HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-08-05 (6)MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington. Beach, California Monday, August 5, 1968 Mayor Coen called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Father Robert Vidal - St. Bonaventure Catholic Church ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen Councilmen Absent: Shipley MINUTES On motion by Green, the minutes of the regular meeting of July 15, 1968, were approved and adopted as prepared and mailed by the City Clerk, with Matney abstaining. Motion carried. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-12 - T.T NO 5841 - FASHION HOMES INC The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Department of Con- ditional Exception No. 68-12 - on Tentative Tract No. 5841 - Fashion Homes, Inc. - located on the southwest corner of Atlanta Avenue and Brookhurst Street. Conditional Exception No. 68-12 was transmitted to Council on May 20, 1968 with Condition No. 5 inadvertently omitted. The Planning Commission had requested that Council reapprove Conditional Exception No. 68-12 specifying that Condition No. 5 be included. On motion by Kaufman, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution approving Conditional Exception No. 68-12 on Tentative Tract No. 5841, with conditions as stipulated by the Planning Commission, including Condition No, 5. Motion carried. /o k FINAL TRACT MAP NO 6576 - KENT LAND COMPANY The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director submitting final form of Tract Map No. 6576 - for adoption as follows: Developer: Kent Land Company, 10889 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California; Location: 660 feet west of Newland Avenue approximately 792 feet south of Atlanta Avenue; Acreage: 15.013; Lots: 81; that the map had been certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission to be true and correct in accordance with provisions of the City Subdivision Code. Page #2 m Council Minutes m 9/5/68 The City Council may accept dedications as shown on the map and approve the Final Map, subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be withheld pending the submittal and completion of the enumerated requirements. 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and in- spections. 2 Deposit of Park and Recreation Fees. 3a Bond for improvements 4� Signature of agreement, 5. Certificate of insurance. 6, Bond for monuments. 7. Approval from County Surveyor. 8, Deed for underground water rights. On motion by Kaufman, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map No. 6576, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. /0� FINAL TRACT MAP NO 5904 e HARBOR EAST COMPANY The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director submitting final form of Tract Map No. 5904 for adoption as follows: Developer, Harbour East Company, 3106 East Willow, Long Beach, California; loca- tion, South of Heil Avenue, 190 feet east of Algonquin Street; Acreage. 4,078; Lots.- 6; that the map had been certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission to be -true and correct in accordance with provisions of the City Subdivision Code. The City Council may accept dedications as shown on the map and approve the Final Map, subject to the following conditions: The City Clerk's signature shall be witheld pending the submittal and completion of the enumerated requirements. to Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspec- tions. 2. Deposit of Park dnd Rec_ ept:ion Fees-; 3. Bond for improvements. 4. Signature of agreement. 5. Certificate of insurance. 6. Bond for monuments. 7. Approval from County Surveyor. 8a Deed for underground water rights. On motion by Kaufman, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Map No. 5904, and adopted the map subject to conditions stip- ulated by the Planning. Commission. Motion carried. �e SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT m CALAH CONST CORP m TRACT NO 6331 The Clerk presented a transmittal from -the Director of Public Works of Monument Bond, improvement Bond, Labor and Material Bond and Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 6331 - Calah Construction Company. 51 Page #3 Council Minutes - 8/5/68 On motion by Green, Council accepted Monument Bond No. B561305, Improve- ment Bond No. B551075, Labor and Material Bond No. B551075 - United Pacific -Insurance Co.; approved the Subdivision.Agreement for Tract No. 6331, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the docu- ment on behalf of the City. Motion carried. 4'o - ra8 ABANDONMENT - WATER LINE -AND EASEMENT — TRACT NO 6568 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of a Quitclaim Deed from the City to Security Fore Corporation for the relocation of a city water line, necessary for the installation of improvements within Tract No. 6568, and relocation of a water line to the public streets. On motion by Green, Council approved the installation of improvements in Tract No. 6568 and the relocation of a water line to the public streets. Motion carried. SUBDIVTSION AGREEMENT--ESSEX LAND COMPANY - TRACT NO 6575 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Monument Bond, Improvement Bond, Labor and Material Bond, and Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 6575 - Essex Land Company. On motion by Green, Council. accepted Monument Bond No. 712048, Improve- ment Bond No. 712046, Labor and Material Bond No. 712046 -.Seaboard Surety Company; approved Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 6575, and authorized the Mayor and City(Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City. Motion carried. AGAEMENT GUARANTEEING IMPROVEMENT — FLEET LANE - TRACT NO 6278 The Clerk presented a tran*mfttal from the Director of'Public Works of an agreement