HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-03 (6)MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Tom, Duke COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Porter NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. MINUTES: On motion by Tom and seconded by Miller, the Minutes of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission of June 17, 24, and July 1, 1969, were accepted as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary. USE PERMIT NO. 69-45 (Referred by Board of Zoning Adjustments) Applicantf Standard Oil Company of Calif. To permit the construction and opera- tion of a 3-bay service station in the C4 Highway Commercial District. Located on the southwest corner of Warner Ave. and Golden West St.� The Staff Report was read by the Act- ing Secretary. The hearing was -opened to the audience. COMMISSIONER"PORTER: Commissioner Porter arrived at 7:10 P.M. and assumed his duties. Oscar Louderback, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission, and requested approval of the Use Permit. He felt the design of the proposed service station is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Slides were shown of the structural and architectural design of various service stations in Southern California. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DUKE AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO CONTINUE USE PERMIT NO. 69-45 TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 19690 FOR DECISION ONLY, TO ALLOW TIME FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY"S OFFICE TO SUBMIT A REPORT REGARDING THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF ALL SERVICE STATIONS IN THE CITY. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Tom, Duke, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 69-30 Applicant: Jake Stewart To permit heavy duty equipment tare re- pair with limited retail sales, plus a storage yard in the R-A-O Residential Agricultural District combined with oil production. Located on the north side of Garfield Ave. 200 ft. east of Stewart St. A video tape was shown of subject pro- perty. The Staff Report was read by the Acting Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. There being no one present to speak in favor or opposition of the request, the hearing was closed. Mr. Hartge, City Engineer, advised the Minutes: Planning Commission Commission it would be approximately 8 to 10 years before the freeway would be developed at this location. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 69-30 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The property owner shall enter into an agreement with the City agreeing to dedicate Garfield Ave. to City Standards 'and to install street improvements within three (3) months after requested to do so by the Department of Public Works or if the property to the west develops such improvements shall be installed in conjunction with the street improve- ments for that parcel. 2. The site shall be paved in conformance with Section 8163.1 of the Huntington Beach ordinance code shall be complied with. 3. -All provisions of the MI Zone and other applicable provi- sions of the Huntington Beach ordinance code shall be complied with. 4. Driveway locations and specifications shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. This shall include pavement of the driveway between the street pavement and the property line. 5. Conditional Exception No. 69-30 shall become null and void on September 1, 1974. 6. All equipment and material shall be screened from view and the area shall be landscaped according to requirements established by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 7, The Planning Commission shall review the site within six months to determine if the conditions of approval have been complied with and if any of the conditions have not been complied with within that time, the Planning Com- mission shall begin proceedings to terminate the use. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Duke, Tom, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None THE'MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 69-31 Applicant: Huntington Associates To permit the renewal of an existing double paneled 'IV" sign (each panel 8 ft. by 16) in the R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. Located on the east side of Beach Blvd. approximately 500 ft. north of Talbert Ave. The Staff Report was read by the Acting Secretary. . A video tape was shown of the subject property. The hearing was opened to the audience. Chris C. Chris addressed the Commission and requested that the applicant abate the weeds and clear the area around the sign if this request is granted. Robert McClune, administrator of the hospital and representative of Huntington Association, addressed the Commission and stated the reasons for the request. Mr.McClune informed the Commission that the lot would be cleaned up but to require landscaping at this time would impose a hardship. There being no further comments, the hear- ing was closed. Commission discussion followed. -2- 9j3j69-PC Minutes: P�4nning Commission A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOKOR AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 69-31 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. All provisions of Article 976 regarding Temporary Directional Signs for land development projects shall be complied with. 2. A petition to rezone the property to R5 shall be filed prior to October 1, 1969, or Conditional Exception No. 69-31 shall be null and void. 3. The area shall be graded and cleaned up. