HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-06-17MINUTES 1L .ice{S Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, June 1.7, 1968 Mayor Coen called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P. 0 The pledge of ,allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Reverend Gil Allen, Minister of the Christ Presbyterian Church. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney,'Coen, Green, Shipley (arrived at 4:40 P.M� ) Councilmen Absent- lone MINUTE On motion by Bartlett, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 3, 1968 and the regular adjourned meeting of June 4, 1968, were approved and adopted as prepared and mailed by the City Clerks Motion carried. FINAL TRACT MAP No 6331 - - B `C OLD COMPANY The Clore presented a transmittal from the Planning Director sub- witting final fora of Tract Map No, 6331 for adoption as follows Developer: Buccola Company; 4501 Birch Street, Newport Bead., California; Location: Approxi.matley 500 feet east of Bushard Street, 450 feet south of Hamilton Avenue; Acreage: 2. 7 s hots 19, Zoning; Bm , mat the map had been certified 'by the Director of Public Works and the Secreatry to the Planning Com.issi.on to be true and corre'c.t in accordance with provisions of the City Subdivision Code. The City Council may adopt dedications as shown on the map and approve the Final Map, subject to the following conditions The City C 1er i s signature shall be withheld pending the sub- mittal and-' coi4ol ti.on of the enumerated requirements 1. Deposit of fees for water, newer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2. Deposit of Park and Recreation Fees. k Bond for improvements, Page # 2 - Minutes M 6 /17 /66 4. Signature of agreement. 51 Certificate of insurance. 6, rend for monuments. 7t Approval from County. Surveyor 8, Deed for undergro nd -T&,ater rights. The Planning Commission stipulated that application for change of zone to P.-1 be submitted prior to issuance of a building per- it� On motion 'by Green, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Map No, 6331, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. 'Motion carried'. DEDICATION OF ALLEYS - TRAC'T 8 7 6 DON A1RES The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works recotimiending acceptance of an alley dedication, Tract 876-Dan Aires, €upon the completion of all improvements to City Standards, The Director of Public Works then requested that this mutter be con- tinued to the July 1, 1968 meeting of the Council On motion. by Kaufman, Council deferred the Tract 876 Alley Dedications to the July 1, 1968 meeting of the City Council, an recommendation of the Director of Public Works Moticn carried, DEDI6AT1CN OF 1MP OVE2,1ENTS - TRACT .5 1 The Clerk presented a ccutnunication from the Director of Public Works reco=ending acceptance of dedicated improvements, authorization for release of the Monument Bond, and termination of the Three -Party Agreement and the Subdivision Agreement in Tract 5331 - Lyons Homes. On motion by Kaufman, Council accepted improvements dedicated for pubii.c use in Tract 5331, authorized the release of Monument Bond .and termination, of the Three -Party Agreemeiat .and the Subdivision Agreement, and directed that the developer be notified by the City Clerk and the bonding company be notified by the City Treasurer. Motion carried. SUBDIVISION AGR ENNT - TRACT 6317 The Clerk presented a transmittal. from the Ui.rec for of Public Works, of Monument Bond, Improvement Bond, Subdivision agreement, and Agree- ment for Underground Water Rights on Lot 90, Tract 6317 Hamshi.re Land Company. Can motion on by Kaufman, Council accepted Monument Bend No... 722028, improvement :Bond 'No,, 712029, approved Subdivision Agreement and Underground Water Agreement for Tract No6317; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the documeints on behalf of the Cite Motion carried, 4\ v Page #3 - Minutes m 6/17/68 SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO, 6557 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Improvement Bond and Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 6557 - Covington Brothers. On motion by Kaufman, Council accepted Improvement Bond 3925973 and Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 557; and authorized the Mayor and City Clark to execute the d( ument on behalf of the City, Motion carried. r SUBSTITUTION OF SUBDIVISION AND °I EE-PA .TY AGREEMENT m TRACT 5424 The Clerk presented a conmun.icatiun from the Director of Public Works transmitting a substitution of a Subdivision Agreement and Three -Party Agreement for Tract 5424 - Dutch Haven Homes; recommend- ing acceptance of the change of lender and developer from, Union Tank to Home Savings & Loam anal, William Lyons Development Company. The Public Works Director race ended that Council release the exist- ing subdivision and Throe -Party agreements can Tract 5424 and accept the new agreements in lieu thereof. Or motion by Kaufman, Council approved the substitution and accepted the Subdivision Agreement and Three -Party Agreement for Tract 5424; authorized the Mayor