guaranteeing construction of a portion of Fleet Lane across one-half of the Edison Corgpany right-of-way, together with an Improve- ment.Bond covering -same. On motion by Green, Council accepted Improvement Bond No. 712038 - Seaboard Surety Company in the amount of $3,215.00, approved the agree- ment guaranteeing improvements in Fleet Lane, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. Motion carried. C �r DEDICATION OF IMPROVEMENTS — TRACT NO 6309 — ARMOUR DEVELOPMENT CO The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance of dedicated improvements, authorization for release of the Improvement and:Monument Bonds, and termination of the Subdivision Agreement in Tract No. 6309 —Armour Development Company. On motion by Green, Council accepted improvements dedicated for public use 'in Tract No. 6309; authorized the release of Improvement and Monu- ment Bonds and termination of the. Subdivision Agreement, and directed that the developer be notified by the City Clerk and the bonding company be notified by the City Treasurer. Motion carried. p-- Page #4 Council Minutes - 8/5/68 ro�, LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND - ARMOUR. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - TRACT NO 6309 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Labor and Material Bond for Tract No. 6309 - Armour Development Company for acceptance by the City. On motion by Green, Council accepted Labor and Material Bond No. 1537890 - Continental Casualty Company for Tract No. 6309, and directed that it be filed with the City Treasurer. Motion carried. BUSHARD STREET SANITARY SEWER - CC-094 The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Plans, Specifications, Resolution and Notice Inviting Sealed Bids:for the construction of a sanitary sewer line in Bushard Street 1320 feet north of Hamilton Avenue. On motion by Green, Council approved the Plans and Specifications for the construction of said sanitary sewer line and directed the City Clerk to advertise for bids upon notification by the Department of Public Works. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO 2806 - ADOPTED - BUSHARD STREET SANITARY. SEWER The Clerk read Resolution No. 2806 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH.ESTABLISHING THE.GENERAL PRE-, VAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMAN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUSHARD STREET SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES, ALL IN THE.CITY OF HUNTINGTON-BEACH, CALIFORNIA. On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2806 and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen; Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen; None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ya-�'? MUNICIPAL'PIER REPAIRS - PHASE.I - CC-093 --JOHN L MEEK CONST CO The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works stating that work on the,Municipal Pier Repairs, Phase I had -been satisfactorily completed, and recommending that Council accept the work on project CC-093. On motion.by Bartlett, Council accepted the work on Project CC,-093 A Municipal Pier Repairs, completed by John L. Meek -Construction Company, and directed the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Orange County Recorder, Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO 2799- AUTR FOR PMT .�-::`GEO' k1AMILTON J.ONES'.:" .;MAI_ ADOPTED_ The Clerk presented a transmittal of Resolution No. 2799 from the City Attorney for fees charged by George Hamilton - M.A.I. for appraisal fees charged for work in connection with the Slater Avenue{ Channel and Graham Street Pipeline Easement. The Clerk read Resolution No. 2799 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM DRAINAGE DISTRICT 5 FUND." 516 Page #5 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2799, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES.- Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley RESOLUTION N0:2804 PAYMENT AUTH - FIRST AMER TITLE INS &TRUST - ADOPTED The Clerk presented a transmittal of Resolution No. 2804 from the City Attorney for fees in the amount of $40.00 charged by the First American Title Insurance and Trust Company for preparing a guaranteed litigation report required in eminant domain action on property needed for a storm drain channel. The Clerk read Resolution No. 2804 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNTIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM DRAINAGE DISTRICT 5 FUND." On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2804, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley irc REQUEST - TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE —HARBOR MOBILE HOME SALES m APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Building and Safety of a request from Harbor Mobile Home Sales for use of a mobile home as a temporary sales office for a period not to exceed six months. On motion by Kaufman, Council granted permission to Harbor Mobile Home Sales for use of -a mobile home as a temporary sales office, subject to conditions which may be imposed by the Director of Building and Safety, and subject to approval by the City Attorney. Motion carried. On motion by Green, Council directed the Director of Building and Safety and the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amendment to allow six months use of temporary sales offices by various businesses, subject to conditions which may be imposed by the Director of Building and Safety and subject to approval by the City Attorney. Motion carried. ar- ORDINANCE NO 1430 — HARBORS AND BOATS REGULATIONS - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1430 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING THERETO CHAPTER 76, ARTICLE 760, BEING SECTIONS 7601 THROUGH 7661 PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY'S HARBORS." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1430, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call votes AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES; Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley 517 Page #6 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 ?11 -it ORDINANCE NO 1431 - ZC 68-21 — ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1431 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HEIL AVENUE AND SPRINGDALE STREET (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 68-21)." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1431, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES- Councilmen. Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT- Councilmen: Shipley %- 21 -�- ORDINANCE NO 1432 - REPEAL SECT 1222.3 - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1432 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 1222.3 OF CHAPTER 12, ARTICLE 122, PERTAINING TO THE SIGNING OF WARRANTS FOR THE CITY." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1432, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: ASSES. Councilmen- Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen- None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley s ORDINANCE NO 1434 - PROCEEDINGS OF RECREATION COMMISSION — ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1434 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 6171.1 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE RATES OF SPEED ON CERTAIN CITY STREETS." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No, 1434, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen; None ABSENT. Councilmen.- Shipley it S ORDINANCE NO 1429 — FIRST READING — REMOVAL OF OVERHEAD UTILITY FACILITIES The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1429 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING THERETO ARTICLE 975, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE REMOVAL OF OVERHEAD UTILITY FACILITIES AND THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES IN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICTS." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1429. When put to a vote the motion passed unanimously. ice/ ORDINANCE NO 1435 — FIRST READING - ZC 68-20 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1435 a first reading by title "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EDINGER AVENUE AND GOLDENWEST STREET (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 68-20).1" Page #7 Council Minutes - 8/5/68 On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1435. When put to a vote the motion passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO 1436 - PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS - EDINGER AVE — FIRST READING The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1436 a first reading.by title - "AN ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 6171.1 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE RATES 'OF SPEED ON CERTAIN CITY STREETS." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1436. When put to a vote the motion passed unanimously. RESOL&TION NO 2800 — ADOPTED CITY YARD SITE - PROPERTY ACQUISITION The Clerk read Resolution No. 2800 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL.PROPERTY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND CITY YARD FACILITIES, AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF SUCH PROPERTY BY CONDEMNATION OR NEGOTIATION AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY'ATTORNEY'TO PROCEED WITH SUCH ACTION." On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading -of Resolution No. 2800, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen .NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley xl9-6 3 RESOLUTION NO 2803 — ADOPTED - AGRMT — COUNTY COOPERATIVE�LIBRARY SYSTEM The Clerk read Resolution No. 2803 by title.- "A RESOLUTION OF THE'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE HUNTINGTON'BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY TO JOIN THE ORANGE COUNTY'COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM." On motion.by Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2803, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT:. Councilmen: Shipley RESOLUTION NO 2805 — ADOPTED - DESIGNATES REPRESENTATIVES TO LAFCO HEARING The Clerk read Resolution No. 2805 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DESIGNATING REPRESENTATIVES TO REPRESENT IT BEFORE A HEARING OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF ORANGE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF DISSOLUTION OF'TALBERT WATER DISTRICT." On motion by Bartlett, Council designated Councilmen Green, Councilman Matney and Mr. Don P..Bonfa, City Attorney to represent the City at a hearing before the Local Agency Formation of Orange County in the matter of the dissolution of the Talbert Water District; waived further reading of Resolution No. 2805, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None . ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley On motion by Green, Council directed the City Clerk to address a letter to the Local Agency Formation Commission stating that Council objects to a continuance of the matter of the dissolution of the Talbert -Water District. Motion carried. 5.19 Page #8 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 -13 RESOLUTION NO 2788 - ADOPTED m AUTHORIZING FACSIMILE SIGNATURES The Clerk read Resolution No. 2788 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE SIGNATURE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF WARREN Go HALL AND FRANK B. ARGUELLO, AND AUTHOR- IZING THE MANUAL.SIGNATURES OF FRANK Bo ARGUELLO AND MELWOOD A. BERRY ON PETTY CASH ACCOUNT NO. 000-554v" On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2788, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES- Councilmen:. Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES- Councilmen: None ABSENT; Councilmen: Shipley CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR CONDUCTING COUNCIL MEETING The Acting City Administrator informed Council of a suggestion made by Mayor Coen, that the Council meeting of September 3rd be held at Golden West College or Marine High School in order that people in these areas can become more closely acquainted with Council procedures. Following discussion, -Council directed the acting City Administrator to make preparations for the adjournment of the September 3, 1968 meeting to Golden infest College, or to Marina High School, whichever is most readily available, at 8-00 P.M. INITIATE ANNEXATION ACTION - SLATER AVENUE PUMP STATION The Acting City Administrator presented Council with information from the City Attorney's office recommending the commencement of annexation proceedings in connection with a property condemnation from the Bolsa- Laguna Corporation for a Slater Avenue pump station. On motion by Bartlett, Council authorized the staff to proceed with the annexation study in connection with the condemnation of property of the Bolsa-Laguna Corporation, for a Slater Avenue Pump Station. Motion carried, COUNTY OF ORANGE - LIFEGUARD SERVICE CONTRACT — APPROVED The Acting City Administrator informed Council that a contract has been negotiated with the Orange County Harbor District for the County's share of cost for lifeguard service on city beaches, and that the con- tract allows for an increase of five per cent over the prior year amount. On motion by Green, Council approved the agreement between the City -and the Orange County Harbor District for the County's share of cost for lifeguard services, and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to exe- cute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried. ESYABLISHMENT OF A DUKE KAHANAMOKU MEMORIAL - APPROVED The Acting City Administrator informed Council that the U. Se Surfboard Championships Executive Board had suggested that the City establish a ,historical monument consisting of a bust of Duke Kahanamoku, to be placed in the area of the pier entrance, at a cost to the City of approximately $500,00, which could be appropriated from the contingency fund, Page #9 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 On motion by Green, Council approved the establishment of a memorial bust of the late Duke Kahanamoku, to be placed in the vicinity of the pier entrance, at a cost not to exceed $500.00 to be appropriated from the contingency fund; and directed the City Administrator and the Director of Harbor and Beaches to proceed with said action. Motion carried. y -(C� COUNCIL CHAMBER - ALTERATION PLANS The Acting City Administrator informed Council that City crews will be in a position to start remodeling work in the Council Chamber area very soon, and stated that the proposed plans for alteration have been pre- pared for Council consideration and approval, The Director of Public Works presented a report for Council's infor- mation on the remodeling work planned for the Council Chamber area, together with a presentation of the plans for the proposed alteration. 3S JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST - APPROVED The Acting City Administrator presented a request from the Huntington Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce that they be permitted to work from the City's building at 220 Main Street on a year round basis for the purpose of promoting the Fourth of July Parade. The Acting City Administrator further informed Council that the Jaycees would like to have Council approval at this time for the staging of the 1969 parade, if it is their desire that they arrange and conduct same. On motion by Green, Council authorized the preparation of a letter to be sent to the Huntington Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce, requesting that they stage the 1969 Fourth of July Parade. Motion carried. On motion by Green, Council authorized the Huntington Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce to use the City's building at 220 Main Street year round, on a month to month basis, subject to a 30 day cancellation condition. Motion carried. �/ CONTRACT WITH ABC FOR T V COVERAGE - U S SURFING CONTEST - APPROVED The Acting City Administrator informed the Council that a contract had been received from the American Broadcasting Company giving them author- ization to provide exclusive television coverage of the United States Surfing Championships to be held in September, 1968, Mr. Castle informed Council that the new contract provided payment of $7,500.00 to the city for the exclusive television rights, and he recommended that Council accept the contract. On motion by Bartlett, Council accepted the agreement between the American Broadcasting Company and the City for exclusive rights to televise the United States Surfing Championships, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the Cityo Motion carried. ss PERMISSION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE - RAYMOND PICARD - APPROVED The Acting City Administrator presented a communication from Fire Chief Raymond Picard requesting permission to attend a Fire Chief's Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 8 through 12, 19680 On motion by Bartlett, Council authorized the Fire Chief to attend the Fire Chief's Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 8 through 12. Motion carried. 