HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-06 (6)MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California, Monday, October 6, 1969 Mayor Green called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P.M. The. Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Reverend Edward Erny - First Methodist Church. RnT,T, r.AT,T. Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Coen, Green None CONSENT CALENDAR(ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR) On motion by.McCracken, Council removed Item -- Petition For Rate Increase Yellow Cab from the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Kaufman, and carried unanimously, the following consent items were approved as recommended by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None I. MINUTES - APPROVED - Regular meeting of September 15, 1969 and the regular adjourned meeting of September 16, 1969, as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT 6963 - SHAPELL INDUSTRIES - APPROVED Accepted Monument Bond No. d400bb - Performance Bond No. d40087 - Labor and Material Bond No. 84-oo87a. (General Insurance Co. of America) and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agreement - Tract 6963. 3. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT 6893 ^ LA CUESTA - APPROVED Accepted Monument Bond No. MOO82 - Labor and Material Bond No. 840082 (General Insurance Company of America.) and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agreement - Tract 6893. RELEASE LABOR & MATERIAL BOND - TRACT 6073 - STELLRECHT - APPROVED Approved release of Labor and Material Bond for Tract 6073 a,s six month hold period had been satisfied. 5. DEDICATION OF' IMPROVEMENTS - TRACT 6332 - APPROVED Accepted improvements dedicated to public use in Tract 6332 and author- ized release of Monument Bond. 6. ORANGE COUNTY COz70PERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM AGREEMENT - APPROVED Accep ed and authorized execution of an amended J.oint Powers Agreement for subject Library System. 7. SCAG RECOMMENDATIONS - AIR POLLUTION CONTROL - APPROVED Council, based upon a redommendat ion ad:opte , by . he . CAG atand ing Committee an Air -:Pollution .Control .and the SCAG Council- of _Air Pollution Control Officers in joint meeting on August 13, 1969, hereby endorses the Statement of the Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District of July 10, 1969, and in the interests of air pollution con- trol in the Southern California air basin, urges the continuation of the present import quotas on low sulpher.content.oil which are due to be terminated on March 151, 197-0. N Page #2 - Council Minutes - 1016169 8. DEDICATION OF IMPROVEMENTS - TRACT 6248 - APPROVED Accepted improvements dedicated to PLMDlic use in Tract 6248 and authorized release of the Faithful Performance portion of the Improvements Bond and the Monument Bond. 9. RES NO 3053 - APPROVING DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS - ADOPTED "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACHAPPROV- ING TIIE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS." 10. FINAL TRACT MAP NO 6675 - GULF OIL CO - APPROVED Accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map No. 6675, Located: Northeast corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Admiralty Drive; Acreage: 14.3415; Lots: 60; Developer: Gulf Oil Company, P.O. Box 54064, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles, California; and adopted the map subject to conditions stipulated by the Planning Department as follows: 1. Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections. 2. Deposit of Park and Recreation Fees. 3. Bond for improvements. 4. subdivision agreement. 5. Certificate of insurance. 6. Bond for monuments. Further instructed the City Clerk that he may affix his signature to the ma,p and deposit" "same with any licensed title company after receipt of a writing from such company stating that it will cause preliminary proces- sing of such map by the County, but will not record said ma,p or cause it to be recorded until the completion of all the conditions, and receipt by such title company of prior written consent to record said map, from the City Clerk. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 1. PETITION FOR RATE INCREASE - YELLOW CAB On motion by Bartlett, Council directed that the peition for rate increase filed by Yellow Ca,b of Newport and Costa, Mesa, Inc., be referred to the staff for study;- and included in the ULI Sub -Committee Transportation Study. Motion carried. BID AWARD - SIGNALIZATION - PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY - CC-114 The Clerk read a, communication from the Director of Public Works stating that bids for the installation of signal facilities on Pacific Coast Highway at Golden West Street, First Street, Huntington Street, and mod- ification-of the signals at Main Street - Project CC-114, had been opened at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, October 6, 1969, in the Administrative Annex by the City Clerk, -City Attorney and the Director of Public Works, and that Smith Electric Company, Stanton, California, was the low bidder with a, bid in the amount of $75,768.00. Mr. Wheeler recommended that the Council award the bid to Smith Electric Company, and reject all other bids. The bids submitted were as follows: Smith Electric Supply - Stanton, California, - 175,76.8.00 E. D. Johnson - Anaheim, California, - 78,235.00 Steiny & Mitchel - Los Angeles, California, - 92,100.00 On motion by Kaufman, Council awarded the contract for Project CC-114 to Smith Electric, Sta,nton,. California,, the lowest responsible bidder, for the bid amount of $75,768.00; rejected all other bids and directed the Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and return their bid bonds. Motion carried. Page #" - Council Minutes - 10/6/69 APPOINTMENT - STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 57 - CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE The City Administrator presented a transmittal of names submitted by various civic organizations for appointments to the Council appointed City Advisory Committee for=the State Highway Route 57. On motion by Coen, and carried unanimously, the following persons were appointed to serve on City Highway Advisory Committee for State Highway Route ..