and City Cleric to execute same on behalf of the City, and authorized the termination of the existing Subdivision and Three -Party Agreements, Motion carried h;r� ENIA1� AGREEMENT W CITY YARD EXTENSION The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works of Agreement for dental from Frank P. Arguello and Earl Mazzari of lots 3.4,5, Block 1401, T, J. Watson's Reaubm division, for extension of the existing City Yard; located adjacent and immediately north thereof. The Department of Public Works recommends approval On motion by Kaufman, Council approved the Rental. Agreement between the City and Frank P. Arguello and Earl Mazzari covering property weeded for extension of the City Yard, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreements on behalf of the City. Motion carried. J r NEIMBURSE�EN'T W CHRYSLDH CORPORATIONRESOLUTION 2775 - .ADOPTED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Public Works Department of Resolution 2775 approving reimbursement of $41, 29M4 to Chrysler Corporation for .-half of costa of construction of sewer main in Beach Boulevard from earner Avenue to Chrysler Drive. The Clerk read Resolution. No. 2775 by title, - "A, RESDI;€%TION OF THE CITE' COUNCIL O THE CITE` OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTH RIgING'THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND . f 9 On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2775, and passed and adapted same by the following roll call vote; AYES- Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Mataiey, Green and Coen. NOES. Councilmen: None ABSENT. C ounc iluien 6 Noes Page #4 - Minutes .m 6/17/68 REIMBURSEMENT - SECURITY FORE CORPORATION - ADOPTED The Clark presented a. transmittal from the Public Works Department of Resolution No. 2777 for the reimbursement of $7, 0 5. 0 to Security Fore Corp„ for construction of atom drain facilities in Drainage Area 7F - per reimbursement Agreement No. 134, The Clerk read FesoluLion o. 2777 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE DRAINAGE AREA 7F FUI�3 , " On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No� 2777 and passed and adopted same by the follo-,,iing roll_ call. vote, AYES- Councilmen, Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, and Coen ROES'. Councilmen- gone ABSENT- Co%Inc ilmen : None REI URSEIKENT - SECURITY FORE CORPORATION - ADOPTED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Public Works Department of Reimbursement A reemeat #131 in the amount of $1,398e03, for Oversize and Offsite eater Mains for Tract 5717 and 6100 to Security Fore Corporation. . motion by Green, Council approved the Reimbursement of $1, 398. 3 from the Water Fund to Security Fore Corporation as per Reimbursement Agreement 131, by the follm4ing roll call vote AYES. Councilmen,. Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman., Name,, Gram., Coen NO a Councilman; None AD Eh7 9 Councilmen -� None \\2 \.. y \"A;� ........ J. 1\...;\ \.r� .. RK w�.��s..v.�.� �.4w:.H\.ay...oa'..�— tv—. ..:.. „:.�....v The Clerk presented a. communication from the Public Works Department requesting reimbursement In the amount of $5, 2648, for oversize and offsite water mains in Tract 4064 to Freeway industrial Park. On motion by Green, Council approved the reimbursement of $ , 362.48, from the Water Fund to Freeway Industrial Park as per Reimbursement Agreement 1301. by the following roll call vote - AYES. Councilmen. Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Creeng Coen NOES- Councilmen. None ABSENT-. CounciITLnen, None APPEAL w- CCNMITION OF TRACT 6 650 The Clerk presented, a communication from R, M. Calloway acid Associates :Fne� appealing condition No, 6 requiring the construction of a pedes- trian foot bridge across the flood €:ontrol channel to connect Tract 50 to Mardy Park, for school. and park access, imposed by the Planning Commission .in approving Tentative Tract Map 6650. Page #5 - Minutes - 6/17/68 Mr. Robert Galloway addressed Council and requested that $3000.00 be deducted from the Park and Recreation fees due on Tract 6650, as such construction would be for park improvement. Mr. Hollingshead, Building Co-ordinator of Ocean View School_ District addressed Council and informed them that there will be a need to levy taxes for school bus service if the pedestrian foot bridge is not constructed. Mr. Hollingshc;ad stated that School District funds could not be used for this purpose. A motion was made by Kaufman to deny the appeal with conditions to remain as designated by Planning Commission, Motion failed. On motion by Matney, Council authorized the City and developer participate in the pedestrian foot bridge in Tract 6650, on a 50-50 basis, with the City's share to be paid from the Racks and Recreation Fund, when funds become available. The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES— Councilmen,- Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen. NOES: Councilmen- Hone ABSENT: Councilmen: None PPP MENT - DEPUTY CITY CLERK The Clerk presented .a communication to the Council from, his office requesting that their, by minute action., approve the appointment of Mrs. Connie Brockway as Deputy City Clem, to becomes effective June 1.7, 1968. On motion by Green, Council approved the appointment of Mrs. Connie Brockway as Deputy City Clerk, to become effective June 17, , 1968. Motion carried. The Clerk presented a communication from the County of Orange, Department of Real property Services, transmitting a Contract to purchase Refuse Site No. 14, Parcels l & 31, located north of Taylor and west of Go ldentoes t , for an amount of $ lea , 500 aM On motion, by Green, Council approved the purchase of Refuse Disposal Site No. 14 from the County of Orange, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said contract on behalf cif the City, by the following roll call vote: AYES- Councilmen.- Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen HORS; Councilmen- K None ABSENT: Councilmen; None t` ") ORDINANCES NO 1415 - ADOPTED m FILING ERRS FOR SITE BLAHS The Clerk gave Ordinance, No. 1415 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUWIN TON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTIONS 9891.3., 9891 > 3 � 1. 989193 � 2, AND 9891.3 :3, AND ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 9891.2 ANI,D 9891.3 PERTAINING TO THE FILING FEE FOR SITE PLANS a " Page #6 - Minutes -. 6 117 /68 On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading or ordinance Noe 1415 .and passed and adopted same by the. following roll call vote - AYES Co nallmen i Shipley, Barltatt, Gratin Coen NOES- Councilmen. None ABSENT- Councilmen'., Nona McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1417 a second reading by title m "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 68-2) ." on motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance NoA 1417 and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote AYES Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NCHS ,� Councilmen: None ABSENT. Council_ lien . Nona r ORDINANCE NO, 1418 - ADOPTED - ZC 68-12 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1418 a second reading by title m "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTGH BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061. THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO, E8-12)," On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No, 1418 and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote - AYES - Councilmen-, Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, ,Matney, Green, Caen NOES: Councilmen_ None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ORDINANCE NO, 1419 -. ADOPTED - ZC 68-13 The Clark gaga Ordinance No,, 1419 a second d reading by title "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE H[t' INGTCH BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE A CHANGE: OF ZONING (ZONT, CHANGE CASE NTO., 68-13) , 9p On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. l_419 and passed and adopted aare by the following roll call vote- AYES- Councilmen; NOES ; C ounc i lyiian ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley, Barltatt, McCracken, Kiufman, Matney, Green, Coen None N,nna Page #7 W Minutes - 6/17/68 ORDINANCE NO, 1420 - ADOPTED - zc 68-14 The Clem gave Ordinance No. 1420 a second reading by title m BEAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ATTENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING (ZONE CHANGE CASE, NO. 68-14) � 1a On motion her Bartlett, Council waived further reading or Ot\dinance No. 1420, and passed and adapted same by the following roll call. vote- AYES- Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen; None ABSENT- Councilmen; None DEDINA-bE NO 1421 ADOPTED C 68-15 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1421 a second reading by title - ?BAN € RDINAN E OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEE -OF TO PROVIDE A CFUANGE OF ZONE (ZONE CHANCE CASE NO. 68-15) , ?? On motion her Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1-421, and gassed and adopted same her the following roll- call vote- AYES- Councilmen.- Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Greens, Coen NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen- None ORDINANCE NO 1422 - ADOPTED --• zc 68-1.6 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1422 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE A CHANGE OF ZONING (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO6 68-16),'? On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1422, and passed and adopted same by the following roll, call vote.. AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Co ncilmen� None ABSENT: Councilmen., None y g Nil The Clerk gave Ordinance No, 1423 a second reading by title m "AN ORDINANCE DE THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ATTENDING SECTION 9730.19 RELATIVE TO ISSUANCE OF HERMITS* AND AMENDING SECTION 973M0 TO ALLOW HOEOCCU- PATIONS IN TRAILER PARKSa " On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance Nox 1423 and gassed and adopted same by the following roll ,Pall vote AYES;Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, € oen NOES: Councilmen. None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Page #8 - Minutes m 6/17/68 ORDINANCE NO. 1425 - EMERGENCY M ADOPTED - FISHERMAN RESTAURANT PARKING AREA The Clerk mead Emergency Crdtn-ance No,. 