HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-16MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Counci c)Chambe�ih l,lgivic:%Cemter Huntington Beach, California NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1968 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bazil, Tom, Lane, Miller, Royer COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Slates, Duke CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-37 Continued Applicant - Darby Land Company To permit the following: 1. Front yard setbacks of 10' with side entry garages. 2. Lot sizes and width averaging 6,000 sq. ft. with 60 ft. of frontage and with minimum of 5,000 sq. ft. with 50 ft. of frontage. The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that the City Council was asked their position on the policy statement regarding Conditional Exceptions for Tentative Tract Maps and that the Council's decision was that the policy statement should remain in effect until revisions to the subei!L*ibiori'' ordinahc ai56 'a66pted':' He also suggested that the Commission consider approval of the new park site location, street width changes, and realignment of several streets on Tentative Tract Map No. 6651. John Mandrell, Engineer for the developer, addressed the Commission and explained the project. Discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO RE -APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 6651 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Tract Map received July 16, 1968, shall be the approved layout. 2. The water and fire hydrant systems shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and the Fire Department, 3. All utilities shall be installed underground. 4. All existing oil wells on the property shall be abandoned and removed in accordance with Division of oil and gas regulations and City requirements and all machinery, sumps, tanks, pipelines and other appurtenances shall be removed. 5. A petition for rezoning to R1 shall be filed prior to submitting a final map to the City Council. 7/16/68 H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1968 Page 2 (C.E. #68-37 cont) 6. Either a 6 ft. high masonry wall or chain link fence shall be constructed along the school site boundary where said school site abutts the residential lots. 7. Provisions shall be made to retain the water well on Bushard Street used for ground water studies to the satisfaction of the Orange County Flood Control District. 8. Telephone conduit shall be installed from the nearest telephone vaults to the southeast corner of Bushard St, and Indianapolis Ave.,. and to the northeast corner of Bushard St. and Atlanta Ave. to facilitate installation of fire alarm boxes. 9. Provision shall be made to provide a street stub along the north line of lot 142 to connect "L" Street to the vacant property.east of this subdivision. 10. Design of and construction material for the perimeter wall along Indianapolis Avenue, Bushard St. and Atlanta Ave. shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and the Planning Commission. 11. All "Standard Conditions of Approval" for tentative tracts that are applicable shall be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Tom, Miller NOES: Lane, Royer ABSENT: Slates, Duke THE MOTION CARRIED. The hearing was opened to the audience on Conditional Exception No. 68-37. The Acting Secretary reviewed the policy statement pertaining to Conditional Exceptions for Tentative Tracts. The Chairman stated the reason for the policy statement is to permit flexibility in subdivision design. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-37 BECAUSE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S RE -AFFIRMATION OF THE POLICY STATEMENT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Tom, Miller, Bazil NOES: Lane, Royer ABSENT: Slates Duke THE MOTION DID NOT CARRY; THEREFORE, THE CASE WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 6, 1968. After the vote, the engineer for the developer requested that the Planning Commission re -open the hearing and make a decision on the application and that the request not be continued to another date. A•MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY LANE TO REOPEN THE HEARING: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Tom, Miller, Bazil, Lane, Royer NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Duke THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 7/16/68 H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1968 Page 3 Robert Galloway addressed the Commission and explained the proposal. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LANE AND SECONDED BY TOM TO DENY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-37..0. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Tom, Royer, Bazil NOES: Miller ABSENT: Slates, Duke Chairman Bazil stated the reason for this action was to expedite the application becuase of the two previous continuances and because there was no way of knowing when four affirmative votes would be cast either for approval or denial since two members of the Commission were on vacation and at least one of them would not be present at any of the next four meetings. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-40 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO.'6675 Subdivider: B. A. Berkus To permit the following: 1. The reduction in the garage setback to 20' in deviation to required 22 ft. 2. Front yard setback of 10' for dwelling in deviation to required 15'. 3. A minimum of 10' rear yard setback with reduction in the 900 sq. ft. open space requirement in rear 2/3 of lot. 4. The reduction of street widths, cul-de-sacs and right-of-way as shown on Tentative Tract No. 6675. 