HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-15 (6)Page #4 - Council Minutes - 12/15/69 On motion by Shipley, Council approved the agreement dated December 15, 1969, between the City and the Huntington Beach Company for the acquisi- tion of property located at the southeast corner of Mansion Avenue and' Main Street i'or a. Civic Center site, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on beha.if' of the City following execution of the agreement by the Huntington Beach Company. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY OPINION 69-43 - TOP OF PIER PROJECT The City Administrator outlined for Council's information, procedure that he recommends should be taken in support of the Top of the Pier Development Plan. He informed Council of City Attorney Opinion 69-43 recommending the adoption of two resolutions which would provide for a. declaration of a, moratorium on the issuance of building permits for uses inconsistent with the development plan, and institute proceedings for a. change in the Master Plan of the development area, to bring it into conformance with the Top of the Pier Development Plan. The City Attorney informed Council that adoption of these resolutions, together with instructions to the Planning Commission to initiate a change in the Master Plan of the area, is all that is necessary to implement the recommendations of the City Administrator to bring the property into conformance with the Top of the Pier Development Plan. Mayor Green suggested that this matter be held in abeyance until a, study session of the Council is held. APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL HIGHWAY SAFETY GRANT - APPROVED The City Administrator requested Council permission to apply for a, Federal Highway Safety Grant for the purpose of establishing an auto- mated records system for the Police Department. He stated that if such application is approved and a, grant awarded to the City, the Federal government would provide $100,000.00 of the cost of said system. On motion by Bartlett, Councilapproved the City Administrator's re- quest for permission to apply for a. Federal Highway Safety Grant for the purpose of establishing an automated records system for the Police Department. Motion carried. AGREEMENTS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - CITY PARKS — APPROVED The City Administrator presented proposed agreements with the following Landscape Architectural firms for the consideration of Council. Donald Brinkerhoff Associates - Landscape Architects for the design of Oak View, Lake View and Sun View Parks. Cornell, Bridgers & Troller - Landscape Architects for the design of Circle View, Clegg -Stacey and Harbour View Parks. Iie further stated that the Recreation and Parks Commission ha,d reviewed the proposed.agreements and commended approval of same by Council. On motion by Shipley, Council approved the agreements between the City and the Landscape Architectural firm of Donald Brinkerhoff Associates for the design of Oa.lcview, Lake View, Sun View Parks and the firm of Cornell, Bridgers & Troller for the design of Circle View, Clegg -Stacey and Harbour View Parks and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreements on behalf of the City. Motion carried. off, - coo OPPOSITION TO DIVERSION OF GASOLINE TAX FUNDS The City Administrator informed Council that it was the recommendation of the Director of Public Works that Council adopt a, resolution support- ing the provision of the California, Constitution which protects gasoline tax funds against diversion to other than highway purposes. The Director of Public Works stated that a. proposal which had been made in the State Legislature to split the ga,s tax funds from 55 per cent for Southern California and 45 per cent for Northern California. to a, 60 per cent -- 40 per cent split had failed.