1425 in fall - ;FAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON TEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SUBSECTION ( ) TO SECTION 6341 TO PROHIBIT PARKING IN THE C11Y-OWNED PARKING LOT ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE PIER. ADJACENT TO THE FISHERMAN RESTAURANT," On motion by Green,, Council passed and adopted Emergency Ordinance No. 1425, by the following roll call. vote AYES- Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen r None ABSENT- Councilmen. None The Clem ,gave Ordinance No. 1426 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING (ZONE CHANCE CASE NCB 68m17).'; On motion by Green, Council waived further reading; of Ordinance No. 1426 s When put to a vote, the motion passed unanimously. RESO TION W 2772 m ADOPTED - GW & MARINA CAMPUS TRAFFIC CONTROL The Clerk read Resolution No. 2772 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITE` OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE 'POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY TO ENFORCE THE CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE AND OTHER 'STATE LAWS CAN THE CAMPUSES OF COLDENIJEST COLLEGE AND MARINA HIGH SCHOOL IN SAID CITY." On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading, of Resolution No, 27723 and passed and adopted same by the following roll call. vote AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman., Matney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen. -done ABSENT: Councilmen: None The Clem. read Resolution No. 2773 by title m "A RESOLUTION OF.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 8-16 PERTAINING TO TENTATIVE MAP € F TRACT NO. 5917 ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF CARFIELD AVENUE AND EAST OF MAGNOLIA STREET , sr Mr. Ron Wells of the firm of Voorheis, Tiindle, Nelson, representing the applicant for the Condidonal Exception, addressed the Council and appealed for the deletion of the 1_€ 0 foot lot depth requirement on thirteen lots in Tract 5917, to allow for lots of lesser depth. On emotion by Kaufman, Council waived the 100 foot lot depth requirement on the thirteen lots requested by the applicant, to allow three Lots to have a 92 foot depth and the remaining ten Lots to have a 97 foot depth. Motion carried, 4G-,, Page #9 - Minutes - 6/17/68 CORRECTED COPY On motion by Bartlett, Council waived farther reading of Resolution He� 2773, and passed and adopted said Resolution as amended, by the following roll call vote AYES Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett., McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen, NOES- Counci1niene Hone ABSENT: Councilmen-. Hone RESCLI"T~IC T R ...77" - .ADOPTED TTELA VACATION TICI PORTION i ,.CHEST L�Eh .V.... The Clergy read Resolution No,, 2774 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH.. ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF CREST AVENUE IN SAID CITY, 4P Mr. Ho Fa Ra ptnn, 403 Crest Ave,,, City, addressed the Council and presented a petition appealing the vacation of a portion of Crest Avenue at Circle Park. Following discussion by Council, an motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Reaal.ution No,, 2774, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call Grote AYES- Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, 'Matney, Creep, Coen. NOES,. Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen- Anne RESOLUTION NO, 2776 - ADOPTED - LETTER OF SYMPATHY The Clerk read Resolution No. 2776 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING A LETTER OF SYMPATHY TO BE SENT TO MRS. ETHEL EENNEDY, WIDO14 OF THE LATE ROBERT F a KENTEDY R " On motion by Shipley, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2776p and Hawed and adopted same by the following roll call vote,. AYES- Councilmen- Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney Green., Coen NOES; Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen: None FRCHCSED CIVIC CENTER. SITE_#3 The Clerk read Resolution of Intent No. 2778 m "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITE' OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO SELECT A SITE FOR A CIVIC CENTER FACILITY." On motian by Matney, Council ratter of the proposed Civic on. Monday, July I., ,19W directed the City Clerk to set the Center site #3 for a public hearing r. Robert Zi grabbe, Chairman of the Civic Center Center Sib Committee of the ULI Steering Committee, addressed Council and informed them that his organization had rated various sites for the location of the Civic Center based on the criteria which had been approved by the Council. He stated that his commission had no particular reco-.mnendetion or preference of Site #3 for the center. Page # 10 m Minutes - 6 / 17 /6 Mayor Coen went on. record as favoring, Site 4ir3, according to his personal ranking sheet on Civic Center site -,elections. A motion was made by Caen to amend