HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-19MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 19, 1969 Mayor Green called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Thomas W. Overton,.Minister -First Christian Church ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Shipley, McCracken, Coen, Green, Bartlett (arrived 7:30 P.M.) Councilmen Absent: Kaufman, Matney MINUTES On motion by Coen, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 5, 1969 and the regular adjourned meeting of May 12, 1969, were approved and adopted as prepared and mailed by the City Clerk. Motion carried. t; FIRE DEPT COMMUNICATIONS & TRAINING FEASIBILITY STUDY The City Administrator informed Council that Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Westminster and Fountain Valley are striving for a new and better fire rating, prior to a survey to be held October 1, 1969, and that in order to increase points and obtain a better rating, Fire Chief Picard had developed a joint powers agreement on communications which he believes will increase the quality of fire protection. Battalion Chief Anson presented a film outlining the objectives and economic factors involved in the proposed joint powers agreement. Following considerable discussion, on motion by Coen, Council directed the Attorney to confer with the Fire Department in this matter, and prepare the necessary documents in draft form for presentation to Council. Motion carried. 31 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - APPOINTMENTS The City Administrator informed Council that the terms of appointment of the following board and commission members will expire June 30, 1969. J� Planning Commission Michael Bokor Robert Bazil (OS Library Board Lea Hood (retiring) Personnel Board Frank Fittin Page #2 - Council Minutes - 5/19/69 ft� Recreation and Parks Commission Thomas Cooper Robert Cooper APPOINENT TO LIBRARY BOARD - MRS CHARLENE BAUER The City Administrator read a communication from the Library Board recommending that Mrs. Charlene Bauer be considered for appointment to a term on the Library Board, On motion by Coen, Council appointed Mrs. Charlene Bauer to a full term on the Library Board, to expire .June 30, 1973. Motion carried. APP016ENT TO PERSONNEL BOARD — FRANK FITTEN On motion by Coen, Council reappointed Mr. Frank Fitten to a full term on the Personnel Board to expire June 30, 1973. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Coen to reappoint Mr. Michael Bokor to a term as Planning Commissioner. Mayor Green suggested that consideration for appointments to the Plan- ning Commission and Recreation and Parks Commission be deferred to an adjourned meeting of the Council. Councilman Coen then withdrew his motion. 6) _ q5 RESOLUTION NO 2996 - SUPPORTS AB 2233 - OUTDOOR RECREATION NEEDS - ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk read Resolution No, 2996 by title - "A RESOL- LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SUPPORTING ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 2233a" On motion by Shipley, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2996, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen. Shipley, McCracken, Coen, Green NOES. Councilmen. None ABSENT. Councilmen: Bartlett, Kaufman, Matney 31 MID -BEACH AREA - MORATORIUM The City Administrator addressed Council regarding the present moratorium on all construction and development in the Mid -Beach Development down- town area which expired May 2, 1969a Discussion was held by Council regarding extending the moratorium period for an additional six month's time, and the Assistant Planning Director was requested to determine if the new project study areas, as outlined at the last meeting, are located in the present moratorium area. Council then deferred action on this matter to the evening portion of the meeting when the Assistant Planning Director's report would be presented. ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS - INTERVIEWS The City Administrator informed Council that he had contacted two architectural firms regarding the design of the new civic center, and suggested that Council set a time for interviews. Mayor Green set interviews for the selection of an architectural firm to design the new civic center for May 26, 1969, at 7:00 P.M, Page #3 - Council Minutes - 5/19/69 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS COMMITTEE The City Administrator addressed Council and recommended that a Council Committee be created for the purpose of formulating a policy on systems analysis Mayor Green appointed Councilman Shipley, Coen, and Green.and Mr. Michael Bokor, Planning Commissioner to serve on a Systems Analysis Committee. BOND RELEASE - TRACT NO 6309 - APPROVED The Assistant City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works recommending that Labor and Materials Bond on Tract No. 6309 be released, as the six month holding period had been satisfied. On motion by Coen, Council authorized the release of Labor and Materials Bond for Tract No. 6309 and directed the Treasurer to notify the Bonding Company and the City Clerk to notify the developer. Motion carried. DEDICATION OF'IMPROVEMENTS - TRACT NO 5661 - APPROVED The Assistant City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance of dedicated improvements and authorization for release of the Monument Bond in Tract No. 5661 William Lyon Development Company, On motion by Coen, Council accepted improvements dedicated for public use in Tract No. 5561, authorized release of the Monument Bond and directed that the developer be notified by the City Clerk and the bond- ing company be notified by the City Treasurer of the termination of this bond. Motion carried. STORM DRAIN IN INDIANAPOLIS AVENUE - CC-099 The Assistant