Committee for Monday, May 27, 1968 and directed that any Councilman wishing to submit a nave for interview submit same to the Administrator. Councilman Kaufman requested a Division of the Question. Resz1ved, that. Council direct the City Administrator to eat up inter. - views with the three top individuals recommended by the ULI Committee for Monday, May 27, 1 6& Motion carried Resolved, that Council direct that any Councilman wishing to submit a name for iatervlew -submit same to the Administrator. Motion failed on a do vote. 03 SETBACK ON SUCH BL - PETITION Mr. George Shibata, Attorney, y, addressed the Council and presented a petition with 52 names requesting a hearing and reprieve on Ordinance Cody: Section 9432 regarding the setback on Beach Boulevard. On motion her Matney, Council directed the Planning Commission to set a public hearing on this matter at their aeet .ng on Nona 18, 1968. Notion carried. ADJOU'R ENT On, motion by McCracken, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Monday, May 27, 1 6$, at 4:30 P.M. Motion carried. ATTESUz­ City Clerk and ex -off cio Clark of. he City Council of the City i �• � ,\Z ..ram\ ... •�x ':` ..v -.•\ � �.\mea•.K \.,,. � ` � �\ \.. Sao Alvin It. c Mayor