151 Page 1110 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 al i - 1_/;w_. REPORTS - COUNCIL COMMITTEES e, , - 4" Wheelchair Ramer Requests Councilman Bartlett reported that he had received requests from paraplegics and other disabled people in our area requesting that ramps be installed on Coast Highway near the pier, to enable handicapped persons to have access to the pier area. Councilman Bartlett requested that this matter be studied by the Department of Public Works. The Acting City Administrator informed Council that a meeting of the National Assembly of Paraglegics is to be held in the near future and at that time further information could be made available to Council. Mid -Beach Development Committee Councilman Kaufman reported on the two most recent meetings of the Mid -Beach Development Committee, and informed the Council that it was the intent of this Committee to study the best use for the development of the pier, subject to the economic considerations of the area, He stated that interest was being shown by some developers regarding the commercial aspects of the pier. In regard to the area north of the Pier (Project D), the Committee recommended that Council appoint members from the City Council, Planning Commission, the ULICSC, Huntington Beach Company, Downtown Businessmen's Association and Independent,Oi1 Operators for the purpose of determining the obstacles to overcome in the development of this area. A motion was made by Councilman.Green to appoint members of the ULICSC, Independent Oil Operators, and the Ddwntown Businessmen's Association as full permanent members of the Mid -Beach Development Committee, eli- gible to participate in the committee's proceedings. Following dis- cussion by Council, the motion was withdrawn by Councilman Green. On motion by Green, Council appointed representatives from the Huntington Beach Company, the Downtown Businessmen's Association and representatives from the Independent Oil Operators, whose names will be submitted to the. Mid -Beach Development Committee, for full membership on -said Commit- tee. Motion carried. RECESS The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 6:12 P.M. Council was reconvened at 7:38 by the Mayor. -/� -8i Huntington Beach Central Park Study Council Committee Councilman Matney gave a report on the Huntington Beach Central Park Study which was followed by a report from the Director of Recreation and Parks on the Master Plan for the area. Counciiman.Matney then requested that the services of Mr. Ted Adsit be made available to the committee, On motion by Kaufman, Council approved the request that services of Consultant Ted Adsit, be made available to the Huntington Beach Central Park Study Council Committee. Motion carried. 2-1 2 Page #11 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 Westminster — Huntington Beach Boundary Committee Councilman Green reported on the meeting of Westminster - Huntington Beach Boundary Committee, stating that the boundary adjustment study was to be limited to the uninhabited areas only; boundary being the San Diego Freeway. He,stated that a vote by the people would be required to decide any annexation. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 68-39 — APPEAL - R.J,-ZINNGRABE —APPROVED Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal by R. J. Zinngrabe to the denial by the Planning Commission of Conditional .Exception .No. 68-39 to regulations of the districting Ordinance to allow the construction of a neighborhood con- venience -market in the Rl Single Family Residence District on property located at the southwest corner of Indianapolis Avenue and Newland Street. Planning Director Reynolds gave a resume' of the Planning Commission's discussion regarding this matter. The Clerk informed the Council that cation, publication and posting on He stated that, in addition to the letter from Southland Corporation - of Conditional Exception No. 68-39. all legal requirements for notifi- said public hearing had been met. letter of appeal, he"had received a 7-Eleven Markets, urging approval Mayor Coen declared the hearing .open. Mr. Jay J. Wall, Attorney, 1345 N..Grand Street, Santa Ana, representing the applicant, addressed Council and stated that ConditionalException No. 68-29.is consistent with the Master Plan .of the area and will be a convenience,to the community. Mr. R. J. Zinnagrabe, the appellant, addressed Council and requested approval of Conditional Exception No. 68-39. Mr. Frank Hopkins, 8462 Tern Circle, addressed Council and stated his opposition to Conditional Exception No. 68-39. Mr. Charles Miller, 8442 Reilly Drive, presented a petition listing.the names of 279 residents of the area who -opposed approval of Conditional Exception No. 68-39. Mrs. Angela Walden, 8462-Reilly Drive, addressed Council and requested that the appeal to Conditional Exception No. 68-39 be denied. Mr. Clinton Thomas, 8422 Reilly Drive, addressed Council and stated he was opposed to Conditional. Exception No. 68-39. Mr. William McClure, 8192.Indianapolis Avenue, addressed Council, and stated he,was opposed to Conditional Exception No. 68-39. Mr. William L. Marcy, 8382 Kingfisher Drive, addressed Council, and stated he-wao opposed to Conditional. Exception No. 68-39. Mrs. Rosemary Morrow, 8421 Reilly Drive, addressed Council, and stated she,was opposed to Conditional Exception No. 68-39. Mr.,Marvin Frampton, 8302 Munster Drive, addressed Council, and stated his opposition to Conditional Exception No. 68-39. .523 Page #12 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor, Following considerable discussion by Council a motion was made by Councilman Kaufman to overrule the decision of the Planning Commission and grant Conditional Exception No, 68-39. Motion carried. COMMENTS FROM DEPARTMENT HEADS 95-- /OF Change In Planning De artment Transmittals - Tract Maps The City Clerk informed the Council of difficulties being encountered in