City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works requesting authorization to advertise for bids for the manufacture and delivery of reinforced concrete pipe for a storm drain in Indianapolis Avenue across the D02.channel - CC-099. On motion by Coen, Council authorized the Director of Public Works to proceed with the advertising for bids for Project CC-�099. Motion carried, 4fJ-- 1,2 REIMBURSEMENT - BALBOA SHORES CORP, ET AL - _APPROVED The Assistant. City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works requesting reimbursement in the amount of $882.90 to Balboa Shores Corporation and Charles R. and Mary Jane Campbell for the construction of offsite water main at 17674-17710 Van Buren Street - per Reimbursement Agreement No. 109. On motion by Coen, Council authorized reimbursement of $882.90 to Balboa Shores Corporation and Charles R. and Mary Jane Campbell for said construction as per Reimbursement Agreement No. 109. Motion carried. a Page #4 T Council Minutes - 5/19/69 t?3_gl REIMBURSEMENT - BALBOA SHORES CORP, ET AL - RES NO 2990 m ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of Public Works of Resolution No. 2990 for the reimbursement of $532.62 to Balboa Shores Corporation and Co R. and M. J. Campbell for the construction of an offsite sewer main at 17674-17710 Van Buren Street as per Reimbursement Agreement No. 108, 'The Assistant City Clerk read Resolution No. 2990 by title - "A RESOLU- TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND," On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Resolution No, 2990, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmenz Shipley, McCracken, Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen.- None ABSENT- Councilmen: Bartlett, Kaufman, Matney 4 GOLDENWEST IMPROVEMENTS ` CC-097 - RES NO 2991 o ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk presented a transmittal from the Director of 'Public Works of Resolution No. 2991 authorizing the transfer of $98,887.00 from the Sewer Fund and also transfer of $28,086.50 from the General Water Fund to the Gas Tax Fund to cover payment for sewer work and water main installation incorporated into the Goldenwest project. On motion by Coen, Council authorized the Finance Director to transfer $28,086„50 from the General Water Fund to the Gas Tax Fund. Motion carried. The Assistant City Clerk read Resolution No. 2991 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND." On motion, by Coen, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2991, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, McCracken, Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen.: Bartlett, Kaufman, Matney 14�- 0 OC COOPERATIVE LIBRARY AGREEMENT - APPROVED The Assistant City Clerk presented a transmittal of a Joint Powers Agreement incorporating the original agreement and all amendments, and a Resolution changing the name of the system from Orange County Cooperative Library System to Santiago Library System. On motion by Coen, Council approved the Joint Powers Agreement incor- porating the original agreement and all amendments, and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Motion carried. 1841 Page #5 - Council Minutes - 5/19/69 w3 RESOLUTION NO 2992 - SANTIAGO LIBRARY SYSTEM - ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk read Resolution No, 2992 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATIVE TO SANTIAGO LIBRARY SYSTEM," On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Resolution No, 2992, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, McCracken, Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen- None ABSENT: Councilmen: Bartlett, Kaufman, Matney REQUEST FOR SUPPORTr WEST ORANGE COUNTY WATER BOARD The Assistant City Clerk presented a communication from the Chairman of the West Orange County Water Board requesting that Council adopt a resolution of support in opposing use of funds by the Orange County Municipal Water District for construction of storage facilities which would not be beneficial to all entities of said District. RESOLUTION NO 2993 - 6 POSING USE OF FUNDS - ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk read Resolution No, 2993 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OPPOS- ING USE OF FUNDS BY THE ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STORAGE FACILITIES WHICH WOULD NOT BE BENEFICIAL TO ALL.ENTITIES OF SAID DISTRICT," On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No, 2993, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen. Shipley, McCracken, Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Bartlett, Kaufman, Matney, WEST ORANGE COUNTY�WATER BOARD BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 1969-70 - APPROVED The Assistant City Clerk presented a transmittal of the West Orange County Water Board Budget - Fiscal Year 1969-70, for Council's approval. On motion by Shipley, Council approved the West Orange County Water Board Budget for Fiscal Year 1969-70, according to the terms of the Joint Powers Agreement, Motion carried. RECESS The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 5:50 P,M, Council was reconvened at 7:33 by the Mayor. DESIGNATE�Y 18 - MAY 24 - REALTOR WEEK The Assistant City Clerk, at the request of the Mayor, read a Proclama- tion designating the week of May 18th through May 24th as "Realtors Week". 