HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-10-23MINUTES HUNTINGTON-BEACH'BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Administration Annex` 523 Main Street Huntington Beach, California_ Wednesday, October 23, 1968 McFarland, Cook, Harlow None USE PERMIT NO. 68-9 - Continued Applicant: Edith Moss To permit -the construction of 96 apartment units in the R1 Single -Family residence District (a zone case has been approved by the City. Council for an R2 Two Family Residence District). Located on the south side of Heil Avenue, approximately 727.24 ft. east of Bolsa Chica Street. A legal description is on file in'the Planning Department Office. - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-54 - Continued Applicant: Edith Moss -To-allow construction of • - carports on the property line in deviation to the required 5 ft. setback. Located on the south side of Heil Avenue approximately 727 ft. east of Bolsa Chica Street in the R2 Two Family Residence District. Legal description on file in the Planning Department Office. The -hearing was opened to -the audience on Use Permit No. 68-9 and Conditional Exception No: 68-54 in conjunction. Naomi Miller, 5181 Heil Avenue, addressed the Board and requested a decorative wall along the front property line to restrict pedestrian access to Heil Avenue thereby eliminating the possibility that numerous cars would park on Heil Avenue. Donna Scott, 5151 Heil Avenue, addressed the Board in objection to the high density R2 zoning. Mr. Mills, 5201 Heil Avenue, addressed the Board -in opposition to the request because of the possibility -that numerous cars would park on Heil Avenue. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Board discussion followed concerning the request for the wall on Heil Avenue. It was determined that adequate parking has been - provided on -site and that any parking that would occur along Heil Avenue would not interfere with the streets ability to function as a secondary highway. It was further noted thata.code amendment has been initiated by the City to_ allow-ca'rports in' -an' apartment complex to be constructed along the property Line. 'This was done to avoid creation -of a stri' of vacant and unusable property behind thd-carports.` Also, the 8 ft. high wall of the carport would serve as a buffer between the apartments and abutting uses. -1- 10/23/68 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, October 23, 1968 Page No. 2 A MOTION'WAS MADE -BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY COOK TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO. 68-9 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:. 1. Heil Avenue shall be -dedicated and fully improved to City Standards. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs, street lights and fire hydrants. 2. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. . 1 -- _ - 3. Sewage disposal shall be through the.City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 4. The water, sewer, -and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department-of-Pu.blic•Works and -Fire Department. 5. Easements for utilities -or walkways shall be provided to Depart- ment of Public Works Standards. 6. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. 7. The property shall participate_in the local drainage assess- ment district. 8. No structures, other than -those -shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 9. All applicable.City Ordinances shall be complied with. 10. A 6 ft. high masonry.wall shall be provided along the south and west property lines. 11. The emergency drive shall be deleted. 12. A turn -around shall be.provided at the north end.of the easterly drive. 13. The 40 ft. turn-'around­provided'at the end of the drives shall be circular. 14. Use Permit No. 68-9 shall not be.effective until Zone -Case No. 68-9 and Code Amendment No. 68-8 are effective. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:' - 1. The plan conforms,to City,,Requirements. 2. The plan is..not detrimental to the surrounding area. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland., Cook, Harlow NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ' ' A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY COOK TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-54 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. The wall having'the 11011-setback shall be of maintenance free masonry construction: -2- 10/23/68 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, October 23, 1968 Page No. 3 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. A code amendment is -in the process of being adopted permitting this type request. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None ABSENT:, -None THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO. 68-38 - Continued Applicant: First Western Bank & Trust Company To permit construction -and"` operation of a bank in the C4 Highway Commercial District. Located on the east side of Goldenwest Street approximately 146 ft. north of Warner -Avenue. Legal description on file in the Planning Department Office. The hearing was opened to the audience:' Mr. Halling, representing the applicant, addressed the Board to explain the request. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. - Board discussion followed:' It was noted that the 30 ft. wide drive along the east property'line'of'the service station had been dedicated to the City and that access over the drive would hhVe to be -approved by the City. A MOTION WAS MADE BY-' HARLOW AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO APPROVE USE'PERMIT'NO. 68-38 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Goldenwest Street shall be --dedicated and'fully improved to City Standards at the time said. - parcel is developed. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main.extensions. 2. Water supply shall be through the City,of-Huntington Beach's water system at the time said parcel is developed. 3. Sewage'"disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system at the time - said parcel is developed. 4. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 5. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said parcel -is developed. -3- 10/23/68 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, October 23, 1968 Page No. 4 6. All utilities shall be installed underground. 7. All applicable City,Ordinances shall be complied with. 8. An easement for the use of the driveway abutting this property to the south shall be obtained prior to issuance of building permits. 9. A Division of Land application causing consolidation -of the recorded lots shall be filed with the City,'approved and the conditions of approval complied with prior to final inspection of the buildings. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow - NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED — DIVISION OF LAND NO. 68-35 Applicant: R. M. Galloway & Assoc., Inc. To allow division­of;land into two separate parcels located at the southeast corner of Talbert Avenue and Edwards Street., Legal, description on file in the Planning Department Office. _ The hearing was opened to the audience. There being no one present to speak for or against thetmatter,.;the•hearing was closed. Board discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE -BY HARLOW AND SECONDED BY COOK TO APPROVE DIVISION OF LAND NO. 68-35 WITH THE CONDITION THAT ALL -CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT 5518 SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH CONCURRENTLY WITH DEVELOPMENT OF TRACT 5518. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow, - - NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. DIVISION OF LAND NO. 68-36 Applicant: R. M. Galloway & Assoc., Inc. To allow the adjustments in lot lines in lots 73 and 74, Tract 6317, located at the southeast corner of Luss Drive and Lindsay Lane— Legal —description —on file in the Planning Department Office. audience. speak for or against the matter, The hearing -was opened to the There being no one presP-nt to the hearing was closed. Board discussion followed. A'MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY COOK TO APPROVE DIVISION OF LAND NO. 68-36 WITH THE CONDITION THAT A PARCEL MAP BE FILED WITH THE CITY AND RECORDED. -4- 10/23/68 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning -Adjustments Wednesday, October 23, 1968 Page No. 5 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None ABSENT: _None THE MOTION CARRIED. DIVISION OF LAND NO. 68-37 Applicant: Adnan Khatib To allow division of land into two separate parcels located at the southeast corner of Goldenwest Street and Edinger Avenue. Legal description on file in the Planning Department Office. The hearing was opened to the audience. There being -no one present=to speak -for or against the matter, the'hearing was' closed. Board discussion followed.— A MOTION WAS MADE BY COOK -AND SECONDED BY HARLOW TO APPROVE DIVISION OF LAND'.NO.- 68-37 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Edinger Avenue and Goldenwest Street shall..be dedicated and fully improved to City Standards ,...at .the t.ime.each parcel is developed. Improve- ments shall include street trees, street=signs, street lights, fire hydrants and sewer and water main extension.-- 2.. 'Water supply'shall be through: the City of Huntington Beach's water system at the time each parcel is developed. - —_J_ v _ is _ , 3. Sewage -disposal shall be through the City of' - Huntington Beach's sewage system at the time each parcel. is developed. 4. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be 'Ap' proved 'by .the Department of Public -Works and. Fire. Department. 5. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time each parcel is developed. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground.• 7. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances• shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifications provided by• the- Fire Department. 8. A Parcel Map shall be filed with the City and recorded. 9. The'-Divisi6n of Land shall not be effective until an agreement is.'sigried'and recorded agreeing to the conditions listed above. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES:- None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -5- 10/23/68 Minutes: H.B. Board -of Zoning,Adjustments Wednesday, October 23, 1968 Page No. :6 _ DIVISION OF LAND NO. 68-38 Applicant: Tony Albanese To allow division of land into two separate parcels located at the south side of;Cotuit Circle approximately 320 ft. southeasterly of Humbolt Drive. Legal description on file in the Planning•Department-Office:-.. The hearing was --opened to the audience. There being no one present to speak for or against the matter; the hearing was closed. Board discussion followed. a A MOTION WAS MADE BY HARLOW AND SECONDED BY COOK TO,APPROVE DIVISION OF LAND NO. 68-38 WITH THE CONDITION THAT A PARCEL --MAP BE -FILED •WITH. THE --CITY AND-RECQRDED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland „ Cook, Harlow NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED:'_ USE PERMIT NO. 68-41 Applicant: Graham.D,evelopement Co.: To permit construction of a 127 unit mobile -home -park -in the R5, Office .;Professional District. Located on the northeast••corner of -Warner Avenue and Springdale Street. Legal description on file in :the Planning•Department Office. The,hearing was,opened to the audience. There being no one present to speak for or against -the matter, -the hearing was closed. Board ,di:s_cussion _followed. A MOTION WAS, MADE BY HARLOW AND SECONDED BY MCFARL'AND THAT USE PERMIT NO. 6$=41 BE_CONTINUED UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 30, 1968, AND THAT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONTACT THE APPLICANT NOTIFYING HIM OF THIS ACTION. ROLL CALL VOTE: - AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION, NQ,. 68-5b. Applicant: Meine Construction Co. To allow garages -.entered directly from the street to be constructed 72 ft. from the front property line in deviation t-o the required 22 ft. setback. Located at the southwest,.corner.of Heil Avenue and -Springdale Street in the R1 Single Family Residence District.. -,Legal description on file in the Planning Department Office. -6- 10/23/68 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, October 23, 1968 Page No. 7 The hearing was opened to the audience. Richard Meine, representing the applicant, addressed the Board to explain the request. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. Board discussion followed. I.- l A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY COOK TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-56 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1.- The garages shall be setback 10 feet from the property line and that they be entered from the side. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. A Code Amendment is in the process of being adopted permitting this type of request. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-57'- Applicant: Tri-Delta Const. Co., Inc. To allow a room addition to a main dwelling to be constructed 7 ft. from the rear property line in deviation to the required 10-ft.:. rear yard setback. Located east of Brookhu-r-st -Stre.et, on the north side of Kamuela Drive. Legally described as Lot 4 of Tract 5027. The hearing was opened to the audience. There being no one present to speak for or against the matter, the hearing was closed. -Board discussion followed. It was noted that although this property is backing up to 200 ft. wide Edison easement there was no justifi- cation for approving the request. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COOK TO DENY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-57. THE MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HARLOW AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO CONTINUE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION No. 68-57 UNTIL DECEMBER 18, 1968, AND TO HAVE THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROPOSE A CODE AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PERMITTING A REDUCTION IN THE REAR YARD SETBACK WHEN ABUTTING PERMANENTLY OPEN LAND. -7- 10/:23/68 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, October 23, 1968 Page No. 8 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Harlow, McFarland NOES: Cook ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-58 Applicant: Maddux Bros. Const. Co. To allow an addition to a main dwelling to be constructed 71611 from the rear property line in deviation to the requited-10' rear yard setback. Located at 16582 Kettler Lane in'the R1 Single Family Residence District. Legally described as Lot 14 of Tract 4381. The hearing -ways- opened to the audience. Jerry Upfold, representing the applicant, addressed the Board to explain the request. the hearing was closed. There being no further comment, Board discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY COOK TO DENY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-58 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. A room addition of considerable -size can be built to comply with the City Ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. Richard A. Harlow Secretary THERE BEING NO FURTHER?BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. we Dan McFarland Chairman 10/23/68