using the present transmittals from the Planning Commission on Final Tract Maps. He recommended that Council, by minute action, approve a substitute wording which would permit the City Clerk to affix his signature to such maps prior to all conditions on the map having been met, and subject to other conditions established to release -such maps to title companies, On motion by Kaufman, Council approved the wording to be used in Planning Department transmittals of Final Tract'Maps in the form rec- ommended by the City Clerk, Motion carried. G Cleanup Bonds - Fireworks_ Stands The City Clerk discussed with the Council problems encountered in the refunding of cash bonds for clean up of fireworks stands during the .past July 4th period. He informed Council that the Ordinance rigidly requires the withholding of the bond if the cleanup conditions have not been -met by July 8th, and stated that he had waived such conditions in the case of three organizations this past July. In discussion by the Councilmen, it was suggested that a second date for inspection might be set in the Ordinance, whereby if cleanup con- 'ditions had been met a portion of their cleanup bond can be refunded, and that following that date, -for'fe`lture of the bond would be required. On motion by Kaufman, the City Attorney was directed to prepare an amendment to the Ordinance Code to establish this policy on fireworks stand cleanups, Motion carried, RECESS The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 9:40 P.M. Council was peconvened at 9:55 P.M. by the Mayor, 6 3 SPECIAL'ITEM PERTAINING TO PROPOSED ELECTION — RECREATION - LIBRARY The Acting City Administrator read a letter from the Recreation and Parks.Commission recommending .that a $6,000,000a00 bond issue be included on the November 5 ballot, and employment of additional staff personnel if Council approves. Mr. Tom Cooper, Chairman of the Recreation and Parks Committee, addressed the Council and stated that the Recreation and Parks Commission had been reluctant to have a bond issue presented to the voters at this timk, but on reconsideration they believed that it might be proper to endorse such an issue. Page #13 - Council Minutes W 8/5/68 Mr� Bruce Williams, a member of the Recreation and Parks Commission, reported to Council that at the two recent meetings of the Commission, the financial needs and timing of the proposed bond issue were dis- cussed. Mr. Williams stated that a good campaign could be initiated, and that placement of a Recreation and Parks bond issue on the November ballot would be more favorable than it would 'be if put before the voters at a Special Municipal election in June, 1969. Mr. Worthy, Recreation and Parks Director, addressed Council and requested direction by Council in the matter of the proposed Recreation and Parks Bond Issue. Mr, Jay Mastrionni, member of the Recreation and Parks Commission, addressed Council and stated that he favors the bond issue being placed on the November 5 ballot as there will be a greater turnout of voters in a general election, On motion by Coen, Council approved a six million dollar bond issue to be placed on the November 5, 1968 ballot and directed the attorney to prepare the necessary documents. Motion was carried by a unanimous vote of the Council. On motion by Coen, Council approved a $3,100,000.00 Bond Issue for Library purposes and directed the attorney to prepare the necessary documents. Motion was carried by a unanimous vote of the Council. RESOLUTION NO 2801 The Clerk presented Resolution No. 2801 for Council consideration. On motion by Matney, Council deleted Resolution No. 2801 from the agenda Motion carried, Lia RESOLUTION NO 2802 The Clerk presented rough drafts of alternate resolutions for a pro- posed Charter Amendment to be placed on the special election ballot, November 5, 1968, to make the office of the City Attorney appointive said proposed Resolutions being designated as A and Bo Mayor Coen made a motion to delete these proposed Resolutions from the agenda. Following some discussion on the motion, it was withdrawn by the Mayor, The Clerk was directed to assign Resolution No, 2802 to proposed Resolution A, and read same by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PERTAINING TO THE APPOINTMENT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY BY THE CITY COUNCIL, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION OF SAME TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS THEREOF FOR ADOPTION AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 5TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1968, CONSOLIDATED WITH THE STATESIDE, GENERAL ELECTION," On motion by Kaufman, Resolution No. 2802 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSNET:Councilmen: Shipley 1525 Page #14 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 �r'7 REQUEST - VARIANCE - WATERFRONT DECK SETBACK -__APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. E. R. Casale requesting Council's approval of a variance of the waterfront deck setback requirement on Lot 33, Tract No. 5360, in the Huntington Harbour area of the City, The Director of Building and Safety recommended that Council grant this request for variance. On motion by McCracken, Council granted the request for a variance on the property of Mr. E. R. Casale to allow the erection of a cantilevered deck on the water front bulkhead in front of property at said location. Motion carried, 3_s LITTLE JOHN'S PIZZA - ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT — APPROVED The Clerk presented an application for an entertainmentpermit from Mr. N. W. Gordon, owner of Little John's Pizza, located at 16532 Beach Boulevard, City for the purpose of providing live entertainment on Friday and Saturday evenings from 