Councilman Matneyas motion to include the adoption of Resolution. of Intention No. 2778. Motion carried. On motion by Coen, Council adopted Resolution of Intention No. 2778, and directed the City Clerk to sot the matter of proposed civic center site #3 for a public: hearing on Monday, July 1, 1968, by the following roll call vote AYES, Councilmen. Shipley, Coen, Green, Matney NCES o Councilmen Bartlett, McCracken., Kaufi:an ABSENT: Councilmen: None RECESS The Mayor called e recess of the Council. at 6 a00 P.M. Council was reconvened at 7,30 P.M� by the Mayor. PRESENTATION DR. SHIPLE m GRANGE C0UN'1Y SANITATION DISTRICT Mayor Coen presented Councilman Donald Shipley with a plaque from Grange County Sanitation Districts #3 and #11 commending him for his services to those Districts from 1964 to 1968. PERMISSION TO ATTEND Cs01',1FERENCE The Public. Works Director requested that Council authorize Mr. Paul Cook, Traffic Engineer, Public. Works Department, to attend the conference of the Western Institute of Traffic Engineers in Phoenix, .Arizona, on July 1, 2, and 3, 1968, with reasonable expenses therefor. On notion by green, Council authorized 'bra Paul Cock to attend, the conference of the Western Institute of Traffic Engineers on said dates, with reasonable expenses allowed from Gas Tax. and Engineering Funds, Motion carried INGTCN BEACH FREEWAY RED ROUTE SU The Acting City Administrator informed council of the public hearing on the Huntington Beach Freeway Route to he held 'Thursday, July 2 th at 10 a C A .M. in. the Huntington Beach High School auditorium, and requested Council direction for the cities presen- tation at that meeting. Councilman [green made a motion to put. Council on record as opposed to the Orange Route, favoring the Red Rout:, Mayor Coen called for a division of the question. Page # 11 m Minutes m 6 / 1.7/68 On motion by. Green, Council put their body on record as being opposed to adoption of the grange Route for the proposed freeway, and the Notion was passed by the following roll call vote 'requested by Councilman Kaufman. AYES, Councilmen. Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, M atney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen: Kaufman ABSENT- Councilmen s Novae On motion by Green, Council put their body, on record as being in favor of adoption of the Red Route for the proposed freeways prior to -the vote, the Director ,of Public Works gave a resume' of the reasons for the Public Worms Department's recommendation regarding route selection. When put to vote the motion. carried Mayor Coen stated that he wanted the record to show that he was in favor of adoption of the Green Route as first choice and the Red Route as second choice. FIREWORKS STAND The Acting City Administrator .informed council that an, application for a fireworks stand for Boy Scout. Troop 555, was not included in the list approved dune 3, 19689 He informed Council that they might wish to approve the additional stand at this time, by minute action.. On motion by Bartlett, Council approved the application of Boy Scout. Troop 555 for inolusi€n on the list for fireworks stand locations. Motion. carried. SOUTHER PACIFIC USA - PURCHASE - PE RR BEACH PROPERTY The Acting, City Administrator informed Council that the City has agreed upon a figure in the amount of $203,053,20 for their interest in beach property lying between Highway 39 and the west -end of the city parking lot; said ankount to be paid from Capital_ Outlay. The Clerk read Resolution No. 2779 by title m "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA,, TO TRANSFER MONIES . FROM THE CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TO THE PARKING AUTHORITY i UND Q " On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2779 and passed and adopted same by the following, roll cal.l. vote AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Barltett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matn.ey,, Green, Coen NOES.- Councilmen-, Cone ABSENT: Councilmenz Bane The Clerk read Resolution No. 2780 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, AS P HHI G AUTHORITY FOR SAID CITY, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE FROM SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY OF THAT PORTION OF THE PEACH LOCATED SOUTH OF PACIFIC COAST iiIGMI.AY AND BETWEEN MAIN STREET AN BEACH BOULEVARD IN SAID CIM " Page # l2 - Minutes m 6 f 1.7/68 On motion by Green, CounYil waived further reading of Resolution No,, 2780 and passed and adopted same by the following roll call, vote: YES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen. None ABSENT- Councilmen: None On motion by Shipley, Council directed the City .Attorney a e Office to proceed with informal escrow and upon delivery of a satisfactory title, to pay the Southern Pacific Company the amount specified; the money to be reimbursed to the Capital. Outlay Fund by the paring Authority upon the sale of parking let revenue bonds. Motion carried. > t AGREEMENT - STATE CENSUS The Acting City Administrator presented an agreement between the City of 'Huntington Beach and the State