HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-17MINUTES .Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach,.California Monday, February 17, 1969 Mayor Coen called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Reverend James DeLange - faith Lutheran Church ROLL CALL Councilmen Present Shipley, Bartlett,.McCracken, Kaufman,:Matney, .Green, Coen Councilmen Absent: None MINUTES On motion by -Bartlett, the minutes of.the.regular meeting.of February 3, 1969, were approved.and:,adopted. as prepared and mailed by.'the City Clerk. Motion carried. PERMISSION TO ATTEND SYMPOSIUM - HARBOR & BEACHES DIRECTOR - GRANTED The City Administrator informed Council of a request from the American Red Cross that Mr. Vncent.Moorhouse represent the West -Coast. " Surf Life Saving Association in Washington, D. C. on March 9.through 12, 196., at a symposium and workshop on major life saving techniques being used on the West Coast. On motion by Shipley, Council authorized Mr. Vincent Moorhouse to represent the West.Coast Surf Life Saving:Association in Washington, D. C. on March 9 through 12,_1969, with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. HOUSINGSECTION IN.BUILDING DEPARTMENT.- APPROVED The City:Administrator requested that a Housing .Section beestablished within the Building Department and informed Council that, if approve, it would be necessary to amend the personnel resolution for the purpose of acquiring one Building Inspector and establishing the position of a Housing Inspector. The City Administrator further requested that Council approve an expenditure of approximately $2000.00 to purchase an automobile for the Building Department. On motion by Green,.Council approved the establishment of a Housing Section within the Building Department and directed the City Attorney to prepare a resolution amending the personnel resolution, and authorized an expenditure of approximately $2000.00 for the .purpose of purchasing a vehicle for the Building Department. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 733 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 APPRAISER - PARKING AUTHORITY EXPANSION The -City Administrator informed Council that , per their request, it has been determined that Mr, Jim Porter is a registered M. A. I, on the staff of Land Acquisition Service and that they have been instructed to proceed with a letter appraisal of the expanded Parking Authority area in the downtown section of the city. CIVIC CENTER SITE PURCHASE - PREPARATION OF AGREEMENT APPROVED The City Administrator requested that Council authorize the Administration to proceed with the preparation of an agreement which would determine the date when possession of the Civic Center Site property is required and when the oil operations thereon will be.removed. The City Admin- istrator informed Council that negotiations could then commence for the two additional parcels and the oil leases thereon. A motion was made by Shipley to direct the Administration to proceed with the preparation of an agreement determining the date when the possession of the property and the removal of oil operations thereon is required. Councilman Kaufman made a motion to amend Councilman Shipley's motion to include that the actual purchase of the property would be deferred until after the first meeting.in May. Motion carried. A vote was taken on Councilman Shipley's motion as amended and was passed unanimously. POLICE DEPARTMENT SPACE NEEDS - APPROVED The City Administrator informed Council that an expansion of the detective building adjacent to the City Hall would provide adequate space until such time as a new police facility could be built and requested that Council authorize the expenditure of approximately $18,000.00 out of the capital outlay fund for this purpose. On motion by Matney, Council authorized the expenditure of approximately $18,000.00 from the capital outlay fund for the expansion of the detective building adjacent to the City Hall in order to alleviate the crowded conditions in the Police Department. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 734 Page #3 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 OIL CODE APPEAL - PUBLIC HEARING SET The City Administrator informed Council that the Oil Field Superintendent had directed that an idle well at the northeast corner of Memphis Avenue and Delaware Street be cleaned up and abandoned, as per the oil field clean up program and the City oil code, and that the owners of the well had chosen to appeal the enforcement of this section of the oil code. The City Administrator recommended that the Council set a date to either hear the appeal, or deny and instruct the Oil Field Superin- tendent to proceed with the abandonment of this idle well. The City Attorney stated that this matter was brought to the Council for the purpose of setting a public hearing. On motion by McCracken, Council directed that this matter be set for public hearing at the next regular meeting. Motion carried. DISPOSAL OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES The Assistant City Administrator informed Council that all city -owned parcels have been appraised on which a marketable title can be delivered, and that there are 48 different parcels