42 Page #6 = Council Minutes - 5/19/69 ��, PRESENTATION m OC GIRLS' INVITATIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS Mayor Green introduced Mr. .Jim Lucas, coach of the Senior Division Champions and Mr. William Curran, coach' of the ,Junior Division Champions, of the Orange County Girls' Invitational Basketball Tournament sponsored by the Huntington Beach Rotary Club and the Huntington Beach Recreation and Parks Department. The Mayor extended the community's congratulations to the participants and presented Resolutions of Commendation to each'team member, 45 . H L PRESENTATION - COUNCILMAN ALVIN M COEN Mayor Green presented a plaque to Councilman Coen in appreciation of his dedicated service to the City as Mayor from April, 1968 to April, 1969n 3� REPORT - YOUTH COALITION COMMITTEE Mr. Leonard K. Ewers, Chairman of the Youth Coalition Committee, addressed Council and presented the goals that the committee feels the City should strive to attain, together with recommendations for projects such as a Teen Center in the downtown area, for Council's consideration. Mayor Green suggested that the Administrator and the Council meet with the Youth Coalition Committee within the next few weeks to discuss the committee's recommendations. Cl -S.-3t COMMUNITY ACTION LEAGUE DANCES Mr. Ronald E. Blair, Chairman of the Community Action League, informed Council of the League's intention to hold a final dance on May 23rd for the youths in the community, prior to the closing of school, and requested that the City again co-sponsor the event. On motion by Shipley, Council approved the request of the Community Action League and directed that the Recreation and Parks Department cosponsor the dance on May 23, 1969, at the Recreation -Center. Motion carried. 77� �tio� ORDINANCE NO 1496 m ESTABLISHES SPEED LIMITS - ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1496 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 617101 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE TO ESTABLISH A PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF FORTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR ON BOLSA AVENUE AND EDWARDS STREET." On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1496, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote; AYES: Councilmen° Shipley, NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT. Councilmen: Kaufman, Bartlett, McCracken, Coen, Green Matney 3 Page #7 - Council Minutes - 5/19/69 jj ORDINANCE NO 1497 - PARADES - ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1497 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING THERETO CHAPTER 79 RELATING TO PARADES." Mr. Lawrence Buckley, Attorney 20842 Sea Mist Lane, City, addressed Council and stated that he believed that the definition of "parade" as set forth in this ordinance was too broadly interpreted, and requested that Council defer this matter to a later date. At the request of the City Attorney, the Assistant City Clerk read a communication from Dr. Max L. Forney, District Superintendent of Schools, urging that Council take positive action on this matter by adopting this ordinance, Following discussion, on motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1497, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Kaufman, Matney ORDINANCE NO 1498 - DM 31 - PRECISE PLAN 69-1 - ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1498 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH.AMENDING.THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING DISTRICT MAP 31 TO INCLUDE PRECISE PLAN NO. 69-1, ELIMINATING THE CONNECTION BETWEEN'KEELSON LANE AND ELM STREET TO TERMINATE EACH OF SAID STREETS IN CUL-DE-SACS." On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1498, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen.- Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Kaufman, Matney 7C'Sb ORDINANCE NO 1499 - TEMPORARY RETAIL SALES OF FIREWORKS — ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1499 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 4104a5.2 AND 4104.5.3 THEREOF PERTAINING TO TEMPORARY RETAIL SALES OF FIREWORKS, AND ISSUANCE OF PERMITS THEREFOR BY THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR," On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1499, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, NOES: Councilmen- None ABSENT- Councilmen- Kaufman, Bartlett, McCracken, Coen, Green Matney ;, S RES NO 2994 — CIRCULATION OF PETITION - SUNSET.BEACH ANNEX - ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk read Resolution No..2994 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROV- ING THE CIRCULATION OF A PETITION TO ANNEX TERRITORY TO SAID CITY," S441 Page #8 - Council Minutes - 5/19/69 On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 29941 and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, NOES- Councilmen; None ABSENT: Councilmen, Kaufman, Bartlett, McCracken, Coen, Green Matney RESOLUTION NO 2995 � AMBULANCE SERVICE RATES - ADOPTED The Assistant City Clerk read Resolution No. 2995 by title - "A RESOLU- TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 'HUNTINGTON BEACH COVERING PRO- CEDURES, RULES AND RATES PERTAINING TO AMBULANCE SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2397 AND 2253a" On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2995, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen: Shipley, NOES- Councilmen; None ABSENT: Councilmen; Kaufman, REPORTS - COUNCIL COMMITTEES People For Parks"26ommittee Bartlett, McCracken, Coen, Green Matney Councilman Shipley reported that the People For Parks Committee, at their recent meeting, expressed hope that the citizens of the community would support the coming Park Bond Election. l - 7v MID -BEACH AREA - MORATORIUM - CONTINUED FROM EARLIER PORTION OF MEETING The Assistant Planning Director addressed Council and stated that the present resolution establishing a moratorium on building -permits and construction does not include the new .project study areas, as outlined at the last meeting. He further stated that the ULI-Citizens Committee had requested that the moratorium be expanded to include property extending to Atlanta Avenue and