Department of Finance for a census estimate of the increase in population in the City of Huntington Beads since the last Federal. Census in October, 1967, at an approximate cost of $55MO e O. motion by Green, Council approved the Agreement between the City and the State Department of Finance, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City, and authorized the payment of caste when billed by the State Department, by the follawiug roll call vote AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Caen NOES- Councilmen. None ABSE7, , a Councilmen- None :f ,PARKS NAI D - GISLER AND EIDER On motion by Shipley, Council named the park located on the Edison lease Ernest H. Gisler Park,, in honor of former Mayor and Councilman Ernest HA Gisler. Motion carried, On motion by Shipley, Council named the park adjacent to the John A. Fader School John A. . FaderPark, in accordance with the established park naming policy. Motion carried Councilman Matney reported on a Sub-Comittee Meeting - Talbert Valley `dater District m attended by the Director of Public Works, Assistant City Attorneys Acting City ,Administrator, Councilmen Kaufman and Matney and Rodger Howell, Attorney for the District r Mr. Castle and Councilman Kaufman further reported on the problems to be overcome in any dissolution of the District. Councilman Matney Agency Formation a Resolution for wale a motion to refer the matter to the Local Comission, directing the City Attorney to prepare s ame 11 Page #1.3 ® Minutes - 6 /17/6d During the discussion which followed the motion., the staff as directed to check can costs involved with the Local Agency Formation Commission; and the City attorney was directed to prepare an analysis for Council.. �vlhen put to a vote, the motion carried motion by Matney, Council. directed the Assistant City Attorney to obtain documents from the Talbert. Valley Water District on the District and user res onsiblitieae Motion carried. I PARK FEES COiI;TTFE Councilman McCracken presented a report from the Park Fees Committee reconmiending that credit he given to Huntington Pacific Corporation for neighborhood Sark fees only, with community park fees to be paid by Huntington pacific Corporation. On motion by Caen, Council accepted the recommendation of the Park Fees Committee to allow credit to he given to Huntington Pacific Corporation for neighborhood Sark fees only. Motion carried .1 > i g y:: , Xa �S1 Al > t Councilman Bartlett resorted on a request from Mr —Barney .Barney Fleischer representing the Downtown usinessnien�s Association, to alleviate the litter problem in t14e downtown area. The Acting City Administrator ,gage a resort. to Council regarding suggestions for anti -litter signs, police patrol to effect litter control, and a program of parking permits for downtown employees. On motion by. Bartlett, the Assistant by Council to investigate enl;orcemeni by take out food places in the City, was appointed to work with the staff Motion carried,. City :attorney was instructed of lifter problems created and Council —man McCracken on the litter problem. Mayor Coen stated that it was the desire of the Council to make the position. of City attorney appointive rather than elective and to waive residence requirements for this office if such change was made. On motion by Coen, Council, directed the Acting City ,Administrator to contactMr.Royal Sorenson of Burke, Williams and Sorenson Attor ey,s regarding the preparation of a Charter Amendment to make the office of City Attorney appointive rather than. elective. On motion by Coen, Council directed the .Acting City .Administrator to further contact Mr, Sorenson regarding a proposed Charter Amend- ment to delete that portion of Section 502 of the City Charter relating to the monthly salary for the: Mayor and Council Members. Motion carried. �'\ Page #14 W Minutes - 6/17/ 8 .+i'� y,\ -. $ C\.�a� \.i? Z ,a.�'�*.1 3 •` v�. :i�..' ♦ i' w.,s+:.:..:.K:...�'vzawzvew..w.'w.".:.+.vv�..vvee�.v�v.�ami.+.�........,..,.......�.�t.�w....���c. On motion by Green, Council requested that the Pars and Recreation Commission prepare statistics regarding a proposed bond issue for recreation and park, seeds to he presented to the voters on the November general election ballot,-. Motion carried. The Director of the Public Works :reported ta; Qiounc l..6 ' the progress of construction of the Police Pistol Range. C�J .CtTY YARD SITE The Director of the Public Works ;grave' a r6po rt. �on the r matter of the City's proposed purchase of land for a new City Mainten- ance Yard Site On motion by Green, Council authorized the Public Worse Department to proceed with negotiations for property acquisition for a new city Maintenance Yard Site. Motion carried. The Clerk presented a co unlcatlon from. the Taco Bell, regvestin,g that a left hand turn pocket he installed in the proposed Ocean Avenue divider strip at Ninth Street. The Public `Forks Department reconmi ended denial of this request. On motion by Shipley, the request by Taco Bell vas denied on recm endati:on of the Director of Public Works. Motion carried. .�.�,;��,, ,err.: � .