HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-12MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PARKING AUTHORITY Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California _ ... _ ....... _ . _ .. _ . November '12, 1968 Chairman_ C'oeri called_ the Special Meeting of the Huntington Beach Parking Authority to order -at 4:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present_in,the Council — Chamber. Directors Present: Shipley, Bartlett., McCracken, Kaufman,.Matney, Green, Coen Directors Absent: None CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING The Secretary read the Call for Special Meeting of the Parking Authority of the City of Huntington Beach which had been received and consented,to by all Directors prior to 4:30 P.M. on Tuesday, the 12th day of November, 1968, for the purpose of considering resolutions on�various items requested by the Treasurer,of the Parking Authority. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF DIRECTORS Alvin-M.-Coen, Chairman N.'John V. V. Green, Director Henry S. Kaufman, Director Ted W.-Bartlett, Director George C. McCracken, Director Jerry A. Matney, Director -Donald D. Shipley, Director Gentlemen: . You are hereby notified _that .a _Special Meeting ,of ,'the .Par.king _ Authority of the City of Huntington Beach, is called for and will be hield`in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center at the hour of 4:3Tuesday, the 12th day of November, 19.68, for the ` purpose of considering resolutions on various items requested by the Treasurer of the Parking Authority. Page #2 - Parking Authority Minutes,• � 11/12/68 Dated: November_8, 1968 ISI Alvin M.-Coen Chairman Parking Authority City of Huntington Beach ATTEST: /S/ Paul C. Jones Secretary I hereby certify that I.received the -above -notice., "CALL -FOR SPECIAL MEETING -OF THE DIRECTORS," prior-to`4:30 P.M oon Monday, November 11, 1968. ` /S i /Director Alvin M.-Coen /S/ Director `N: "John `V: 'V:-Green' /S/, Director Henry S .. Kaufman.. 1,SI, Director Ted W. Bartlett . /S/..Director George ,C,.. McCracken }. /S/. Director..Jerry A: Matney, ; _ /S/.Director Donald D. Shipley The Secretary read a letter from the Parking Authority Treasurer setting forth the matters for which the special meeting had been requested. ° 1. AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARKING;AUTHORITY AND FISCAL AGENT— APPROVED The Secretary presented an agreement between-the.Parking Authority, and Bank of America National Trust and Savings. Association to act as Fiscal Agent for the Authority, for consider,a.tion by the,•Directorss Following some discussion of the terms of.the agreement, on motion-, by Kaufman, the Board approved the agreement.and authorized the Chairman and Secretary to execute the document on behalf of the Authority.' Motion carried. , RESOLUTION NO 9 - AUTHORIZES SIGNATURES •- ADOPTED V. The Secretary of the Parking ;Authority ,presented Resolution No. 9 "A RESOLUTION OF THE.PARKING AUTHORITY FOR THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON, BEACH AUTHORIZING THE SIGNATURE, OR FACSIMILE SIGNATURE..OF.: WARREN^- G. HALL AND FRANK B.. ARGUELLO ON. PARKING AUTHORITY CHECKS AND DRAFTS AND AUTHORIZING ,SAID PERSONS,.WITH APPROVAL OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, TO INVEST AUTHORITY FUNDS." fli Page #3 - Parking Authority Minutes - 11/12/68 On motion by Green, the Board waived further reading of_Res'olution. No. 9 of the Parking Authority and passed and adopted same by the following roll'call vote: AYES: Directors: Shipley, Bartlett,.McCracken,.Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: :Directors: None ABSENT: Directors: None RESOLUTION NO 10 - REIMBiJRSENENT OF CITY FUNDS ADOPTED The Secretary of the Parking.Authority presented Resolution No. 10 - "A RESOLUTION ­OF THE PARKING:AUTHORITY FOR THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING.REIMBURSEMENT TO THE CITY•OF FUNDS ADVANCED BY THE CITY PURSUANT TO STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTIONS 32500 ET SEQ." On motion by Bartlett, the Board waived further reading of Resolution No. 10 of the Parking Authority and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: :Directors: Shipley, Bartlet6 „McCracken, Kaufman,,Matney, .Green, Coen NOES: 7Directors: None ABSENT: 'Directors: None The Secretary informed the Board that Items 1 and 2 in the Treasurer's letter had been -complied with throughtthe passage of the foregoing Resolutions. He informed the Directors that Mr. Hall had set forth two other matters for discussion with the Board regarding,a construction contracting program and a warrant system for the Authority. Considerable discussion was held on these items by the Treasurer, the City Finance Director, the Assistant City Administrator, and members of the Board of Directors. Some decisions were made by the Directors regarding these matters on an informal basis. -- however, no formal motions were made. 1 Page #4 - Parking Authority Minutes - 11/12/68 ADJOURNMENT On motion by Kaufman, the Special Meeting. -of the'IParking Authority of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried C airman, ATTEST: 1411 ^ , Secr ryl, .. ' e • __ - . !• ���. 1 r..S _fir