that all of Study Area No. 3 also be included. The Assistant City Clerk read Resolution No. 2997 by title - "A RESOLU- TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SUSPENDING THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, SIGN AND OTHER PERMITS IN THE PARKING AUTHORITY PROJECT AREA FOR A PERIOD OF SIX (6) MONTHS." On motion by Coen, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 2997, and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT; Councilmen- Kaufman, Matney REQUEST FOR HOLDING ZONE - CIVIC CENTER A motion was made by Mayor Green directing the staff to assemble information to establish a holding zone to prevent construction in the afea surrounding the new civic center site, for presentation to Council at the dune 2, 1969, meeting. The motion passed by the following roll call vote. AYES. Councilmen- Shipley, NOES; Councilmen-, None ABSENT- Councilmen; Kaufman, Bartlett, McCracken, Coen, Green Matney Page #9 - Council Minutes - 5/19/69 S5.3' REPORT - REDEVELOPMENT - SITE #12 The Assistant Planning Director -,presented maps of the Site #12 small lot consolidation project locat(od'east- of. Beach Boulevard and north of Ellis Avenue, for Ciounc'il's infori�ationo He then presented a brief resume' of the reasons this site was chosen for possible action by the Redevelopment Agency. Mrs Clem Cole, 244.6 Chislehurst -Drive, Los. Angeles, property owner, addressed Council and requested that Council defer this matter for a six month.perio.d of time so that'he and the other property owners may materialize their plans. Mr. Milton-Monkeby, 14617 Jalon Road, LaMi.rada, property owner, addressed Council and stated that he is in favor of proceeding with plans as developed by,the Redevelopment Agency, Mayor Green directed that this matter be deferred to the June 16, 1969 meeting and further directed that the property owners be notified of this action s'c that they may be present to inform Council of their positions in "this matter, CODE AMEND4NT-NO 69-3 - APPROVED The Assistant City Clerk. presented Code Amendment No. 69-3,.which pro- poses to amend Article 968 (-0- Combining Oil District) by renumbering, rewording.and adding various sections to said Article and proposes to reword Section 9700 (n) Definitions. The public hearing was held and closed on'May 5, 1969, with the decision of the Council deferred to this date. On motion by Coen, Council approved Code Amendment No, 69-3, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Cole. Motion carried, CODE AMENDMENT NO 69-4 - HEIGHT LIMITS — CONTINUED The Assistant City Clerk presented Code -Amendment No, 69-4, on which a public hearing was held and c-losed at the meeting of March 17, 1969, at which time Council directed that it be referred back to the Planning Commission to consider the feasibility of allowing three story build- ings to be erected on larger lots The Assistant Planping Director prnsented Code Amendment No. 69-4 with changes requested. Considerable discussion was held by Council regarding setback require- ments in the R1 zoned On motion by Bartlett, Council directed that Revised Code Amendment Noo.69-4 be referred back to the Planning Commission for a change to require that three-story dwellings in R1 zones be allowed by a Use Permit rather than by amendment to the Ordinance Code. Motion carried. 4 1 Page #10 - Council Minutes - 5/19/69 )0 CODE AMENDMENT NO 69-2 - PUBLIC HEARING m REFERRED BACK TO PC Mayor Coen announced that this was the day and hour set for the con- tinuance of a public hearing on Code Amendment No. 69-2, which was opened at the meeting of March 17, 1969, continued to April 7, 1969, continued to May 5, 1969, and again continued to this date. The Assistant City Clerk stated that a Planning Commission report and draft with additions underlined, and communications from the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Huntington Harbour Property Owner's Association, Inc., have been submitted for their information. The Assistant Planning Director presented a report for Council's information. Considerable discussion was held by Council regarding the minimum square footage requirement when structure abuts the green. On motion by McCracken, Council referred Code Amendment No. 69-2 back to the Planning Commission for a change to require that the minimum lot size for single dwellings be not less than 5000 square feet when said lots abut common open space used for recreation and leisure purposes. Motion carried. ,7r COMPLAINT -MOTORCYCLE NOISE Mr, Robert Healy, 6871 Vista Del Sol, City, President of the Franciscan Fountain Homeowner's Association, addressed Council regarding the excessive noise created on weekends from motorcyles using an area of State-owned and privately owned land south of Slater Avenue, Police Captain Robitaille reported that the Police Department had recently received written authority from the property owners to enforce the no trespassing notices which are posted in the area. The Council informed Mr. Healy that every effort would be made by the Police Department to alleviate this problem. Mr., Robert Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, City, addressed Council regard- ing Mr. Healy's complaint and stated that he agreed the situation con- stituted a nuisance, however, he felt the Police Department had exerted as much control as possible in this matter. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Coen, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Monday, May 26, at 6.30 P.M. in the Administrative Annex, Civic Center. Motion carried. Paul C o ,Jones City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,�Cl California BY4-��it .rAssistant Cy e ATTEST.- N o JOHN V a V o G Paul C a - ,Tories Mayor City Cler-k Assig ant City 6 Jerk - 7