of various sizes and value tot,piing-$526,050.00. The Assistant City Administrator requested Council's authorization to sell some of the smaller parcels at this time and to hold the larger parcels until revenue is needed for a specific purpose. Considerable discussion was held on this matter by members of the Council. A motion was made by Matney to authorize the Administrator to initiate a program for the disposal of this property with the stipulation that the money received from sales be used for the acquisition of other properties. Councilman Kaufman made a motion to amend Councilman Matney's motion to read that funds acquired from the sales of city -owned properties be used for capital improvements. Motion carried. A vote was taken on Councilman Matney's motion as amended and was passed unanimously. PARK SITE ACQUISITION - NEGOTIATIONS AUTHORIZED The City Administrator informed Council of a request from the Recreation and Parks Commission for approval of the purchase of three acres of land located southeast of Adams Avenue and Brookhurst Street,for a park site. On motion by Bartlett, Council authorized the Administrator to enter negotiations with the school administration for the purchase of said land for a park site. Motion carried. Page #4 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 REQUEST FOR STREET ROLLER - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - APPROVED The Assistant City Administrator informed Council of a request from the Public Works Department for a street roller, at a cost of approx- imately $11,000.00. The Assistant City Administrator informed Council that the street roller can be financed from the Capital Outlay Fund, as this is an unbudgeted item. On motion by Shipley, Council authorized an expenditure of approx- imately $11,000.00 from the Capital Outlay Fund for the purpose of purchasing a street roller. The motion passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABS ENT : Councilmen: None BY-LAWS & APPLICATION FORM - DESIGN REVIEW BOARD - APPROVED The City Clerk presented a transmittal from the Secretary of the Design Review Board of By -Laws and application form for Council's approval. The Council directed that items (4), (5), (6), and (7) on the Application for Design Review Board be eliminated and that in.item (3) the number seven be replaced with the number one, and that (3d) contain only the words, "Landscape plan." On motion by Green, Council approved the By -Laws as submitted and approved the application form as modified. Motion carried. FINAL TRACT MAP NO 6322 - FOUR SEASONS HOMES - APPROVED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director submitting final form of Tract Map No. 6322 for adoption as follows: Developer: Four Season Homes, Costa Mesa, California; Location: north of Indianapolis Avenue, west of Bushard Street; Acreage: 17.796; Lots: 79; that the map had been examined and certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission as being substantially in conformance with the tentative map as filed, amended and approved by the Planning Commission. The City Council may approve the map, accept the improvements offered for dedication subject to completion of requirements as shown, and instruct the City Clerk that he may affix his signature to the map and deposit same with any licensed title company after receipt by the City Clerk of a writing from such company stating that it will cause preliminary processing of such map by the County, but will not record said map or cause it to be recorded until the completion of all the following conditions, and receipt by such title company of prior written consent to record said map from the City Clerk: 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2. Deposit of Park and Recreation Fees. 3. Bond for improvements. 4, Subdivision agreement. 5a Certificate of insurance. 6. Bond for monumnets. On motion by McCracken, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map No. 6322, and adopted the map subject to conditions Ctint1J,q?"Pd by t-be Punning rommissi_ona Motion carried, 736 Page #5 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 FINAL TRACT MAP NO 6651 - DERBY LAND COMPANY - APPROVED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning.Director submitting final form of Tract Map No. 6651, a portion of Tentative Tract Map No. 6651 - for adoption as follows: Developer: Derby Land Company, Los Angeles, California; Location: South of Indianapolis Avenue, approximately 245.90 feet east of B.ushard Street; Acreage: .15.566; Lots: 78; that the map had been examined and certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission as being substantially in conformance with the tentative map as filed, amended and approved by the Planning Commission. The City Council map approve the map, accept the improvements offered for dedication subject to the completion of requirements as shown, and instruct the City Clerk that he may affix his sig- nature to the map and deposit same with any licensed title company after receipt by the City Clerk of a writing from such company that it will cause preliminary processing of such map by the County, but will not record said map or cause it to be recorded until the completion of all the following conditions, and receipt by such title company of prior written consent to record said map from the City Clerk; 1. Deposit of fees for water, and inspections. 