HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-09 (6)MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1970 - STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: BaAl, Bokor, Slates, Porter, Duke COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Tom, Miller NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. DISCUSSION: ON -SITE OF MOBILEHOMES IN A MOBILEHOME PARK. The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that this item was discussed at the June 2, 1970 meeting. Mr. Harlow stated that a report regarding mobilehome sales in the City of Anaheim was sent to each Commissioner for their review. Each Commissioner stated his opinion re- garding the on -site sale of mobile homes in a mobilehome park. Bob McIntosh, representing the Signal Landmark_Mobilehome Association stated that the developer of a mobilehome park should have the right to sell mobilehomes on the premises. Commission discussion was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY DUKE TC PERMIT THE ON -SITE SALE OF MOBILEHOMES LIMITED TO MOBILEHOMES LOCATE[ ON THE 'PERIMETER OF THE PARK IF IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR AESTHETIC REASONS IN WHICH CASE A PLAN DEPICTING THE TREATMENT OF THE.PERIMETER SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS. Further discussion was held. Commissioner Bazil stated that he wished to amend his previous motion. Commissioner Duke withdrew his second. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY BOKOR TO PERMIT THE ON -SITE SALE OF MOBILEHOMES LIMITED TO MOBILEHOMES LOCATED ON THE PERIMETER OF THE PARK IF IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR AESTHETIC REASONS IN WHICH CASE A PLAN DEPICTING THE TREATMENT OF THE PERIMETER SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING AD- JUSTMENTS; ALSO, THE SALE OF MOBILEHOMES TO BE LOCATED IN AREAS OTHER THAN.ON THE PERIMETER MAY ONLY BE PERMITTED FOR A SPECIFIC NUMBER OF MOBILEHOMES AFTER THE SPACES ON THE PERIMETER ARE FILLED AND IF A USE PERMIT APPLICATION IS FIRST APPROVED BY THE CITY. DISCUSSION: MASTER PLAN REVIEW: Freeway Oriented portion of Mid -Beach Planning Area. Jere Murphy, Associate Planner, made a presentation of Free- way oriented portion of the Mid -Beach Planning Area and showol the break- down of tyre of land use,- existing population and projected population. - Mr. Murphy further indicated the suggested zoning as it relal,)s to the present Master Plan of Land Use and future freeway for -that at -ea of the City. The Acting Secre-Ury informed the Commission that This item is before them for discussion purposes only. It was the consesus of the Commission that the staff proceeds with preparing a revised Master Plan for the subb ct area. -1- PC - 6/9/7(- Minutes - Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, June 9, 1970 Page 2 DISCUSSION: MASTER PLAN REVIEW: Springdale Street -and Heil Avenue. Jere Murphy, Associate Planner, made a presentation and reviewed with the "Commission a breakdown of land use and population in the -..vicinity of Springdale Street and Heil Avenue. The Commission reviewed_ the land --use ash- we I I' --as =the- existing and proposed population for the area. It was -the consensus of the Commission to have ,further study of this area at a later date._ -=_- -DISCUSSION : AMENDMENT TO SIGN ORDINANCE - Regarding bonds for tempora off -site signs. The' Comm-i ss i on- :rev i ewe-d -_the- proposed-- amendmen`t - perta i n i ng signs within public property right-of-way. The Acting Secretary informed the'Commi"ssion=-that-the amend- ment, as written, -will prohibit:signs permitted by•other sections of the -sign code which -project -over public right-of=way. It was the consensus of the Commission to set this amendment for -public hearing and to reword -the proposal to aI`low signs to.project over the public -right -of --way. DISCUSSION: Building height and setbacks in the downtown residential area bounded by`Lake-Street,"Goldenwest Street, Palm Avenue and Ocean Avenue. It -was -the consensus of the-Commission"to continue ,this item .to June 23, 1970;- Study Session meeting to be held at the Admi-iistrative Annex,' and to extend- i-nv i tat i on to -de-ve I opers' for ' the i r comments . COMMISSIONER BAZIL: Commissioner Bazil suggested, and the Commission concurred, that the Board of Zoning Adjustments should review architec- tural features on that portion of any apartment buildings facing a public street or parking lot, and require some type of architE!ctural feature to improve the aesthetic of"the City. THEFE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED, Roger DD S ates -K. A'. Reyn I ds"- ; Chairman Secretary, -2- PC - 6/9,'70