�,........w:.M.,.:..::.........:................�.,.....,.,µ.._,�,,.. The Clerk presented an application. for a business License from Joyce Campbell to conduct a lousiness of karate teaching at 115 Main Street, Huntington Peach, California. The Police Department had approved this application for business license. On motion. by Bartlett, Council_ approved the business license application of Joyce Campbell to conduct the business of Karate teaching at 115 Main Street and directed the City Clerk to issue same, Motion carried. The Clerk presented a co un!cation from Deare Brothers requesting extension, of time for a temporary suIDdivlaion sign on property located at. 20022 Part. Circle. The Building Department recommended denial. On motion by Green, Council denied the request for extension of tinte from Deane Brothers, on recomendation of the Building Department Motion carried, Page #15 a Minutes - /17/68 CODE ' ! ENDMEN' 6 7- 2 -, SIGNS The Clark presented a transmittal from the Planning Commission of Cede Amendment 67-26 which, proposes to add ,article 976 to the Huntington beach Ordinance Cede and establishes standards for sign structures and advertising devices. The Planning, Conmission has recommended approval. This amendment had been deferred from the meetings of March lg, May 6, and May 20, 19688 Can motion by McCracken Council directed that Coda Amendment 67-26 be referred back to the Planning Comr Ussion for futb.ar study. Motion carried. Mr. Jerry Shea, attorney, for the Huntington Beach € o, , addressed Council and concurred w th the motion of Councilman McCracken. Mayor Caen read a communication fry lira Ralph Reynolds of the California Roadside Beatification Co -a .ittee favoring Code Amend- ment 67-26, C\^\�E a:G�'aN"AsN PIJ`r,,\al,��aG `,.Qa +�. `x I,.?..t.ILREPORT The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Commission of Code Amendment 68-6, an amendment to Division 9 of the Huntington. ten. Beach Ordinance Code proposing to allow flexibility in the densities of the residential districts. The Planning Commission recommended approval, The Planning Director addressed the Council and regarded that Code Amendment -6 be referred back, to the Planning Commission to allow them to include intent and purposes On motion by Kaufman, Council on referred Code Amendment 68-6 back to the Planning Commission for further study, Motion carried. RECESS The Mayon called a recess of the Council at 9e23 P.M. Council was reconvened at 9:40 P�Mq by the Mayor. PUBLIC HEARING m ZONE CASE No. 68-19 Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour 'set for a public hearing on Zone Case No.. 68m19, on property located on the west side of Brookburst Street, approximately 00 feet south of Garfield Avenue, and directed the Clerk to read the legal notice, The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Zone CaseNc. 6 mi9 as published in the Huntington Beach 'News an dune 6, 1968, setting, the hour of 7<30 P.M , or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 17th dap of June, 1968, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a patititcn for a change of zone from RA Residential Agricultural District to C2 Community Business District, with a 50 feast setback from the ultimate right- of-way line, and R5 Office -Professional Districts Page #16 - Minutes - 6/17/68 The Clerk informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Secretary's transmittal, recoirmending approval, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests to Zone Case No. 68-19. 1 At this time staff reports were presented for Council 's information. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Green, Council directed the City Attorney toprepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No. 68-19. UJN: (A,! :UNIFO04 'IRE CO'DE, 0RDTN:'1A1,R-,"E NO 3414 1?13'BL-Tk', 1-0kRING - AK1111�1 Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1414 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTING TON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 41, ARTICLE 410, 411 AND 4.12, AND ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 41, ARTICLE 410 TO ADOPT THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1967 EDITION AND APPENDICES A-E� AND AMENDMENTS THERETO." The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Ordinance No. 1414, as published in the Huntington Beach News on May 23, 1968, setting the hour of 7:30 P.M.$ or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, the 17th day of June, 1968, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the tire and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering Ordinance No. 1414 of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach relating to the Adoption of Uniform Fire Code, At this time staff reports were presented for council's information. The Clerk informed the Council that he had received no communications or written protests to Ordinance No. 1414. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open., Fire Chief Raymond Picard addressed the Council and gave a report on Ordinance No, 1414 -`the Uniform Fire Code. Mr. Dale Dunn, Director of the Chamber of Commerce recommend-ed approval of Ordinance No. 1414� Fire Chief Raymond Picard again addressed the Council and presented film slides of various areas of Huntington Beach to illustrate reconmendLions of the Fire Department. There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1414. 14hen put to a vote the motion passed unanimously. Page #17 - Minutes - 6/17/68 1 PUBLIC HEARING m DESIGN REVIEW BOARD - ORDINANCE NO. 1416 - Iet HEAHT- ayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for e public hearing can Ordinance No 1416 m "A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTING - TON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE NCE CODE BY ADDING THERETO CHAPTER 98, ARTICLE 985, SECTIONS 9850 THROUGH 9853.2 CREATING A DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FOR SAID CITY AND ESTABLISHING REGULA- TIONS IONS THEREFOR." The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Ordinance No. 1416, as published in the Huntington Beech Hews on June 6, 1968, setting the hoer of 7 e 30 P.M., or as soon. thereafter as ' possible, on Monday, the 17th day of Jens, 1.968, in the Council. Chamber of the -Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering Ordinance No. 1416 of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach relating to the creation of a Design Review Board. At this time staff reports were presented for Council's information; The Clerk informed the Council that he had received no communications cati on or written protests to Ordinance No. 1416. Mr. Dale Damn, of the Htn tin ton Beach Chamber of Ccumerc.e, ed resaed the Council and read a Letter giving that views of the Chamber of Canmerce relative to the creation of the Design Review Board; requesting that the word "civic' be inserted in the ordinance before the -words" structures, facilities, etc. Robert Dingwall addressed the Council and made an inquiry which was clarified. There being no one further to speak on the matter, and therm being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing, was closed by the Mayor, On motion by Green, Council gave Ordinance No. 1416 a first reading by tide, as amended,, and waived further reading ,of Ordinance No. 1416, 14hen put to a vote, the motion passed, Mayor Coen announced that this was the day 'a d hour set for a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1424 m "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTI GTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINCTON BEACH ORDINANCECODE BY REPEALING ARTICLE 812, AND ADDING NEW ARTICLE 812, ENTITLED HOUSING CODE, BEING VOLUME III OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1967 The Clerk read notice of public hearing on Ordinance No. 1.424, as published in the Huntington beech Hews on June fir, 1966, setting the hoer of 7a30 P.M,, or as soon thereafter as possible, on Monday, than 17th day of June, 1968, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing for the purpose of considering Ordinance No. 1424 of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach relating to the adoption of a Housing Cade Page #18 - Minutes - 6/17/68 At this time staff reports were presented for Council's information, The Clerk informed the Cbuncil that he had received no communication or written protests to Ordinance No. 1424. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open. On motion by Green, Council continued the hearing on this matter to the meeting of Monday, July 1, 1968. Motion carried. R C. RR Under Oral Communications, Mr. Stan Cammer addressed the Council, ard requested that the City refund his deposit of $10,000.00 which was made as a guarantee for payment of bills for the reconstruction in the Pavalon Building. Council requested that the Assistant City Attorney advise Mr. Ca of the procedure for obtaining refund of his deposit. Miss Marshall informed Mr. Cammex of correct procedures for obtaining his deposit refund. Councilman McCracken then requested that the City Attorney's office prepare the necessary documents to facilitate Mr. Camer obtaining his refund. 'NT OF CON 'I LARRIN. CUUAN P.RM IDEN � ,, . � 1, K% E E, �. C I,TIZF.N,,S-- C.0,01ITTEE Mr. Larry Curran, President of the Concerned Citizens Coumdttee addressed the Council and commended the Council on their action in endorsing the adoption of the Raid Route for the Huntington each Freeway Route, Mr. Curran. also requested that Council attempt to have the Board of Supervisors consider locating a future site for Superior Courts at the new Civic Center Site, Mayor Coen commended Mr. Curran for his suggestion of locating future Superior Courts near the Civic Center site and also recoum-&nded that this proposal not be limited tea Superior Courts only but also include Municipal Courts. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Bartlett, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Thursday, June 20, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. Motion carried, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Hwtington Beach, California 14 .ATTEST- Alvin Paul C. jol esl--,-'��City Clerk