2. Arrangements shall be made 3. Bond for improvements. 4. Subdivision agreement. 5. Certificate of insurance. 6. Bond for monuments. sewer, drainage, engineering. for.dedication of a park site. On motion by McCracken, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map No. 6651, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. FINAL TRACT MAP NO 6716 - S & S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - APPROVED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning.Director sub- mitting final form of Tract Map No.. 6716 - for adoption as follows: Developer: S.& S Construction Company, Beverly Hills, California; Location: Northwest corner of Heil Avenue and Goldenwest Street; Acreage: 50.066; Lots: 230; that the map had been examined and certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission as being substantially in conformance with the tentative map as filed, amended and approved by the Planning Commission. ':�137 Page #6 4 Council Minutes - 2/17/69 The City Council may approve the map, accept the improvements offered for dedication subject to completion of requirements as shown, and instruct the City Clerk that he may affix his signature to the map and deposit same with any licensed title company after receipt by the City Clerk of a writing from such company that it will cause preliminary processing of such map by the County, but will not record said map or cause it to be recorded until the completion of all the following conditions, and receipt of such title company or prior written consent to record said map from the City Clerk: 14 Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2a Arrangements shall be made for dedication of a park site. 3o Bond for improvements. 4. Subdivision agreement. 5. Certificate of insurance. 6. Bond for monuments. On motion by McCracken, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map No. 6716, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried, FINAL TRACT MAP NO 6650 - IiAVANAUGH®BEARD DEVELOPMENT CO - APPROVED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director submitting final form of Tract Map No. 6650, a portion of Tentative Tract Map Noa 6650 - for adoption as follows; Developer: Kavanaugh Beard Development Company, Corona Del'Mar, California; Location: 1,063 feet north of Warner on the west side of Gothard Street; Acreage; 4.037; Lots: 16; that the map had been examined and certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission as being substantially in conformance with the tentative map as filed, amended and approved by the Planning Commission. The City Council may approve the map, accept the improvements offered for dedication subject to completion of requirements as shown, and instruct the City Clerk that he may affix his signature to the map and deposit same with any licensed title company after receipt by the City Clerk of a writing from such company that it will cause preliminary processing of such map by the County, but will not record said map or cause it to be recorded until the completion of all the following conditions, and receipt by such title company of prior written consent to record said map from the City Clerk; 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2. Arrangements shall be made for dedication of a park site. 3o Bond for improvements. 4. Subdivision agreement. 5o Certificate of insurance. 6. Bond for monuments. 7o Prior to the City"s final acceptance of Tract No. 6650, streets for maintenance, releasing of bonds, etc., there shall be ..five foot pedestrian bridge constructed across the flood control channel with the understanding that the City and developer shall participate in the cost of the bridge on a fifty-fifty basis with the City's share to be paid from the Park and Recreation fund. On motion by McCracken, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map No. 6650, and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. .8 Page #7 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 REPORT - AIR SPACE UTILIZATION - RECEIVED AND FILED The City Clerk presented a report from the Director of Public Works on the utilization of air space over highways and freeways, Mayor Coen ordered the report from the Director of Public Works received and filed. A motion was made by Matney,-to authorize the Director of Public Works to purchase publications concerning air space utilization, but was withdrawn before being voted upon. AGREEMENT - DEFERRING STREET IMPROVEMENTS - APPROVED The City Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public. Works of an agreement between the City and Creative Nursery Center, Huntington Beach, for the installation of street improvements at 5432 Heil Avenue.at such time as the adjacent property is issued..a building permit. On motion by Matney, Council approved the Agreement between the.City . and Creative Nursery Center for.the installation of street improvements at 5432 Heil Avenue)at such time as the adjacent property is issued a building permit, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City. Motion carried. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO 6738 - WM LYON DEVELOPMENT CO - APPROVED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Monument Bond, Improvement Bond, Labor and Materials Bond and Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 6738 - William Lyon Development Company. On motion by Green, Council accepted Monument Bond No, 15-4-0492, Improvement and Labor and Materials Bond No. 15-4-0491 - American Casualty Company; approved the Subdivision Agreement and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City. Motion carried. GOLDENWEST STREET IMPROVEMENTS - CC-097 BID AWARDED The Clerk read a communication from the Director of Public Works stating that bids for the improvement of Goldenwest Street between Pacific Coast Highway and Warner Avenue had been opened at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, February 17, 1969, in the Administrative Conference Room by the City Clerk, City Attorney and the Director of Public Works, and that Sully Miller Contracting Company,.Orange, California, was the low bidder with a bid in the amount of $747,926.52. Mr. Wheeler recommended that the Council award the bid to Sully Miller Contracting Company, and reject all other bids. The bids.submitted were as --follows: Sully Miller Contracting Company - Orange, Calif.:-.. - -$ 747,926.52 Strecker Construction Company - Santa Fe Springs, Calm®I,017,172A15 On motion by Green, Council awarded the contract for Project CC-097 to Sully Miller Contracting Company_, Orange, California, the lowest responsible bidder, for the bid amoung of $747,926.52; rejected all other bids?and directed the Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders. Motion carried 739 Page #8 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 SIGNALIZATION - VARIOUS INTERSECTIONS - CC-110 - BID AWARDED The Clerk read a communication from the Director of Public Works stating that bids for the signali.zation of Warner Avenue at Edwards Street, Bolsa Chica Street at Heil Avenue and Edinger Avenue at Graham Street had been opened at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, February 17, 1969, in the Administrative Conference Room by the City Clerk, City Attorney and the Director of Public Works, and that Steiny & Mitchel, Inc., Los Angeles, California, was the low bidder with a bid in the amount of $68,446,35. Mr. Wheeler recommended that the Council award the bid to Steiny & Mitchel, Inc., Los Angeles, California and reject all other bids. The bids submitted were as follows: Steiny & Mitchel, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. - $68,446.35 Smith Electric Supply, Stanton, Calif. - 71,560.16 On motion by Bartlett, Council awarded the contract for Project CC-110 to Steiny & Mitchel,' Inc., Los Angeles, California, the lowest responsible bidder, for the bid amount of $68,446.35; rejected all other bids and directed the Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidder. Motion carried. WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION - CC-112 BID AWARDED The Clerk read a communication from the Director of Public Works stating that bids for the construction of water mains and appurtenances in various sections of the City of Huntington Beach, had been opened at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, February 17, 1969, in the Administrative Conference Room by the City Clerk, City Attorney and the Director of Public Works, and that Barron & Eckhart Engineering Contractor, South E1 Monte, California, was the low bidder witha bid in the amount of $92,101.16. Mr. Wheeler recommended that the Council award the bid to Barron & Eckhart Engineering Contractors, South E1 Monte, California, and reject all other bids. The bids submitted were as follows: Barron & Eckhart, Eng. Contractors, So. El Monte, Calif.-$92,101.16 Scott Brothers Contractors, Santa Ana, Calif. - 97,703.67 On motion by Green, Council awarded the contract for Project CC-112 to Barron & Eckhart Engineering Contractors, So, E1 Monte, California, the lowest responsible bidder, for the bid amount of $92,101.16; rejected all other bids and directed the Clerk to notify the unsuccess- ful bidders. Motion carried. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. Jack Ryerson, President of the League of California Cities, appointing Mr. Doyle Miller to the Tidelands Committee and Mr. Paul C. Jones to the Committee on City Clerk's Institute and requesting Council approval to accept said appointments. On motion by Coen, Council approved acceptance of said appointments and authorized that reasonable expenses incurred in connection there- with be allowed. Motion carried. 74 Page #9 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 ORDINANCE NO 1470 - ZONE CASE NO 68-18 — ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1470 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH OF YORKTOWN AVENUE, BETWEEN FLORIDA AND ENGLAND STREETS (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 68-18)." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1470, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: Kaufman ABSENT: Councilmen: None ORDINANCE NO 1471 ZONE'CASE,NO 68-28 - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No 1471 a second reading by title "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGR OF ZONING.ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH- EAST CORNER OF EDINGER AVENUE AND MONTEREY DRIVE (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 68-28)." On motion'by McCracken, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1471,.and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Coen NOES: Councilmen: Green, Matney, Kaufman ABSENT: Councilmen: None ORDINANCE NO 1472 ZONE CASE NO 68-31 - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1472 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY.OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE.BY AMENDING.SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY BOUNDED BY PALM AVENUE ON THE NORTHEAST, SEVENTEENTH STREET ON THE SOUTHEAST, OCEAN AVENUE ON THE SOUTHWEST AND GOLDENWEST STREET ON THE NORTHWEST (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 68-31)." On motion by McCracken, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1472, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen. - ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen None None 741 Page #10 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 ORDINANCE NO 1473 - ZONE CASE NO 68-49 - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1473 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF YORKTOWN AVENUE AND WARD STREET (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO 68-49)m" On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1473, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Coen NOES: Councilmen: Matney, Green ABSENT: Councilmen: None ORDINANCE NO 1474 - ZONE CASE NO 68-52 - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance Noo'1474 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE'CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CLAY AVENUE AND FLORIDA STREET (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO., 68-52)0" On motion by Matney, Council waived further reading of Ordinance Noo 1474, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen:: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen None None McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, ORDINANCE NO 1475 - ZONE CASE NO 68-54 — ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1475 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING -THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061'THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF ELLIS AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY SIX HUNDRED FEET WEST OF BEACH BOULEVARD (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO, 68-54)m" On motion by Matney, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1475 and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen- None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ORDINANCE NO 1476 - SPEED LIMITS - ADOPTED The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1476 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 6171.1, SUBSECTION (a) THEREOF OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH A PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR ON SAYBROOK LANE." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1476, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney,.Green NOES: Councilmen: Coen ABSENT: Councilmen: None '2 Page #11 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 ORDINANCE NO 1477 — NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION - DELETED The Clerk. presented Ordinance No. 1477 for a second reading by title. "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDERING, CALLING, PRO- VIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON JUNE 3, 1969, FOR THE PURPOSE:OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY A PROPOSITION.TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FOR A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT." The Clerk stated that due to.a technicality, Ordinance No. 1477 would be deleted from the agenda. RECESS The Mayor called a recess of. the Council at" 6;13 P.M. Council was reconvened at 7:45 P:M. by the Mayor. PRESENTATION - AMERICAN LEGION AWARDS Mr. Hal Wirtz; Commander of the lgcal American Legion Post and District Commander Kenneth Hardman presented the Medal of Valor to Police Officers Gilbert E. Veine and -Edward H. Pratt and the Award of Courage to Police Officer Jack L. Welsh. ORDINANCE NO 1469 - AMENDS DIVISION 9 - ADOPTED The Clerk.gave Ordinance No. 1469 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING.SECTIONS 9103.3, 9103,3.1, y 9163.3.1, 9203.3.1 AND 9233.3.1; BY AMENDING SECTIONS 9102.1, 9102.2, 9102..2.1.43 9162.2.1.4, 920., 9203.3, 9232.2.1.4, 9233.3; AND ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 9103..2.1.1, 9103.3, 9103.3.1., 9103.3.1.1, 9103..3.1.21 9103., 9104.5, 9104.5.1, 9106,2.1, 9106.2,1.1,. 9106.2.1.2, 9163.2..1.1, 9163..3.1, 9163.3.1.10 9164.5, 9166.5,1, 916.6.5.2, 9203.2.1.1, 9203.3.1, 9203.3.1.13, 9204,5, 9206.5.1, 9206.5.21 9233.2.1.1919233.3.1, 923.3..3.1...1, 9234.5,, 923.6..5.2 AND 9700 (w) TO DIVISION 9 OF SAID CODE PERTAINING TO LOT SIZE, LOT WIDTH AND SETBACK IN THE CITY'S RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS.„ On motion by Matney,. Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1469, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES : . Councilmen: NOES Councilmen: ABSENT- Councilmen: Shipley, Barltett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen None None ORDINANCE NO 1478 - REGULATES GAMES & ACTIVITIES - FIRST READING The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1478 a first reading by title "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 7721.10 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE RE GAMES AND ACTIVITIES,"' On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1478. When put to a vote :the motion passed unanimously, 7431 Page #1.2 ® Council Minutes ® 2/17/69 ORDINANCE NO 1479 - SPEED LIMITS - FIRST READING The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1479 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 6171.1,. SUBSECTION (a) THEREOF, OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH A PRIMA -FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF FORTY MILES PER HOUR ON EDINGER, FROM THE WEST CITY LIMIT TO BEACH BOULEVARD." On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1479. When put to a vote the motion passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO 1480 - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL FACILITIES - FIRST READING The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1480 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 9410 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE PERTAINING TO THE INTENT AND PURPOSE OF THE C-1, 'NEIGHBOR COMMERCIAL DISTRICT'." On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1480, When put to a vote the motion passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO 1481 - PRIVATE CLUBS - FIRST READING The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1481 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9251.2.3, AND ADDING SECTIONS 9251.2.3.1 AND 9251.2.3.2 RELATIVE TO PERMITTED USES, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND THE.ON-PREMISE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN R-5, "HIGH. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" OF SAID CITY." On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1481, When put.to a vote the motion passed unanimously. RES NO 2927 - APPROVES DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY -RECORDS ADOPTED The Clerk read Resolution No. 2927 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS. " On motion by�Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2927, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen:. None ABSENT: Councilmen: None RESOLUTION NO 2929 - AUTHORIZESEXCHANGE'OF LAND - ADOPTED The Clerk read Resolution No., 2929 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXCHANGE OF REAL PROPERTY WITH THE OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Resolution Noq 2929, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None 74 Page #13 Council Minutes - 2/17/69 RESOLUTION NO 2930 --AUTHORIZES EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS DEFERRED The Clerk presented Resolution No. 2930 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE, CITY ADMINIS- TRATOR OR IN HIS ABSENCE THE ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS OF THE CITY ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO SECTION 9730.16 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE.." The Mayor directed that Resolution No. 2930 be deferred to the next regular meeting. REPORTS - COUNCIL COMMITTEES Helicopter Name Selection.Committee Councilman Shipley stated that he felt some sort of recognition should be given to the two joint winners of the helicopter name selection con- test and 'requested that the Administration proceed in this matter. Civic Center Site Committee Councilman Matney reported that the City's. offer of $360,000.00 for the new Civic Center Site property had been accepted by the Huntington Beach Company. Mid -Beach Development_Committee Councilman Kaufman reported that on and off ramps for the Pacific Coast Freeway had been discussed at the last meeting of the Mid -Beach Develop - went Committee. Report -Orange County League of Cities Meeting Councilman Green reported that the Citycof Huntington Beach had been requested at the Orange County League of Cities meeting to support the request of the Mayor of Villa Park that the Orange County Board of Supervisors assign a full time Executive Officer to the Local Agency Formation Commission... RESOLUTION NO 2931 - FULL-TIME EXECUTIVE. OFFICER - LAFC - ADOPTED The Clerk read Resolution No. 2931 by title "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RECOMMENDING THE APPOINT- MENT OF A FULL-TIME EXECUTIVE OFFICER FOR THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION." On motion by Green, Council waived further reading. of Resolution No. 2931 and passed and adopted same by the following roll call voter AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Annexation of County.Is,lands Councilman Green also stated that during the Orange County League of Cities meeting the subject of annexation of County islands arose and that the Huntington Beach City Councilmen were requested to offer their opinions in this matter. 