-57: Mr. William Wren H. B. Chamber of Commerce Mr. Lawrence Sallman Junior Chamber of Commerce Mr. Cris C. Cris Home Council Mr. George J. Galkin H. B. Board of Realtors Mrs. Ralph Wiese League of Women Voters Mr. Larry L. Curran Concerned Citizens Committee Mayor Green then appointed Vice -Mayor McCracken to serve as temporary Chairman of the City Highway Advisory Committee for State Highway Route 57. PERMISSION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE - CITY ADMINISTRATOR - GRANTED The City Administrator requested Council"permission to attend the Inter- national City Managers Conference to be held October 12 through 16, 1969, in New York City. On motion by Coen, Council granted the City Administrator permission to attend the International City Managers Conference to be held October 12 through 16, 1969, in New York City, with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the Clerk to read Ordina,nces- 1528, 1529, 1530, 1531, by title, waived further reading and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Coen, Green None None McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, ORDINANCE NO 1528 - ZONE CASE NO 69-24 - ADOPTED "BAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWESTERN SIDE OF ADMIRALTY DRIVE, EXTENDING NORTHWESTERLY APPROXIMATELY PARALLEL WITH PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY FOR A DISTANCE OF 1050 FEET." ORDINANCE NO 1529 - ZONE CASE 69-25 - ADOPTED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BUSHARD STREET AND ATLANTA AVENUE." ORDINANCE NO 1530 - PRECISE PLAN 69-2 - ADOPTED "BAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING DISTRICT MAP 31 TO INCLUDE PRECISE PLAN NO. 69-2, ALIGNING ELM AND ASH STREETS AND CYPRESS AND SYCAMORE AVENUES." ORDINANCE NO 1531 - ESTABLISHES SPEED LIMITS - ADOPTED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING SECTION 6171.1 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE TO ESTABLISH A PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON GOTHARD STREET." 2 S4 Page #4 - Council Minutes - 1016169 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the Clerk to read O-rdinances 1532, 1533, 1535 by title and waive further reading by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, .Coen, Green NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ORDINANCE NO 1532 - COMMUNITY BUSINESS DISTRICT - FIRST READING "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 9430.2 (RETAIL STORES) AND 9430.5 (SERVICES) TO ADD TO PERMITTED USES IN THE C2, COMMUNITY BUSINESS DISTRICT." ORDINANCE NO 1533 - OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS - FIRST READING "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 9103.3.1.2, RENUMBERING SECTION 9103.3.1.1 AND ADDING CERTAIN OTHER SECTIONS, ALL PERTAINING TO OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS IN THE R11,''SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT'." ORDINANCE NO 1535 - USE OF MIRRORS - FIRST READING "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 7511.19.1 AND ADDING ARTICLE 407, REGULATING THE USE OF MIRRORS IN SAID CITY." ORDINANCE NO 1534 - REQUIREMENTS - Ml-A & M1 ZONES - FIRST READING The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1534 a, first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS THEREOF REGULATING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR FRONT, SIDE AND REAR YARDS IN THE Ml-A AND M1 ZONES." Considerable discussion was held by Council as to the effect this pro- posed ordinance would have in relationship to the industrial growth of the C ity. . On motion by Kaufman, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 1534. When put to a vote the motion passed unanimously. REPORTS - COUNCIL COMMITTEES Multi -family Zoning Study Councilman Ma,tney stated that the Multi -family Zoning Study Committee was still in the process of gathering information and would present a, report for Council's consideration at a, later date. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL League of California Cities - Committees Mayor Green reported that the State Director of the League of California, Cities had requested that any Council members who wish to be named to League committees contact him as soon as possible. COMMENDATION - SHERATON BEACH INN Mayor Green expressed appreciation on behalf of the City Council and Police Department to the Sheraton Beach Inn for their invaluable assist- ance and co-operation for the use of their facilities in the pursuit and supression of a, vice -ring operating in this area. 8 Page #5 - Council Minutes - 10/6/69 Visit to Parking Authority Project Area, Councilman Matney reported that Mr. William Penn Mott Jr., Director of the State Parks and Recreation Department, plans to visit Huntington Beach during November for the purpose of reviewing the Parking Authority project development. Trees - Guarantee Provisions Counc-ilman Shipley requested that a, study be made regarding the tree survival guarantee provided by tract developers for the purpose of deter- mining whether the present guarantee period is adequate. The Director of Public Works was directed to review this matter to deter- mine the feasibility of requiring that tract developers provide a longer guarantee period than is now demanded. Drainage Ditch -Franciscan Fountains. The Director of Public Works was requested to investigate the possibility of fencing the drainage ditch near the Franciscan Fountains tract to prevent children from entering the area. State Legislators Commended Mayor Green stated he believed that the State Legislative members repre- senting -Orange County should be commended for their effective representa- tion of their legislative districts. On motion by Bartlett; Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a resolution of commendation for transmittal to the State Legislators representing Orange County, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Coen, Green None None Veterans Day Memorial Services McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Mayor Green stated that he and Mr. Hal Wirtz, Commander of American Legion Post #133 had discussed the possibility of the City endorsing a, Veterans Day memorial service to be planned by the Legion. On motion by Shipley, Council endorsed the Veterans Day Memorial Service to be presented by the American Legion Post #133 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: -Shipley,. Bartlett, McCracken, Kaufman, Matney', Coen NOES: Councilmen: None Green ABSENT: Councilmen: None COMMENTS FROM DEPARTMENT HEADS Expenditure Authorized for Walkways The Director of Public Works requested that Council authorize an expenditure of approximately $5,000.00 to provide 7700 feet of asphalt sidewalks adjacent to.the Edison High School for the safe passage of students. On motion by Shipley, Council authorized an expenditure of $5,000.00 from the Contingency Fund for construction of asphalt side walks adjacent to the Edison High School, by the following roll call voter AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Coen, Green None None McCracken, Kaufman, Matney, Page #6 - Council Minutes - 10/6/69 Duke KaYianamoku Memorial The Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development informed Council that the memorial bust of #the late Duke Kana,namoku had been install ed.at the entrance to the Pier 6;_id that it has attracted considQrable comment. Attendance Authorized - Director of Harbors, Beaches & Development The City Administrator informed Council of a communication from the Boy Scouts of America inviting Mr. Vincent Moorhouse, Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development, to assist in the re -writing of an aquatic safety manual a,t a. workshop to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 11 through 13, 1969. On motion by Kaufman, Council authorized Mr. Vincent Moorhouse, Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development, to attend the Boy Scouts of America. workshop to be held ip Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 11 through 13, 1969, with reasonable'expenses allowed. Motion carried. RECESS Mayor Green called a. recess of the Council at 5:34 P.M. Council was reconvened at 7:37 P.M. by the Mayor. PRESENTATION - MAYOR GREEN - NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK CITATION Mr. Jack Broback representing the Daily Pilot Newspaper, presented the "National Newspaper Week Citation" to Mayor Green. TALBERT ESTATE PROPERTY - SIXTH STREET & OCEAN AVENUE The Clerk presented a, communication from Mr. C. A. Higbie, Attorney, 220 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island, representing Mr. Gordon Walker, Admin- istrator in the Estates of Margaret E. Talbert regarding property located on Sixth Street and Ocean Avenue. Mr. C. A. Higbie, Attorney, addressed Council and requested that the City initiate condemnation proceedings on the estate property or that Council rescind Resolution No. 3046, pertaining to non -issuance of per- mits in the Parking Authority area, as the property cannot be sold due to this encumbrance. Considerable discussion was held on this matter, however, no action was taken at this time. APPLICATIONFOR COUNCIL PERMIT - JERRY ERWIN - "THE PADDOCK" - APPROVED The Clerk presented a letter of appeal from Mr. Jerry Erwin., 611 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach, to the denial by the City Clerk of a business license to operate the business of beer bar, known as "The Paddock", at 113 Main Street, City. The Clerk informed the Council that he ha,d found nothing detrimental to Mr. Wilder or his proposed operation in the police report, and had denied same because of Council consideration of the location. He recommended to Council that they grant Mr. Wilder a, permit and direct him to issue a, business license. On motion by Coen, Council granted a. Council Permit to to operate the business of beer bar at 113 Main Street, directed the City Clerk to issue a business license for carried. Mr. Jerry Erwin City, and same. Motion 87 Page #7 - Council Minutes - 10/6/69 PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE NO 6R-12 - CONTINUED Mayor Green announced that this was -the ..day and hour set for, a contin- uance of a, public hearing on Zone Case No. 69-12, on property located 400 feet south of Warner Avenue, 660 feet west of Edwards Street for a, change of zone from Rl to R3. Said hearing was opened at the meeting of June 2, 1969, continued to the meeting of June 16, 1969, and again continued to August 18, 1969, at which time it was continued to this date. The Clerk read a, communication from Macco Corporation requesting a, con- tinuance of this matter to the meeting of November 3, 1969... On motion by Green, Council continued the public hearing on Zone Case No. 69-12 to the meeting of November 3, 1969. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE NO 69-29 - APPROVED Mayor Green .announced that this was the day and hour set for a, public hearing on Zone Case No. 69-29, on property located 260 feet south of the centerline of Hamilton Avenue and west of Brookhurst Street, for a, change of zone from E5 Office -Professional District to R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. The' -Clerk informed the Council that all legal requirements for notifi- cation, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met and that he had received no communications or written protests to Zone Case No. 69-29 or to the recommendation of approval of the Planning Commission. The Planning Director presented a, resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval of Zone Case No. 69-29. Mayor Green declared the hearing -open. Mr. Ronald Fell, representing Standard Pacific Corporation, developer of the property, addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed the request for zone change should be granted by Council. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Coen, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Com- mission and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance effect- ing the change of zone in Zone Case No. 69-29. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - ZC 69-26 & CE 69-34 - APPEAL - FR:EDLIQS _ CORP - DENIED Mayor Green announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by Fredrick. Development Company, Fullerton,' California,, to the denial by the Planning Commission of Zone Case 69-26, on property located on the west side _ off' Bolsa Chica, Street, 170 feet south of Warner Avenue for a, change of zone from C2 Community Business District to R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District; and also appeal the decision of the Planning Commission in denying Conditional Exception 69-34 to permit the following: (1) Construction of a, 50 unit apartment complex with zero side yard setback for carports constructed within such development. (2) Detached carports to be -constructed within 12 feet of Bolsa Chica Street. (3) A 10 foot front yard setback on the commercial portion of the development in lieu of the required 50 foot setback in the C2 Community Business District. Located west of Bolsa Chica, Street, 170 feet south of Warner Avenue. The Clerk informed the Council that all legal requirements for notifi- cation, publication, and posting on said public hearing had been met and that he had received no communications or written protests to Conditional Exception 69-34 or Zone Case 69-26. 9188 Page #8 - Council Minutes - 1016169 The Planning Director presented a, resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending denial of Zone Case No. 69-29 and Conditional Exception No. 69-34. Mayor Green declared the hearing open. Mr. Henry Fredricks, the appellant, addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed nis appeal to the decisions of the Planning Commission should be granted. There being no one further present to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Coen, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Commission and denied Conditional Exception No. 69-34 and Zone Case No. 69-26. Motion carried. RELOCATION OF BUILDING - PROTESTS - PUBLIC HEARING - WITHDRAWN Mayor Green announced that this was the day and hour set for a, public hearing to consider a, protest filed by--M. K. Taggart, 1704 Coral Place, Seal Beach, to the moving of a, building located at 17541 Edwards, City, to 520 16th Street, City, on property legally described as Lots 18 and 2C, Block 515, Tract Huntington Beach, 17th Street Section. The Clerk informed the Council that all legal requirements for notifi- cation, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met, and that he had received no communications or written protests to the relocation of said building. The Director of Building and Safety addressed Council and stated that he had received a, request for reimbursement of relocation inspection fee from the applicant, Mr. Jose A. Brown, 9282 Velardo, City, as he no longer planned to proceed with the relocation of the building, and wished to withdraw his application for building relocation. On motion by Coen, Council approved the applicant's request that the application to relocate a, building from 17541 Edwards Street to 520 Sixteenth Street, be withdrawn. Motion carried. RECESS - EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Green called a, recess of the Council. at 8:15 P.M. The Mayor then called an Executive Session of the Council to be held in the Administrative Conference Room. RECONVENE COUNCIL The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach was reconvened by the Mayor at 9:14 P.M. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Shipley, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Motion carried. Paul Jones City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, ATTEST: G�,e (;-� aa�, Paul C ones City Clerk N. John V. V. reen Mayor 0