5. Lot size to average 3330 sq. ft. with 37' of frontage in deviation to required 6,000 sq. ft. and 60' of frontage. A petition signed by 86 property owners was submitted to the Secretary opposing the request. The Staff Report and the Subdivision Committee Report were read by the Acting Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Barry Berkus, applicant, addressed the Commission and showed various sketches of the proposed development. Kelly Snow, 17051 Edgewater Lane, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor. John Virtue, 17017 Edgewater Lane, addressed the Commission and endorsed the proposal. Art Knox, , 3322 Easter Circle, addressed the Commission and objected to substandard lot sizes. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. A lengthy discussion was held. -3- 7/16/68 H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1968 Page 4 A MOTION WAS MADE BY LANE AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-40 TO AUGUST 6, 1968, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. This will allow time for the developer to work with the City and submit new plans substantially the same as those used in Huntington Harbour in order to overcome the objections of surrounding property owners and to attempt to retain the water oriented concept. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller, Royer NOES: Tom, Bazil ABSENT: Slates Duke THE MOTION CARRdED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED ROYER TO CONTINUE DECISION ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 6675 TO -AUGUST 6, 1968. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller, Royer NOES: Tom, Bazil ABSENT: Slates Duke THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO. 68-22 Continued Applicant - George H. Capron Secretary. Change of 'zone from R-A-O Residential Agricultural District combined with oil production and R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District to 0-4 Highway Commercial' District with a 50 ft. setback from the ultimate right-of-way line, and R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. The Staff,Report was read by the Acting The hearing was opened to the audience. Representative of Rinker Development addressed the Commission and explained the proposal. Dave Cross, architect, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and showed various sketches of the proposed project., There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 68-22 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of'Zo Case No. 68-22 tothe City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LANE ROYER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 68-22 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL NO. 68-22 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. Property has inherent hardship in configuration. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller, Royer, Tom, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Duke THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. -4- AND SECONDED OF ZONE CASE 7/16/68 H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1968 Page 5 ZONE CASE NO. 68-24 Applicant - William Landis Change of zone from R-5 Office-Professiona District and R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District to 0-2 Community Business District with a 50 ft. setback from the ultimate right-of-way line. The Staff Report was read by the Acting Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. The applicant addressed the Commission and stated his reasons for the request. Dale Dowdy, representing Shell Oil Co., addressed the Commission and stated that a 32 ft. wide easement along the east of the property will be dedicated to the City and improved by Shell Oil to provide access to Warner Ave. from Winters Place. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. Bill Hartge, City Engineer, addressed the Commission and requested the City Council withhold their second reading of the ordinance until such time as the 32 ft. easement is dedicated to -the City. f There -being no other comment, the hearing was closed. A\Iengthy discussion was held. RESOLUTION NO. 68-24 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No. 68-24 for 0-4 rather than 0-2 as requested to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LANE AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO-ADOPT.RMSOLUTION NO. 68-24 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 68-24 FOR 0-4'RATHER THAN 0-2 AS REQUESTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The owner has succeeded in consolidating many substandard lots. 2. Right-of-way for the widening of Goldenwest Street and Warner Avenue will be dedicated to the City for street purposes which will result in a savings to the City. -3. This is the only intersection on Warner Avenue without all four corners zoned commercial. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller, Royer, Tom, Bazil _NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Duke THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. ZONE CASE NO. 68-25 Applicant - Huntington Harbour Corp. Change of zone from R-1 Single Family Residence District to R-3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. -5- 7/16/68 H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1968 Page 6 (Z.C. #68-25 coast) The Acting Secretary read a lettej5 submitted by the applicant requesting two weeks continuance. The hearing was opened to -the audience. There being no comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY TOM TO CONTINUE ZONE CASE NO. 68-25 TO AUGUST 6, 1968, AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller, Royer, Tom, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Duke THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO. 68-26 Applicant - Kent Land Companv Change of zone from R-2 Two Family Residence District to R-1 Single Family Residence District. The Staff -Report was read by the Acting Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. There being no comment, the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 68-26 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending Approval of Zone Case No. 68-26 to the City Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 68-26 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 68-26 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. A condition of approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 6576 required that the property be rezoned to R-1 Single Family Residential. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller, Royer, Tom, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Duke THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-42 Applicant - Worth C. Potts 0 Secretary. a To allow boat manufacturing, sales and service in the R-A-O Residential Agricultural District combined with oil production. The Staff Report was read by the Acting The hearing was opened to the audience. -6- 7/16/68 H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1968 Page 7 (C.E. 68-42 cont.) Mr. Potts, applicant, addressed the Commission and stated there were no objections to the conditions suggested by the Staff. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROYER AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-42 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS AMENDED: 1. Goldenwest Street shall be dedicated and fully improved to City Standards. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs, street lights and fire hydrants. 2. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 3. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 4. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 5. .The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 6. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979• 7. All applicable City Ordinances shall be"complied with. 8. A revised plot plan showing the floor plan of the building and incorporating the above conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of building permits. 9. Conditional Exception No. 68-42 shall be null and void on July 1, 1973. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, -Miller, Royer, Tom, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Duke THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-41 Applicant - Leo Ford and 'Stanley Hilton To allow an Edison easement to be used for the growing and sale of Christmas trees in the M-1 Light Industrial District. The -Staff Report was readyby the Acting Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. -7- 7/16/68 H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1968 Page 8 (C.E. 68-41 cont) Mr. Hilton, applicant, addressed the Commission and opposed condition #2 requiring improvement of McFadden Avenue and Gothard Street. hearing was closed. There being no other comment, the Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROYER AND SECONDED BY LANE TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION -NO. 68-41 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS MODIFIED: 1. McFadden Avenue shall be dedicated to City Standards. 2. Conditional Exception No. 68-41 shall become null and void January 1, 1974. AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. In order to improve the area and make use of the property. 2. This use will not be detrimental to the surrounding property. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller, Royer, Tom, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Slates Duke THE MOTION CARRfED. SITE PLAN NO. 68-3 Applicant - Lane -Brodie To permit on sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a dinner house in C-2 Community Business District zone. The Staff report was read by the Acting Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Lane, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained the proposal. A letter submitted by Mr. Camou endorsing the request was submitted to the -Acting Secretary. J. F. Dubel, 6061 Cortez Drive, addressed the Commission and submitted'a petition signed by 36 property owners living in the adjacent area who opposed to the request. The following property owners addressed the Commission and opposed the subject request Lewis Galloway, 6032 Cortez Drive, and Mrs. Sprague, 6002 Cortez Drive. Jack Soebiig,;: addressed the Commission explained the zoning history. There being no other comment, the hearing was closed. A lengthy discussion was held by the Commission. -8- 7/16/68 H.B. Planning" Commission Tuesday, July 16, 1968 Page 9 (S.P. 68-3 cont) A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROYER AND SECONDED BY TOM TO APPROVE SITE PLAN NO. 68-3 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Live entertainment shall not be permitted - piano bar only. 2. Alcoholic beverages shall -only be served in conjunction with the dinner house. 3. The concept shall be as presented to the Commission. 4. The two doors opening at the rear and side of the building shall -be used as loading and unloading and'Eire exit only. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller, Royer, Tom, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Slates Duke THE MOTION CARHED. COMMISSIONER TOM: Commissioner Tom was excused from further participation at 10:65 P.M. by the Chairman. INFORMATION: The Acting.Secretary informed the Commission that the City Council referred Zone Case No. 68-18 back to the Commission for further study in view of proposed changes in the "R" zones. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY ROYER TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO PREPARE A STUDY OF THE ENTIRE AREA FOR COMMISSION REVIEW. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lane, Miller,' Royer, Tom, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Duke THE MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Lane also requested that the Staff prepare a land use map of the area surrounding the property involved in 3one Gase No. 68-18. The Acting Secretary'distributed copies of suggested alternatives to Code Amendment No. 68-6 to the'Commission for review at a later date. Richard A. Harlow Acting Secretary tr THERE BEING N0 1URTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO STUDY SESSION ON JULY 30, 1968. �p - (-6;) ,z Lff24L (,r,) a, Robert D. Bazil Chairman