7451 Page #14• - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 On motion by Green, Council referred the matter of the annexation of County islands to the staff for study and report at the next regular meeting. Motion carried. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL Sunset Beach No. 5 Annexation Councilman Shipley commented briefly regarding the Local Agency Forma- tion Commission hearing on the Sunset Beach No. 5 Annexation. Request Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association, Inc. Councilman Matney informed Council that a letter had been received from the Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association, Inc. asking that the City Council request the Santa Ana River Basin Branch of the State Water Quality Control to investigate the overflow and sewage seeping into the channels of Huntington Harbour from the Sunset Beach Sewage Plant. On motion by Matney, Council directed the City Administrator to request that the Santa Ana River Basin Branch of the State Water Quality Control investigate this matter and further directed that the State Water Quality Control Board be requested to schedule a public hearing in this matter. Motion carried. Chamber of Commerce and Board of Realtors Commended Councilman Green commended the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Realtors for the event they staged to welcome an insurance firm which is relocating its offices to this City and expressed hope that the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Realtors would continue this practice in the future. Applications Received for Citizens Committees The Assistant City Administrator informed Council that 30 applications to serve on various City committees had been received. TRAILER PARK - HEIL AND SPRINGDALE The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. Robert A. Sutake, 6012 Annette Circle, City, expressing opposition to a petition for a Conditional Exception to permit the development of a trailer park in the area of Springdale Street and Heil Avenue. Mayor Coen ordered the communication from Mr. Robert A. Sutake received and filed. ZONE CASE NO 69-2 - PUBLIC HEARING - APPROVED Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Zone Case No. 69-2, on property located on the north side of Warner Avenue, approximately 500 feet west of Beach Boulevard, for a change of zone from R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District to R5 Office -Professional District. The Clerk informed the Council that all legal requirements for notifi- cation, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met, and that he had received no communications or written protests to Zone Case No. 69-2, or to the recommendation of approval of the Planning Commission. 746 Page #15 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 At this time staff reports were presented for Council"s`information. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter,"and there being no protests filed, either oral or written,`the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Green, Council sustained the decision''of`the Planning Commission and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance effecting the change of zone'in Zone Case No. 6'9-2. Motion carried. ZONE CASE NO 69-1 -.PUBLIC HEARING-- APPROVED Mayor Coen announced that this was,the day'and hour set for a public hearing on Zone Case No. 69-1, on property located on the east side of Edwards Street, south of Warner Avenue, fora change of zone from R2 Two Family Residence District to'R3 Limited'Multiple Family Residence District. The Clerk informed the Council that all legal requireinents for notifi- cation, publication 'and'.posting on said public hearing had been met, and that he had received no conmidni.cati`ons or written `protests to Zone Case No. 69-1 or to the recommendation of approval of`the Planning Commission. At this time staff reports were presented for,Council's information. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open. Mr. Al Bergum, representing the applicant,` -addressed Council 'and requested that Zone Case No. 69-1`be approved. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Bartlett, Council sustained the decis`ion''of�the Planning Commission and directed'the City Attorney to.'prepare'an Ordinance effecting the change of -zone, in Zone Case No. 69-1. Motion carried. ZONE CASE NO 6.7-32 - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED The Clerk presented Zone Case No. 67-32 on property located between "A" and "B" Streets, northof Blaylock Aveniie, to appr6 imately 660 feet north of the centerline of WarnerAvenue, for a change of zone from R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District to C4 Highway Commercial District, with a 50 foot setback from: the ultimate'right-of- way line. The public hearing was opened at the meeting of February 3, 1969, and continued` to this date._ Mr. Charles Starkey, 17872 "A" Street, Newport Beach, California, addressed Council regarding Zone Case.No.'67-32.. On motion by McCracken, Council continued the `public hearing on Zone Case No. 67-32 to the next regular meeting. Motion carried. 