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PORTER TO AMEND THE THIRD CONDITION TO READ: The property shall be cleaned, graded and planted in grass. ROLL CALL VOTE ON AMENDMENT TO MOTION: AYES: Porter, Duke NOES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Tom ABSENT: None THE MOTION DID NOT CARRY. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION AS ORIGINALLY STATED: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Tom, Duke, Miller NOES: Porter ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 69-32 Applicant: A. Lansdale To permit the reactivation of an oil well which has been idle for a period of more than 6 months. Located on the east side of 22nd St., be- tween Orange and Olive Avenues, in the R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. The Staff Report was read by the Acting Secretary. A letter from the Oil Field Superinten- dent was read by the Acting Secretary stating he has no objec- tion to the reactivation of'the oil well. The Chairman read the conditions to be proposed in the revised oil ordinance presently being prepared. Pictures of the subject property were shown. The hearing was opened to the audience. A. Lansdale, applicant, addressed the Commission and asked for approval of this request. There being no further comments, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOKOR AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 69-32 WITH CON- DITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The property shall be maintained in a neat, clean and orderly manner. 2. All provisions of the Huntington Beach Oil Code and Fire Code shall be complied with. 3. The applicant shall secure all necessary permits as re- quired by the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 4. Conditional Exception No. 69­32 shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission during the month of September 1970, for the purpose of establishing additional conditions of approval that are consistant with city ordinances effective at that time or such conditional exception shall become null and void on October 1, 1970. -3- 9/3/69-PC Minutes: Planning Commission 5. The applicant shall screen the subject property and the screening shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1.- Properties in the immediate vicinity are of an oil -field - nature. 2. There are no residences nearby and this use is compatible with the area. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bokor, Slates, Miller, Tom, Duke NOES: Bazil, Porter ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 69-33 Applicant:- William L. Heil To permit the installation of a put- ting and driving range in the R3 Limited Mu:ltip-le Family District. Located at the southwest corner of Edinger Ave. and Newland St. The Staff Report was read by the Acting Secretary. The hearing was opened to the audience. Dale Bush, attorney for the applicant, addressed the Commission and requested approval of the appli- cation. Mr. Bush stated that the applicant objected to Con- dition No. 2 - street improvements - as outlined in the Staff Report- -because the property is -within -the area on the study plan for the proposed Route 39 freeway with Newland"St. possibly being rerouted. Mr. Bill Hartge, City Engineer, recom- mended full improvements on Edinger Ave. but due to the unknown location of the ramps for the freeway, improvements along Newland St. may be temporarily postponed with a bond posted with the City and an agreement to install such improvements within three months after requested to do so by the Department of -Public Works. A lengthy discussion was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY DUKE TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 69-33 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The plot plan received August 28, 1969, shall be the ap- proved layout. 2. Edinger and the northerly 150 ft. of Newland St. shall be fully improved to City Standards. Improvements shall in- clude street trees, street signs, street lights, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, paving, fire hydrants, and water main ex- tensions. Improvements along Newland St. may be temporarily postponed and the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City agreeing to install the improvements within three months after requested to do so by the Department of Public Works. A bond shall be posted with the City guaranteeing such improvements. 3. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 4. The water and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 5. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be in- stalled by the developer at locations and to specifica- tions provided by the Fire Department. 6. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. -4- - 9/3/69-PC Minutes: Planning Commission 7. No structure other than those shown on the approved plot plan shall be constructed within the project-. 8. Lighting shall be directed away from abutting property and shall not interfere with motorists'vision on the ' abutting highways and freeway. A plan showing the lighting layout shall be approved by the Department - of Public Works and a night field check shall be per- formed by Department of Public Works to assure compliance with this condition. 9. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 10. Driveway locations shall be approved by the Traffic engineer. 11. Conditional Exception No. 69-33 shall be null and void September 1, 1979. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: -1. This is an interim use until such time as the on and off ramps and alignment of the Route 39 freeway can be deter- mined. 2. The use will be compatible with the surrounding area and is a good interim use for this property. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Duke, Tom, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER TOM: Commissioner Tom was --excused at 9:50 P.M. CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL STUDY Robert -Joe Vasquez, Assistant Planner, made a presentation on the Central Industrial Study. The report _pointed out that the City need not seek perfection in segregat- ing land uses but it may seek to promote favorable conditions for industrial developers. Problems impeding development in the Central Industrial Area have been: 1) Transportation, 2) Encroachments, 3) Oil, 4) Small lots, and 5) Off -site improvements. The conclusion -of this report was that, in order to establish an adequate industrial base, the City must set aside an area that is designed to encourage industrial developers to locate within its boundaries. Discussion was held regarding the elimination and expansion of certain industrial areas and the protection of the Central Park. Mr. Reynolds, Planning Director, ad- dressed the Commission and explained various factors pertain- ing to planning and design of the industrial area. It was the consensus of the Commission that this item be continued to the Study Session on September 23, 1969. MULTIFAMILY ZONING STUDY Jere Murphy, Associate Planner, pre- sented a multi -family zoning study for the entire city to the Commission. The following comments were expressed by the Commission: 1) The study does not show an excess of property zoned or master planned for multi -family purposes. 2) The number of apartments under construction is a sign of the times, caused by the demand for apartments, availa- bility of financing and it is not a reason for alarm. -5- 9/3/69-PC Minutes: Planning Commission 3) The only heavy concentration of apartment zoning is in Study Area 5 where the concentration should occur; other- wise the apartments will be well distributed throughout the city. 4) Rezoning property for multi -family purposes does not appear to be a problem if the master plan is followed. 5) The Planning Commission will continue to study alternatives to the housing problem. It was the unanimous opinion of the Commission that a problem does not exist and that rezoning of multi -family zoned parcels to a lower density classification is unnecessary. SPRINGDALE STUDY Ken Reynolds, Planning Director, pre- sented the zoning and future land use potential of property located on the west side -of Springdale St. approximately 800 ft. south of Edinger Ave. The Commission reviewed several zoning alternatives including a preliminary subdivision plan. It was noted by the Commission that lot depths of the proposed RI sub- division averaged 86 ft., which is too shallow for an ideal development. It was also noted that the property is best suited for office -professional use. A MOTION WAS -MADE BY PORTER AND SECONDED BY MILLER NOT TO INITIATE REZONING PROCEEDINGS ON THE PROPERTY AND TO WAIT FOR THE NON -CONFORMING USE TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO DECIDING UPON THE ULTIMATE USE OF THE PARCEL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1) The property is zoned RA and master planned low density residential, which precludes the possibility of the pro- perty developing into an incompatible use at this time. 2) Use of this parcel will be reviewed in depth when the non -conforming use is removed which will be in approximately 5 years. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Duke, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Tom THE MOTION CARRIED. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Beautification Awards The Acting Secretary showed the Commis- sion a sample of the plaque to be awarded to those individuals previously chosen by the Planning Commission for having out- standing site improvements in 1968. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Code Amendment No. 69-7 The Acting Secretary distributed copies of suggested alternates to Code Amendment 69-7 and informed the Commission the subject would be discussed at a later date. REPORT ON CITY COUNCIL MEETING: CHAIRMAN SLATES: Chairman Slates informed the Commission of actions taken Ey the City Council at the previous night's meeting for information purposes. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS: Service Stations: A MOTION WAS MADE BY PORTER AND SECONDED Y BAZIL TO REQUTRE THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS TO REFER -6- 9/3/69-PC Minutes: Planning Commission ALL APPLICATIONS FOR SERVICE STATIONS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR ACTION PENDING A REPORT BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE REGARDING ARCHITECTURAL CON- TROL OF SERVICE STATIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Duke, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Tom THE MOTION CARRIED. Wrecking Yards: A MOTION WAS MADE BY PORTER AND SECONDED BY BAZ L TO REQUEST THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO INVESTIGATE THE CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF THE AUTO WRECKING YARDS ALONG GOTHARD ST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Duke, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Tom THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER PORTER: Commissioner Porter asked to be excused from all meetings until September 29, 1969. The request was approved. Oil Equipment.. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO REQUEST THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO INVESTI- GATE THE POSSIBILITY OF REMOVING OIL EQUIPMENT OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL PRESENTLY STORED WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Duke, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Tom THE MOTION CARRIED. R ard A. Harlow Acting Secretary -7- 9/3/69-PC