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 Y.M. The Police Department has recommended approval. On motion by Kaufman, Council granted an entertainment permit to Mr. N. W. Gordon, owner of Little John's Pizza for the purpose of providing live entertainment. Motion carried, RECOMMENDATION FOR REFUND - ESQUIRE BAR — APPROVED The,Clerk informed Council of a request by Mr. Leo Pauly, owner of the Esquire bar, 117 Main Street, City, for a Dining and Dancing License fee refund in the amount of $175,00. Mr. Paul had paid the required $200.00 fee, covering the cost of a business license for dining and dancing. However, due to circumstances involving himself and the City, over which he had no control, he has not allowed dining and dancing in his establishment, nor does he intend to do so. Since a bar business is continuing to be operated at said location, entailing a business license fee of $25.00, a refund in the amount of $175.00 is recommended by the City Clerk for Council's authorization. On motion by Green, Council authorized a refund of $175.00 of the $200.00 Dining and Dancing License fee paid by Mr. Leo Pauly, owner of the Esquire Bar, 117 Main Street, City, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ;s RECOMMENDATION FOR -REFUND - STANDARD OIL COMPANY — APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from Standard Oil Company of California, Western Operations, Inc. requesting a refund of a $27.50 business license fee they inadvertently paid for an abandoned Natural Gas Plant. He had recommended that Council approve this refund to the Standard Oil Company. On motion by Green, Council authorized a business license fee refund in the amount of $27.50 to the Standard Oil Company of California, Western Operations, by the following roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley t7l a.x�� Page #15 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 r, '7 RECONSIDERATION - MOTORCYCLE PARK The Clerk presented a communication from Julius Aarons, Attorney, repre- senting Dr. Morris Fier, the owner of apartments at 7821.Talbert Avenue, requesting a rehearing of the appeal by Donald R. England to Conditional Exception No. 68-34. On motion by Kaufman, Council voted to reconsider Conditional Exception No. 68-34. Mr. Julius Aarons, Attorney, representing his client Dr. Morris Fier, owner of an apartment complex, addressed Council and requested a rehear- ing.of the appeal to Conditional Exception.No. 68-34, stating that the value of his client's property would be depreciated if construction of a motorcycle.park is allowed in this area. Mr. Ron Sloan of Monterey Park, representing the applicant, addressed Council and stated that he felt the hearing had been properly held, and that a request for rehearing of the matter should be denied by the Council. On motion by Green, Council reaffirmed their previous decision to over- rule the Planning Commission and.grant Conditional Exception.No. 68-34, with conditions as outlined, and amended the decision by including instal--- lation of.a type of fence which would preclude entrance by unauthorized persons onto the track, and further amending the opening hours set by the Planning Commission for Sundays from 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. Motion carried. � 3 - 3 3 PETITION — FENCING —MEADOWLARK GOLF COURSE The Clerk presented a petition signed by thirteen property owners near the Meadowlark Golf Course, requesting support in.requiring owners of the Meadowlark Golf Course -to extend the high fence along Graham Street to protect residents, motorists and the -public from damage or injury caused by stray golf balls. On motion by Kaufman, Council referred the appellant's request concern- ing the Meadowlark Golf Course, to the Department of Building and Safety for study and report back to Council. Motion carried. APPLICATION FOR'BUSINESS LICENSE - APPROVED - 307 MAIN STREET The Clerk presented an application from Bernard J. Willavage, to conduct the business of Health Club and Weight Reducing at 307 Main Street, City. A report from the Police Department recommending approval had been sub- mitted.to Council. On motion by Bartlett, Council granted a business license to Mr. Bernard J. Willavage for the business of Health Club and Weight Reducing at 307 Main Street, City. Motion carried. 1� 1 ZONE .CASE -NO 68-24 —PUBLIC HEARING —APPROVED Mayor Coen announced that this,was the day and hour set for a.public hearing on Zone Case No. 68-24, on property located north of Warner Avenue and east of Golden West Street, for change of zone from R5 Office -Professional District and R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District to C2 Community Business District, with a 50 foot setback from the ultimate right-of-way line. 57 Page #16 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 The Clerk informed the Council that all legal requirements for notifi- cation, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met, and that he had received no communications or written.protests to Zone Case No. 68-24® At this time staff reports were presented for Council's.information. The Planning Department hadrecommendedapproval.for a change of zone to C4 Highway -Commercial District rather than C2 Community -Business District, Mr. William Landis, 1180 S. Beverly Drive, Los Angeles, owner of said property, addressed Council and stated that he. was.in agreement with the Planning Department's recommendation for change of zoning to C4e There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor, On motion by Green, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone in Zone Case No. 68-24. Motion carried. r ZONE CASE NO 68-26 - PUBLIC HEARING- APPROVED Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Zone Case No. 68-26, on property located