HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-04MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Administrative Annex 523 Main Street Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1970 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: McFarland, Cook, Harlow CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-4 - Continued Applicant: Trefoni Rizzi To permit a roof to be constructed over an existing boat storage area enclosed on three sides to within 5 inches of the side property line in lieu of the 5 ft. side yard setback. Located at 3932 Mistral Drive in the Rl Single Family Residence District. The Chairman read the request and opened the hearing to the audience. The applicant was present. Mr. Harlow advised the Board that the Planning Commission had been consulted and it was their feeling that roofed structures were not considered when amending the ordinance to permit boat storage areas. Their intent was to provide space so as to avoid storing boats in the front yard. Discussion was held. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HARLOW AND SECONDED BY COOK TO DENY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-4 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The applicant failed to show sufficient justification. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-5 - Continued Applicant: Jan Allen Nagel It was noted that this matter was readvertised and would be rescheduled for the February 11, 1970, meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HARLOW AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO DECLINE TO ACT ON CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-5 AS IT WAS READVERTISED TO BE HEARD ON FEBRUARY 11, 1970. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -1- 2/4/70 - BZA Minutes: Huntington Beach Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, February 4, 1970 Page No. 2 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-5A Applicant: Richard Bracken To permit the construction of a four car garage with a "0" side and rear yard setback in lieu of the required 5 ft. setback. In Conjunction With USE PERMIT NO. 70-5 Applicant: Richard Bracken To permit the construction of an eleven (11) unit apartment complex on approximately .52 acres of land. Located on the east side of Van Buren Street approximately 150 feet south of Slater Avenue in the R2 Two Family Residence District. The Chairman read the request and opened the hearing to the audience. The applicant was present and discussion was held regarding open space requirements, turning radius, and setbacks. It was noted that the plan could be revised so as to provide a better project. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HARLOW AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO CONTINUE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 70-5A AND USE PERMIT NO. 70-5 TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1970, TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TIME TO SUBMIT A NEW PLOT PLAN. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO. 70-6 Applicant: Capital Develo-pment Co. To permit the construction of a 266 space mobile home -'park on approximately 27.5 acre parcel of land in the R5 Office -Professional District. Located on the northwest corner of Beach Blvd. and Atlanta Ave. The Secretary advised the Board that the applicant had requested continuance of this item. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HARLOW AND SECONDED BY COOK TO CONTINUE USE PERMIT NO. 70-6 TO FEBRUARY 11, 1970. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 2/4/70 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, February 4, 1970 Page No. 3 PLOT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 70-2 Applicant: Huntington Capri Co. To permit the relocation of laundry facilities from present location to across drive- ways within a 158 unit apartment complex having minimum of 45 ft. setback from abutting Rl property. Also to allow existing laundry facilities within the carport structures to be used for storage areas. Located on the south side of Edinger Ave., 528.04 feet east of Springdale St. in the R3 Limited Multiple Family District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Lindy Leifheit, representing property owners in the area, asked various questions as did the Board. Mr. Hedrick, representing the applicant, answered the questions asked by Mr. Leifheit and the Board. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY HARLOW TO APPROVE PLOT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 70-2 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. The window in laundry room "V" shall be relocated to the north wall. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Cook, Harlow NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. Richard A. Harlow Secretary _U1 I I WL"'_ Daniel McFarland Chairman 0 -3- 2/4/70 - BZA