747 Page IP16 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 ZONE CASE NO 68-53 - APPEAL - DENIED Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Zone Case No. 68-53, on property located on the north and south side of Holland Drive, east of Beach Boulevard for a change of zone from C4 Highway Commercial District and R5 Office -Professional District, to R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District, The Clerk informed the Council that all legal requirements for notifi- cation, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met, and that he had received no communications or written protests to Zone Case No. 68-53 or to the recommendation of denial of the Planning Commission, other than the letter of appeal.. At this time staff reports were presented for Coun.ci.l's'information. Mayor Coen declared the hearing open. Mr. Al Bergum, representing the appellant, addressed Council and gave reasons why he felt Zone Case No. 68-53 should be approved. The Director of Public Works addressed Council regarding this matter. Mr, Don Rittman, 17322 Jeffersbn Lane, City, representing the home- owners immediately behind the area, addressed Council in opposition to Zone Case No. 68-53. There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Green, Council sustained the denision'cf the Planning Commission and denied Zone Case No. 68-53 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES, Councilmen ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen None None McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, RECESS The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 9:20 P.M. Council was reconvened at 9:28 P.M. by the Mayor ZONE CASE NO 68-25 ,-_ APPEAL e PUBLIC HEARING - DENIED The Clerk presented an appeal to the denial by the Planning Commission of Zone Case No. 68-25, on property located at the southwest corner of Humbolt Drive and Saybrook Lane, for a change of zone from R1 Single Family Residence District to R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. The Planning Commission denied Zone Case No. 68-25, without prejudice. The public hearing was opened at the meeting of January 6, 1969, and continued to the meeting of January 20, 1969, and continued again to the meeting of January 29, 1969, at which time it was continued to this Meeting, The Planning Director presented a report on Zone Case No. 68-25. Mr, Ron Montgomery, Huntington Harbour Corporation representative, 4241 Warner Avenue, City, addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed Zone Case No. 68-25 should be approved. 74 Page #17 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 Mr. C. Matthews, architect, Wm. L. Pereira & Associates, addressed Council and stated he believed approval should be given to Zone Case No. 68-25. Mr. Everett Petticord, Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, addressed Council and requested that Zone Case No. 68-25 be approved. Mr. Louis Feldt, resident of Huntington Harbour, addressed Council in favor of Zone Case No. 68-25. Dr. Everett.Lee, 16392 Ardsley Circle, City, addressed Council in opposition, to Zone Case No. 68-25. Mr. A. C. Alter, 16382 Ardsley Circle, City, addressed Council in opposition to Zone Case No. 68-25, and stated that boat usage would be effected by a change of zone. Mr. James Johnson, 4052 Humboldt Drive, City, addressed Council in opposition to Zone Case No.. 68-25. Mr. A. W. Knox, 3322 Easter Circle, City, representing the Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association, addressed Council in opposition to Zone Case No. 68-25 and stated that severe parking problems would result if the requested change of zone were to be approved. Mr. W. H. Causline, 16462 Barnstable Circle, City, addressed Council in opposition to Zone Case No. 68-25. Mr. Dirk Hartman, 4121 Morningstar Drive, City, addressed Council in opposition to Zone Case No. 68-25. Mr. Donald Hunt, 16071 Bolero Lane, City, addressed Council and stated he was opposed to Zone Case No. 68-25. Mr. Ron Montgomery, representing the Huntington.Harbour Corporation, addressed Council again and presented a brief summarization requesting approval of Zone Case No. 68-25. Mr. Ed Leutheuser, 655 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles,'addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed Zone Case No. 68-25 should be approved. Mr. E. D. Peddicord, Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, addressed Council again, and requested that approval be granted to Zone Case No. 68-25. Fire Chief Picard addressed Council regarding the fire conditions of this area. There being no one further to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing .was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Green, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Cormnission and denied Zone Case No. 68-25. Motion carried. 749 Page #18 - Council Minutes - 2/17/69 INFORMAL MEETING CALLED Mayor Coen called an informal meeting of the Council for Monday, February 24, 1969, at 7:00 P.M., to meet as a committee -of -the -whole for the purpose of holding interviews for vacancies on the Recreation and Parks Committee and the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Green, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. Paul C Janes City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: Paul C. Jones City Clerk t Alvin M. Coen Mayor 750