approximately 800 feet south of Atlanta Avenue, 690 feet west of.Newland Street, for change of zone from R2 Two Family..Residence District to R1 Single Family Residence District. The Clerk informed the Council that all legal requirements for notifi- cation,.publication and pasting on .said public hearing had been met and that he had received no communications or written,protests to Zone Case No. 68-26. At this time staff reports were presented for Council's information. Mayor Coen declared the hearing .open. There being .no one present to speak on the -matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor, On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the Change of zone in Zone Case'No. 68-26. Motion carried. ZONE CASE NO 68-9 -.MODIFIED--,CONTINUED - APPROVED The Clerk presented Zone Case No. 68-9, which°is located on the south side of Heil Avenue, approximately 660 feet east of Bolsa Chica'Street. The public hearing on the -zone case had been.opened at the meeting .of June 3, 1968, continued to the meeting of July 1, 1968, and continued again to this meeting. Mrs. Crowning Shields, 5191 Heil Avenue, City, addressed Council and stated she was in favor of`a change of zone from Rl to R3 on said property, Page # 17 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 Mr. Raymond Lavonis, Architect, 3432 Via Oporto, Newport Beach, addressed Council and requested a change of zone to R3. Mr. Ray Picard, 16711 Graham Street, addressed Council stating his opposition to a change of zone to R3 or R2. There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Green, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Commission and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone -from Rl single Family Residence District to R2 Family Residential District. Motion carried. Y� CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 68-37.— APPEAL - R M GALLOWAY, INC - APPROVED Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal by R. M. Galloway, Inc., to the denial by the Planning Commission of Conditional Exception No. 68-37 on property located east of Bushard Street between Indianapolis and Atlanta Avenues. The Clerk informed the Council that all legal requirements for notifi- cation, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met, on regulations of the Districting Ordinance, to permit the following: 1. Front yard setbacks of 10 feet with side entry garages. 2. Lot sizes and width averaging 6,000 square feet with 60_ feet of frontage and with minimum of 5,000 square feet with 50 feet of frontage. He further informed the Council that they had been provided with copies of the Planning Secretary's transmittal recommending denial, and stated that he had received no communications or written protests other than the letter of appeal. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open. Mr. Voorheis, of Voorheis, Trindle & Nelson, addressed Council to re- quest approval of Conditional Exception No. 68-37. Mr. Charles Lane, a member of the Planning Commission, addressed Council regarding the policy statement adopted informally by the Council, and requested that Council sustain the Planning Commission in this matter. Mr. Roderick L. Boyer, a member of Planning Commission, addressed Council and stated that a hardship should be indicated by the appellant, and that such has not been indicated. Mr. Robert Bazil, a member of the Planning Commission addressed Council regarding the legality of the policy statement. There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motionby- McCmda�npouncii overruled the decision of the Planning Commission and granted Conditional Exception No. 68-37, with conditions as may be imposed by the staff. Motion carried. 5291 Page #18 - Council Minutes - 8/5/68 On motion by Kaufman, Council directed the Planning Commission to pre- pare a Subdivision Ordinance revision to be presented to Council at the meeting of September 16, 1968. Motion carried. REC ES S The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 1:30 A.M. He then called a meeting of the Huntington Beach Parking Authority to order. 91 PARKING AUTHORITY —AUTHORIZE BIDS ON BEACH PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION The Secretary of the Parking Authority presented a Notice Inviting Sealed Bids for the construction of a beach parking lot. On motion by Kaufman, the Secretary of the Parking Authority was directed to advertise for bids for the construction of a beach parking lot, upon notification by the Director of Public Works. Motion carried. PARKING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO 4 - ADOPTED - BEACH PARKING LOT The Secretary of the Parking Authority presented Resolution No. 4 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR.EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMAN OR .MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT AND THE 1MPROVEMMENT OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY.BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND BEACH BOULEVARD ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA." On motion by Green, Resolution No. 4 of the Parking Authority was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ADJOURNMENT OF PARKING AUTHORITY On motion by Coen, the meeting of the Parking Authority adjourned. Motion carried. RECONVENE Mayor Coen reconvened the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at 1:34 A.M. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Coen, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Monday, August 12, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. Motion carried. ATTEST: Paul C d ,•Jone's City Clerk oe-7, Paul C ones City Clerk sn.a ,:e;C-,Q f Eio Clerk -pf-. the pity Council -o°f-,the City *f-.-HuatJn. g;ton- Be4:vh,r- Ca111orn1a lvin M. en Mayor 53