HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-18MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1969 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Tom, Porter, Duke None AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: ZONE CASE 69-27: Applicant: Ethan Johnson (Cactiflor, Inc.) The Secretary read a letter from the applicant requesting withdrawal without prejudice. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOKOR AND SECONDED BY DUKE TO ACCEPT THE APPLICANTS REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Baz.il, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Tom, Porter, Duke NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT 69-55 Applicant: John A. Marlow and Assoc. The Secretary informed the Commission he had received a written request for continuance to the December 2, 1969, meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOKOR AND SECOND- ED BY MI-LLER_,TO''CONTINUE USE •PERMIT' 69-55 TO THE, DECEMBER '2-; 1969 MEETING AT THE REQUEST �OF 'THE APPLICANT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Tom, Porter, Duke NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 69-39 Applicant: Condesco, Inc. The Secretary informed the Commission he had received a written request for an extension of time to the next regular Planning Commission meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOKOR AND SECOND- ED BY MILLER TO CONTINUE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 69-39 TO THE DECEMBER 2; 1969 MEETING AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Tom, Porter, Duke NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE 69-33 Applicant: Bross Brothers -1 11/18/69 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18, 1969 Page No. 2 To permit change of zone from R1 Single Family Residence District to C4 Highway Commercial District with a 50 ft. setback from the ultimate right-of- way line and R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. Located on the southwest corner of Heil Avenue and Magnolia Street. Chairman Slates abstained from this item due to a possible conflict of interest and turned the meeting over to Vice -Chairman Tom. Mr. Palin, Assistant Planner, des- cribed the subject property and showed a video tape of the area. The hearing was opened to the aud- fence. Mr. Shibata, representing the applicant, explained their reasons for the request, and stated they feel this is the best and proper use for this property due to the size, location and configuration of the parcel. The following homeowners spoke in opposition of this request: Duane Painter, Marlin Peltz, Elizabeth Haupt, Marilyn Heptner. hearing was closed. There being no other comment, the Commission Discussion Followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECON- DED BY MILLER TO APPROVE ZONE CASE 69-33 FOR THE REASONS. REASONS GIVEN FOR ACTION TO APPROVE THE R3: 1. Although this parcel is master planned for low density residential, it would be very difficult to develop the pro- perty for that purpose. REASONS GIVEN FOR ACTION TO APPROVE THE C4: 1. The subject property fronts on Magnolia Street which is a primary arterial highway; therefore, exposure will be sufficient. 2. The size and shape of the property lends itself to this zone. 3. Proximity to the freeway off -ramp. 4. This property is suitable for light commercial use. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Miller Porter, Bokor, Tom NOES: Duke ABSTAINED: Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER DUKE: Commissioner Diike stated that he felt the parcel,should be zoned either C4 or C3, not divided, be- cause the parcel is only 4 acres in size. -2- 11/18/69 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18, 1969 Page No. 3 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 69-38 Applicant: A. Lansdale To permit the reactivation of an oil well which has been idle for a period of more than 6 months. Located at the southwest corner of 22nd Street and Olive Avenue, in the R4 Multiple Family Resi- dence District. Mr. Palin, Assistant Planner, descri- bed the subject property, and showed a video tape of the area. The hearing was opened to the audience. No one spoke in opposition. Mrs. Lansdale, applicant, presented pictures to the Commission of the well and the type of screen- ing she has used. Mrs. Lansdale stated the reason the well was not active during the past six months was because it was not believed to be profitable at that time. Herb Day, Oil Field Superintendent, stated he has no objection to the reactivation of the well but the type of screening to be used should be clearly speci- fied. The Secretary suggested a condition of approval could state the well should not be reactivated until all other conditions of approval are complied with. hearing was closed. There being no other comment, the Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECON- DED BY BOKOR TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 69-38 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The property shall be maintained in a neat, clean and orderly manner. 2. All provisions of the Huntington Beach Oil Code and Fire Code shall be complied with. 3. A concrete block burn shall be installed to Fire Depart- ment standards around the existing tanks. 4. The applicant shall secure all necessary permits as re- quired by the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 5. The Applicant shall screen the site with 5-gallon myo- potum trees arranged in such a manner so as to adequately screen the oil well and tanks from view. A plan showing the placement of such trees shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 6. The well shall not be reactivated and production started until all of the aforementioned conditions are complied with. 7. The well shall not be reactivated until all of the above conditions of approval=have'been'complied with. -3- 11/18/69 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 18, 1969 Page No, 4 8. Conditional Exception No. 69-38 shall become null and void on December 1, 1971. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Miller, Duke, Bokor, Slates NOES: Bazil, Porter, Tom ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 69-40 Applicant: Bank of America To permit a mobile unit to serve as a temporary banking facility in the C4 Highway Commercial District. Located on the southeast corner of Atlanta Avenue and Beach Blvd. Mr. Palin, Assistant Planner, showed a video tape of the subject area. The hearing was opened to the audience. As there was no one to speak either in favor or opposition of the request, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOKOR AND SECON- DED BY MILLER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 69-40 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION : The bank must activate its charter within fixed limitations and since this charter has already been extended it cannot be extended again. Also, the per- manent building would not be completed in time to activate said charter. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Miller, Tom, Duke, Slates NOES: Porter THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS - Code Amendment 69-2 (coast.) The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that this item had been continued to this meeting to allow the staff time for review of such Ordinance. Mr. Harlow stated that some developers have requested additional time to submit comments on this ordinance. It was the con- sensus of the Commission to continue this item to the November 25, 1969 study session to allow such developers time to submit their comments in writing. PRECISE PLAN NO 69-3 To precise plan the alignment of a future street known as Belsito Drive, located north of the Oak View Park Site, between Nichols Street and Emerald Lane. The hearing was opened. There being no one to speak in favor or opposition, the hearing was closed. -4- 11/18/69 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 189 1969 Page No. 5 Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PORTER AND -SECON- DED BY TOM TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PRECISE PLAN NO. 69-3 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Tom, Porter, Duke NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. MISCELLANEOUS tXTENSION OF TIME - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 5860 Subdivider: Helen Investment Company The Acting Secretary recommended an extension of time for a period of 1 year with the following conditions: 1. All conditions of approval of the previously approved Tentative Tract Map shall be complied with. 2. All standard conditions of approval that are applicable shall be complied with. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSION: COMMISSIONER BAZIL: Commissioner Bazil suggested that the staff review the existing 110" in the downtown area and remove 110" from property where there are no longer oil wells. COMMISSIONER SLATES: Commissioner Slates suggested the Commission take a tour of the oil fields in downtown area. COMMISSIONER PORTER: Commissioner Porter requested the staff to study the C2 property at the southwest corner of Garfield and Brookhurst as he was concerned with property being rezoned as a condition of a conditional exception and development as presented never taking place. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE STUDY SESSION NOVEMBER 25, 1969, AT 2:00 P.M. Ric and A. Harlow Acting Secretary Roger . Slates Chai n -5- 11/18/69 - PC